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Loughborough University Research Publications

Publications for Emrah Demirci

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Journal Articles

Osa-Uwagboe, N, Silberschmidt, V, Demirci, E (2024) Review on mechanical performance of fibre‑reinforced plastics in marine environments, Applied Composite Materials, ISSN: 0929-189X. DOI: 10.1007/s10443-024-10247-8.

Osa-Uwagboe, N, Silberschmidt, V, Baxevanakis, KP, Demirci, E (2024) Effects of moisture absorption on penetration performance of FRP sandwich structures, Composite Structures, 344, 118319, ISSN: 0263-8223. DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2024.118319.

Osa-Uwagboe, N, Udu, AG, Silberschmidt, V, Baxevanakis, K, Demirci, E (2024) Effects of seawater on mechanical performance of composite sandwich structures: a machine learning framework, Materials, 17(11), 2549, DOI: 10.3390/ma17112549.

Osa-Uwagboe, N, Udu, AG, Ghalati, MK, Silberschmidt, V, Aremu, A, Dong, H, Demirci, E (2024) A machine learning-enabled prediction of damage properties for fiber-reinforced polymer composites under out-of-plane loading, Engineering Structures, 308(2024), 117970, ISSN: 0141-0296. DOI: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2024.117970.

Hewavidana, Y, Balci, M, Gleadall, A, Pourdeyhimi, B, Silberschmidt, V, Demirci, E (2023) Algorithm to determine local basis weight of random fibrous networks with X-ray microtomography and SEM images, Textile Research Journal, 94(7-8), pp.859-868, ISSN: 0040-5175. DOI: 10.1177/00405175231214491.

Yan, J, Demirci, E, Gleadall, A (2023) Controlling anisotropy and brittle-to-ductile transitions by varying extrusion width in short fibre reinforced additive manufacturing, Rapid Prototyping Journal, 30(1), pp.33-48, ISSN: 1355-2546. DOI: 10.1108/RPJ-09-2022-0315.

Kayali, Y, Gleadall, A, Silberschmidt, V, Demirci, E (2023) Advance algorithm for two-dimensional fibrous-network generation, Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, 10(4), pp.1790-1803, DOI: 10.1093/jcde/qwad074.

Osa-Uwagboe, N, Udu, AG, Silberschmidt, V, Baxevanakis, K, Demirci, E (2023) Damage assessment of glass-fibre-reinforced plastic structures under quasi-static indentation with acoustic emission, Materials, 16(14), 5036, DOI: 10.3390/ma16145036.

Yan, J, Demirci, E, Gleadall, A (2023) Single-filament-wide tensile-testing specimens reveal material-independent fibre-induced anisotropy for fibre-reinforced material extrusion additive manufacturing, Rapid Prototyping Journal, 29(7), pp.1453-1470, ISSN: 1355-2546. DOI: 10.1108/RPJ-09-2022-0301.

Osa-Uwagboe, N, Silberschmidt, V, Aremu, A, Demirci, E (2023) Mechanical behaviour of fabric-reinforced plastic sandwich structures: A state-of-the-art review, Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials, 25(5), pp.591-622, ISSN: 1099-6362. DOI: 10.1177/10996362231170405.

Yan, J, Demirci, E, Gleadall, A (2023) 3D short fibre orientation for universal structures and geometries in material extrusion additive manufacturing, Additive Manufacturing, 69, 103535, ISSN: 2214-8604. DOI: 10.1016/j.addma.2023.103535.

Hewavidana, Y, Balci, MN, Gleadall, A, Pourdeyhimi, B, Silberschmidt, V, Demirci, E (2023) Assessing crimp of fibres in random networks with 3D imaging, Polymers, 15(4), 1050, DOI: 10.3390/polym15041050.

Yan, J, Demirci, E, Gleadall, A (2022) Are classical fibre composite models appropriate for material extrusion additive manufacturing? A thorough evaluation of analytical models, Additive Manufacturing, 62(2023), 103371, ISSN: 2214-7810. DOI: 10.1016/j.addma.2022.103371.

Kayali, Y, Balci, MN, Gleadall, A, Silberschmidt, V, Demirci, E (2022) Numerical characterisation of uniformity of fibrous networks, Powder Technology, 408(2022), 117783, ISSN: 0032-5910. DOI: 10.1016/j.powtec.2022.117783.

Hewavidana, Y, Balci, M, Gleadall, A, Pourdeyhimi, B, Silberschmidt, V, Demirci, E (2022) Algorithm to determine orientation distribution function from microscopic images of fibrous networks: Validation with X-ray microtomography, Micron, 160(2022), 103321, ISSN: 0968-4328. DOI: 10.1016/j.micron.2022.103321.

Yan, J, Demirci, E, Ganesan, A, Gleadall, A (2021) Extrusion width critically affects fibre orientation in short fibre reinforced material extrusion additive manufacturing, Additive Manufacturing, 49, 102496, ISSN: 2214-8604. DOI: 10.1016/j.addma.2021.102496.

Cucumazzo, V, Demirci, E, Pourdeyhimi, B, Silberschmidt, V (2020) Anisotropic mechanical behaviour of calendered nonwoven fabrics: strain-rate dependency, Journal of Composite Materials, 55(13), pp.1783-1798, ISSN: 0021-9983. DOI: 10.1177/0021998320976795.

Sozumert, E, Kiyak, YE, Demirci, E, Silberschmidt, V (2020) Effect of microstructure on porosity of random fibrous networks, The Journal of The Textile Institute, 111(12), pp.1713-1723, ISSN: 0040-5000. DOI: 10.1080/00405000.2020.1722338.

Sozumert, E, Farukh, F, Sabuncuoglu, B, Demirci, E, Acar, M, Pourdeyhimi, B, Silberschmidt, V (2018) Deformation and damage of random fibrous networks, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 184, pp.233-247, ISSN: 0020-7683. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2018.12.012.

Fotticchia, A, Musson, D, Lenardi, C, Demirci, E, Liu, Y (2018) Anisotropic cytocompatible electrospun scaffold for tendon tissue engineering elicits limited inflammatory response in vitro, Journal of Biomaterials Applications, 33(1), pp.127-139, ISSN: 0885-3282. DOI: 10.1177/0885328218779846.

Fotticchia, A, Demirci, E, Lenardi, C, Liu, Y (2018) Cellular response to cyclic compression of tissue engineered intervertebral disk constructs composed of electrospun polycaprolactone, J Biomech Eng, DOI: 10.1115/1.4039307.

Falsafi, J, Demirci, E, Silberschmidt, V (2016) Computational assessment of residual formability in sheet metal forming processes for sustainable recycling, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 119, pp.187-196, ISSN: 0020-7403. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2016.10.013.

Bayrak, O, Ionita, M, Demirci, E, Silberschmidt, V (2016) Optical properties of graphene-based materials in transparent polymer matrices, Applied Physics Letters, ISSN: 0003-6951. DOI: 10.1063/1.4961674.

Falsafi, J and Demirci, E (2016) Micro-indentation based study on steel sheet degradation through forming and flattening: Toward a predictive model to assess cold recyclability, Materials & Design, 109, pp.456-465, ISSN: 0261-3069. DOI: 10.1016/j.matdes.2016.07.075.

Bayrak, O, Ionita, M, Demirci, E, Silberschmidt, V (2016) Effect of morphological state of graphene on mechanical properties of nanocomposites, Journal of Materials Science, ISSN: 0022-2461. DOI: 10.1007/s10853-016-9722-0.

Farukh, F, Demirci, E, Sabuncuoglu, B, Acar, M, Pourdeyhimi, B, Silberschmidt, V (2015) Mechanical analysis of bi-component-fibre nonwovens: finite-element strategy, COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING, 68, pp.327-335, ISSN: 1359-8368. DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesb.2014.09.003.

Farukh, F, Demirci, E, Ali, H, Acar, M, Pourdeyhimi, B, Silberschmidt, V (2015) Nonwovens modelling: a review of finite-element strategies, The Journal of the Textile Institute, ISSN: 0040-5000. DOI: 10.1080/00405000.2015.1022088.

Farukh, F, Demirci, E, Sabuncuoglu, B, Acar, M, Pourdeyhimi, B, Silberschmidt, VV (2014) Mechanical behaviour of nonwovens: Analysis of effect of manufacturing parameters with parametric computational model, COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE, 94(1), pp.8-16, ISSN: 0927-0256. DOI: 10.1016/j.commatsci.2013.12.040.

Farukh, F, Demirci, E, Acar, M, Pourdeyhimi, B, Silberschmidt, VV (2014) Large deformation of thermally bonded random fibrous networks: microstructural changes and damage, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, 49(11), pp.4081-4092, ISSN: 0022-2461. DOI: 10.1007/s10853-014-8100-z.

Farukh, F, Demirci, E, Sabuncuoglu, B, Acar, M, Silberschmidt, VV, Pourdeyhimi, B (2014) Numerical analysis of progressive damage in nonwoven fibrous networks under tension, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 51(9), pp.1670-1685, ISSN: 0020-7683. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2014.01.015.

Li, S, Abdel-Wahab, A, Demirci, E, Silberschmidt, VV (2014) Penetration of cutting tool into cortical bone: Experimental and numerical investigation of anisotropic mechanical behaviour, Journal of Biomechanics, 47(5), pp.1117-1126, ISSN: 0021-9290. DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2013.12.019.

Demirci, E, Farukh, F, Acar, M, Pourdeyhimi, B, SIlberschmidt, VV (2013) Numerical analysis of dynamic out-of-plane loading of nonwovens, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, pp.1-7.

Li, S, Demirci, E, Silberschmidt, VV (2013) Variability and anisotropy of mechanical behavior of cortical bone in tension and compression, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 21, pp.109-120, ISSN: 1751-6161. DOI: 10.1016/j.jmbbm.2013.02.021.

Farukh, F, Demirci, E, Sabuncuoǧlu, B, Acar, M, Pourdeyhimi, B, Silberschmidt, VV (2013) Characterisation and numerical modelling of complex deformation behaviour in thermally bonded nonwovens, Computational Materials Science, 71, pp.165-171, ISSN: 0927-0256. DOI: 10.1016/j.commatsci.2013.01.007.

Farukh, F, Demirci, E, Acar, M, Pourdeyhimi, B, Silberschmidt, VV (2013) Meso-scale deformation and damage in thermally bonded nonwovens, Journal of Materials Science, 48(6), pp.2334-2345, ISSN: 0022-2461. DOI: 10.1007/s10853-012-7013-y.

Sabuncuoglu, B, Demirci, E, Acar, M, Silberschmidt, VV (2013) Analysis of rate-dependent tensile properties of polypropylene fibres used in thermally bonded nonwovens, Journal of the Textile Institute, 104(9), pp.965-971, ISSN: 0040-5000. DOI: 10.1080/00405000.2013.766391.

Li, S, Abdel-Wahab, A, Demirci, E, Silberschmidt, VV (2013) Fracture process in cortical bone: X-FEM analysis of microstructured models, International Journal of Fracture, 184(1), pp.43-55, ISSN: 0376-9429. DOI: 10.1007/s10704-013-9814-7.

Falsafi, J, Demirci, E, Silberschmidt, VV (2013) Numerical study of strain-rate effect in cold rolls forming of steel, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 451, pp.012041-012041.

Demirci, E, Farukh, F, Acar, M, Pourdeyhimi, B, Silberschmidt, VV (2013) Numerical analysis of dynamic out-of-plane loading of nonwovens, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 451, pp.012021-012021.

Demirci, E, Acar, M, Pourdeyhimi, B, Silberschmidt, VV (2012) Computation of mechanical anisotropy in thermally bonded bicomponent fibre nonwovens, Computational Materials Science, 52(1), pp.157-163, ISSN: 0927-0256. DOI: 10.1016/j.commatsci.2011.01.033.

Oyar, P, Soyarslan, C, Can, G, Demirci, E (2012) Finite element analysis of stress distribution on modified retentive tips of bar clasp, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 15(6), pp.609-613, ISSN: 1025-5842. DOI: 10.1080/10255842.2011.554406.

Li, S, Demirci, E, Silberschmidt, VV (2012) Analysis of Deformation Characteristics of Cortical Bone Tissue, Solid State Phenomena, 188, pp.118-123, DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/SSP.188.118.

Demirci, E, Hou, X, Acar, M, Pourdeyhimi, B, Silberschmidt, VV (2012) Numerical modelling of thermally bonded nonwovens: Continuous and discontinuous approaches, Solid State Phenomena, 188, pp.164-169, ISSN: 1012-0394. DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/SSP.188.164.

Farukh, F, Demirci, E, Sabuncuoglu, B, Acar, M, Pourdeyhimi, B, Silberschmidt, VV (2012) Numerical modelling of damage initiation in low-density thermally bonded nonwovens, Computational Materials Science, 64, pp.112-115, ISSN: 0927-0256. DOI: 10.1016/j.commatsci.2012.05.038.

Farukh, F, Demirci, E, Acar, M, Pourdeyhimi, B, Silberschmidt, VV (2012) Strength of fibres in low-density thermally bonded nonwovens: An experimental investigation, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 382, pp.1-7.

Farukh, F, Demirci, E, Acar, M, Pourdeyhimi, B, Silberschmidt, V (2012) Strength of fibres in low-density thermally bonded nonwovens: an experimental investigation, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 382 012018, pp.1-7, DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/382/1/012018.

Demirci, E, Acar, M, Pourdeyhimi, B, Silberschmidt, VV (2011) Dynamic response of thermally bonded bicomponent fibre nonwovens, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 70, pp.405-409, ISSN: 1660-9336. DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.70.405.

Demirci, E, Acar, M, Pourdeyhimi, B, Silberschmidt, V (2011) Finite Element Modelling of Thermally Bonded Bicomponent Fibre Nonwovens: Tensile Behaviour, Computational Materials Science, 50(4), pp.1286-1291, DOI: 10.1016/j.commatsci.2010.02.039.


Osa-Uwagboe, N, Silberschmidt, V, Demirci, E (2024) Seawater effect on energy-absorption properties of polymer-based composite sandwich structures. In Procedia Structural Integrity, pp.44-51, DOI: 10.1016/j.prostr.2024.01.054.

Demirci, E, Hewavidana, Y, Gleadall, A, Pourdeyhimi, B, Silberschmidt, V (2023) Modelling of nonwoven fibrous materials: Orientation distribution function and fiber crimp [Abstract]. In International Conference on Plasticity, Damage, and Fracture 2023 (ICPDF, 2023); International Conference on Plasticity, Damage, and Fracture 2023 (ICPDF, 2023), Dominican Republic.

Demirci, E, Sozumert, E, Cucumazzo, V, Acar, M, Silberschmidt, V (Accepted for publication) Deformation and damage modelling of nonwoven fibrous networks [Abstract]. In International Conference on Plasticity, Damage, and Fracture 2020 (ICPDF 2020), Mexico.

Demirci, E, Sozumert, E, Acar, M, Pourdeyhimi, B, Silberschmidt, V (Accepted for publication) Developing 3D fully parametric multi-scale computational model for nonwoven simulations. In AFS FILTCON 2019, New Jersey, USA.

Demirci, E (2018) Characterization of input parameters for numerical modeling of nonwoven materials. In AFS FiltCon 2018, Prior Lake, MN, USA.

Demirci, E (2018) Characterization of input parameters for numerical modeling of nonwoven materials. In , AFS FiltCon 2018 Conference and Expo.

Grice, A, Demirci, E, Acar, M (2017) Modeling dynamic fiber behavior in a meltblowing die utilizing FSI. In International Fiber Society Spring Meeting, Abstracts published, Aachen, Germany.

Sozumert, E, Farukh, F, Sabuncuoglu, B, Demirci, E, Acar, M, Pourdeyhimi, B, Silberschmidt, V (2017) Notches in fibrous materials: micro-mechanisms of deformation and damage. In , St. Petersburg, Russia, pp.168-173, DOI: 10.1016/j.prostr.2017.11.026.

Demirci, E, Sozumert, E, Acar, M, Pourdeyhimi, B, Silberschmidt, V (2017) Multiscale modelling of mechanical and flow performance of nonwovens. In AFS Fall 2017, St. Louis, MO, USA.

Falsafi, J, Demirci, E, Silberschmidt, VV (2016) Numerical assessment of residual formability in sheet metal products: Towards design for sustainability. In NUMISHEET 2016: 10th International Conference and Workshop on Numerical Simulation of 3D Sheet Metal Forming Processes, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Bristol, United Kingdom. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/734/3/032030.

Sozumert, E, Demirci, E, Lehmann, MJ, Acar, M, Silberschmidt, V (2016) Parametric 3D modelling of nonwovens for mechanical and filtration properties. In Oil, Gas and Chemicals Filtration and Separations Conference, Houston, Texas, USA.

Falsafi, J, Demirci, E, Silberschmidt, VV (2015) Modelling of Sheet Metal Forming Processes for Sustainable Recycling. In International Symposium on Plasticity 2015, Montego Bay, JAMAICA, pp.1-1.

Sozumert, E, Farukh, F, Demirci, E, Acar, M, Pourdeyhimi, B, Silberschmidt, V (2015) Damage mechanisms of random fibrous networks. In 11th International Conference on Damage Assessment of Structures DAMAS 2015, Ghent University, Belgium. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/628/1/012093.

Bayrak, O, Demirci, E, Ionita, M, Silberschmidt, VV (2014) Effect of new phase formation on mechanical properties of graphene oxide nanocomposites. In 24th International Workshop on Computational Mechanics of Materials, Madrid, SPAIN, pp.1-1.

Falsafi, F, Demirci, E, Silberschmidt, VV (2014) Modelling of Sheet Metal Forming Processes for Sustainable Recycling. In 3rd Annual EPSRC Manufacturing the Future Conference, Glasgow, UNITED KINGDOM, pp.1-1.

Farukh, F, Demirci, E, Acar, M, Pourdeyhimi, B, Silberschmidt, VV (2014) Numerical Modelling of Thermally Bonded Nonwovens Using Continuous and Discrete Modelling Techniques. In 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Barcelona, SPAIN, pp.1-1.

Li, S, Abdel-Wahab, AA, Demirci, E, Silberschmidt, VV (2013) Experimental and numerical investigation of anisotropic mechanical behaviour: Penetration of cutting tool into cortical bone. In 5th International Conference on the Mechanics of Biomaterials and Tissues, Sitges, SPAIN, pp.1-1.

Farukh, F, Demirci, E, Sabuncuoglu, B, Acar, M, Pourdeyhimi, B, Silberschmidt, VV (2013) Mechanical behaviour of nonwovens: Analysis of effects of manufacturing parameters with parametric computational model. In 23rd International Workshop on Computational Mechanics of Materials, SINGAPORE, pp.1-1.

Falsafitonekaboni, J, Demirci, E, Silberschmidt, VV (2013) Modelling of Sheet Metal Forming Processes for Sustainable Recycling. In 2st Annual EPSRC Manufacturing the Future Conference, Cranfield, UNITED KINGDOM, pp.1-1.

Demirci, E, Farukh, F, Acar, M, Pourdeyhimi, B, Silberschmidt, VV (2013) Numerical analysis of dynamic out-of-plane loading of nonwovens. In International Symposium on Dynamic Deformation and Fracture of Advanced Materials 2013, Loughborough, UNITED KINGDOM, pp.1-1.

Falsafi, J, Demirci, E, Silberschmidt, VV (2013) Numerical study of strain-rate effect in cold rolls forming of steel. In International Symposium on Dynamic Deformation and Fracture of Advanced Materials 2013, Loughborough, UNITED KINGDOM, pp.1-1.

Fotticchia, A, Liu, Y, Demirci, E, Lenardi, C (2013) Electrospun Polycaprolactone Nano-fibers Supports Growth of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells. In 13th IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology, IEEE-NANO 2013 PROCEEDINGS, Beijing, China, pp.158-161, ISBN: 978-1-4799-0676-5. DOI: 10.1109/NANO.2013.6720851.

Fotticchia, A, Liu, Y, Demirci, E, Lenardi, C (2013) Electrospun Polycaprolactone Nano-fibers Supports Growth of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells. In The 13th IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology, IEEE Nanotechnology, Beijing.

Falsafi, J, Demirci, E, Silberschmidt, VV (2013) Numerical study of strain-rate effect in cold rolls forming of steel. In International Symposium on Dynamic Deformation and Fracture of Advanced Materials 2013 (D2FAM 2013), Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Loughborough, pp.1-7, DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/451/1/012041.

Farukh, F, Sabuncuoglu, B, Demirci, E, Acar, M, Pourdeyhimi, B, Silberschmidt, VV (2012) Characterisation and Numerical Modelling of Deformation and Damage in Thermally Bonded Nonwovens. In 22th International Workshop on Computational Mechanics of Materials, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, pp.1-1.

Demirci, E, Silberschmidt, VV, Young, RJ, Gong, L, Kinloch, IA (2012) Finite Element Analysis of Graphene Reinforced Nanocomposites. In 22th International Workshop on Computational Mechanics of Materials, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, pp.1-1.

Li, S, Abdel-Wahab, AA, Demirci, E, Silberschmidt, VV (2012) Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Approach for Numerical Simulation of Bone Cutting. In 22th International Workshop on Computational Mechanics of Materials, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, pp.1-1.

Falsafitonekaboni, J, Demirci, E, Silberschmidt, VV (2012) Metal forming processes: design and optimization for quality, energy and recycling. In 1st Annual EPSRC Manufacturing the Future Conference, Loughborough, UNITED KINGDOM, pp.1-1.

Li, S, Abdel-Wahab, AA, Demirci, E, Silberschmidt, VV (2012) Analysis of bone cutting: experiments and simulations. In International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering & Sciences 2012, Crete, GREECE, pp.1-1.

Li, S, Demirci, E, Silberschmidt, VV (2011) Variability and anisotropy of mechanical behaviour of cortical bone under compression. In 4th International Conference on the Mechanics of Biomaterials and Tissues, Hawai’i, USA, pp.1-1.

Demirci, E, Li, S, Silberschmidt, VV (2011) Analysis of damage induced by tool-bone interaction. In 4th International Conference on the Mechanics of Biomaterials and Tissues, Hawai’i, USA, pp.1-1.

Demirci, E, Hou, X, Acar, M, Pourdeyhimi, B, Silberschmidt, VV (2011) Numerical Modelling of Thermally Bonded Nonwovens: Continuous and Discontinuous Approaches. In Advanced Materials and Structures 2011, Proceedings of AMS'11, Timisoara, ROMANIA, pp.1-1, ISBN: 978-606-554-374-4.

Li, S, Demirci, E, Silberschmidt, VV (2011) Analysis of Deformation Characteristics of Cortical Bone Tissue. In Advanced Materials and Structures 2011, Proceedings of AMS'11, Timisoara, ROMANIA, pp.1-1, ISBN: 978-606-554-374-4.

Demirci, E (2011) Finite element model of low-density nonwoven generated in MSC.Patran environment. In MSC UK Users Conference 2011: Exploring the Horizons of Simulation, Gaydon, UNITED KINGDOM, pp.1-1.

Demirci, E, Acar, M, Pourdeyhimi, B, Silberschmidt, VV (2011) Dynamic Response of Thermally Bonded Bicomponent Fibre Nonwovens. In 8th International Conference on Advances in Experimental Mechanics: Integrating Simulation and Experimentation for Validation, Proceedings of BSSM 2011, Edinburgh, UNITED KINGDOM, pp.1-6, ISBN: 978-3-03785-202-6.

Li, S, Abdel-Wahab, AA, Demirci, E, Silberschmidt, VV (2011) Finite Element Modelling of Cutting of Microstructured Cortical Bone Tissue. In 2nd International Conference on Material Modelling, Paris, France, pp.1-1.

Farukh, F, Sabuncuoglu, B, Demirci, E, Acar, M, Pourdeyhimi, B, Silberschmidt, VV (2011) Numerical Modelling of Damage Initiation in Low-Density Thermally Bonded Nonwovens. In 21th International Workshop on Computational Mechanics of Materials, Limerick, IRELAND, pp.1-1.

Li, S, Abdel-Wahab, AA, Demirci, E, Silberschmidt, VV (2011) Numerical Analysis of Tool-Bone Interaction with Microstructured Model of Cortical Bone. In 21th International Workshop on Computational Mechanics of Materials, Limerick, IRELAND, pp.1-1.

Farukh, F, Demirci, E, Acar, M, Pourdeyhimi, B, Silberschmidt, VV (2011) Implementation of Damage in Finite Element Modelling of Thermally Bonded Bicomponent Fibre Nonwovens. In 21th International Workshop on Computational Mechanics of Materials, Limerick, IRELAND, pp.1-1.

Sabuncuoglu, B, Demirci, E, Acar, M, Silberschmidt, VV (2011) Finite Element Modelling of Thermally Bonded Nonwoven Materials: A Parametric Model with Orientation Based Distribution of Fibres. In 21th International Workshop on Computational Mechanics of Materials, Limerick, IRELAND, pp.1-1.

Demirci, E, Acar, M, Pourdeyhimi, B, Silberschmidt, VV (2011) Analysis of Anisotropic Viscoelastic-Plastic Behaviour of Thermally Bonded Bicomponent Fibre Nonwovens. In 21th International Workshop on Computational Mechanics of Materials, Limerick, IRELAND, pp.1-1.

Demirci, E, Acar, M, Pourdeyhimi, B, Silberschmidt, VV (2011) Modelling Dynamic Behaviour of Thermally Bonded Bicomponent Fibre Nonwovens. In International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering & Sciences 2011, Proceedings of ICCES'11, Nanjing, CHINA, pp.1-1, ISBN: 978-0-9824205-5-3.

Demirci, E, Acar, M, Pourdeyhimi, B, Silberschmidt, VV (2010) Assessment of Anisotropic Viscoelastic-Plastic Mechanical Properties of Thermally Bonded Bicomponent Fibre Nonwovens. In Innovative Nonwovens Conference 2010, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA, pp.1-1.

Demirci, E, Acar, M, Pourdeyhimi, B, Silberschmidt, VV (2010) Finite Element Modelling of Thermally Bonded Bicomponent Fibre Nonwovens: Viscoelastic Behaviour. In 20th International Workshop on Computational Mechanics of Materials, Loughborough, UNITED KINGDOM, pp.1-1.

Demirci, E, Acar, M, Pourdeyhimi, B, Silberschmidt, VV (2010) ANISOTROPIC ELASTIC-PLASTIC MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF THERMALLY BONDED BICOMPONENT FIBRE NONWOVENS. In 10th ASME Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis, PROCEEDINGS OF THE ASME 10TH BIENNIAL CONFERENCE ON ENGINEERING SYSTEMS DESIGN AND ANALYSIS, 2010, VOL 4, Istanbul, TURKEY, pp.117-122, ISBN: 978-0-7918-4918-7.

Demirci, E, Acar, M, Pourdeyhimi, B, Silberschmidt, V (2009) Finite Element Modelling of Thermally Bonded Bi-component Fibre Nonwovens for Elastic-Plastic Response. In 19th International Workshop on Computational Mechanics of Materials, Proceedings of IWCMM 19, Constanta, Romania, pp.28-29, ISBN: 978-973-614-503-2.

Demirci, E, Acar, M, Pourdeyhimi, B, Silberschmidt, V (2008) Numerical modelling of thermally bonded bi-component fibre nonwovens. In Schrefler, BA and Perego, UE (ed) Proceedings of the 8th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM8) & 5th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2008), Venice, Italy, p.2, ISBN: 978-84-96736-55-9.


Sozumert, E, Demirci, E, Silberschmidt, VV (2020) Experimental and Numerical Methods to Analyse Deformation and Damage in Random Fibrous Networks. In Advanced Structured Materials, Springer International Publishing, pp.151-174, ISBN: 9783030348502. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-34851-9_9.

Sozumert, E, Demirci, E, Silberschmidt, V (2019) Experimental and numerical methods to analyse deformation and damage in random fibrous networks. In Altenbach, H, Brünig, M, Kowalewski, Z (ed) Plasticity, Damage and Fracture in Advanced Materials, Springer International Publishing, pp.151-174, ISBN: 9783030348502. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-34851-9_9.

Li, S, Abdel-Wahab, AA, Demirci, E, Silberschmidt, V (2015) Fracture of cortical bone tissue. In Inelastic Behavior of Materials and Structures Under Monotonic and Cyclic Loading, © Springer, pp.143-170, ISBN: 9783319146607. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-14660-7_8.

Farukh, F, Demirci, E, Acar, M, Pourdeyhimi, B, Silberschmidt, VV (2015) Deformation and Damage of Thermally Bonded Nonwoven Networks. In Engineering Materials, Springer International Publishing, pp.181-199, ISBN: 9783319171173. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-17118-0_8.

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