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Loughborough University Research Publications

Publications for Weeratunge Malalasekera

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Journal Articles

Sanyal, A, Malalasekera, W, Bandulasena, H, Wijayantha, KGU (2024) Review of the production of turquoise hydrogen from methane catalytic decomposition: optimising reactors for Sustainable Hydrogen production, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 72, pp.694-715, ISSN: 0360-3199. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2024.05.397.

He, H, Fly, A, Chen, X, Malalasekera, W, Bernagozzi, M (2024) Ageing comparison of passive battery thermal management systems: Air cooling and loop heat pipes, Applied Thermal Engineering, 250, pp.1-14, ISSN: 1359-4311. DOI: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2024.123319.

Matsushita, Y, Ozawa, R, Akaotsu, S, Matsukawa, Y, Saito, Y, Aoki, H, Malalasekera, W (2021) Evaluation of the flamelet/progress-variable approach and flamelet-generated manifolds method in laminar counter-flow diffusion flame, Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy, 100(7), pp.83-91, ISSN: 0916-8753. DOI: 10.3775/jie.100.83.

Elshimy, M, Ibrahim, S, Malalasekera, W (2021) LES – DFSD modelling of vented hydrogen explosions in a small-scale combustion chamber, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 72, 104580, ISSN: 0950-4230. DOI: 10.1016/j.jlp.2021.104580.

Li, R, Malalasekera, W, Ibrahim, S, Masri, AR (2021) An LES-DFSD study of transient premixed propane/air flames propagating past obstacles, Fuel, 302, 121099, ISSN: 0016-2361. DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2021.121099.

Ranasinghe, CP and Malalasekera, W (2020) Modelling combustion in spark ignition engines with special emphasis on near wall flame quenching, International Journal of Engine Research, 23(1), pp.20-32, ISSN: 1468-0874. DOI: 10.1177/1468087420972903.

Akaotsu, S, Matsushita, Y, Aoki, H, Malalasekera, W (2020) Application of flamelet/progress-variable approach to the large eddy simulation of a turbulent jet flame of pulverized coals, Advanced Powder Technology, 31(10), pp.4253-4274, ISSN: 0921-8831. DOI: 10.1016/j.apt.2020.09.005.

Matsushita, Y, Malalasekera, W, Akaotsu, S, Matsukawa, Y, Aoki, H (2020) Accurate numerical integration of β-PDF for the flamelet approach, Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, 53(9), pp.494-497, ISSN: 0021-9592. DOI: 10.1252/JCEJ.20WE078.

Elshimy, M, Ibrahim, S, Malalasekera, W (2020) Numerical studies of premixed hydrogen/air flames in a small-scale combustion chamber with varied area blockage ratio, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 45(29), pp.14979-14990, ISSN: 0360-3199. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2020.03.204.

Filho, RCM and Malalasekera, W (2020) An Analysis of Thermal Radiation in Porous Media Under Local Thermal Non‑equilibrium, Transport in Porous Media, 132, pp.683-705, ISSN: 0169-3913. DOI: 10.1007/s11242-020-01408-x.

Akaotsu, S, Matsushita, Y, Aoki, H, Malalasekera, W (2020) Analysis of flame structure using detailed chemistry and applicability of flamelet/progress variable model in the laminar counter-flow diffusion flames of pulverized coals, Advanced Powder Technology, 31(3), pp.1302-1322, ISSN: 0921-8831. DOI: 10.1016/j.apt.2019.12.019.

Akaotsu, S, Ozawa, R, Matsushita, Y, Aoki, H, Malalasekera, W (2019) Effects of infinitely fast chemistry on combustion behavior of coaxial diffusion flame predicted by large eddy simulation, Fuel Processing Technology, 199, 106226, ISSN: 0378-3820. DOI: 10.1016/j.fuproc.2019.106226.

Uyanwaththa, AR, Malalasekera, W, Hargrave, G, Dubal, MR (2019) Large eddy simulation of scalar mixing in jet in a cross-flow, Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, ISSN: 0742-4795. DOI: 10.1115/1.4042089.

Yokoi, S, Saito, Y, Matsushita, Y, Aoki, H, Malalasekera, W (2019) A Brief Review on How to Make a Database for Flamelet Approach, Journal of the Combustion Society of Japan, 61(195), pp.66-75, DOI: 10.20619/jcombsj.61.195_66.

Yokoi, S, Matsushita, Y, Saito, Y, Matsushita, Y, Aoki, H, Malalasekera, W (2018) A modified boundary condition of velocity for continuity equation with non-uniform density distribution at outlet boundary plane, Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, 51(8), ISSN: 0021-9592. DOI: 10.1252/jcej.17we178.

Li, R, Malalasekera, W, Ibrahim, S (2018) Numerical study of vented hydrogen explosions in a small scale obstructed chamber, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 43(34), pp.16667-16683, ISSN: 0360-3199. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2018.07.078.

Li, R, Malalasekera, W, Ibrahim, S, Liu, B (2018) On the mechanism of pressure rise in vented explosions: A numerical study, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 117, pp.551-564, ISSN: 0957-5820. DOI: 10.1016/j.psep.2018.05.026.

Beavis, N, Ibrahim, S, Malalasekera, W (2018) Numerical evaluation of combustion regimes in a GDI engine, Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, ISSN: 0003-6994. DOI: 10.1007/s10494-018-9949-8.

Beavis, N, Ibrahim, S, Malalasekera, W (2017) A numerical study of intake valve jet flapping in a gasoline direct injection engine, International Journal of Powertrains, ISSN: 1742-4267. DOI: 10.1504/IJPT.2018.10011445.

Peksen, M, Acar, M, Malalasekera, W (2016) Optimisation of machine components in thermal bonding process of nonwovens: Effect of the conveyer belt on the porous web performance, Journal of Industrial Textiles, ISSN: 1528-0837. DOI: 10.1177/1528083716682918.

Pryde, J, Whalley, D, Malalasekera, W (2016) Comparison of heatsinks used for the thermal management of LEDs, Electronics cooling, pp.22-27.

Beavis, NJ, Ibrahim, SS, Malalasekera, W (2016) Impingement characteristics of an early injection gasoline direct injection engine: A numerical study, International Journal of Engine Research, 18(4), pp.378-393, ISSN: 1468-0874. DOI: 10.1177/1468087416663325.

Malalasekera, W and Fletcher, J (2016) Development of a user-friendly, low-cost home energy monitoring and recording system, Energy.

Malalasekera, W, Matsushita, Y, Yokoi, S, Saito, Y, Aoki, H (2016) Turbulent combustion simulation based on flamelet model, Kinzoku, Materials Science & Technology, 85(11), pp.915-921, ISSN: 0368-6337.

Abdel-Raheem, M, Ibrahim, S, Malalasekera, W, Masri, AR (2015) Large eddy simulation of hydrogen-air premixed flames in a small scale combustion chamber, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 40(7), pp.3098-3109, ISSN: 0360-3199. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2014.12.042.

Pryde, J, Whalley, D, Malalasekera, W (2014) An assessment of computational fluid dynamic simulations and appropriate simplifications used for the development of LED luminaires, 20th International Workshop on Thermal Investigations of ICs and Systems, pp.1-6, DOI: 10.1109/therminic.2014.6972485.

Abdel-Raheem, M, Ibrahim, S, Malalasekera, W (2014) Numerical experiments of hydrogen-air premixed flames, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Science (IJRES), 2(2), pp.48-55, ISSN: 2320-9356.

Peksen, M, Acar, M, Malalasekera, W (2014) Optimisation of machine components in thermal fusion bonding process of porous fibrous media: Material optimisation for improved product capacity and energy efficiency, PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART E-JOURNAL OF PROCESS MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 230(3), pp.198-207, ISSN: 0954-4089. DOI: 10.1177/0954408914545195.

Malalasekera, W, Ibrahim, SS, Masri, AR, Gubba, SR, Sadasivuni, S (2013) Experience with the large eddy simulation (LES) technique for the modeling of premixed and non-premixed combustion, Heat Transfer Engineering, 34(14), pp.1156-1170, ISSN: 0145-7632. DOI: 10.1080/01457632.2013.776876.

Ranga Dinesh, KKJ, Kirkpatrick, MP, Malalasekera, W (2013) Burning syngas in a high swirl burner: Effects of fuel composition, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 38, pp.9028-9042, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2013.05.021.

Ranga Dinesh, KKJ, Jiang, X, Malalasekera, W, Odedra, A (2013) Large eddy simulation of fuel variability and flame dynamics of hydrogen-enriched nonpremixed flames, Fuel Processing Technology, 107, pp.2-13, ISSN: 0378-3820. DOI: 10.1016/j.fuproc.2012.07.019.

Ranga Dinesh, KKJ, Luo, KH, Kirkpatrick, MP, Malalasekera, W (2013) Burning syngas in a high swirl burner: Effects of fuel composition, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, ISSN: 0360-3199. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2013.05.021.

Ranasinghe, C, Malalasekera, W, Clarke, A (2013) Large eddy simulation of premixed combustion in spark ignited engines using a dynamic flame surface density model, SAE International Journal of Engines, 6(2), pp.898-910, ISSN: 1946-3936. DOI: 10.4271/2013-01-1086.

Peksen, M, Acar, M, Malalasekera, W (2013) Transient computational fluid dynamics modelling of the melting process in thermal bonding of porous fibrous media, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, 227(4), pp.254-263, ISSN: 0954-4089. DOI: 10.1177/0954408912462184.

Ranga Dinesh, KKJ, Jiang, X, Kirkpatrick, MP, Malalasekera, W (2012) Combustion characteristics of H2/N2 and H 2/CO syngas nonpremixed flames, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 37(21), pp.16186-16200, ISSN: 0360-3199. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2012.08.027.

Peksen, M, Acar, M, Malalasekera, W (2012) Computational optimisation of the thermal fusion bonding process in porous fibrous media for improved product capacity and energy efficiency, PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART E-JOURNAL OF PROCESS MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 226(E4), pp.316-323, ISSN: 0954-4089. DOI: 10.1177/0954408912457611.

Ranga Dinesh, KKJ, Jiang, X, Malalasekera, W, Odedra, A (Accepted for publication) Large eddy simulation of fuel variability and flame dynamics of hydrogen-enriched nonpremixed flames, Fuel Processing Technology, ISSN: 0378-3820. DOI: 10.1016/j.fuproc.2012.07.019.

Gubba, SR, Ibrahim, SS, Malalasekera, W (2012) Dynamic flame surface density modelling of flame deflagration in vented explosion, COMBUSTION EXPLOSION AND SHOCK WAVES, 48(4), pp.393-405, ISSN: 0010-5082. DOI: 10.1134/S0010508212040041.

Dinesh, KKJR, Jenkins, KW, Kirkpatrick, MP, Malalasekera, W (2012) EFFECTS OF SWIRL ON INTERMITTENCY CHARACTERISTICS IN NON-PREMIXED FLAMES, COMBUSTION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 184(5), pp.629-659, ISSN: 0010-2202. DOI: 10.1080/00102202.2011.653460.

Peksen, M, Acar, M, Malalasekera, W (2011) Computational modelling and experimental validation of the thermal fusion bonding process in porous fibrous media, PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART E-JOURNAL OF PROCESS MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 225(E3), pp.173-182, ISSN: 0954-4089. DOI: 10.1177/0954408910396785.

Bass, RJ, Malalasekera, W, Willmot, P, Versteeg, HK (2011) The impact of variable demand upon the performance of a combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) power plant, Energy, 36(4), pp.1956-1965, ISSN: 0360-5442. DOI: 10.1016/j.energy.2010.09.020.

Gubba, SR, Ibrahim, SS, Malalasekera, W, Masri, AR (2011) Measurements and LES calculations of turbulent premixed flame propagation past repeated obstacles, Combustion and Flame, ISSN: 0010-2180.

Gubba, SR, Ibrahim, SS, Malalasekera, W, Masri, AR (2011) Measurements and LES calculations of turbulent premixed flame propagation past repeated obstacles, Combustion and Flame, 158(12), pp.2465-2481, ISSN: 0010-2180. DOI: 10.1016/j.combustflame.2011.05.008.

Sadasivuni, SK, Malalasekera, W, Ibrahim, SS (2010) Unsteady Flamelet/Progress Variable Approach for Non-premixed Turbulent Lifted Flames, Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 4(3), pp.465-474, ISSN: 1990-7931.

Ranga Dinesh, KKJ, Jenkins, KW, Kirkpatrick, MP, Malalasekera, W (2010) Modelling of Instabilities in Turbulent Swirling Flames, Journal of Fuel, 89(1), pp.10-18, ISSN: 0016-2361. DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2009.06.024.

Ravikanti, M, Hossain, M, Malalasekera, W (2009) Laminar flamelet model prediction of NOx formation in a turbulent bluff-body combustor, Proc. IMechE Part A: J. Power and Energy, 223(A1), pp.41-54, ISSN: 0957-6509. DOI: 10.1243/09576509JPE569.

Ibrahim, SS, Gubba, SR, Masri, AR, Malalasekera, W (2009) Calculations of Explosion Deflagrating Flames using a Dynamic Flame Surface Density Model, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, ISSN: 0950-4230. DOI: 10.1016/j.jlp.2008.05.006.

Hossain, M, Acar, M, Malalasekera, W (2009) Modelling of the Through-air Bonding Process, Journal of Engineered Fibres and Fabrics, 4(2), pp.1-8, ISSN: 1558-9250.

Ranga Dinesh, KKJ, Jenkins, KW, Kirkpatrick, MP, Malalasekera, W (2009) Identification and Analysis of Instability in Non-Premixed Swirling Flames using LES, Combustion Theory and Modelling, 13(6), pp.947-971, ISSN: 1364-7830. DOI: 10.1080/13647830903295899.

Gubba, SR, Ibrahim, SS, Malalasekera, W, Masri, AR (2009) An assessment of large eddy simulations of premixed flames propagating past repeated obstacles, COMBUST THEOR MODEL, 13(3), pp.513-540, ISSN: 1364-7830. DOI: 10.1080/13647830902928532.

Gubba, SR, Ibrahim, SS, Malalasekera, W, Masri, AR (2008) LES Modelling of Premixed Deflagrating Flames in Vented Explosion Chamber with a Series of Solid Obstructions, Combustion Science and Technology, 180(10-11), pp.1936-1955, ISSN: 1364-7830. DOI: 10.1080/00102200802261852.

Malalasekera, W, Ranga Dinesh, KK, Ibrahim, SS, Masri, AR (2008) LES of Recirculation and Vortex Breakdown of Swirling Flames, Combustion Science and Technology, 180(5), pp.809-832, ISSN: 0010-2202. DOI: 10.1080/00102200801894018.

Kempf, AM, Malalasekera, W, Ranga Dinesh, KKJ, Stein, O (2008) Large Eddy Simulations of Swirling Non-premixed Flames With Flamelet Models: A Comparison of Numerical Methods, Flow ,Turbulence and Combustion, 81(4), pp.523-561, ISSN: 1573-1987. DOI: 10.1007/s10494-008-9147-1.

Ravikanti Veera, MMR, Malalasekera, W, Hossain, M, Mahmud, T (2008) Flamelet Based NOₓ-Radiation Integrated Modelling of Turbulent Non-premixed Flame using Reynolds-stress Closure, Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 81(1), pp.301-319, ISSN: 1573-1987. DOI: 10.1007/s10494-007-9127-x.

Malalasekera, W and Odedra, A (2007) Eulerian particle flamelet modeling of a bluff-body CH4/H2 flame, Combustion and Flame, 151(3), pp.512-531, DOI: 10.1016/j.combustflame.2007.06.018.

Malalasekera, W, Ranga Dinesh, KK, Ibrahim, SS, Kirkpatrick, MP (2007) Large Eddy Simulation of Isothermal Turbulent Swirling Jets, Combustion Science and Technology, 179(8), pp.1481-1525, ISSN: 1563-521X. DOI: 10.1080/00102200802261852.

Hossain, M, Acar, M, Malalasekera, W (2007) Computational Analysis of Fibre Bonding in the Through-Air Process, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, 221(E2), pp.69-75, ISSN: 0954-4089. DOI: 10.1243/0954408JPME104.

Hossain, M and Malalasekera, W (2007) A combustion model sensitivity study for CH₄/H₂ bluff-body stabilized flame, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 221(11), pp.1377-1390, ISSN: 0954-4062. DOI: 10.1243/09544062JMES336.

Hossain, M, Acar, M, Malalasekera, W (2005) A Mathematical Model for Airflow and Heat Transfer through Fibrous Webs, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, 219(4), pp.357-366, ISSN: 0954-4089. DOI: 10.1243/095440805X33199.

Acar, M, Dudeney, WL, Jones, J, Jackson, MR, Malalasekera, W (2005) Laser Fusion to Impart Cohesion to Textured Filament Yarns, Journal of Industrial Textiles, (343), pp.181-193, ISSN: 1528-0837.

Alim, MA and Malalasekera, W (2005) Transport and Chemical Kinetics of H2/N2 Jet Flame: A Flamelet Modelling Approach with NOx Prediction, Journal of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, (1), pp.33-40, ISSN: 1813-8535.

Hossain, M and Malalasekera, W (2005) A Numerical Study of Bluff-body Nonpremixed Flame Structures using Laminar Flamelet Model, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineering Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, (219), pp.361-370, ISSN: 0957-6509. DOI: 10.1243/095765005X28616.

Alim, MA and Malalasekera, W (2004) A computational study of H2/N2 jet diffusion flame with radiation heat loss, Proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE12), 2, pp.799-805, DOI: 10.1115/icone12-49388.

Versteeg, HK, Henson, JC, Malalasekera, W (2003) An Adaptive Angular Quadrature for the Discrete Transfer Method Based on Error Estimation, Journal of Heat Transfer, 125(2), pp.301-311, ISSN: 0022-1481. DOI: 10.1115/1.1560148.

Hossain, M and Malalasekera, W (2003) Modelling of a bluff body stabilised CH4/H2 flame based on a laminar flamelet model with emphasis on NO prediction, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 217(2), pp.201-210, ISSN: 0957-6509. DOI: 10.1243/09576500360611236.

Malalasekera, W, Versteeg, HK, Henson, JC, Jones, JC (2002) Calculation of Radiative Heat Transfer in Combustion Systems, Clean Air: International Journal on Environmental Combustion Technologies, 3, pp.113-143.

Hossain, M, Jones, JC, Malalasekera, W (2001) Modelling of a Bluff-Body Nonpremixed Flame Using A Coupled Radiation/Flamelet Combustion Model, Flow Turbulence and Combustion, 67(3), pp.217-234, ISSN: 1573-1987. DOI: 10.1023/A:1015014823282.

Versteeg, HK, Henson, JC, Malalasekera, W (2001) An Adaptive Angular Quadrature for Discrete Transfer Method Based on Error Estimation, Proceedings of NHTCO1, 35th ASME National Heat Transfer Conference, (NHTC2001), pp.1-13.

Henson, JC and Malalasekera, W (2000) Full-cycle firing simulation of a pent-roof spark-ignition engine with visualization of the flow structure, flame propagation and radiative heat flux, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part D: Journal of Engines, 214, pp.957-971, ISSN: 0954-4070.

Versteeg, HK, Henson, JC, Malalasekera, W (2000) Spatial Discretization Errors in the Heat Flux Integral of the Discrete Transfer Method, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B, 38(4), pp.333-352, ISSN: 1040-7790.

Henson, JC and Malalasekera, W (2000) Full-cycle firing simulation of a pent-roof spark-ignition engine with visualization of the flow structure, flame propagation and radiative heat flux, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 214(8), pp.957-971, ISSN: 0954-4070. DOI: 10.1177/095440700021400814.

Versteeg, HK, Henson, JC, Malalasekera, W (1999) Approximation errors in the heat flux integral of the discrete tranfer method. Part 2: Participating Media, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B, 36(4), pp.409-432, ISSN: 1040-7790.

Versteeg, HK, Henson, JC, Malalasekera, W (1999) Approximation errors in the heat flux integral of the discrete transfer method, Part 1: Transparent Media, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B, 36(4), pp.387-407, ISSN: 1040-7790.

Versteeg, HK, Henson, JC, Malalasekera, W (1999) Approximation errors in the heat flux integral of the discrete transfer method, part 2: Participating media, NUMERICAL HEAT TRANSFER PART B-FUNDAMENTALS, 36(4), pp.409-432, ISSN: 1040-7790. DOI: 10.1080/104077999275604.

Palipana, AS, Malalasekera, W, James, EH (1999) CFD parametric study of natural gas engine combustion, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Internal Combustion Engine Division (Publication) ICE, 32.

Roser, M, Vogl, A, Radandt, S, Malalasekera, W, Parkin, RM (1999) Investigations of flame front propagation between interconnected process vessels: Development of a new flame front propagation time prediction model, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 12(5), pp.421-436, ISSN: 0950-4230.

Jenkin, RJ, James, EH, Malalasekera, W (1998) Modelling the effects of combustion and turbulence on near-wall temperature gradients in the cylinders of spark ignition engines, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Journal of Automobile Engineering, 212(No D6), pp.533-546, ISSN: 0954-4070.

Jenkin, RJ, James, EH, Malalasekera, W (1997) Predicting the onset of end-gas autoignition with a quasi-dimensional spark ignition engine model, Diesel and SI Engine Modelling, SAE Special Publication, SP 1306, pp.1-18.

Henson, JC and Malalasekera, W (1997) Comparison of discrete transfer and Monte-Carlo methods for radiative heat transfer in three-dimensional non-homogeneous scattering media, Numerical Heat Transfer Part A: Applications, 32(1), pp.19-36, ISSN: 1040-7782.

Jenkins, RJ, James, EH, Malalasekera, W (1997) Predicting the onset of end-gas autoignition with a quasi-dimensional spark ignition model, SAE Transactions: Journal of Engines, 106, pp.2265-2282, ISSN: 0096-736X.

Jenkin, RJ, James, EH, Malalasekera, W (1996) Thermal boundary layer modelling in 'motored' spark ignition engines, SAE Technical Papers, DOI: 10.4271/961965.

Malalasekera, W, Versteeg, HK, Gilchrist, K (1996) A Review of Research and Experimental Study on the Pulsation of Buoyant Diffusion Flames and Pool Fires, Fire and Materials, 20, pp.261-271, ISSN: 0308-0501.

Malalasekera, W and James, EH (1996) Radiative Heat Transfer Calculations in Three-Dimensional Complex Geometries, Transactions of ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, 118, pp.225-228, ISSN: 0022-1481.

Blunsdon, CA, Beeri, ZA, Malalasekera, W, Dent, JC (1996) Comprehensive Modelling of Turbulent Flames with the Coherent Flame Sheet Model: Part I - Buoyant Diffusion Flames, Transactions of ASME Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 118, pp.65-71, ISSN: 0195-0738.

Beeri, ZA, Blunsdon, CA, Malalasekera, W, Dent, JC (1996) Comprehensive Modelling of Turbulent Flames with the Coherent Flame Sheet Model: Part II High-momentum Reactive Jets, Transactions of ASME Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 118, pp.72-76, ISSN: 0195-0738.

Malalasekera, WMG and James, EH (1996) Radiative heat transfer calculations in three-dimensional complex geometries, Journal of Heat Transfer, 118(1), p.228, ISSN: 0022-1481.

Ascough, J, Malalasekera, W, Rusu Casandra, A (1996) Stress Analysis of Hemispherical Shells with a Single Nonradially Penetrated Nozzle, Engineering Structures, 18(2), pp.894-900, ISSN: 0141-0296.

Jenkin, RJ, James, EH, Malalasekera, W (1996) Thermal boundary layer modelling in "motored" spark ignition engines, Diagnostics and Modelling in SI Engines, SAE Special Publications, SP-1212, pp.219-236, ISSN: 0148-7191.

Jenkin, RJ, James, EH, Malalasekera, W (1996) Modelling near wall temperature gradients in "motored" spark ignition engines, Modelling of SI and CI Engines, SAE Special Publication, SP-1168(SAE Paper No 960070), pp.1-13, ISSN: 0148-7191.

Malalasekera, W and James, EH (1993) Thermal Radiation in a Room: Numerical Evaluation, Journal of Building Services Engineering Research and Technology, 14(4), pp.159-168, ISSN: 0143-6244.

Malalasekera, WMG and Lockwood, F (1991) Computer simulation of the King's Cross fire: Effect of radiative heat transfer on fire spread, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 205(3), pp.201-208, ISSN: 0954-4062. DOI: 10.1243/PIME_PROC_1991_205_110_02.

Lockwood, FC and Malalasekera, WMG (1989) Fire computation: The 'flashover' phenomenon, Symposium (International) on Combustion, 22(1), pp.1319-1328, ISSN: 0082-0784. DOI: 10.1016/S0082-0784(89)80143-2.


Botezelli, D, de Azevedo, AM, Magalh˜aes, EDS, Kassab, AJ, Malalasekera, W (Accepted for publication) GPU-ACCELERATED SIMULATION OF VON KARMAN FLOW AROUND A CYLINDER. In 10th Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference (TFEC), George Washington University, Washington, DC, USA.

Botezelli, D, de Azevedo, AM, Magalh˜aes, EDS, Kassab, AJ, Malalasekera, W (Accepted for publication) A COUPLED BOUNDARY CONDITION FOR THERMAL-FLUID CONJUGATE HEAT TRANSFER ANALYSIS. In 10th Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference (TFEC), George Washington University, Washington, DC, USA.

Botezelli, D, de Azevedo, AM, dos Santos Magalhães, E, Kassab, A, Malalasekera, W (2024) GPU-ACCELERATED RANS SIMULATIONS IN COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS. In 9th Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference (TFEC), Oregon State University, OR, USA.

Chizari, H, Versteeg, H, Malalasekera, W, Gavtash, B (2023) A multi-physics theoretical and CFD approach, to predict low-GWP pMDI spray characteristics, inside USP-IP geometry. In Drug Delivery to the Lungs (DDL 2023); Drug Delivery to the Lungs Proceedings, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.

Chizari, H, Versteeg, H, Malalasekera, W, Gavtash, B (2023) A novel mathematical model to predict the particle size distribution of pMDI aerosols. In Drug Delivery to the Lungs (DDL 2023); Drug Delivery to the Lungs Proceedings, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.

Botezelli, D, dos Santos Magalhaes, E, dos Santos, DA, Kassab, A, Malalasekera, W (2023) A GPU-accelerated algorithm for solving Navier-Stokes equations. In AIAA Aviation and Aeronautics Forum and Exposition (AIAA AVIATION Forum); AIAA Aviation and Aeronautics Forum and Exposition (AIAA AVIATION Forum), San Diego, USA,ISBN: 9781624107047. DOI: 10.2514/6.2023-3428.

CHIZARI, H, Gavtash, B, Myatt, B, Malalasekera, W, Versteeg, H (2022) Development of a mathematical model to estimate droplet size distribution of a pressurised metered dose inhaler in the near-orifice region. In Drug Delivery to the Lungs (DDL) 2022 conference; Drug Delivery to the Lungs (DDL) 2022, Edinburgh, UK.

Elshimy, M, Ibrahim, S, Malalasekera, W (Accepted for publication) LES-DFSD studies of lean-burn turbulent premixed hydrogen flames. In Fourteenth International Conference of Fluid Dynamics (ICFD14); Proceedings of ICFD14, Fairmont Nile City Hotel, Cairo, Egypt.

Elshimy, M, Ibrahim, S, Malalasekera, W (2020) Numerical studies of turbulent premixed flame interaction with repeated solid obstacles. In 19th International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering (AMME-19); IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Virtual. DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/973/1/012007.

Elshimy, M, Ibrahim, S, Malalasekera, W (2020) Numerical study on the influence of blockage ratio on hydrogen turbulent premixed flames in a small scale obstructed chamber. In ASME 2020 Heat Transfer Summer Conference; ASME 2020 Heat Transfer Summer Conference, HT 2020, collocated with the ASME 2020 Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting and the ASME 2020 18th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels, Virtual,ISBN: 9780791883709. DOI: 10.1115/HT2020-8967.

Miyamoto, H, Akaotsu, S, Matsushita, Y, Aoki, H, Malalasekera, W (2019) Prediction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons formation using flamelet approach with additional transport equations. In Sixteenth International Conference on Fluid Dynamics (ICFD2019), Sendai, Miyagi, Japan.

Elshimy, M, Ibrahim, S, Malalasekera, W (2019) Numerical study of propane and hydrogen turbulent premixed flames in a small scale obstructed chamber. In HEFAT 2019 — 14th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Wicklow, Ireland.

Beavis, NJ, Ibrahim, SS, Malalasekera, W (2018) Numerical Evaluation of Combustion Regimes in a GDI Engine. In 10th Mediterranean Combustion Symposium (MCS), FLOW TURBULENCE AND COMBUSTION, Naples, ITALY, pp.1035-1057, DOI: 10.1007/s10494-018-9949-8.

Li, RB, Malalasekera, W, Ibrahim, S (2018) LES-DFSD modelling of turbulent premixed flames past repeated obstacles. In 3rd International Conference on Combustion Science and Processes (CSP18), Budapest, Hungary. DOI: 10.11159/csp18.108.

Malalasekera, W, Li, B, Ibrahim, S, Uyanwaththa, AR (2018) A numerical study of dust explosion properties of hydrogen storage alloy materials. In 2018 2nd International Conference on Green Energy and Applications, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore,ISBN: 9781538652367. DOI: 10.1109/ICGEA.2018.8356296.

Uyanwaththa, AR, Malalasekera, W, Dubal, MR (2017) Non-premixed swirl flame modelling using the open source CFD package openfoam. In 2nd Thermal and Fluid Engineering Conference, TFEC2017, Las Vegas.

Yokoi, S, Mikami, S, Matsukawa, Y, Saito, Y, Matsushita, Y, Aoki, H, Malalasekera, W (2017) Improvement of the prediction accuracy of NO emissions in counter-flow diffusion flames on using NO mass fraction as a progress variable. In 8th European Combustion Meeting, Dubrovnik, Croatia, pp.920-924.

Beavis, N, Ibrahim, S, Malalasekera, W (2017) Numerical evaluation of combustion regimes in a GDI engine. In Tenth Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, Napoli, Italy.

Li, R, Malalasekera, W, Ibrahim, S (2017) Numerical simulation of early flame propagation in vented explosions. In MCS-10: Tenth Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, Naples, Italy.

Ranasinghe, CP and Malalasekera, W (2017) An improved formulation of the Bray-Moss-Libby (BML) model for SI engine combustion modelling. In MCS-10: Tenth Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, Naples, Italy, Naples, Italy.

Beavis, N, Ibrahim, S, Malalasekera, W (2016) A numerical study of intake valve jet flapping in a GDI engine. In 3rd Biennial International Conference on Powertrain Modelling and Control, Loughborough, UK.

Pryde, J, Whalley, D, Malalasekera, W (2016) Observations on the implementation of LEDs for general lighting. In ITherm 2016, Las Vegas, NV, USA,ISBN: 9781467381222. DOI: 10.1109/ITHERM.2016.7517634.

Beavis, NJ, Ibrahim, S, Malalasekera, W (2016) Numerical simulation of a GDI engine flow using LES and POD. In SAE Technical Papers,, DOI: 10.4271/2016-01-0598.

Beavis, NJ, Ibrahim, S, Manickam, P, Malalasekera, W (2015) Characteristics of GDI Engine Flow Structures. In Leipertz, A (ed) 12th International Congress, Engine Combustion Processes, Current Problems and Modern Technologies, Ludwigsburg, Germany, pp.385-396.

Beard, T, Bragin, M, Malalasekera, W, Ibrahim, S (2015) Numerical simulation of hydrogen discharge in a partially enclosed space. In , Energy Procedia, pp.153-156, DOI: 10.1016/j.egypro.2015.02.083.

Beavis, NJ, Ibrahim, S, Manickam, P, Malalasekera, W (2015) Characteristics of GDI engine flow structures. In Engine Combustion Processes, Ludwigsburg, Germany, pp.385-396.

Beard, T, Bragin, M, malalasekera, W, ibrahim, S (2014) Numerical Simulation of Hydrogen Discharge in Partially Enclosed Space. In The 12th International Conference on Combustion and Energy Utilisation – 12 ICCEU, Lancaster, pp.1-4.

Pryde, J, Malalasekera, W, Whalley, D (2014) An Assessment of CFD Simulation and Appropriate Simplifications Used for the Development of LED Luminaires, 20th International Workshop on Thermal Investigations of ICs and Systems. In An Assessment of CFD Simulation and Appropriate Simplifications Used for the Development of LED Luminaires, 20th International Workshop on Thermal Investigations of ICs and Systems, Greenwich, London, UK, pp.1-6.

Abdel-Raheem, MA, Ibrahim, Malalasekera, W (2014) Numerical Modelling of Hydrogen Premixed Combustion. In Malalasekera, W (ed) 16th International Conference on Applied Mechanics & Mechanical Engineering (AMME-16), Cairo, Egypt, pp.1-8.

Pryde, JR, Whalley, DC, Malalasekera, W (2014) A review of LED technology trends and relevant thermal management strategies. In 2014 IEEE Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems (ITherm), Fourteenth Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems (ITherm), pp.31-38, DOI: 10.1109/itherm.2014.6892261.

Pryde, J, Whalley, D, Malalasekera, W (2014) A review of LED technology trends and relevant thermal management strategies. In , Florida, USA, pp.31-38, ISBN: 9781479952670. DOI: 10.1109/ITHERM.2014.6892261.

Abdel-Raheem, MA, Ibrahim, SS, Malalasekera, W, Masri, AR (2014) Modelling of Premixed Hydrogen Combustion. In 16th Internationnal Conference on Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering, AMME-16, cairo, Egypt, pp.1-8.

Malalasekera, W, Ranasinghe, CP, Clarke, A (2013) Large Eddy Simulation of Premixed Combustion in Spark Ignited Engines Using a Dynamic Flame Surface Density Model. In SAE, (ed) SAE 2013 World Congress & Exhibition, Detroit, USA, pp.898-910.

Abdel-Raheem, M, Ibrahim, S, Malalasekera, W, Masri, AR (2013) Large eddy simulation of hydrogen-air propagating flames. In 8th Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, MCS8, Cesme-Izmir, Turkey, pp.1-8.

Malalasekera, W and Ranasinghe, CP (2012) Simulation of Premixed Combustion and Near Wall Flame Quenching in Spark Ignition Engines with an Improved Formulation of the Bray-Moss-Libby Model. In 9th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, HEFAT 2012, Malta, pp.1-5, ISBN: 9781868549863.

Malalasekera, W and Ranasinghe, CP (2012) Simulation of Engine Combustion with Ethanol as a Renewable Fuel. In International Conference on Advanced Materials, Science and Engineering, Colombo Sri Lanka, pp.1-5.

Wang, Y, Ibrahim, SS, Malalasekera, W (2012) On the modelling of explosion deflagrating flames. In Changgen, F and Shengcai, L (ed) 8th International Symposium on Safety Science and Technology (ISSST), 2012 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON SAFETY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, Nanjing, PEOPLES R CHINA, pp.390-398, DOI: 10.1016/j.proeng.2012.08.176.

Bass, RJ, Malalasekera, W, Willmot, P, Versteeg, HK (2011) The impact of variable demand upon the performance of a combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) power plant. In 5th Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, ENERGY, Dubrovnik, CROATIA, pp.1956-1965, DOI: 10.1016/j.energy.2010.09.020.

Malalasekera, W, Ibrahim, SS, Masri, AR, Sadasivuni, SK, Gubba, SR (2010) Large Eddy Simulation of Premixed and Non-Premixed Combustion. In Proceedings of the 37th National & 4th International Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power Conference FMFP2010, IIT Madras, Channai, India.

Bass, RJ, Malalasekera, W, Willmot, P (2010) Impact of variable demand upon the performance of a CCGT power plant. In Guzovic, Z, Duic, N, Ban, eds, M (ed) 5th Dubrovnik Conference of Sustainable Development of Energy Water and Environment Systems, On CD and in LU repository, Dubrovnik, Croatia, p.241, ISBN: 978-9-5363-1398-3.

Gubba, SR, Ibrahim, SS, Malalasekera, W, Masri, AR (2010) A Parametric Study on Large Eddy Simulations of Turbulent Premixed Flames. In Proceedings of the 8th Asia Pacific Conference on Combustion, Hyderabad, India.

Sadasivuni, SK, Malalasekera, W, Ibrahim, SS (2009) Validation of Unsteady Flamelet/Progress Variable Methodology for Non-premixed Turbulent Partially Premixed Flames. In Proceedings of the European Combustion Meeting, Vienna, Austria, pp.1-8.

Malalasekera, W, Deiveegan, M, Sadasivuni, SK, Ibrahim, SS (2009) Evaluation of Turbulence/Radiation Effects using LES Combustion Simulation Data. In Proceedings of Eurotherm83 ¿ Computational Thermal Radiation in Participating Media III, Lisboa, Portugal, pp.1-13.

Sadasivuni, SK, Malalasekera, W, Ibrahim, SS (2008) Unsteady Flamelet/Progress Variable Approach for Non-premixed Turbulent Lifted Flames. In Proceedings of the 6th International Seminar on Flame Structure, Brussels, Belgium, pp.1-22.

Gubba, SR, Ibrahim, SS, Malalasekera, W (2008) A Dynamic SGS Model for LES of Turbulent Premixed Flames, Paper No. CHT-08-206. In Proceedings of CHT-08, ICHMT International Symposium on Advances in Computational Heat Transfer, Marrakech, Morocco, pp.301-319.

Ranga Dinesh, KKJ, Malalasekera, W, Ibrahim, SS, Masri, AR (2007) LES of Recirculation and Vortex Breakdown in Swirling Flames. In Proceedings of the Fifth Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, MCS5, Monastir, Tunisia, pp.1-12.

Peksen, M, Acar, M, Malalasekera, W, Lucas, L, Coolen, P (2007) Computational Modelling and Experimental Verification of Through-Air Bonding Nonwovens Process. In Proceedings of the International Nonwovens Technical Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, p.8.

Gubba, SR, Ibrahim, SS, Malalasekera, W, Masri, AR (2007) LES Modelling of Propagating Turbulent Premixed Flames using Dynamic Flame Surface Density Model. In Roekaerts, DD, Coelho, P, Boersma, B, eds, KC (ed) Proceedings of the 2nd ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Combustion, Delft, The Netherlands, pp.1-6, ISBN: 978-90-811768-1-1.

Ibrahim, SS, Malalasekera, W, Gubba, SR, Masri, AR (2007) LES Modelling of Explosion Propagating Flame inside Vented Chambers with Built-in Solid Obstructions. In Proceedings of the 21st International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems (21st ICDERS), ENSMA, Poitiers, France, pp.1-12.

Odedra, A and Malalasekera, W (2006) Unsteady Modelling of a Bluff-body CO/H₂ Flame using Eulerian Particle Model. In Hanjalic, K, Nagano, Y, Jakirlic, S (ed) Fifth International Symposium on Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer, Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer, Croatia, pp.605-608, ISBN: 1-56700-229-3.

Ravikanti Veera, MMR, Malalasekera, W, Hossain, M (2006) A laminar Flamelt Based NOx Radiation integrated Modelling of Turbulent Non Premixed Flame. In Hanjalic, K, Nagano, Y, Jakirlic, S (ed) Fifth International Symposium on Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer, Proceedings of Fifth International Symposium on Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer, Croatia, pp.609-612, ISBN: 1-56700-229-3.

Ranga Dinesh, KK, Malalasekera, W, Ibrahim, S, Kirkpatrick, MP (2006) Vortex Breakdown and Recirculation in Turbulent Swirling Flows. In Hanjalic, K, Nagano, Y, Jakirlic, S (ed) Fifth International Sypmposium on Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer, Proceedings of Fifth International Symposium on Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer, Croatia, pp.593-596.

Hossain, M, Acar, M, Malalasekera, W (2006) Computational Analysis of the Effect of Contact-angle in the Through-air Bonding of Fibers. In Proceedings of the International Nonwovens Technical Conference, INTC 2006, Houston, Texas, USA, p.8.

Ranga Dinesh, KK and Malalasekera, W (2006) Large Eddy Simulation Results for the Sydney Swirl Burner; Comparisons at the TNF Workshop. In TNF Workshop, Proceedings of the TNF 8 Workshop, Heidelberg, Germany, pp.11-74.

Ravikanti, M, Odedra, A, Malalasekera, W (2006) A Comparison of Steady and Unsteady Flamelet based NOx Modelling in Turbulent Bluff-body Stabilized Flames. In 31st International Symposium on Combustion, Proceedings of 31st International Symposium on Combustion, Heidelberg, Germany, p. 337.

Rao, GS, Malalasekera, W, Ibrahim, SS (2006) Flame Surface Density Approach to Large Eddy Simulation of Premixed Turbulent Combustion. In Poster Presentation, 31st International Symposium on Combustion, Heidelberg, Germany, p.337.

Ranga Dinesh, KK, Malalasekera, W, Ibrahim, SS (2006) Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Non-premixed Swirling Flames. In Poster Presentation, Proceedings of the 31st International Symposium on Combustion, Heidelberg, Germany, p.352.

Ranga Dinesh, KKJ, Malalasekera, W, Ibrahim, SS, Kirkpatrick, MP (2006) Vortex Breakdown and Recirculation in Turbulent Swirling Flow. In Proceedings of the FEDSM2006. ASME Joint US European Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting, Miami, FL, USA, pp.1-6.

Ranga Dinesh, KKJ, Malalasekera, W, Ibrahim, SS, Kirkpatrick, MP (2006) Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Non-Premixed Swirling Flames. In Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer, Dubrovnik, Croatia, pp.1-7.

Ranga Dinesh, KK, Malalasekera, W, Ibrahim, S, Kirkpatrick, MP (2005) Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Unconfined Swirling Flows, HEFAT2005. In Mayer, JP and Malan, AGE (ed) Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Paper No. RK1, Cairo, Egypt,ISBN: 1-86854-624-1.

Hossain, M, Acar, M, Malalasekera, W (2005) Computational Analysis of Bonding Process and Structure of the Bond Point During Through Air Bonding. In Proceedings of INTC 2005, the International Nonwovens Technical Conference, St Louis, Missouri, USA, p.8.

Ranga Dinesh, KK, Malalasekera, W, Ibrahim, S, Kirkpatrick, MP (2005) Large Eddy Simulation of Isothermal Swirling Flows. In Proceedings of the 5th Asia-pacific Conference on Combustion ASPACC05, Adelaide, Australia, pp.93-96, ISBN: 0-9757855-1-6.

Odedra, AB and Malalasekera, W (2005) Assessment of Turbulence Models for the Prediction of turbulent Non-premixed Swirling Flows. In Proceedings of the ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Combustion, Paper No. 49, Lisbon, pp.1-18.

Acar, M, Hossain, M, Malalasekera, W (2005) A Computational Model of Heat Transfer in the Through-air Bonding Process. In Proceedings of the Nonwovens Research Academy, Geneva, Switzerland, 7, ISBN: 2-930159-51-0.

Hossain, M, Acar, M, Malalasekera, W (2004) A Computational Model for Through-air Bonding of Nonwovens. In Proceedings of INTC 2004, the International Nonwovens Technical Conference, Toronto, Canada, p.7.

Hossain, M, Acar, M, Malalasekera, W (2004) A Numerical Study of Airflow and Heat Transfer during Through-air Bonding of Nonwovens. In Fiber Society Spring Symposium on Fibers, Fibrous Structures and Filtration, St Louis, Missouri, USA, pp.49-50.

Malalasekera, W and Crookes, J (2004) CFD Modelling of Emission Distribution in the Wake of Moving Vehicles. In Wijetunge, JJ (ed) Proceedings of the Tenth Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, p.109, ISBN: 955-589-067-6.

Acar, M, Dudeney, WL, Jackson, MR, Malalasekera, W (2004) Laser Fusion to Produce Nip Formation in Textured Yarn. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Istanbul Textile Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, p.7.

Acar, M, Dudeney, W, Jones, J, Jackson, MR, Malalasekera, W (2002) Nip Formation in Textured Filament Yarn Using Laser Fusion. In 2nd AUTEX International Conference: Textile Engineering at the Dawn of a New Millennium: An Exciting Challenge, Bruges, Belgium, pp.214-224.

Hossain, M and Malalasekera, W (2001) Radiative Heat Transfer in a Bluff Body Combustor. In Proceedings of BSME-ASME International Conference on Thermal Engineering, Dhaka, Bangladesh, pp.232-238.

de Almaida, JS, Malalasekera, W, James, EH (2001) Experimental Measurements of Radiative Heat Flux in Complex Geometries and Comparison with Numerical Modelling. In Celta, GP, Marco, PD, Gaolas, A, editors, AM (ed) Proceedings of the Fifth World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece, pp.1-9, ISBN: 88-467-0459-2.

Versteeg, HK, Henson, JC, Malalasekera, W (2001) A Comparison of Convergence and Error Estimates for the Monte Carlo and Discrete Transfer Methods. In Menguc, MP and Eds, CNS (ed) Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Radiative Transfer 2001, Paper 03-01, Radiation-III, Antalya, Turkey, pp.92-101.

Acar, M, Dudeney, WL, Jackson, MR, Malalasekera, W (2001) Laser Fusion of Textured Yarns to Impart Inter-filament Cohesion, New Frontiers in Fiber Science. In Book of Abstracts, Fiber Society Spring Conference, Raleigh, NC, USA, p.81.

Nazha, MAA, Rajakaruna, H, Malalasekera, W (2001) Effects of Radiation on Predicted Flame Temperature and Combustion Products of a Burning Liquid Fuel Spray. In Sixth International Conference on Combustion Technologies for a Clean Environment, Oporto, Portugal, pp.639-643.

Roser, M, Vogl, A, Radandt, S, Malalasekera, W, Parkin, R (2001) Studies on flame front propagation time in pipelines for determination of minimum ranges for explosion-prevention decoupling devices. In Symposium on Safe Handling of Combustible Dusts, SAFE HANDLING OF COMBUSTIBLE DUSTS, NURNBERG, GERMANY, pp.621-637, ISBN: 3-18-091601-X.

Malalasekera, W (2000) Contribution to Bluff-Body Flames Session coordinated by A.R. Masri. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Measurement and Computation of Turbulent Nonpremixed Flames, TU, Delft, The Netherlands, pp.1-11.

Almeida, JS, Malalasekera, W, James, EH (1999) Prediction of Radiative Heat Fluxes in Space Craft Internal Geometries to Compare with Experimental Measurements. In IAF99, 50th International Astronautical Congress, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp.1-10.

Palipana, AS and Malalasekera, W (1999) CFD modelling of natural gas combustion in the SI engine. In Editor, GP (ed) Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Internal Combustion Engines: Experiments and Modelling, Capri, Naples, Italy, pp.237-243, ISBN: 88-900399-06.

Henson, JC and Malalasekera, W (1999) An evaluation of discrete transfer and YIX radiation methods for complex participating media. In Jensen, MK and Di Marzo, ME (ed) ASME National Heat Transfer Conference, Proceedings of the 33rd National Heat Transfer Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, pp.1-10, ISBN: 0-7918-1965-5.

Malalasekera, W, Versteeg, HK, Henson, JC, Jones, JC (1999) Calculation of radiative heat transfer in combustion systems. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Technologies and Combustion Systems, Lisbon, Portugal, pp.1001-1015.

Jones, JC and Malalasekera, W (1999) Modelling radiation/turbulence interaction in unconfined methane diffusion. In Proceedings of Joint Meeting of the British, German & French Section of the Combustion Institute, Nancy, France, pp.57-60, ISBN: 2-9513887-0-5.

Malalasekera, W and Hossain, M (1999) Assessment of laminar flamelet model for bluff-body stabilised Chx₄Hx₂$. In Proceedings of the Joint Meeting of the British, German & French Sections of the Combustion Institute, Nancy, France, pp.199-203, ISBN: 2-9513887-0-5.

Palipana, AS and Malalasekera, W (1999) A CFD parametric study of natural gas engine combustion. In ASME 1999 Spring Technical Conference, Proceedings of the Spring technical conference of ASME ICE Division Exp. Studies in Engines/Natural Gas Alt. Fuels, Columbus, Indiana, USA, pp.1-7, ISBN: 079 1818 780.

Malalasekera, W and Hossain, M (1998) Incorporation of radiation heat transfer in the stretched laminar flamelet modelling of turbulent non-premixed combustion. In Book of Abstracts, 27th International Symposium of Combustion, Boulder, Colorado, USA, pp.1-12.

Malalasekera, W and Hossain, M (1998) Effects of differential diffusion on the stretched laminar flamelet modelling of bluff body stabilized nonpremixed flame. In Book of Abstracts, 27th International Symposium on Combustion, Boulder, Colorado, USA, pp.1-15.

Jones, JC and Malalasekera, W (1998) Modelling of turbulence - radiation interactions in combustion systems. In Barlow, R (ed) 3rd TNF Workshop, Third International Workshop on Measurements and Computation of Turbulent Nonpremixed Flames, Baulder, Colorado, USA, pp.1-26.

Henson, JC and Malalasekera, W (1998) Benchmark comparisons with discrete transfer method solutions for radiative heat transfer method solutions for radiative heat transfer in three-dimensional non-grey scattering media. In Pinar Menguc, M (ed) Second International Symposium on Radiative Transfer, Radiative Heat Transfer - II, Proceedings of the Second Int. Symposium on Radiative Transfer, Kusadasi, Turkey, pp.195-207, ISBN: 1-56700-116-5.

Roser, M, Parkin, RM, Malalasekera, W (1997) Control of dust explosions, a mechatronics problem?. In Proceedings Euroconference on Control & Configuration Aspects of Mechatronics, TU Ilmenau, Thuringia, Germany, pp.225-229, ISBN: 3-932633-07-5.

Malalasekera, W and Skilling, M (1997) The use of World Wide Web (WWW) as a teaching and learning tool for undergraduate courses. In Editor, GMC (ed) Third International Conference on Computer Based Learning in Science, Computer Based Learning in Science, Leicester, pp.G2: 1-13, ISBN: 80-7040-217-2.

Malalasekera, W and Jones, J (1997) Modelling of radiation fluctuations: One dimensional studies. In Editor, FA (ed) Second International Symposium on Radiative Heat Transfer, International Symposium on Radiative Transfer: Book of Abstracts, Kusadasi, Turkey, pp.86-87.

Henson, JC, Malalasekera, W, Dent, JC (1996) Comparison of the Discrete Transfer and Monte Carlo Methods for Radiative Heat Transfer in Three-Dimensional Nonhomogeneous Participating Media. In Skocypec, D, R, Kaminski, A, D, Tong, T, Thynell, T, S, Smith, Editors, AM (ed) ASME Proceedings of the 31st National Heat Transfer Conference, Houston, Texas, USA, pp.25-34, ISBN: 0-7918-1507-2.

Ascough, J, Rusu Casandra, A, Malalasekera, W (1996) Stress Distribution in a Hemispherical Shell having a Nonradial Penetrated Nozzle. In Chaaban, A and Editor, (ed) Proceedings of the ASME Eighth International Conference on Pressure Vessel Technology ICPVT-8, Montreal, Canada, pp.217-222, ISBN: 0-7918-1789-X.

Malalasekera, W and James, EH (1995) Calculation of Radiative Heat Transfer in Three-Dimensional Complex Geometries. In Bayazitoglu, Y, Kaminski, B, D, Jones, eds, PD (ed) 30th ASME National Heat Transfer Conference, Fundamentals of Radiation and Radiative Properties, Portland, Oregon, USA, pp.53-61, ISBN: 0-7918-1714-8.

James, EH and Malalasekera, W (1995) An Energy Balance for a Spark Ignition Engine. In Proceedings of 8th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena in Combustion, ISTP-8, Pacific Centre of Thermal-Fluids Engineering, San Francisco, USA, pp.1-12.

Ascough, J, Rusu Casandra, A, Malalasekera, W (1995) Stress Analysis of Hemipherical Shells with Single Nonradially Penetrated Nozzles. In Proceedings of the MSME-95 International Conference on Mechanics of Solids and Materials Engineering, Singapore, pp.616-621.

Malalasekera, W and James, EH (1994) Calculation of Radiative Heat Transfer in Complex Combustion Systems Using the Discrete Transfer Method. In Proceedings of 10th International Heat Transfer Conference, Brighton, UK, pp.1-21.

Blunsdon, CA, Berri, Z, Malalasekera, W, Dent, JC (1994) Modelling of Buoyant Turbulent Propane Diffusion Flames with the Coherent Flame-sheet Model. In Acharya, S, Annamalai, K, Presser, C, Skocypec, eds, RD (ed) Proceedings of ASME 1994 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Chicago, USA, pp.79-88, ISBN: 0-7918-1418-1.

Beeri, Z, Blunsdon, CA, Malalasekera, W, Dent, JC (1994) The Numerical Study of High Momentum Reactive Jets. In Acharya, S, Annamalai, K, Presser, C, Skocypec, eds, RD (ed) Proceedings of ASME 1994 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Chicago, USA, pp.89-98, ISBN: 0-7918-1418-1.

Beeri, Z, Blunsdon, CA, Malalasekera, W, Dent, JC (1994) Modelling of High Momentum Reactive Jets. In Acharya, S, Annamalai, K, Presser, C, Skocypec, eds, RD (ed) Fire Combustion and Hazardous Waste Processing, ASME 1994 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Chicago, IL, USA, pp.89-98, ISBN: 0-7918-1418-1.

Malalasekera, W, James, EH, Tayali, NE, Lee, LEK (1993) Flow and Heat Transfer in the Secondary Heat Exchanger of a Condensing Boiler. In Modest, MFEAE (ed) General Papers in Heat Transfer - Natural and Forced Convection. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 29th National Heat Transfer Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, pp.83-92, ISBN: 0-7918-1150-6.

Blunsdon, CA, Dent, JC, Malalasekera, W (1993) Modelling Infrared Radiation from the Combustion Products in a Spark Ignition Engine. In Proceeding SAE Fuels & Lubricants Meeting and Exposition, Philadelphia, USA, pp.1-9.

Blunsdon, CA, Malalasekera, W, Dent, JC (1992) Application of the Discrete Transfer Model of Thermal Radiation in a CFD Simulation of Diesel Engine Combustion and Heat Transfer. In International Fuel and Lubricants Meeting and Exposition, SAE Conference, San Francisco, California, USA, Paper 922305.


Versteeg, HK and Malalasekera, W (2011) An Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics (数値流体力学),ISBN: 9784627919723.

VERSTEEG, HK and Malalasekera, (2010) An Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics: The Finite Volume Method (전산유체 따라잡기),ISBN: 9788972838838.

Versteeg, HK and Malalasekera, W (2007) An Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics: The Finite Volume Method, Second Edition, Pearson Education, ISBN: 978-0-13-127498-3.

Versteeg, HK and Malalasekera, W (1995) An Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics : The Finite Volume Method, Longman Scientific and Technical, ISBN: 0-582-21884-5.

Versteeg, and Malalasekera, (1995) An Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics The Finite Volume Method, 2/e, Pearson Education India, ISBN: 9788131720486.

CD Objects

Odedra, AB and Malalasekera, W (2005) Assessment of Turbulence Models for the Prediction of turbulent Non-premixed Swirling Flows,.

Versteeg, HK, Henson, JC, Malalasekera, W (2001) A Comparison of Convergence and Error Estimates for the Monte Carlo and Discrete Transfer Methods,Begell House.


Acar, M, Malalasekera, W, Hossain, M (2005) Modelling of Airflow and Heat Transfer in the Through-air Bonding Process (02-60), Semi Annual Program Review Report, p.12, Nonwovens Cooperative Research Center, Raleigh, N.C, USA.

Acar, M, Malalasekera, W, Hossain, M (2005) Modelling of Airflow and Heat Transfer in the Through-Air bonding Process (02-60), Semi Annual Program Review Report, p.13, Nonwovens cooperative Research Center, Raleigh, NC, USA.

Acar, M, Malalasekera, W, Hossain, M (2004) Modeling of Airflow and Heat Transfer in the Through-Air Bonding Process (02-60), Semi Annual Program Review Report, p.23, Nonwovens Cooperative Research Center, Raleigh, NC, USA.

Acar, M, Malalasekera, W, Hossain, M (2004) Modeling of Airflow and Heat Transfer in the Through-Air Bonding Process (02-60), p.18, Nonwovens Cooperative Research Center, Raleigh, NC, Semi Annual Program Review Report.

Acar, M, Malalasekera, W, Hossain, M (2003) Modeling of Airflow and Heat Transfer in the Through-Air Bonding Process (02-60), p.19, Nonwovens Cooperative Research Center, Raleigh, NC, Semi Annual Program Review.

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