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Loughborough University Research Publications

Publications for Krzysztof Cipora

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Journal Articles

Roth, L, Caffier, J, Reips, U-D, Cipora, K, Braun, L, Nuerk, H-C (2025) True colors SNARC: Semantic number processing is highly automatic, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, ISSN: 0278-7393. DOI: 10.1037/xlm0001431.

Roth, L, Caffier, J, Reips, U-D, Nuerk, H-C, Overlander, AT, Cipora, K (2025) One and only SNARC? Spatial-Numerical Associations are not fully flexible and depend on both relative and absolute number magnitude, Royal Society Open Science, 12, 241585, ISSN: 2054-5703. DOI: 10.1098/rsos.241585.

Loenneker, HD, Cipora, K, Artemenko, C, Soltanlou, M, Bellon, E, De Smedt, B, García-Orza, J, Giantouli, V, Gutiérrez-Cordero, I, Lipowska, K, van Dijck, J-P, Yao, X, Nuerk, H-C, Huber, JF (2025) Math4Speed - a freely available measure of arithmetic fluency, Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology, ISSN: 1196-1961. DOI: 10.1037/cep0000347.

Bulut, M, Roth, L, Bahreini, N, Cipora, K, Reips, UD, Nuerk, H-C (2024) One direction? Cultural aspects of the mental number line beyond reading direction, Psychological Research, 89(1), 37, ISSN: 0340-0727. DOI: 10.1007/s00426-024-02038-4.

Roth, L, Huber, JF, Kronenthaler, S, van Dijck, J-P, Cipora, K, Butz, MV, Nuerk, H-C (2024) Looks like SNARC spirit: coexistence of short- and long-term associations between letters and space, Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, ISSN: 1747-0218.

Cipora, K, Lunardon, M, Masson, N, Georges, C, Nuerk, H-C, Artemenko, C (2024) The AMATUS dataset: arithmetic performance, mathematics anxiety and attitudes in primary school teachers and university students, Journal of Open Psychology Data, 12(1), 10, DOI: 10.5334/jopd.115.

Roth, L, Jordan, V, Schwarz, S, Willmes, K, Nuerk, H-C, van Dijck, J-P, Cipora, K (2024) Don't SNARC me now! Intraindividual variability of cognitive phenomena – insights from the Ironman paradigm, Cognition, 248, 105781, ISSN: 0010-0277. DOI: 10.1016/j.cognition.2024.105781.

Hohol, M, Szymanek, P, Cipora, K (2024) Analogue magnitude representation of angles and its relation to geometric expertise, Scientific Reports, 14, 8997, ISSN: 2045-2322. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-59521-6.

Krajcsi, A, Chesney, D, Cipora, K, Coolen, I, Gilmore, C, Inglis, M, Libertus, M, Nuerk, H-C, Simms, V, Reynvoet, B (2024) Measuring the acuity of the approximate number system in young children, Developmental Review, 72, 101131, ISSN: 0273-2297. DOI: 10.1016/j.dr.2024.101131.

Farshad, M, Artemenko, C, Cipora, K, Svaldi, J, Schroeder, PA (2024) Regional specificity of cathodal transcranial direct current stimulation effects on spatial–numerical associations: comparison of four stimulation sites, Journal of Neuroscience Research, 102(2), e25304, ISSN: 0360-4012. DOI: 10.1002/jnr.25304.

Rossi, S, Xenidou-Dervou, I, Cipora, K (2023) Emotions and mathematics: anxiety profiles and their influence on arithmetic performance in university students, Royal Society Open Science, 10(10), 230861, DOI: 10.1098/rsos.230861.

Cipora, K, Gashaj, V, Gridley, AS, Soltanlou, M, Nuerk, H-C (2023) Cultural similarities and specificities of finger counting and montring: evidence from Amazon Tsimane’ people, Acta Psychologica, 239, 104009, ISSN: 0001-6918. DOI: 10.1016/j.actpsy.2023.104009.

Cipora, K and Nuerk, H-C (2023) What the Attentional-SNARC and its (null) replications can and cannot tell us, Meta-Psychology, 7, MP.2020.2598, DOI: 10.15626/MP.2020.2598.

Haman, M, Lipowska, K, Soltanlou, M, Cipora, K, Domahs, F, Nuerk, H-C (2023) The plural counts: Inconsistent grammatical number hinders numerical development in pre-schoolers — a cross-linguistic study, Cognition, 235, pp.1-16, ISSN: 0010-0277. DOI: 10.1016/j.cognition.2023.105383.

Koch, NN, Huber, JF, Lohmann, J, Cipora, K, Butz, MV, Nuerk, H-C (2023) Mental number representations are spatially mapped both by their magnitudes and ordinal positions, Collabra: Psychology, 9(1), DOI: 10.1525/collabra.67908.

Hohol, M, Wołoszyn, K, Cipora, K (2022) No fingers, no SNARC? Neither the finger counting starting hand, nor its stability robustly affect the SNARC effect, Acta Psychologica, 230(2022), DOI: 10.1016/j.actpsy.2022.103765.

Rossi, S, Xenidou-Dervou, I, Simsek, E, Artemenko, C, Daroczy, G, Nuerk, H-C, Cipora, K (2022) Mathematics-gender stereotype endorsement influences mathematics anxiety, self-concept, and performance differently in men and women, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1513(1), pp.121-139, ISSN: 0077-8923. DOI: 10.1111/nyas.14779.

Batashvili, M, Cipora, K, Hunt, TE (2022) Measurement of mathematics anxiety in an Israeli adult population, Journal of Numerical Cognition, 8(1), pp.148-165, DOI: 10.5964/jnc.6531.

Cipora, K, Santos, FH, Kucian, K, Dowker, A (2022) Mathematics anxiety––where are we and where shall we go?, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1513(1), pp.10-20, ISSN: 0077-8923. DOI: 10.1111/nyas.14770.

van Dijck, J-P, Fias, W, Cipora, K (2022) Spatialization in working memory and its relation to math anxiety, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1512(1), pp.192-202, ISSN: 0077-8923. DOI: 10.1111/nyas.14765.

Artemenko, C, Masson, N, Georges, C, Nuerk, H-C, Cipora, K (2021) Not all elementary school teachers are scared of math, Journal of Numerical Cognition, 7(3), pp.275-294, ISSN: 2363-8761. DOI: 10.5964/jnc.6063.

Bahnmueller, J, Cipora, K, Göbel, SM, Nuerk, H-C, Soltanlou, M (2021) Pick the smaller number: no influence of linguistic markedness on three-digit number processing, Journal of Numerical Cognition, 7(3), ISSN: 2363-8761. DOI: 10.5964/jnc.6057.

Cipora, K and Soltanlou, M (2021) Editorial: Direct and conceptual replication in numerical cognition, Journal of Numerical Cognition, 7(3), pp.240-247, ISSN: 2363-8761. DOI: 10.5964/jnc.7799.

Guida, A, Mosinski, F, Cipora, K, Mathy, F, Noel, Y (2020) Spatialization in working memory: can individuals reverse the cultural direction of their thoughts?, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1477(1), pp.113-125, ISSN: 0077-8923. DOI: 10.1111/nyas.14499.

Bahnmueller, J, Nuerk, H-C, Cipora, K (2020) Forty-two or two-and-forty: learning maths in different languages, Frontiers for Young Minds, 8, 84, ISSN: 2296-6846. DOI: 10.3389/frym.2020.00084.

Hohol, M, Willmes, K, Nęcka, E, Brożek, B, Nuerk, H-C, Cipora, K (2020) Professional mathematicians do not differ from others in the symbolic numerical distance and size effects, Scientific Reports, 10, 11531, ISSN: 2045-2322. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-68202-z.

Colling, LJ, Szűcs, D, De Marco, D, Cipora, K, Ulrich, R, Nuerk, H-C, Soltanlou, M, Bryce, D, Chen, S-C, Schroeder, PA, Henare, DT, Chrystall, CK, Corballis, PM, Ansari, D, Goffin, C, Sokolowski, HM, Hancock, PJB, Millen, AE, Langton, SRH, Holmes, KJ, Saviano, MS, Tummino, TA, Lindemann, O, Zwaan, RA, Lukavský, J, Becková, A, Vranka, MA, Cutini, S, Mammarella, IC, Mulatti, C, Bell, R, Buchner, A, Mieth, L, Röer, JP, Klein, E, Huber, S, Moeller, K, Ocampo, B, Lupiáñez, J, Ortiz-Tudela, J, de la Fuente, J, Santiago, J, Ouellet, M, Hubbard, EM, Toomarian, EY, Job, R, Treccani, B, McShane, BB (2020) Registered Replication Report on Fischer, Castel, Dodd, and Pratt (2003), Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, ISSN: 2515-2459. DOI: 10.1177/2515245920903079.

He, Y, Nuerk, H-C, Derksen, A, Shi, J, Zhou, X, Cipora, K (2020) A gifted SNARC? Directional spatial-numerical associations in gifted children with high-level math skills do not differ from controls, Psychological Research, 85(4), pp.1645-1661, ISSN: 0340-0727. DOI: 10.1007/s00426-020-01354-9.

Cipora, K, He, Y, Nuerk, H-C (2020) The spatial numerical association of response codes effect and math skills: why related?, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1477(1), pp.5-19, ISSN: 0077-8923. DOI: 10.1111/nyas.14355.

Cipora, K, Haman, M, Domahs, F, Nuerk, H-C (2020) Editorial: On the Development of Space-Number Relations: Linguistic and Cognitive Determinants, Influences, and Associations, Frontiers in Psychology, 11, DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00182.

Schroeder, PA, Artemenko, C, Cipora, K, Svaldi, J (2019) Regional specificity of cathodal transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) effects on spatial-numerical associations: Comparison of four stimulation sites, Journal of Neuroscience Research, 98(4), pp.655-667, ISSN: 0360-4012. DOI: 10.1002/jnr.24559.

Cipora, K, Soltanlou, M, Smaczny, S, Göbel, SM, Nuerk, H-C (2019) Automatic place-value activation in magnitude-irrelevant parity judgement, Psychological Research, 85, pp.777-792, ISSN: 0340-0727. DOI: 10.1007/s00426-019-01268-1.

Heubner, L, Cipora, K, Soltanlou, M, Schlenker, ML, Lipowska, K, Göbel, SM, Domahs, F, Haman, M, Nuerk, H-C (2019) Corrigendum: A mental odd-even continuum account: Some numbers may be “more odd” than others and some numbers may be “more even” than others (Front. Psychol. 9, 1081, (2018) 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01081), Frontiers in Psychology, 10(AUG), ARTN 1860, ISSN: 1664-1078. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01860.

Cipora, K, Soltanlou, M, Reips, UD, Nuerk, HC (2019) The SNARC and MARC effects measured online: Large-scale assessment methods in flexible cognitive effects, Behavior Research Methods, 51(4), pp.1676-1692, ISSN: 1554-351X. DOI: 10.3758/s13428-019-01213-5.

Hohol, M, Wołoszyn, K, Nuerk, H-C, Cipora, K (2018) A large-scale survey on finger counting routines, their temporal stability and flexibility in educated adults, PeerJ, 6, e5878, DOI: 10.7717/peerj.5878.

Heubner, L, Cipora, K, Soltanlou, M, Schlenker, ML, Lipowska, K, Göbel, SM, Domahs, F, Haman, M, Nuerk, H-C (2018) A mental odd-even continuum account: Some numbers may be "more odd" than others and some numbers may be "more even" than others, Frontiers in Psychology, 9(JUN), ARTN 1081, ISSN: 1664-1078. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01081.

Cipora, K, Willmes, K, Szwarc, A, Nuerk, H-C (2018) Norms and validation of the online and paper-and-pencil versions of the Abbreviated Math Anxiety Scale (AMAS) for Polish adolescents and adults, Journal of Numerical Cognition, 3(3), pp.667-693, DOI: 10.5964/jnc.v3i3.121.

Cipora, K and Wood, G (2017) Finding the SNARC instead of hunting it: A 20*20 monte carlo investigation, Frontiers in Psychology, 8(JUL), ARTN 1194, ISSN: 1664-1078. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01194.

Hohol, M, Cipora, K, Willmes, K, Nuerk, H-C (2017) Bringing back the balance: Domain-general processes are also important in numerical cognition, Frontiers in Psychology, 8(MAR), ARTN 499, ISSN: 1664-1078. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00499.

Cipora, K, Szczygieł, M, Willmes, K, Nuerk, H-C (2015) Math anxiety assessment with the Abbreviated Math Anxiety Scale: Applicability and usefulness: Insights from the Polish adaptation, Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 1833, ISSN: 1664-1078. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01833.

Cipora, K, Patro, K, Nuerk, H-C (2015) Are spatial-numerical associations a cornerstone for arithmetic learning? The lack of genuine correlations suggests no, Mind, Brain, and Education, 9(4), pp.190-206, ISSN: 1751-2271. DOI: 10.1111/mbe.12093.

Cipora, K, Hohol, M, Nuerk, H-C, Willmes, K, Brożek, B, Kucharzyk, B, Nęcka, E (2015) Professional mathematicians differ from controls in their spatial-numerical associations, Psychological Research, 80(4), pp.710-726, ISSN: 0340-0727. DOI: 10.1007/s00426-015-0677-6.

Cipora, K and Nuerk, H-C (2013) Is the SNARC effect related to the level of mathematics? No systematic relationship observed despite more power, more repetitions, and more direct assessment of arithmetic skill, Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 66(10), pp.1974-1991, ISSN: 1747-0218. DOI: 10.1080/17470218.2013.772215.


Cipora, K, Artemenko, C, Nuerk, H-C (2019) Different ways to measure math anxiety. In Dowker, ICMSCA (ed) Mathematics Anxiety: What Is Known and What Is Still to Be Understood, Taylor and Francis, pp.20-41, ISBN: 9780367190330.

Cipora, K, Schroeder, PA, Soltanlou, M, Nuerk, H-C (2018) More space, better mathematics: is space a powerful tool or a cornerstone for understanding arithmetic?. In Battista, KSMMT (ed) Visualizing Mathematics: The Role of Spatial Reasoning in Mathematical Thought, Springer, pp.77-116, ISBN: 9783319987668. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-98767-5_4.

Cipora, K, Schroeder, PA, Nuerk, H-C (2018) On the multitude of mathematics skills: spatial-numerical associations and geometry skill?. In Battista, KSMMT (ed) Visualizing Mathematics: The Role of Spatial Reasoning in Mathematical Thought, Springer, pp.361-370, ISBN: 9783319987668. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-98767-5_18.

Cipora, K, Patro, K, Nuerk, H-C (2018) Situated influences on spatial-numerical associations. In Hubbard, TL (ed) Spatial Biases in Perception and Cognition, Cambridge University Press, pp.41-59, ISBN: 9781107154988. DOI: 10.1017/9781316651247.

Cipora, K, Patro, K, Nuerk, H-C (Accepted for publication) Situated Influences on Spatial–Numerical Associations. In Spatial Biases in Perception and Cognition, Cambridge University Press, pp.41-59, DOI: 10.1017/9781316651247.004.

Internet Publications

Cipora, K (Accepted for publication) CEML data management policy.

Cipora, K (Accepted for publication) CEML Variable Dictionary Template.

Cipora, K (Accepted for publication) CEML Variable Dictionary.


Cipora, K (2023) CEML Data Policy - training video.


University, L, University, DM, Leicester, TUO, Thomas, M, Cipora, K, Rossi, S, Sanders, T, Egbetokun, A, Skelly, L (Accepted for publication) Open Research Week 2024: Wednesday, 28 February, Open Data, Synthetic data / Dr Krzysztof Cipora, Lecturer in Mathematical Cognition & Dr Serena Rossi, Research Associate, Loughborough University Krzysztof Cipora, Lecturer in Mathematical Cognition, Centre for Mathematical Cognition, Loughborough University. His background is in cognitive psychology. After completing his PhD in Cracow, Poland worked as a Post-Doc at University of Tuebingen, Germany, where he got interested in Open Research. In 2020 he joined Loughborough University as a Lecturer. He serves as an Open Research Lead of the School of Science at Loughborough. Serena Rossi, Research Associate at the Centre for Mathematical Cognition, Loughborough University. I obtained an undergraduate and master’s degree in Developmental and Educational Psychology, at the University of Padova (Italy). I joined Loughborough University (Centre for Mathematical Cognition) for my PhD which I completed in 2023. During my PhD, I started following Open Research principles (e.g, preregistration, sharing scripts and synthetic datasets) and I had the opportunity to share my experience on several occasions. Open Research and data sharing / Prof. Teela Sanders, College Dean of Research & Enterprise, College of Social Sciences, Arts & Humanities, University of LeicesterProfessor Teela Sanders’ research sits on the borders of criminology and sociology, exploring the inter-relationship between gender, sexuality and socio-legal structures. I have expertise in relation to police, law enforcement and violence and have been appointed the academic lead for the National Police Chief Council Sex Work and Policing working group since 2018. I work with the National Crime Agency, Ofcom and input research evidence into parliamentary processes to promote safety, working conditions and partnership work. Recent projects include working with sex workers during the Covid 19 restrictions in Nairobi, delivering an AHRC project on modern slavery and sexual exploitation online and an ongoing 4 year project on sexual violence in sex working populations across three continents. All of my work involves people with lived experiences and grassroots organisations at the heart of design, delivery and dissemination. She is currently working in a research leadership position as the Dean for Research and Enterprise for the College of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities, specifically involved in supporting 11 research centres in the College, leading on the research strategy and Panel C & D for the REF2029. Dismantling the helicopter: Open Data as a pathway to overcoming helicopter science / Dr Abiodun Egbetokun, Senior Lecturer in Business and Management, De Montfort UniversityAbiodun Egbetokun is a Senior Lecturer in Business Management at De Montfort University in Leicester, United Kingdom. He also maintains affiliation with Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa and the National Centre for Technology Management, Nigeria. Abiodun's rich multidisciplinary background includes degrees in Engineering, Technology Management, and Economics. He applies advanced microeconometric methods to data from developing countries, designing and implementing household and firm-level surveys, including Nigeria's official science, technology, and innovation (STI) surveys and the longest-standing data collection effort on undergraduate entrepreneurship in Nigeria. His expertise spans nearly two decades, during which he has advised governments and international development partners on issues related to innovation, entrepreneurship, employment, poverty reduction, private sector development, public policy, and sustainable development. His work has been sought after by several multilateral development organizations, including UNIDO, GIZ, and the African Union Commission. Notably, he served as President (2019-2021) of the Nigerian Young Academy and as a Science Advice Policy Fellow (2019) of the US National Science Foundation. As an AuthorAID and Development Studies Association (DSA) mentor, Abiodun actively supports early career researchers in developing countries. .

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