Journal Articles
Day, J, Ganesh, V, Grewal, N, Konefal, M, Manea, F (2023)
A closer look at the expressive power of logics based on word equations,
Theory of Computing Systems, 68(3), ISSN: 1432-4350. DOI:
Berzish, M,
Day, J, Ganesh, V, Kulczynski, M, Manea, F, Mora, F, Nowotka, D (2023)
Towards more efficient methods for solving regular-expression heavy string constraints,
Theoretical Computer Science, 943, pp.50-72, ISSN: 0304-3975. DOI:
Day, JD and Reidenbach, D (2022)
Unambiguous injective morphisms in free groups,
Information and Computation, ISSN: 0890-5401. DOI:
Day, J and Manea, F (2021)
On the structure of solution-sets to regular word equations,
Theory of Computing Systems, 68(August), pp.662-739, ISSN: 1432-4350. DOI:
Day, J, Fleischmann, P, Manea, F, Nowotka, D (2020)
Equations enforcing repetitions under permutations,
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 285, pp.61-78, ISSN: 0166-218X. DOI:
Day, J, Reidenbach, D, Schmid, ML (2016)
Closure properties of pattern languages,
Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 84, pp.11-31, ISSN: 0022-0000. DOI:
Day, J, Reidenbach, D, Schneider, JC (2015)
Periodicity forcing words,
Theoretical Computer Science, ISSN: 0304-3975. DOI:
Day, J, Reidenbach, D, Schneider, JC (2014)
On the dual post correspondence problem,
International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, 25(8), pp.1033-1048, ISSN: 0129-0541. DOI:
Bell, O,
Day, JD, Freydenberger, D (2025) Array. In
ICDT: 28th International Conference on Database Theory, Barcelona, Spain.
Lu, ZJ, Siemer, S, Jha, P,
Day, J, Manea, F, Ganesh, V (2024)
Layered and staged Monte Carlo Tree Search for SMT strategy synthesis. In
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), Jeju, South Korea.
Day, J, Ganesh, V, Grewal, N, Manea, F (2023)
On the expressive power of string constraints. In
50th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL 2023); Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages, Boston, Massachusetts, United States, pp.278-308, DOI:
Day, JD, Kosche, M, Manea, F, Schmid, ML (2022)
Subsequences with Gap Constraints: Complexity Bounds for Matching and Analysis Problems. In
, Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, LIPIcs. DOI:
Day, JD (2022)
Word Equations in the Context of String Solving. In
, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), pp.13-32, DOI:
Berzish, M, Kulczynski, M, Mora, F, Manea, F,
Day, J, Nowotka, D, Ganesh, V (2021)
An SMT solver for regular expressions and linear arithmetic over string length. In Silva, A and Leino, KRM (ed)
33rd International Conference on Computer-Aided Verification (CAV 2021); Computer Aided Verification, Online, pp.289-312, ISBN: 9783030816872. DOI:
Day, J, Fleischmann, P, Kosche, M, Koss, T, Manea, F, Siemer, S (2021)
The edit distance to k-subsequence universality. In Bläser, M and Monmege, B (ed)
38th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS); 38th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS 2021), ELECTR NETWORK, pp.1-25, ISBN: 9783959771801. DOI:
Berzish, M,
Day, J, Ganesh, V, Kulczynski, M, Manea, F, Mora, F, Nowotka, D (2021)
String Theories Involving Regular Membership Predicates: From Practice to Theory and Back. In
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), pp.50-64, ISBN: 9783030850876. DOI:
Day, JD, Kulczynski, M, Manea, F, Nowotka, D, Poulsen, DB (2020)
Rule-based word equation solving. In
, Proceedings - 2020 IEEE/ACM 8th International Conference on Formal Methods in Software Engineering, FormaliSE 2020, pp.87-97, DOI:
Day, J and Manea, F (2020)
On the structure of solution sets to regular word equations. In Czumaj, A, Dawar, A, Merelli, E (ed)
47th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP 2020), Saarbrücken, Germany,ISBN: 9783959771382. DOI:
Day, J, Ehlers, T, Kulczynski, M, Manea, F, Nowotka, D, Poulsen, DB (2019)
On solving word equations using SAT. In Filiot, E, Jungers, R, Potapov, I (ed)
International Conference on Reachability Problems (RP 2019); Reachability Problems, Brussels, Belgium, pp.93-106, ISBN: 9783030308056. DOI:
Day, JD, Manea, F, Nowotka, D (2019)
Upper bounds on the length of minimal solutions to certain quadratic word equations. In
, Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, LIPIcs. DOI:
Day, J, Fleischmann, P, Manea, F, Nowotka, D (2019)
k-spectra of weakly-c-balanced words. In Hofman, P and Skrzypczak, M (ed)
International Conference on Developments in Language Theory (DLT 2019); Developments in Language Theory, Warsaw, Poland, pp.265-277, ISBN: 9783030248857. DOI:
Casel, K,
Day, JD, Fleischmann, P, Kociumaka, T, Manea, F, Schmid, ML (2019) Graph and string parameters: Connections between pathwidth, cutwidth and the locality number. In
, Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, LIPIcs.
Day, J, Ganesh, V, He, P, Manea, F, Nowotka, D (2018)
The Satisfiability of Word Equations: Decidable and Undecidable Theories. In Potapov, I and Reynier, P-A (ed)
International Conference on Reachability Problems, Marseille, France. DOI:
Day, J, Manea, F, Nowotka, D, Fleischmann, P, Schmid, ML (2018)
On Matching Generalised Repetitive Patterns. In Seki, S and Hoshi, M (ed)
International Conference on Developments in Language Theory, Tokyo, Japan. DOI:
Day, J, Fleischmann, P, Manea, F, Nowotka, D (2018)
Local Patterns. In
37th IARCS Annual Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science, Kanpur, India. DOI:
Day, J, Manea, F, Nowotka, D (2017)
The hardness of solving simple word equations. In
42nd International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS 2017), Aalborg, Denmark, pp.1-18, ISBN: 9783959770460. DOI:
Day, J, Manea, F, Fleischmann, P, Nowotka, D (2017)
Equations Enforcing Repetitions Under Permutations. In Brlek, S, Dolce, F, Vandomme, É, Reutenauer, C (ed)
International Conference on Combinatorics on Words, Montreal, Canada. DOI:
Day, JD and Reidenbach, D (2015)
Ambiguity of Morphisms in a Free Group. In
10th International Conference on Words, WORDS 2015, Kiel, Germany, pp.97-108, ISBN: 978-3-319-23659-9. DOI:
Day, J, Reidenbach, D, Schmid, ML (2014)
Closure properties of pattern languages. In
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), pp.279-290, ISBN: 9783319096971. DOI:
Day, J, Reidenbach, D, Schneider, JC (2013)
Periodicity forcing words. In
,ISBN: 9783642405785. DOI:
Day, J, Reidenbach, D, Schneider, JC (2013)
On the dual post correspondence problem. In
,ISBN: 9783642387708. DOI: