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Leicestershire, UK
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Loughborough University

Loughborough University Research Publications

Publications for Christopher Shore

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Journal Articles

Foster, C, Francome, T, Shore, C, Hewitt, D, Sangwin, C (2024) Priority of operations: Necessary or arbitrary?, For the Learning of Mathematics, 44(2), pp.24-26, ISSN: 0228-0671.

Foster, C, Francome, T, Shore, C (2024) Trigonometry without SOHCAHTOA, Mathematics in School, 53(3), pp.8-11, ISSN: 0305-7259.

Foster, C, Woollacott, B, Francome, T, Shore, C, Peters, C, Morley, H (2024) Challenges in applying principles from cognitive science to the design of a school mathematics curriculum, The Curriculum Journal, 35(3), pp.489-513, ISSN: 0958-5176. DOI: 10.1002/curj.249.

Shore, C, Francome, T, Foster, C (2023) The sheer delight of shearing, Mathematics in School, 52(4), pp.32-34, ISSN: 0305-7259.

Foster, C, Francome, T, Hewitt, D, Shore, C (2022) What is a fraction?, Mathematics in School, 51(5), pp.25-27, ISSN: 0305-7259.

Shore, C (2022) Variation, technology and Newton Raphson, Mathematics Teaching, 280, pp.44-47, ISSN: 0025-5785.

Foster, C, Francome, T, Hewitt, D, Shore, C (2021) Principles for the design of a fully-resourced, coherent, research-informed school mathematics curriculum, Journal of Curriculum Studies, 53(5), pp.621-641, ISSN: 0022-0272. DOI: 10.1080/00220272.2021.1902569.


Francome, T, Peters, C, Shore, C, Foster, C (2024) Loughborough University Mathematics Education Network (LUMEN) Mathematics Curriculum (Years 7-9), Loughborough University.

Getting in touch

Research Office
Loughborough University
LE11 3TU
+44 (0)1509 222453