Journal Articles
Foster, C (2025)
Rationalising all kinds of denominators,
Mathematics in School, 54(1), pp.13-15, ISSN: 0305-7259.
Foster, C (2025)
Venn diagrams for probability [Maths problem],
Teach Secondary, 14(1), pp.69-69.
Foster, C (2025)
Ready for anything,
Teach Secondary, 14(1), pp.22-23.
Proshkin, V and
Foster, C (2025)
Challenges faced by Ukrainian students learning mathematics in UK schools,
Cambridge Journal of Education, 55(1), pp.39-71, ISSN: 0305-764X. DOI:
Foster, C (2024)
Embrace your flaws,
Teach Secondary, 13(8), pp.56-57.
Foster, C (2024)
Bar charts versus pie charts [Maths problem],
Teach Secondary, 13(8), pp.10-10.
Foster, C (2024)
Say it again,
Teach Secondary, 13(9), pp.66-67.
Foster, C (2024)
Lower and upper bounds [Maths problem],
Teach Secondary, 13(9), pp.21-21.
Foster, C and Renie, P (2024)
Changes in students’ confidence calibration across a sequence of low-stakes confidence assessments,
Asian Journal for Mathematics Education, 3(4), pp.406-427, ISSN: 2752-7263. DOI:
Foster, C (2024)
Integral from a shear-like transformation of a circle,
The Mathematical Gazette, 108(573), pp.541-542, ISSN: 0025-5572. DOI:
Foster, C (2024)
Questions pupils ask: Why aren't square roots additive?,
Mathematics in School, 53(5), pp.29-31, ISSN: 0305-7259.
Foster, C (2024)
Terminal digits and prime numbers,
Mathematics in School, 53(5), pp.8-9, ISSN: 0305-7259.
Foster, C (2024)
Teaching Note : ∫π0 sin2 θ dθ from a shear-like transformation of a circle,
Mathematical Gazette, 108(573), pp.541-542, ISSN: 0025-5572. DOI:
Foster, C (2024)
Having fun being wrong,
Mathematics Teaching, 293(October), pp.23-23, ISSN: 0025-5785.
Foster, C (2024)
Know your limits,
Teach Secondary, 13(7), pp.34-35.
Foster, C (2024)
Adding and subtracting numbers in standard form [Maths problem],
Teach Secondary, 13(7), pp.21-21.
Kinnear, G, Hood, G, Lardet, E, Sheard, C,
Foster, C (2024)
Lecturers' use of questions in undergraduate mathematics lectures,
The Journal of Mathematical Behavior, ISSN: 0732-3123. DOI:
Foster, C (2024)
Speed calculations [Maths problem],
Teach Secondary, 13(6), pp.55-55.
Foster, C and Trundley, R (2024)
Adapting lesson study for early years practitioners,
International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies, 13(3), pp.225-231, ISSN: 2046-8253. DOI:
Foster, C, Francome, T, Shore, C, Hewitt, D, Sangwin, C (2024)
Priority of operations: Necessary or arbitrary?,
For the Learning of Mathematics, 44(2), pp.24-26, ISSN: 0228-0671.
Foster, C (2024)
When good is better than perfect,
Teach Secondary, 13(5), pp.22-23.
Foster, C (2024)
Mixed numbers when combining fractions [Maths Problem],
Teach Secondary, 13(5), pp.55-55.
Inglis, M,
Foster, C, Lortie-Forgues, H, Stokoe, E (2024)
British education research and its quality: An analysis of Research Excellence Framework submissions,
British Educational Research Journal, 50(5), pp.2495-2518, ISSN: 0141-1926. DOI:
Foster, C (2024)
Go below the surface,
Teach Secondary, 13(4), pp.68-69.
Foster, C (2024)
Inequality signs turning round [Maths problem],
Teach Secondary, 13(4), pp.21-21.
Foster, C, Francome, T, Shore, C (2024)
Trigonometry without SOHCAHTOA,
Mathematics in School, 53(3), pp.8-11, ISSN: 0305-7259.
Foster, C (2024)
Expanding pairs of brackets [Maths problem],
Teach Secondary, 13(3), pp.21-21.
Foster, C (2024)
Minimalist approaches to teaching trigonometry,
Mathematics in School, 53(2), pp.20-24, ISSN: 0305-7259.
Foster, C (2024)
Failing to see both sides,
Mathematics Teaching, 290, pp.10-11, ISSN: 0025-5785.
Foster, C (2024)
The power of framing,
Teach Secondary, 13(2), pp.52-53.
Foster, C (2024)
The peer-review process,
International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 55(1), pp.1-3, ISSN: 0020-739X. DOI:
Foster, C, Woollacott, B, Francome, T, Shore, C, Peters, C, Morley, H (2024)
Challenges in applying principles from cognitive science to the design of a school mathematics curriculum,
The Curriculum Journal, 35(3), pp.489-513, ISSN: 0958-5176. DOI:
Foster, C (2024)
Trigonometry in right-angled triangles [Maths problem],
Teach Secondary, 13(2), pp.21-21.
Foster, C (2024)
The quadratic formula [Maths problem],
Teach Secondary, 13(1), pp.21-21.
Foster, C (2024)
More than a feeling,
Teach Secondary, 13(1), pp.70-71.
Foster, C (2024)
In favour of the Euclidean Algorithm,
Mathematics in School, 53(1), pp.24-26, ISSN: 0305-7259.
Foster, C (2023)
Improving educational design by comparing alternatives,
Mathematics Teaching, 289, pp.14-18, ISSN: 0025-5785.
Foster, C (2023)
Unconvincing proofs: the sum of a geometric sequence,
Scottish Mathematical Council Journal, 53, pp.62-64, ISSN: 2515-1347.
Foster, C (2023)
Perpendicular gradients [Maths problem],
Teach Secondary, 12(8), pp.13-13.
Hodgen, J,
Foster, C, Brown, M, Martin, D (2023)
Low-attaining secondary school mathematics students’ perspectives on recommended teaching strategies,
International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 22(6), ISSN: 1571-0068. DOI:
Foster, C (2023)
Less is more: improving by removing (the 2023 Presidential Address),
The Mathematical Gazette, 107(570), pp.385-398, ISSN: 0025-5572. DOI:
Foster, C (2023)
Finding the nth term [Maths problem],
Teach Secondary, 12(7), pp.13-13.
Foster, C (2023)
Schools of thought,
Teach Secondary, 12(6), pp.42-43.
Shore, C, Francome, T,
Foster, C (2023)
The sheer delight of shearing,
Mathematics in School, 52(4), pp.32-34, ISSN: 0305-7259.
Foster, C (2023)
Subtractive solutions,
Teach Secondary, 12(7), pp.46-47.
Foster, C (2023)
Recurring decimals [Maths problem],
Teach Secondary, 12(5), pp.13-13, ISSN: 2049-2782.
Foster, C (2023)
Less is more: Improving by removing,
Mathematics Teaching, 287, pp.7-14, ISSN: 0025-5785.
Foster, C (2023)
Perimeters of sectors [Maths problem],
Teach Secondary, 12(4), pp.13-13, ISSN: 2049-2782.
Foster, C (2023)
Questions pupils ask: Why do we divide by n-1?,
Mathematics in School, 52(3), pp.20-22, ISSN: 0305-7259.
Foster, C (2023)
Problem solving in the mathematics curriculum: from domain-general strategies to domain-specific tactics,
The Curriculum Journal, 34(4), pp.594-612, ISSN: 0958-5176. DOI:
Foster, C (2023)
Emotional preparation,
Teach Secondary, 12(5), pp.44-45, ISSN: 2049-2782.
Foster, C (2023)
Methodological pragmatism in educational research: from qualitative-quantitative to exploratory-confirmatory distinctions,
International Journal of Research & Method in Education, 47(1), pp.4-19, ISSN: 1743-727X. DOI:
Foster, C (2023)
Simultaneous equations [Maths problem],
Teach Secondary, 12(3), pp.13-13, ISSN: 2049-2782.
Foster, C (2023)
Easy when you know how,
Teach Secondary, 12(3), pp.38-39, ISSN: 2049-2782.
Foster, C (2023)
Area and volume scale factors [Maths problem],
Teach Secondary, 12(2), pp.13-13, ISSN: 2049-2782.
Foster, C (2023)
Abolish degrees!,
Mathematics in School, 52(2), pp.21-23, ISSN: 0305-7259.
Foster, C (2023)
A quotient effect size for educational interventions,
International Journal of Research and Method in Education, 46(5), pp.528-537, ISSN: 1743-727X. DOI:
Calleja, J,
Foster, C, Hodgen, J (2023)
Teachers’ structuring of mathematical inquiry lessons: shifting from “task-first” to “scaffolded inquiry”,
Research in Mathematics Education, 26(3), pp.460-493, ISSN: 1479-4802. DOI:
Foster, C (2023)
Equilateral triangles within a regular hexagon,
Symmetry Plus, 80, pp.4-4, ISSN: 1464-7060.
Foster, C (2023)
Is there any place for rote learning in mathematics?,
Mathematics Teaching, 285, pp.20-22, ISSN: 0025-5785.
Foster, C (2023)
International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 54(1), pp.1-3, ISSN: 0020-739X. DOI:
Foster, C (2023)
Significant figures [Maths problem],
Teach Secondary, 12(1), pp.13-13, ISSN: 2049-2782.
Foster, C (2023)
Learning isn't linear,
Teach Secondary, 12(1), pp.50-51, ISSN: 2049-2782.
Jones, I,
Foster, C, Hunter, J (2022)
Comparing examination standards without graded candidate scripts,
European Journal of Mathematics and Science Education, 3(2), pp.79-90, ISSN: 2694-2003. DOI:
Foster, C (2022)
Compass constructions are not methods,
Scottish Mathematical Council Journal, 52, pp.54-58, ISSN: 2515-1347.
Foster, C (2022)
Converting recurring decimals to fractions,
Scottish Mathematical Council Journal, 52, pp.68-70, ISSN: 2515-1347.
Foster, C (2022)
Unconvincing proofs: the harmonic series,
Scottish Mathematical Council Journal, 52, pp.76-78, ISSN: 2515-1347.
Foster, C (2022)
Completing the square [Maths problem],
Teach Secondary, 11(8), pp.13-13, ISSN: 2049-2782.
Foster, C (2022)
Originality is overrated,
Teach Secondary, 11(8), pp.30-31, ISSN: 2049-2782.
Foster, C (2022)
Using coherent representations of number in the school mathematics curriculum,
For the Learning of Mathematics: an international journal of mathematics education, 42(3), pp.21-27, ISSN: 0228-0671.
Foster, C (2022)
Starting with completing the square,
Mathematics in School, 51(5), pp.2-5, ISSN: 0305-7259.
Foster, C, Francome, T, Hewitt, D, Shore, C (2022)
What is a fraction?,
Mathematics in School, 51(5), pp.25-27, ISSN: 0305-7259.
Foster, C (2022)
The directionality of the equals sign,
Mathematics in School, 51(5), pp.6-7, ISSN: 0305-7259.
Foster, C (2022)
Connecting things up coherently,
Mathematics in School, 51(5), pp.8-11, ISSN: 0305-7259.
Foster, C (2022)
Are words sometimes better than formulae?,
Mathematics in School, 51(5), pp.12-14, ISSN: 0305-7259.
Foster, C (2022)
Thinking hard about easy content: Odd and even functions,
Mathematics in School, 51(5), pp.28-29, ISSN: 0305-7259.
Foster, C (2022)
The floor and ceiling functions,
Mathematics in School, 51(5), pp.30-31, ISSN: 0305-7259.
Foster, C (2022)
Making sense of proof by contradiction,
Mathematics in School, 51(5), pp.32-35, ISSN: 0305-7259.
Foster, C (2022)
Factor puzzles,
Symmetry Plus, 79, pp.4-5, ISSN: 1464-7060.
Foster, C (2022)
Adding surds [maths problem],
Teach Secondary, 11(7), pp.13-13, ISSN: 2049-2782.
Foster, C (2022)
Is it wrong to want to be liked?,
Teach Secondary, 11(7), pp.48-49, ISSN: 2049-2782.
Kinnear, G, Jones, I, Sangwin, C, Alarfaj, M, Davies, B, Fearn, S,
Foster, C, Heck, A, Henderson, K, Hunt, T, Iannone, P, Kontorovich, I, Larson, N, Lowe, T, Meyer, JC, O'Shea, A, Rowlett, P, Sikurajapathi, I, Wong, T (2022)
A collaboratively-derived research agenda for e-assessment in undergraduate mathematics,
International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, 10(1), ISSN: 2198-9745. DOI:
Foster, C (2022)
A clear account of events,
Teach Secondary, 11(6), pp.13-13, ISSN: 2049-2782.
Foster, C (2022)
Home truths,
Teach Secondary, 11(6), pp.32-33, ISSN: 2049-2782.
Foster, C and Francome, T (2022)
Diagrams not drawn accurately,
Mathematics in School, 51(4), pp.20-22, ISSN: 0305-7259.
Foster, C (2022)
Crossing out,
Mathematics in School, 51(4), pp.6-7, ISSN: 0305-7259.
Foster, C (2022)
The trouble with groupwork,
Teach Secondary, 11(5), pp.70-71, ISSN: 2049-2782.
Foster, C, Barichello, L, Bustang, B, Najjuma, R, Saralar-Aras, İ (2022)
Decolonizing educational design for school mathematics,
For the Learning of Mathematics: an international journal of mathematics education, 42(2), pp.9-14, ISSN: 0228-0671.
Foster, C (2022)
Dividing fractions,
Teach Secondary, 11(5), pp.13-13, ISSN: 2049-2782.
Foster, C (2022)
The usual suspects?,
Teach Secondary, 11(4), pp.62-63, ISSN: 2049-2782.
Foster, C (2022)
Pythagoras's Theorem,
Teach Secondary, 11(4), pp.13-13, ISSN: 2049-2782.
Foster, C (2022)
Choosing the best proofs,
Mathematics in School, 51(3), pp.2-7, ISSN: 0305-7259.
Francome, T and
Foster, C (2022)
Plenary - or just ponder?,
Mathematics Teaching, 281, pp.19-21, ISSN: 0025-5785.
Foster, C (2022)
Factors and multiples,
Teach Secondary, 11(3), pp.13-13, ISSN: 2049-2782.
Foster, C (2022)
Must feedback always be constructive?,
Teach Secondary, 11(3), pp.40-41, ISSN: 2049-2782.
Foster, C, Burkhardt, H, Schoenfeld, A (2022)
Crisis-ready educational design: The case of mathematics,
The Curriculum Journal, 33(4), pp.519-535, ISSN: 0958-5176. DOI:
Foster, C (2022)
Getting multiplication the right way round,
Mathematics in School, 51(2), pp.16-17, ISSN: 0305-7259.
Foster, C (2022)
Methods that are just mental clutter,
Mathematics in School, 51(2), pp.20-22, ISSN: 0305-7259.
Foster, C (2022)
Exterior angles,
Teach Secondary, 11(2), pp.13-13, ISSN: 2049-2782.
Foster, C (2022)
Listening is slow, reading is fast,
Teach Secondary, 11(1), pp.72-73.
Baldry, F, Mann, J, Horsman, R, Koiwa, D,
Foster, C (2022)
The use of carefully planned board work to support the productive discussion of multiple student responses in a Japanese problem-solving lesson,
Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 26(2), pp.129-153, ISSN: 1386-4416. DOI:
Foster, C (2022)
Identity crisis,
Scottish Mathematical Council Journal, 51, pp.36-37, ISSN: 2515-1347.
Foster, C (2022)
What is an angle?,
Teach Secondary, 11(1), pp.13-13, ISSN: 2049-2782.
Foster, C (2022)
Giving everything a twist,
Mathematics in School, 51(1), pp.24-25, ISSN: 0305-7259.
Foster, C (2021)
Making sense of proof by contradiction,
Scottish Mathematical Council Journal, 51, pp.74-77, ISSN: 2515-1347.
Foster, C (2021)
Multiplying makes things bigger,
Teach Secondary, 10(8), pp.13-13, ISSN: 2049-2782.
Foster, C (2021)
Assuming the worst is often for the best,
Teach Secondary, 10(7), pp.23-23.
Foster, C (2021)
Multiplying makes things bigger,
Teach Secondary, 10(8), pp.13-13, ISSN: 2049-2782.
Foster, C (2021)
Teach Secondary, 10(7), pp.13-13, ISSN: 2049-2782.
Foster, C (2021)
First things first?,
Teach Secondary, 10(6), pp.82-83, ISSN: 2049-2782.
Foster, C, Woodhead, S, Barton, C, Clark-Wilson, A (2021)
School students’ confidence when answering diagnostic questions online,
Educational Studies in Mathematics, 109(3), pp.491-521, ISSN: 0013-1954. DOI:
Foster, C (2021)
Implementing confidence assessment in low-stakes, formative mathematics assessments,
International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 20(7), pp.1411-1429, ISSN: 1571-0068. DOI:
Foster, C (2021)
Problem solving and prior knowledge,
Mathematics in School, 50(4), pp.6-8, ISSN: 0305-7259.
Foster, C (2021)
Questions pupils ask: What are 'like terms'?,
Mathematics in School, 50(4), pp.20-21, ISSN: 0305-7259.
Foster, C (2021)
Area and perimeter,
Teach Secondary, 10(6), pp.13-13, ISSN: 2049-2782.
Hodgen, J,
Foster, C, Brown, M (2021)
Low attainment in mathematics: An analysis of 60 years of policy discourse in England,
The Curriculum Journal, 33(1), pp.5-24, ISSN: 0958-5176. DOI:
Foster, C (2021)
"But I'm no good..",
Teach Secondary, 10(5), pp.58-59, ISSN: 2049-2782.
Foster, C (2021)
Understanding indices,
Teach Secondary, 10(5), pp.11-11, ISSN: 2049-2782.
Foster, C (2021)
Adding fractions,
Teach Secondary, 10(4), pp.11-11, ISSN: 2049-2782.
Foster, C (2021)
Quotative and partitive models of division,
Mathematics in School, 50(3), pp.24-25, ISSN: 0305-7259.
Foster, C, Francome, T, Hewitt, D, Shore, C (2021)
Principles for the design of a fully-resourced, coherent, research-informed school mathematics curriculum,
Journal of Curriculum Studies, 53(5), pp.621-641, ISSN: 0022-0272. DOI:
Foster, C (2021)
What's in a name?,
Teach Secondary, 10(3), pp.11-11, ISSN: 2049-2782.
Foster, C (2021)
Percentage change,
Teach Secondary, 10(2), pp.11-11, ISSN: 2049-2782.
Calleja, J,
Foster, C, Hodgen, J (2021)
Integrating ‘just-in-time’ learning in the design of mathematics professional development,
Mathematics Teacher Education and Development, 23(2), pp.79-101, ISSN: 1442-3901.
Foster, C (2021)
On hating formula triangles,
Mathematics in School, 50, pp.31-32, ISSN: 0305-7259.
Foster, C (2021)
In a spin,
Teach Secondary, 10(1), pp.11-11, ISSN: 2049-2782.
Foster, C (2020)
Tailoring the examples to the method,
Scottish Mathematical Council Journal, 50, pp.34-35, ISSN: 2515-1347.
Foster, C (2020)
Half of the sum of the others,
Scottish Mathematical Council Journal, 50, pp.47-47, ISSN: 2515-1347.
Foster, C (2020)
Differentiating inverse trigonometric functions,
Mathematics in School, 49(5), pp.10-12, ISSN: 0305-7259.
Foster, C (2020)
Number snakes,
Teach Secondary, 9(8), pp.70-71, ISSN: 2049-2782.
Foster, C (2020)
Combining square numbers,
Teach Secondary, 9(7), pp.94-95, ISSN: 2049-2782.
Foster, C (2020)
A slice of the pie,
Teach Secondary, 9(6), pp.102-103, ISSN: 2049-2782.
Foster, C and Ollerton, M (2020)
Mathematical white lies,
Mathematics Teaching, 272, pp.24-25, ISSN: 0025-5785.
Seino, T and
Foster, C (2020)
Analysis of the final comments provided by a knowledgeable other in lesson study,
Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 24(5), pp.507-528, ISSN: 1386-4416. DOI:
Marks, R,
Foster, C, Barclay, N, Barnes, A, Treacy, P (2020)
A comparative synthesis of UK mathematics education research: what are we talking about and do we align with international discourse?,
Research in Mathematics Education, 23(1), pp.39-62, ISSN: 1479-4802. DOI:
Foster, C (2020)
Trusting in patterns,
Mathematics in School, 49(3), pp.17-19, ISSN: 0305-7259.
Foster, C (2020)
Revisiting 'Four 4s',
Mathematics in School, 49(3), pp.22-23, ISSN: 0305-7259.
Foster, C (2020)
Counting out,
Teach Secondary, 9(3), pp.70-71, ISSN: 2049-2782.
Foster, C (2020)
Twice as hot?,
Mathematics in School, 49(2), pp.28-29, ISSN: 0305-7259.
Foster, C (2020)
The tethered goat,
Teach Secondary, 9(2), pp.90-91, ISSN: 2049-2782.
Foster, C and Baldry, F (2020)
Blink, and it's gone!,
Mathematics Teaching, 270, pp.12-13, ISSN: 0025-5785.
Foster, C (2020)
Statistical puzzler,
Teach Secondary, 9(1), pp.84-85, ISSN: 2049-2782.
Foster, C (2020)
Stop planning lessons!,
Teach Secondary, 9(1), pp.80-81, ISSN: 2049-2782.
Seino, T and
Foster, C (2019)
Why the details matter: Learning from Japanese Kyouzai kenkyuu,
Mathematics in School, 48(5), pp.2-8, ISSN: 0305-7259.
Foster, C (2019)
Alternative vouchers,
Teach Secondary, 8(8), pp.90-91, ISSN: 2049-2782.
Foster, C (2019)
Sine language,
Teach Secondary, 8(7), pp.92-93, ISSN: 2049-2782.
Foster, C (2019)
What's your style, sir?,
Teach Secondary, 8(7), pp.22-23, ISSN: 2049-2782.
Foster, C (2019)
Questions pupils ask: What counts as a random number?,
Mathematics in School, 48(4), pp.30-31, ISSN: 0305-7259.
Foster, C (2019)
Spider on a cuboid,
Teach Secondary, 8(6), pp.116-117, ISSN: 2049-2782.
Foster, C (2019)
Doing it with understanding,
Mathematics Teaching, 267, pp.8-10, ISSN: 0025-5785.
Foster, C (2019)
Spotting sequences,
Teach Secondary, 8(5), pp.94-95, ISSN: 2049-2782.
Foster, C (2019)
Trapezia acts,
Teach Secondary, 8(4), pp.82-83, ISSN: 2049-2782.
Foster, C (2019)
Box plots,
Teach Secondary, 8(3), pp.102-103, ISSN: 2049-2782.
Foster, C (2019)
Missing the point,
Teach Secondary, 8(2), pp.86-87, ISSN: 2049-2782.
Foster, C (2019)
The fundamental problem with teaching problem solving,
Mathematics Teaching, (265), pp.8-10, ISSN: 0025-5785.
Foster, C (2019)
Editorial [International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology],
International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 50(1), pp.1-2, ISSN: 0020-739X. DOI:
Foster, C (2019)
Armchair responses,
Mathematics in School, 48(3), pp.26-27, ISSN: 0305-7259.
Foster, C (2019)
Knowing the unknowns,
Teach Secondary, 8(1), pp.86-87, ISSN: 2049-2782.
Foster, C and Inglis, M (2018)
Mathematics teacher professional journals: what topics appear and how has this changed over time?,
International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 17(8), ISSN: 1571-0068. DOI:
Inglis, M and
Foster, C (2018)
Five Decades of Mathematics Education Research,
Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 49(4), pp.462-500, ISSN: 0021-8251. DOI:
Foster, C (2018)
Questions pupils ask: Why can’t it be distance plus time?,
Mathematics in School, 48, pp.15-17, ISSN: 0305-7259.
Foster, C (2017)
Validity in educational and psychological assessment,
Research in Mathematics Education, 19(2), pp.108-111, ISSN: 1479-4802. DOI:
Foster, C and Inglis, M (2017)
Teachers’ appraisals of adjectives relating to mathematics tasks,
Educational Studies in Mathematics, 95(3), pp.283-301, ISSN: 0013-1954. DOI:
Foster, C (2017)
Developing mathematical fluency: comparing exercises and rich tasks,
Educational Studies in Mathematics, 97(2), pp.121-141, ISSN: 0013-1954. DOI:
Foster, C and Martin, D (2016)
Two-dice horse race,
Teaching Statistics, 38(3), pp.98-101, ISSN: 0141-982X. DOI:
Foster, C (2016)
Proof Without Words: Integer Right Triangle Hypotenuses Without Pythagoras,
The College Mathematics Journal, 47(2), pp.101-101, ISSN: 0746-8342. DOI:
Foster, C (2016)
Confidence and competence with mathematical procedures,
Educational Studies in Mathematics, 91(2), pp.271-288, ISSN: 0013-1954. DOI:
Foster, C (2015)
International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 13(5), pp.1065-1088, ISSN: 1571-0068. DOI:
Foster, C (2015)
Expression Polygons,
The Mathematics Teacher, 109(1), pp.62-65, ISSN: 0025-5769. DOI:
Foster, C (2015)
Closed but provocative questions: curves enclosing unit area,
International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 46(5), pp.776-783, ISSN: 0020-739X. DOI:
Wake, G, Swan, M,
Foster, C (2015)
Professional learning through the collaborative design of problem-solving lessons,
Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 19(2-3), pp.243-260, ISSN: 1386-4416. DOI:
Foster, C and De Villiers, M (2015)
The definition of the scalar product: an analysis and critique of a classroom episode,
International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 47(5), pp.750-761, ISSN: 0020-739X. DOI:
Foster, C (2014)
98.31 Equal volumes of revolution,
The Mathematical Gazette, 98(543), pp.504-507, ISSN: 0025-5572. DOI:
Foster, C (2014)
Reviews -
How to study for a mathematics degree, by Lara Alcock, pp. 288, £12.99, ISBN 978-0-19-966132-9, Oxford University Press (2013).,
The Mathematical Gazette, 98(542), pp.377-378, ISSN: 0025-5572. DOI:
Foster, C (2014)
Confidence Trick: The Interpretation of Confidence Intervals,
Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 14(1), pp.23-34, ISSN: 1492-6156. DOI:
Foster, C (2013)
Resisting reductionism in mathematics pedagogy,
The Curriculum Journal, 24(4), pp.563-585, ISSN: 0958-5176. DOI:
Foster, C (2013)
Teaching with tasks for effective mathematics learning,
Research in Mathematics Education, 15(3), pp.309-313, ISSN: 1479-4802. DOI:
Foster, C (2013)
Mathematical études: embedding opportunities for developing procedural fluency within rich mathematical contexts,
International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 44(5), pp.765-774, ISSN: 0020-739X. DOI:
Foster, C (2012)
Creationism as a Misconception: Socio-cognitive conflict in the teaching of evolution,
International Journal of Science Education, 34(14), pp.2171-2180, ISSN: 0950-0693. DOI:
Foster, C (2012)
96.47 Squares within squares,
The Mathematical Gazette, 96(536), pp.328-331, ISSN: 0025-5572. DOI:
Foster, C (2012)
96.30 Quadratic doublets,
The Mathematical Gazette, 96(536), pp.264-266, ISSN: 0025-5572. DOI:
Foster, C (2012)
The probability distribution for a biased spinner,
Teaching Statistics, 34(1), pp.41-43, ISSN: 0141-982X. DOI:
Foster, C (2012)
96.08 Orthogonal mappings,
The Mathematical Gazette, 96(535), pp.112-115, ISSN: 0025-5572. DOI:
Foster, C (2012)
96.07 Symmetrical cubics,
The Mathematical Gazette, 96(535), pp.109-112, ISSN: 0025-5572. DOI:
Foster, C (2012)
96.19 Taking a short cut through Pascal's triangle,
The Mathematical Gazette, 96(535), pp.142-145, ISSN: 0025-5572. DOI:
Colin Foster, (2012)
Teaching Tip: How to Manipulate Test Scores,
The College Mathematics Journal, 43(2), pp.121-121, ISSN: 0746-8342. DOI:
Foster, C (2011)
A slippery slope: resolving cognitive conflict in mechanics,
Teaching Mathematics and its Applications, 30(4), pp.216-221, ISSN: 0268-3679. DOI:
Foster, C (2011)
The Significance of a Square-Root Rule,
The American Statistician, 65(4), pp.222-222, ISSN: 0003-1305. DOI:
Foster, C (2011)
Student-Generated Questions in Mathematics Teaching,
The Mathematics Teacher, 105(1), pp.26-31, ISSN: 0025-5769. DOI:
Foster, C (2011)
A comment on Schnell and Mendoza,
The Mathematical Gazette, 95(533), pp.357-357, ISSN: 0025-5572. DOI:
Foster, C (2011) Productive ambiguity in the learning of mathematics,
For the Learning of Mathematics, 31(2), pp.3-7, ISSN: 0228-0671.
Foster, C (2010)
The Mathematical Gazette, 94(530), pp.335-335, ISSN: 0025-5572. DOI:
Foster, C (2009)
Knowing Your Limitations,
Teaching Statistics, 31(2), pp.59-60, ISSN: 0141-982X. DOI:
Foster, C (2008)
92.16 Avoiding Pythagoras,
The Mathematical Gazette, 92(523), pp.110-111, ISSN: 0025-5572. DOI:
Foster, C (2008)
All my own work?,
SecEd, 2008(3), ISSN: 1479-7704. DOI:
Foster, C (2007)
Make maths sparkle,
SecEd, 2007(5), ISSN: 1479-7704. DOI:
Foster, C (2006)
Pointless compasses?,
SecEd, 2006(9), ISSN: 1479-7704. DOI:
Archibald, SC, Barden, DJ, Bazin, JFY, Fleming, I,
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Stereocontrol in Organic Synthesis Using Silicon‐Containing Compounds. Studies Directed Towards the Synthesis of Ebelactone A,
ChemInform, 35(39), ISSN: 0931-7597. DOI: