Journal Articles
Goel, A and
Rahulamathavan, Y (2024)
A Comparative Survey of Centralised and Decentralised Identity Management Systems: Analysing Scalability, Security, and Feasibility,
Future Internet, 17(1), pp.1-1, DOI:
Mudi, CKH, Liu, X, Lambotharan, S,
Rahulamathavan, Y (2024)
Enhancing federated learning convergence with dynamic data queue and data entropy-driven participant selection,
IEEE Internet of Things, ISSN: 2327-4662. DOI:
Bhujel, S and
Rahulamathavan, Y (2022)
A survey: Security, transparency, and scalability issues of NFT’s and its marketplaces,
Sensors, 22(22), 8833, DOI:
Pathmaperuma, OMH,
Rahulamathavan, Y, Dogan, S, Kondoz, A (2022)
Deep learning for encrypted traffic classification and unknown data detection,
Sensors, 22(19), 7643, DOI:
Pinto, F,
Rahulamathavan, Y, Skinner, J (2022)
Blockchain for doping control applications in sports: a conceptual approach,
Future Internet, 14(7), 210, ISSN: 1999-5903. DOI:
Pathmaperuma, OMH,
Rahulamathavan, Y, Dogan, S, Kondoz, A (2022)
CNN for user activity detection using encrypted in-app mobile data,
Future Internet, 14(2), 67, ISSN: 1999-5903. DOI:
Dixit, A, Singh, A, Rahulamathavan, Y, Rajarajan, M (Accepted for publication) FAST DATA: A Fair, Secure and Trusted Decentralized IIoT Data Marketplace enabled by Blockchain, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, DOI: 10.1109/JIOT.2021.3120640.
Al-Obiedollah, H, Cumanan, K, Bany-Salameh, H, Lambotharan, S,
Rahulamathavan, Y, Ding, Z, Dobre, OA (2021)
A joint beamforming and power-splitter optimization technique for SWIPT in MISO-NOMA system,
IEEE Access, 9, pp.33018-33029, ISSN: 2169-3536. DOI:
Rao, KR, Nayak, A, Ray, IG,
Rahulamathavan, Y, Rajarajan, M (2021)
Role recommender-RBAC: Optimizing user-role assignments in RBAC,
Computer Communications, 166, pp.140-153, ISSN: 0140-3664. DOI:
Rahulamathavan, Y, Dogan, S, Shi, X, Lu, R, Rajarajan, M, Kondoz, A (2020)
Scalar product lattice computation for efficient privacy-preserving systems,
IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 8(3), pp.1417-1427, ISSN: 2327-4662. DOI:
Misra, S, Mukherjee, A, Roy, A, Saurabh, N,
Rahulamathavan, Y, Rajarajan, M (2020)
Blockchain at the edge: Performance of resource-constrained IoT networks,
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 32(1), pp.174-183, ISSN: 1045-9219. DOI:
Khan, A, Chen, G,
Rahulamathavan, Y, Zheng, G, AsSadhan, B, Lambotharan, S (2020)
Trusted UAV network coverage using blockchain, machine learning and auction mechanisms,
IEEE Access, 8, pp.118219-118234, ISSN: 2169-3536. DOI:
Khan, A,
Rahulamathavan, Y, Basutli, B, Zheng, G, AsSadhan, B, Lambotharan, S (2019)
Blockchain-based distributive auction for relay-assisted secure communications,
IEEE Access, 7, pp.95555-95568, DOI:
Rahulamathavan, Y, Kunaraj, RS, Ghosh, RI, Lu, R, Rajarajan, M (2018)
Privacy-preserving iVector-based speaker verification,
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, 27(3), pp.496-506, ISSN: 2329-9290. DOI:
Ray, IG,
Rahulamathavan, Y, Rajarajan, M (2018)
A new lightweight symmetric searchable encryption scheme for string identification,
IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, 8(3), pp.672-684, ISSN: 2168-7161. DOI:
Han, J,
Rahulamathavan, Y, Susilo, W (2017)
International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, 28(06), pp.641-643, ISSN: 0129-0541. DOI:
Idrees, F, Rajarajan, M,
Rahulamathavan, Y, Conti, M, Chen, T (2017)
PIndroid: A novel Android malware detection system using ensemble learning,
Computers and Security, 68, pp.36-46, ISSN: 0167-4048. DOI:
Tahir, S, Ruj, S,
Rahulamathavan, Y, Rajarajan, M, Glackin, C (2017)
A new secure and lightweight searchable encryption scheme over encrypted cloud data,
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, 7(4), pp.530-544, ISSN: 2168-6750. DOI:
Rahulamathavan, Y, Veluru, S, Han, J, Li, F, Rajarajan, M, Lu, R (2016)
User Collusion Avoidance Scheme for Privacy-Preserving Decentralized Key-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption,
IEEE Transactions on Computers, 65(9), pp.2939-2946, ISSN: 0018-9340. DOI:
Cumanan, K, Ding, ZD,
Rahulamathavan, Y, Molu, MM, Chen, H-H (2016)
Robust MMSE beamforming for multiantenna relay networks,
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, ISSN: 0018-9545. DOI:
Wang, Y, See, J, Oh, Y-H, Phan, RC-W,
Rahulamathavan, Y, Ling, H-C, Tan, S-W, Li, X (2016)
Effective recognition of facial micro-expressions with video motion magnification,
Multimedia Tools and Applications, ISSN: 1380-7501. DOI:
Lu, R,
Rahulamathavan, Y, Zhu, H, Xu, C, Wang, M (2016)
Security and Privacy Challenges in Vehicular Cloud Computing,
Mobile Information Systems, 2016, pp.1-2, ISSN: 1574-017X. DOI:
Rahulamathavan, Y and Rajarajan, M (2015)
Efficient privacy-preserving facial expression classification,
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 14(3), pp.326-338, ISSN: 1545-5971. DOI:
Bournaka, G,
Rahulamathavan, Y, Cumanan, K, Lambotharan, S, Lazarakis, F (2015)
Base station beamforming technique using multiple signal-to-interference plus noise ratio balancing criteria,
IET SIGNAL PROCESSING, 9(3), pp.248-259, ISSN: 1751-9675. DOI:
Li, F,
Rahulamathavan, Y, Conti, M, Rajarajan, M (2015)
Robust access control framework for mobile cloud computing network,
Computer Communications, 68, pp.61-72, ISSN: 0140-3664. DOI:
Weerasinghe, D,
Rahulamathavan, Y, Rajarajan, M (2013)
Secure trust delegation for sharing patient medical records in a mobile environment,
Health Policy and Technology, 2(1), pp.36-44, ISSN: 2211-8837. DOI:
Cumanan, K,
Rahulamathavan, Y, Lambotharan, S (2013)
Minimum mean‐square error transceiver optimisation for downlink multiuser multiple‐input‐multiple‐output network with multiple linear transmit covariance constraints,
IET Signal Processing, 7(1), pp.47-58, ISSN: 1751-9675. DOI:
Rahulamathavan, Y, Phan, RC-W, Chambers, JA, Parish, DJ (2013)
Facial Expression Recognition in the Encrypted Domain Based on Local Fisher Discriminant Analysis,
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, 4(1), pp.83-92, ISSN: 1949-3045. DOI:
Rahulamathavan, Y, Veluru, S, Phan, RC-W, Chambers, J, Rajarajan, M (2013)
Privacy-preserving clinical decision support system using gaussian kernel-based classification,
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 18(1), pp.56-66, ISSN: 2168-2194. DOI:
Cumanan, K,
Rahulamathavan, Y, Lambotharan, S, Ding, ZD (2013)
MMSE-based beamforming techniques for relay broadcast channels,
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 62(8), pp.4045-4051, ISSN: 0018-9545. DOI:
Rahulamathavan, Y, Phan, RC-W, Veluru, S, Cumanan, K, Rajarajan, M (2013)
Privacy-preserving multi-class support vector machine for outsourcing the data classification in cloud,
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 11(5), pp.467-479, ISSN: 1545-5971. DOI:
Rahulamathavan, Y, Lambotharan, S, Toker, C, Gershman, AB (2012)
Suboptimal recursive optimisation framework for adaptive resource allocation in spectrum-sharing networks,
IET Signal Processing, 6(1), pp.27-33, ISSN: 1751-9675. DOI:
Rahulamathavan, Y, Cumanan, K, Lambotharan, S (2011)
A mixed SINR-balancing and SINR-target-constraints-based beamformer design technique for spectrum-sharing networks,
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 60(9), pp.4403-4414, ISSN: 0018-9545. DOI:
Shahid, ZS,
Rahulamathavan, Y, Dogan, S (2024)
Second glance: A novel explainable AI to understand feature interactions in neural networks using higher-order partial derivatives. In Longo, L, Liu, W, Montavon, G (ed)
The 2nd World Conference on eXplainable Artificial Intelligence; Joint Proceedings of the xAI 2024 Late-breaking Work, Demos and Doctoral Consortium co-located with the 2nd World Conference on eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (xAI 2024), Valletta, Malta, pp.193-200.
Gabayre, S, Shi, X, Dogan, S,
Rahulamathavan, Y, Weightman, A, Cooper, G (2023)
ConTraGAN - A conditional transformer-based generative adversarial network for zero-day network attack analysis and detection. In Yurish, SY (ed)
5th International Conference on Advances in Signal Processing and Artificial Intelligence (ASPAI 2023); Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Advances in Signal Processing and Artificial Intelligence, Tenerife (Canary Islands), Spain, pp.64-69, ISBN: 9788409485611.
Herath, C,
Rahulamathavan, Y, Liu, X (2023)
Recursive Euclidean Distance-based Robust Aggregation Technique for Federated Learning. In
, 2023 IEEE IAS Global Conference on Emerging Technologies, GlobConET 2023. DOI:
Pathmaperuma, OMH,
Rahulamathavan, Y, Dogan, S, Kondoz, A (2021)
User mobile app encrypted activity detection. In
The 2nd European Symposium on Computer and Communications (ESCC 2021); ESCC '21: The 2nd European Symposium on Computer and Communications, Belgrade, Serbia, pp.7-13, ISBN: 9781450387491. DOI:
Pathmaperuma, OMH,
Rahulamathavan, Y, Dogan, S, Kondoz, A (2020)
In-app activity recognition from Wi-Fi encrypted traffic. In Bhatia, KASKR (ed)
Science and Information Conference (SAI 2020); Intelligent Computing: Proceedings of the 2020 Computing Conference, London, UK, pp.685-697, ISBN: 9783030522483. DOI:
Alattas, A,
Rahulamathavan, Y, Kondoz, A (2020)
A Novel Speed Estimation Algorithm for Mobile UE’s in 5G mmWave Networks. In
, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, pp.673-684, DOI:
Aliyu, HT and
Rahulamathavan, Y (2019)
Type and Leak Your Ethnicity on Smartphones. In
ICASSP 2019 - 2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pp.2557-2561, DOI:
Al-Obiedollah, H, Cumanan, K, Burr, AG, Tang, J,
Rahulamathavan, Y, DIng, Z, Dobre, OA (2019)
On energy harvesting of hybrid TDMA-NOMA systems. In
, Proceedings - IEEE Global Communications Conference, GLOBECOM. DOI:
Rahulamathavan, S, Yao, X, Yogachandran, R, Cumanan, K, Rajarajan, M (2018)
Redesign of Gaussian mixture model for efficient and privacy-preserving speaker recognition. In
, 2018 International Conference on Cyber Situational Awareness, Data Analytics and Assessment, CyberSA 2018. DOI:
Roy, A, Roy, C, Misra, S,
Rahulamathavan, Y, Rajarajan, M (2018)
CARE: Criticality-aware data transmission in CPS-Based Healthcare Systems. In
2018 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops, ICC Workshops 2018 - Proceedings, pp.1-6, ISBN: 9781538643280. DOI:
Mukherjee, A, Misra, S, Mangrulkar, P, Rajarajan, M,
Rahulamathavan, Y (2018)
SmartARM: A smartphone-based group activity recognition and monitoring scheme for military applications. In
11th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems, ANTS 2017, pp.1-6, ISBN: 9781538623473. DOI:
Rahulamathavan, Y, Phan, RC-W, Rajarajan, M, Misra, S, Kondoz, A (2018)
Privacy-preserving blockchain based IoT ecosystem using attribute-based encryption. In
11th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems, ANTS 2017, pp.1-6, ISBN: 9781538623473. DOI:
Idrees, F, Rajarajan, M, Chen, TM,
Rahulamathavan, Y, Naureen, A (2017)
AndroPIn: Correlating Android Permissions and Intents for Malware Detection. In Chakrabarti, S and Saha, HN (ed)
8th IEEE Annual Information Technology, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference (IEMCON), 2017 8TH IEEE ANNUAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, ELECTRONICS AND MOBILE COMMUNICATION CONFERENCE (IEMCON), Univ British Columbia, Vancouver, CANADA, pp.394-399.
Abro, FI, Rajarajan, M, Chen, TM,
Rahulamathavan, Y (2017)
Android application collusion demystified. In
International Conference on Future Network Systems and Security, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Gainesville, FL, USA, pp.176-187, ISBN: 9783319655475. DOI:
Rahulamathavan, Y, Rajarajan, M, Phan, RCW (2016)
Smart, secure and seamless access control scheme for mobile devices. In
2016 IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2016 IEEE International Conference on Communications, ICC 2016, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,ISBN: 9781479966646. DOI:
Rahulamathavan, Y, Rajarajan, M, Rana, OF, Awan, MS, Burnap, P, Das, SK (2016)
Assessing data breach risk in cloud systems. In
Proceedings - IEEE 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science, CloudCom 2015, pp.363-370, ISBN: 9781467395601. DOI:
Rahulamathavan, Y and Rajarajan, M (2015)
Hide-and-seek: face recognition in private. In
IEEE International Conference on Communications, pp.7102-7107, ISBN: 9781467364324. DOI:
Rahulamathavan, Y, Rajarajan, M, Pawar, PS, Rana, OF, Burnap, P, Spanoudakis, G (2014)
Analysing security requirements in cloud-based service level agreements. In
, ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, pp.73-76, DOI:
Fei Li,
Rahulamathavan, Y, Rajarajan, M (2014)
LSD-ABAC: Lightweight static and dynamic attributes based access control scheme for secure data access in mobile environment. In
2014 IEEE 39th Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), 39th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks, pp.354-361, DOI:
Veluru, S,
Rahulamathavan, Y, Manandhar, S, Rajarajan, M (2014)
Correlated community estimation models over a set of names. In
2014 Science and Information Conference (SAI), 2014 Science and Information Conference, pp.291-301, DOI:
Rahulamathavan, Y, Moonsamy, V, Batten, L, Shunliang, S, Rajarajan, M (2014)
An Analysis of Tracking Settings in Blackberry 10 and Windows Phone 8 Smartphones. In
, pp.430-437, ISBN: 9783319083438. DOI:
Zaidi, K,
Rahulamathavan, Y, Rajarajan, M (2013)
DIVA - Digital Identity in VANETs: A multi-authority framework for VANETs. In
2013 19th IEEE International Conference on Networks (ICON), pp.1-6, DOI:
Burnett, C, Edwards, P, Norman, TJ, Chen, L,
Rahulamathavan, Y, Jaffray, M, Pignotti, E (2013)
TRUMP: A trusted mobile platform for self-management of chronic illness in rural areas. In
, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), pp.142-150, DOI:
Cumanan, K,
Rahulamathavan, Y, Lambotharan, S, Ding, Z (2013)
A mixed quality of service based linear transceiver design for a multiuser MIMO network with linear transmit covariance constraints. In
2013 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), pp.3895-3899, DOI:
Veluru, S,
Rahulamathavan, Y, Viswanath, P, Longley, P, Rajarajan, M (2013)
E-mail address categorization based on semantics of surnames. In
2013 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Data Mining (CIDM), pp.222-229, DOI:
Fei Li,
Rahulamathavan, Y, Rajarajan, M, Phan, RC-W (2013)
Low Complexity Multi-authority Attribute Based Encryption Scheme for Mobile Cloud Computing. In
2013 IEEE 7th International Symposium on Service Oriented System Engineering (SOSE 2013), 2013 IEEE Seventh International Symposium on Service-Oriented System Engineering, pp.573-577, DOI:
Rahulamathavan, Y and Lambotharan, S (2011) A Rate Balancing Technique for MIMO-Cognitive Radio Network Under a Mixed QoS Requirement. In
IEEE Globecom, Houston, pp.1-5.
Rahulamathavan, Y, Cumanan, K, Lambotharan, S (2011)
An SINR balancing based beamforming technique for cognitive radio networks with mixed quality of service requirements. In
, IEEE International Conference on Communications. DOI:
Rahulamathavan, Y, Dong, Y, Cumanan, K, Lambotharan, S, Nandi, AK (2010)
Adaptive rate balancing techniques in cognitive radio networks. In
, 2010 International Workshop on Cognitive Radio, IWCR 2010. DOI:
Cumanan, K,
Rahulamathavan, Y, Lambotharan, S (2010)
Linear transceiver design for multiuser spectrum sharing MIMO networks. In
, 2010 International Workshop on Cognitive Radio, IWCR 2010. DOI:
Tang, J, Yogachandran, R, Lambotharan, S (2010) Optimal Adaptive Bit Loading and Subcarrier Allocation Techniques for OFDM based Cognitive Radio Systems. In
IEEE International Conference on Communication Technology (ICCT), Nanjing, pp.454-457.
Hu, JC, Xiong, Z,
Rahulamathavan, Y, Cumanan, K, Lambotharan, S (2010) Optimization Techniques For Two-Way Relaying Based Multiuser Multiplexing. In
IEEE Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (IEEE SPAWC), Marrakech, pp.1-5.
Rahulamathavan, Y, Cumanan, K, Lambotharan, S (2010) Optimal Resource Allocation Techniques For MIMO-OFDMA Based Cognitive Radio Networks Using Integer Linear Programming. In
IEEE Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (IEEE SPAEC), Marrakech, pp.1-5.
Xiong, Z, Cumanan, K,
Rahulamathavan, Y, Lambotharan, S (2010) A robust SINR Balancing Technique for a Multiuser MIMO Cognitive Radio Network. In IEEE, (ed)
IEEE Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (IEEE SPAWC), Marrakech, pp.1-5.
Rahulamathavan, Y, Cumanan, K, Krishna, R, Lambotharan, S (2009)
Adaptive subcarrier and bit allocation techniques for MIMO-OFDMA based uplink cognitive radio networks. In
, Proceedings - 2009 1st UK-India International Workshop on Cognitive Wireless Systems, UKIWCWS 2009. DOI:
Rahulamathavan, Y, Cumanan, K, Musavian, L, Lambotharan, S (2009) Optimal Subcarrier And Bit Allocation Techniques For Cognitive Rdio Networks Using Integer Linear Programming. In
IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop, Cardiff, pp.293-296.