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Loughborough University Research Publications

Publications for Antony Edwards

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Journal Articles

Saka-Helmhout, A, Álamos-Concha, P, López, MM, Hagan, J, Murray, G, Edwards, T, Kern, P, Martin, I, Zhang, LE (2024) Stakeholder engagement strategies for impactful corporate social innovation initiatives by multinational enterprises, Journal of International Management, (30), 101159, ISSN: 1075-4253. DOI: 10.1016/j.intman.2024.101159.

Edwards, T, Kim, K, Almond, P, Kern, P, Tregaskis, O, Zhang, L (2024) Forgotten globalizing actors: towards an understanding of the range of individuals involved in global norm formation in multinational companies, Journal of International Business Studies, ISSN: 0047-2506. DOI: 10.1057/s41267-023-00663-6.

Zhang, LE, Zhao, S, Kern, P, Edwards, T, Zhang, Z-X (2022) The pursuit of indigenous innovation amid the Tech Cold War: the case of a Chinese high-tech firm, International Business Review, 32(6), 102079, ISSN: 0969-5931. DOI: 10.1016/j.ibusrev.2022.102079.

Kern, P, Alamos-Concha, P, Edwards, T, Machado, M, Saka-Helmhout, A, Zhang, LE (2022) Social innovation in multinational companies: Activists, practices and social skills, AIB Insights, 22(1), ISSN: 1938-9590. DOI: 10.46697/001c.33078.

Edwards, T, Almond, P, Murray, G, Tregaskis, O (2021) International human resource management in multinational companies: Global norm making within strategic action fields, Human Resource Management Journal, 32(3), pp.683-697, ISSN: 0954-5395. DOI: 10.1111/1748-8583.12422.

Edwards, A, Svystunova, L, Almond, P, Kern, P, Kim, K, Tregaskis, O (2021) Whither national subsidiaries? The need to refocus international management research on structures and processes that matter, Journal of International Business Studies, 53(1), pp.203-210, ISSN: 0047-2506. DOI: 10.1057/s41267-021-00437-y.

Almond, P, Edwards, T, Kern, P, Kim, K, Tregaskis, O (2021) Global norm-making processes in contemporary multinationals, Human Resource Management Journal, 34(1), pp.55-73, ISSN: 0954-5395. DOI: 10.1111/1748-8583.12350.

Edwards, T, Tregaskis, O, McDonnell, A (2020) Towards an understanding of configurational and national influences on international integration in the HR function in MNCs, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 33(7), pp.1463-1488, ISSN: 0958-5192. DOI: 10.1080/09585192.2020.1771399.

Edwards, T, Schnyder, G, Fortwengel, J (2019) Mapping the impact of home and host-country institutions on HRM in emerging market MNCs: A conceptual framework, Thunderbird International Business Review, 61(3), pp.531-544, ISSN: 1096-4762. DOI: 10.1002/tie.22036.

Bartram, T, Adam, D, Edwards, T, Jalette, P, Burgess, J, Stanton, P (2019) A Comparison of Contemporary Human Resource Management and Employment Relations Practices of Japanese and US Multinational Corporation Subsidiaries: Evidence from Four Countries, RELATIONS INDUSTRIELLES-INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS, 74(4), pp.742-779, ISSN: 0034-379X.

Edwards, MR, Lipponen, J, Edwards, T, Hakonen, M (2017) Trajectories and antecedents of integration in mergers and acquisitions: A comparison of two longitudinal studies, Human Relations, 70(10), pp.1258-1290, ISSN: 0018-7267. DOI: 10.1177/0018726716686169.

Edwards, T, Sanchez-Mangas, R, Jalette, P, Lavelle, J, Minbaeva, D (2016) Global standardization or national differentiation of HRM practices in multinational companies? A comparison of multinationals in five countries, Journal of International Business Studies, 47(8), pp.997-1021, ISSN: 0047-2506. DOI: 10.1057/s41267-016-0003-6.

Gunnigle, P, Pulignano, V, Edwards, T, Belizón, MJ, Navrbjerg, S, Olsen, KM, Susaeta, L (2015) Advancing understanding on industrial relations in multinational companies: Key research challenges and the INTREPID contribution, Journal of Industrial Relations, 57(2), pp.146-165, ISSN: 0022-1856. DOI: 10.1177/0022185614564371.

Edwards, T, Sanchez-Mangas, R, Bélanger, J, McDonnell, A (2015) Why Are Some Subsidiaries of Multinationals the Source of Novel Practices while Others Are Not? National, Corporate and Functional Influences, British Journal of Management, 26(2), pp.146-162, ISSN: 1045-3172. DOI: 10.1111/1467-8551.12090.

Léonard, E, Pulignano, V, Lamare, R, Edwards, T (2014) Multinational corporations as political players, Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, 20(2), pp.171-182, ISSN: 1024-2589. DOI: 10.1177/1024258914525559.

Edwards, T and Edwards, MR (2014) Perceptions of employee voice and representation in the post-acquisition period: Comparative and longitudinal evidence from an international acquisition, Human Relations, 68(1), pp.131-156, ISSN: 0018-7267. DOI: 10.1177/0018726714525649.

Edwards, T, Tregaskis, O, Collings, D, Jalette, P, Susaeta, L (2013) Control over Employment Practice in Multinationals: Subsidiary Functions, Corporate Structures, and National Systems, ILR Review, 66(3), pp.670-695, ISSN: 0019-7939. DOI: 10.1177/001979391306600305.

Edwards, T, Marginson, P, Ferner, A (2013) Multinational Companies in Cross-National Context: Integration, Differentiation, and the Interactions between MNCS and Nation States, ILR Review, 66(3), pp.547-587, ISSN: 0019-7939. DOI: 10.1177/001979391306600301.

Edwards, MR and Edwards, T (2013) Employee Responses to Changing Aspects of the Employer Brand Following a Multinational Acquisition: A Longitudinal Study, Human Resource Management, 52(1), pp.27-54, ISSN: 0090-4848. DOI: 10.1002/hrm.21519.

Gospel, H and Edwards, T (2012) Strategic transformation and muddling through: industrial relations and industrial training in the UK, Journal of European Public Policy, 19(8), pp.1229-1248, ISSN: 1350-1763. DOI: 10.1080/13501763.2012.709023.

Edwards, T, Jalette, P, Tregaskis, O (2012) To what extent is there a regional logic in the management of labour in multinational companies? Evidence from Europe and North America, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 23(12), pp.2468-2490, ISSN: 0958-5192. DOI: 10.1080/09585192.2012.668391.

Edwards, MR and Edwards, T (2012) Procedural justice and identification with the acquirer: the moderating effects of job continuity, organisational identity strength and organisational similarity, Human Resource Management Journal, 22(2), pp.109-128, ISSN: 0954-5395. DOI: 10.1111/j.1748-8583.2011.00176.x.

Ferner, A, Tregaskis, O, Edwards, P, Edwards, T, Marginson, P, Adam, D, Meyer, M (2011) HRM structures and subsidiary discretion in foreign multinationals in the UK, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 22(3), pp.483-509, ISSN: 0958-5192. DOI: 10.1080/09585192.2011.543628.

Edwards, T, Edwards, P, Ferner, A, Marginson, P, Tregaskis, O (2010) Multinational Companies and the Diffusion of Employment Practices from Outside the Country of Origin: Explaining Variation Across Firms, Management International Review, 50(5), pp.613-634, ISSN: 0938-8249. DOI: 10.1007/s11575-010-0051-2.

Tregaskis, O, Edwards, T, Edwards, P, Ferner, A, Marginson, P (2010) Transnational learning structures in multinational firms: Organizational context and national embeddedness, Human Relations, 63(4), pp.471-499, ISSN: 0018-7267. DOI: 10.1177/0018726709339095.

Marginson, P, Edwards, P, Edwards, T, Ferner, A, Tregaskis, O (2010) Employee Representation and Consultative Voice in Multinational Companies Operating in Britain, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 48(1), pp.151-180, ISSN: 0007-1080. DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-8543.2009.00749.x.

Rees, C and Edwards, T (2009) Management strategy and HR in international mergers: choice, constraint and pragmatism, Human Resource Management Journal, 19(1), pp.24-39, ISSN: 0954-5395. DOI: 10.1111/j.1748-8583.2008.00087.x.

Waring, P and Edwards, T (2008) Socially Responsible Investment: Explaining its Uneven Development and Human Resource Management Consequences, Corporate Governance: An International Review, 16(3), pp.135-145, ISSN: 0964-8410. DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-8683.2008.00676.x.

Edwards, T, Coller, X, Ortiz, L, Rees, C, Wortmann, M (2006) National Industrial Relations Systems and Cross-border Restructuring: Evidence from a Merger in the Pharmaceuticals Sector, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 12(1), pp.69-87, ISSN: 0959-6801. DOI: 10.1177/0959680106061369.

Edwards, T and Kuruvilla, S (2005) International HRM: national business systems, organizational politics and the international division of labour in MNCs, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 16(1), pp.1-21, ISSN: 0958-5192. DOI: 10.1080/0958519042000295920.


Kern, P, Zhang, LE, Edwards, T, Svystunova, L (2022) The transfer of employment practices across borders in multinational companies: From context to actors. In Reiche, BS, Tenzer, H, Harzing, A-W (ed) International Human Resource Management [Sixth Edition], SAGE Publications, pp.375-400, ISBN: 9781529763751.

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