Publications for Matt Vidal
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Journal Articles
Vidal, M (2024)
From Labour Process Theory to Organisational Political Economy: A Response to Benassi, Ikeler and Wood,
Critical Sociology, 50(2), pp.351-366, ISSN: 0896-9205. DOI:
Vidal, M (2019)
Contradictions of the labour process, worker empowerment and capitalist inefficiency,
Historical Materialism, 28(2), pp.170-204, ISSN: 1465-4466. DOI:
Vidal, M (2018)
Was Marx wrong about the working class? Reconsidering the gravedigger thesis,
International Socialism, (158), pp.65-80, ISSN: 0020-8736.
Vidal, M (2017)
Lean Enough: Institutional Logics of Best Practice and Managerial Satisficing in American Manufacturing,
Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World, 3, pp.237802311773694-237802311773694, ISSN: 2378-0231. DOI:
Vidal, M (2017)
Governing Social Risks in Post-Crisis Europe,
WORK EMPLOYMENT AND SOCIETY, 31(2), pp.363-365, ISSN: 0950-0170. DOI:
Esbenshade, J,
Vidal, M, Fascilla, G, Ono, M (2015)
Customer-driven management models for choiceless clientele? Business process reengineering in a California welfare agency,
Work, Employment & Society, 30(1), pp.77-96, ISSN: 0950-0170. DOI:
Vidal, M, Adler, P, Delbridge, R (2015)
When organization studies turns to societal problems: The contribution of Marxist grand theory,
Organization Studies, 36(4), pp.405-422, ISSN: 0170-8406. DOI:
Vidal, M (2013)
Postfordism as a dysfunctional accumulation regime: A comparative analysis of the USA, the UK and Germany,
Work, Employment and Society, 27(3), pp.451-471, ISSN: 0950-0170. DOI:
Vidal, M (2013)
Low-autonomy work and bad jobs in postfordist capitalism,
Human Relations, 66(4), pp.587-612, ISSN: 0018-7267. DOI:
Vidal, M (2012)
On the persistence of labour market insecurity and slow growth in the US: Reckoning with the Waltonist growth regime,
New Political Economy, 17(5), pp.543-564, ISSN: 1356-3467. DOI:
Vidal, M (2011)
Working Life: Renewing Labour Process Analysis,
WORK EMPLOYMENT AND SOCIETY, 25(2), pp.372-374, ISSN: 0950-0170. DOI:
Vidal, M (2011)
Reworking postfordism: Labor process versus employment relations,
Sociology Compass, 5(4), pp.273-286, DOI:
Vidal, M (2010)
We Sell Our Time No More. Workers' Struggles Against Lean Production in the British Car Industry,
Vidal, M (2009)
The Good Temp,
INDUSTRIAL & LABOR RELATIONS REVIEW, 62(4), pp.626-628, ISSN: 0019-7939. DOI:
Vidal, M and Tigges, LM (2009)
Temporary employment and strategic staffing in the manufacturing sector,
Industrial Relations, 48(1), pp.55-72, ISSN: 0019-8676. DOI:
Vidal, M (2009)
Routine inefficiency: Operational satisficing and real-world markets,
Research in the Sociology of Work, 18, pp.89-117, ISSN: 0277-2833. DOI:
Vidal, M (2008)
Getting the Goods: Ports, Labor and the Logistics Revolution,
WORK AND OCCUPATIONS, 35(4), pp.498-500, ISSN: 0730-8884. DOI:
Vidal, M (2008)
Joint Review: Steven C. McKay Satanic Mills or Silicon Islands? The Politics of High-Tech Production in the Philippines Ithaca: ILR Press, 2006, £12.50 pbk (ISBN: 0 8014 8894 X), xii + 253 pp,
Work, Employment & Society, 22(2), pp.371-372, ISSN: 0950-0170. DOI:
Vidal, M (2007)
Manufacturing empowerment? 'Employee involvement' in the labour process after Fordism,
Socio-Economic Review, 5(2), pp.197-232, ISSN: 1475-1461. DOI:
Vidal, M (2007)
Lean production, worker empowerment, and job satisfaction: A qualitative analysis and critique,
Critical Sociology, 33(1-2), pp.247-278, ISSN: 0896-9205. DOI:
Vidal, M, Smith, T, Rotta, T, Prew, P (2019) The Oxford Handbook of Karl Marx, Oxford University Press, ISBN: 9780190695576.
Hauptmeier, M and Vidal, M (2014) Comparative Political Economy of Work, Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN: 9781137322289.
Vidal, M and Kusnet, D (2009) Organizing Prosperity: Union Effects on Job Quality, Community Betterment, and Industry Standards, Economic Policy Institute.
Vidal, M and Smith, C (2021) The lean labour process: Global diffusion, societal effects, contradictory implementation. In
The Cambridge International Handbook of Lean Production Diverging Theories and New Industries around the World, Cambridge University Press, pp.150-172, ISBN: 9781108341400.
Vidal, M (2015)
Fordism and the Golden Age of Atlantic Capitalism. In Edgell, S, Gottfried, H, Granter, E (ed)
The SAGE Handbook of the Sociology of Work and Employment, Sage, pp.283-305, DOI:
Vidal, M (2015)
Marxism in Contemporary Sociology. In
International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, Elsevier, pp.649-655, ISBN: 9780080970875. DOI:
Vidal, M (2014) Incoherence and dysfunctionality in the institutional regulation of capitalism. In Hauptmeier, M and
Vidal, M (ed)
Comparative Political Economy of Work, Macmillan International, pp.73-97, ISBN: 9781137329462.
Vidal, M and Hauptmeier, M (2014) Comparative Political Economy and Labour Process Theory: Toward a Synthesis. In
Comparative Political Economy of Work, Palgrave Macmillan, pp.1-32, ISBN: 9781137322289.
Vidal, M and Peck, J (2012)
Sociological Institutionalism and the Socially Constructed Economy. In
The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Economic Geography, pp.594-611, DOI:
Vidal, M (2011) If the Market is So Efficient, Why Do We Need Leaders? Reflections on Corporate Mismanagement. In Larsen, A (ed)
Political Leadership and its Significance in a Time of Troubles, Nova Science Publishers, pp.46-67.
Vidal, M (2011) If the market is so efficient, why do we need leadership? Reflections on corporate mismanagement. In
Political Leadership and its Significance in a Time of Troubles, pp.47-67.