Journal Articles
Georgiadou, E,
Hughes, M, Viala, C (2023)
Commercial diplomacy as a mechanism for passive-reactive SME internationalisation: overcoming liabilities of outsidership,
European Journal of International Management, 21(4), pp.605-635, ISSN: 1751-6757. DOI:
Baltazar, J, Fernandes, C, Ramadani, V,
Hughes, M (2023)
Family business succession and innovation: a systematic literature review,
Review of Managerial Science, 17(8), pp.2897-2920, ISSN: 1863-6683. DOI:
Aloulou, WJ, Algarni, EA, Ramadani, V,
Hughes, M (2022)
Passionate to be a social entrepreneur in Saudi Arabia: A moderated mediation analysis of social entrepreneurial intention,
Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility, 32(2), pp.698-712, DOI:
Mostafiz, I,
Hughes, M, Gali, N, Sambasivan, M (2022)
The context sensitivity of international entrepreneurial orientation and the role of process and product innovation capabilities,
British Journal of Management, 34(4), pp.2015-2035, ISSN: 1045-3172. DOI:
Corsi, S, Feranita, F,
Hughes, M, Wilson, A (2022)
Universities as internationalisation catalysts: reversing roles in university-industry collaboration,
British Journal of Management, 34(4), pp.1992-2014, ISSN: 1045-3172. DOI:
Hu, Q,
Hughes, M, Hughes, P (2022)
Family owners’ fear of losing socio-emotional wealth: implications for firm innovativeness,
Long Range Planning, 56(5), 102263, ISSN: 0024-6301. DOI:
Mustafa, M,
Hughes, M, Ramos, H (2022)
Middle-managers’ innovative behavior: the roles of psychological empowerment and personal initiative,
The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 34(18), pp.3464-3490, ISSN: 0958-5192. DOI:
Cesinger, B, Gundolf, K,
Hughes, M, Khedhaouria, A, Montani, F (2022)
The bright and dark sides of the Dark Triad traits among senior managers: effects on organizational commitment,
Review of Managerial Science, 17(5), pp.1731-1763, ISSN: 1863-6683. DOI:
Hadjielias, E,
Hughes, M, Scholes, L (2022)
External crises and family social capital reconfiguration: Insights from the European debt crisis and the Covid-19 pandemic,
Family Business Review, 35(3), pp.275-305, ISSN: 0894-4865. DOI:
Hu, Q,
Hughes, M, Hughes, P (2022)
Family-unique resources, marketing resources, and family owners’ willingness to pursue radical innovation: A model and test,
Journal of Business Research, 146, pp.264-276, ISSN: 0148-2963. DOI:
Bouguerra, A,
Hughes, M, Cakir, MS, Tatoglu, E (2022)
Linking entrepreneurial orientation to environmental collaboration: A stakeholder theory and evidence from multinational companies in an emerging market,
British Journal of Management, 34(1), pp.487-511, ISSN: 1045-3172. DOI:
Herrero, I,
Hughes, M, Larrañeta, B (2021)
Is blood thicker than water? Exploring the impact of family firms’ familial social relations with other firms within their industries,
Journal of Family Business Strategy, 13(3), 100471, ISSN: 1877-8585. DOI:
Hanna, L, Um, K, Hughes, P, Hughes, MM, Shine, E-K (Accepted for publication) Understanding knowledge transfer in M&As: An integration of resource orchestration and social capital theories and evidence from UK acquiring firms, European Management Journal, ISSN: 0263-2373. DOI: 10.1016/j.emj.2021.12.001.
Ghosh, S,
Hughes, M, Hodgkinson, I, Hughes, P (2021)
Digital transformation of industrial businesses: a dynamic capability approach,
Technovation, 113, 102414, ISSN: 0166-4972. DOI:
Robledo, S, Aguirre, AMG,
Hughes, M, Eggers, F (2021)
“Hasta la vista, baby” – will machine learning terminate human literature reviews in entrepreneurship?,
Journal of Small Business Management, 61(3), pp.1314-1343, ISSN: 0047-2778. DOI:
Han, W, Huang, Y,
Hughes, M, Zhang, M (2021)
The trade-off between trust and distrust in supply chain collaboration,
Industrial Marketing Management, 98, pp.93-104, ISSN: 0019-8501. DOI:
Hughes, M, Hughes, P, Hodgkinson, I, Chang, Y, Chang, C (2021)
Knowledge‐based Theory, Entrepreneurial Orientation, Stakeholder Engagement, and Firm Performance,
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, in press, ISSN: 1932-4391. DOI:
Mostafiz, MI,
Hughes, M, Sambasivan, M (2021)
Entrepreneurial orientation, competitive advantage and strategic knowledge management capability in Malaysian family firms,
Journal of Knowledge Management, 26(2), pp.423-458, ISSN: 1367-3270. DOI:
Kiani, A, Yang, D, Ghani, U,
Hughes, M (2021)
Entrepreneurial passion and technological innovation: The mediating effect of entrepreneurial orientation,
Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 34(10), pp.1139-1152, ISSN: 0953-7325. DOI:
Ritala, P, Baiyere, A,
Hughes, M, Kraus, S (2021)
Digital strategy implementation: the role of individual entrepreneurial orientation and relational capital,
Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 171, 120961, ISSN: 0040-1625. DOI:
Roberts, D, Palmer, R, Hughes, M (Accepted for publication) Innovating the Product Innovation Process to Enable Co-creation, R&D Management, ISSN: 0033-6807.
Scholes, L,
Hughes, M, Wright, M, De Massis, A, Kotlar, J (2021)
Family management and family guardianship: governance effects on family firm innovation strategy,
Journal of Family Business Strategy, 12(4), 100389, ISSN: 1877-8585. DOI:
Ferreira, JJ, Fernandes, CI, Veiga, PM,
Hughes, M (2021)
Prevailing theoretical approaches predicting sustainable business models: a systematic review,
International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 71(3), pp.790-813, ISSN: 1741-0401. DOI:
Fernandes, C, Veiga, PM, Ferreira, J,
Hughes, M (2021)
Green growth versus economic growth: Do sustainable technology transfer and innovations lead to an imperfect choice?,
Business Strategy and the Environment, 30(4), pp.2021-2037, ISSN: 0964-4733. DOI:
Ogbeidu, S, Jabbour, CJC, Gaskin, J, Senadjki, A,
Hughes, M (2021)
Leveraging STARA competencies and green creativity to boost green organisational innovative evidence: a praxis for sustainable development,
Business Strategy and the Environment, 30(5), pp.2421-2440, ISSN: 0964-4733. DOI:
Scott, SA,
Hughes, M, Ribeiro-Soriano, D (2021)
Towards a network-based view of effective entrepreneurial ecosystems,
Review of Managerial Science, 16(1), pp.157-187, ISSN: 1863-6683. DOI:
Rahman, M, Serrano, MÁR,
Hughes, M (2020)
Does advertising productivity affect organizational performance? Impact of market conditions,
British Journal of Management, 32(4), pp.1359-1383, ISSN: 1045-3172. DOI:
Hughes, P, Hodgkinson, I, Morgan, R,
Hughes, M, Hughes, C-H (2020)
Product-market planning capability and profitability,
Industrial Marketing Management, 90, pp.370-379, ISSN: 0019-8501. DOI:
Gali, N, Niemand, T, Shaw, E,
Hughes, M, Kraus, S, Brem, A (2020)
Social entrepreneurship orientation and company success: The mediating role of social performance,
Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 160, 120230, ISSN: 0040-1625. DOI:
Bouncken, R,
Hughes, M, Ratzmann, M, Cesinger, B, Pesch, R (2020)
Family firms, alliance governance and mutual knowledge creation,
British Journal of Management, 31(4), pp.769-791, ISSN: 1045-3172. DOI:
Hu, Q and
Hughes, M (2020)
Radical innovation in family firms: a systematic analysis and research agenda,
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior and Research, 26(6), pp.1199-1234, ISSN: 1355-2554. DOI:
Yin, M,
Hughes, M, Hu, Q (2020)
Entrepreneurial orientation and new venture resource acquisition: why context matters,
Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 38, pp.1369-1398, ISSN: 0217-4561. DOI:
Bouguerra, A, Mellahi, K, Glaister, K,
Hughes, M, Tatoglu, E (2020)
Revisiting the concept of absorptive capacity: The moderating effects of market sensing and responsiveness,
British Journal of Management, 32(2), pp.342-362, ISSN: 1045-3172. DOI:
Hughes, M, Chang, Y-Y, Hodgkinson, I, Hughes, P, Chang, C-Y (2020)
The multi-level effects of corporate entrepreneurial orientation on business unit radical innovation and financial performance,
Long Range Planning, 54(1), 101989, ISSN: 0024-6301. DOI:
Covin, JG, Rigtering, JPC,
Hughes, M, Kraus, S, Cheng, C-F, Bouncken, R (2020)
Individual and team entrepreneurial orientation: Scale development and configurations for success,
Journal of Business Research, 112, pp.1-12, ISSN: 0148-2963. DOI:
Hughes, P,
Hughes, M, Stokes, P, Lee, H, Rodgers, P, Degbey, W (2020)
Micro-foundations of organizational ambidexterity in the context of cross-border mergers and acquisitions,
Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 153, 119932, ISSN: 0040-1625. DOI:
Rahman, M, Aziz, S,
Hughes, M (2020)
The product-market performance benefits of environmental policy: Why customer awareness and firm innovativeness matter,
Business Strategy and the Environment, 29(5), pp.2001-2018, ISSN: 0964-4733. DOI:
Kraus, S, Breier, M, Jones, P,
Hughes, M (2019)
Individual entrepreneurial orientation and intrapreneurship in the public sector,
International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 15(4), pp.1247-1268, ISSN: 1554-7191. DOI:
Herrero, I and
Hughes, M (2019)
When family social capital is too much of a good thing,
Journal of Family Business Strategy, 10(3), 100271, ISSN: 1877-8585. DOI:
Tran, Y, Zahra, S,
Hughes, M (2018)
A process model of the maturation of a new dynamic capability,
Industrial Marketing Management, 83, pp.115-127, ISSN: 0019-8501. DOI:
Scott, S,
Hughes, M, Kraus, S (2018)
Developing relationships in innovation clusters,
Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, ISSN: 0898-5626. DOI:
Hughes, M, Rigtering, JPC, Covin, JG, Bouncken, R, Kraus, S (2018)
Innovative behaviour, trust and perceived workplace performance,
British Journal of Management, 29(4), pp.750-768, ISSN: 1045-3172. DOI:
Hughes, P, Hodgkinson, I, Elliott, K,
Hughes, M (2018)
Strategy, operations, and profitability: The role of resource orchestration,
International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 38(4), pp.1125-1143, ISSN: 0144-3577. DOI:
Hughes, M, Hughes, P, Yan, JK, Sousa, CM (2018)
Marketing as an investment in shareholder value,
British Journal of Management, 30(4), pp.943-965, ISSN: 1045-3172. DOI:
Hughes, M (2018)
Organizational ambidexterity and firm performance: Burning research questions for marketing scholars,
Journal of Marketing Management, ISSN: 0267-257X. DOI:
Mustafa, M, Gavin, F,
Hughes, M (2018)
Contextual determinants of employee entrepreneurial behavior in support of corporate entrepreneurship: a systematic review and research agenda,
Journal of Enterprising Culture, 26(3), pp.1-42, ISSN: 0218-4958. DOI:
Hughes, M, Filser, M, Harms, R, Kraus, S, Chang, M-L, Cheng, C-F (2017)
Family firm configurations for high performance: The role of entrepreneurship and ambidexterity,
British Journal of Management, 29(4), pp.595-612, ISSN: 1045-3172. DOI:
Hughes, M and Mustafa, M (2017)
Antecedents of Corporate Entrepreneurship in SMEs: Evidence from an Emerging Economy,
Journal of Small Business Management, 55(S1), pp.115-140, ISSN: 0047-2778. DOI:
Hughes, P, Hodgkinson, I,
Hughes, M, Arshad, DA (2017)
Explaining the entrepreneurial orientation-performance relationship in emerging economies: The intermediate roles of absorptive capacity and improvisation,
Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 35(4), pp.1025-1053, ISSN: 0217-4561. DOI:
Hughes, M, Powell, TH, Chung, L, Mellahi, K (2017)
Institutional and Resource-based Explanations for Subsidiary Performance,
British Journal of Management, 28(3), pp.407-424, ISSN: 1045-3172. DOI:
Hughes, P, Hodgkinson, I, Arshad, DA,
Hughes, M, Leone, V (2017)
Planning to improvise? The role of reasoning in the strategy process: evidence from Malaysia,
Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 35(2), ISSN: 0217-4561. DOI:
Hodgkinson, I, Hughes, P,
Hughes, M, Glennon, RJ (2017)
Does ownership matter for service delivery value? an examination of citizens’ service satisfaction,
Public Management Review, forthcoming, ISSN: 1471-9037. DOI:
Roberts, D, Candi, M,
Hughes, M (2017)
Leveraging social network sites for new product launch,
Industrial Management & Data Systems, ISSN: 0263-5577. DOI:
Hughes, M, Cesinger, B, Cheng, C-F, Schuessler, F, Kraus, S (2017)
A configurational analysis of network and knowledge variables explaining born globals’ and late internationalizing SMEs’ international performance,
Industrial Marketing Management, ISSN: 0019-8501. DOI:
Mustafa, M, Martin, L,
Hughes, M (2016)
Psychological Ownership, Job Satisfaction, and Middle Manager Entrepreneurial Behavior,
Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 23(3), pp.272-287, ISSN: 1548-0518. DOI:
Kyriakopoulos, K,
Hughes, M, Hughes, P (2016)
The Role of Marketing Resources in Radical Innovation Activity: Antecedents and Payoffs,
Journal of Product Innovation Management, 33(4), pp.398-417, ISSN: 0737-6782. DOI:
Cesinger, B,
Hughes, M, Mensching, H, Bouncken, R, Fredrich, V, Kraus, S (2016)
A socioemotional wealth perspective on how collaboration intensity, trust, and international market knowledge affect family firms' multinationality,
Journal of World Business, 51(4), pp.586-599, ISSN: 1090-9516. DOI:
Hughes, M, Hughes, P, Hodgkinson, I (2016)
In pursuit of a ‘Whole Brain’ approach to undergraduate teaching: implications of the Herrmann brain dominance model,
Studies in Higher Education, ISSN: 1470-174X. DOI:
Powell, TH and
Hughes, M (2016)
Exploring value as the foundation of value proposition design,
of Business Models, ISSN: 2246-2465.
Hughes, M, Eggers, F, Kraus, S, Hughes, P (2015)
The relevance of slack resource availability and networking effectiveness for entrepreneurial orientation,
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 26(1), pp.116-138, ISSN: 1476-1297. DOI:
Hughes, M, Morgan, RE, Ireland, RD, Hughes, P (2014)
Social capital and learning advantages: A problem of absorptive capacity,
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 8(3), pp.214-233, ISSN: 1932-4391. DOI:
Roberts, D,
Hughes, M, Kertbo, K (2014)
Exploring consumers' motivations to engage in innovation through co-creation activities,
European Journal of Marketing, 48(1), pp.147-169, ISSN: 0309-0566. DOI:
Cai, L,
Hughes, M, Yin, M (2014)
The relationship between resource acquisition methods and firm performance in Chinese new ventures: the intermediate effect of learning capability,
Journal of Small Business Management, 52(3), pp.365-389, ISSN: 0047-2778. DOI:
Eggers, F, Kraus, S,
Hughes, M, Laraway, S, Snycerski, S (2013)
Implications of customer and entrepreneurial orientations for SME growth,
Management Decision, 51(3), pp.524-546, ISSN: 0025-1747. DOI:
Storey, CD and
Hughes, M (2013)
The relative impact of culture, strategic orientation and capability on new service development performance,
European Journal of Marketing, 47(5), pp.833-856, ISSN: 0309-0566. DOI:
Mellahi, K, Demirbag, M, Collings, DG, Tatoglu, E,
Hughes, M (2013)
Similarly different: a comparison of HRM practices in MNE subsidiaries and local firms in Turkey,
International Journal of Human Resource Management, 24(12), pp.2339-2368, ISSN: 0958-5192. DOI:
Hodgkinson, IR, Hughes, P,
Hughes, M (2012)
Re-examining the deployment of market orientation in the public leisure sector,
Journal of Marketing Management, Online, pp.1-21, DOI:
Hodgkinson, I, Hughes, P,
Hughes, M (2012)
Absorptive capacity and market orientation in public service provision,
Journal of Strategic Marketing, 20(3), pp.211-229, ISSN: 0965-254X. DOI:
Hodgkinson, I, Hughes, P,
Hughes, M (2012)
Re-examining the deployment of market orientation in the public leisure sector, ISSN: 0267-257X. DOI:
Chang, Y-Y and
Hughes, M (2012)
Drivers of innovation ambidexterity in small-to-medium-sized firms,
European Management Journal, 30(1), pp.1-17, ISSN: 0263-2373. DOI:
Kraus, S, Rigtering, JPC,
Hughes, M, Hosman, V (2012)
Entrepreneurial orientation and the business performance of SMEs: a quantitative study from the Netherlands,
Review of Managerial Science, 6(2), pp.161-182, ISSN: 1863-6683. DOI:
Hughes, M, Morgan, RE, Ireland, RD, Hughes, P (2011)
Network behaviours, social capital, and organisational learning in high-growth entrepreneurial firms,
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 12(3), pp.257-272, ISSN: 1476-1297. DOI:
Hughes, M and Perrons, RK (2011)
Shaping and re-shaping social capital in buyer–supplier relationships,
Journal of Business Research, 64(2), pp.164-171, ISSN: 0148-2963. DOI:
Chang, Y-Y,
Hughes, M, Hotho, S (2011)
Internal and external antecedents of SMEs' innovation ambidexterity outcomes,
Management Decision, 49(10), pp.1658-1676, ISSN: 0025-1747. DOI:
Kyrgidou, LP and
Hughes, M (2010)
Strategic entrepreneurship: origins, core elements and research directions,
European Business Review, 22(1), pp.43-63, ISSN: 0955-534X. DOI:
Hughes, P,
Hughes, M, Morgan, RE (2010)
Why do product-market strategies fail? A sociostructural examination under conditions of adherence,
Group and Organization Management, 35(5), pp.606-635, ISSN: 1059-6011. DOI:
Hughes, M, Hughes, P, Mellahi, K, Guermat, C (2010)
Short-term versus long-term impact of managers: evidence from the football industry,
British Journal of Management, 21(2), pp.571-589, ISSN: 1045-3172. DOI:
Noke, H and
Hughes, M (2010)
Climbing the value chain: strategies to create a new product development capability in mature SMEs,
International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 30(2), pp.132-154, ISSN: 0144-3577. DOI:
Hughes, M, Martin, SL, Morgan, RE, Robson, MJ (2010)
Realizing product-market advantage in high-technology international new ventures: the mediating role of ambidextrous innovation,
Journal of International Marketing, 18(4), pp.1-21, ISSN: 1069-031X. DOI:
Noke, H, Perrons, RK,
Hughes, M (2008)
Strategic dalliances as an enabler for discontinuous innovation in slow clockspeed industries: evidence from the oil and gas industry,
R and D Management, 38(2), pp.129-139, ISSN: 0033-6807. DOI:
Perks, KJ and
Hughes, M (2008)
Entrepreneurial decision-making in internationalization: propositions from mid-size firms,
International Business Review, 17(3), pp.310-330, ISSN: 0969-5931. DOI:
Hughes, M, Hughes, P, Morgan, RE (2007)
Exploitative learning and entrepreneurial orientation alignment in emerging young firms: implications for market and response performance,
British Journal of Management, 18(4), pp.359-375, ISSN: 1045-3172. DOI:
Hughes, M and Morgan, RE (2007)
Deconstructing the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and business performance at the embryonic stage of firm growth,
Industrial Marketing Management, 36(5), pp.651-661, ISSN: 0019-8501. DOI:
Hughes, M, Ireland, RD, Morgan, RE (2007)
Stimulating dynamic value: social capital and business incubation as a pathway to competitive success,
Long Range Planning, 40(2), pp.154-177, ISSN: 0024-6301. DOI:
Scholes, L, Zhang, Y, Fu, K,
Hughes, M (2021)
Lead investors’ human capital and fundraising performance: mediating role of reputation. In
AOM 2021, Virtual.
Tonikidou, A, Souchon, A, Kyriakopoulos, K, Hughes, P, Dewsnap, B,
Hughes, M (2020)
Translating new product development-level improvisation-based learning into strategy in SMEs. In
Global Marketing Conference GAMMA (2020); 2020 Global Marketing Conference at Seoul Proceedings, Seoul, pp.300-305, DOI:
Zhang, Y, Scholes, L, Fu, K,
Hughes, M (2020)
Social capital in a syndicate investment platform - Effects on syndicate lead performance. In
39th Annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Babson College; Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 2019: Proceedings of the 39th Annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Boston Park, MA, USA.
Georgiadou, E, Sukumara-Panicker, V,
Hughes, M (2020)
Family firm interactional dynamics and post-M&A performance: a socioemotional wealth perspective. In
5th International Family Business Research Forum, Hasselt, Belgium.
Kyriakopoulos, K,
Hughes, M, Hughes, P (2020)
Do relational capabilities impede or promote technological and market breakthroughs?. In Ferrell, BLOC (ed)
2020 AMA Winter Academic Conference; 2020 AMA Winter Academic Conference: Consumers and Firms in a Global World: Proceedings, San Diego, CA, USA,ISBN: 9780877570066.
Pavlos, D, Covin, JG,
Hughes, M, Melkonyan, T (2020) PANEL: International Entrepreneurial Orientation – Research Reflections and Future Directions. In
47th Academy of International Business UK & Ireland Chapter Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, UK.
Ambos, TC,
Hughes, M, Niemand, T, Kraus, S (2020)
It all depends? Unravelling the contingency factors of international opportunity recognition in multinational subsidiaries [Abstract]. In
2020 Academy of International Business Conference; AIB Conference Proceedings, Online.
Ghosh, S,
Hughes, M, Hughes, P, Hodgkinson, I (2019)
Digital transformative capabilities: An exploratory study of industrial internet companies [Abstract]. In
Strategic Management Society Special Conference, Berkeley, USA.
Hughes, M, Oliveira, J, Georgiadou, E, Scholes, L, Hughes, P (2019)
Family firms and their international subsidiaries: does subsidiary performance depend on family involvement?. In
4th International Family Business Research Forum (IFBRF), Monaco.
Kyriakopoulos, K,
Hughes, M, Hughes, P (2019)
The role of relational capabilities in technological breakthroughs. In
EMAC 48th Annual Conference, University of Hamburg, Germany.
Elias, H, Alexopoulou, PP, Scholes, L,
Hughes, M (2019)
Social capital of family businesses: The influence of critical events in the macro-environment. In
2019 Family Enterprise Research Conference, Burlington, Vermont.
Hu, Q and
Hughes, M (2019)
Theoretical assumptions about family firm radical innovation. In
IFERA 2019 Annual Conference, Bergamo, Italy.
Hadjielias, E, Alexopoulou, PP, Scholes, L,
Hughes, M (2019)
Critical events and social capital of family businesses. In
IFERA 2019 Annual Conference, Bergamo, Italy.
Wang, H,
Hughes, M, Georgiadou, E (2019)
From institutional duality to institutional trifecta: Implications for family firms’ international subsidiaries. In
IFERA 2019 Annual Conferece, Bergamo, Italy.
Hughes, M, Chang, Y-Y, Hodgkinson, I, Hughes, P, Chang, C-Y (2019)
The multi-level effects of corporate entrepreneurial orientation on business unit radical innovation [conference abstract]. In
2019 Academy of Management Annual Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
Kuo-Feng, H, Fu, K, Grosman, A,
Hughes, M (2019)
Competitive behaviour of young firms under industry deregulation: The role of boards in adoption of nonconformist strategies. In
Academy of Management Annual Conference, Boston, Massachusetts.
Hughes, P, Daut, A, Hodgkinson, I,
Hughes, M (2019)
Family firm dynamics and strategic decision-making [Abstract]. In
Strategic Management Society 39th Annual Conference, Minneapolis, USA.
Zhou, J,
Hughes, M, Simeonova, B (2019)
Transforming individual ambidexterity to organisational ambidexterity: a configurational perspective on leadership factors as an aggregating process. In
2019 JPIM Research Forum, Orlando, Florida, USA.
Scholes, ML, Hughes, M, Wright, M, De Massis, A, Kotlar, J (Accepted for publication) INNOVATION IN FAMILY FIRMS: THE ROLE OF DIFFERENT GOVERNANCE CONTEXTS. In IFERA, Zwolle, the Netherlands.
Tonikidou, A, Kyriakopoulos, K,
Hughes, M, Hughes, P, Souchon, A (2018)
Creating value through real-time knowledge generation: Improvisation and organisational learning in new product development [Abstract]. In
The First Global Conference on Creating Value, Leicester Castle Business School, De Montfort University, Leicester, UK.
Hughes, M, Ghosh, S, Hughes, P (2018)
Developing digital transformative capabilities: a study of industrial internet companies [extended conference abstract]. In
2018 Global Innovation and Knowledge Academy (GIKA) Conference, Valencia, Spain.
Johnson, D and
Hughes, M (2018)
The nature and manifestation of identity tension in England’s National Health Service. In
European Group for Organizational studies, Tallinn, Estonia.
Scholes, L,
Hughes, M, Yi, Y, Hu, X, Hughes, P (2018)
The influence of family firms on the sustainability of start-up/nascent enterprises. In
EIASM, UCLAN, Larnaca, Cyprus.
Cesinger, B, Gundolf, K,
Hughes, M, Khedhaouira, A (2018)
Bright and dark sides of the dark triad: Managers’ personality traits and organizational commitment. In
Workshop on Cognitive Perspective in Entrepreneurship Research: Past, Present, and Future, Paris, France.
Ghosh, S,
Hughes, M, Hughes, P (2017)
Developing dynamic transformation capabilities in high velocity environment: A study of industrial internet companies. In
Strategic Management Society Special Conference, Banff, Canada.
Scholes, L, Yi, Y, Hu, X,
Hughes, M, Hughes, P (2017)
The influence of family firms on the sustainability of start-up/nascent enterprises: a decision-making perspective. In
International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA), Zadar, Croatia.
Gali, N,
Hughes, M, Mallett, O, Karam, A (2017)
The EO-as-Experimentation perspective: the examination of the entrepreneurial orientation and firm performance/survival relationship. In
British Academy of Management, University of Warwick.
Georgiadou, E and
Hughes, M (2017)
Theorising family firm internationalisation - Socioemotional wealth: A luxury? [Abstract]. In
IV Workshop on SMEs, Entrepreneurship and Family Business, Pablo de Olavide University, Seville, Spain.
Gali, N,
Hughes, M, Mallet, O, Karam, A (2017)
The dark side of EO: Insights into the EO-as-experimentation perspective by investigating the effect of EO on firm performance and failure. In
Lee, H, Hughes, P,
Hughes, M (2017)
Post-acquisitions structures in cross-border M&As: An innovation-based perspective. In
Institute of International Business and Governance (IIBG) 2017 Annual Conference, The Open University of Hong Kong.
Raphael, L,
Hughes, M, Tsinopoulos, C (2017)
Value creation through knowledge sharing in virtual community of practice. In
iBEGIN (International Business, Economic Geography and Innovation) Conference, Venice, Italy.
Scholes, L, Yi, Y, Hu, X,
Hughes, M, Hughes, P (2017)
The influence of family firms on the sustainability of start-up/nascent enterprises. In
ISBE Conference, Belfast.
Hu, Q and
Hughes, M (2017)
Theoretical assumptions about family firm radical innovation. In
SIDREA International Workshop: Family Involvement in Management and firm Growth, Naples, Italy.
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