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Loughborough University Research Publications

Publications for Jo Tacchi

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Journal Articles

Noske-Turner, J, Pullen, E, Magalasi, M, Haslett, D, Tacchi, J (2022) Paralympic broadcasting in sub-Saharan Africa: sport, media and communication for social change, Communication and Sport, 10(5), pp.1001-1015, ISSN: 2167-4795. DOI: 10.1177/21674795221093722.

Bailur, S, Masiero, S, Tacchi, J (2018) Gender, mobile and development: The theory and practice of empowerment, Information Technologies and International Development, 14, pp.96-104, ISSN: 1544-7529.

Papoutsaki, E, Thomas, V, Horst, H, Tacchi, J, Noske-Turner, J, Eggins, J (2016) A Review of the Pacific Media Landscape: A Baseline Study, Asia Pacific Media Educator, 26(2), pp.270-287, ISSN: 1326-365X. DOI: 10.1177/1326365X16668968.

Noske-Turner, J and Tacchi, J (2016) Grounding innovation in Pacific media and communication for development projects, Information Technologies and International Development, 12(4), ISSN: 1544-7537.

Lennie, J and Tacchi, J (2015) Tensions, challenges and issues in evaluating communication for development: findings from recent research and strategies for sustainable outcomes, Nordicom Review, 36, pp.25-39, ISSN: 1403-1108.

Lennie, J, Tacchi, J, Wilmore, M, Koirala, B (2015) A holistic, learning-centred approach to building evaluation capacity in development organizations, Evaluation, 21(3), pp.325-343, ISSN: 1356-3890. DOI: 10.1177/1356389015590219.

Tacchi, J and Waisbord, S (2015) Beyond the impasse: Exploring new thinking in communication & social change, Nordicom Review, 36, pp.97-110, ISSN: 1403-1108.

Tacchi, J, Kitner, KR, Mulenahalli, K (2014) Drive-by Wi-Fi and digital storytelling: development and co-creation, The Journal of Community Informatics, 10(1).

Lennie, J and Tacchi, J (2014) Bridging the divide between upward accountability and learning-based approaches to development evaluation: strategies for an enabling environment, Evaluation Journal of Australasia, 14(1), pp.12-23, ISSN: 1035-719X.

Noske-Turner, J, Tacchi, J, Horst, H, Papoutsaki, E (2014) Locating disaster communication in changing communicative ecologies across the Pacific, Australian Journal of Telecommunications and the Digital Economy, 2(4), ISSN: 2203-1693. DOI: 10.7790/ajtde.v2n4.66.

Rijal, N and Tacchi, J (2013) Media in a transitioning Nepal: Does expansion translate to pluralism?, Creative Industries Journal, 6(1), pp.57-70, ISSN: 1751-0694. DOI: 10.1386/cij.6.1.57_1.

Tacchi, J, Kitner, KR, Crawford, K (2012) Meaningful mobility: Gender, development and mobile phones, Feminist Media Studies, 12(4), pp.528-537, ISSN: 1468-0777. DOI: 10.1080/14680777.2012.741869.

Tacchi, J (2012) Open content creation: The issues of voice and the challenges of listening, New Media & Society, 14(4), pp.652-668, ISSN: 1461-4448. DOI: 10.1177/1461444811422431.

Horst, HA, Hjorth, L, Tacchi, J (2012) Rethinking ethnography: An introduction, Media International Australia, (145), pp.86-93, ISSN: 1329-878X. DOI: 10.1177/1329878x1214500110.

Tacchi, J, Watkins, J, Keerthirathne, K (2009) Participatory content creation: voice, communication, and development, Development in Practice, 19(4-5), pp.573-584, ISSN: 0961-4524. DOI: 10.1080/09614520902866389.

Litva, A, Coast, J, Donovan, J, Eyles, J, Shepherd, M, Tacchi, J, Abelson, J, Morgan, K (2002) ‘The public is too subjective’: public involvement at different levels of health-care decision making, Social Science & Medicine, 54(12), pp.1825-1837, ISSN: 0277-9536. DOI: 10.1016/s0277-9536(01)00151-4.

Coast, J, Donovan, J, Litva, A, Eyles, J, Morgan, K, Shepherd, M, Tacchi, J (2002) “If there were a war tomorrow, we’d find the money”: contrasting perspectives on the rationing of health care, Social Science & Medicine, 54(12), pp.1839-1851, ISSN: 0277-9536. DOI: 10.1016/s0277-9536(01)00152-6.

Jewell, D, Tacchi, J, Donovan, J (2000) Teenage pregnancy: Whose problems is it? Family Practice, 17(6), pp.522-528, ISSN: 0263-2136.

Hopkinson, A and Tacchi, J (2000) Editorial, International Journal of Cultural Studies, 3(2), pp.147-152, ISSN: 1367-8779. DOI: 10.1177/136787790000300201.

Tacchi, J (2000) The need for radio theory in the digital age, International Journal of Cultural Studies, 3(2), pp.289-298, ISSN: 1367-8779. DOI: 10.1177/136787790000300217.


Watkins, J, Tacchi, J, Kiran, MS (2009) The role of intermediaries in the development of asynchronous rural access. In , Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), pp.451-459, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-02713-0_48.


Tacchi, J and Tufte, T (ed) (2020) Communicating for Change Concepts to Think With, Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN: 9783030425128.

Pink, S, Horst, H, Postill, J, Hjorth, L, Lewis, T, Tacchi, J (2015) Digital Ethnography Principles and Practice, Sage Publications Limited, ISBN: 9781473902374.

Lennie, J and Tacchi, J (2013) Evaluating communication for development: A framework for social change. DOI: 10.4324/9780203078495.

Hearn, G, Tacchi, J, Foth, M, Lennie, J (2009) Action Research and New Media Concepts, Methods, and Cases, Hampton Press (NJ), ISBN: 9781572738669.

Tacchi, J and Kiran, MS (ed) (2008) Finding a voice: themes and discussions, UNESCO (The United Nations Educational Scientific & Cultural Organization), ISBN: 9788189218249.


Tacchi, J, Toiviainen, H, Kersh, N (2022) The role that adult education can play in supporting young adults with vulnerabilities. In Evans, K, Lee, WO, Markowitsch, J, Zukas, M (ed) Third International Handbook of Lifelong Learning, Springer, pp.1-23, ISBN: 9783030679309. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-67930-9_33-1.

Tacchi, J and Backhaus, B (2022) Uneasy allies: Community radio and communication for social change. In Lindgren, M and Loviglio, J (ed) The Routledge Companion to Radio and Podcast Studies, Routledge, pp.298-307, ISBN: 9780367432638.

Tacchi, J (2020) Meaningful mobilities. In Tacchi, J and Tufte, T (ed) Communicating for Change: Concepts to Think With, Palgrave Macmillan, pp.99-108, ISBN: 9783030425128. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-42513-5_9.

Tufte, T (2020) Dramaturgy of Social Change. In Tacchi, J and Tufte, T (ed) Communicating for Change Concepts to Think With, Palgrave Macmillan, pp.150-162, ISBN: 9783030425128.

Tufte, T and Tacchi, J (2020) Communicating for Change. In Tacchi, J and Tufte, T (ed) Communicating for Change Concepts to Think With, Palgrave Macmillan, pp.1-10, ISBN: 9783030425128.

Noske-Turner, J, Tacchi, J, Obregon, R, Chitnis, K, Lapsansky, C (2020) The challenges ahead: cultivating the conditions for small revolutions in C4D evaluation. In Noske-Turner, J (ed) Communication for Development: An Evaluation Framework in Action, Practical Action Publishing, pp.105-120.

Tacchi, J, Chandola, T, Pavarala, V, Elessawi, R (2020) Exploring Sanitation: Participatory research design and ethnography in West Bengal. In Noske-Turner, J (ed) Communication for Development: An Evaluation Framework in Action, Practical Action Publishing, pp.53-71, ISBN: 9781853399961.

Noske-Turner, J, Tacchi, J, Pavarala, V (2018) Becoming visible: an institutional histories approach to understanding practices and tensions in communication for development. In Engel, F and Noske-Turner, J (ed) Communication in International Development: Doing Good or Looking Good, Routledge, pp.99-117.

Tacchi, J (2016) When and how does voice matter? And how do we know?. In Voice & Matter: Communication, Development and the Cultural Return, © The Authors and Published by Nordicom, pp.117-128, ISBN: 9789187957314.

Tacchi, J (2015) The role of 'stillness' and 'nostalgia' in sustainable development: Asking different questions in communication for development. In Hansen, AH, Hemer, O, Tufte, T (ed) Memory on Trial: Media, Citizenship and Social Justice, Lit Verlag, pp.25-34, ISBN: 9783643905314.

Tacchi, J and Chandola, T (2015) Complicating connectivity: women's negotiations with smartphones in an Indian slum. In Routledge Handbook of New Media in Asia, © Routledge, pp.179-188, ISBN: 9781138026001. DOI: 10.4324/9781315774626.

Tacchi, J (2015) Ethnographic action research: media, information and communicative ecologies for development initiatives. In The SAGE Handbook of Action Research, 3e, © SAGE Publications, pp.220-229, ISBN: 9781446294543.

Tacchi, J and Chandola, T (2015) Complicating connectivity: Women’s negotiations with smartphones in an indian slum. In Routledge Handbook of New Media in Asia, pp.179-188, DOI: 10.4324/9781315774626-24.

Tacchi, J (2014) Who listens to radio? The role of industrial audience research. In No News is Bad News: Radio, Television and the Public, pp.137-156.

Tacchi, JA and Lennie, J (2014) A Participatory Framework for Researching and Evaluating Communication for Development and Social Change. In Wilkins, K, Tufte, T, Obregon, R (ed) The Handbook of Development Communication and Social Change, Wiley Online Library, pp.298-320, DOI: 10.1002/9781118505328.ch18.

Tacchi, J (2014) Being meaningfully mobile: mobile phones and development. In Technological determinism and communication for sustainable social change, © Lexington Books, pp.105-124, ISBN: 9780739191248.

Tacchi, J and Lennie, J (2014) A participatory framework for researching and evaluating communication for development and social change. In Handbook on Development Communication and Social Change, © John Wiley & Sons, pp.298-320, ISBN: 9781118505311. DOI: 10.1002/9781118505328.ch18.

Tacchi, J (2012) Radio in the (i)home: changing experiences of domestic audio technologies in Britain. In Radio Fields Anthropology and Wireless Sound in the 21st Century, NYU Press, pp.233-249, ISBN: 9780814738191.

Tacchi, J (2009) Finding a Voice: Participatory Development in Southeast Asia. In Story Circle: Digital Storytelling around the World, pp.167-175, DOI: 10.1002/9781444310580.ch11.


Tacchi, J, Sabiescu, A, Gordano, C (2019) Communicative ecologies in adult education, Tampere University, ISBN: 9789520313968.

Tacchi, J, Horst, H, Papoutsaki, E, Thomas, V, Eggins, J (2013) PACMAS: state of media and communication report: regional.

Devices or Products

Noske-Turner, J, Horst, H, Tacchi, J (2016) IDEAS Guide: A guide for media and communication projects, ABC International Development, ARC, PACMAS.

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