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Loughborough University Research Publications

Publications for Aidan McGarry

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Journal Articles

Breazu, P and McGarry, A (2023) Romaphobia in the UK Right-Wing Press: racist and populist discourse during the Brexit referendum, Social Semiotics, ISSN: 1035-0330. DOI: 10.1080/10350330.2023.2165907.

Korkut, U, McGarry, A, Erhart, I, Eslen-Ziya, H, Jenzen, O (2021) Looking for truth in absurdity: humour as community-building and dissidence against authoritarianism, International Political Science Review, 43(5), pp.629-647, ISSN: 0192-5121. DOI: 10.1177/0192512120971151.

Jenzen, O, Erhart, I, Eslen-Ziya, H, Korkut, U, McGarry, A (2020) The symbol of social media in contemporary protest: Twitter and the Gezi Park movement, Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, ISSN: 1354-8565. DOI: 10.1177/1354856520933747.

Ozduzen, O and McGarry, A (2020) Digital traces of ‘Twitter revolutions’: Resistance, polarization and surveillance via contested images and texts of Occupy Gezi, International Journal of Communication, 14, pp.2543-2563, ISSN: 1932-8036.

Eslen-Ziya, H, McGarry, A, Jenzen, O, Erhart, I, Korkut, U (2019) From anger to solidarity: The emotional echo-chamber of Gezi park protests, Emotion, Space and Society, 33, 100632, ISSN: 1755-4586. DOI: 10.1016/j.emospa.2019.100632.

McGarry, A, Jenzen, O, Eslen-Ziya, H, Erhart, I, Korkut, U (2019) Beyond the iconic protest images: the performance of ‘everyday life’ on social media during Gezi Park, Social Movement Studies, ISSN: 1474-2837. DOI: 10.1080/14742837.2018.1561259.

McGarry, A, Davidson, RJ, Accornero, G, Jasper, JM, Duyvendak, JW (2016) Players and arenas: strategic interactionism in social movements studies, Social Movement Studies, 15(6), pp.634-642, ISSN: 1474-2837. DOI: 10.1080/14742837.2016.1199320.

McGarry, A (2016) Pride parades and prejudice: Visibility of Roma and LGBTI communities in post-socialist Europe, Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 49(3), pp.269-277, ISSN: 0967-067X. DOI: 10.1016/j.postcomstud.2016.06.002.

Tremlett, A, McGarry, A, Agarin, T (2014) The work of Sisyphus: Squaring the circle of Roma recognition, Ethnicities, 14(6), pp.727-736, ISSN: 1468-7968. DOI: 10.1177/1468796814542185.

McGarry, A (2014) Roma as a political identity: Exploring representations of Roma in Europe, Ethnicities, 14(6), pp.756-774, ISSN: 1468-7968. DOI: 10.1177/1468796814542182.

McGarry, A and Agarin, T (2014) Unpacking the Roma participation puzzle: Presence, voice and influence, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 40(12), pp.1972-1990, ISSN: 1369-183X. DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2014.897599.

Gilligan, C, Hainsworth, P, McGarry, A (2011) Fractures, Foreigners and Fitting In: Exploring Attitudes towards Immigration and Integration in ‘Post-Conflict' Northern Ireland, Ethnopolitics, 10(2), pp.253-269, ISSN: 1744-9057. DOI: 10.1080/17449057.2011.570986.

McGarry, A (2011) The Roma voice in the European Union: Between national belonging and transnational identity, Social Movement Studies, 10(3), pp.283-297, ISSN: 1474-2837. DOI: 10.1080/14742837.2011.590030.

McGarry, A (2011) The dilemma of the European Union’s Roma policy, Critical Social Policy, 32(1), pp.126-136, ISSN: 0261-0183. DOI: 10.1177/0261018311425201.

McGarry, A (2009) Ambiguous nationalism? Explaining the parliamentary under-representation of Roma in Hungary and Romania, Romani Studies, 19(2), pp.103-124, ISSN: 1528-0748. DOI: 10.3828/rs.2009.6.

McGarry, A (2008) Ethnic group identity and the Roma social movement: Transnational organizing structures of representation, Nationalities Papers, 36(3), pp.449-470, ISSN: 0090-5992. DOI: 10.1080/00905990802080661.

McGarry, A, Gilligan, C, Hainsworth, P (2008) Questions and answers: comparing the attitudes of elected representatives, and their party supporters, towards minority ethnic communities in Northern Ireland, Shared Space, 6, pp.85-100.

McGarry, A, Gilligan, C, Hainsworth, P (2008) Political Parties and Minority Ethnic Communities in Northern Ireland: Election Manifestos 1994-2007, Translocations: Migration and Social Change, 3(1), pp.1-27.

McGarry, A (2008) Political Participation and Interest Articulation of Roma in Romania, Journal on Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues in Europe, 1, pp.1-25, ISSN: 1617-5247.


McGarry, A, Erhart, I, Eslen-Ziya, H, Jenzen, O (2019) The Aesthetics of Global Protest Visual Culture and Communication, Protest and Social Movements, ISBN: 9789463724913.

McGarry, A (2017) Romaphobia The Last Acceptable Form of Racism, Zed Books Ltd, ISBN: 9781783604029.

McGarry, A and Jasper, J (2015) The Identity Dilemma Social Movements and Collective Identity, Temple University Press, ISBN: 9781439912522.

Drake, HP, Korkut, U, Bucken-Knapp, G, McGarry, A, Hinnfors, J (ed) (2013) The Discourses and Politics of Migration in Europe, Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN: 9781137310897.

McGarry, A (2010) Who Speaks for Roma? Political Representation of a Transnational Minority Community, Bloomsbury Publishing, ISBN: 9780826428806.


McGarry, A, Jenzen, O, Erhart, I, Eslen-Ziya, H, Korkut, U (2019) Introduction: The aesthetics of global protest: Visual culture and communication. In The Aesthetics of Global Protest: Visual Culture and Communication, Amsterdam University Press, pp.15-36, ISBN: 9789463724913.

McGarry, A and O'Hara, M (2019) The introvert's protest: Handwriting the constitution and the performance of politics. In McGarry, A, Erhart, I, Eslen-Ziya, H, Jenzen, O, Korkut, U (ed) The Aesthetics of Global Protest: Visual Culture and Communication, Amsterdam University Press, pp.141-148, ISBN: 9789463724913.

Jenzen, O, Erhart, I, Eslen-Ziya, H, Gucdemir, D, Korkut, U, McGarry, A (2019) Music videos as protest communication: The Gezi Park protest on You Tube. In McGarry, A, Erhart, I, Eslen-Ziya, H, Jenzen, O, Korkut, U (ed) The Aesthetics of Global Protest: Visual Culture and Communication, Amsterdam University Press, pp.211-232, ISBN: 9789463724913.

McGarry, A, Eslen-Ziya, H, Potgieter, C, Reygan, F (2015) Equal but Separate? LGBT Rights in South Africa. In Korkut, U, Mahendran, K, Bucken-Knappp, G (ed) Discursive Governance in Politics, Policy and Public Sphere, Palgrave MacMilan, pp.179-189.

Jasper, J and McGarry, A (2015) The Identity Dilemma, Social Movements and Collective Identity. In McGarry, A and Jasper, J (ed) The Identity Dilemma: Social Movements and Collective identity, Temple University Press, pp.1-17.

Jasper, J, Tramontano, M, McGarry, A (2015) Scholarly Research on Collective Identity. In McGarry, A and Jasper, J (ed) The Identity Dilemma: Social Movements and Collective Identity, Temple University Press, pp.18-43.

McGarry, A and Drake, H (2013) The politicization of Roma as an ethnic "other": Security discourse in France and the politics of belonging. In The Discourses and Politics of Migration in Europe, Palgrave Macmillan © The Editors, pp.73-91, ISBN: 9781137310897. DOI: 10.1057/9781137310903.

McGarry, A (2009) Round Pegs in Square Holes: Integrating the Romani Community in Hungary. In Agarin, T and Brosig, M (ed) Minority Integration in Central Eastern Europe: Between Ethnic Diversity and Equality, Rodopi, pp.257-278, ISBN: 978-90-420-2733-6.

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