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Loughborough University Research Publications

Publications for Andrew Morris

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Journal Articles

Thomas, P, Welsh, R, Morris, A, Reed, S (2024) Validating self-reported driving behaviours as determinants of real-world driving speeds, Ergonomics: an International Journal of Research and Practice in Human Factors and Ergonomics, ISSN: 0014-0139. DOI: 10.1080/00140139.2024.2395419.

Yin, A, Chen, X, Behrendt, F, Morris, A, Liu, X (2024) How electric bikes reduce car use: A dual-mode ownership perspective, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 133(2024), 104304, ISSN: 1361-9209. DOI: 10.1016/j.trd.2024.104304.

Fondzenyuy, SK, Usami, DS, González-Hernández, B, Brown, L, Morris, A, Persia, L (2024) Developing improved crash prevention approaches through in-depth investigation of motorcycle crash causation patterns, Heliyon, 10(12), e32866, DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e32866.

Chaudhry, A, Haouari, R, Papazikou, E, Kumar Singh, M, Hua, S, Tympakianaki, A, Nogues, L, Quddus, M, Weijermars, W, Thomas, P, Morris, A (2024) Examining road safety impacts of Green Light Optimal Speed Advisory (GLOSA) system, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 200, 107534, ISSN: 0001-4575. DOI: 10.1016/j.aap.2024.107534.

Sha, H, Haouari, R, Singh, MK, Papazikou, E, Quddus, M, Chaudhry, A, Thomas, P, Morris, A (2024) How can on-street parking regulations affect traffic, safety, and the environment in a cooperative, connected, and automated era?, European Transport Research Review, 16(1), 18, ISSN: 1866-8887. DOI: 10.1186/s12544-023-00628-8.

Talbot, R, Filtness, A, Morris, A (2023) Proposing a framework for evidence-based road safety policy-making: connecting crash causation, countermeasures and policy, Accident Analysis & Prevention, 195, 107409, ISSN: 0001-4575. DOI: 10.1016/j.aap.2023.107409.

Sha, H, Singh, M, Haouari, R, Papazikou, E, Quddus, M, Quigley, C, Chaudhry, A, Thomas, P, Weijermars, W, Morris, A (2023) Network-wide safety impacts of dedicated lanes for connected and autonomous vehicles, Accident Analysis & Prevention, 195, 107424, ISSN: 0001-4575. DOI: 10.1016/j.aap.2023.107424.

Ye, C, Wang, X, Morris, A, Ying, Z (2023) Pedestrian crash causation analysis and active safety system calibration, Accident Analysis & Prevention, 195, 107404, ISSN: 0001-4575. DOI: 10.1016/j.aap.2023.107404.

O’Dell, A, Morris, A, Filtness, A, Barnes, J (2023) The Impact of Pedestrian Distraction on Safety Behaviours at Controlled and Uncontrolled Crossings, Future Transportation, 3(4), pp.1195-1208, DOI: 10.3390/futuretransp3040065.

Staton, M, Barnes, J, Morris, A, Waterson, P (2023) Learning not blaming: Investigating ten fatal road traffic collisions using STAMP-CAST, Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 21(2023), 100912, DOI: 10.1016/j.trip.2023.100912.

Wang, X, Ye, C, Quddus, M, Morris, A (2023) Pedestrian safety in an automated driving environment: calibrating and evaluating the responsibility-sensitive safety model, Accident Analysis & Prevention, 192, ISSN: 0001-4575. DOI: 10.1016/j.aap.2023.107265.

Singh, M, Haouari, R, Papazikou, E, Sha, H, Quddus, M, Chaudhry, A, Thomas, P, Morris, A (2023) Examining parking choices of connected and autonomous vehicles, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2677(11), pp.589-601, ISSN: 0361-1981. DOI: 10.1177/03611981231166383.

Barnes, J, Brown, L, Morris, A, Stuttard, N (2022) Bus passenger injury prevention: Learning from onboard incidents, Traffic Injury Prevention, 24(1), pp.98-102, ISSN: 1538-9588. DOI: 10.1080/15389588.2022.2146982.

ODell, A, Filtness, A, Morris, A (2022) Predicting the intention of distracted pedestrians at road crossings, Accident Analysis & Prevention, 173, 106707, ISSN: 0001-4575. DOI: 10.1016/j.aap.2022.106707.

Wilson, C, Gyi, D, Morris, A, Bateman, R, Tanaka, H (2022) Non-driving related tasks and journey types for future autonomous vehicle owners, Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 85, pp.150-160, ISSN: 1369-8478. DOI: 10.1016/j.trf.2022.01.004.

Ralph, F, Large, D, Burnett, G, Lang, A, Morris, A (2021) U can’t touch this! Face touching behaviour whilst driving: implications for health, hygiene and human factors, Ergonomics, 65(7), pp.943-959, ISSN: 0014-0139. DOI: 10.1080/00140139.2021.2004241.

Staton, M, Barnes, J, Morris, A, Waterson, P (2021) ‘Over to you’: using a STAMP control structure analysis to probe deeper into the control of UK road safety at a municipal level – the case of Cambridgeshire, Ergonomics, pp.1-16, ISSN: 0014-0139. DOI: 10.1080/00140139.2021.1968033.

Li, H, Welsh, R, Morris, A (2021) Emergency responders' perceptions of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle: A qualitative study on the U.K. fire and rescue services, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 46(65), pp.32750-32761, ISSN: 0360-3199. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2021.07.146.

Morris, A, Haworth, N, Filtness, A, Nguatem, D-PA, Brown, L, Rakotonirainy, A, Glaser, S (2021) Autonomous vehicles and vulnerable road-users—important considerations and requirements based on crash data from two countries, Behavioral Sciences, 11(7), 101, DOI: 10.3390/bs11070101.

Brown, L, Morris, A, Thomas, P, Ekambaram, K, Margaritis, D, Daidse, R, Usami, DS, Robibaro, M, Persia, L, Buttler, I, Ziakopoulos, A, Theofilatos, A, Yannis, G, Martin, A, Wadji, F (2021) Investigation of accidents involving powered two wheelers and bicycles – a European in-depth study, Journal of Safety Research, 76, pp.135-145, ISSN: 0022-4375. DOI: 10.1016/j.jsr.2020.12.015.

Talbot, R, Brown, L, Morris, A (2020) Why are powered two wheeler riders still fatally injured in road junction crashes? – A causation analysis, Journal of Safety Research, 75, pp.196-204, ISSN: 0022-4375. DOI: 10.1016/j.jsr.2020.09.009.

Ma, RHY, Morris, A, Herriotts, P, Birrell, S (2020) Investigating what level of visual information inspires trust in a user of a highly automated vehicle, Applied Ergonomics, 90, 103272, ISSN: 0003-6870. DOI: 10.1016/j.apergo.2020.103272.

Morris, A, van Nes, N, Dukic-Willstrand, T, Charlton, SG (2020) HUMANIST 2018 – Emerging issues in human factors of vehicle automation: Introduction to the special issue of TRF, Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 74, pp.507-510, ISSN: 1369-8478. DOI: 10.1016/j.trf.2020.09.002.

Murphy, P and Morris, A (2020) Quantifying accident risk and severity due to speed from the reaction point to the critical conflict in fatal motorcycle accidents, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 141(June 2020), 105548, ISSN: 0001-4575. DOI: 10.1016/j.aap.2020.105548.

Maguire, M, Stuttard, N, Morris, A, Harvey, E (2019) A review of behavioural research on data security, European Journal of Privacy Law & Technologies, 1, pp.16-60.

Li, H, Welsh, R, Morris, A (2019) The influence of driver's psychological states on the safety perception of hydrogen electric vehicles, International Journal of Transport Development and Integration, 3(3), pp.207-221, ISSN: 2058-8305. DOI: 10.2495/TDI-V3-N3-207-221.

Peiris, S, Corben, B, Nieuwesteeg, M, Gabler, HC, Morris, A, Bowman, D, Lenne, MG, Fitzharris, M (2018) Evaluation of alternative intersection treatments at rural crossroads using simulation software, Traffic Injury Prevention, 19(supp 2), ISSN: 1538-9588. DOI: 10.1080/15389588.2018.1528357.

Welsh, R and Morris, A (2018) Perceived safety benefits of aftermarket driver support systems: Results from a large scale European field operational test (FOT), Safety, DOI: 10.3390/safety4040054.

Silla, A, Leden, L, Rama, P, Scholliers, J, van Noort, M, Morris, A, Hancox, G, Bell, D (2018) A headway to improve PTW rider safety within the EU through three types of ITS, European Transport Research Review, ISSN: 1867-0717. DOI: 10.1186/s12544-018-0289-5.

Welsh, R, Morris, A, Innamaa, S (2017) Methodological aspects of field operational tests of after-market and nomadic driver support systems and impacts on mobility, The Open Transportation Journal, 11, pp.90-101, ISSN: 1874-4478. DOI: 10.2174/1874447801711010090.

Key, CEJ, Morris, A, Mansfield, NJ (2017) A study investigating the comparative situation awareness of older and younger drivers when driving a route with extended periods of cognitive taxation, Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 49, pp.145-158, ISSN: 1369-8478. DOI: 10.1016/j.trf.2017.05.007.

Silla, A, Rama, P, Leden, L, van Noort, M, de Kruijff, J, Bell, D, Morris, A, Hancox, G, Scholliers, J (2017) Quantifying the effectiveness of ITS in improving safety of VRUs, IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 11(3), pp.164-172, ISSN: 1751-956X. DOI: 10.1049/iet-its.2016.0024.

Deligianni, P, Quddus, M, Morris, A, Anvuur, A, Reed, S (2017) Analyzing and modelling drivers’ deceleration behaviour from normal driving, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2663, ISSN: 0361-1981. DOI: 10.3141/2663-17.

Key, J, Morris, AP, Mansfield, NJ (2016) Situation Awareness: its proficiency amongst older and younger drivers, and its usefulness for perceiving hazards, Transportation Research Part F: Psychology and Behaviour, 40, pp.156-168, DOI: 10.1016/j.trf.2016.04.011.

Marshall, R, Summerskill, S, Case, K, Hussain, A, Gyi, D, Sims, R, Morris, A, Barnes, J (2016) Supporting a design-driven approach to social inclusion and accessibility in transport, Social Inclusion, ISSN: 2183-2803. DOI: 10.17645/si.v4i3.521.

Niedderer, K, Ludden, G, Clune, S, Lockton, D, Mackrill, J, Morris, A, Cain, R, Gardiner, E, Evans, M, Gutteridge, R, Hekkert, P (2016) Design for behaviour change as a driver for sustainable innovation: challenges and opportunities for implementation in the private and public sectors, International Journal of Design, 10(2), ISSN: 1991-3761.

Barnes, J, Morris, A, Welsh, R, Summerskill, S, Marshall, R, Kendrick, D, Logan, P, Drummond, A, Conroy, S, Fildes, B, Bell, J (2015) Injuries to older users of buses in the UK, Public Transport, 8, pp.25-38, ISSN: 1866-749X. DOI: 10.1007/s12469-015-0113-8.

Morris, A, Welsh, R, Reed, S, Brown, L, Birrell, SA (2015) The distraction effects of navigation and green-driving systems – results from field operational tests (FOTs) in the UK, European Transport Research Review, 7, 26, ISSN: 1867-0717. DOI: 10.1007/s12544-015-0175-3.

Lenard, J, Ekambaram, K, Morris, A (2015) Position and rotation of driver's head as risk factor for whiplash in rear impacts, J Ergonomics, 3(12), ISSN: 2165-7556. DOI: 10.4172/2165-7556.S3-012.

Barnes, J and Morris, A (2014) Injuries to older users of public transport - a neglected problem, TRAFFIC INJURY PREVENTION, 15, ISSN: 1538-9588. DOI: 10.1080/15389588.2014.956646.

Thomas, P, Talbot, R, Morris, AP, Fagerlind, H (2013) Identifying the causes of road crashes in Europe, Annals of Advances in Automotive Medicine, 57, pp.1-1, ISSN: 1540-0360.

Talbot, R, Fagerlind, H, Morris, A (2013) Exploring inattention and distraction in the SafetyNet Accident Causation Database, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 60, pp.445-455, ISSN: 0001-4575. DOI: 10.1016/j.aap.2012.03.031.

Hancox, G, Richardson, JH, Morris, AP (2013) Drivers' willingness to engage with their mobile phone: the influence of phone function and road demand, IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 7(2), pp.215-222, ISSN: 1751-956X. DOI: 10.1049/iet-its.2012.0133.

Morris, A, Reed, S, Welsh, R, Brown, L, Birrell, S (2013) Studying the effects of in-vehicle information systems on driver visual behaviour - Implications for design, 2013 IRCOBI Conference Proceedings - International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury, pp.641-651.

Valero-Mora, PM, Tontsch, A, Welsh, R, Morris, A, Reed, S, Touliou, K (Accepted for publication) Is naturalistic driving research possible with highly instrumented cars? Lessons learnt in three research centres, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 54, pp.1-8, ISSN: 0001-4575.

Reed, S and Morris, AP (2012) Characteristics of fatal single-vehicle crashes in Europe, International Journal of Crashworthiness, 17(6), pp.655-664, ISSN: 1358-8265. DOI: 10.1080/13588265.2012.709394.

Franzen, SER, Karlsson, M, Morris, AP, Welsh, R (2012) Widening the use of the FOT methodology. Development based on experiences from the TeleFOT project, Proceedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 48, pp.1826-1836, ISSN: 1877-0428. DOI: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.06.1157.

Kendrick, D, O'Brien, CE, Christie, N, Coupland, C, Quinn, C, Avis, M, Barker, M, Barnes, J, Coffey, F, Joseph, S, Morris, AP, Morriss, R, Rowley, E, Sleney, J, Towner, E (2011) The impact of injuries study. Multicentre study assessing physical, psychological, social and occupational functioning post-injury - a protocol, BMC Public Health, 11(963), pp.1-16, ISSN: 1471-2458. DOI: 10.1186/1471-2458-11-963.

Morris, AP, Brace, CL, Reed, SG, Fagerlind, H, Bjorkman, K, Jaensch, M, Otte, D, Vallet, G, Cant, L, Giustiniani, G, Parkkari, K, Verschragen, E, Hoogvelt, B (2010) The development of a European fatal accident database, International Journal of Crashworthiness, 15(2), pp.201-209, ISSN: 1754-2111. DOI: 10.1080/13588260903102476.

Barnes, JS and Morris, AP (2009) A study of impairing injuries in real world crashes using the injury impairment scale (IIS) and the predicted functional capacity index (PFCI-AIS), Annals of Advances in Automotive Medicine, 53, pp.1-12, ISSN: 1943-247X.

(2009) A study of impairing injuries in real world crashes using the Injury Impairment Scale (IIS) and the predicted Functional Capacity Index (PFCI-AIS), Annals of advances in automotive medicine / Annual Scientific Conference .. Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine. Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine. Scientific Conference, 53, pp.195-205, ISSN: 1943-247X.

Welsh, R, Reed, S, Morris, A (2008) AIS 3+ head injury mechanisms and crash characteristics- A review of airbag deployed crashes, International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury - 2008 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Injury, Proceedings, pp.17-31.

Digges, K, Welsh, R, Morris, A (2007) Low severity frontal crashes that cause injury to elderly occupants, International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury - 2007 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Injury, Proceedings, pp.291-297.

Welsh, RH, Morris, AP, Hassan, A (2007) Struck-side crashes involving post-regulatory European passenger cars - crash characteristics and injury outcomes, International Journal of Vehicle Safety, 2(1/2), pp.103-115, ISSN: 1479-3105. DOI: 10.1504/IJVS.2007.012588.

Welsh, RH, Morris, AP, Hassan, AM (2007) Struck-side crashes involving post-regulatory European passenger cars: Crash characteristics and injury outcomes, International Journal of Vehicle Safety, 2(1-2), pp.103-115, ISSN: 1479-3105. DOI: 10.1504/IJVS.2007.012588.

Morris, A, Welsh, R, Barnes, J, Frampton, R (2006) The nature, type and consequences of lower extremity injuries in front and side impacts in pre and post-regulatory passenger cars, International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Impact - 2006 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impact, Proceedings, pp.19-33.

Welsh, RH, Morris, AP, Hassan, A, Charlton, J, Fildes, B (2006) Crash characteristics and injury outcomes for older passenger car occupants, Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 9(5), pp.322-334, ISSN: 1369-8478. DOI: 10.1016/j.trf.2006.03.007.

Thomas, PD, Morris, AP, Yannis, G, Lejeune, P, Wesemann, P, Vallet, G, Vanlaar, W (2005) Designing the european road safety observatory, International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion, 12(4), pp.251-253, ISSN: 1745-7300. DOI: 10.1080/17457300500241746.

Morris, A, Welsh, R, Thomas, P, Kirk, A (2005) Head and chest injury outcomes in struck-side crashes, International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Impact - 2005 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impact, Proceedings, pp.73-83.

Fitzharris, M, Franklyn, M, Frampton, RJ, Yang, K, Morris, AP, Fildes, B (2004) Thoracic aortic injury in motor vehicle crashes: the effect of impact direction, side of body struck and seat belt use, The Journal of Trauma, Injury, Infection and Critical Care, 57(3), pp.582-590, ISSN: 1529-8809. DOI: 10.1097/01.TA.0000088015.83951.D0.

Lenard, JA, Frampton, RJ, Kirk, AR, Morris, AP, Newton, RA, Thomas, PD, Fay, P (2004) Accidents, injuries and safety priorities for light goods vehicles in Great Britain, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part D, Journal of Automobile Engineering, 218(6), pp.611-618, ISSN: 0954-4070. DOI: 10.1243/0954407041166094.

Morris, AP, Mackay, GM, Parkin, S, Morris, AP (2004) The Urban Rollover;Charateristics, Injuries, Seat Belts and Ejection, Progress in Technology, 101, pp.357-363.

Franklyn, M, Fitzharris, M, Fildes, B, Yang, K, Frampton, RJ, Morris, AP (2003) A Preliminary Analysis of Aortic Injuries in Lateral Impacts, Traffic Injury Prevention, 4(3), pp.263-269, ISSN: 1538-9588. DOI: 10.1080/15389580309883.

Morris, AP, Welsh, RH, Frampton, RJ, Charlton, J, Fildes, B (2003) Vehicle Crashworthiness and the Older Motorist, Ageing & Society, 23(4), pp.395-409, ISSN: 0144-686X. DOI: 10.1017/S0144686X03001223.

Bostrom, O, Fildes, B, Morris, AP, Sparke, L, Smith, S, Judd, R (2002) A Cost Effective Far Side Crash Simulation, International Journal of Crashworthiness, 8(3), pp.307-313, ISSN: 1358-8265. DOI: 10.1533/ijcr.2003.0235.

Morris, AP, Barnes, JS, Fildes, B (2001) Some Effects of Australian Design Rule (ADR) 69 on Frontal Crash Outcomes, International Journal of Crashworthiness, 6(4), pp.499-510, ISSN: 1358-8265. DOI: 10.1533/cras.2001.0193.

Morris, AP, Thomas, PD, Taylor, AM, Wallace, WA (1999) Mechanisms of ankle and hind foot injuries to drivers and passengers in frontal crashes as deduced from field studies, International Journal of Crashworthiness, 4(3), pp.305-316, ISSN: 1358-8265.

Deery, HA, Morris, AP, Fildes, BN, Newstead, SV (1999) Airbag Technology in Australian Passenger Cars: Some Preliminary Results from Real World Crash Investigations, Crash Prevention and Injury Control, 1(2), pp.121-128, ISSN: 1028-6586.

Morris, A, Thomas, P, Taylor, AM, Wallace, WA (1997) Mechanisms of fractures in ankle and hind-foot injuries to front seat car occupants - an in-depth accident data analysis, Stapp Car Crash Conference Proceedings, (P-315), pp.181-194, ISSN: 0585-086X.

Morris, AP, Hasson, A, Mackay, M, Hill, JR (1995) Head injuries in lateral impact collisions, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 27, pp.749-756, ISSN: 0001-4575.

Huelke, DF, Mackay, GM, Morris, AP (1995) Vertebral Column Injuries and Lap-Shoulder Belts, The Journal of Trauma: Injury, Infection and Critical Care, 38(4), pp.547-556, ISSN: 1079-6061.

Huelke, DF, Mackay, GM, Morris, A (1995) Vertebral column injuries and lap-shoulder belts, Journal of Trauma - Injury, Infection and Critical Care, 38(4), pp.547-556, ISSN: 0022-5282. DOI: 10.1097/00005373-199504000-00014.

Huelke, DF, Mackay, GM, Morris, A, Bradford, M (1993) A review of cervical fractures and fracture-dislocations without head impacts sustained by restrained occupants, Accident Analysis & Prevention, 25(6), pp.731-743, ISSN: 0001-4575. DOI: 10.1016/0001-4575(93)90037-w.

Morris, AP (1993) A History of Seat Belt Legislation, Wilkinson's Road Traffic Law Bulletin, 10(2), pp.22-23, ISSN: 0265-7937.

Hill, JR, Mackay, GM, Morris, AP (1993) Chest and abdominal injuries caused by seat belt loading, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 26(1), pp.11-26.

Huelke, DF, Mackay, GM, Morris, AP, Bradford, MA (1993) A Review of Cervical Fractures and Fracture-Dislocations Without Head Impacts Sustained by Restrained Occupants, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 25(6), pp.731-743, ISSN: 0001-4575.


Singh, M, Haouari, R, Papazikou, E, Sha, H, Chaudhry, A, Quddus, M, Thomas, P, Morris, A (2023) Analysing the impacts of parking price policies with the introduction of connected and automated vehicles. In Transport Research Arena (TRA) Conference; Transportation Research Procedia, Lisbon, Portugal, pp.2294-2301, DOI: 10.1016/j.trpro.2023.11.719.

Sha, H, Haouari, R, Singh, M, Papazikou, E, Chaudhry, A, Thomas, P, Quddus, M, Morris, A (2023) Impacts of on-street parking regulations on cooperative, connected, and automated mobility - a traffic microsimulation study. In TRA2022; Transportation Research Procedia, Lisbon, Portugal, pp.3062-3069, DOI: 10.1016/j.trpro.2023.11.855.

Adnane, A, Hardy, J, Ahmad, F, Morris, A, Filtness, A (2023) Drivers, the missed attack surface of connected vehicles. In 6th Smart Cities Symposium (SCS 2022); 6th Smart Cities Symposium (SCS 2022), Hybrid Conference, Bahrain,ISBN: 9781839538544. DOI: 10.1049/icp.2023.0416.

Morris, A, Brown, L, Filtness, A (2023) Road junctions may cause problems for the safe co-existence of automated vehicle and certain vulnerable road users. In Mendoza, L (ed) HUMANIST Conference 2023; Proceedings of the 8th HUMANIST Conference, Berlin, Germany, pp.80-83, ISBN: 9782953171273.

Zhong, Q, Gyi, D, Morris, A, Furuya, T (2023) Exploring the user preferences of older drivers for car interior design elements based on the semantic difference method. In HUMANIST Conference 2023; Proceedings of the 8th HUMANIST Conference, Berlin, Germany, pp.67-74, ISBN: 9782953171273.

Bishop, A, Barnes, J, Morris, A (2023) Motorcyclists, motorcycle stakeholders and driverless vehicle stakeholders: how do their positions align?. In HUMANIST Conference 2023; Proceedings of the 8th HUMANIST Conference, Berlin, Germany, pp.112-118, ISBN: 9782953171273.

Filtness, A, Morris, A, ODell, A, Fratini, E, Bishop, A, Brown, L, Rakotonirainy, A, Haworth, N, Glaser, S, Schroeter, R, Pardo, J, Borojeni, MF, Qin, D, Liu, Q, Ye, C, Wang, X (2023) Collaboration across three continents during and after a global pandemic: reflections of early and established career academics. In HUMANIST Conference 2023; Proceedings of the 8th HUMANIST Conference, Berlin, Germany, pp.140-146, ISBN: 9782953171273.

Fitzharris, M, Lenné, M, Liu, S, Arundell, TP, Peiris, S, Corben, B, Tingvall, C, Bowman, D, Morris, A (2023) Application of a modified integrated safety chain using in-depth crash data to identify factors associated with serious injury crashes: a method to prioritise currently available active safety systems and to identify new opportunities to advance vehicle safety. In 27th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV); 27th ESV Conference Proceedings, Yokohama, Japan.

Haouari, R, Sha, H, Singh, M, Papazikou, A, Quddus, M, Chaudhry, A, Thomas, P, Morris, A (2023) Analysing Mobility and Environmental Impacts of Automated Ridesharing Services Under Mixed Traffic. In 102nd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington D.C. USA.

Barnes, J, Brown, L, Morris, A (2022) Improving the safety of London buses through design. In Akkök, M, Baranoğlu, B, Çakir, C, Kiliҫ, SE, Konukseven, Eİ, Lofti, B, Oral, A, Şeker, U, Ünver, HÖ, Esat, V, Himmetoğlu, S (ed) 19th International Conference on Machine Design and Production (UMTIK 2022); 19th International Conference on Machine Design and Production Conference Proceedings, Cappadocia, Turkey, pp.73-82, ISBN: 9789754294149.

Maynard, S, Hancox, G, Morris, A, Acar, S (2022) E-scooter safety studies and a user trial study. In Akkök, M, Baranoğlu, B, Çakir, C, Kiliҫ, SE, Konukseven, Eİ, Lofti, B, Oral, A, Şeker, U, Ünver, HÖ, Esat, V, Himmetoğlu, S (ed) 19th International Conference on Machine Design and Production (UMTIK 2022); 19th International Conference on Machine Design and Production Conference Proceedings, Cappadocia, Turkey, pp.83-96, ISBN: 9789754294149.

Sha, H, Singh, M, Haouari, R, Chaudhry, A, Quigley, C, Papazikou, E, Quddus, M, Weijermars, W, Thomas, P, Morris, A (2022) Safety impact of dedicated lanes for connected and autonomous vehicles – a traffic microsimulation study. In 8th Road Safety & Simulation International Conference (RSS 2022); Proceedings from the RSS 2022 - 8th Road Safety & Simulation International Conference: Road Safety and Digitalization, Athens, Greece.

Chaudhry, A, Haouari, R, Papazikou, E, Sha, H, Singh, M, Tympakianaki, A, Nogues, L, Quddus, M, Weijermars, W, Thomas, P, Morris, A (2022) Examining road safety impacts of Green Light Optimal Speed Advisory (GLOSA) system. In 8th Road Safety & Simulation International Conference (RSS 2022); Proceedings from the RSS 2022 - 8th Road Safety & Simulation International Conference: Road Safety and Digitalization, Athens, Greece.

Milson, L, Brown, L, Morris, A (2021) Will autonomous vehicles prevent fatal motorcycle accidents?. In 7th HUMANIST Conference; Proceedings of the 7th Humanist Conference, Rhodes, Greece,ISBN: 9782953171266.

Milson, L, Brown, L, Morris, A (2021) HUMANIST - Human-Centered Design for Intelligent Transport Systems. In HUMANIST _ Human Centered Design for Intelligent Transport Systems, Rhodes, Greece.

ODell, A, Filtness, A, Morris, A (2021) Age and pedestrian intention to cross the road while distracted. In 7th HUMANIST Conference; Proceedings of the 7th Humanist Conference, Rhodes, Greece,ISBN: 9782953171266.

Wilson, C, Gyi, D, Morris, A, Robert, B, Tanaka, H (2021) Space utilisation and comfort in automated vehicles: A shift in interior car design?. In Comfort Congress 2021, Nottingham.

ODell, A, Filtness, A, Morris, A (Accepted for publication) Exploring the impact of environmental factors on distracted pedestrian crossing behaviour using theory of planned behaviour. In 53rd Annual Universities' Transport Study Group Conference 2021, Loughborough, UK (Online).

Nunn, J, Barnes, J, Petherick, E, Morris, A (2021) Drivers who cause serious injury – can we target behaviour change?. In Global Injury Prevention Showcase; Injury Prevention, Virtual Pre-Conference. DOI: 10.1136/injuryprev-2021-safety.185.

Barnes, J, Brown, L, Morris, A, Stuttard, N (2021) Bus passenger injury – a difficult problem to analyse. In Global Injury Prevention Showcase; Injury Prevention, Virtual Pre-Conference. DOI: 10.1136/injuryprev-2021-safety.75.

Wilson, C, Gyi, D, Morris, A (2020) Working at 70mph? Non-driving related tasks in future autonomous vehicles. In Golightly, RCD (ed) Ergonomics & Human Factors 2020; Contemporary Ergonomics & Human Factors 2020, Stratford-upon-Avon, UK.

Wilson, C, Gyi, D, Morris, A (Accepted for publication) Re-inventing the journey experience - A multifaceted framework to comfort in autonomous vehicles. In 2nd International Comfort Congress (ICC2019), Delft, Netherlands.

Li, H, Welsh, R, Morris, A (2019) Exploring pathways to negate safety concerns and improve public acceptance of alternative fuelled electric vehicles. In Urban Transport 2018, Seville, Spain,ISBN: 9781784662998.

Fildes, B, Oxley, J, Morris, A, Helman, S, Weekley, J (2018) Review of medical fitness to drive in Europe. In HUMANIST Conference 2018, The Hague, The Netherlands,ISBN: 9782953171259.

Deligianni, SP, Quddus, M, Morris, A, Anvuur, A (2018) A normal driving based deceleration behaviour study towards autonomous vehicles. In HUMANIST Conference 2018, The Hague, The Netherlands,ISBN: 9782953171259.

Nunn, J, Barnes, J, Morris, A, Petherick, E, Mackenzie, R, Staton, M (2018) Identifying MAIS3+ injury severity collisions in UK Police collision records. In Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine 2018, Nashville.

Ziakopoulos, A, Theofilatos, A, Yannis, G, Margaritis, D, Thomas, P, Morris, A, Brown, L, Robibaro, M, Usami, DS, Phan, V, Davidse, RJ, Buttler, I (2018) A preliminary analysis of in‐depth accident data for powered two‐wheelers and bicycles in Europe. In International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Impacts, Athens, Greece, pp.430-441.

Large, DR, Burnett, G, Morris, A, Muthumani, A, Matthias, R (Accepted for publication) A longitudinal simulator study to explore drivers’ behaviour during highly-automated driving. In Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Los Angeles, pp.583-594, ISBN: 9783319604404. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-60441-1_57.

Morris, A, Barnes, J, Fildes, B (2017) Challenges of using the bus as an older person. In Urban Transport 2017; 23rd International Conference on Urban Transport and the Environment, Rome.

Large, DR, Burnett, GE, Morris, A, Muthumani, A, Matthias, R (2017) Design implications of drivers’ engagement with secondary activities during highly-automated driving – a longitudinal simulator study. In Road Safety and Simulation, The Hague, The Netherlands.

Fruttaldo, S, Montanari, R, Ross, T, Morris, A (2017) Study of a mobile app interface supporting behaviour change in electric vehicles use. In 8th International Congress on Transportation Research: Transportation by 2030, Trends and Persepctives, Salonika, Greece.

Fildes, B, Morris, A, Montanari, R (2017) European TeleFOT project: Benefit-cost analysis for SatNav and EcoDrive technologies. In 25th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV), Detroit, Michigan, USA.

Hancox, G, Morris, A, Richardson, JH (2016) Factors affecting phone engagement whilst driving- are they transferable from outside the vehicle?. In HUMANIST European conference on Human Centred Design for Intelligent Transport Systems, Loughborough University.

Fildes, B, Morris, A, Montanari, R (2016) European TeleFOT project: Benefit-cost analysis SatNav and EcoDrive technologies [Abstract]. In , Canberra, Australia, pp.1-3.

Fitzharris, M, Bingham, CR, Bowman, D, Buckis, S, Cockfield, S, Corben, B, Gabler, HC, Holden, J, Lenne, MG, Morris, A, Nieuwesteeg, M, Peiris, S, Stephens, A (2016) The MUARC-TAC enhanced crash investigation study: study update, analysis of crash types and contributing factors [Abstract]. In , Canberra, Australia, pp.1-3.

Stephens, A, Fitzharris, M, Bingham, CR, Bowman, D, Buckis, S, Cockfield, S, Corben, B, Gabler, HC, Holden, J, Lenne, MG, Morris, A, Nieuwesteeg, M, Peiris, S (2016) What drivers do while speeding: examining the associations between speeding and driver distraction through the Enhanced Crash Investigation Study protocol [Abstract]. In , Canberra, Australia, pp.1-3.

Hancox, G, Morris, A, Silla, A, Scholliers, J, van Noort, M, Bell, D (2015) Current and future trends in VRU accidents in Europe - why we need ITS solutions. In ITS World Congress 2015, Bordeaux.

Silla, A, Rama, P, Leden, L, van Noort, M, de Kruijff, J, Bell, D, Morris, A, Hancox, G, Scholliers, J (2015) Are intelligent transport systems effective in improving the safety of vulnerable road users?. In , Bordeaux, France, pp.1-16.

Fitzharris, M, Bingham, CR, Bowman, D, Buckis, S, Cockfield, S, Corben, B, Gabler, HC, Holden, J, Lenne, MG, Morris, A, Nieuwesteeg, M, Peiris, S, Stephens, A (2015) The MUARC-TAC enhanced crash investigation study: a platform to understand the causes and consequences of serious injury crashes. In , Gold Coast, Australia, pp.1-16.

Niedderer, K, MacKrill, JB, Clune, S, Evans, M, Lockton, G, Ludden, DS, Morris, A, Gutteridge, R, Gardiner, E, Cain, R, Hekkert, P (2014) Joining forces : investigating the influence of design for behavior change on sustainable innovation. In Norddesign 20141 0th Biannual NordDesign Conference, Espoo, Finland, pp.620-630, ISBN: 9781904670582.

Scholliers, J, Bell, D, Morris, A, Garcia-Melendez, AB (2014) Potential of ITS to improve safety and mobility of VRUs. In 10th ITS European Congress, Helsinki, Finland, pp.1-12.

Boscoe-Wallace, A, Morris, AP, Frampton, RJ (2013) Road Side Speed Control Devices. Do we still have a Positive Opinion about them?. In Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing & Education, Proceedings of the Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing & Education, Brisbane, pp.xx-xx.

Morris, A, Hancox, G, Martin, O, Bell, D, Johansson, C, Rosander, P, Scholliers, J, Silla, A (2013) Critical accident scenarios for cyclists and how they can be addressed through ITS solutions. In , Helmond, The Netherlands, pp.1-11.

Boscoe-Wallace, A, Morris, A, Frampton, R (2013) An opinion survey on road side speed control devices. In , Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, pp.1-15.

Aldah, M, Frampton, RJ, Morris, AP (2012) In-Depth Crash Data - Causes and Consequences of Road Traffic Crashes in Dubai (UAE) and Strategies for Injury Reduction. In Building Safer Communities - Interdisciplinary Approaches to Improving Urban Traffic Safety, 4th International Edmonton Conference on Urban Traffic Safety, Edmonton, pp.1-38.

Henar Vega, M, Alonso, M, Morris, A, Welsh, R (2012) Lessons learned from a large scale field operational test of aftermarket and nomadic devices - TeleFOT project. In Mora, PV, Pace, J-F, Mendoza, L (ed) Proceedings of European Conference on Human Centred Design for Intelligent Transport Systems, Valencia, Spain, pp.195-200.

Hancox, G, Richardson, JH, Morris, AP (2012) Factors affecting willingness to engage with mobile phone functions while driving. In Mora, PV, Pace, J-F, Mendoza, L (ed) Proceedings of European Conference on Human Centred Design for Intelligent Transport Systems, Valencia, Spain, pp.39-46.

Fruttaldo, S, Montanari, R, Mononen, P, Welsh, RH, Morris, AP, Pagle, K, Amiditis, A, Franzen, SER, Karlsson, ICM (2010) TeleFOT - First Achievements and Results from FOTs of Aftermarket and Nomadic Devices in Vehicles. In ITS World Congress, Orlando, Florida.

Al Dah, M, Frampton, RJ, Morris, AP (2010) Characteristics of injury crashes in Dubai. In Road Safety on 4 Continents Conference, March 2010, Road Safety, Abu-Dabhai, ?.

Aldah, MK (2010) Characteristics of injury crashes in Dubai, UAE. In Proceedings of the Road Safety on 4 Continents Conference, Road Safety on Four Continents (RS4C), Abu Dhabi, UAE, ISBN: 978-91-633-6359-7.

Mononen, P, Franzen, SER, Pagle, K, Morris, AP, Fruttaldo, S, Montanari, R (2010) TeleFOT, Field Operational Tests of aftermarket nomadic devices in vehicles, early results. In Proceedings of 17th ITS World Congress, 25-29 October, ITSW 2010, Busan, South Korea, pp.1-10.

Barnes, J and Morris, A (2009) A study of impairing injuries in real world crashes using the injury impairment scale (IIS) and the predicted functional capacity index (PFCI-AIS). In , Annals of Advances in Automotive Medicine - 53rd Annual Scientific Conference, pp.195-205.

Barnes, JS and Morris, AP (2009) A study of impairing injuries in real-world crashes using the Injury Impairment Scale (IIS) and the predicted Functional Capacity Index (pFCI). In 53rd Annual Proceedings Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine, [AAAM] October 2009, AAAM 2009, Baltimore, USA, pp.1-12.

Welsh, RH, Morris, AP, Thomas, PD, Lenard, JA, Barnes, JS, Otte, D (2009) Car to car struck side impacts - a comparison between European accident data and directive 96/27/EC. In 2009 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impact, 9-11 September 2007, IRCOBI 2009, York, UK, ?.

Talbot, RK, Danton, RK, Morris, AP (2009) An examination of road traffic crash causation factors according to crash type and driver age. In 21st World Congress International Traffic Medicine Association Conference, 26-29 April 2009, ITMA World Congress 2009, The Hague, Netherlands, ?.

Talbot, RK, Danton, RK, Morris, AP (2009) Towards a European methodology - recommendations for road accident investigation. In 21st World Congress International Traffic Medicine Association Conference, 26-29 April 2009, ITMA 2009, The Hague, Netherlands, ?.

Morris, AP and Reed, SG (2009) Overview of results from the European Fatal Accident Database. In 21st World Congress of International Traffic Medicine Association Conference, 26-29th April, itma 2009, The Hague, Netherlands, ?.

Fagerlind, H, Bjorkman, K, Wallen-Warner, H, Ljung Aust, M, Sandin, J, Morris, AP, Talbot, RK, Danton, RK, Giustiniani, G, Usami Shingo, D, Parkkari, K, Jaensch, M, Verschragen, E (2009) Development of an in-depth European accident causation database and the driving reliability and error analysis method, DREAM 3.0. In In reports on the 3rd International Conference on ESAR, "Expert Symposium on Accident Research", Hannover, Germany, pp.1-11.

Morris, AP, Reed, SG, Fagerling, H, Bjorkman, K, Jaensch, M, Otte, D, Vallet, G, Cant, L, Giustiniani, G, Parkkari, K, Verschragen, E, Hoogvelt, B (2009) A European fatal crash database. In Proceedings of Expert Symposium on Accident Research [ESAR] 3rd International Conference, 5-6 September 2008, ESAR Conference, Hannover, Germany, pp.1-4.

Talbot, R and Fagerlind, H (2009) Exploring inattention and distraction in the SafetyNet accident causation database. In .

Talbot, RK, Jahi, H, Persia, L, Jansch, M, Otte, D, Giustiniani, G, Usami, D, Fagerlind, H, Parkkari, K, Rackliff, LK, Morris, AP, Vallet, G (2008) Recommendations for establishing Pan European transparent and independent road accident investigations. In Proceedings of Expert Symposium on Accident Research [ESAR] 3rd International Conference 5-6 September, ESAR 3rd International Conference, Hannover, Germany, pp.1-7.

Welsh, RH, Reed, SG, Morris, AP (2008) AIS 3+ head injury mechanisms and crash characteristics - a review of airbag deployed crashes. In 2008 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impact, 17-19 September, IRCOBI, Bern, Switzerland, pp.1-15.

Morris, AP, Brace, CL, Reed, SG, Fagerlind, H, Bjorkman, K, Jaensch, M, Otte, D, Vallet, G, Cant, L, Giustiniani, G, Parkkari, K, Verschragen, E (2008) The development of a European fatal accident database. In ICrash2008. International Crashworthiness Conference, July, ICrash Conference 2008, Kyoto, Japan, pp.1-12.

Elliman, RK, Rackliff, LK, Reed, SG, Morris, AP, Jahi, H, Cant, L, Vallett, G, Jansch, M, Otte, D, Giustiniani, G, Fagerlind, H, Parkkari, K (2007) Proposing a framework for Pan European transparent and independent road accident investigation. In European Transport Conference, ETC 2007, 17-19 October, European Transport Conference 2007, Leeuwenhorst Conference Centre, The Netherlands, pp.1-11.

Morris, AP, Brace, CL, Elliman, RK, Paulsson, R, Fagerlind, H, Ljung, M, Norin, H, Jaensch, M, Otte, D, Vallet, G, Cant, L, Giustiniani, G, Persia, L, Parkkari, K, Margaritis, D, Hill, JR, Hoogvelt, B (2006) The development of a multidisciplinary system to understand causal factors in road crashes. In Proceedings of the 42nd Annual HFESA Conference, [Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Australia], HFESA Conference, University of Technology, UTS, Sydney, Australia, pp.1-8 [0008 on cd].

Hassan, A, Morris, AP, Welsh, RH (2006) Some characteristics of side impact crashes involving modern passenger vehicles. In Proceedings of the International Crashworthiness Conference, 4-7 July, ICrash 2006, Athens, Greece, pp.1-11.

Morris, AP, Welsh, RH, Barnes, JS, Chambers Smith, D (2006) An approach to the derivation of the cost of uk vehicle crash injuries. In Proceedings of 50th Conference of the Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine [AAAM], 16-18 October, AAAM, Chicago, Illinois, USA, pp.285-296.

Lenard, JA, Morris, AP, Tomasch, E, Nehmzow, J, Otte, D, Cant, L, Haddak, M, Vallet, G, Ebbinger, H, Barnes, JS (2006) PENDANT: a European crash injury database. In 2nd International Conference ESAR [Expert Symposium on Accident Research], 1-2 September, 2nd ESAR Conference, Hannover, Germany, pp.1-11.

Morris, AP, Welsh, RH, Barnes, JS, Frampton, RJ (2006) The nature, type and consequences of lower extremity injuries in front and side impacts in pre and post regulatory passenger cars. In 2006 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impact, 20-22 September, 2006 IRCOBI Conference, Madrid, Spain, pp.1-15.

Brace, CL, Elliman, RK, Page, ME, Rackliff, LK, Welsh, RH, Morris, AP (2006) Identifying and designing for the needs of older road users. In Proceedings of the 42nd Annual HFESA Conference, [Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Australia], 20-22 November, HFESA Conference, University of Technology, UTS, Sydney, Australia, pp.1-8 [0015 on cd].

Thomas, PD, Morris, AP, Yannis, G, Lejeune, P, Vis, M, Vallet, G, Dupont, E (2006) The new European road safety observatory - SafetyNet. In 10th PRI International Road Safety World Congress, May 2006, 10th Road Safety World Congress, Abu Dabi, United Arab Emirates, pp.1-10.

Morris, AP, Welsh, RH, Barnes, JS, Frampton, RJ (2006) The nature, type and consequences of lower extremity injuries in front and side impacts in pre and post regulatory passenger cars. In .

Morris, AP, Welsh, RH, Thomas, PD, Kirk, AR (2005) Head and chest injury outcomes in struck side crashes. In 2005 International IRCOBI Conference of the Biomechanics of Impact 21-23 September, IRCOBI, Prage, Czech Republic, p.11.

Thomas, PD, Morris, AP, Yannis, G, Lejeune, P, Wiesemann, P, Vallet, G, Vanlaar, W (2005) Establishing the european road accident observatory - the SafetyNet integrated project. In 1st International Conference on ESAR "Expert Symposium on Accident Research" Reports on the ESAR Conference, 3-4 September 2004, Expert Symposium on Accident Research, Hannover Medical School, pp.207-209, ISBN: 3 86509 263 2.

Morris, AP, Welsh, RH, Thomas, PD, Kirk, AR (2005) Head and chest injury outcomes in struck side crashes. In .

Thomas, PD, Morris, AP, Yannis, G, Lejeune, P, Wesemann, P, Vallet, G, Vanlaar, W (2004) Designing the european road accident observatory. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference 'Measuring the Burden of Injury' 3-4 June 2004, Measuring the Burden of Injury, Baden bei Wien, Austria, pp.3-7.

Kirk, AR and Morris, AP (2003) Side Airbag Deployments in the UK - Initial Case Reviews. In Proceedings of the 18th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles [ESV], 19-22 May, Nagoya, ESV 2003, Nagoya, Japan, p.10.

Morris, AP and Thomas, PD (2003) PENDANT - Pan-European Co-ordinated Accident and Injury Databases. In ESV 2003, Proceedings of the 18th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles, Nagoya, Japan, 19-22 May, p.7.

Thomas, PD, Morris, AP, Otte, D, Breen, J (2003) Real-World Accident Data - Coordinated Methodologies for Data Collection to Improve Vehicle and Road Safety. In ESV 2003, Proceedings of the 18th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles, Nagoya, Japan, 19-22 May, p.10.

Welsh, RH, Morris, AP, Clift, L (2003) The Effect of Height on Injury Outcome for Drivers of European Passenger Cars. In 47th Annual Proceedings Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine, Lisbon, Portugal, 22-24 September, pp.401-416.

Morris, AP, Mackay, M, Wodzin, E, Barnes, J (2003) Some Injury Scaling Issues in UK Crash Research. In Proceedings of the 2003 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impact, Lisbon, Portugal, pp.283-291, ISBN: 2 9514210 4 4.

Kirk, AR and Morris, AP (2003) Initial Field Experience of Side Airbag Protection Systems in the UK. In Proceedings of the 2003 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impact, Lisbon, Portugal, 24-26 September, pp.363-364, ISBN: 2 9514210 4 4.

Morris, AP, Welsh, RH, Clift, L, Cook, SE (2003) Some Current Issues in LGV Driver Training. In Proceedings of the 13th Seminar on Behavioural Research in Road Safety 2003, London, September, pp.105-118, ISBN: 1 904763 00 6.

Morris, AP, Welsh, RH, Hassan, A (2003) Requirements for the Crash Protection of Older Vehicle Passengers. In 47th Annual Proceedings Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine, Lisbon, Portugal, 22-24 September, pp.165-180.

Morris, AP and Thomas, PD (2003) PENDANT - Pan-European Co-ordinated Accident and Injury Databases. In .

Thomas, PD, Morris, AP, Otte, D, Breen, J (2003) Real-World Accident Data - Coordinated Methodologies for Data Collection to Improve Vehicle and Road Safety. In .

Lenard, JA, Frampton, RJ, Kirk, AR, Morris, AP, Newton, RA, Thomas, PD, Fay, PA (2002) An Overview of Accidents and Safety Priorities for Light Goods Vehicles. In VS 2002, Proceedings of the IMechE Conference Vehicle Safety 2002, London, 28-29 May, pp.57-70.

Franklyn, M, Fitzharris, M, Fildes, B, Frampton, RJ, Morris, AP, Yang, KH (2002) Liver and Spleen Injuries in Side Impact: Differences by Side of the Road Driven. In Proceedings of the 2002 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impact, Munich, Germany, 18-20 September, pp.361-364, ISBN: 2 9514210 3 6.

Morris, AP, Welsh, RH, Frampton, RJ, Charlton, J, Fildes, B (2002) An Overview of Requirements for the Crash Protection of Older Drivers. In Proceedings of the 46th Annual AAAM Conference, Tempe, Arizona, 30 September-2 October, pp.141-156.

Fildes, BN, Sparke, LJ, Bostrom, O, Pintar, F, Yoganandan, N, Morris, AP (2002) Suitability of Current Side Impact Test Dummies in Far-Side Impacts. In Proceedings of the 2002 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impact, Munich, Germany, 18-20 September, pp.43-55, ISBN: 2 9514210 3 6.

Franklyn, M, Fitzharris, M, Yang, K, Frampton, RJ, Morris, AP, Fildes, B (2002) Aortic Injuries in Side Impacts: A Preliminary Analysis. In Proceedings of the 46th Annual AAAM Conference, Tempe, Arizona, 30 September-2 October, pp.113-124.

Bostrom, O, Judd, R, Fildes, B, Morris, AP, Sparke, L, Smith, S (2002) A Cost Effective Far Side Crash Simulation. In ICRASH2002, Proceedings of the International Crashworthiness Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 25-27 February, p.9.

Barnes, JS, Morris, AP, Fildes, B, Fitzharris, M, Frampton, RJ (2002) Airbag Effectiveness in Real World Crashes in Australia. In VS 2002, Proceedings of the IMechE Conference on Vehicle Safety, London, 28-29 May, pp.25-37.

Linder, A, Olsson, T, Truedsson, N, Morris, AP, Fildes, B, Sparke, L (2001) Dynamic Performances of Different Seat Designs for Low to Medium Velocity Rear Impact. In Proceedings of the 45th Annual AAAM Conference, San Antonio, Texas, 24-26 September, p.15.

Barnes, JS, Morris, AP, Fildes, BN, Newstead, SV (2001) Airbag Effectiveness in Real World Crashes. In 2001: Road Safety Research, Policing and Education, Proceedings of the Road Safety Researchers' Conference, Melbourne, Australia, pp.1-7.

Shields, B, Morris, AP, Barnes, J, Fildes, B (2001) Australia's National Crash In-Depth Study Progress Report. In 2001: Road Safety Research, Policing and Education, Proceedings of the Road Safety Researchers' Conference, Melbourne, Australia, pp.1-6.

Olsson, T, Truedsson, N, Linder, A, Morris, AP, Fildes, B, Sparke, L (2001) Evaluation of Seat Protection in Low to Medium Severity Rear Impacts by Means of the BioRID II and Double Peak Crash Pulses. In 2001: Road Safety Research, Policing and Education, Proceedings of the Road Safety Researchers' Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 19-20 November, p.6.

Morris, AP, Truedsson, N, Stallgardh, M, Magnisson, M (2001) Injury Outcomes in Pole/Tree Crashes. In 2001: Road Safety Research, Policing and Education, Proceedings of the Road Safety Researchers' Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 19-20 November, p.8.

Les, M, Morris, AP, Olsson, T, Pettersson, J, Holmqvist, K (2001) Vehicle Properties Determining Aggressivity. In 2001: Road Safety Research, Policing and Education, Proceedings of the Road Safety Researchers' Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 19-20 November, p.6.

Morris, AP, Newstead, S, Fitzharris, M, Fildes, B (2001) The Role of Vehicle Design in Attaining the Goal of Zero Road Toll. In ATRF01. Zero Road Toll: A Dream or a Realistic Vision?, Proceedings of the 24th Australasian Transport Research Forum, Hobart, Tasmania, 17-20 April, p.10.

Morris, AP, Barnes, J, Fildes, B (2001) A Preliminary Evaluation of Passenger Airbag Effectiveness in Australia. In ESV 17, Proceedings of the 17th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp.1-7.

Morris, AP, Barnes, J, Fildes, B (2001) The Effectiveness of Airbags in Australia as Determined by In-Depth Crash Injury Research. In ESV 17, Proceedings of the 17th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp.1-10.

Barnes, JS, Morris, AP, Frampton, RJ, Fitzharris, M (2001) Airbag Effectiveness in Real World Crashes. In Head Injury and Head Protection, Proceedings of the Impact Biomechanics Australia Conference, Sydney, Australia, 29-30 March, p.10.

Thomas, AV, Hill, JR, Smith, M, Thomas, PD, Morris, AP, Esberger, D (2000) On the scene and retrospective investigations of pedestrian crashes - implications for pedestrian protection. In IMechE Conference 'VS 2000' held London 7-9 June 2000, Institute of Mechanical Engineers, London, pp.1-10.

Fildes, BN, Gabler, HC, Fitzharris, M, Morris, AP (2000) Determining Side Impact Priorities Using Real-World Crash Data and Harm. In Proceedings of the 2000 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impact, Montpellier, France, 20-22 September, p.11.

Morris, AP, Barnes, JS, Fildes, BN (2000) Some Effects of Australian Design Rule (ADR) 69 on Frontal Crash Outcomes. In ICRASH2000, Proceedings of the International Crashworthiness Conference, London, 6-8 September, pp.396-406.

Morris, AP, Barnes, J, Truedsson, N, Olsson, T, Fildes, B, Kullgren, A (2000) Prevention of Neck Injury in Frontal Impacts. In Neck Injury 2000, Proceedings of the Impact Biomechanics Australia Conference, Sydney, Australia, pp.89-101.

Morris, AP, Begbie, J, Fildes, B, Barnes, J, Claessens, M (2000) ANCIS - In-Depth Crash Injury Research In Australia. In Proceedings of the Road Safety: Research, Policing and Education Conference, Brisbane, Australia, pp.515-521.

Olsson, T, Morris, AP, Truedsson, N, Linder, A, Les, M, Fildes, B (2000) Whiplash Injuries - Time to Implement the Knowledge?. In Proceedings of the Road Safety: Research, Policing and Education Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 26-28 November, pp.273-278.

Morris, AP, Morris, J, Smith, M, Hill, JR (1999) Vehicle design and pedestrian protection - a review of on going european research, the Euro NCAP Pedestrian Test Procedure and some preliminary results from a pilot study. In Australian Road Researcher's Conference held December 1999, Australian Road Researcher's Conference, Canberra, Australia, pp.1-13.

Morris, AP, Fildes, B, Digges, K, Dalmotas, D, Langwieder, K (1998) Injuries in Primary and Supplementary Airbag Systems. In ESV Windsor 98, Proceedings of the 16th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles, Windsor, Canada, 31 May-4 June, pp.983-988.

Morris, AP and Fildes, B (1998) Preliminary Experience of Passenger Airbag Deployments in Australia. In ESV Windsor 98, Proceedings of the 16th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles, Windsor, Canada, 31 May-4 June, pp.1122-1125.

Thomas, PD, Morris, AP, Taylor, A, Wallace, WA (1997) Mechanisms of fractures in ankle and hind foot injuries in front seat car occupants: an in-depth data analysis. In Engineers, SOA (ed) Proceedings of 41st STAPP Car Crash Conference, Florida, pp.180-194.

Frampton, RJ, Morris, AP, Thomas, PD, Bodiwala, GG (1997) An overview of upper extremity injuries to car occupants in UK vehicle crashes. In Impact, IRCOTBO (ed) International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impact, September 24-26th, Hannover,(Germany), International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impact, September 24-26th, Hannover (Germany), Hannover, pp.37-51.

Morris, AP, Thomas, PD, Taylor, A, Wallace, WA (1997) Mechanisms of lower extremity injuries to front seat car occupants - an in-depth accident analysis. In IRCOBI, (ed) International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impact, September 24-26th, International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impact, September 24-26th, Hannover (Germany), Hannover,Germany, pp.53-72.

Morris, AP, Hassan, A, Mackay, GM (1997) Chest injuries in real world side impact crashes - an overview. In IRCOBI, (ed) International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impact, September 24-26th,, International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impact, September 24-26th, Hannover (Germany), Hannover, Germany, pp.165-178.

Morris, AP, Fildes, BN, Deery, H, Kenny, D, Bentivegna, F, Edwards Coghill, K (1997) The Value of Real-World Crash Injury Data Collection; Methodology of an In-Depth Crash Injury Study in Australia. In Bullen, F and Troutbeck, RE (ed) AIRIL '97, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Accident Investigation, Reconstruction, Interpretation and the Law, Brisbane, Australia, 20-23 October, pp.25-34.

Frampton, RJ, Morris, AP, Thomas, PD, Bodiwala, GG (1997) An overview of upper extremity injuries to car occupants in uk vehicle crashes. In Proceedings of the 1997 International IRCOBI Conference 24-26 September, IRCOBI, Hannover, Germany, pp.37-51.

Morris, AP and Thomas, P (1996) Neck Injuries in the UK Co-operative Crash Injury Study. In 40th Stapp Car Crash Conference (1996), SAE Technical Paper Series. DOI: 10.4271/962433.

Morris, AP and Thomas, P (1996) Neck injuries in the UK co-operative crash injury study. In , Stapp Car Crash Conference Proceedings, pp.317-329.

Morris, AP, Thomas, PD, Foret Bruno, JY, Thomas, C, Otte, D, Ono, K (1996) A review of driver airbag deployments in Europe and Japan to date. In 15th International Conference on the Enhanced Safety Vehicles Congress held 13-16 May at Melbourne, ESV Conference, Melbourne, Australia, pp.122-131.

Morris, AP and Thomas, PD (1996) A study of soft tissue neck injuries in the UK. In 15th International Conference on the Enhanced Safety Vehicles Congress held 13-16 May at Melbourne, Australia, ESV Conference, Melbourne, Australia, pp.1412-1421.

Morris, AP and Thomas, PD (1996) Neck Injuries in the UK Co-operative Crash Injury Study. SAE Technical Paper 962433. In Proceedings of the 40th STAPP Car Crash Conference. P-305, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 4-6 November, pp.317-329, ISBN: 1 56091 901 9.

Hassan, A, Morris, AP, Mackay, M, Haland, Y (1995) Injury Severity in Side Impacts - Implications for Side Impact Airbag. In Proceedings of the 1995 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impact, Brunnen, Switzerland, 13-15 September, pp.353-364.

Hassan, AM, Morris, AP, Mackay, M, Haland, Y (1994) The Best Location for a Side Airbag Crush Sensor. In Advances in Occupant Restraint Technologies, Proceedings of the AAAM/IRCOBI Conference - 1994, Lyon, France, 22-23 September, pp.127-141.

Huelke, DF, Ostrom, M, Mackay, GM, Morris, A (1993) Thoracic and Lumbar Spine Injuries and the Lap-Shoulder Belt. In International Congress & Exposition, SAE Technical Paper Series. DOI: 10.4271/930640.

Huelke, DF, Mackay, GM, Morris, A (1993) Intraabdominal Injuries Associated with Lap-Shoulder Belt Usage. In International Congress & Exposition, SAE Technical Paper Series. DOI: 10.4271/930639.

Morris, AP, Hassan, A, Mackay, GM, Hill, JR (1993) Head injuries in lateral impact collisions. In International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Injury held 9-11 September, IRCOBI Conference, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, pp.41-55.

Huelke, DF, Mackay, GM, Morris, AP (1993) Intraabdominal Injuries Associated with Lap-Shoulder Belt Usage. SAE Technical Paper 930639. In Frontal Impact Protection: Seat Belts and Air Bags. SP-947, Proceedings of the SAE Conference, Detroit, Michigan, February, pp.39-47, ISBN: 1 56091 332 0.

Huelke, DF, Ostrom, M, Mackay, GM, Morris, AP (1993) Thoracic and Lumbar Spine Injuries and the Lap-Shoulder Belt. SAE Technical Paper 930640. In Frontal Impact Protection: Seat Belts and Air Bags. SP-947, Proceedings of the SAE Conference, Detroit, Michigan, February, pp.49-57, ISBN: 1 56091 332 0.

Morris, AP, Hassan, A, Mackay, GM, Parkin, S (1993) A Case for Security Glazing. In Proceedings of the 37th Annual AAAM Conference, San Antonio, Texas, November, pp.405-418.

Huelke, DF, Mackay, GM, Morris, AP, Bradford, MA (1992) Car crashes and non head impact cervical spine injuries in infants and children. In International Congress and Exposition held 24-28 February at Detroit, Michigan, International Congress and Exposition, Detroit, Michigan, pp.300-321.

Huelke, DF, Mackay, GM, Morris, AP, Bradford, MA (1992) Non head impact cervical spine injuries in frontal car crashes to lap shoulder belted occupants. In International Congress and Exposition held 24-28 February, Detroit, Michigan, International Congress and Exposition, Detroit, Michigan, pp.231-240.

Hill, JR, Mackay, GM, Morris, AP (1992) Chest and abdominal injuries caused by seat belt loading. In Medicine, AFTAOA (ed) 36th Conference of the Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine, 36th Conference of the AAAM, Portland, Oregon, pp.25-41.

Hill, JR, Mackay, GM, Morris, AP, Smith, M (1992) Occupant injury patterns with special reference to chest and abdominal injuries caused by seat belt loading. In International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Injury held September 1992, IRCOBI Conference, Verona, Italy, pp.357-372.

Huelke, DF, Mackay, GM, Morris, AP, Bradford, MA (1992) Car Crashes and Non-Head Impact Cervical Spine Injuries in Infants and Children. SAE Technical Paper 920562. In Proceedings of the SAE International Congress and Exposition, Detroit, Michigan, 24-28 February, pp.1-6.

Huelke, DF, Mackay, GM, Morris, AP, Bradford, MA (1992) Non-Head Impact Cervical Spine Injuries in Frontal Car Crashes to Lap-Shoulder Belted Occupants. SAE Technical Paper 920560. In Proceedings of the SAE International Congress and Exposition, Detroit, Michigan, 24-28 February, pp.1-10.

Huelke, DF, Mackay, GM, Morris, AP, Bradford, MA (1992) Cervical Fractures and Fracture-Dislocations Without Head Impacts Sustained by Restrained Occupants. In Proceedings of the 36th Annual AAAM Conference, Portland, Oregon, 5-7 October, pp.1-23.

Mackay, GM, Parkin, S, Morris, AP, Brown, RN (1991) The Urban Rollover: Characteristics, Injuries, Seat-Belts and Ejection. In Proceedings of the 13th International Technical Conference on Experimental Safety Vehicles, Paris, France, 4-7 November, pp.741-747.

CD Objects

Brace, CL, Elliman, RK, Page, ME, Rackliff, LK, Welsh, RH, Morris, AP (2006) Identifying and designing for the needs of older road users,.

Morris, AP, Brace, CL, Elliman, RK, Paulsson, R, Fagerlind, H, Ljung, M, Norin, H, Jaensch, M, Otte, D, Vallet, G, Cant, L, Giustiniani, G, Persia, L, Parkkari, K, Margaritis, D, Hill, JR, Hoogvelt, B (2006) The development of a multidisciplinary system to understand casual factors in road crashes,.

Kirk, AR and Morris, AP (2003) Side Airbag Deployments in the UK - Initial Case Reviews,US Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Welsh, RH, Morris, AP, Clift, L (2003) The Effect of Height on Injury Outcome for Drivers of European Passenger Cars,Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine.

Morris, AP, Welsh, RH, Hassan, A (2003) Requirements for the Crash Protection of Older Vehicle Passengers,Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine.

Bostrom, O, Judd, R, Fildes, B, Morris, AP, Sparke, L, Smith, S (2002) A Cost Effective Far Side Crash Simulation,.

Linder, A, Olsson, T, Truedsson, N, Morris, AP, Fildes, B, Sparke, L (2001) Dynamic Performances of Different Seat Designs for Low to Medium Velocity Rear Impact,Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine.

Morris, AP, Newstead, S, Fitzharris, M, Fildes, B (2001) The Role of Vehicle Design in Attaining the Goal of Zero Road Toll,.

Morris, AP, Barnes, J, Fildes, B (2001) A Preliminary Evaluation of Passenger Airbag Effectiveness in Australia,.

Morris, AP, Barnes, J, Fildes, B (2001) The Effectiveness of Airbags in Australia as Determined by In-Depth Crash Injury Research,.

Barnes, JS, Morris, AP, Frampton, RJ, Fitzharris, M (2001) Airbag Effectiveness in Real World Crashes,The Institution of Engineers, Australia.

Fildes, BN, Gabler, HC, Fitzharris, M, Morris, AP (2000) Determining Side Impact Priorities Using Real-World Crash Data and Harm,International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Impact.

Morris, AP, Barnes, J, Truedsson, N, Olsson, T, Fildes, B, Kullgren, A (2000) Prevention of Neck Injury in Frontal Impacts,The Institution of Engineers, Australia.


Morris, A, Wilson, C, Ma, R, Thomas, P (2022) Driving ahead - some human factors issues related to future connected and autonomous vehicles. In Zannoni, M and Montanari, R (ed) Human Body Interaction, Fondazione Bologna University Press, pp.259-274, ISBN: 9791254771655.

Han, L, Morris, A, Ruth, W (2019) EXPLORING PATHWAYS TO NEGATE SAFETY CONCERNS AND IMPROVE PUBLIC ACCEPTANCE OF ALTERNATIVE FUELLED ELECTRIC VEHICLES. In F A, OR (ed) WIT Transactions on the Built Environment, WIT Press, pp.105-110, ISBN: 978-1-78466-299-8.

Morris, A and Hancox, G (2017) Design for behavioural safety. In Design for Behaviour Change Theories and practices of designing for change, © Routledge, pp.200-215, ISBN: 9781317152521.

Morris, A, Barnes, J, Fildes, B (2017) Challenges of using the bus as an older person. In Urban Transport XXIII, © WITPress, pp.539-544, ISBN: 9781784662097. DOI: 10.2495/UT170461.

Fildes, B, Morris, A, Barnes, J (2015) Analysis of injuries to young and old Victorian public transport users: 2006 to 2010. In Sustainable Development, © WIT Press, pp.935-948, ISBN: 9781784661571.

Welsh, R, Morris, A, Reed, S, Lenard, J, Birrell, SA (2012) Field operational trials in the UK. In Advances in Human Aspects of Road and Rail Transportation, © Taylor & Francis (CRC Press), pp.725-734, ISBN: 978-1-4398-7123-2.


Talbot, R, Filtness, A, Morris, A (2023) Applying the Driver Reliability and Error Analysis Method – Lessons Learnt, 8th Humanist Conference, Berlin, Germany, 21 & 22 September 2023.


Fitzharris, M, Corben, B, Lenne, M, Peiris, S, Gabler, HC, Liu, S, Stephens, A, Bowman, D, Morris, A, Tingvall, C (2022) Enhanced crash investigation study report 2 - Speed crash risk and injury severity, pp.1-156, Transport Accident Commission, ISBN: 9781925413144.

Fitzharris, M, Corben, B, Lenne, M, Liu, S, Peiris, S, Arundell, TP, Stephens, A, Bowman, D, Morris, A, Tingvall, C (2022) Enhanced crash investigation study report 3 - Understanding contributing factors for serious injury crashes using crash chain analysis, pp.1-105, Transport Accident Commission, ISBN: 9781925413151.

Fitzharris, M, Arundell, TP, Corben, B, Lenne, M, Lui, S, Peiris, S, Stephens, A, Bowman, D, Morris, A, Tingvall, C (2022) Enhanced crash investigation study report number 4 - Identification of countermeasures to address serious injury crashes, pp.1-146, Transport Accident Commission, ISBN: 9781925413168.

Chaudhry, A, Thomas, P, Morris, A, Hu, B, Ponweiser, W, Zach, M, Ziakopoulos, A, Oikonomou, M, Roussou, J, Yannis, G, Veisten, K, Elvik, R, Tympakianaki, A, Brackstone, M, Hoadley, S, Thijs, J, Meyer, M, Tune, H, Potts, L, Weijermars, W, Augustin, H, Glaser, S, Wang, X, Flannagan, C (2022) Levitate Project - Societal level impacts of connected and automated vehicles: Final technical report, pp.1-121, European Commission.

Chaudhry, A, Thomas, P, Hu, B, Roussou, J, Gebhard, S, Weijermars, W, Veisten, K, Augustin, H, Zach, M, Ponweiser, W, Potts, L, Ziakopoulos, A, Morris, A (2022) Policy recommendations for connected, cooperative, and automated mobility, pp.1-63, European Commission.

Sha, H, Chaudhry, A, Haouari, R, Singh, M, Papazikou, E, Boghani, H, Thomas, P, Quddus, M, Morris, A, Roussou, J, Zach, M, Richter, G, Hu, B (2021) Levitate-D6.3-Medium-term-impacts-of-CCAM-on-passenger-transport_Final, Deliverable 6.3 of the H2020 LEVITATE project.

Chaudhry, A, Sha, H, Haouari, R, Papazikou, E, Zach, M, Boghani, H, Singh, M, Gebhard, S, Zwart, R, Mons, C, Weijermans, W, Hula, A, Roussou, J, Richter, G, Hu, B, Thomas, P, Quddus, M, Morris, A (2021) The long-term impacts of cooperative, connected, and automated mobility on passenger transport, Deliverable 6.4 of H2020 LEVITATE project.

Haourari, R, Chaudhry, A, Sha, H, Richter, G, Singh, M, Papazikou, E, Boghani, H, Roussou, J, Hu, B, Thomas, P, Quddus, M, Morris, A (2021) The short-term impacts of cooperative, connected, and automated mobility on passenger transport, pp.1-112, European Commission.

Fitzharris, M, Lenne, M, Corben, B, Arundell, TP, Peiris, S, Liu, S, Stephens, A, Fitzgerald, M, Judson, R, Bowman, D, Gabler, C, Morris, A, Tingvall, C (2020) Enhanced crash investigation study - Report 1; overview and analysis of serious injury crashes - crash types, injury outcomes and contributing factors, pp.1-232, Transport Accident Commission, ISBN: 9781925413137.

Maguire, M, Harvey, E, Morris, A (2019) Training activities to implement the data protection reform - Collection of material on behavioural and security module.

Barnes, J, Brown, L, Morris, A, Stuttard, N (2019) Research into the safety of London bus passengers, London Travel Watch.

Morris, A, Brown, L, Thomas, P, Davidse, RJ, Phan, V, Margaritis, D, Usami, DS, Robibaro, M, Krupinska, A, Sicinska, K, Ziakopoulos, A, Theofilatos, A, Yannis, G (2018) SaferWheels study on powered two-wheeler and bicycle accidents in the EU - Final report,ISBN: 9789279903915. DOI: 10.2832/138260.

Morris, A, Brown, L, Thomas, P, Davidse, RJ, Phan, V, Margaritis, D, Usami, DS, Robibaro, M, Krupinska, A, Sicinska, K (2018) SaferWheels study on powered two-wheeler and bicycle accidents in the EU - Annex 6 case summaries,ISBN: 9789279903922. DOI: 10.2832/34740.

Barnes, J and Morris, A (2017) Belarus Road Safety Network (BeSafe): D5.6: Monitoring and Review of Masters 2nd year, TEMPUS 2013-4550/001-001.

Barnes, J and Morris, A (2017) Belarus Road Safety Network (BeSafe). 5.3. Review of Masters Curricula, TEMPUS 2013-4550/001-001.

Morley, A, Morris, A, Semaan, MA, Hancox, G (2017) A guide for policy makers: on reducing road fatalities, pp.1-24.

Barnes, J and Morris, A (2016) Belarus Road Safety Network (BeSafe).: D5.5. Monitoring and review of the masters first year, TEMPUS 2013-4550/001-001.

van Noort, M, Malone, K, Silla, A, Rama, P, Innamaa, S, Johansson, C, Bell, D, Giannelos, I, Mans, D, van Schijndel, M, Morris, A, Leden, L (2016) Improving the safety and mobility of vulnerable road users through ITS applications [VRUITS] D2.2 assessment methodology, pp.1-123.

Melendez, ABG, Perez, OM, Morris, A, Bell, D, Mans, D, van Noort, M (2016) Improving the safety and mobility of vulnerable road users through ITS applications [VRUITS] D2.3 Implementation Scenarios, pp.1-125.

Cacciabue, PC, Cassani, M, Bell, D, Morris, A, Hancox, G, Melendez, ABG, Vaquero, JP, de Goede, M, Wilschut, E (2016) Improving the safety and mobility of vulnerable road users through ITS applications [VRUITS] D4.1 Usability assessment of selected applications, pp.1-40.

Morris, A, Bernardo, C, Johansson, C, Bell, D, Mans, D, Bressan, E, Cacciabue, PC, Scholliers, EG, Scholliers, J, Malone, K, Moerman, K, Blokpoel, R, Hoadley, S (2016) Improving the safety and mobility of vulnerable road users through ITS applications [VRUITS] D7.3 Final Exploitation Plan, pp.1-32.

Barnes, J and Morris, A (2015) Belarus Road Safety Network (BeSafe). D5.4: Review of masters material, TEMPUS 2013-4550/001-001.

Barnes, J and Morris, A (2014) Belarus Road Safety Network (BeSafe). D5.2 Set up Quality Plan, TEMPUS 2013-4550/001-001.

Niedderer, K, Cain, R, Clune, S, Lockton, D, Ludden, G, Mackrill, J, Morris, A (2014) Creating sustainable innovation through design for behaviour change: summary report, pp.1-52, ISBN: 978-0-9560204-7-5.

Niedderer, K, Cain, R, Clune, S, Lockton, D, Ludden, G, Mackrill, J, Morris, A (2014) Creating sustainable innovation through design for behaviour change: full project report, pp.1-126, ISBN: 978-0-9560204-9-9.

Barnes, J and Morris, A (2014) Belarus Road Safety Network (BeSafe). Work Package 5: Quality Board Plan and Reviews, TEMPUS 2013-4550/001-001.

Morris, AP (2013) TeleFOT [Field Operational Tests of Aftermarket and Nomadic Devices in Vehicles]. Systems, drivers, countries, facts & figures. An overview of TeleFOT, pp.1-11, European Commission.

Barnes, J, Lawton, C, Morris, A, Marshall, R, Summerskill, S, Kendrick, D, Logan, P, Drummond, A, Fildes, B, Conroy, S (2013) Improving safety for older public transport users (OPTU) - a feasibility study, pp.1-260.

Ross, T, Morris, AP, Innamaa, S (2012) TeleFOT [Field Operational Tests of Aftermarket and Nomadic Devices in Vehicles]. D4.9.2 Fact-sheets based on SP4 outputs, pp.1-3, European Commission 7th Framework Programme.

Ross, T, Morris, AP, Innamaa, S, Pagle, K, Karlsson, MA, Franzen, S (2012) TeleFOT [Field Operational Tests of Aftermarket and Nomadic Devices in Vehicles]. D4.9.2 Fact sheets based on SP4 outputs final report, pp.1-3, European Commission 7th Framework Programme.

Fruttaldo, S, Montanari, R, Touliou, K, Morris, AP, May, AJ, Fildes, B, Alonso, M, Vega, MH (2012) TeleFOT [Field Operational Tests of Aftermarket and Nomadic Devices in Vehicles]. D5.3.2 Markets and market potential of TeleFOT functions and services, pp.1-89, European Commission 7th Framework Programme.

Welsh, R, Morris, AP, Reed, S, Wallgren, P, Innamaa, S, Rama, A, Perez, OM, Birrell, S, Roberto Brignolo, DW, Guidotti, L (2012) TeleFOT [Field Operational Tests of Aftermarket and Nomadic Devices in Vehicles]. D4.3.3 Vol 0.4 Impacts on Safety - results and implications, pp.1-131, European Commission 7th Framework Programme.

Mendoza, L, Mora, PV, Medevielle, J-P, Morris, AP (2012) DECOMOBIL - Support action to contribute to the preparation of future community research programme in user centred Design for ECO-multimodal Mobility. Deliverable 5.1 Proceedings of Valencia Conference Human Centred Design for ITS, pp.1-361, Seventh Framework Program [Coordination and Support Action FP7 ‐ 288 298 ].

Birrell, S, Fowkes, M, Wallgren, P, Morris, A (2012) TeleFOT [Field Operational Tests of Aftermarket and Nomadic Devices in Vehicles]. D1.8 Usability of FeleFOT Nomadic and Aftermarket Devices, pp.1-34, European Commission 7th Framework Programme.

Fildes, B, Morris, A, Barnes, J (2012) Analysis of injuries to young and old Victorian public transport users: 2006-2010,ISBN: 0732623898.

Franzen, S, Mononenen, P, Morris, AP, Pagle, K, Montanari, R (2011) Evaluation Plan. TeleFOT Deliverable D1.7, pp.1-50, European Commission.

Morris, AP, Welsh, RH, Reed, SG, Innamaa, S, Engelbrektsson, P, Vega, H, Alonso, M, Martin, O, Will, D, Guidotti, L, Brignolo, R (2011) TeleFOT [Field Operational Tests of Aftermarket and Nomadic Devices in Vehicles]. D4.3.2 Impacts on safety - preliminary results from available data, pp.1-100, European Commission 7th Framework Programme.

van Schagen, I, Welsh, RH, Backer-Grondahl, A, Hoedemaeker, M, Lotan, T, Morris, AP, Sadberg, F, Winklebauer, M (2011) Towards a large scale European Naturalistic Driving study: main findings of PROLOGUE. PROLOGUE Deliverable D4.2, pp.1-70, European Commission.

Van Schagen, I, Welsh, R, Backer-Grondahl, A, Hoedemaeker, M, Lotan, T, Morris, Morris, AP, Sagberg, F, Winkelbauer, M (2011) Towards a large-scale European Naturalistic Driving study: final report of PROLOGUE Deliverable D4.2 [PROmoting real Life Observations for Gaining Understanding of road user behaviour in Europe], pp.1-70, European Commission.

Hagstroem, L, Fagerlind, H, Danton, R, Reed, S, Hill, J, Martensen, H, Margaritis, D, Jahi, H, Morris, A, Thomas, P (2011) Deliverable No.2.1 Report on purpose of in-depth data and the shape of the new EU infrastructure, D2.1, European Commission.

Innamaa, S, Morris, AP, Welsh, R, Hakonen, M, Engelbrektsson, P (2011) TeleFOT [Field Operational Tests of Aftermarket and Nomadic Devices in Vehicles]. D4.4.2. Impact on Mobility - preliminary results, pp.1-81, European Commission.

Van Schagen, I, Welsh, R, Backer-Grondahl, A, Hoedemaeker, M, Lotan, T, Morris, AP, Sagberg, F (2011) PROLOGUE. [PROmoting real Life Observations for Gaining Understanding of road user behaviour in Europe] D4.2 Towards a large scale European Naturalistic Driving study: final report of PROLOGUE, pp.1-70, EC Seventh Framework Programme Theme 7 Transport.

Morris, AP, Parker, C, Reed, S, Innamaa, S, Karlsson, M, Will, D, Touliou, K (2011) TeleFOT [Field Operational Tests of Aftermarket and Nomadic Devices in Vehicles]. D4.2.3a Summary of Interim Results from WP4.3 through to WP4.7 as at M48, pp.1-50, European Commission 7th Framework Programme.

Morris, A, Parker, C, Reed, S, Innamaa, S, Karlsson, M, Will, D, Touliou, K (2011) TeleFOT [Field Operational Tests of Aftermarket and Nomadic Devices in Vehicles]. D4.2.3b Summary of final results from WP4.3 through to WP4.7 as at M54, pp.1-80, European Commission 7th Framework Programme.

Fruttaldo, S, Tesauri, F, Montanari, R, Welsh, R, Morris, A, Mononen, P, Vega, HM, Alonso, M (2011) TeleFOT: field operational tests of aftermarket and nomadic devices in vehicles. D 1.3, Applications.

Morris, A, Welsh, R, May, A, Koskinen, S, Fowkes, M, Ross, T (2011) TeleFOT: field operational tests of aftermarket and nomadic devices in vehicles. D 4.2.3, Overview of results from WP4.3 to WP4.7 on a half yearly basis (M32).

Gaitanidou, E, Pagkle, K, Morris, AP, May, AJ, Karlson, M (2010) TeleFOT [Field Operational Tests of Aftermarket and Nomadic Devices in Vehicles]. D3.4.1 Field Operational Tests Plans, pp.1-100, European Commission 7th Framework Programme.

Welsh, RH, Talbot, R, Reed, SR, Morris, AP (2010) Data collection, analysis methods and equipment for naturalistic studies and requirements for the different application areas. PROLOGUE Deliverable D2.1, pp.1-62, European Commission.

Gaitanidou, E, Bekiaris, E, Chalkia, E, Montanari, R, Fruttaldo, S, Ferrarini, S, Gatti, L, Morris, AP, May, A (2010) Business Cases, Potential New Functions and Technology Implementation Plan, pp.1-1, European Commission.

Fruttaldo, S, Montanari, R, Mononen, P, Franzen, S, Pagle, K, Morris, AP, Grill, J, Vega, HM, Alonso, M (2010) Stakeholder Forum Activities, pp.1-32, European Commission.

Welsh, R, Morris, AP, Vasama, J, Fowkes, M, Heikkinen, O (2010) TeleFOT [Field Operational Tests of Aftermarket and Nomadic Devices in Vehicles]. D2.3.1 Data specification and quality, pp.1-95, European Commission 7th Framework Programme.

Gaitanidou, E, Pagle, K, Morris, AP, May, A, Karlsson, ICM (2010) Field Operational Test plans: TeleFOT deliverable D3.4.1, pp.1-219, European Commission.

Welsh, R, Morris, A, Li, B, May, A, Ross, T, Reed, S (2010) Safety data analysis plan: TeleFOT [Field Operational Tests of Aftermarket and Nomadic Devices in Vehicles] D4.3.1, pp.1-80.

Karlsson, ICM, Rämä, P, Alonso, M, Engelbrektsson, P, Franzén, S, Henar Vega, M, Kulmala, R, May, A, Morris, AP, Mascolo, JE, Schröder, U, Welsh, R (2009) TeleFOT [Field Operational Tests of Aftermarket and Nomadic Devices in Vehicles]. D2.2.1 Testing and Evaluation Strategy, pp.1-50, European Commission 7th Framework Programme.

Lenard, JA, Maguire, MC, Reed, SG, Danton, RK, Morris, AP (2009) HGV Headlamp Aim 2008. AR2612 LUEL 5667, pp.1-59, Department for Transport.

Reed, SG and Morris, AP (2008) Building the European Road Safety Observatory. SafetyNet. Deliverable 5.7 Fatal accident database development and analysis. AR2568, pp.1-47, European Commission.

Reed, SG and Morris, AP (2008) Building the European Road Safety Observatory. SafetyNet. Deliverable 5.7 Fatal accident database development and analysis. Appendix 1. Analysis of accidents involving passenger car. AR2569. AR2568, pp.1-39, European Commission.

Reed, SG and Morris, AP (2008) Building the European Road Safety Observatory. SafetyNet. Deliverable 5.5 Glossary of data variables for fatal and acident causation databases. AR2570, pp.1-215, European Commission.

Talbot, RK, Rackliff, LK, Reed, SG, Morris, AP, Jahl, H, Cant, L, Vallet, G, Jansch, M, Usami, D, Giustiniani, G, Parkkari, K, Fagerlind, H (2008) Building the European Road Safety Observatory. SafetyNet. Deliverable D4.4 Workshop report AR2574, pp.1-99, European Commission.

Jahi, H, Vallet, G, Talbot, RK, Morris, AP, Fagerlind, H, Usami, D, Giustiniani, G, Persia, L, Parkkari, K, Jansch, M, Otte, D (2008) Building the European Road Safety Observatory. SafetyNet. Deliverable D4.5 Recommendations for transparent and independent road accident investigation. AR2584, pp.1-216, European Commission.

Bjorkman, K, Fagerling, H, Ljung Aust, M, Morris, AP, Talbot, RK, Danton, RK, Giustiniani, G, Shingo, UD, Parkkari, K, Jaensch, M, Verschragen, E (2008) Building the European Road Safety Observatory. SafetyNet. Deliverable 5.8 In depth accident causation database and analysis report. AR2572, pp.1-186, European Commission.

Auerbach Hafen, K, Hasse, A, Lerner, M, Riguelle, F, Eksler, V, Striegler, R, Haddak, M, Hollo, P, Arsenio, E, Cardoso, J, Gomes, SV, Page, ME, Rackliff, LK, Morris, AP, Papadimitriou, E, Amelink, M (2006) Building the European Road Safety Observatory. SafetyNet. Deliverable D3.6 Road safety performance indicators theory. AR2590, pp.1-164, European Commission and SWOV.

Brace, CL, Talbot, RK, Rackliff, LK, Morris, AP, Page, ME, Jahi, H, Vallet, G, Cant, L, Fagerlind, H, Parkkari, K, Jansch, M, Klootwijk, C, Usami, D, Giustiniani, G (2006) Building the European Road Safety Observatory. SafetyNet. Deliverable D4.3: Draft recommendations for transparent and independent accident investigation - a working paper. AR2589, pp.1-116, European Commission.

Reed, SG and Morris, AP (2006) Building the European Road Safety Observatory. SafetyNet. Deliverable 5.3: review of fatal accident pilot study. fatal data methodology development report. AR2588, pp.1-44, European Commission.

Welsh, RH, Morris, AP, Frampton, RJ, Thomas, PD (2006) A review of secondary safety priorities, pp.1-90, Department for Transport.

Lenard, JA, Morris, AP, Thomas, PD (2005) Use of smart technologies to collect and retain crash information, pp.1-43, European Commission.

Vis, MA, Hafen, K, Lerner, M, Allenbach, R, Verbeke, T, Eksler, V, Haddak, M, Hollo, P, Arsenio, E, Cardoso, J, Vieira, G, Papadimitriou, E, Amelink, M, Morris, AP, Rackliff, LK, Goldenbeld, C, Mathijssen, R, Louwerse, R, Morsink, P, Schoon, C, Gitelman, V, Hakkert, S, Assum, T (2005) Building the European Road Safety Observatory. SafetyNet. Deliverable 3.1 State of the art report on road safety performance indicators. AR2583, pp.1-177, European Commission and SWOV.

Welsh, RH, Clift, L, Morris, AP, Cook, SE (2003) An Assessment of Cars for Small Drivers, pp.1-233, Vehicle Standards and Engineering Division (VSE), Department for Transport.

Morris, AP, Barnes, J, Fildes, B, Bentivegna, F, Seyer, K (2001) Effectiveness of ADR 69: A Case-Control Study of Crashed Vehicles Equipped with Airbags, pp.1-67, Australian Transport Safety Bureau; Monash Unversity Accident Research Centre Road Safety Research Report CR 199.

Fildes, B, Vulcan, P, Les, M, Morris, AP (2001) Benefits of Airbag Refitment in Second-Hand Cars in New Zealand, p.41, Land Transport Safety Authority, Wellington, New Zealand; Monash University Accident Research Centre Report 174.

Fildes, BN, Corben, B, Morris, AP, Oxley, JA, Pronk, NJ, Brown, L, Fitzharris, M (2000) Road Safety Environment and Design for Older Drivers, p.127, Austroads Inc, Austroads Publication AP-R169/00.

Morris, AP, Chambers Smith, M, Chambers Smith, D, Thomas, PD (1999) Integrated protocols for accident research on the scene (OTS). AR2011, p.64, Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions (DETR).

Morris, AP, Chambers Smith, M, Chambers Smith, D, Thomas, PD (1999) Protocol for the investigation of crashes involving M1 and N1 cars and vans. AR2205, p.3, Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions (DETR).

Barnes, J, Nunn, J, Petherick, E, Morris, A, Staton, M (Accepted for publication) Targeting Road Injury Prevention, Road Safety Trust.


Sha, H, Haouari, R, Kumar Singh, M, Papazikou, E, Quddus, M, Chaudhry, A, Thomas, P, Morris, A (2024) Correction: How can on-street parking regulations affect traffic, safety, and the environment in a cooperative, connected, and automated era? (European Transport Research Review, (2024), 16, 1, (18), 10.1186/s12544-023-00628-8), Correction: Eur. Transp. Res. Rev.16, 18 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12544-023-00628-8. Following publication of the original article [1], the authors reported an error in the Acknowledgements section. The last two sentences should be deleted. The original article [1] has been updated. DOI: 10.1186/s12544-024-00647-z.

Sanon, C, Morris, A, Vieira, S, Kluppels, L (2018) Train-the-Trainer Manual - deliverable D6.2 of the SaferAfrica Project, This manual is meant to support lecturers who wish to incorporate a course on road safety into the curriculum of another educational program. Various professions have linkages with the problems and issues related to road safety. For some of these it is evident: engineering and technology, political and social sciences. In other professions, specific aspects of road safety can hold important input. - Road safety education requires a place in the training of teachers (primary and secondary schools), since children need to be taught as early as possible how to behave safely on the road. - Government wanting to set up an effective enforcement plan need to ensure police have good knowledge of road safety behaviour. - For new drivers, learning to drive concerns not only traffic rules and handling a car, but also understanding the psychology of a road user and traffic in general. Furthermore, many more professions deal with road safety issues in their job which makes it worthwhile considering implementing aspects of road safety into the existing curriculum..

Aldah, M, Frampton, RJ, Morris, AP (2012) Workshop presentation on Accident Databases, In-depth Crash Injury Studies and injury causation in Dubai, UAE, At the request of The Research Council, Al Athba, Muscat, Oman.

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