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Loughborough University Research Publications

Publications for Roy Kalawsky

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Journal Articles

Chang, AS and Kalawsky, RS (2024) Retrofitting existing rolling stock for wire-free travel: Exploring energy storage solutions for partial catenary-free light rail vehicle, Transportation Engineering, 19, 100291, DOI: 10.1016/j.treng.2024.100291.

Eyoh, I, Eyoh, J, Umoh, U, Kalawsky, R (2021) Optimization of Interval Type-2 Intuitionistic Fuzzy Logic System for Prediction Problems, International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications, 20(4), ISSN: 1469-0268. DOI: 10.1142/S146902682150022X.

Joannou, D, Kalawsky, R, Martinez-Garcia, M, Fowler, C, Fowler, K (2020) Realizing the role of permissioned blockchains in a systems engineering lifecycle, Systems, 8(4), 41, ISSN: 2079-8954. DOI: 10.3390/systems8040041.

Martinez-Garcia, M, Kalawsky, R, Gordon, T, Smith, T, Meng, Q, Flemisch, F (2020) Communication and interaction with semiautonomous ground vehicles by force control steering, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 51(8), pp.3913-3924, ISSN: 2168-2267. DOI: 10.1109/tcyb.2020.3020217.

Fu, G, Meng, F, Casado, MR, Kalawsky, R (2020) Towards integrated flood risk and resilience management, Water, 12(6), 1789, ISSN: 2073-4441. DOI: 10.3390/w12061789.

Eyoh, I, Eyoh, J, Kalawsky, R (2020) Interval Type-2 Intuitionistic Fuzzy Logic System for Time Series and Identification Problems - A Comparative Study, International Journal of Fuzzy Logic Systems, 10(1), pp.1-17, DOI: 10.5121/ijfls.2020.10101.

Zhang, E, Martinez-Garcia, M, Kalawsky, R, Latimer, A (2019) Grey-box modelling of the swirl characteristics in gas turbine combustion system, Measurement, 151, 107266, ISSN: 0263-2241. DOI: 10.1016/j.measurement.2019.107266.

Saravi, S, Kalawsky, R, Joannou, D, Casado, MR, Fu, G, Meng, F (2019) Use of artificial intelligence to improve resilience and preparedness against adverse flood events, MDPI Water, 11(5), DOI: 10.3390/w11050973.

Manouseli, D, Kayaga, S, Kalawsky, R (2019) Evaluating the effectiveness of residential water efficiency initiatives in England: influencing factors and policy implications, Water Resources Management, 33(7), pp.2219-2238, ISSN: 0920-4741. DOI: 10.1007/s11269-018-2176-1.

Joannou, D, Kalawsky, R, Saravi, S, Rivas-Casado, M, Fu, G, Meng, F (2019) A model-based engineering methodology and architecture for resilience in systems-of-systems: A case of water supply resilience to flooding, Water, DOI: 10.3390/w11030496.

Saravi, S, Joannou, D, Kalawsky, R, King, M, Marr, I, Hall, MA, Wright, P, Ravindranath, R, Hill, A (2018) A systems engineering hackathon - A methodology involving multiple stakeholders to progress conceptual design of a complex engineered product, IEEE Access, 6, pp.38399-38410, ISSN: 2169-3536. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2851384.

Burbano-Abril, A, Edwards, R, Rangel, V, Aquino-Santos, R, Lopez-Guerrero, M, Kalawsky, R, Behjati, M (2018) Modeling and analysis of LTE connectivity in a high mobility vehicular environment, Computers and Electrical Engineering, ISSN: 0045-7906. DOI: 10.1016/j.compeleceng.2018.04.007.


Manouseli, D, Kayaga, S, Kalawsky, R (2017) Evaluation of water efficiency programs in single-family households in the UK: A case study, Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, 17(6), pp.1785-1792, ISSN: 1606-9749. DOI: 10.2166/ws.2017.071.

Alzahrani, A, Hu, S, Azorin-Peris, V, Kalawsky, R, Zhang, X, Liu, C (2014) A novel yet effective motion artefact reduction method for continuous physiological monitoring, Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE, 8936, ISSN: 1605-7422. DOI: 10.1117/12.2044640.

Ngoc, LL and Kalawsky, RS (2013) Evaluating usability of amplified head rotations on base-to-final turn for flight simulation training devices, Proceedings - IEEE Virtual Reality, pp.51-54, DOI: 10.1109/VR.2013.6549359.

Ghadge, A, Dani, S, Chester, M, Kalawsky, R (2013) A systems approach for modelling supply chain risks, Supply Chain Management, 18(5), pp.523-538, ISSN: 1359-8546. DOI: 10.1108/SCM-11-2012-0366.

Sun, Y, Hu, S, Azorin-Peris, V, Kalawsky, R, Greenwald, S (2013) Noncontact imaging photoplethysmography to effectively access pulse rate variability, J Biomed Opt, 18(6), p.061205, DOI: 10.1117/1.JBO.18.6.061205.

Kalawsky, RS, O'Brien, J, Chong, S, Wong, C, Jia, H, Pan, H, Moore, PR (2013) Bridging the Gaps in a Model-Based System Engineering Workflow by Encompassing Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation, IEEE Systems Journal, ISSN: 1932-8184. DOI: 10.1109/JSYST.2012.2230995.

Callow, G and Kalawsky, RS (2013) A Satisficing Bi-Directional Model Transformation Engine using Mixed Integer Linear Programming, Journal of Object Technology, 12(1), pp.1-43, ISSN: 1660-1769. DOI: 10.5381/jot.2013.12.1.a1.

Kalawsky, RS, Joannou, D, Tian, Y, Fayoumi, A (2013) Using Architecture Patterns to Architect and Analyze Systems of Systems, Procedia Computer Science, 16(0), pp.283-292, ISSN: 1877-0509. DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2013.01.030.

Ghadge, A, Dani, S, Kalawsky, R (2012) Supply chain risk management: Present and future scope, The International Journal of Logistics Management, 23(3), pp.313-339, ISSN: 0957-4093. DOI: 10.1108/09574091211289200.

Hu, S, Sun, Y, Papin, C, Azorin-Peris, V, Kalawsky, R, Greenwald, S (2012) Use of ambient light in remote photoplethysmographic systems: a comparison between a high performance camera and a low cost webcam, Journal of Biomedical Optics, 17(3), pp.037005-1-037005-10, DOI: 10.1117/1.JBO.17.3.037005.

Shan, Y, Yang, L, Kalawsky, RS (2012) SOLDIER SYSTEM ASSESSMENT UNDER UNCERTAINTY WITH EVIDENTIAL REASONING, International Journal on Computer Science and Information Systems, 6(3), pp.17-37, ISSN: 1646-3692.

Sun, Y, Papin, C, Azorin-Peris, V, Kalawsky, RS, Greenwald, S, Hu, S (2011) Comparison of scientific CMOS camera and webcam for monitoring cardiac pulse after exercise, 8135(813506).

Shan, Y, Yang, L, Kalawsky, R (2010) Exploration of quantitative assessment in systems architecture using evidential reasoning, ICEC 2010 - Proceedings of the International Conference on Evolutionary Computation, pp.146-152.

Callow, G, Watson, G, Kalawsky, R (2010) System modelling for run-time verification and validation of autonomous systems, 2010 5th International Conference on System of Systems Engineering, SoSE 2010, DOI: 10.1109/SYSOSE.2010.5544117.

Kalawsky, RS (2010) Grand Challenges for Systems‐Engineering Research, INSIGHT, 13(2), pp.39-45, ISSN: 2156-485X. DOI: 10.1002/inst.201013239.

Kalawsky, R and Valerdi, R (2010) Highlights from the 2009 Conference on Systems Engineering Research and Systems Engineering and Architecting Doctoral Network, INSIGHT, 13(2), pp.7-9, ISSN: 2156-485X. DOI: 10.1002/inst.20101327.

Al Najdawi, A and Kalawsky, RS (2010) Visual Quality Assessment of Video and Image Sequences - A Human-based Approach, J Sign Process Systems, 59, pp.223-231.

Do, Q, Cook, SC, Kalawsky, RS, Jain, R, Mansell, T (2009) Special Issue on Systems Engineering Education, 2(3), ISSN: 1755-1587.

Rajabally, E, Valiusaityte, I, Kalawsky, R (2009) Aircrew performance measurement during simulated military aircrew training: A review, AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, DOI: 10.2514/6.2009-5829.

Al Najdawi, A and Kalawsky, RS (2008) Visual Quality Assessment of Video and Image Sequences - A Human Based Approach, J Sign Process Syst, not known.

Kalawsky, RS and Holmes, IR (2007) Overcoming engineering challenges of providing an effective user interface to a large scale distributed synthetic environment on the US teragrid: A systems engineering success story, 17th Annual International Symposium of the International Council on Systems Engineering, INCOSE 2007 - Systems Engineering: Key to Intelligent Enterprises, 3, pp.1644-1659.

Kalawsky, RS and Holmes, IR (2007) 9.1.2 Overcoming Engineering Challenges of Providing an Effective User Interface to a Large Scale Distributed Synthetic Environment on the US Teragrid: A Systems Engineering Success Story, INCOSE International Symposium, 17(1), pp.1429-1444, ISSN: 2334-5837. DOI: 10.1002/j.2334-5837.2007.tb02958.x.

Al-Najdawi, A and Kalawsky, RS (2007) Quantitative quality assessment of video sequences, 1624-1628 1732.

Kalawsky, RS and Simpkin, G (2006) Automating the Display of Third Person /Stealth Views of Virtual Environments, Presence - Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 15(6), pp.717-739, ISSN: 1531-3263. DOI: 10.1162/pres.15.6.717.

Rohaya, D, Rambli, A, Kalawsky, RS (2006) Distance estimations in static images: Does viewing distance matter?, ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 158, pp.17-23, DOI: 10.1145/1152760.1152763.

Kalawsky, R and Simpkin, G (2006) Automating the display of third person/stealth views of virtual environments, Presence-Teleop Virt, 15(6), pp.717-739, ISSN: 1054-7460.

Kalawsky, RS and Simpkin, G (2006) Automating the Display of Third Person/Stealth Views of Virtual Environments, 15(6), pp.717-739.

Clarke, K, Lewin, MR, Atkins, D, Kalawsky, RS (2005) Testing a framework for multimodal control in the home environment, IET Seminar Digest, 2005(1), pp.85-95, DOI: 10.1049/ic.2005.0790.

Limb, PR, Armitage, S, Chin, JSY, Kalawsky, R, Callaghan, V, Bull, PM, Hagras, H, Colley, M (2005) User interaction in a shared information space - A pervasive environment for the home, IET Seminar Digest, 2005(1), pp.139-150, DOI: 10.1049/ic.2005.0796.

Kalawsky, RS, O'Brien, J, Coveney, PV (2005) Improving Scientists' Interaction with Complex Computational-visualisation Environments Based on a Distributed Grid Infrastructure, Philisophical Transactions of Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 363(1833), pp.1867-1884, ISSN: 1471-2962. DOI: 10.1098/rsta.2005.1616.

Kalawsky, RS, Nee, SP, Holmes, I, Coveney, PV (2005) A Grid-Enabled Lightweight Computational Steering Client: a.NET PDA Implementation, Philisophical Transactions of Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 363(1833), pp.1885-1894, ISSN: 1364-503X. DOI: 10.1098/rsta.2005.1617.

Kalawsky, RS, O'Brien, J, Coveney, PV (2005) Improving scientists' interaction with complex computational-visualization environments based on a distributed grid infrastructure, Philos T R Soc A, 363(1833), pp.1867-1884, ISSN: 1364-503X.

Neild, I, Heatley, DJT, Kalawsky, RS, Bowman, PA (2004) Sensor networks for continuous health monitoring, BT Technology Journal, 22(3), pp.130-139, ISSN: 1358-3948. DOI: 10.1023/B:BTTJ.0000047127.01462.49.

Kalawsky, RS, Bowman, PA, Heatley, DJT, Nield, I (2004) Sensor Networks for Continuous Health Monitoring, BT Technology Journal, 22(3), pp.130-139, ISSN: 1573-1995.

Kalawsky, RS, Bowman, PA, Heatley, DJT, Neild, I (2004) Sensor Networks for Continuous Health Monitoring, BT Technology Journal, 22(3), pp.130-139, ISSN: 1358-3948. DOI: 10.1023/B:BTTJ.0000047127.01462.49.

Haniff, D, Kalawsky, RS, Lewin, M (2004) User Centered Approach to Design, IEEE Pervasive Computing, 3(2), pp.49-50.

Chamberlain, A and Kalawsky, R (2004) A comparative investigation into two pointing systems for use with wearable computers while mobile, 110-117 198.

Kalawsky, RS (2000) Lessons learnt in the implementation of user interfaces for In Field (wearable) computers for tactical operations, IEE Colloquium (Digest), (145), ISSN: 0963-3308.

Kalawsky, RS (2000) The Future of Virtual Reality and Prototyping, International Journal of Design and Innovation Research, 2(1), pp.43-55, ISSN: 1143-273X.

Kalawsky, RS, Stedmon, AW, Hill, K, Cook, CA (2000) Old Theories, New Technologies: Developing Guidelines for the Cognitive Ergonomics of Augmented Reality, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 44(21), ISSN: 1071-1813. DOI: 10.1177/154193120004402105.

Kalawsky, RS, Hill, K, Stedmon, AW, Cooke, CA, Young, A (2000) Experimental Research into Human Cognitive Processing in an Augmented Reality Environment for Embedded Training Systems, Virtual Reality, 5, pp.39-46, ISSN: 1359-4338.

Kalawsky, RS, Stedmon, AW, Hill, K, Cook, CA (2000) A taxonomy of technology: Defining augmented reality, Proceedings of the XIVth Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association and 44th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Association, 'Ergonomics for the New Millennium', pp.507-510, DOI: 10.1177/154193120004400506.

Kalawsky, RS (2000) The Future of Virtual Reality and Prototyping, 2(1), pp.43-55, ISSN: 1143-273X.

Kalawsky, RS, Bee, ST, Nee, SP (1999) Human Factors Evaluation Techniques to Aid Understanding of Virtual Interfaces, BT Technology Journal, 17(1), pp.128-141, ISSN: 1358-3948.

Kalawsky, RS (1999) VRUSE A Computerised Diagnostic Tool: For Usability Evaluation of Virtual/Synthetic Environment Systems, Special Edition of Applied Ergonomics, 30, pp.11-25, ISSN: 0003-6870.

Kalawsky, RS (1999) VRUSE - a computerised diagnostic tool: for usability evaluation of virtual/synthetic environment systems, Appl Ergon, 30(1), pp.11-25, ISSN: 0003-6870.

Kalawsky, RS (1999) VRUSE--a computerised diagnostic tool: for usability evaluation of virtual/synthetic environment systems, 30(1), pp.11-25, ISSN: 0003-6870.

Kalawsky, RS (1999) VRUSE--a computerised diagnostic tool: for usability evaluation of virtual/synthetic environment systems, 30(1), pp.11-25, ISSN: 0003-6870.

Stedmon, AW, Hill, K, Kalawsky, RS, Cook, CA (1999) Old theories, new technologies: Comprehension and retention issues in augmented reality systems, Hum Fac Erg Soc P, 1358-1362 1449, ISSN: 1071-1813.

Stedmon, AW, Moore, PM, Kalawsky, RS, Aung, M, Purcell, J, Reeh, C, York, T (1999) It's not what you wear, it's how you wear it: Human factors of wearable computers, Hum Fac Erg Soc P, 1050-1054 1449, ISSN: 1071-1813.

Kalawsky, RS (1998) Time Bandits Make Real Gains in Virtual Space, The Times Higher Education Supplement, p.30.

Kalawsky, RS (1998) New Methodologies And Techniques For Evaluating User Performance In Advanced 3D Virtual Interfaces - The 3D User Interface for the Information Worker, 98(437), pp.1-7.

Sari, H and Kalawsky, RS (1997) Technology Under Examination, Virtual Journal (Italy), 5(44), pp.26-28.

Kalawsky, RS (1997) The human dimension in future virtual design/prototyping systems, Imeche Conf Trans, 1997(3), 179-184 305, ISSN: 1356-1448.

Kalawsky, RS (1992) The Realities of Using Visually Coupled Systems for Training Applications, P Soc Photo-Opt Ins, 1695, 72-83 181.

Kalawsky, RS (1987) POLARIZATION IMAGERY: A NEW IMAGE PROCESSING TECHNIQUE, IEE Colloquium (Digest), (1987 /14), ISSN: 0963-3308.

Kalawsky, RS (1983) DISPLAY MANAGEMENT IN FUTURE MILITARY AIRCRAFT, IEEE Proceedings of the National Aerospace and Electronics Conference, 1, pp.314-321.


Chang, ASF and Kalawsky, RS (2020) The Slip-coach return potential - Smart car attachment train. In , 2020 8th International Conference on Power Electronics Systems and Applications: Future Mobility and Future Power Transfer, PESA 2020. DOI: 10.1109/PESA50370.2020.9343957.

Chang, ASF and Kalawsky, RS (2020) State-of-the-Art: Wireless charging technologies and mass transit potential. In , 2020 8th International Conference on Power Electronics Systems and Applications: Future Mobility and Future Power Transfer, PESA 2020. DOI: 10.1109/PESA50370.2020.9344031.

Chang, ASF and Kalawsky, RS (2020) Hybrid rail technology for rail track and tarmac road. In , 2020 8th International Conference on Power Electronics Systems and Applications: Future Mobility and Future Power Transfer, PESA 2020. DOI: 10.1109/PESA50370.2020.9343955.

Chang, ASF and Kalawsky, RS (2018) Future configurable transport for the ageing population. In 2017 7th International Conference on Power Electronics Systems and Applications - Smart Mobility, Power Transfer & Security (PESA), 2017 7th International Conference on Power Electronics Systems and Applications - Smart Mobility, Power Transfer and Security, PESA 2017, Hong Kong, China, pp.1-5, ISBN: 9781538613863. DOI: 10.1109/PESA.2017.8277743.

Eyoh, J and Kalawsky, R (2018) Reduction of impacts of oil and gas operations through intelligent maintenance solution. In International Conference on Intelligent Science and Technology, London,ISBN: 9781450364614. DOI: 10.1145/3233740.3233747.

Eyoh, J and Kalawsky, R (2018) Evolution of maintenance strategies in oil and gas industries: the present achievements and future trends. In FEAST International Conference on Engineering Management, Industrial Technology, Applied Sciences, Communications and Media, London.

Joannou, D and Kalawsky, R (2018) A novel "resilience viewpoint" to aid in engineering resilience in systems of systems (SoS). In 28th Annual INCOSE International Symposium, Washington DC.

Chang, A, Kalawsky, R, Cheng, KWE, Thomas, AV, Walmsley, DA (2018) Energy storage impact on light rail developments. In IET - 11th International Conference on Advances in Power System Control, Operation and Management, Hong Kong,ISBN: 9781785619427. DOI: 10.1049/cp.2018.1828.

Chang, A and Kalawsky, R (2017) European transport sector intervention for smart city. In 2017 7th International Conference on Power Electronics Systems and Applications: Smart Mobility, Power Transfer & Security, Hong Kong,ISBN: 9781538613863. DOI: 10.1109/PESA.2017.8277778.

Wu, CK, Zhu, H, Lai, LL, Chang, A, Li, F, Tsang, KF, Kalawsky, R (2017) A time-synchronized ZigBee building network for smart water management. In IEEE 15th International Conference of Industrial Informatics INDIN'2017, Emden, Germany, pp.1219-1222, ISBN: 9781538608371. DOI: 10.1109/INDIN.2017.8104948.

Zhu, H, Chang, A, Kalawsky, R, Tsang, KF, Hancke, GP, Bello, LL, Ling, WK (2017) Review of state-of-the-art wireless technologies and applications in smart cities. In IECON 2017 - 43rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Beijing, pp.6187-6192, ISBN: 9781538611272. DOI: 10.1109/IECON.2017.8217074.

Manouseli, D, Kayaga, S, Kalawsky, R (2016) Evaluation of water efficiency programs in single-family households in the UK: A case study. In 8 th Eastern European Young Water Professionals Conference, Gdansk, Poland.

Broodney, H, Masin, M, Shindin, E, Shani, U, Kalawsky, R, Joannou, D, Tian, Y, Bhatt, A, Sanduka, I (2015) Leveraging domain expertise in architectural exploration. In , Complex Systems Design and Management - Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Complex Systems Design and Management, CSD and M 2014, pp.87-103, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-11617-4-7.

Shan, Y, Yang, L, Kalawsky, R (2014) Exploring the prescriptive modeling of fire situation assessment. In , ISCRAM 2014 Conference Proceedings - 11th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, pp.60-64.

Broodny, H, Masin, M, Shindin, E, Shani, U, Kalawsky, R, Joannou, D, Tian, Y, Bhatt, A, Sanduka, I (2014) Leveraging domain expertise in architectural exploration. In Complex Systems Design & Management, Paris, pp.87-103, ISBN: 978-3-319-11616-7. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-11617-4.

Kalawsky, RS, Tian, Y, Joannou, D, Sanduka, I, Masin, M (2013) Incorporating architecture patterns in a SoS optimization framework. In , Proceedings - 2013 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, SMC 2013, pp.1726-1731, DOI: 10.1109/SMC.2013.297.

Kalawsky, RS and le Ngoc, (2013) Visual Circuit Flying with Augmented Head-tracking on Limited Field of View Flight Training Devices. In AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference 2013, Boston, pp.1-16, DOI: 10.2514/6.2013-5226.

Kalawsky, RS (2013) The next generation of grand challenges for systems engineering research. In Paredis, CJJ, Bishop, C, Bodner, D (ed) 11th Annual Conference on Systems Engineering Research (CSER), 2013 CONFERENCE ON SYSTEMS ENGINEERING RESEARCH, Georgia Inst Technol, Atlanta, GA, pp.834-843, DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2013.01.087.

Kalawsky, RS and Bedford, G (2012) Operator Training and Performance Measurement in Remotely Piloted Systems. In Flight Simulation Research Conference, Royal Aeronautical Society, London, pp.1-9.

Dani, S, Ghadge, A, Kalawsky, R (2012) Risk modeling for creating economically sustainable supply chains. In Wilding, R (ed) 17th Annual Logistics Research Network Conference, Cranfield,ISBN: 978-1-904564-44-7.

Kalawsky, RS and Vitiello, P (2012) Visual Analytics: A Sensemaking Framework for Systems Thinking in Systems Engineering. In IEEE International Systems Conference (SysCon2012), Vancouver, pp.8-13, ISBN: 978-1-4673-0749-9.

Ghadge, A, Dani, S, Kalawsky, R (2011) Systems Thinking for Modelling Risk Propagation in Supply Networks. In 5th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, IEEE, Singapore, pp.1685-1689.

Ghadge, A, Dani, S, Kalawsky, R (2011) Systems Thinking for Modelling Risk Propogation in Supply Networks. In The Ieee International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Singapore, pp.1685-1689.

Callow, G, Kalawsky, R, Watson, G, Okuda, Y (2011) Addressing systems verification of autonomous systems through Bi-directional model transformations: A systems model driven architecture approach. In , Proceedings of 2011 6th International Conference on System of Systems Engineering: SoSE in Cloud Computing, Smart Grid, and Cyber Security, SoSE 2011, pp.311-316, DOI: 10.1109/SYSOSE.2011.5966616.

Sun, Y, Pappin, C, Azorin Peris, V, Kalawsky, RS, Greenwald, S, Hu, S (2011) Comparison of Scientific CMOS Camera and Webcam for Monitoring Cardiac Pulse After Exercise. In Tescher, AG (ed) Applications of Digital Image Processing XXXIV, Applications of Digital Image Processing XXXIV, Proc of SPIE, San Diego, California, US, pp.1-7, ISBN: 9780819487452. DOI: 10.1117/12.893362.

Ramalingam, K, Kalawsky, R, Noonan, C (2011) Integration of Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) in non-segregated airspace: A complex system of systems problem. In , 2011 IEEE International Systems Conference, SysCon 2011 - Proceedings, pp.448-455, DOI: 10.1109/SYSCON.2011.5929108.

Ghadge, A, Dani, S, Kalawsky, R (2011) Supply Chain Risk Management: An Analysis of Present and Future Scope. In Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Logistics, Berlin, Germany, pp.245-254.

Ghadge, A, Dani, S, Kalawsky, R (2011) Supply Chain Risk Management: An Analysis of Present and Future Scope. In 16th International Symposium on Logistics, Berlin, pp.245-254.

Chong, S, Kalawsky, RS, O’Brien, J, Wong, C, Jia, H, Pan, H, Moore, P (2011) Model Driven System Engineering for Vehicle System utilizing Model Driven Architecture approach and Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation. In 2011 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (ICMA 2011),.

Shan, Y, Yang, L, Kalawsky, R (2011) Equipment optimization of the soldier system with evidential reasoning. In , Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference Information Systems 2011, IS 2011, pp.271-275.

Ghadge, A, Dani, S, Kalawsky, R (2010) Systems thinking for sustainablity and supply chain risks. In 15th Logistics Research Network Annual Conference, Harrogate, UK, pp.230-237.

Ghadge, AS, Dani, S, Kalawsky, R (2010) Managing risks in next generation supply chains: a systems approach. In Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Logistics, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, pp.488-495.

Ghadge, A, Dani, S, Kalawsky, R (2010) A Framework for Managing Risks in the Aerospace Supply Chain Using Systems Thinking. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on System of Systems Engineering (SoSE 2010), IEEE, Loughborough, UK, pp.1-6.

Ghadge, A, Dani, S, Kalawsky, R (2010) A Framework for Managing Risks in the Aerospace Supply Chain Using Systems Thinking. In Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on System of Systems Engineering (SoSE), Loughborough University, UK, pp.1-6, ISBN: 978-1-4244-8197-2. DOI: 10.1109/SYSOSE.2010.5544082.

Saravi, S, Zafar, I, Edirisinghe, EA, Kalawsky, RS (2010) Real-time Speaker Identification for Video Conferencing. In Proc. of the SPIE, pp.77240D1-D9.

Callow, G, Kalawsky, RS, Watson, G (2010) Model Driven Architecture for Autonomous Systems – Modelling Representations. In 5th SEAS DTC Technical Conference,.

Kalawsky, RS (2009) Grand Challenges for Systems Engineering Research: Setting the Agenda. In Conference on Systems Engineering Research,, ISBN: 978-0-9562440-0-0.

Al Najdawi, N and Kalawsky, RS (2008) A Multi-objective optimization framework for video compression and transmission. In Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Processing 2008, CNSDSP 2008, 6th International Symposium, not known, pp.336-339, ISBN: 978-1-4244-1875-6.

Al-Najdawi, AA and Kalawsky, RS (2008) A multi-objective optimization framework for video compression and transmission. In Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing, 2008. CNSDSP 2008. 6th International Symposium, pp.336-339, ISBN: 978-1-4244-1875-6.

Al Najdawi, N and Kalawsky, RS (2007) Quantitive quality assessment of video sequences: A human-based approach. In Information, Communications & Signal Processing 2007, 6th International Conference, not known, pp.1-5, ISBN: 978-1-4244-0983-9.

O'Brien, JT and Kalawsky, RS (2007) A Novel Control Mechanism for Distributed Stream Rendering. In Lim Ik, S and Duce, D (ed) TP CG 07, EG UK Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics 2007, Bangor, pp.139-146, ISBN: 978 3 905673 63 0.

Holmes, IR and Kalawsky, RS (2007) Delivering Effective and Usable Interactive 3D Visualisation on Lightweight Mobile Devices. In Lim, IS and Duce, D (ed) TP CG 07, EG UK Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics 2007, Bangor, pp.132-138, ISBN: 978 3 905673 63 0.

Al Najdawi, A and Kalawsky, RS (2007) Quantitative Quality Assessment of Video Sequences - A Human-based Approach. In IEEE, Singapore, not known, ISBN: 1-4244-0983-7.

Holmes, IR and Kalawsky, RS (2007) Delivering Effective and Usable Interactive 3D Visualization on Lightweight Mobile Devices. In Lim I. S, and Duce, DA (ed) Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics 2007 (TPCG'07), pp.131-138, ISBN: 978-3-905673-63-0.

Kalawsky, RS and Holmes, IR (2007) Overcoming engineering challenges of providing an effective user interface to a large scale distributed synthetic environment on the US Teragrid: A systems engineering success story. In INCOSE,p.16, ISBN: 0-9720562-5-4.

O’Brien, JT and Kalawsky, RS (2007) A Service Agreement Framework for Grid based Distributed Rendering. In EPSRC e-Science All Hands Meeting,.

Green, W, Gyi, DE, Kalawsky, RS, Atkins, D (2006) A contextual enquiry: studying user requirements for future home technology. In Pikaar, RN, Koningsveld, EAP, Settals, PJM (ed) Proceeding IEA 2006 Congress, Maastricht, Holland, ?.

Holmes, IR and Kalawsky, RS (2006) The RealityGrid PDA and smartphone clients: Developing effective handheld user interfaces for e-Science. In Cox, SJ (ed) 5th UK e-Science All Hands Meeting (AHM 2006), PROCEEDINGS OF THE UK E-SCIENCE ALL HANDS MEETING 2006, Nottingham, ENGLAND, pp.502-+, ISBN: 978-0-9553988-1-0.

Gyi, DE, Green, W, Kalawsky, RS, Atkins, D (2005) What Do People Really Want From Their 'Smart' Homes?. In 11th International Conference on human-Computer Interaction, HCI International, Caesars Palace, Las Vegas, Nevada USA, ?.

Clarke, K, Lewin, MR, Atkins, D, Kalawsky, RS (2005) Testing a Framework for MultiModal Control in the Home Environment. In Perspectives in Pervasive Computing, pp.87-95, ISBN: 0-86341-587-3.

Limb, PR, Armitage, S, Chin, JSY, Kalawsky, RS, Callaghan, V, Bull, PM, Hagras, H, Colley, M (2005) User Interaction in a Shared Information Space - A Pervasive Environment for the Home. In Perspectives in Pervasive Computing, pp.141-146, ISBN: 0-86341-587-3.

Green, W, Gyi, DE, Kalawsky, RS, Atkins, D (2004) Capturing user requirements for an integrated home environment. In Nordichi 2004, Proceedings of the Third Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Tampere, Finland, pp.255-258.

Chamberlain, A and Kalawsky, RS (2004) Design Considerations for Elderly Users in Domestic Pervasive Environments. In Goodman, J and Brewster, SE (ed) HCI 2004 (BCS), Proceedings of HCI and the Older Population, Leeds.

Chamberlain, A and Kalawsky, RS (2004) A Comparative Investigation into Two Pointing Systems for use with Wearable Computers while Mobile. In ISWC 2004, IEEE Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Wearable Computers, Arlington, VA, USA.

Quantrill, M, Chamberlain, A, Kalawsky, RS (2004) Accessible Interface Design for Domestic Pervasive Environments: A Preliminary Investigation into the Requirements of the Visually Impaired. In 8th ECRIM UI4ALL, Proceedings of the 8th ECRIM 'User Interfaces For All', Vienna (Austria).

Chamberlain, A and Kalawsky, RS (2004) A Comparative Investigation into Two Pointing Systems for Use with Wearable Computers while Mobile. In The Eighth International Symposium on Wearable Computers - ISWC 2004, pp.110-117, ISBN: 0-7695-2186-X.

Heatley, D, Kalawsky, R.S, Neild, I, (2004) Simple low cost sensors for Tele-Care applications. In 1st international workshop on networked sensing systems INSS2004,.

Kalawsky, R.S, Nee, S.P, (2004) Important issues concerning interactive user interfaces in grid based computational steering systems. In EPSRC e-Science All Hands Meeting,.

Nee, SP and Kalawsky, RS (2004) Developing a Roaming PDA-Based Interface for a Steering Client for OGSI::Lite using .Net: Practical Lessons Learned. In EPSRC e-Science All Hands Meeting,.

Awang Rambli, DR and Kalawsky, RS (2003) Effects of Varying Display Size on User's Asymmetrical Distance Perception in The Real and Virtual Environment. In Virtual Concept 2003, Biarritzb, France.

Quantrill, M, Kalawsky, RS, Phillips, IW, Atkins, D (2003) A Web Services Framework for Managing Complexity in a Pervasive Home Environment. In IASTED International Conference on Communications, Internet and Information Technology, Scottsdale, AZ, USA.

Awang Rambli, DR and Kalawsky, RS (2002) The Effect of Display and Image Type on Inter-Object Distance Estimation in Virtual and Real Environment. In Proceedings of SIGCHI-NZ Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction, Hamilton, New Zealand, pp.31-36, ISBN: 0-473-08500-3.

Kalawsky, RS (2001) Interface Issues for Wearable and Mobile Computer Users. In Media on the Move: Intelligent Agents for Mobile and Virtual Media, Invited Lecture: The 6th International Digital Media Symposium, National Museum of Photography Film and Television, pp.1685-1689.

Kalawsky, RS and Simpkin, G (2001) Letting Go: Automating the Display of Virtual Environments (Winner of Best Paper Award). In SimTecT 2001, Proceedings of the Official Conference of the Simulation Industry Association of Australia: Advancing the Technology and Effective Application of Simulation to Enhance Performance, Canberra, Australia.

Kalawsky, R.S, Simpkin, G, (2001) Letting Go: Automating the Display of Virtual Environments. In SimTect,.

Kalawsky, RS (2000) Lessons Learnt in the Implementation of User Interfaces for In Field (Wearable) Computers for Tactical Operations. In Wearable Computing Seminar, IEE Event Series, Wearable Computing, London, p.7.

Kalawsky, RS, Stedmon, AW, Hill, K, Cook, CA (2000) A Taxonomy of Technology: Defining Augmented Reality. In Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 44th Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, ISBN: 0-945289-13-8.

Kalawsky, RS, Stedmon, AW, Hill, K, Cook, CA (2000) Old Theories, New Technologies: Developing Guidelines for the Cognitive Ergonomics of Augmented Reality. In Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 44th Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, pp.398-401, ISBN: 0-945289-13-8.

Kalawsky, RS (2000) The Quest for Improving Task Effectiveness in Immersive Virtual Environments. In 1st Asia-Pacific Visualization Summit, RMIT, Invited Keynote Address, Melbourne, Australia.

Kalawsky, RS (2000) What is Essential for Virtual Reality Systems to Meet Military Human Performance Goals?. In NATO Human Factors and Medicine Panel Conference, TNO-FEL, Invited Keynote Address, The Hague, The Netherlands.

Kalawsky, RS and Stedmon, A (2000) New Generation Computing on the Move: Wearable Computing Systems. In Proceedings of XVIII European Annual Conference on Human Decision Making and Manual Control, Loughborough, pp.226-237.

Kalawsky, RS (2000) The Validity of Presence as a Reliable Human Performance Metric in Immersive Environments. In Proceedings of Presence 2000, Delft, The Netherlands,ISBN: 90-386-1571-X.

Stedmon, AW and Kalawsky, RS (1999) Old Theories, New Technologies: Cumulative Clutter Effects Using Augmented Reality. In Proceedings of IEE International Conference on Information Visualisation '99, London, pp.132-137.

Stedmon, AW, Kalawsky, RS, Moore, PM, Aung, M, Purcell, J, Reeh, C, York, T (1999) Its Not What You Wear, Its How You Wear It: Human Factors of Wearable Computers. In Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 43rd Annual Meeting, Houston Texas, pp.1050-1054, ISBN: 0-945289-12-X.

Stedmon, AW, Hill, K, Kalawsky, RS, Cook, CA (1999) Old Theories, New Technologies: Comprehension and Retention Issues in Augmented Reality Systems. In Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 43rd Annual Meeting, Houston Texas, pp.1358-1362, ISBN: 0-945289-12-X.

Kalawsky, RS (1999) The Future of Virtual Reality and Prototyping. In Proceedings of International Scientific Workshop on Virtual Reality and Prototyping, Laval, France, pp.1-10.

Kalawsky, RS and Stedmon, AW (1999) Next Generation Computing on the Move: Wearable Computing Systems. In 18 European Annual Conference on Human Decision Making and Manual Control,.

Kalawsky, RS (1998) VRSART A Tool for Evaluation of Contributory Factors Associated with Presence in Spatially Immersive Environments. In International Conference on Presence in Shared Environments, Presence in Shared Virtual Environments, BT Laboratories, Ipswich, UK, pp.1-5.

Kalawsky, RS (1998) New Methodologies and Techniques for Evaluating User Performance in Advanced 3D Virtual Interfaces. In Engineers, IOE (ed) The 3D User Interface for the Information Worker, IEE Digest, London, pp.1-7.

Kalawsky, RS and Tatham, EW (1998) Effects of Spatial and Temporal Mis-registration in Augmented Virtual Environments. In Proceedings of Eurographics UK, University of Leeds, pp.127-134, ISBN: 0 952 1097 7 8.

Kalawsky, RS (1998) Human Performance Methodologies/Metrics for Virtual Environments. In Technical Proceedings, Workshop on Human Performance Metrics, Chertsey, Surrey, UK, pp.29-37.

Kalawsky, RS (1997) The Human Dimension in Future Virtual Design/Prototyping Systems. In 150th Anniversary Symposium of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Visions of Tomorrow, Queen Elizabeth II conference Centre, London, pp.1-7.

Kalawsky, RS (1997) The human dimension in future virtual design/prototyping systems. In 150th Anniversary Symposium of the Institution-of-Mechanical-Engineers on Visions of Tomorrow - Improving the Quality of Life Through Technology, VISIONS OF TOMORROW - IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF LIFE THROUGH TECHNOLOGY, LONDON, ENGLAND, pp.179-184, ISBN: 1-86058-098-X.

Kalawsky, RS (1994) Virtual Cockpits It's only a question of time. In Military Avionics '94,.

Kalawsky, R.S, Taylor, P.M, Swift,K.G, Hockey, G.R.J, (1994) Enabling Tactile Technology for Virtual Environments. In EPSRC Design and Integrated Production,.

Kalawsky, R.S, Taylor, P.M, Swift, K.G, Smith, D.R, (1994) The Reactabot: A Tool for Aiding the Assessment of Manual Handling Processes in Assembly/Disassembly. In International Symposium on Automotive Technology & Automation,.

Kalawsky, R.S, Taylor, P.M, Swift, K.G, Creed, A.J, Griesser, M.T, (1994) A Dynamically Configurable Surface Based on Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) Wires for Virtual Reality Application. In International Symposium on Automotive Technology & Automation,.

Kalawsky, RS (1994) Keynote paper: Impact of Virtual Environments on Science & Technology. In The Institute of Physics,.

Kalawsky, RS (1994) Keynote Address: Exploitation strategy for Virtual Environments. In EPSRC Future Opportunities in VR Workshop,,.

Kalawsky, RS (1994) The Virtual Revolution. In Queens Award Lecture,.

Kalawsky, RS (1993) A Research Agenda for Virtual Environments. In Virtual Interfaces for Aerospace Applications, Agard Proceedings 541, Lisbon, pp.K1-K7, ISBN: 92 835 0746 0.

Kalawsky, RS (1993) The Science and Engineering of Virtual Reality. In Virtual Reality International 93, Proceedings of the Third Annual Conference on Virtual Reality, London, pp.67-74, ISBN: 0 88736 935 9.

Kalawsky, RS (1993) Keynote: A Research agenda for virtual environments. In Agard Conference Virtual Interfaces for Aerospace Applications, pp.K1-K7, ISBN: 92 835 0746 0.

Kalawsky, RS (1992) Beyond the Super Cockpit. In Virtual Reality International 92, Proceedings of Second Annual Conference on Virtual Reality International: Impacts and Applications, London, pp.69-77, ISBN: 0 88736 853 0.

Kalawsky, RS (1992) Virtual Manufacturing Environments The Next Generation. In SERC Conference,,.


Kalawsky, RS (1991) State of Virtual Reality in The UK: Keynote Address. In IEE Colloquium on "Real World Visualisation - Virtual World - Virtual Reality,.

Kalawsky, RS (1991) Reality of virtual reality. In IEE Colloquium on "Real World Visualisation - Virtual World - Virtual Reality,.

Kalawsky, RS (1991) From Visually Coupled Systems to Virtual Reality: An Aerospace Perspective. In Proceedings Computer Graphics 91, pp.121-130.


Kalawsky, RS (1990) Polarimetric Image Processing : An Important New Tool for Forensic Science. In IEE Colloquium Forensic Science,,.

Kalawsky, RS (1990) Polarimetric Image Processing. In IEE Colloquium on Recent Developments in Image Processing: Applications in Remote Sensing,.

Kalawsky, RS (1990) Polarimetric Image Processing : An Important New Tool for Remote Sensing. In SPIE 1990 Technical Symposium on Optical Engineering Aerospace Sensing, Remote Sensing of the Biosphere,Paper 1300-26.

Kalawsky, RS (1987) Pilot Integration and The Implications on The Design of Advanced Cockpits. In The Man-Machine Interface in Tactical Aircraft Design and Combat Automation,,24-1 - 24-16.


Kalawsky, RS (1993) The Science of Virtual Reality and Virtual Environments, Addison-Wesley, ISBN: 0201631717.

Kalawsky, RS (1993) The science of virtual reality and virtual environments : a technical, scientific and engineering reference on virtual environments, Addison-Wesley, ISBN: 0201631717.

Kalawsky, RS (1993) The science of virtual reality and virtual environments : a technical, scientific and engineering reference on virtual environments, Wokingham : Addison-Wesley, 1993 (1994 printing), ISBN: 0201631717.

Kalawsky, RS (1993) The science of virtual reality and virtual environments : a technical, scientific and engineering reference on virtual environments, Wokingham : Addison-Wesley, 1993 (1994 printing), ISBN: 0201631717.

CD Objects

Gyi, DE, Green, W, Kalawsky, RS, Atkins, D (2005) What Do People Really Want From Their 'Smart' Homes?,.

Kalawsky, RS (2000) The Validity of Presence as a Reliable Human Performance Metric in Immersive Environments,, ISBN: 90-386-1571-X.


Broodney, H, Masin, M, Shindin, E, Shani, U, Kalawsky, R, Joannou, D, Tian, Y, Bhatt, A, Sanduka, I (2015) Leveraging Domain Expertise 1in Architectural Exploration. In Complex Systems Design & Management, Springer International Publishing, pp.87-103, ISBN: 9783319116167. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-11617-4_7.

Kalawsky, RS (2009) Gaining Greater Insight Through Interactive Visualisation : A Human Factors Perspective. In Unknown Parent Title, Spring Verlag, pp.119-154.

Kalawsky, RS (2009) Intelligent Defence Support Systems. In Do, DQ, Kalawsky, DRS, Cook, DS, Jain, DR, Mansall, DT (ed) Int. Journal of Intelligent Defence Support Systems, Inderscience Enterprises Ltd, not known.

Heatley, DJT, Kalawsky, RS, Neild, I, Bowman, PA (2006) Integrated Sensor Networks for Monitoring the Health and Well-Being of Vulnerable Individuals. In Steventon, A and Wright, S (ed) Intelligent Spaces The Application of Pervasive ICT Series: Computer Communications and Networks, Springer, pp.219-237, ISBN: 1-84628-002-8.

Kalawsky, RS (2002) Interface Issues for Wearable and Mobile Computer Users. In Earnshaw, RA and Vince, JE (ed) Intelligent Agents for Mobile and Virtual Media, Springer.

Kalawsky, RS (2002) Interface Issues for Wearable and Mobile Computer Users. In Earnshaw, RA and Vince, J (ed) Intelligent agents for mobile and virtual media, Springer, pp.8-27, ISBN: 1-85233-556-4.

Kalawsky, RS (1993) A Comprehensive Virtual Environment Laboratory Facility. In al, EE (ed) Virtual Reality Systems, pp.77-89, ISBN: 0-12-227748-1.

Kalawsky, RS (1993) Critical Aspects of Visually Coupled Systems. In Ernshaw et al, (ed) Virtual Reality Systems, Academic Press, pp.203-212.

Kalawsky, RS (1993) Critical Aspects of Visually Coupled Systems. In eds, EEA (ed) Virtual Reality Systems, Academic Press, pp.203-212, ISBN: 0 12 227748 1.

Kalawsky, RS (1993) A Comprehensive Virtual Environment Laboratory Facility. In eds, EEA (ed) Virtual Reality Systems, Academic Press, pp.77-89, ISBN: 0 12 227748 1.

School/Dept Working Papers

Chamberlain, A and Kalawsky, RS (2004) Understanding Wearable Interaction: A Literature Review.

Chamberlain, A and Kalawsky, RS (2004) A Comparative Evaluation of Two Mobile Phone Text Input Models: Focusing on Multi-Key and T9 Predictive Text Entry Styles.


Kalawsky, RS (Accepted for publication) Integrated Real-Virtual World Display System, Patent application, 9121707.5.

Kalawsky, RS (Accepted for publication) Linear Position Transducers.

Kalawsky, RS (Accepted for publication) Multi-Parameter Imaging Polarimeter, Patent Application, P3824968.5.

Kalawsky, RS (Accepted for publication) Polarisation Image Detection Systems, Patent application, 88300556.

Kalawsky, RS (Accepted for publication) Fibre Optic Switch Transducers, Patent application, 86200692.1.

Kalawsky, RS (Accepted for publication) Testing Aircraft Transparencies, Patent application8424074 24.

Kalawsky, RS (Accepted for publication) Polarisation Image Detection, Patent Application, 8125282.


Ghadge, A (2012) Systems Approach for Modelling Supply Chain Risks, Loughborough Research Conference, Loughborough University.


NESTA, (2018) Flying High: Shaping the future of drones in UK Cities - Full Report, pp.1-254, UK Research and Innovation.

Winokur, M (2015) DANSE Methodology - Designing for adaptability and evolution in system of systems engineering, pp.1-180, EU Commission.

Kalawsky, RS (2014) Methodology Training - Public - Designing for adaptability and evolution in system of systems engineering, pp.1-23, EU Commission.

Kalawsky, RS and Honour, E (2014) Tools Training - Public - Designing for adaptability and evolution in system of systems engineering, pp.1-28, EU Commission.

Kalawsky, RS and Shani, U (2014) Prototype III - Designing for adaptability and evolution in system of systems engineering, pp.1-84, EU Commission.

Kalawsky, RS, Joannou, D, Bhatt, A, Shani, U, Arnold, A, Sanduka, I, Mangeruca, A, Etzien, C, Masin, M (2014) Refinement of the Architectural Framework - Designing for adaptability and evolution in system of systems engineering, D5.3 - INFSO-ICT-287716, EU Commission.

Kalawsky, RS and Shani, U (2013) Prototype II - Designing for adaptability and evolution in system of systems engineering, pp.1-63, EU Commission.

Kalawsky, RS and Honour, E (2013) Methodology Training for Test Cases - Designing for adaptability and evolution in system of systems engineering, pp.1-43, EU Commission.

Kalawsky, RS, Lochow, T, Sanduka, I, Bullinga, R, Arnold, A, Cristau, G, Jung, M, Etzien, C, Honour, E (2013) Concept Alignment Example description - Designing for adaptability and evolution in system of systems engineering, pp.1-72, EU Commission.

Kalawsky, RS (2006) Human Factors Audit of Selected e-Science Projects.

Kalawsky, RS and Nee, SP (2004) e-Science RealityGrid - Human Factors Audit Requirements and Context Analysis.

Kalawsky, RS and Hill, K (2000) Experimental Research into Human Cognitive Processing in an Augmented Reality Environment, Final Report on Experimental Series 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, p.123, DERA Ministry of Defence.

Kalawsky, RS and Hill, K (1999) Experimental Research into Human Cognitive Processing in an Augmented Reality Environment: Progress Report and Preliminary Results of Experiment Series 1, p.63, DERA Ministry of Defence - CHS8169.

Kalawsky, RS and Hill, K (1998) Experimental Research into Human Cognitive Processing in an Augmented Reality Environment: Progress Report and Preliminary Results of Experimental Series 1, 2, 3 and 4, p.44, DERA Ministry of Defence - CHS8169.

Kalawsky, RS and Hill, K (1998) Experimental Research into Human Cognitive Processing in an Augmented Reality Environment: Detailed Experimental Plan, p.44, DERA Ministry of Defence - CHS8169.

Kalawsky, RS (1996) Exploiting Virtual Reality Techniques in Education and Training: Technological Issues, p.58, The Advisory Group on Computer Graphics (AGOCG).

Kalawsky, RS (1996) VR Technology - Survey and Forward Look - Virtual Environments State of the Art, pp.30-pp.

Kalawsky, RS (1991) Avionic Data Transmission Interface Systems Part 6: Analogue Video Standard for Aircraft Systems.

Kalawsky, RS (1991) Part 1 Guide to Interface Systems Section 6: Guide to the analogue video standard for aircraft system applications.


Kalawsky, RS (1991) Multi-Parameter Polarimetric Image Processing.

Kalawsky, RS (1984) A Computer Based Polarimetric Image Processing System.


Buswell, R, Webb, L, Cosar-Jorda, P, Marini, D, Brownlee, S, Thomson, M, Yang, S-H, Kalawsky, R (2018) LEEDR project home energy dataset, DOI: 10.17028/rd.lboro.6176450.


Kalawsky, RS (2009) Proceedings of the 7th Annual Conference on Systems Engineering Research [electronic resource] : 20th - 23rd April 2009, Loughborough University, UK.

Kalawsky, RS (2000) Human Factors Aspects of Virtual Design Environments in Education, JTAP Project 305 Report 48.

Kalawsky, RS (1999) Next Generation Virtual Reality: A Challenging Research Agenda for Beyond the Year 2000, Keynote Speaker.

Kalawsky, RS (1996) VR Technology - Survey and Forward Look, Visualization Community Club Meeting.

Kalawsky, RS (1992) Integrated real-world virtual world system, US 07/959;919.

Kalawsky, RS (1992) Computer Generated Images with Real View Overlay, 92309158.1.

Getting in touch

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