Journal Articles
Dondi, AC, Bellacov, R,
Fray, M, Davis, KG (2024)
Assessment of the occupational exposures within homes for home healthcare workers in the United Kingdom,
Human Factors in Healthcare, 6, 100080, DOI:
D'Arcy, L,
Fray, M, Barnes, J, Watkins, SM (2024)
Exploring women's perception of high metabolic clothing,
Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, ISSN: 0887-302X. DOI:
Fray, M and Davis, KG (2023)
Effectiveness of safe patient handling equipment and techniques: a review of biomechanical studies,
Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 66(10), pp.2283-2322, ISSN: 0018-7208. DOI:
Fray, M, Hignett, S, Gyi, D (2022)
Impact of ultra-low height healthcare beds on falls and mobility: a systematic review,
International Journal of SPHM & Falls Management, 12(1), pp.21-32.
Fray, M, Waterson, P, Carman, E (2021)
Care transitions in healthcare: the 'high-hanging fruit',
Applied Ergonomics, 95, 103437, ISSN: 0003-6870. DOI:
Carman, E,
Fray, M, Waterson, P (2021)
Facilitators and barriers of care transitions - comparing the perspectives of hospital and community healthcare staff,
Applied Ergonomics, 93, 103339, ISSN: 0003-6870. DOI:
Torrens, G and
Fray, M (2020)
Making a difference: using a participatory design process to give a voice to people with disabilities,
Design for All, 15(11), pp.56-63.
Curran, J and
Fray, M (2020)
Time savings with ceiling track hoist systems,
Column, 32(2), pp.10-15, ISSN: 1835-3487.
Clemes, S, Bingham, D, Pearson, N, Chen, Y-L, Edwardson, C, McEachan, RRC, Tolfrey, K, Cale, L, Richardson, G,
Fray, M, Altunkaya, J, Bandelow, S, Jaicim, NB, Salmon, J, Dunstan, DW, Barber, SE (2020)
Stand Out in Class: restructuring the classroom environment to reduce sitting time – findings from a pilot cluster randomised controlled trial,
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 17, 55, ISSN: 1479-5868. DOI:
Clemes, S, Bingham, DD, Pearson, N, Chen, Y-L, Edwardson, C, McEachan, R, Tolfrey, K, Cale, L, Richardson, G,
Fray, M, Altunkaya, J, Bandelow, S, Jaicim, NB, Barber, SE (2019)
Sit–stand desks to reduce sedentary behaviour in 9- to 10-year-olds: the Stand Out in Class pilot cluster RCT,
Public Health Research, 8(8), pp.1-126, ISSN: 2050-4381. DOI:
Clemes, S, Bingham, DD, Pearson, N, Chen, Y-L, Edwardson, CL, McEachan, RRC, Tolfrey, K, Cale, L, Richardson, G,
Fray, M, Bandelow, S, Jaicim, NB, Salmon, J, Dunstan, DW, Barber, SE (2018)
Stand Out in Class: restructuring the classroom environment to reduce sedentary behaviour in 9-10 year-olds – study protocol for a pilot cluster randomised controlled trial,
Pilot and Feasibility Studies, ISSN: 2055-5784. DOI:
Holgate, G and
Fray, M (2018)
Test of effort needed to move a patient up in bed. Does the carer position around a bed change the force applied when moving a person up a bed,
Column, 30(2), pp.12-15, ISSN: 1835-3487.
Sammonds, GM, Mansfield, NJ,
Fray, M (2017)
Improving long term driving comfort by taking breaks – How break activity affects effectiveness,
Applied Ergonomics, 65, pp.81-89, ISSN: 0003-6870. DOI:
Fray, M, David, D, Hindson, D, Pattison, L, Metcalfe, D (2017)
Does the use of friction reducing devices reduce the exposure to high-force horizontal transfers,
The Column, 29.2, pp.6-10.
Pinder, J, Gibb, A, Dainty, A, Jones, W,
Fray, M, Hartley, R, Cheyne, A, Finneran, A, Glover, J, Haslam, R, Morgan, J, Waterson, P, Gosling, EY, Bust, P, Pink, S (2016)
Occupational safety and health and smaller organisations: research challenges and opportunities,
Policy and Practice in Health and Safety, 14(1), pp.34-49, ISSN: 1477-3996. DOI:
Hignett, S, Lang, A, Pickup, L, Ives, C,
Fray, M, McKeown, C, Tapley, S, Woodward, M, Bowie, P (2016)
More holes than cheese. What prevents the delivery of effective, high quality, and safe healthcare in England?,
Ergonomics: an international journal of research and practice in human factors and ergonomics, 61(1), pp.5-14, ISSN: 0014-0139. DOI:
Sammonds, G,
Fray, M, Mansfield, NJ (2016)
Effect of long term driving on driver discomfort and its relationship with seat fidgets and movements (SFMs),
Applied Ergonomics, 58, pp.119-127, ISSN: 0003-6870. DOI:
Fray, M, Waterson, P, Munro, C (2015)
Macro and micro ergonomic outcomes in healthcare: unravelling the relationship between patient handling performance and safety climate,
IIE Transactions in Occupational Ergonomics and Human Factors, 3(1), pp.58-71, DOI:
Fray, M and Hignett, S (2015)
Using patient handling equipment to manage mobility in and around a bed,
British Journal of Nursing, 24(6), pp.10-14, ISSN: 0966-0461.
Hignett, S,
Fray, M, Battevi, N, Occhipinti, E, Menoni, O, Tamminen-Peter, L, Waaijer, E, Knibbe, H, Jäger, M (2014)
International consensus on manual handling of people in the healthcare sector: Technical report ISO/TR 12296,
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 44(1), pp.191-195, ISSN: 0169-8141. DOI:
Fray, MJ, Munro, C, Waterson, P, Hignett, S (2013) Measuring patient handling safety culture: a comparison of two methods,
Column, 25(2), pp.20-23.
Fray, M and Hignett, S (2013)
TROPHI: Development of a tool to measure complex, multi-factorial patient handling interventions,
Ergonomics, 56(8), pp.1280-1294, ISSN: 0014-0139. DOI:
Hignett, S, Sands, G,
Fray, MJ, Xanthopolou, D, Healey, F, Griffiths, P (2013)
Which bed designs and patient characteristics increase bed rail use?,
Age and Ageing, 42, pp.531-535, DOI:
Fray, M, Joyce, D, Adams, A, Hignett, S (2013)
An ergonomics approach to specify a solo-responder paramedic bag system,
Contemporary Ergonomics and Human Factors 2013, pp.305-312, DOI:
Fray, MJ and L.A.R.F, (2012) A mixed ergonomics method for the evaluation of a prototype handling device to facilitate horizontal transfers,
Column, 24(2), pp.16-22.
Hignett, SM,
Fray, M, Benger, J, Coates, D, Rumsey, J, Jones, A, Mansfield, N (2012)
CURE (Community Urgent Response Environment) Portable Work Stations,
Journal of Paramedic Practice: the clinical monthly for emergency care professionals, 4(6), pp.352-358.
Fray, M and Hignett, S (2010) A tool to measure the success of patient handling interventions across the European union,
Contemporary Ergonomics and Human Factors 2010, pp.315-323.
Hignett, S,
Fray, M, Lu, J (2010)
Observational study of treatment space in individual neonatal cot spaces,
Journal of Perinatal and Neonatal Nursing, 24(3), pp.267-273, ISSN: 0893-2190. DOI:
Hignett, SM, Lu, J,
Fray, MJ (2010)
Two case studies using mock-ups for planning adult and neonatal intensive care facilities,
Journal of Healthcare Engineering, 1(3), pp.399-414, DOI:
Hignett, S, Lu, J,
Fray, MJ (2010)
Observational Study of Treatment Space in Individual Neonatal Cot Spaces,
Journal of Perinatal and Neonatal Nursing, 24(3), pp.267-273, DOI:
Hignett, S,
Fray, M, Rossi, MA, Tamminen-Peter, L, Hermann, S, Lomi, C, Dockrell, S, Cotrim, T, Cantineau, JB, Johnsson, C (2007)
Implementation of the Manual Handling Directive in the healthcare industry in the European Union for patient handling tasks,
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 37(5), pp.415-423, ISSN: 0169-8141. DOI:
Hignett, S, Crumpton, E, Ruszala, S, Alexander, P,
Fray, M, Fletcher, B (2003)
Evidence-based patient handling: systematic review,
Nursing standard (Royal College of Nursing (Great Britain) : 1987), 17(33), pp.33-36, ISSN: 0029-6570. DOI:
Dondi, AC, Bellacov, R,
Fray, M, Davis, KG (2024)
Assessment of the Ergonomic Exposures for Home Healthcare Workers in the United Kingdom. In
, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, pp.1347-1348, DOI:
Fray, M and Gookey, G (2023) Facilitators and barriers to a safe opioid prescribing process in general practice. In Balfe, N, Charles, R, Golightly, D (ed)
Ergonomics and Human Factors 2023, Ergonomics & Human Factors 2023, Daventry, UK.
Vaughan, G,
Fray, M, Gyi, D (2021)
An exploratory assessment of healthcare porters and their musculoskeletal disorders. In Kalra, J, Lightner, NJ, Taiar, R (ed)
International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2021); Advances in Human Factors and Ergonomics in Healthcare and Medical Devices, New York, USA (Virtual), pp.133-140, ISBN: 9783030807436. DOI:
Ahmed, S, Fray, M, Clift, L (Accepted for publication) Call centre employee's reasons for variation in objective productivity during a cognitive ergonomics intervention. In Marti, P, Parlangeli, O, Recupero, A (ed) European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics 2021 (ECCE 2021); ECCE 2021: European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics 2021, Siena Italy,ISBN: 9781450387576. DOI: 10.1145/3452853.3452860.
Curran, J and
Fray, M (2019)
An efficiency evaluation of different hoisting devices to complete three frequent patient transfers. In
HEPS 2019, Lisbon, Portugal,ISBN: 9783030240660. DOI:
Harry, M, Marshall, R,
Fray, M (2019)
Quantification of buttock deformation on a rigid seat. In Nicolantonio, MD, Rossi, E, Alexander, T (ed)
Advances in Additive Manufacturing, Modeling Systems and 3D Prototyping (AHFE 2019), pp.471-483, ISBN: 9783030202156. DOI:
Burford, E,
Fray, M, Waterson, P (2018)
Weak signals in healthcare: The case study of the Mid-Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust. In
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Florence Italy, pp.691-700, ISBN: 9783319960975. DOI:
Fray, M and Holgate, G (2018)
A comparative force assessment of 4 methods to move a patient up a bed. In
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Florence Italy, pp.631-640, ISBN: 9783319960760. DOI:
Fray, M, Hignett, S, Reece, A, Ali, S, Ingram, L (2018)
An evaluation of sit to stand devices for use in rehabilitation. In
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, pp.774-783, ISBN: 9783319960708. DOI:
Fray, M, Hodder, S, Canham, A (2017)
The evaluation of medical devices with healthy people?. In
1st International Comfort Conference, Salerno, Italy.
Carman, E,
Fray, M, Waterson, P (2017)
Weak signals in healthcare: A case study on community-based patient discharge. In
The 13th International Conference on Naturalistic Decision Making, Bath, UK, pp.314-321, ISBN: 9780861971947.
Carman, E, Brown, B,
Fray, M, Waterson, P (2017)
Factors contributing to task success: Safety II in the context of community-based patient discharge. In
, Daventry Northampton UK, pp.73-80.
Carman, E,
Fray, M, Waterson, P (2017)
Sepsis: A work systems analysis of 30 survivor and tribute stories. In
The 12th International Symposium on Human Factors in Organizational Design and Management, Banff, Canada, pp.102-108.
Carman, E,
Fray, M, Waterson, P (2017)
Development of a framework for the analysis of weak signals within a healthcare environment. In
The 12th International Symposium on Human Factors in Organizational Design and Management, Banff, Canada, pp.265-271.
Fray, M, David, D, Hindson, D, Pattison, L, Metcalfe, D (2016)
Does the use of friction reducing devices actually reduce the exposure to high force lateral transfers?. In
HEPS 2016, Toulouse, pp.162-168.
Carman, E,
Fray, M, Waterson, P (2016)
Stopping incidents in their tracks: identifying weak signals for error prevention in healthcare. In
HEPS 2016, Toulouse, pp.61-67.
Carman, E,
Fray, M, Waterson, P (2016)
Unpacking Safety-II in action: weak signals of potential error in patient handling tasks. In
, Daventry Northampton UK.
Fray, M and Hignett, S (2015)
An evaluation of the biomechanical risks for a range of methods to raise a patient from supine lying to sitting in a hospital bed. In
Proceedings of the 19th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, Melbourne Australia.
Fray, M, Hallstrom, K, Knibbe, H, Celona, J, Matz, M (2015)
Developing a worldwide method for cost benefit analysis for safe patient handling interventions, to be completed by safe patient handling practitioners. A pilot study. In
19th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, Melbourne Australia.
Fray, M, Hignett, S, Jun, G (2014) Drifting between patient falls and nurses’ bad backs: Exploring resilience in bedside care. In
Symposium on Patient and Healthcare Provider Safety, London, UK.
Fray, MJ, Sammonds, G, Mansfield, N (2014) Effectiveness of Taking Breaks During Long-Term Driving: Benefits of Leaving the Vehicle and Taking a Walk. In Unknown, (ed)
UK Conference on Human Response to Vibration (UKHRV2014), Portsmouth, UK, pp.1-6.
Fray, MJ, Sammonds, G, Mansfield, N (2014) Effectiveness of Taking Breaks During Long-Term Driving: Benefits of Leaving the Vehicle and Taking a Walk. In Unknown, (ed)
The 22th Japan Conference on Human Response to Vibration (JCHRV2014), Okinawa, Japan, pp.1-6.
Fray, MJ and Hignett, S (2014) A detailed analysis of factors associated with performance in patient handling interventions (TROPHI). In Karowski, W (ed)
Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics Conference, Krakow, Poland, pp.1-6.
Fray, MJ, Sammonds, G, Mansfield, N (2014) Overall Car Seat Discomfort Onset During Long Duration Driving Trials. In
Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics Conference, Krakow, Poland, pp.1-6.
Fray, M, Joyce, D, Adams, A, Hignett, SM (2013) An Ergonomics Approach to Specify a Solo Responder Paramedic Bag System. In Anderson, M (ed)
Institute for Ergonomics and Human Factors, Contemporary Ergonomics, Cambridge, pp.305-312.
Fray, MJ (2013) Education for Safe Patient Handling Professionals. In
HFES Healthcare Symposium, Baltimore, USA, pp.?-?.
Cotrim, T, Francisco, F, Capelo, C,
Fray, MJ, Hignett, S (2012) Applying the Intervention Evaluation Tool in a Portuguese private and public hospital. In
ORP 2012, Bilbao, Spain, pp.?-?.
Sands, GL, Hignett, SM,
Fray, MJ, Xanthopoulou, D, Healey, F, Griffiths, PL (2011)
An overnight bedrail audit in UK hospitals exploring the relationships between environmental factors and patient characteristics. In Albolino, S, Bagnara, S, Bellandi, T, Llaneza, J, Rosal, G, (ed)
Proceeedings of the 3rd Healthcare Ergonomics and Patient Safety Conference, 22-24 June 2011, 3rd HEPS, Oviedo, Spain, pp.446-450, ISBN: 978-0-415-68413-2.
Fray, MJ and Hignett, SM (2011)
The evaluation of patient handling interventions in healthcare. In Albolino, S, Bagnara, S, Bellandi, T, Llaneza, J, Rosal, G, Tartaglia, Eds, R (ed)
Proceeedings of the 3rd Healthcare Ergonomics and Patient Safety Conference, 22-24 June 2011, 3rd HEPS, Oviedo, Spain, pp.536-539, ISBN: 978-0-415-68413-2.
Cotrim, T, Francisco, C, Correira, L,
Fray, MJ, Hignett, SM (2011)
Patient handling risk assessment: First steps applying the Intervention Evaluation Tool in Portuguese. In Albolino, S, Barnara, S, Bellandi, T, Llaneza, J, Rosal, G, Tartaglia, Eds, R (ed)
Proceeedings of the 3rd Healthcare Ergonomics and Patient Safety Conference, 22-24 June 2011, 3rd HEPS, Oviedo, Spain, pp.481-484, ISBN: 978-0-415-68413-2.
Hignett, SM,
Fray, MJ, Benger, J, Jones, A, Coates, D, Mansfield, NJ (2011)
The CURE (Community Urgent Response Environemtn): pods and packs for pre-hospital care. In
Proceedings of European Conference 'Design 4 Health' 13-15 July 2011, Design4Health, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, UK, pp.55-57.
Hignett, SM, Sands, GL,
Fray, MJ, Xanthopoulou, D, Griffiths, P, Healey, F (2011) Is a risk averse culture placing patients at more risk from bedrails?. In
Proceedings of ODAM2011, 10th International Symposium on Human Factors in Organisational Design and Management, 4-6 April 2011, ODAM2011, Grahamstown, South Africa, pp.1-4.
Fray, MJ and Hignett, SM (2010)
The evaluation of a tool to measure the success of patient handling interventions using field trials across the EU. In
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on the Prevention of Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders, 29th August-3rd September, PREMUS & WDPI 2010, Angers, France, p.312.
Fray, MJ and Hignett, SM (2010)
A tool to compare all patient handling interventions. In
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Healthcare/3rd International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics [AHFE], 17-20 July, 3rd AHFE Conference, Miami, USA, pp.1-10.
Hignett, SM and
Fray, MJ (2010)
Manual handling in healthcare. In
Proceedings of the 1st Conference of the Federation of the European Ergonomics Societies [FEES] 10-12 October, FEES 2010, Bruges, Belgium, pp.1-10.
Fray, MJ and Hignett, S (2010)
A model to measure the success of patient handling interventions across the EU. In Anderson, M (ed)
IEHF Annual Conference, Contemporary Ergonomics, Keele University UK, pp.315-323.
Fray, MJ and Hignett, S (2010) Do you want to know how well your organisation is doing: and international benchmarking apporach. In
NBE Annual Conference, Hinckley, UK, pp.010-020.
Fray, MJ and Hignett, SM (2009) The evaluation of a prototype handling device to assist with horizontal lateral transfers. In
Proceedings of the 17th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, 9-14 August 2009, 17th IEA, Beijing, China, pp.1-2.
Fray, MJ and Hignett, SM (2009) Measuring the success of patient handling interventions in healthcare across the European Union. In
Proceedings of the 17th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, 9-14 August 2009 Beijing, China, 17th IEA, Beijing, China, pp.1-2.
Fray, MJ, Lu, J, Hignett, S, Prichard, J (2009) Designing functional clinical spaces. In
2nd Annual Conference of of the health and Care Infrastructure Research, Brighton, UK, pp.123-124.
Fray, MJ and Hignett, S (2009) The evaluation of a prototype patient handling and pressure redistribution device to assist in a lateral transfer. In
12th Annual European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel Open Meeting, Amsterdam, Holland, pp.45-45.
Fray, MJ and Hignett, S (2009) The evaluation of a prototype lateral transfer device. In
NBE Annual Conference, Hinckley, UK, pp.37-42.
Fray, MJ and Hignett, S (2008) A comparison of preferred outcomes in patient handling interventions. In
From safe design to safe practice. Improving patient safety conference 2008, Cambridge, UK, pp.243-247.
Fray, MJ and Hignett, S (2008) Patient handling interventions don't work. The BMJ says so. In
NBE Annual Conference, Hinckley, UK, pp.001-010.
Fray, MJ and Hignett, S (2008) Interventions across the UK: A comparison of patient handling outcomes from patient handling interventions. In
NBE Annual Conference 2008, Hinckley, UK, pp.010-020.
Fray, MJ and Hignett, SM (2007) Are there any differences between the expected outcomes of patient handling interventions between health care and social care. In
Proceedings of PREMUS 2007. Sixth International Conference on Prevention of Work Related Musculoskeletal Disorders, 27-30 August 2007, PREMUS 2007, Boston, USA, pp.1-3.
Fray, MJ (2007) Does the use of a handling belt impair the biomechanical methods for assisting a person in standing. In
7th Annual Safe Patient Handling and Movement Conference, Florida USA, pp.001-010.
Fray, MJ and Hignett, S (2007) Patient Handling Innovations in Europe. In
7th Annual Safe Patient Handling and Movement Conference, Orlando, Florida, pp.001-010.
Fray, MJ and Hignett, S (2007) Have the intentions of patient handling interventions changed over time?. In
Risks for healthcare workers:prevention challenges, Athens, Greece, pp.001-010.
Hignett, SM and
Fray, MJ (2006) An overview of the EU with respect to their progress on the Manual Handling Directive. In
Proceedings of the National Back Exchange Annual Conference, 18-20 September 2006, Back Exchange 2006 Conference, Telford, UK, pp.3-4.
Fray, MJ, Hignett, S, Rossi, M, Tamminen-Peter, L, Lomi, C, Dockrell, S, Cotrim, T, Cantineau, J, Johnsson, C (2006) European panel on patient handling ergonomics: Impact of the EC directive on Manual Handling. In
28th ICOH Conference, Milan Italy, pp.421-421.
Fray, MJ, Hignett, S, Lloyd-Evans, N, Hunter, G (2006) Using the MAPO index to assess the safe handling systems. In Pikaar, N, Konigsveld, Settels, (ed)
XVth Triennial IEA Conference 2006, Maastricht, pp.0631-0631.
Fray, MJ and Hignett, S (2006) An evaluation of outcome measures in patient handling interventions in healthcare. In Pikaar, Konigsveld, Settels, (ed)
XVth Triennial IEA Conference 2006, Maastricht, Holland, pp.0632-0632.
Fray, MJ (2006) Does the use of a handling belt impair the biomechanical methods for assisting a person in standing. In
NBE Annual Conference 2006, Telford, pp.011-021.
Hignett, SM and
Fray, M (2005) Patient Handling Ergonomics in the United Kingdom. In
Proceedings of the Healthcare Systems Ergonomics and Patient Safety Conference, Florence, Itlay, pp.399-401.
Hignett, SM and
Fray, M (2005) European Panel on Patient Handling Ergonomics: Baseline Data. In
Proceedings of the HEalthcare Systems Ergonomic and Patient Safety Conference, Florence, Italy, pp.417-419.
Fray, MJ, Hignett, S, Crumpton, E, Alexander, P, Ruzsala, S, Fletcher, B (2002) Evidence Based Patient Handling: A Systemmatic Review. In
Ergonomics Society Annual Conference, UK, pp.45-50.
Fray, MJ (1998) A laboratory evaluation of the IREQ Cold Stress Index. In
Ergonomics Society Conference, Contemporary Ergonimcs 1998, Manchester, pp.334-339.