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Loughborough University Research Publications

Publications for Joanne Barnes

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Journal Articles

Lomas, K, Morgan, K, Haines, V, Hartescu, I, Beizaee, A, Barnes, J, Zambelli, Z, Ravikumar, MR, Rossi, V (2024) Homes Heat Health protocol: an observational cohort study measuring the effect of summer temperatures on sleep quality, BMJ Open, 14(7), e086797, ISSN: 2044-6055. DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2024-086797.

D'Arcy, L, Fray, M, Barnes, J, Watkins, SM (2024) Exploring women's perception of high metabolic clothing, Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, ISSN: 0887-302X. DOI: 10.1177/0887302x231225471.

Razak, S, Hignett, S, Barnes, J, Hancox, G (2023) Hierarchical task analysis as a systems mapping tool in complex health care environments: emergency department response to chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear events, Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, 34(2), pp.147-158, ISSN: 1090-8471. DOI: 10.1002/hfm.21016.

O’Dell, A, Morris, A, Filtness, A, Barnes, J (2023) The Impact of Pedestrian Distraction on Safety Behaviours at Controlled and Uncontrolled Crossings, Future Transportation, 3(4), pp.1195-1208, DOI: 10.3390/futuretransp3040065.

Staton, M, Barnes, J, Morris, A, Waterson, P (2023) Learning not blaming: Investigating ten fatal road traffic collisions using STAMP-CAST, Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 21(2023), 100912, DOI: 10.1016/j.trip.2023.100912.

Razak, S, Hignett, S, Barnes, J, Hancox, G (2023) The Standardization of the Emergency Department Response to Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Events: Human Factors/Ergonomics Approach, Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, 17(6), ISSN: 1935-7893. DOI: 10.1017/dmp.2023.148.

Barnes, J, Brown, L, Morris, A, Stuttard, N (2022) Bus passenger injury prevention: Learning from onboard incidents, Traffic Injury Prevention, 24(1), pp.98-102, ISSN: 1538-9588. DOI: 10.1080/15389588.2022.2146982.

Staton, M, Barnes, J, Morris, A, Waterson, P (2021) ‘Over to you’: using a STAMP control structure analysis to probe deeper into the control of UK road safety at a municipal level – the case of Cambridgeshire, Ergonomics, pp.1-16, ISSN: 0014-0139. DOI: 10.1080/00140139.2021.1968033.

Kellezi, B, Dhiman, P, Coupland, C, Whitehead, J, Morriss, R, Joseph, S, Beckett, K, Sleney, J, Barnes, J, Kendrick, D (2021) Mental health and other factors associated with work productivity post injury in the UK: multicentre cohort study, Injury Prevention, 28(2), pp.131-140, ISSN: 1353-8047. DOI: 10.1136/injuryprev-2021-044311.

Barnes, J, Loftis, KL, Jones, L, Price, JP, Gillich, PJ, Cookman, K, Brammer, AL, Germain, TS, Graymire, V, Nayduch, DA, Brennan, M (2020) Development of an expert derived ICD-AIS map for serious AIS3+ injury identification, Traffic Injury Prevention, 21(3), pp.181-187, ISSN: 1538-9588. DOI: 10.1080/15389588.2020.1725494.

Kellezi, B, Earthy, S, Sleney, J, Beckett, K, Barnes, J, Christie, N, Horsley, D, Jones, T, Kendrick, D (2020) What can trauma patients' experiences and perspectives tell us about the perceived quality of trauma care? A qualitative study set within the UK National Health Service, Injury, 51(5), pp.1231-1237, ISSN: 0020-1383. DOI: 10.1016/j.injury.2020.02.063.

Kendrick, D, Baker, R, Hill, T, Beckett, K, Coupland, C, Kellezi, B, Joseph, S, Barnes, J, Sleney, J, Christie, N, Morriss, R (2018) Early risk factors for depression, anxiety and post-traumatic distress after hospital admission for unintentional injury: Multicentre cohort study, Journal of Psychosomatic Research, ISSN: 0022-3999. DOI: 10.1016/j.jpsychores.2018.06.008.

Hignett, S, Razak, S, Barnes, J (2018) Emergency Department response to Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and explosive events: a systematic review, Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, ISSN: 1049-023X. DOI: 10.1017/S1049023X18000900.

Kendrick, D, Dhiman, P, Kellezi, B, Coupland, C, Whitehead, J, Beckett, K, Christie, N, Sleney, J, Barnes, J, Joseph, S, Morriss, R (2017) Psychological morbidity and return to work after injury: multicentre cohort study, British Journal of General Practice, 67(661), ISSN: 1478-5242. DOI: 10.3399/bjgp17X691673.

Talbot, R, Reed, S, Christie, N, Barnes, J, Thomas, P (2017) Fatal and serious collisions involving pedal cyclists and trucks in London between 2007 and 2011, Traffic Injury Prevention, 18(6), pp.657-665, ISSN: 1538-9588. DOI: 10.1080/15389588.2017.1291938.

Kellezi, B, Coupland, C, Morriss, R, Beckett, K, Joseph, S, Barnes, J, Sleney, J, Christie, N, Kendrick, D (2016) The impact of psychological factors on recovery from injury: a multicentre cohort study, Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology journal, 52(7), pp.855-866, ISSN: 0933-7954. DOI: 10.1007/s00127-016-1299-z.

Kendrick, D, Kellezi, B, Coupland, C, Maula, A, Beckett, K, Morriss, R, Joseph, S, Barnes, J, Sleney, J, Christie, N (2016) Psychological morbidity and health related quality of life after injury: multicentre cohort study, Quality of Life Research, 26, pp.1233-1250, ISSN: 0962-9343. DOI: 10.1007/s11136-016-1439-7.

Loftis, KL, Price, JP, Gillich, PJ, Cookman, KJ, Brammer, AL, Germain, TS, Barnes, J, Graymire, V, Nayduch, DA, Read-Allsopp, C, Baus, K, Stanley, P, Brennan, M (2016) Development of an expert based ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM map to AIS 2005 update 2008, Traffic Injury Prevention, 17(sup1), pp.1-5, ISSN: 1538-9588. DOI: 10.1080/15389588.2016.1191069.

Kellezi, B, Baines, DL, Coupland, C, Beckett, K, Barnes, J, Sleney, J, Christie, N, Kendrick, D (2016) The impact of injuries on health service resource use and costs in primary and secondary care in the English NHS, Journal of Public Health, ISSN: 1741-3842. DOI: 10.1093/pubmed/fdv173.

Marshall, R, Summerskill, S, Case, K, Hussain, A, Gyi, D, Sims, R, Morris, A, Barnes, J (2016) Supporting a design-driven approach to social inclusion and accessibility in transport, Social Inclusion, ISSN: 2183-2803. DOI: 10.17645/si.v4i3.521.

Christie, N, Beckett, S, Earthy, S, Kellezi, B, Sleney, J, Barnes, J, Jones, T, Kendrick, D (2015) Seeking support after hospitalisation for injury: a nested qualitative study of the role of primary care, BRITISH JOURNAL OF GENERAL PRACTICE, 66(642), ISSN: 0960-1643. DOI: 10.3399/bjgp15X688141.

Barnes, J, Morris, A, Welsh, R, Summerskill, S, Marshall, R, Kendrick, D, Logan, P, Drummond, A, Conroy, S, Fildes, B, Bell, J (2015) Injuries to older users of buses in the UK, Public Transport, 8, pp.25-38, ISSN: 1866-749X. DOI: 10.1007/s12469-015-0113-8.

Kendrick, D, Drummond, A, Logan, P, Barnes, J, Worthington, EJ (2015) Systematic review of the epidemiology of non-collision injuries occurring to older people during use of public buses in high-income countries, Journal of Transport and Health, ISSN: 2214-1405. DOI: 10.1016/j.jth.2015.06.002.

Kellezi, B, Beckett, K, Earthy, S, Barnes, J, Sleney, J, Clarkson, J, Regel, S, Jones, T, Kendrick, D (2014) Understanding and meeting information needs following unintentional injury: comparing the accounts of patients, carers and service providers, INJURY-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THE CARE OF THE INJURED, 46(4), pp.564-571, ISSN: 0020-1383. DOI: 10.1016/j.injury.2014.11.035.

Barnes, J and Morris, A (2014) Injuries to Older Users of Public Transport - A Neglected Problem, Traffic Injury Prevention, 15(Supplement 1), pp.S245-S247, ISSN: 1538-9588. DOI: 10.1080/15389588.2014.956646.

Beckett, K, Earthy, S, Sleney, J, Barnes, J, Kellezi, B, Barker, M, Clarkson, J, Coffey, F, Elder, G, Kendrick, D (2014) Providing effective trauma care: the potential for service provider views to enhance the quality of care (qualitative study nested within a multicentre longitudinal quantitative study), BMJ Open, 4(7), ISSN: 2044-6055. DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2014-005668.

Kendrick, D, O'Brien, CE, Christie, N, Coupland, C, Quinn, C, Avis, M, Barker, M, Barnes, J, Coffey, F, Joseph, S, Morris, AP, Morriss, R, Rowley, E, Sleney, J, Towner, E (2011) The impact of injuries study. Multicentre study assessing physical, psychological, social and occupational functioning post-injury - a protocol, BMC Public Health, 11(963), pp.1-16, ISSN: 1471-2458. DOI: 10.1186/1471-2458-11-963.

Barnes, JS, Hassan, A, Cuerden, R, Cookson, R, Banbury, J (2009) Comparison of injury severity between AIS 2005 and AIS 1990 in a large injury database, Annals of Advances in Automotive Medicine, 53, pp.83-89.

Barnes, JS and Morris, AP (2009) A study of impairing injuries in real world crashes using the injury impairment scale (IIS) and the predicted functional capacity index (PFCI-AIS), Annals of Advances in Automotive Medicine, 53, pp.1-12, ISSN: 1943-247X.

(2009) A study of impairing injuries in real world crashes using the Injury Impairment Scale (IIS) and the predicted Functional Capacity Index (PFCI-AIS), Annals of advances in automotive medicine / Annual Scientific Conference .. Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine. Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine. Scientific Conference, 53, pp.195-205, ISSN: 1943-247X.

Barnes, J, Hassan, A, Cuerden, R, Cookson, R, Kohlhofer, J (2009) Comparison of injury severity between AIS 2005 and AIS 1990 in a large injury database, Annals of advances in automotive medicine / Annual Scientific Conference .. Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine. Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine. Scientific Conference, 53, pp.83-89, ISSN: 1943-247X.

Morris, A, Welsh, R, Barnes, J, Frampton, R (2006) The nature, type and consequences of lower extremity injuries in front and side impacts in pre and post-regulatory passenger cars, International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Impact - 2006 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impact, Proceedings, pp.19-33.

Morris, AP, Barnes, JS, Fildes, B (2001) Some Effects of Australian Design Rule (ADR) 69 on Frontal Crash Outcomes, International Journal of Crashworthiness, 6(4), pp.499-510, ISSN: 1358-8265. DOI: 10.1533/cras.2001.0193.


Beizaee, A, Lomas, K, Rossi, V, Morgan, K, Hartescu, I, Ravikumar, MR, Haines, V, Barnes, J, Zambelli, Z (2024) Investigating the effect of bedroom temperatures on thermal comfort and sleep quality in natural settings. In Comfort at the Extremes (CATE) 2024; Proceedings of the conference Comfort at the Extremes (CATE) 2024, Seville, Spain.

Ravikumar, MR, Hartescu, I, Lomas, K, Beizaee, A, Rossi, V, Haines, V, Barnes, J, Zambelli, Z, Morgan, K (2024) Operationalising “temperature-related sleep disturbance” in a warming climate [Abstract]. In Sleep Europe Congress: The 27th Conference of the European Sleep Research Society; Journal of Sleep Research: Volume 33, Issue S1. Abstracts for the 27th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society, 24 – 27 September 2024, Seville, Spain, Seville, Spain, pp.61-62, DOI: 10.1111/jsr.14290.

Bishop, A, Barnes, J, Morris, A (2023) Motorcyclists, motorcycle stakeholders and driverless vehicle stakeholders: how do their positions align?. In HUMANIST Conference 2023; Proceedings of the 8th HUMANIST Conference, Berlin, Germany, pp.112-118, ISBN: 9782953171273.

Barnes, J, Brown, L, Morris, A (2022) Improving the safety of London buses through design. In Akkök, M, Baranoğlu, B, Çakir, C, Kiliҫ, SE, Konukseven, Eİ, Lofti, B, Oral, A, Şeker, U, Ünver, HÖ, Esat, V, Himmetoğlu, S (ed) 19th International Conference on Machine Design and Production (UMTIK 2022); 19th International Conference on Machine Design and Production Conference Proceedings, Cappadocia, Turkey, pp.73-82, ISBN: 9789754294149.

Barnes, J, Brown, L, Morris, A, Stuttard, N (2021) Bus passenger injury – a difficult problem to analyse. In Global Injury Prevention Showcase; Injury Prevention, Virtual Pre-Conference. DOI: 10.1136/injuryprev-2021-safety.75.

Nunn, J, Barnes, J, Petherick, E, Morris, A (2021) Drivers who cause serious injury – can we target behaviour change?. In Global Injury Prevention Showcase; Injury Prevention, Virtual Pre-Conference. DOI: 10.1136/injuryprev-2021-safety.185.

Razak, S, Hignett, S, Barnes, J, Hancox, G (2019) Applying human factors methods to explore ‘Work as Imagined’ and ‘Work as Done’ in the Emergency Department’s response to chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear events. In 20th Triennial Conference of the International Ergonomics Association, Florence, Italy,ISBN: 978-3-319-96098-2. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-96098-2_15.

Nunn, J, Barnes, J, Morris, A, Petherick, E, Mackenzie, R, Staton, M (2018) Identifying MAIS3+ injury severity collisions in UK Police collision records. In Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine 2018, Nashville.

Razak, S, Hignett, S, Barnes, J (2017) Human factors in the emergency department CBRNe response: How is technology used?. In Annual Conference of the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics & Human Factors, Daventry.

Dixon, K, Waterson, P, Barnes, J (2017) A comparison of three systemic accident analysis methods using 46 SPAD (Signals Passed at Danger) incidents. In 8th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, Los Angeles,ISBN: 9783319632926. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-60441-1_103.

Morris, A, Barnes, J, Fildes, B (2017) Challenges of using the bus as an older person. In Urban Transport 2017; 23rd International Conference on Urban Transport and the Environment, Rome.

Christie, N, Talbot, R, Reed, S, Barnes, J, Thomas, P (2016) Cyclist deaths in London: implications from a safe systems perspective. In . DOI: 10.1136/injuryprev-2016-042156.296.

Thomas, P, Talbot, R, Reed, S, Barnes, J, Christie, N (2015) Fatal urban cyclist collisions with lorries: an in depth study of causation factors and countermeasures using a system-based approach. In Enhanced Safety Vehicle Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden.

Mavromatis, S, Laiou, A, Yannis, G, Barnes, J, Giustiniani, G, Persia, L (2015) Road safety training through a master course in Belarus. In 7th International Congress on Transportation Research, Athens.

Barnes, J and Morris, A (2009) A study of impairing injuries in real world crashes using the injury impairment scale (IIS) and the predicted functional capacity index (PFCI-AIS). In , Annals of Advances in Automotive Medicine - 53rd Annual Scientific Conference, pp.195-205.

Barnes, JS and Morris, AP (2009) A study of impairing injuries in real-world crashes using the Injury Impairment Scale (IIS) and the predicted Functional Capacity Index (pFCI). In 53rd Annual Proceedings Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine, [AAAM] October 2009, AAAM 2009, Baltimore, USA, pp.1-12.

Welsh, RH, Morris, AP, Thomas, PD, Lenard, JA, Barnes, JS, Otte, D (2009) Car to car struck side impacts - a comparison between European accident data and directive 96/27/EC. In 2009 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impact, 9-11 September 2007, IRCOBI 2009, York, UK, ?.

Dodson, EA, Barnes, JS, Hill, JR (2008) Medical fitness to drive - evidence from real-world research. In 4th International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology, 31 August - 4 September 2008, ICTTP 2008, Washington DC, USA, ?.

Morris, AP, Welsh, RH, Barnes, JS, Chambers Smith, D (2006) An approach to the derivation of the cost of uk vehicle crash injuries. In Proceedings of 50th Conference of the Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine [AAAM], 16-18 October, AAAM, Chicago, Illinois, USA, pp.285-296.

Barnes, JS and Thomas, PD (2006) Quality of life outcomes in a hospitalized sample of road users involved in crashes. In Proceedings of 50th Conference of the Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine [AAAM] 16-18 October, AAAM, Chicago, Illinois, USA, pp.253-268.

Lenard, JA, Morris, AP, Tomasch, E, Nehmzow, J, Otte, D, Cant, L, Haddak, M, Vallet, G, Ebbinger, H, Barnes, JS (2006) PENDANT: a European crash injury database. In 2nd International Conference ESAR [Expert Symposium on Accident Research], 1-2 September, 2nd ESAR Conference, Hannover, Germany, pp.1-11.

Morris, AP, Welsh, RH, Barnes, JS, Frampton, RJ (2006) The nature, type and consequences of lower extremity injuries in front and side impacts in pre and post regulatory passenger cars. In 2006 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impact, 20-22 September, 2006 IRCOBI Conference, Madrid, Spain, pp.1-15.

Morris, AP, Welsh, RH, Barnes, JS, Frampton, RJ (2006) The nature, type and consequences of lower extremity injuries in front and side impacts in pre and post regulatory passenger cars. In .

Morris, AP, Mackay, M, Wodzin, E, Barnes, J (2003) Some Injury Scaling Issues in UK Crash Research. In Proceedings of the 2003 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impact, Lisbon, Portugal, pp.283-291, ISBN: 2 9514210 4 4.

Barnes, JS, Morris, AP, Fildes, B, Fitzharris, M, Frampton, RJ (2002) Airbag Effectiveness in Real World Crashes in Australia. In VS 2002, Proceedings of the IMechE Conference on Vehicle Safety, London, 28-29 May, pp.25-37.

Morris, AP, Barnes, J, Fildes, B (2001) A Preliminary Evaluation of Passenger Airbag Effectiveness in Australia. In ESV 17, Proceedings of the 17th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp.1-7.

Shields, B, Morris, AP, Barnes, J, Fildes, B (2001) Australia's National Crash In-Depth Study Progress Report. In 2001: Road Safety Research, Policing and Education, Proceedings of the Road Safety Researchers' Conference, Melbourne, Australia, pp.1-6.

Barnes, JS, Morris, AP, Fildes, BN, Newstead, SV (2001) Airbag Effectiveness in Real World Crashes. In 2001: Road Safety Research, Policing and Education, Proceedings of the Road Safety Researchers' Conference, Melbourne, Australia, pp.1-7.

Morris, AP, Barnes, J, Fildes, B (2001) The Effectiveness of Airbags in Australia as Determined by In-Depth Crash Injury Research. In ESV 17, Proceedings of the 17th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp.1-10.

Morris, AP, Begbie, J, Fildes, B, Barnes, J, Claessens, M (2000) ANCIS - In-Depth Crash Injury Research In Australia. In Proceedings of the Road Safety: Research, Policing and Education Conference, Brisbane, Australia, pp.515-521.

Morris, AP, Barnes, J, Truedsson, N, Olsson, T, Fildes, B, Kullgren, A (2000) Prevention of Neck Injury in Frontal Impacts. In Neck Injury 2000, Proceedings of the Impact Biomechanics Australia Conference, Sydney, Australia, pp.89-101.


D’Arcy, L, Fray, M, Barnes, J (2021) Exploring the Need for Functional Clothing to Optimise Metabolic Consumption. In Functional Textiles and Clothing 2020, Springer Singapore, pp.43-54, ISBN: 9789811593758. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-15-9376-5_5.

Razak, S, Hignett, S, Barnes, J, Hancox, G (2019) "Work as Done in the Emergency Department response to CBRN events: A comparative study". In Health and Social Care Systems of the Future: Demographic Changes, Digital Age and Human Factors, © Springer, pp.82-89, ISBN: 9783030240660. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-24067-7_10.

Morris, A, Barnes, J, Fildes, B (2017) Challenges of using the bus as an older person. In Urban Transport XXIII, © WITPress, pp.539-544, ISBN: 9781784662097. DOI: 10.2495/UT170461.

Fildes, B, Morris, A, Barnes, J (2015) Analysis of injuries to young and old Victorian public transport users: 2006 to 2010. In Sustainable Development, © WIT Press, pp.935-948, ISBN: 9781784661571.


Robertson, A, Lloyd, A, Barnes, J, Fray, M (2022) Modelling the skin's microvascular function under localised applications of heat and pressure at the posterior heel, 22nd Annual Meeting of the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (EPUAP 2022).


Todorova, Y, Barnes, J, Sherar, L, Orton, E, Kendrick, D, Vargas, MLFP, Varela-Mato, V, Knight, H (2024) Newcastle School Streets Evaluation.

Barnes, J, Brown, L, Morris, A, Stuttard, N (2019) Research into the safety of London bus passengers, London Travel Watch.

Barnes, J and Morris, A (2017) Belarus Road Safety Network (BeSafe): D5.6: Monitoring and Review of Masters 2nd year, TEMPUS 2013-4550/001-001.

Barnes, J and Morris, A (2017) Belarus Road Safety Network (BeSafe). 5.3. Review of Masters Curricula, TEMPUS 2013-4550/001-001.

Weijermars, W, Bos, N, Wijlhuizen, G, Meunier, J-C, Nuytens, N, Dupont, E, Barnes, J, Brown, L, Quigley, C, Filtness, A, Perez, C, Olabarria, M, Duran, X, Hours, M, Martin, J-L, Bauer, R, Johannsen, H (2017) Physical and psychological consequences of serious road traffic injuries, deliverable 7.2 of the H2020 project SafetyCube.

Barnes, J and Morris, A (2016) Belarus Road Safety Network (BeSafe).: D5.5. Monitoring and review of the masters first year, TEMPUS 2013-4550/001-001.

Barnes, J and Morris, A (2015) Belarus Road Safety Network (BeSafe). D5.4: Review of masters material, TEMPUS 2013-4550/001-001.

Barnes, J and Morris, A (2014) Belarus Road Safety Network (BeSafe). D5.2 Set up Quality Plan, TEMPUS 2013-4550/001-001.

Talbot, R, Reed, S, Barnes, J, Thomas, P, Christie, N (2014) Pedal cyclist fatalities in London: analysis of police collision files (2007-2011), pp.1-138.

Barnes, J and Morris, A (2014) Belarus Road Safety Network (BeSafe). Work Package 5: Quality Board Plan and Reviews, TEMPUS 2013-4550/001-001.

Barnes, J, Lawton, C, Morris, A, Marshall, R, Summerskill, S, Kendrick, D, Logan, P, Drummond, A, Fildes, B, Conroy, S (2013) Improving safety for older public transport users (OPTU) - a feasibility study, pp.1-260.

Fildes, B, Morris, A, Barnes, J (2012) Analysis of injuries to young and old Victorian public transport users: 2006-2010,ISBN: 0732623898.

Machata, K, Bauer, R, Jahi, H, Barnes, J, Talbot, R, Thomas, P, Muhlrad, N, Vallet, G, Dupont, E, Martensen, H, Papadimitriou, E, Yannis, G, Giustiniani, G, Bax, C, Wijnen, W, Buttler, I, Gitelman, V, Hakkert, S (2011) Stakeholder's Contribution Deliverable 1.3 of the EC FP7 Project DaCoTA [Road Safety Data, Collection, Transfer and Analysis], pp.1-37, European Commission within the 7th Framework Programme; Directorate General for Mobility and Transport.

Morris, AP, Barnes, J, Fildes, B, Bentivegna, F, Seyer, K (2001) Effectiveness of ADR 69: A Case-Control Study of Crashed Vehicles Equipped with Airbags, pp.1-67, Australian Transport Safety Bureau; Monash Unversity Accident Research Centre Road Safety Research Report CR 199.

Barnes, J, Nunn, J, Petherick, E, Morris, A, Staton, M (Accepted for publication) Targeting Road Injury Prevention, Road Safety Trust.


Barnes, J, Gillich, PJ, Price, JP, Brammer, AL, Reed-Allsopp, C, Jones, L, Nayduch, DA, Baus, K, Cookman, KJ, Loftis, KL, Brennan, M, Stanley, P, Germain, PTS, Graymire, V (2016) Expert-developed ICD-AIS map for measuring serious road traffic injuries, Expert-developed ICD-AIS map for measuring serious road traffic injuries. DOI: 10.1136/injuryprev-2016-042156.187.

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