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Loughborough University Research Publications

Publications for Diane Gyi

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Journal Articles

Healey, J, Hignett, S, Gyi, D (2023) A day in the life of a home care worker in England: a human factors systems perspective, Applied Ergonomics, 115, 104151, ISSN: 0003-6870. DOI: 10.1016/j.apergo.2023.104151.

Fray, M, Hignett, S, Gyi, D (2022) Impact of ultra-low height healthcare beds on falls and mobility: a systematic review, International Journal of SPHM & Falls Management, 12(1), pp.21-32.

Wilson, C, Gyi, D, Morris, A, Bateman, R, Tanaka, H (2022) Non-driving related tasks and journey types for future autonomous vehicle owners, Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 85, pp.150-160, ISSN: 1369-8478. DOI: 10.1016/j.trf.2022.01.004.

Okuyucu, K, Hignett, S, Gyi, D, Doshani, A (2020) Midwives’ thoughts about musculoskeletal disorders with an evaluation of working tasks, Applied Ergonomics, 90, 103263, ISSN: 0003-6870. DOI: 10.1016/j.apergo.2020.103263.

Okuyucu, K, Gyi, D, Hignett, S, Doshani, A (2019) Midwives are getting hurt: UK survey of the prevalence and risk factors for developing musculoskeletal symptoms, Midwifery, 79, 102546, ISSN: 0266-6138. DOI: 10.1016/j.midw.2019.102546.

Gyi, D, Masson, AE, Hignett, S (2019) Plus size and obese workers: Anthropometry estimates to promote inclusive design, Ergonomics, 62(9), pp.1234-1242, ISSN: 0014-0139. DOI: 10.1080/00140139.2019.1622791.

Varela, M, Gyi, D, Mansfield, NJ, Picton, R, Hirao, A, Furuya, T (2018) Engineering movement into automotive seating: Does the driver feel more comfortable and refreshed?, Applied Ergonomics, ISSN: 0003-6870. DOI: 10.1016/j.apergo.2018.08.024.

Hignett, S, Gyi, D, Calkins, L, Jones, LL, Moss, EL (2017) Human factors evaluation of surgeons’ working positions for gynecologic minimal access surgery, Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology, 24(7), pp.1177-1183, ISSN: 1553-4650. DOI: 10.1016/j.jmig.2017.07.011.

Karali, S, Mansfield, NJ, Gyi, D (2016) An approach to vehicle design: in-depth audit to understand the needs of older drivers, Applied Ergonomics, 58, pp.461-470, ISSN: 0003-6870. DOI: 10.1016/j.apergo.2016.07.017.

Marshall, R, Summerskill, S, Case, K, Hussain, A, Gyi, D, Sims, R, Morris, A, Barnes, J (2016) Supporting a design-driven approach to social inclusion and accessibility in transport, Social Inclusion, ISSN: 2183-2803. DOI: 10.17645/si.v4i3.521.

Karali, S, Gyi, D, Mansfield, NJ (2016) Driving a better driving experience: a questionnaire survey of older compared with younger drivers, Ergonomics. The Official Journal of the Chartered Institute for Ergonomics and Human Factors, pp.1-20, ISSN: 0014-0139. DOI: 10.1080/00140139.2016.1182648.

Eaves, S, Gyi, DE, Gibb, A (2015) Building healthy construction workers: Their views on health, wellbeing and better workplace design, Applied Ergonomics, 54, pp.10-18, ISSN: 0003-6870. DOI: 10.1016/j.apergo.2015.11.004.

Case, K, Hussain, A, Marshall, R, Summerskill, SJ, Gyi, DE (2015) Digital human modelling and the ageing workforce, Procedia Manufacturing, 3, pp.3694-3701, ISSN: 1877-7058. DOI: 10.1016/j.promfg.2015.07.794.

Marshall, R, Cook, S, Mitchell, VA, Summerskill, S, Haines, V, Maguire, M, Sims, R, Gyi, D, Case, K (2015) Design and Evaluation: End Users, User Datasets and Personas, Applied Ergonomics, 46, pp.311-317, DOI: 10.1016/j.apergo.2013.03.008.

Smith, J, Mansfield, N, Gyi, D, Pagett, M, Bateman, B (2015) Driving performance and driver discomfort in an elevated and standard driving position during a driving simulation, Applied Ergonomics, DOI: 10.1016/j.apergo.2015.01.003.

Smith, J, Mansfield, NJ, Gyi, D (2015) Long-term discomfort evaluation: comparison of reported discomfort between a concept elevated driving posture and a conventional driving posture, Procedia Manufacturing, ISSN: 2351-9789. DOI: 10.1016/j.promfg.2015.07.387.

Masson, A, Hignett, S, Gyi, D (2015) Anthropometric study to understand body size and shape for plus size people at work, Procedia Manufacturing, 2015, ISSN: 2351-9789. DOI: 10.1016/j.promfg.2015.07.776.

Punchihewa, HKG and Gyi, D (2015) Reducing work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) through design: views of ergonomics and design practitioners, Work, pp.1-16, ISSN: 1051-9815. DOI: 10.3233/WOR-152126.

Salles, AS, Gyi, D, Schmeltzpfenning, T (2014) Combining dynamic foot scanning and additive manufacturing for the production of insoles: a case study, Research Journal of Textile and Apparel [RJTA], 18(2), pp.1-8.

Salles, AS and Gyi, DE (2013) Delivering personalised insoles to the high street using additive manufacturing, International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 26(5), pp.386-400, ISSN: 0951-192X. DOI: 10.1080/0951192X.2012.717721.

Gyi, D, Sang, K, Haslam, C (2013) Participatory ergonomics: co-developing interventions to reduce the risk of musculoskeletal symptoms in business drivers, ERGONOMICS, 56(1), pp.45-58, ISSN: 0014-0139. DOI: 10.1080/00140139.2012.737028.

Salles, AS and Gyi, DE (2012) The specification of personalised insoles using additive manufacturing, Work, 41(SUPPL.1), pp.1771-1774, ISSN: 1051-9815. DOI: 10.3233/WOR-2012-0383-1771.

Sims, RE, Marshall, R, Summerskill, SJ, Gyi, DE, Case, K (2012) Supporting older and disabled people’s needs in product, environment and service design, International Journal of Business, Humanities & Technology, 2(2), pp.212-220.

Sims, RE, Marshall, R, Gyi, DE, Summerskill, SJ, Case, K (2012) Collection of anthropometry from older and physically impaired persons: Traditional methods versus TC 2 3-D body scanner, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 42(1), pp.65-72, ISSN: 0169-8141. DOI: 10.1016/j.ergon.2011.10.002.

Salles, AS and Gyi, DE (2012) An evaluation of personalised insoles developed using additive manufacturing, Journal of Sports Sciences, iFirst article, pp.1-9, ISSN: 1466-447X. DOI: 10.1080/02640414.2012.736629.

Gosling, EY, Gyi, DE, Gibb, A, Haslam, R (2012) Ageing Productively through Design: A Survey of Cement Manufacturing Workers, Aging and Society: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 1(4), pp.1-18, ISSN: 2160-1909.

Sims, R, Gyi, D, Marshall, R, Case, K (2012) Activities of daily life still cause problems for many older and physically impaired people, Design for All Institute of India, 7(7), pp.165-181.

Sims, RE, Marshall, R, Summerskill, SJ, Case, K, Gyi, DE, Davis, P (2011) Involving older and disabled people in assessment of product, environment and service designs, Journal of Human Development, Disability and Social Change, 19(3), pp.25-35, ISSN: 1499-5549.

Salles, AS, Gyi, DE, Forrester, S (2011) Evaluation of the short and medium term use of insoles for personalised footwear, Footwear Science, 3(S1), pp.S144-S145, ISSN: 1942-4299. DOI: 10.1080/19424280.2011.575816.

Sang, KJC, Gyi, DE, Haslam, CO (2011) Stakeholder perspectives on managing the occupational health of UK business drivers: a qualitative approach, Applied Ergonomics, 42(3), pp.419-425, DOI: 10.1016/j.apergo.2010.08.021.

Sang, KJC, Gyi, DE, Haslam, CO (2011) Stakeholder perspectives on managing the occupational health of UK business drivers: A qualitative approach, Applied Ergonomics, 42(3), pp.419-425, ISSN: 0003-6870. DOI: 10.1016/j.apergo.2010.08.021.

Sims, RE, Marshall, R, Gyi, DE, Summerskill, SJ, Case, K (2011) Collection of anthropometry from older and physically impaired persons: Traditional methods versus TC2 3-D body scanner, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, ISSN: 0169-8141.

Marshall, R, Case, K, Porter, JM, Summerskill, SJ, Gyi, DE, Davis, PM, Sims, RE (2010) HADRIAN: a virtual approach to design for all, Journal of Engineering Design, 21(2&3), pp.253-273, ISSN: 0954-4828. DOI: 10.1080/09544820903317019.

Sang, K, Gyi, D, Haslam, C (2010) Musculoskeletal symptoms in pharmaceutical sales representatives, OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE-OXFORD, 60(2), pp.108-114, ISSN: 0962-7480. DOI: 10.1093/occmed/kqp145.

Marshall, S and Gyi, DE (2010) Evidence of health risks from occupational sitting. Where do we stand?, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 39(4), pp.389-391.

Summerskill, SJ, Marshall, R, Case, K, Gyi, DE, Sims, RE, Davis, P, Day, PN, Rohan, C, Birnie, S (2010) Validation of the HADRIAN system using an ATM evaluation case study, International Journal of Human Factors Modelling and Simulation, 1(4), pp.420-432, ISSN: 1742-5557. DOI: 10.1504/IJHFMS.2010.040275.

Gyi, DE and Porter, JM (2009) Musculoskeletal troubles and driving: A survey of the British public, Contemporary Ergonomics 1984-2008: Selected Papers and an Overview of the Ergonomics Society Annual Conference, pp.341-346.

Punchihewa, HKG and Gyi, DE (2009) Development of a QFD based collaborative design approach to reduce work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), Design Principles & Practices: An International Journal, 3(9), pp.209-224, ISSN: 1833-1874.

Gyi, DE, Cain, R, Campbell, RI (2009) The value of computer-based product representations in co-designing with older users, Journal of Engineering Design, 21(2-3), pp.305-313, ISSN: 1466-1837. DOI: 10.1080/09544820903303449.

Marshall, R, Porter, JM, Sims, RE, Summerskill, SJ, Gyi, DE, Case, K (2009) The HADRIAN approach to accessible transport, Work - A Journal of Prevention, Assessment & Rehabilitation, 33(3), pp.335-344, ISSN: 1051-9815. DOI: 10.3233/WOR-2009-0881.

Campbell, RI, de Beer, DJ, Barnard, LJ, Booysen, GJ, Truscott, M, Cain, R, Burton, MJ, Gyi, DE, Hague, RJM (2007) Design Evolution through Customer Interaction with Functional Prototypes, Journal of Engineering Design, 18(6), pp.617-635, ISSN: 0954-4828.

Bust, PD, Gibb, AGF, Pasquire, CL, Gyi, DE (2006) Human variability and the use of construction equipment, Contemporary Ergonomics 2006, pp.541-545.

Haslam, RA, Gibb, AGF, Gyi, DE, Hide, S, Duff, R (2006) What causes accidents?, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Civil Engineering, 159(6), pp.46-50, ISSN: 0965-089X. DOI: 10.1680/cien.159.6.46.

Haslam, RA, Hide, SA, Gibb, AGF, Gyi, DE, Pavitt, T, Atkinson, S, Duff, AR (2005) Contributing factors in construction accidents, Applied Ergonomics, 36(4), pp.401-415, ISSN: 0003-6870. DOI: 10.1016/j.apergo.2004.12.002.

Gibb, A, Hide, S, Haslam, R, Gyi, D, Pavitt, T, Atkinson, S, Duff, R (2005) Construction tools and equipment – their influence on accident causality, Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology, 3(1), pp.12-23, ISSN: 1726-0531. DOI: 10.1108/17260530510815303.

Gibb, AGF, Hide, S, Haslam, RA, Gyi, DE (2005) Construction tools and equipment - their influence on accident causality, Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology (JEDT), 3(1), pp.12-23, ISSN: 1726-0531.

Gyi, DE, Sims, RE, Porter, JM, Marshall, R, Case, K (2004) Representing older and disabled people in virtual user trials: data collection methods, Applied Ergonomics, 35(5), pp.443-451, ISSN: 0003-6870. DOI: 10.1016/j.apergo.2004.04.002.

Marshall, R, Case, K, Porter, JM, Sims, RE, Gyi, DE (2004) Using HADRIAN for eliciting virtual user feedback in 'design for all', Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 218(9), pp.1203-1210, ISSN: 0954-4054. DOI: 10.1243/0954405041897149.

Porter, JM, Case, K, Marshall, R, Gyi, DE, Sims, RE (2004) 'Beyond Jack and Jill': designing for individuals using HADRIAN, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 33(3), pp.249-264, ISSN: 0169-8141. DOI: 10.1016/j.ergon.2003.08.002.

Porter, JM, Gyi, DE, Tait, HA (2003) Interface pressure data and the prediction of driver discomfort in road trials, Applied Ergonomics, 34(3), pp.207-214, ISSN: 0003-6870. DOI: 10.1016/s0003-6870(03)00009-7.

Marshall, R, Case, K, Oliver, RE, Gyi, DE, Porter, JM (2002) A task based 'design for all' support tool, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 18(3-4), pp.297-303, ISSN: 0736-5845. DOI: 10.1016/S0736-5845(02)00021-2.

Porter, JM and Gyi, DE (2002) The Prevalence of Musculoskeletal Troubles Among Car Drivers, Occupational Medicine, 52(1), pp.4-12, ISSN: 0962-7480.

Porter, JM and Gyi, DE (2002) The prevalence of musculoskeletal troubles among car drivers, OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE-OXFORD, 52(1), pp.4-12, ISSN: 0962-7480. DOI: 10.1093/occmed/52.1.4.

Case, K, Porter, JM, Gyi, DE, Marshall, R, Oliver, RE (2001) Virtual fitting trials in 'design for all', Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 117(1-2), pp.255-261, ISSN: 0924-0136. DOI: 10.1016/S0924-0136(01)01143-8.

Gyi, DE, Porter, JM, Case, K (2000) Design practice and 'designing for all', Proceedings of the XIVth Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association and 44th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Association, 'Ergonomics for the New Millennium', pp.913-916, DOI: 10.1177/154193120004403864.

Gyi, DE and Porter, JM (1999) Interface pressure and the prediction of car seat discomfort, APPLIED ERGONOMICS, 30(2), pp.99-107, ISSN: 0003-6870. DOI: 10.1016/S0003-6870(98)00018-0.

Gyi, DE and Porter, JM (1999) Interface pressure and the prediction of car seat discomfort, Applied Ergonomics, 30(2), pp.99-107, ISSN: 0003-6870.

Gyi, DE, Gibb, AG, Haslam, RA (1999) The quality of accident and health data in the construction industry: interviews with senior managers, Construction management and economics, 17(2), pp.197-204, ISSN: 0144-6193.

Gyi, DE and Porter, JM (1998) Musculoskeletal problems and driving in police officers, OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE-OXFORD, 48(3), pp.153-160, ISSN: 0962-7480. DOI: 10.1093/occmed/48.3.153.

Gyi, DE, Porter, JM, Robertson, NKB (1998) Seat pressure measurement technologies: considerations for their evaluation, Applied Ergonomics, 27(2), pp.85-91, ISSN: 0003-6870.

Gyi, DE and Porter, JM (1998) Musculoskeletal troubles and driving: a survey of British police officers, Occupational medicine, 48(3), pp.153-160, ISSN: 0962-7480.

Gyi, DE, Haslam, RA, Gibb, AG (1998) Case studies of occupational health management in the engineering construction industry, Occupational medicine, 4, pp.263-271.

Porter, JM and Gyi, DE (1998) Exploring the optimum posture for driver comfort, International Journal of Vehicle Design, 19(3), pp.255-266, ISSN: 0143-3369.


Yi, H, Jun, GT, Gyi, D, Betmouni, S (2024) Systems thinking approach to the implementation of digital pathology and AI. In Relating Systems Thinking and Design (RSD12) Symposium; Proceedings Of Relating Systems Thinking And Design, RSD12, 13 Hubs & Online.

Yi, H, Jun, GT, Gyi, D, Betmouni, S (2024) Understanding the complex challenges in digital pathology and artificial intelligence integration. In Ergonomics & Human Factors 2024, Kenilworth, UK.

Zhong, Q, Gyi, D, Morris, A, Furuya, T (2023) Exploring the user preferences of older drivers for car interior design elements based on the semantic difference method. In HUMANIST Conference 2023; Proceedings of the 8th HUMANIST Conference, Berlin, Germany, pp.67-74, ISBN: 9782953171273.

Summerskill, S, Masson, A, Mason, J, Fox, J, Marshall, R, Gyi, D (2023) The Modelling of Bariatric Populations in Digital Human Modelling Systems. In , pp.203-211, ISBN: 9783031378478. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-37848-5_23.

Healey, J, Hignett, S, Gyi, D (2022) Understanding the relationship between resilience and care quality in home care support. In Balfe, N and Golightly, D (ed) Ergonomics and Human Factors 2022; Contemporary Ergonomics & Human Factors 2022. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics & Human Factors, Birmingham, UK.

Wilson, C, Gyi, D, Morris, A, Robert, B, Tanaka, H (2021) Space utilisation and comfort in automated vehicles: A shift in interior car design?. In Comfort Congress 2021, Nottingham.

Vaughan, G, Fray, M, Gyi, D (2021) An exploratory assessment of healthcare porters and their musculoskeletal disorders. In Kalra, J, Lightner, NJ, Taiar, R (ed) International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2021); Advances in Human Factors and Ergonomics in Healthcare and Medical Devices, New York, USA (Virtual), pp.133-140, ISBN: 9783030807436. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-80744-3_17.

Healey, J, Hignett, S, Gyi, D (2021) Home care support for older adults in England: perceptions of quality and safety standards. In Black, NL, Neumann, WP, Noy, I (ed) International Ergonomics Association 21st Triennial Conference (IEA 2021); Proceedings of the 21st Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2021). Volume IV: Healthcare and Healthy Work, Vancouver, Canada, pp.322-327, ISBN: 9783030746117. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-74611-7_44.

Wilson, C, Gyi, D, Morris, A (2020) Working at 70mph? Non-driving related tasks in future autonomous vehicles. In Golightly, RCD (ed) Ergonomics & Human Factors 2020; Contemporary Ergonomics & Human Factors 2020, Stratford-upon-Avon, UK.

Wilson, C, Gyi, D, Morris, A (Accepted for publication) Re-inventing the journey experience - A multifaceted framework to comfort in autonomous vehicles. In 2nd International Comfort Congress (ICC2019), Delft, Netherlands.

Hignett, S and Gyi, D (2019) Ergonomics /human factors education in United Kingdom. In 20th Triennial Conference of the International Ergonomics Association, Florence, Italy, pp.28-35, ISBN: 978-3-319-96080-7. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-96080-7_4.

Okuyucu, K, Hignett, S, Gyi, D, Doshani, A (2019) Human factors in midwifery: impact of musculoskeletal symptoms on patient safety. In Healthcare Ergonomics & Patient Safety (HEPS) International Conference, Lisbon.

Varela, M, Gyi, D, Mansfield, NJ, Bateman, B, Furuya, T, Hirao, A (2018) Exploring seat movement while driving - what do drivers think?. In International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, Orlando,ISBN: 9781532382031. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-93885-1_52.

Okuyucu, K, Hignett, S, Gyi, D, Doshani, A (2018) Musculoskeletal symptoms in midwives and work related contributory risk factors. In 20th Triennial Conference of the International Ergonomics Association, Florence, Italy, pp.54-59, ISBN: 9783319960821. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-96083-8_8.

Hignett, S, Moss, EL, Gyi, D, Calkins, L, Jones, LL (2017) Save our surgeons: an ergonomics evaluation of laparoscopic hysterectomy. In Annual Conference of the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics & Human Factors, Daventry.

Varela, M, Gyi, D, Mansfield, NJ, Picton, R, Hirao, A (2017) Designing movement into automotive seating - does it improve comfort?. In International Comfort Congress, Salerno, Italy.

Koesten, L, Gyi, D, Masson, A, Jordan, P (2016) Plus size and inclusivity in design. In Ergonomics & Human Factors 2016, Daventry, Northampton, UK, pp.72-73, ISBN: 9780955422591.

Masson, A, Hignett, S, Gyi, D (2016) Plus size anthropometry: Is designing for the 95th percentile enough?. In Ergonomics & Human Factors 2016, Daventry, Northampton, UK, pp.60-64, ISBN: 9780955422591.

Smith, JTW, Mansfield, NJ, Gyi, DE (2015) Long-term discomfort evaluation: Comparison of reported discomfort between a concept elevated driving posture and a conventional driving posture. In AHFE 2015, Caesars Palace, Las Vegas, pp.2387-2394.

Case, K, Hussain, A, Marshall, R, Summerskill, S, Gyi, D (2015) Digital human modelling and the ageing workforce. In , Procedia Engineering.

Eaves, S, Gyi, D, Gibb, A (2015) Stakeholders’ views on the ageing construction workforce: Preliminary findings. In Contemporary Ergonomics and Human Factors 2015, pp.159-162, ISBN: 9781138028036.

Eaves, S, Gyi, D, Gibb, A (2015) Facilitating healthy ageing in construction: stakeholder views. In 6th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2015) and the Affiliated Conferences, Las Vegas, America, pp.3165-3172, DOI: 10.1016/j.promfg.2015.07.560.

Eaves, SJ, Gyi, DE, Gibb, AGF (2015) Facilitating Healthy Ageing in Construction: Stakeholder Views. In , Procedia Manufacturing, pp.4681-4688, DOI: 10.1016/j.promfg.2015.07.560.

Masson, A, Hignett, SM, Gyi, DE (2014) Masson, A, Hignett, S, Gyi, D. (2014) Exploring and describing workplace issues. In AHFE 2014, Poland.

Karali, S, Gyi, D, Mansfield, NJ (2014) BETTER VEHICLE DESIGN FOR ALL. In Sharples, S and Shorrock, S (ed) Contemporary Ergonomics and Human Factors, Southampton, pp.413-417, ISBN: 978-1138-02635-3.

Gyi, DE, Gosliing, EY, Gibb, A, Haslam, RA (2014) Ensuring healthy ageing for construction workers. In Health and Wellbeing at Work, NEC, Birmingham, pp.1-1.

Eaves, S, Gyi, DE, Gibb, AGF (2014) Healthy ageing in the construction industry; Background and preliminary findings. In Sharples, S and Shorrock, S (ed) Proceedings of the international conference on Ergonomics & Human Factors 2014, Contemporary Ergonomics and Human Factors 2014, Southampton, UK, pp.191-194, ISBN: 978-1138026353.

Masson, A, Hignett, S, Gyi, D (2014) Exploring Workplace Issues for Plus Size People. In Wellbeing at Work, Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Wellbeing at Work, Copenhagen, pp.1-2.

Eaves, SD, Gyi, D, Gibb, A (2014) Construction workers' views on workplace design and 'healthy' ageing. In , Proceedings 30th Annual Association of Researchers in Construction Management Conference, ARCOM 2014, pp.311-320.

Smith, J, Mansfield, NJ, Gyi, D (2014) Design parameters for an elevated driving posture. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics AHFE 2014, Kraków, Poland.

Eaves, S, Gyi, D, Gibb, A (2013) Building Healthy Construction Workers by Better Workplace Design: Understanding the Context. In ARCOM 29th Annual Conference, Reading, UK, pp.101-109.

Gyi, DE, Gosling, EY, Gibb, A, Haslam, RA (2013) Organiser for Working Late (OWL): Co-designing healthy work environments. In NES 2013, Reykjavik, pp.1-1.

Gyi, DE, Eaves, S, Gibb, A (2013) Better health by workplace design: addressing the challenges for ageing construction workers. In American Aging Assocation 42nd Annual Meeting, Baltimore, USA, pp.1-1.

Gyi, D, Sims, RE, Gosling, EY (2013) Re-inventing the toilet: Capturing user needs. In , Contemporary Ergonomics and Human Factors 2013, pp.327-328.

Gosling, EY, Gyi, D, Haslam, RA, Gibb, A (2013) Design for healthy ageing. In , Contemporary Ergonomics and Human Factors 2013, pp.199-200, DOI: 10.1201/b13826-45.

Eaves, S, Gyi, D, Gibb, A (2013) Building healthy construction workers by better workplace design: Understanding the context. In , Proceedings 29th Annual Association of Researchers in Construction Management Conference, ARCOM 2013, pp.101-109.

Jun, G, Kendrick, C, Gyi, D (2012) Primary school children’s’ working environments: the gaps between research recommendations and their implementation. In Ergonomics & Human Factors 2012, Blackpool, UK.

Haslam, RA, Williams, EY, Gyi, DE, Gibb, AGF, Haslam, CO (2012) Workplace design and older workers. In Health and Wellbeing at Work 2012, NEC Birmingham, pp.1-1.

Williams, EY, Gyi, D, Gibb, AGF, Haslam, RA (2012) Building healthy construction workers. In , Contemporary Ergonomics and Human Factors 2012, pp.69-70, DOI: 10.1201/b11933-20.

Shanley, E, Williams, EY, Gyi, D, Gibb, AGF, Haslam, RA (2012) Caring for animal care workers. In , Contemporary Ergonomics and Human Factors 2012, pp.55-56, DOI: 10.1201/b11933-16.

Day, JL and Gyi, D (2012) Primary care waiting room environments and children's emotional experience. In , Contemporary Ergonomics and Human Factors 2012, pp.429-430, DOI: 10.1201/b11933-99.

Mansfield, N, Hawson, R, Smith, J, Gyi, D (2011) Driver performance in an elevated driving posture and exposed to vibration. In , 40th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering 2011, INTER-NOISE 2011, pp.3542-3546.

Williams, EY, Gibb, A, Gyi, D, Haslam, R (2011) Constructive ageing: a survey of workers in the construction industry. In CIB W099 international conference, Washington D.C, USA.

Case, K, Hussain, A, Marshall, R, Summerskill, SJ, Sims, RE, Gyi, DE (2011) Workforce ageing, the need for an inclusive design approach in manufacturing industry. In Bártolo, H, Alves, N, Bártolo, PJ (ed) First International Conference on Sustainable Intelligent Manufacturing, SIM 2011, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Sustainable Intelligent Manufacturing, SIM 2011, Leiria. Portugal, pp.671-678, ISBN: 978-989-8481-03-0.

Marshall, R, Case, K, Gyi, DE, Summerskill, SJ, Sims, RE (2011) Supporting an inclusive, sustainable approach to design and manufacture. In Bártolo, H, Alves, N, Bártolo, PJ (ed) First International Conference on Sustainable Intelligent Manufacturing, SIM 2011, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Sustainable Intelligent Manufacturing, SIM 2011, Leiria, Portugal, pp.697-704, ISBN: 978-989-8481-03-0.

Marshall, R, Summerskill, SJ, Case, K, Gyi, DE, Sims, RE (2010) Development and evaluation of task based digital human modelling for inclusive design. In Duffy, VG (ed) Third International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, AHFE 2010, 'Advances in Applied Digital Human Modeling', the Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, AHFE 2010, Miami, Florida, USA, pp.129-138, ISBN: 9781439835111.

Salles, A and Gyi, DE (2010) The specification and evaluation of personalised footwear for additive manufacturing. In 3rd Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics [AHFE] International Conference, 17-20 July 2010, AHFE 2010, Miami, USA, pp.1-12.

Summerskill, SJ, Marshall, R, Case, K, Gyi, DE, Sims, RE, Davis, PM (2009) Validation of the HADRIAN system using an ATM evaluation case study. In Duffy, VG (ed) Second International Conference, ICDHM 2009, held as Part of HCI International 2009, 'Digital Human Modeling', the Proceedings of the Second International Conference, ICDHM 2009, held as Part of HCI International 2009, San Diego, California, USA, pp.727-736, ISBN: 978-3-642-02808-3. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-02809-0_77.

Marshall, R, Case, K, Summerskill, SJ, Sims, RE, Gyi, DE, Davis, PM (2009) Virtual task simulation for inclusive design. In Duffy, VG (ed) Second International Conference, ICDHM 2009, held as Part of HCI International 2009, 'Digital Human Modeling', the Proceedings of the Second International Conference, ICDHM 2009, held as Part of HCI International 2009, San Diego, California, USA, pp.700-709, ISBN: 978-3-642-02808-3. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-02809-0_74.

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Marshall, R, Gyi, DE, Case, K, Porter, JM, Sims, RE, Summerskill, SJ, Davis, PM (2009) A design ergonomics approach to accessibility and user needs in transport. In Bust, PD (ed) Annual Conference of the Ergonomics Society, 2009, 'Contemporary Ergonomics 2009', the Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Ergonomics Society, 2009, Royal College of Physicians, London, UK, pp.51-60, ISBN: 978-0-415-80433-2. DOI: 10.1201/9780203872512.ch6.

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Porter, JM, Marshall, R, Sims, RE, Gyi, DE, Case, K (2006) HADRIAN gets streetwise. In Pikaar, NR, Koningsveld, EAP, Settels, PJM (ed) Sixteenth Triennial World Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, IEA 2006, 'Meeting Diversity in Ergonomics', the Proceedings of the Sixteenth Triennial World Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, IEA 2006, Maastricht, The Netherlands, pp.1-5, ISBN: 978-0080450551.

Gyi, DE and Simpson, L (2006) Guide Dogs and Escalators: A Mismatch in Urban Design. In Bust, PD (ed) Contemporary Ergonomics, Cambridge, pp.443-447.

Porter, JM, Case, K, Marshall, R, Gyi, DE, Sims, RE (2006) Developing the HADRIAN inclusive design tool to provide a personal journey planner. In Bust, PD (ed) Annual Conference of the Ergonomics Society, 'Contemporary Ergonomics 2006', the Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Ergonomics Society, Robinson College, Cambridge, UK, pp.470-474, ISBN: 9780415398183.

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Pendlebury, MC, Brace, CL, Gibb, AGF, Gyi, DE (2004) Site Health Handbook, Construction Industry Research and Information Association (CIRIA), ISBN: 0 86017 629 0.

McDonagh, DC, Hekkert, P, Van Erp, J, Gyi, DE (ed) (2003) Design and Emotion: The Experience of Everyday Things, Taylor and Francis, ISBN: 0 415 30363 X.

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CD Objects

Marshall, R, Summerskill, SJ, Case, K, Gyi, DE, Sims, RE (2010) Development and evaluation of task based digital human modelling for inclusive design,USA Publishing, ISBN: 978 0 9796435 4 5.

Summerskill, SJ, Marshall, R, Case, K, Gyi, DE, Sims, RE, Davis, PM (2009) Validation of the HADRIAN system using an ATM evaluation case study,Springer, ISBN: 978-3-642-02808-3.

Marshall, R, Case, K, Summerskill, SJ, Sims, RE, Gyi, DE, Davis, PM (2009) Virtual Task Simulation for Inclusive Design,Springer, ISBN: 978-3-642-02808-3.

Case, K, Marshall, R, Högberg, D, Summerskill, SJ, Gyi, DE, Sims, RE (2009) HADRIAN: Fitting trials by digital human modelling,Springer, ISBN: 978-3-642-02808-3.

Davis, PM, Marshall, R, Case, K, Gyi, DE, Sims, RE, Summerskill, SJ (2009) Stress and Exclusion - principles and tools for inclusive design,, ISBN: 978-1-905000-80-7.

Davis, PM, Case, K, Porter, JM, Marshall, R, Gyi, DE, Sims, RE, Summerskill, SJ (2008) The psychological stress perspective - a unifying view of accessibility in public transport and beyond,.

Marshall, R, Summerskill, SJ, Porter, JM, Case, K, Sims, RE, Gyi, DE, Davis, PM (2008) Multivariate design inclusion using HADRIAN,.

Porter, JM, Marshall, R, Sims, RE, Case, K, Gyi, DE (2006) HADRIAN: "I am not a number, I am a free man!",, ISBN: 91-975079-5-4.

Porter, JM, Marshall, R, Sims, RE, Gyi, DE, Case, K (2006) HADRIAN gets streetwise,Elsevier Ltd.

Gyi, DE, Green, W, Kalawsky, RS, Atkins, D (2005) What Do People Really Want From Their 'Smart' Homes?,.

Campbell, RI, Cain, R, Gyi, DE (2004) The Role of Customer Input within the Design Process,Transylvania University of Brasov, ISBN: 973-635-373-7.

Haslam, RA, Hide, SA, Gibb, AGF, Gyi, DE (2003) Construction Safety Lessons from 100 Studies of Accident Causation,, ISBN: 89 90838 10 X.

Gyi, DE, Cain, R, Campbell, RI (2003) Can Computer Based Models Facilitate Participatory Design with Older Users?,Royal College of Art, London, ISBN: 1 874175 94 2.

Goonetilleke, TS, Case, K, Marshall, R, Porter, JM, Gyi, DE, Sims, RE (2003) In search of Design Synthesis by linking Ergonomic Evaluation and Constraint Modelling to attain Design for All,, ISBN: 1-874175-942.

Porter, JM, Marshall, R, Sims, RE, Gyi, DE, Case, K (2003) HADRIAN: a human modelling CAD tool to promote "design for all",Royal College of Art, London, ISBN: 1 874175 94 2.

Porter, JM, Case, K, Gyi, DE, Marshall, R (2002) How can we "design for all" if we do not know who is designed out and why?,International Society for Occupational Ergonomics and Safety CD-ROM.

Sims, RE, Marshall, R, Gyi, DE, Porter, JM, Case, K (2002) Collection of design data from older and disabled people,International Society for Occupational Ergonomics and Safety CD-ROM.

Gyi, DE, Porter, JM, Case, K (2000) Design practice and 'designing for all',Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.

Case, K, Porter, JM, Xiao, DC, Gyi, DE (1999) Shadow-scanned Human Models for Car Seating Design,Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, ISBN: 84 699 0852 9.


Haslam, C, Duncan, M, Kazi, A, Twumasi, R, Clemes, S, Gyi, D, Haslam, R, Gibb, A, Gosling, EY, Kerr, L, Nicolle, C, Maguire, M, Talbot, R, Mallaband, B, Morgan, K, McDermott, H (2018) Working Late: Strategies to enhance productive and healthy environments for an older workforce. In The New Dynamics of Ageing, pp.39-58.

Gyi, DE, Shalloe, S, Wilson, J (2015) Participatory Ergonomics. In Wilson, J and Sharples, S (ed) Evaluation of Human Work, CRC Press, pp.883-906, ISBN: 978 1 4665 5961 5.

Gyi, DE, Arber, S, Bowling, A, Creech, A, Duncan, M, Goulding, A, Hallam, S, Haslam, C, Kazi, A, Lloyd, L, Lord, J, Murphy, M, Newman, A, Phillips, A, Twumasi, R, Upton, J (2014) Maintaining health and wellbeing: overcoming barriers to healthy ageing. In Walker, A (ed) The New Science of Ageing, pp.113-154, ISBN: 9781447314677.

Gyi, DE, Timmins, M, Macdonald, A, Constantinos, M, Haslam, C, van den Heuvel, E, di Giulio, I, McCann, J, Maguire, M, Peace, S (2014) Design for living in later life. In Walker, A (ed) The New Science of Ageing, pp.209-239, ISBN: 9781447314677.

Gyi, DE (2013) Driving Posture and Healthy Design. In Gkikas, N (ed) Automotive Ergonomics: Driver-Vehicle Interaction, pp.123-132, ISBN: 978 1 4398 9425 5.

Salles, AS and Gyi, DE (2010) The specification and evaluation of personalised footwear for additive manufacturing. In Unknown Parent Title, CRC Press (© Taylor and Francis),ISBN: 9781439834992.

Porter, JM, Marshall, R, Case, K, Gyi, DE, Sims, RE, Summerskill, SJ (2009) Inclusive design for the mobility impaired. In Duffy, VG (ed) Handbook of Digital Human Modelling: Research for Applied Ergonomics and Human Factors, CRC Press, pp.41.1-41.13, ISBN: 978-0-8058-5646-0. DOI: 10.1201/9781420063523.ch41.

Gibb, AGF, Haslam, RA, Hide, SA, Gyi, DE (2004) The role of design in accident causality, in Designing for safety and health in Construction. In Hecker, Gambatese, Weinstein, (ed) , , pp.11-21, ISBN: 0 87114 154 X.

Gibb, AGF, Haslam, RA, Hide, SA, Gyi, DE (2004) The role of design in accident causality. In Hecker, Gambatese, eds, W (ed) Designing for Safety & Health in Construction, , pp.11-21, ISBN: 0 87114 154 X.

School/Dept Working Papers

Case, K, Gyi, DE, Porter, JM, Xiao, DC (1995) Ergonomics and postural comfort. Advanced technologies for automobile seat evaluation and design (SED).

Internet Publications

Hurn, K, Gyi, D, Mackereth, P (Accepted for publication) LuLoo Concept Pack.


Varela, M, Gyi, D, Mansfield, NJ (2016) Predicting the onset of driver musculoskeletal fatigue, Ergonomics & Human Factors 2016.


Smith, J, Mansfield, N, Gyi, D, Marshall, R, Summerskill, S (2015) IDP7: Final Report, IR10 - Driving Ergonomics for Energy Efficient Light commercial Vehicles, pp.1-160, Technology Strategy Board.

Hide, SA, Atkinson, S, Pavitt, T, Haslam, RA, Gibb, AGF, Gyi, DE, Duff, R, Suraji, A (2003) Causal Factors in Construction Accidents, 76, Health and Safety Executive.


Gyi, DE (1996) Driver discomfort: Prevalence, prediction and prevention.

Gyi, DE (1991) An evaluation of a tilted computer desk design.


Marshall, R, Porter, JM, Case, K, Gyi, DE, Sims, RE, Summerskill, SJ (2007) HADRIAN: Supporting design for all, Invited paper for the annual edition of Design for All.

Porter, JM, Gyi, DE, Williams, HE (2001) Reducing back pain in high mileage drivers, Invited Speaker at 'Back in Work' Conference, Department of Health/Health & Safety Executive, London.

Porter, JM, Gyi, DE, Williams, H (2001) Driving Ergonomics, Web site that provides information for the management of back pain in high mileage business drivers.

Gyi, DE (1999) Ergonomics research methods and design, Invited paper (ISBN 952-5097-09-9).

Hurn, K, Gyi, D, Mackereth, P (Accepted for publication) LuLoo Research Project Exhibition - Part of The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Reinvent the Toilet Exhibition, Delhi, India, The Bill and Melinda Gates research project in 2014-15, exhibited at the Reinvent the Toilet Fair Exhibition in Delhi, which expanded my focus to include design for inclusion and cultural sensitivity. This exhibition was attended by 700 participants from 47 countries. .

Getting in touch

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