Publications for Andrew May
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Journal Articles
Li, Y,
May, A, Cook, S, Chen, D (2024)
Literature Review: Why do we need innovative design methods for future Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS)?,
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 27, pp.101233-101233, ISSN: 2590-1982. DOI:
Pooley, A,
May, A, Mitchell, V (2023)
Furthering the development of virtual agents and communication robot devices through the consideration of the temporal home,
Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, 7(11), 104, DOI:
Jin, L, Ren, Q, Mitchell, V,
May, A (2023)
A video processing and machine learning based method for evaluating safety-critical operator engagement in a motorway control room,
Ergonomics, 67(3), pp.356-376, ISSN: 0014-0139. DOI:
Mazzarella, F,
May, A, Mitchell, V (2021)
A methodological framework for crafting situated services,
Journal of Service Management, 32(5), pp.752-782, ISSN: 0956-4233. DOI:
Cockbill, S, Mitchell, V,
May, A (2020)
Householders as designers? Generating future energy services with United Kingdom home occupiers,
Energy Research and Social Science, 69, 101615, ISSN: 2214-6296. DOI:
Ross, T, Cockbill, S,
May, A (2020)
The personal and contextual factors that affect customer experience during rail service failures and the implications for service design,
Applied Ergonomics, 86, 103096, ISSN: 0003-6870. DOI:
Cockbill, S,
May, A, Mitchell, V (2019)
The assessment of meaningful outcomes from co-design: a case study from the energy sector,
She Ji: The Journal of Design, Economics, and Innovation, 5(3), pp.188-208, ISSN: 2405-8726. DOI:
Oliveira, L, Mitchell, V,
May, A (2019)
Smart home technology—comparing householder expectations at the point of installation with experiences 1 year later,
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 24, ISSN: 1617-4909. DOI:
May, A and Ross, T (2017)
The design of civic technology: factors that influence public participation and impact,
Ergonomics, 61(2), pp.214-225, ISSN: 0014-0139. DOI:
Sun, X,
May, A, Wang, Q (2017)
Investigation of the role of mobile personalisation at large sports events,
International Journal of Mobile Human Computer Interaction, ISSN: 1942-390X.
Karlsson, M, Skoglund, T, Wallgren, P, Alonso, M, Guidotti, L, Martin, O,
May, A (2016)
Patterns of use, perceived benefits and reported effects of access to navigation support systems: an inter-European field operational test,
IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 9(8), pp.802-809, ISSN: 1751-956X. DOI:
Baruch, A,
May, A, Yu, D (2016)
The motivations, enablers and barriers for voluntary participation in an online crowdsourcing platform,
Computers in Human Behavior, ISSN: 1873-7692. DOI:
Oliveira, LCR, Mitchell, V,
May, A (2016)
Reducing temporal tensions as a strategy to promote sustainable behaviours,
Computers in Human Behavior, 62(September), pp.303-315, ISSN: 0747-5632. DOI:
Mitchell, V, Ross, T,
May, A, Sims, R, Parker, CJ (2015)
Empirical investigation of the impact of using co-design methods when generating proposals for sustainable travel solutions,
CoDesign, 12(4), pp.205-220, ISSN: 1571-0882. DOI:
Sun, X,
May, AJ, Wang, Q (2015)
The impact of user- and system-initiated personalization on the user experience at large sports events,
Applied Ergonomics, 54, pp.1-9, DOI:
Aceves-Gonzalez, C,
May, A, Cook, S (2015)
An observational comparison of the older and younger bus passenger experience in a developing world city,
Ergonomics, 59(6), pp.840-850, ISSN: 0014-0139. DOI:
Karlsson, ICM, Skoglund, T, Wallgren, P, Alonso, M, Guidotti, L, Martin, O,
May, A (2015)
Patterns of use, perceived benefits and reported effects of access to navigation support systems: an inter‐European field operational test,
IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 9(8), pp.802-809, ISSN: 1751-956X. DOI:
Aceves-Gonzalez, C, Cook, S,
May, A (2015)
Bus use in a developing world city: implications for the health and well-being of older passengers,
Journal of Transport and Health, 2(2), pp.308-316, ISSN: 2214-1405. DOI:
Parker, CJ,
May, A, Mitchell, V (2014)
User-centred design of neogeography: the impact of volunteered geographic information on users' perceptions of online map ‘mashups’,
Ergonomics, 57(7), pp.987-997, ISSN: 0014-0139. DOI:
Sun, X and
May, A (2014)
Design of the user experience for personalized mobile services,
International Journal of Human Computer Interaction, 5(2), pp.21-39, ISSN: 2180-1347.
May, A, Parker, CJ, Taylor, N, Ross, T (2014)
Evaluating a concept design of a crowd-sourced 'mashup' providing ease-of-access information for people with limited mobility,
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 49, pp.103-113, ISSN: 0968-090X. DOI:
May, AJ, Mitchell, VA, Piper, J (2014)
A user centred design evaluation of the potential benefits of advanced wireless sensor networks for fire-in-tunnel emergency response,
Fire Safety Journal, 64, pp.79-88, DOI:
Mercer, K,
May, A, Mitchell, V (2013)
Designing for video: investigating the contextual cues within viewing situations,
Personal Ubiquitous Computing, 18(3), pp.723-735, DOI:
Parker, CJ,
May, A, Mitchell, V (2013)
Capturing volunteered information for inclusive service design: potential benefits and challenges, ISSN: 1460-6925. DOI:
May, AJ (Accepted for publication) Using a 'value-added' approach for contextual design of geographic information, Applied Ergonomics, 44(6), pp.895-908, ISSN: 0003-6870. DOI: 10.1016/j.apergo.2012.10.012.
Sun, X and
May, A (2013)
A comparison of field-based and lab-based experiments to evaluate user experience of personalised mobile devices,
Advances in Human-Computer Interaction, 2013, pp.1-9, ISSN: 1687-5893. DOI:
Parker, CJ,
May, A, Mitchell, V (2012)
Understanding Design with VGI using an Information Relevance Framework,
Transactions in GIS, 16(4), pp.545-560, ISSN: 1361-1682. DOI:
Parker, CJ,
May, AJ, Mitchell, VA (2012)
The Role Of VGI And PGI In Supporting Outdoor Activities,
Applied Ergonomics, 44(6), pp.886-894, DOI:
Ross, T, Mitchell, VA,
May, AJ (2012)
Bottom-up grassroots innovation in transport: Motivations, barriers and enablers,
Transportation Planning and Technology, 35(4), pp.469-489, ISSN: 0308-1060. DOI:
Yang, Y,
May, AJ, Yang, SH (2012)
A Generic State Model with Neighbourhood Support from Wireless Sensor Networks for Emergency Event Detection,
International Journal of Emergency Management, 8(2), pp.135-152, DOI:
Parker, CJ,
May, A, Mitchell, V (2012)
Understanding design with VGI using an information relevance framework, ISSN: 1361-1682. DOI:
Yang, Y,
May, AJ, Yang, S (2010)
Sensor data processing for emergency response,
Int. J. Emergency Management, 7(3/4), pp.233-248, DOI:
Sun, X and
May, AJ (2009)
The role of spatial contextual factors in mobile personalization at large sports events,
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 13(4), pp.293-302, ISSN: 1617-4909. DOI:
Lawton, C, Cook, S,
May, A, Clemo, K, Brown, S (2008)
Postural support strategies of disabled drivers and the effectiveness of postural support aids,
Applied Ergonomics, 39(1), pp.47-55, ISSN: 0003-6870. DOI:
May, AJ, Ross, T, Grebert, J, Segarra, G (2008)
User reaction to car share and lift share within a transport marketplace,
IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 2(1), pp.47-60, DOI:
May, AJ, Bayer, SH, Ross, T (2007)
A survey of young social and professional users of location based services in the UK,
Journal of Location Based Services, 1(2), pp.112-132, DOI:
May, AJ and Ross, T (2006)
Presence and quality of navigational landmarks; effect on driver performance and implications for design,
Human Factors - The Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 48(2), pp.346-361, ISSN: 0018-7208. DOI:
May, AJ, Ross, T, Osman, Z (2005)
The design of next generation in-vehicle navigation systems for the older driver,
Interacting with Computers, 17(6), pp.643-659, ISSN: 0953-5438. DOI:
May, AJ, Ross, T, Bayer, SH (2005)
Incorporating landmarks in driver navigation system design: an overview of results from the REGIONAL project,
Journal of Navigation, 58(1), pp.47-65, ISSN: 0373-4633. DOI:
Ross, T,
May, AJ, Grimsley, PJ (2004)
Using traffic light information as navigational cues: implications for navigation system design,
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 7(2), pp.119-134, ISSN: 1369-8478. DOI:
May, AJ, Ross, T, Bayer, SH, Tarkiainen, MJ (2003)
Pedestrian Navigation Aids: Information Requirements and Design Implications,
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 7(6), pp.331-338, ISSN: 1617-4909. DOI:
May, AJ, Ross, T, Bayer, SH (2003)
Driver's information requirements when navigating in an urban environment,
Journal of Navigation, 56(1), pp.89-100, ISSN: 0373-4633. DOI:
May, AJ (2001)
User centred evaluation of complex IT&T within an operational environment,
Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology, 33(1), pp.83-97, ISSN: 1443-458X.
May, AJ and Carter, CJ (2001)
A Case Study of Virtual Team Working in the European Automotive Industry,
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 27(3), pp.171-186, ISSN: 0169-8141. DOI:
May, AJ, Carter, CJ, Joyner, SM (2000)
Virtual Team Working in the European Automotive Industry: User Requirements and a Case Study Approach,
Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing, 10(3), pp.273-289, DOI:
May, A, Carter, C, Joyner, S (2000)
Virtual team working in the European automotive industry: User requirements and a case study approach,
Human Factors and Ergonomics In Manufacturing, 10(3), pp.273-289, ISSN: 1090-8471. DOI:
May, A, Carter, C, Joyner, S (2000)
Virtual team working in the european automotive industry: User requirements and a case study approach,
Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing, 10(3), pp.273-289, ISSN: 1090-8471. DOI:
May, AJ (1998) Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW),
Industrial and Occupational Ergonomics: Users' Encyclopedia, p.7.
Fairclough, SH,
May, AJ, Carter, CJ (1997)
The Effect of Time Headway Feedback on Following Behaviour,
Accident Analysis and Prevention, 29(3), pp.387-397, ISSN: 0001-4575. DOI:
May, AJ, Carter, C, Smith, F, Fairclough, SH (1995) Evaluation of an in-vehicle headway feedback system with a visual & auditory interface,
IEE Colloquium (Digest), (7), ISSN: 0963-3308.
Mercer, K,
May, A, Mitchell, VA Designing for video: Investigating the contextual cues within viewing
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing.
Jin, L, Mitchell, V,
May, A, Lu, N (2023)
Enhancing Operator Engagement in Safety Critical Control Rooms-Validating Influential Factors and Improving Interview-based Data Collection. In
, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), pp.268-281, DOI:
Jin, L, Mitchell, V,
May, A, Sun, M (2022)
Analysis of the Tasks of Control Room Operators Within Chinese Motorway Control Rooms. In
, pp.526-546, ISBN: 9783031049866. DOI:
Mountney, S, Ross, T,
May, A, Qin, S-F, Nui, X, King, M, Kapoor, K, Story, V, Burton, J (2020)
Digitally supporting the co-creation of future advanced services for 'Heat as a Service'. In Bigdeli, A and Baines, T (ed)
The Spring Servitization Conference 2020; Proceedings of the The Spring Servitization Conference 2020, Birmingham, UK [Virtual conference], pp.64-71, ISBN: 9781854494290.
Jin, L, Mitchell, V,
May, A (2020)
Understanding Engagement in the Workplace: Studying Operators in Chinese Traffic Control Rooms. In
, pp.653-665, ISBN: 9783030497590. DOI:
Li, Y, Cook, S,
May, A (2020)
Understanding the Exclusion Issues of Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS): The Potential Problems of Older Travellers’ Involvement. In
, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), pp.269-287, DOI:
Li, Y,
May, A, Cook, S (2019)
Mobility-as-a-Service: A Critical Review and the Generalized Multi-modal Transport Experience. In
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), pp.186-206, ISBN: 9783030225797. DOI:
Mazzarella, F, Mitchell, V,
May, A, Escobar-Tello, MC (2018)
Weaving the threads: Service innovation with textile artisan communities. In
ServDes 2018: Proof of Concept, Politecnico di Milano,ISBN: 9789176852378.
Kane, T, Cockbill, S,
May, A, Mitchell, V, Wilson, C, Dimitriou, V, Liao, J, Murray, D, Stankovic, V, Stankovic, L, Fouchal, F, Hassan, T, Firth, S (2015)
Supporting retrofit decisions using smart meter data: a multi-disciplinary approach. In
European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ECEEE) 2015 Summer Study, Toulon/Hyères, France, pp.1009-1020.
Oliveira, L,
May, A, Mitchell, V, Coleman, M, Kane, T, Firth, S (2015)
Pre-installation challenges: classifying barriers to the introduction of smart home technology. In
, Copenhagen, pp.117-125, ISBN: 9789462520929. DOI:
Oliveira, L, Maguire, M, Mitchell, V,
May, A (2015)
Scenario analysis as a tool for informing the design of behaviour change interventions. In
, Los Angeles, CA, pp.535-547.
Harfield, P, Halkon, B, Mitchell, S, Phillips, I,
May, A (2014)
A novel, real-time biomechanical feedback system for use in rowing. In
Procedia Engineering, pp.126-131, DOI:
Oliveira, LCRD, Mitchell, VA,
May, AJ (2013)
Designing a Smart Phone App for Sustainable Cooking. In Mattern, F and Santini, S (ed)
UbiComp’13 Adjunct, Zurich, Switzerland, pp.585-588, ISBN: 978-1-4503-2215-7. DOI:
Morjaria, N, Ross, T,
May, A (2013)
Lead User Needs and Trends within Sustainable Transport. In Melkas, H and Buur, J (ed)
The 3rd Participatory Innovation Conference, PIN-C 2013, LUT Scientific and Expertise Publications Tutkimusraportit - Research Reports No.6, Lahti, Finland, pp.411-415.
Ross, T, Mitchell, V,
May, A, Sims, R (2013)
The contribution that a co-design approach can make to idea generation for workplace travel plans. In
UTSG (Universities' Transport Studies group Annual UK Conference, Okford, UK, pp.1-12.
Sims, RE, Ross, T,
May, AJ (2013)
Crowd sourcing of public transport problems. In
, Contemporary Ergonomics and Human Factors 2013, pp.176-182, DOI:
Morjaria, N, Ross, T,
May, A (2013)
Fostering social innovation: identifying lead users for participatory design. In
,ISBN: 978-1-4503-2061-0. DOI:
MAY, A, MITCHELL, V (2012)
Using VGI to enhance user judgements of quality and authority. In
GISRUK 2012, Proceedings of GIS Research UK 20th Annual Conference, GIS Research UK, Lancaster University, pp.1-7.
Yang, Y,
May, AJ, Yang, S (2010)
A Generic State Model with Neighbourhood Support from Wireless Sensor Networks for Emergency Event Detection. In Li, SC, Wang, WY, An, Y (ed)
7th International Symposium on Safety Science and Technology (ISSST), PROGRESS IN SAFETY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, VOL. VIII, PTS A AND B, Hangzhou, PEOPLES R CHINA, pp.365-376, ISBN: 978-7-03-029089-2.
May, AJ, Mitchell, VA, Piper, J, Hanna, L, Hailes, S, Koumpis, K (2007) Opportunities and challenges for configurable sensor networks for enabling effective fire in tunnel response. In
Conference of the International Emergency Management Society, 5-8 June 2007, TIEMS 2007, Trogir, Croatia, p.1.10.
May, AJ, Mitchell, VA, Piper, J, Hanna, L, Hailes, S, Koumpis, K (2007)
Opportunities and challenges for configurable sensor networks for enabling effective fire in tunnel response. In
The International Emergency Management Society [TIEMS] Conference, 5-8th June, 14th TIEMS Annual Conference, Trogir, Croatia, pp.1-10.
Sun, X and
May, AJ (2007)
Mobile personalization at large sports events; user experience and mobile device personalization. In
Usability and Internationalization. Global and local user interfaces. Held as part of HCI International 2007 Proceedings, 22-27 July, Part II Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Beijing, China, pp.1-10, ISBN: 978-3-540-73288-4. DOI:
Sun, X and
May, AJ (2007)
Mobile personalization in the context of large sports events. In
Techniques and Methodologies for Studying Technology Use "In the Wild" 24-28 September, ECSCW 2007 Workshop, Limerick, Ireland, pp.1-10.
Sun, X and
May, A (2007)
Mobile personalization at large sports events user experience and mobile device personalization. In
, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), pp.486-495, DOI:
Mitchell, VA,
May, AJ, Bowden, S, Thorpe, T (2006)
Using mobility as a conceptual framework for informing the design of mobile ict for construction professionals. In
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services, 12-15 September, Mobile HCI 06. ACM International Conference Proceedings Series, Helsinki, Finland, pp.45-48, ISBN: 1-59593-390-5. DOI:
May, A, Bayer, S, Ross, T, Tarkiainen, M (2006) Market potential for location based services. In
May, A, Bayer, S, Ross, T, Tarkiainen, M (2006) Market potential for location-based services. In
, 13th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems and Services.
May, AJ, Mitchell, VA, Bowden, S, Thorpe, T (2005)
Opportunities and challenges for location aware computing in the construction industry. In
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services, 19-22 September, Mobilw HCI 05. ACM International Conference Proceedings Series, Salzburg, Austria, pp.255-258, ISBN: 1-59593-089-2. DOI:
Ross, T,
May, AJ, Thompson, S (2004)
The use of landmarks in pedestrian navigation instructions and the effects of context. In
Mobile HCI Conference, HCI Conference, Glasgow, pp.300-304.
Ross, T,
May, AJ, Bayer, SH (2004)
Adding value for the navigation user. In
Proceedings of the Nav 04 Conference 'Location and Timing Applications' Maritime AIS and GNSS, 9-11 November, NAV 04 Conference, Church House, Westminster, London, p.11.
Bayer, SH, Ross, T,
May, AJ (2004)
The requirements for location based services: differences between target user groups. In
5th Wireless Worlds Conference 'Managing Wireless Communications' 15-16 July 2004, Managing Wireless Communications, University of Guildford, Surrey, p.43.
Tarkiainen, MJ, Osman, Z,
May, AJ (2003) Enabling Wider Access to Mobile Information Services. In
ECOM-03, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Electronic Commerce, Gdansk, Poland, 16-18 October, pp.173-180.
Tarkiainen, MJ and
May, AJ (2003) A Comparison of Access Speeds to Mobile Services. In
Solutions for Today . . . and Tomorrow, Proceedings of the 10th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems and Services, Madrid, Spain, 16-20 November, p.8.
Ross, T,
May, AJ, Bayer, SH (2003) Choosing, Using and Presenting Landmarks in Vehicle Navigation Systems. In
Solutions for Today . . . and Tomorrow, Proceedings of the 10th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems and Services, Madrid, Spain, 16-20 November, p.12.
May, AJ (2003)
Presentation of a users' perspective on valued mobile information services. In
Understanding How Users View the World. From Spatial Cognition of Geographic Information. Invited presentation 16 July, Ordnance Survey Research and Innovation Seminar, Southampton, p.17.
May, AJ and Ross, T (2002) A Virtual Simulation Tool for the Design of an Integrated In-Vehicle Driver HMI. In Stobart, RK and Childs, PRNE (ed)
How Do We Get the Innovation Back into Vehicle Design?, Proceedings of the 2nd IMechE Automobile Division Southern Centre Conference on Total Vehicle Technology, Brighton, 11-12 November, pp.155-163, ISBN: 1 86058 377 6.
Duffield, J, Ross, T,
May, AJ (2002) Navigation Aids: A Predictive Tool for Information Design. In McCabe, PTE (ed)
Contemporary Ergonomics 2002, Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Ergonomics Society, Cambridge, 3-5 April, pp.235-240, ISBN: 0 415 27734 5.
Ross, T and
May, AJ (2002)
HMI Integration for Driver Systems: INTEGRATE and VIVID. In
Proceedings of the Foresight Vehicle Design and Manufacturing Processes Thematic Group Project Day, Warwick, 5 February, p.18.
Bayer, SH,
May, AJ, Ross, T (2002) Information Requirements for Future Navigation Systems. In McCabe, PTE (ed)
Contemporary Ergonomics 2002, Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Ergonomics Society, Cambridge, 3-5 April, pp.246-251, ISBN: 0 415 27734 5.
Ross, T,
May, AJ, Badni, K (2002) The VIVID Visual Simulation Tool: A Foresight Vehicle Project to Support Driver HMI Integration. SAE Technical Paper 2002-01-0819. In
Foresight Vehicle Technology: Design, ITS, Safety, Electronics and Materials, Proceedings of the SAE 2002 World Congress, Detroit, Michigan, 4-7 March, pp.7-14, ISBN: 0 7680 0963 4.
May, A, Ross, T, Badni, KS (2002) The Vivid Visual Simulation Tool: a Foresight Vehicle Project to Support Driver HMI Integration. In
Foresight Vehicle Technology: Design, ITS, Safety, Electronics & Materials, Detroit, MI, USA, pp.12-19, ISBN: 0-7680-0963-4.
Burnett, G, Smith, D,
May, AJ (2001) Supporting the Navigation Task: Characteristics of 'Good' Landmarks. In Hanson, MAE (ed)
Contemporary Ergonomics 2001, Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Ergonomics Society, Cirencester, 10-12 April, pp.441-446, ISBN: 0 415 25073 0.
May, AJ, Ross, T, Bayer, SH, Burnett, G (2001)
Using Landmarks to Enhance Navigation Systems: Driver Requirements and Industrial Constraints. In
ITS America, Proceedings of the 8th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, Sydney, Australia, 30 September-4 October, p.12.
Ross, T and
May, AJ (2001)
A design approach for integration of the HMI to multiple driver systems. In
Vehicle Electronics Systems 2001 'What Does the Customer Need?', 27-28 June, 4th International Conference and Exhibition, Coventry, UK, p.301, ISBN: 0-7008-0730-6.
Ross, T,
May, AJ, Burnett, GE (2000)
Human Machine Interface Integration for Driver Systems. In
From Vision to Reality, Proceedings of the 7th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, Turin, Italy, 6-7 November, p.8.
Carter, CJ and
May, AJ (1998) The Impact of IT&T on Virtual Team Working in the European Automotive Industry. In Hanson, MAE (ed)
Contemporary Ergonomics 1998, Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Ergonomics Society, Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester, 1-3 April, pp.191-195, ISBN: 0 7484 0811 8.
Fairclough, SH,
May, AJ, Carter, C (1997)
The effect of time headway feedback on following behaviour. In
Annual Meeting of the Ergonomics-Society, ACCIDENT ANALYSIS AND PREVENTION, CANTERBURY, ENGLAND, pp.387-397, DOI:
Carter, CJ and
May, AJ (1997) User Evaluations of Virtual Team Working in the European Automotive Industry. In
CC '97, Proceedings of the Conference Competitive Communications, University of Warwick, 17-19 September, pp.182-189.
May, AJ, Carter, CJ, Joyner, SM (1995) What Can a SMAC System Do For Me?. In
The Benefits of CSCW in the European Manufacturing Industry, Proceedings of the 2nd International SMAC Workshop, Sligo, Republic of Ireland, 16-17 November, pp.26-35.
May, AJ, Carter, CJ, Smith, F, Fairclough, SH (1995) An Evaluation of an In-Vehicle Headway Feedback System with a Visual and Auditory Interface. In
Proceedings of the IEE Colloquium on Design of the Driver Interface, London, 19 January, pp.5/1-5/3.
Carter, CJ,
May, AJ, Smith, F, Fairclough, SH (1995) An Evaluation of an In-Vehicle Headway Feedback System. In Robertson, SAE (ed)
Contemporary Ergonomics 1995, Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Ergonomics Society, University of Kent at Canterbury, 4-6 April, pp.287-292, ISBN: 0 7484 0328 0.
Vaughan, GM,
May, AJ, Ross, T, Fenton, P (1994) A Human Factors Investigation of an RDS-TMC System. In ed, ERTICO (ed)
Towards an Intelligent Transport System, Proceedings of the 1st World Congress on Applications of Transport Telematics and Intelligent Vehicle-Highway Systems, Paris, France, 30 November-3 December, pp.1685-1692, ISBN: 0 89006 825 9.
CD Objects
Tarkiainen, MJ and May, AJ (2003) A Comparison of Access Speeds to Mobile Services,European Commission.
May, AJ (1998) Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW),, ISBN: 0 9654506 0 0.
Li, Y, Cook, S,
May, A (2020)
Understanding the exclusion issues of mobility-as-a-service (MaaS): The potential problems of older travellers’ involvement. In Q, G and J, Z (ed)
Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population. Technology and Society. HCII 2020, Springer International Publishing, Copenhagen, Denmark, pp.269-287, ISBN: 9783030502317. DOI:
Aceves-González, C, Cook, S,
May, A (2016)
Improving bus travel through inclusive service design. In
Ergonomics in Design: Methods and Techniques, pp.431-446, DOI:
Lyon, G, Jain, J, Mitchell, VA,
May, A (2011)
The Emergent Role of User Innovation in Reshaping Traveller Information Services. In Geels, FW, Kemp, R, Dudley, G (ed)
Automobility in Transition? A Socio-Technical Analysis of Sustainable Transport, Routledge, 13, ISBN: 978-0-415-88505-8.
School/Dept Working Papers
Shackel, B and May, AJ (1995) Man-Machine Interfaces for Instrumentation. 23 October 1995, London. Meeting Report.
May, AJ, Carter, CJ, Smith, FJ, Fairclough, SH (1995) The Effects of Headway Feedback on Drivers' Following Behaviour Under Conditions of High and Low Traffic Density.
Fairclough, SH and May, AJ (1995) A Study of Simulated Driver Impairment Monitoring.
May, AJ, Fairclough, SH, Carter, CJ, Smith, FJ, Stove, A (1995) Drivers' Following Criteria and Estimation as a Function of Speed, Experience and Scenario.
Zhou, C, Parker, C, May, A (Accepted for publication) Can AR Enhance Football Fans’ Experience?, 6th International AR and VR Conference 2020.
Firth, SK, Cockbill, S, Coleman, M, Dimitriou, V, Fouchal, F, Hargreaves, T, Hassan, T, Hauxwell-Baldwin, R, Kane, T, Liao, J,
May, A, Murray, D, Mitchell, V, Oliveira, L, Parker, C, Seeam, A, Stankovic, L, Stankovic, V, Webb, L, Wilson, C (2016)
Smart Homes and Saving Energy: Final summary report of the REFIT project, EPSRC.
Fruttaldo, S, Montanari, R, Touliou, K, Morris, AP,
May, AJ, Fildes, B, Alonso, M, Vega, MH (2012)
TeleFOT [Field Operational Tests of Aftermarket and Nomadic Devices in Vehicles]. D5.3.2 Markets and market potential of TeleFOT functions and services, pp.1-89, European Commission 7th Framework Programme.
Morris, A, Welsh, R,
May, A, Koskinen, S, Fowkes, M, Ross, T (2011)
TeleFOT: field operational tests of aftermarket and nomadic devices in vehicles. D 4.2.3, Overview of results from WP4.3 to WP4.7 on a half yearly basis (M32).
Gaitanidou, E, Pagkle, K, Morris, AP,
May, AJ, Karlson, M (2010)
TeleFOT [Field Operational Tests of Aftermarket and Nomadic Devices in Vehicles]. D3.4.1 Field Operational Tests Plans, pp.1-100, European Commission 7th Framework Programme.
Welsh, R, Morris, A, Li, B,
May, A, Ross, T, Reed, S (2010)
Safety data analysis plan: TeleFOT [Field Operational Tests of Aftermarket and Nomadic Devices in Vehicles] D4.3.1, pp.1-80.
May, AJ, Ross, T, Bayer, SH (2003)
Driver Mental Models and Influences When Prioritising Multiple Sources of Driver Information, p.80, EPSRC LINK Foresight Vehicle Programme & Loughborough IMCRC VIVID Project Report.
Ross, T,
May, AJ, Bayer, SH (2003)
Choosing, Using and Presenting Landmarks in Vehicle Navigation Systems.
Ross, T,
May, AJ, Duffield, JM, Paszkowicz, S (2002)
Driver Reaction to Navigation Instructions Incorporating Good and Poor Landmarks, p.168, EPSRC LINK Inland Surface Transport Programme REGIONAL Project Deliverable 4.
Ross, T and
May, AJ (2002)
Design Advice for the Inclusion of Landmarks in Vehicle Navigation Systems, p.28, EPSRC LINK Inland Surface Transport Programme REGIONAL Project Deliverable 5.
May, AJ, Ross, T, Duffield, JM (2002)
Development of a Model for Predicting the Navigational Effectiveness of Landmarks, p.44, EPSRC LINK Inland Surface Transport Programme REGIONAL Project Deliverable 3.
May, AJ and Ross, T (2002)
Future research ideas. REGIONAL, Project Deliverable 6. AR2479, p.15, EPSRC Link Inland Surface Transport Programme.
Ross, T and
May, AJ (2002)
HMI Integration for Driver Systems: INTEGRATE and VIVID.
Burnett, GE,
May, AJ, Ross, T (2001)
The Use of Landmarks Within Vehicle Navigation and Route Guidance Systems: A Literature Review, p.47, EPSRC LINK Inland Surface Transport Programme REGIONAL Project Deliverable 1.
Ross, T,
May, AJ, Burnett, GE (2001)
The Inclusion of Landmarks Within Navigation Systems: Industry Requirements, p.20, EPSRC LINK Inland Surface Transport Programme REGIONAL Project Deliverable 2.
May, AJ, Ross, T, Bayer, SH, Burnett, G (2001)
Using Landmarks to Enhance Navigation Systems: Driver Requirements and Industrial Constraints.
May, AJ, Burnett, GE, Ross, T (2000)
A Proposed Design Approach to Enhance Human Factors Integration of Driver Systems, p.62, EPSRC Innovative Manufacturing Initiative, Land Transport Programme, Telematics INTEGRATE Project Deliverable 5.
Ross, T,
May, AJ, Burnett, GE (2000)
Human Machine Interface Integration for Driver Systems.
Ross, T,
May, AJ, Ashby, MC, Burnett, GE (1999)
Industry Feedback & Implications for Future Research: Human Machine Interface Integration for Driver Systems, p.32, EPSRC Innovative Manufacturing Initiative, Land Transport Programme INTEGRATE Project Deliverable 4.
May, AJ, Burnett, GE, Ross, T (1999)
Development of Design Advice for HMI Integration of Driver Systems, p.63, EPSRC Innovative Manufacturing Initiative, Land Transport Programme INTEGRATE Project Deliverable 3.
Carter, CJ and
May, AJ (1999)
HF Summary of AC-ASSIST Final Trials, p.5, Jaguar Cars Ltd. Human Factors Secondment Milestone 3.
Carter, CJ and
May, AJ (1999)
HF Summary of UDC Final Trials, p.6, Jaguar Cars Ltd. Human Factors Secondment Milestone 4.
Carter, CJ and
May, AJ (1999)
Final Report, p.44, Jaguar Cars Ltd. Human Factors Secondment Milestone 5.
Carter, CJ and
May, AJ (1998)
Human Factors Summary of UDC Initial Trials, p.6, Jaguar Cars Ltd Human Factors Secondment Milestone 2.
May, AJ, Burnett, GE, Ross, T, Ashby, MC (1998)
Industry Requirements for Design Advice: Human Machine Interface Integration for Driver Systems, p.25, EPSRC Innovative Manufacturing Initiative, Land Transport Programme INTEGRATE Project Deliverable 2.
Ross, T, Burnett, GE, Graham, R,
May, AJ, Ashby, MC (1997)
State-of-the-Art Review: Human Machine Interface Integration for Driver Systems, p.97, EPSRC Innovative Manufacturing Initiative, Land Transport Programme INTEGRATE Project Deliverable 1.
Joyner, SM, Siemieniuch, CE,
May, AJ, Carter, CJ, Campion, SM, Cooper, KA (1997)
TEAM Final Project Review Report, p.72, CEC ACTS Programme Project AC070 TEAM Report Final.
May, AJ, Carter, CJ, Joyner, SM, McAllister, W, Meftah, A, Perrot, P, Pascarella, P, Chodura, H, Doblies, M, Carpenter, P, Caruso, P, Doran, C, D'Andrea, V, Foster, P, Pennington, J, Sleeman, B, Savage, R (1997)
Final Results of Demonstrator Evaluation, p.68, CEC ACTS Programme Project AC070 TEAM Deliverable DRP013.
Distler, K, McAllister, B, Pascarella, P, Carpenter, P, Caruso, P, Savage, R, Foster, P, Doran, C,
May, AJ, Andrea, VD, Fontana, F (1997)
Business Case, Cost-Benefit and Impact Analysis, p.47, CEC ACTS Programme Project AC070 TEAM Deliverable DRR016.
Distler, K, McAllister, B, Castore, M, Massone, A, Carpenter, P, Caruso, P, Savage, R, Foster, P, Gretton, J, Doron, C,
May, AJ, Campion, SM, Fontana, F, Martinoli, M (1996)
Interim Report on Cost-Benefit Analysis, p.35, CEC ACTS Programme Project AC070 TEAM Deliverable AC070/SIE/PCN/DRR008/b1.
May, AJ, Campion, SM, Carter, CJ, Cooper, KA, Joyner, SM, de Cet, A, Sartori, R, Perrot, P, Martinoli, M, Massone, A, Pascarella, P, Caruso, P, Sleeman, B, Carpenter, P, Savage, R, Smith, A, Wessel, M (1996)
Interim Results of Demonstrator Evaluation, p.75, CEC ACTS Project AC070 TEAM Deliverable DRROO7.
Joyner, SM, Siemieniuch, CE,
May, AJ, Carter, CJ, Campion, SM, Dambra, C, Doran, C, Foster, P (1996)
User and Organisational Requirements, p.73, CEC ACTS Programme Project AC070 TEAM Deliverable DRR003.
May, AJ, Joyner, SM, Smith, A, Pascerella, P, Caruso, P, Doran, C, Dambra, C, Doblies, M, Gotz, J, Hauber, C (1996)
Development of Evaluation Methodology and Criteria, p.33, CEC ACTS Project AC070 TEAM Report A501.
Ross, T, Midtland, K, Fuchs, M, Pauzie, A, Engert, A, Duncan, B, Vaughan, GM, Vernet, M, Peters, H, Burnett, GE,
May, AJ (1996)
HARDIE Design Guidelines Handbook. Human Factors Guidelines for Information Presentation by ATT Systems, p.530, CEC DRIVE II Project V2008 HARDIE Deliverable 20.
May, AJ, Joyner, SM, Siemieniuch, CE, Sutherland, D, Tran, K, Smith, A, Cote, A, Wartelle, D, Martinoli, M, Foster, P, Schendel, M, Marmigere, G, Gotz, J (1996)
Final Experiment Running and Evaluation, p.76, CEC RACE II Project R2112 SMAC Deliverable D15.
Ross, T, Vaughan, GM, Engert, A, Peters, H, Burnett, GE,
May, AJ (1995)
Human Factors Guidelines for Information Presentation by Route Guidance and Navigation Systems, p.79, CEC DRIVE II Project V2008 HARDIE Deliverable 19.
May, AJ, Burnett, GE, Joyner, SM (1995)
Integrating a Route Guidance Display Within a Vehicle: Safety Implications of Display Position, p.48, CEC EUREKA PROMETHEUS Programme BRIMMI CED 9: Dual Mode Route Guidance Report 5.2.
Burnett, GE,
May, AJ, Ross, T (1994)
The Prediction of the Effectiveness of Landmarks for Use Within a Route Guidance System, p.45, CEC DRIVE II Project V2008 HARDIE Deliverable 15.