Journal Articles
Wilson, C,
Mills, S, Wood, P (2025)
Children's environmental citizen science: Stakeholders' experiences and perceptions,
People and Nature, ISSN: 2575-8314. DOI:
Fadel, B, Smith, MB,
Mills, S, Rogerson, D, Sahasranaman, A, Okech, M, Turyamureeba, R, Tukundane, C, Ahimbisibwe, F, Boyle, O, Kanyandago, P (2024)
The scale, forms and distribution of volunteering amongst refugee youth populations in Uganda,
Population, Space and Place, 30(8), e2817, ISSN: 1544-8444. DOI:
Mills, S, Ash, J, Gordon, R (2024)
Digital geographies of home: Parenting practices in the space between gaming and gambling,
Children's Geographies, ISSN: 1473-3285. DOI:
Esson, J,
Mills, S, Blazek, M, Pickerill, J, Tebet, G, Kraftl, P (2023)
Reading Peter Kraftl's After childhood: re-thinking environment, materiality and media in children’s lives,
Political Geography, 110, 102995, ISSN: 0962-6298. DOI:
Mills, S, Ash, J, Gordon, R (2023)
Children and young people's experiences and understandings of gambling-style systems in digital games: loot boxes, popular culture, and changing childhoods,
Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 114(1), pp.200-217, ISSN: 2469-4452. DOI:
Smith, MB,
Mills, S, Okech, M, Fadel, B (2022)
Uneven geographies of youth volunteering in Uganda: Multi-scalar discourses and practices,
Geoforum, 134, pp.30-39, ISSN: 0016-7185. DOI:
Ash, J, Gordon, R,
Mills, S (2022)
Geographies of the event? Rethinking time and power through digital interfaces,
cultural geographies, 30(1), pp.3-18, ISSN: 1474-4740. DOI:
Mills, S and Waite, C (2022)
The state and voluntary sector in austere times: 10 years of National Citizen Service,
Geography, 107(1), pp.38-45, ISSN: 0016-7487. DOI:
Dunne, JLH and
Mills, S (2019)
Educational landscapes: Nature, place and moral geographies,
Geographical Journal, 185(3), pp.254-257, ISSN: 0016-7398. DOI:
Holloway, S, Holt, L,
Mills, S (2018)
Questions of agency: capacity, subjectivity, spatiality and temporality,
Progress in Human Geography, 43(3), pp.458-477, ISSN: 1477-0288.
Smith, D and
Mills, S (2018)
The 'youth-fullness' of youth geographies: 'coming of age'?,
Children's Geographies, ISSN: 1473-3285. DOI:
Mills, S and Waite, C (2017)
From big society to shared society? Geographies of social cohesion and encounter in the UK’s national citizen service,
Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography, 100(2), pp.131-148, ISSN: 0435-3684. DOI:
Mills, S, Clark, N, Fluri, JL, Tyner, J, Dixon, DP (2017)
Book review: Feminist Geopolitics: Material States, by Deborah P. Dixon,
AAG Review of Books, ISSN: 2325-548X. DOI:
Mills, S (2017)
Children, Childhood and Youth in the British World,
JOURNAL OF HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHY, 56, pp.154-154, ISSN: 0305-7488. DOI:
Mills, S and Waite, C (2017)
Brands of youth citizenship and the politics of scale: National Citizen Service in the United Kingdom,
Political Geography, ISSN: 0962-6298. DOI:
Mills, S (2017)
Voice: Sonic geographies of childhood,
Children's Geographies: advancing interdisciplinary understanding of younger people's lives, ISSN: 1473-3285. DOI:
Jones, R, Merriman, P,
Mills, S (2016)
Youth organisations and the reproduction of nationalism in Britain: the role of Urdd Gobaith Cymru,
Social and Cultural Geography, ISSN: 1470-1197. DOI:
Mills, S and Kraftl, P (2016)
Cultural geographies of education,
Cultural Geographies, 23(1), pp.19-27, ISSN: 1477-0881. DOI:
Mills, S (2016)
Jives, jeans and Jewishness? Moral geographies, atmospheres and the politics of mixing at the Jewish Lads’ Brigade & Club 1954–1969,
Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, ISSN: 0263-7758. DOI:
Woolvin, M,
Mills, S, Hardill, I, Rutherford, A (2015)
Divergent geographies of policy and practice? Voluntarism and devolution in England, Scotland and Wales,
The Geographical Journal, 181(1), pp.38-46, ISSN: 0016-7398. DOI:
Mills, S (2015)
Geographies of youth work, volunteering and employment: the Jewish Lads' Brigade and Club in post-war Manchester,
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, ISSN: 0020-2754. DOI:
McKendrick, JH, Kraftl, P,
Mills, S, Gregorius, S, Sykes, G (2015)
Complex geographies of play provision dis/investment across the UK,
International Journal of Play, ISSN: 2159-4937. DOI:
McKendrick, JH, Kraftl, P,
Mills, S, Gregorius, S, Sykes, G (2015)
Geographies for play in austere times,
International Journal of Play, ISSN: 2159-4937. DOI:
Mills, S (2014)
Geographies of education, volunteering and the lifecourse: the Woodcraft Folk in Britain (1925-1975),
cultural geographies, 23(1), pp.103-119, ISSN: 1474-4740. DOI:
Mills, S (2014)
Youth on streets and Bob-a-Job Week: Urban geographies of masculinity, risk, and home in postwar Britain,
Environment and Planning A, 46(1), pp.112-128, ISSN: 0308-518X. DOI:
Rogers, A, Bear, C, Hunt, M,
Mills, S, Sandover, R (2014)
Intervention: The impact agenda and human geography in UK higher education,
ACME, 13(1), pp.1-9.
Hardill, I and
Mills, S (2013)
Enlivening evidence-based policy through embodiment and emotions,
Contemporary Social Science, 8(3), pp.321-332, ISSN: 2158-2041. DOI:
Mills, S (2013)
Cultural-historical geographies of the archive: Fragments, objects and ghosts,
Geography Compass, 7(10), pp.701-713, DOI:
Mills, S (2013)
Surprise! Public historical geographies, user engagement and voluntarism,
Area, 45(1), pp.16-22, ISSN: 0004-0894. DOI:
Mills, S (2013)
An instruction in good citizenship': scouting and the historical geographies of citizenship education,
Robinson, J and
Mills, S (2012)
Being observant and observed: embodied citizenship training in the Home Guard and the Boy Scout Movement, 1907-1945,
JOURNAL OF HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHY, 38(4), pp.412-423, ISSN: 0305-7488. DOI:
Mills, S (2012)
Duty to God/my Dharma/Allah/Waheguru: Diverse youthful religiosities and the politics and performance of informal worship,
Social and Cultural Geography, 13(5), pp.481-499, ISSN: 1464-9365. DOI:
Mills, S (2012)
Young ghosts: Ethical and methodological issues of historical research in children's geographies,
Children's Geographies, 10(3), pp.357-363, ISSN: 1473-3285. DOI:
Mills, S (2011)
Be Prepared: Communism and the Politics of Scouting in 1950s Britain,
Contemporary British History, 25(3), pp.429-450, DOI:
Mills, S (2011)
Scouting for Girls? Gender and the Scout Movement in Britain,
Gender, Place and Culture: a journal of feminist geography, 18(4), pp.537-556, DOI:
Mills, S (Accepted for publication) The gamification of citizenship, Scottish Geographical Journal, pp.1-8, ISSN: 1470-2541. DOI: 10.1080/14702541.2025.2454033.
Fadel, B, Smith, MB, Ahimbisibwe, F, Boyle, O, Freimane, I, Kanyandago, P,
Mills, S, Okech, M, O'Loghlen, A, Rogerson, D, Sahasranaman, A, Tukundane, C, Turyamureeba, R (2024)
Volunteering by displaced youth in Uganda: Livelihoods, skills, employability and inequalities. In
Civic Engagement & Voluntary Services - Handbook for Science and Practice, Nomos-Verlagsgesellschaft, pp.763-772, ISBN: 9783756003976.
Mills, S (2021)
Introduction [Mapping the Moral Geographies of Education: Character, Citizenship and Values]. In
Mapping the Moral Geographies of Education: Character, Citizenship and Values, Routledge, pp.1-7, ISBN: 9781138300828. DOI:
Crawford, L and
Mills, S (2020)
Historical research: Gender, politics and ethics. In Silva, ADPHLJEOJM (ed)
Routledge Handbook of Gender and Feminist Geographies, Routledge, pp.490-500, ISBN: 9781138057685.
Crawford, L and
Mills, S (2020) Historical research: Gender, politics and ethics. In
Routledge Handbook of Gender and Feminist Geographies, pp.490-500.
Hardill, I and
Mills, S (2016) Enlivening evidence-based policy through embodiment and emotions. In
Knowledge Mobilisation and the Social Sciences: Research Impact and Engagement, pp.155-166.
Kallio, KP and
Mills, S (2016)
Editorial: geographies of children and young people's politics, citizenship and rights. In
Politics, Citizenship & Rights, Springer Science+Business Media, pp.0-0, ISBN: 9789814585569.
Mills, S (2016)
Archival fieldwork and children’s geographies. In
Methodological Approaches, © Springer, pp.0-0, ISBN: 9789814585897.
Mills, S and Duckett, J (2016)
Representing, reproducing and re-configuring the nation: geographies of youth citizenship and devolution. In
Politics, Citizenship and Rights, Vol. 7 of Skelton, T. (ed.) Major Reference Work on Geographies of Children and Young People, © Springer, pp.0-0, ISBN: 9789814585569.
Mills, S (2014)
'A powerful educational instrument': The woodcraft folk and indoor/outdoor 'nature', 1925-75. In
Informal Education, Childhood and Youth: Geographies, Histories, Practices, pp.65-78, DOI:
Mills, S (2014)
“A Powerful Educational Instrument": the Woodcraft Folk, indoor/outdoor nature 1925-1975. In
Informal Education, Childhood and Youth: Geographies, Histories, Practices, Palgrave Macmillan / © The Author reproduced with permission of Palgrave Macmillan, pp.65-78, ISBN: 9781137027726.
Mills, S and Kraftl, P (2014)
Introduction: geographies, histories and practices of informal education. In
Informal Education, Childhood and Youth: Geographies, Histories, Practices, Palgrave Macmillan / © The Authors reproduced with permission of Palgrave Macmillan, pp.1-18, ISBN: 9781137027726.
Mills, S (2009)
Citizenship and Faith: Muslim Scout Groups. In
Muslim Spaces of Hope: Geographies of Possibility in Britain and the West, pp.85-103.
Mills, S (2009) Youth Citizenship and Religious Difference: Muslim Scouting in the United Kingdom. In Proctor, T and Block, N (ed)
Scouting Frontiers: Global Youth and the Scout Movement’s First Century, pp.190-206.