Publications for Sarah Holloway
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Journal Articles
Holloway, S, Pimlott-Wilson, H, Whewall, S (2024)
Geographies of supplementary education: private tuition, classed and racialised parenting cultures, and the neoliberal educational playing field,
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 49(3), e12666, ISSN: 0020-2754. DOI:
Pimlott-Wilson, H and
Holloway, S (2021)
Supplementary education and the coronavirus pandemic: Economic vitality, business spatiality and societal value in the private tuition industry during the first wave of Covid-19 in England,
Geoforum, 127, pp.71-80, ISSN: 0016-7185. DOI:
Holloway, S and Pimlott-Wilson, H (2021)
Solo self-employment, entrepreneurial subjectivity and the security-precarity continuum: evidence from private tutors in the supplementary education industry,
Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 53(6), pp.1547-1564, ISSN: 0308-518X. DOI:
Kraftl, P, Andrews, W, Beech, S, Ceresa, G,
Holloway, S, Johnson, V, White, C (2021)
Geographies of education: A journey,
Area, 54(1), pp.15-23, ISSN: 0004-0894. DOI:
Kučerová, SR,
Holloway, S, Jahnke, H (2020)
The institutionalization of the geography of education: an international perspective,
Journal of Pedagogy, 11(1), pp.13-34, ISSN: 1338-1563. DOI:
Holloway, S and Kirby, P (2019)
Neoliberalising education: new geographies of private tuition, class privilege and minority ethnic advancement,
Antipode: a radical journal of geography, 52(1), pp.164-184, ISSN: 0066-4812. DOI:
Holloway, S and Pimlott-Wilson, H (2019)
Marketising private tuition: Representations of tutors' competence, entrepreneurial opportunities, and service legitimation in home tutoring business manuals,
British Educational Research Journal, 46(1), pp.205-221, ISSN: 0141-1926. DOI:
Holloway, S, Holt, L, Mills, S (2018)
Questions of agency: capacity, subjectivity, spatiality and temporality,
Progress in Human Geography, 43(3), pp.458-477, ISSN: 1477-0288.
Holloway, S and Pimlott-Wilson, H (2018)
Reconceptualising play: balancing childcare, extra-curricular clubs and free play in contemporary childhoods,
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 43(3), pp.420-434, ISSN: 0020-2754. DOI:
Holloway, SL and Pimlott-Wilson, H (2016)
New economy, neoliberal state and professionalised parenting: mothers’ labour market engagement and state support for social reproduction in class-differentiated Britain,
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 41(4), pp.376-388, ISSN: 0020-2754. DOI:
Holloway, SL and Pimlott-Wilson, H (2014)
Enriching Children, Institutionalizing Childhood? Geographies of Play, Extracurricular Activities, and Parenting in England,
Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 104(3), pp.613-627, ISSN: 0004-5608. DOI:
Holloway, S and Pimlott-Wilson, H (2014)
“Any advice is welcome isn’t it?”: neoliberal parenting education, local mothering cultures and social class, ISSN: 0308-518X. DOI:
Holloway, S (2014)
Changing children's geographies,
CHILDRENS GEOGRAPHIES, 12(4), pp.377-392, ISSN: 1473-3285. DOI:
Holloway, SL and Pimlott-Wilson, H (2013)
Parental involvement in children's learning: Mothers' fourth shift, social class, and the growth of state intervention in family life,
Holloway, SL and Valentine, G (2012)
Cyberworlds: Children in the information age, pp.68-80, DOI:
Holloway, SL, O'Hara, SL, Pimlott-Wilson, H (2012)
Educational mobility and the gendered geography of cultural capital: The case of international student flows between central Asia and the UK,
Environment and Planning A, 44(9), pp.2278-2294, ISSN: 0308-518X. DOI:
Holloway, SL and Jöns, H (2012)
Geographies of education and learning,
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 37(4), pp.482-488, ISSN: 0020-2754. DOI:
Holloway, SL and Pimlott-Wilson, H (2012)
Neoliberalism, policy localisation and idealised subjects: A case study on educational restructuring in England,
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 37(4), pp.639-654, ISSN: 0020-2754. DOI:
Jayne, M, Valentine, G,
Holloway, SL (2012)
What Use Are Units? Critical Geographies of Alcohol Policy,
Antipode, 44(3), pp.828-846, ISSN: 0066-4812. DOI:
Holloway, SL and Pimlott Wilson, HL (2011)
The politics of aspiration: neo-liberal education policy, 'low' parental aspirations, and primary school Extended Services in disadvantaged communities,
Children's Geographies, 9(1), pp.79-94, ISSN: 1473-3285.
Holloway, SL, Brown, G, Pimlott Wilson, HL (2011)
Geographies of Education and Aspiration,
Children's Geographies, 9(1), pp.1-5, ISSN: 1473-3285.
Jayne, M, Valentine, G,
Holloway, SL (2011) What Use Are Units? Critical Geographies of Alcohol Policy,
Antipode, ISSN: 0066-4812.
Valentine, G,
Holloway, SL, Jayne, M (2010) Contemporary cultures of abstinence and the night-time economy: Muslim attitudes towards alcohol and the implications for social cohesion,
Environment and Planning A, 42(1), pp.8-22, ISSN: 0308-518X.
Valentine, G,
Holloway, SL, Jayne, M (2010) Generational patterns of alcohol consumption: continuity and change,
Health & Place, 16(5), pp.916-925, ISSN: 1353-8292.
Holloway, SL, Hubbard, PJ, Jons, H, Pimlott Wilson, H (2010)
Geographies of education and the importance of children, youth and families,
Progress in Human Geography, 34(5), pp.583-600, ISSN: 0309-1325. DOI:
Jayne, M, Valentine, G,
Holloway, SL (2010) Emotional, embodied and affective geographies of alcohol, drinking and drunkeness,
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 35(4), pp.540-554, ISSN: 0020-2754.
Holloway, SL (2009)
Masculinities, femininities and the geographies of public and private drinking landscapes,
Geoforum, 40(5), pp.821-831, ISSN: 0016-7185. DOI:
Jayne, M, Valentine, G,
Holloway, SL (2008)
The place of drink: geographical contributions alcohol studies,
Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, 15(3), pp.219-232, ISSN: 0968-7637. DOI:
Jayne, M, Valentine, G,
Holloway, SL (2008)
Fluid boundaries - British binge drinking and European civility: alcohol and the production and consumption of public space,
Space & Polity, 12(1), pp.81-100, ISSN: 1356-2576. DOI:
Valentine, G,
Holloway, S, Knell, C, Jayne, M (2008)
Drinking places: young people and cultures of alcohol consumption in rural environments,
Journal of Rural Studies, 24(1), pp.28-40, ISSN: 0743-0167. DOI:
Jayne, M, Valentine, G,
Holloway, SL (2008) Geographies of alcohol, drinking and drunkenness: a review of progress,
Progress in Human Geography, 32(2), pp.247-263, ISSN: 0309-1325.
Holloway, SL, Jayne, M, Valentine, G (2008)
Sainsbury's is my local: English alcohol policy, domestic drinking practices and the meaning of home,
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 33(4), pp.532-547, ISSN: 0020-2754. DOI:
Holloway, SL, Hubbard, PJ, Jons, H, Mavroudi, E, Noxolo, PEP (2008)
Worlds in one city. Review of Massey, D, 'World City',
Area, 40(3), pp.412-413, ISSN: 0004-0894. DOI:
Holloway, SL (2007) Burning issues: whiteness, rurality and the politics of difference,
Geoforum, 38(1), pp.7-20, ISSN: 0016-7185.
Jayne, M,
Holloway, SL, Valentine, G (2006) Drunk and disorderly: alcohol, urban life and public space,
Progress in Human Geography, 30, pp.451-468, ISSN: 0309-1325.
Holt, L and
Holloway, SL (2006) Editorial: Theorising other childhoods in a globalised world,
Children's Geographies, 4, pp.135-142, ISSN: 1473-3285.
Holloway, SL (2005)
Articulating otherness? White rural residents talk about gypsy-travellers,
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 30(3), pp.351-367, ISSN: 0020-2754. DOI:
Holloway, SL (2004) Rural roots, rural routes: discourses of rural self and travelling other in debates about the future of Appleby New Fair, 1945-1969,
Journal of Rural Studies, 20(2), pp.143-156.
Holloway, SL (2003)
Outsiders in rural society? Constructions of rurality and nature - society relations in the racialisation of English Gypsy-Travellers, 1869-1934,
Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 21(6), pp.695-715, ISSN: 0263-7758. DOI:
Holloway, SL (2003) On not evacuating the area: politics and the usefulness of academic work,
Children, Youth and Environments, 13(2), pp.E-journal, ISSN: 1546-2250.
Valentine, G and
Holloway, SL (2002)
Cyberkids? Exploring children's identities and social networks in on-line and off-line worlds,
Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 92(2), pp.302-319, ISSN: 0004-5608. DOI:
Valentine, G,
Holloway, S, Bingham, N (2002) The digital generation? Children, ICT and the everyday nature of social exclusion,
Antipode, 34(2), pp.296-315, ISSN: 0066-4812.
Valentine, G,
Holloway, S, Bingham, N (2002)
The digital generation?: Children, ICT and the everyday nature of social exclusion,
Antipode, 34(2), pp.296-315, ISSN: 0066-4812. DOI:
Holloway, SL (2001)
Cultural geographies,
PROGRESS IN HUMAN GEOGRAPHY, 25(4), pp.662-663, ISSN: 0309-1325. DOI:
Valentine, G and
Holloway, S (2001)
On-line Dangers?: Geographies of Parents’ Fears for Children's Safety in Cyberspace,
The Professional Geographer, 53(1), pp.71-83, ISSN: 0033-0124. DOI:
Holloway, SL and Valentine, G (2001) Making an argument: writing up human geography projects,
Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 25(1), pp.127-132, ISSN: 0309-8265.
Valentine, G and
Holloway, S (2001) On-line dangers?: geographies of parent's fears for children's safety in cyberspace,
Professional Geographer, 53(1), pp.71-83, ISSN: 0033-0124.
Valentine, G and
Holloway, SL (2001) A window on the wider world? Rural children's use of information and communication technologies,
Journal of Rural Studies, 17(4), pp.383-394, ISSN: 0743-0167.
Holloway, SL and Valentine, G (2001) Placing cyberspace: processes of Americanization in British children's use of the Internet,
Area, 33(2), pp.153-160, ISSN: 0004-0894.
Holloway, SL and Valentine, G (2001) 'It's only as stupid as you are': children's and adult's negotiation of ICT competence at home and at school,
Social and Cultural Geography, 2(1), pp.25-42, ISSN: 1464-9365.
Holloway, SL and Valentine, G (2001) Children at home in the wired world: reshaping and rethinking the home in urban geography,
Urban Geography, 22(6), pp.562-583, ISSN: 0272-3638.
Holloway, SL, Valentine, G, Bingham, N (2000) Institutionalising technologies: masculinities, femininities and the heterosexual economy of the IT classroom,
Environment & Planning A, 32(4), pp.617-633, ISSN: 0308-518X.
Holloway, SL and Valentine, G (2000) Spatiality and the new social studies of childhood,
Sociology, 34(4), pp.763-783, ISSN: 0038-0385.
Holloway, SL and Valentine, G (2000) Corked hats and Coronation Street: space British and New Zealand children's imaginative geographies of the other,
Childhood: A Global Journal of Child Reserch, 7(3), pp.335-357, ISSN: 0907-5682.
Valentine, G and
Holloway, S (1999)
'The Vision Thing',
Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 5(4), pp.63-79, ISSN: 1354-8565. DOI:
Holloway, S, Lee, L, McConkey, R (1999)
Meeting the training needs of community-based service personnel in Africa through video-based training courses,
Disability and Rehabilitation, 21(9), pp.448-454, ISSN: 0963-8288. DOI:
Bingham, N,
Holloway, SL, Valentine, G (1999) Where do you want to go tomorrow? Connecting children and the internet,
Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 17(6), pp.655-672.
Valentine, G and
Holloway, SL (1999) 'The vision thing': schools and information and communication technology,
Convergence: The Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 5(4), pp.63-79.
Holloway, SL (1999) Mother and worker?: the negotiation of motherhood and paid employment in two urban neighbourhoods,
Urban Geography, 20(5), pp.438-460.
Holloway, SL (1998) Local childcare cultures: moral geographies of mothering and the social organisation of pre-school education,
Gender, Place and Culture, 5(1), pp.29-53, ISSN: 0966-369X.
Holloway, SL (1998) 'She lets me go out once a week': mothers' strategies for obtaining 'personal' time and space,
Area, 30(4), pp.321-330.
Holloway, SL (1998) Geographies of justice: preschool-childcare provision and the conceptualisation of social justice,
Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 16(1), pp.85-104, ISSN: 0263-774X.
Holt, L (2010) Geographies of Children, Youth and Families: International Perspectives. In Holt, L (ed) , pp.1-8, ISBN: 978-0-415-56384-0.
Valentine, G and Holloway, SL (2002) Children's use of the Internet: a time of safety or a time of risk?. In Colozzi, I and Giovannini, GE (ed) Unprotected Time of Young People in the EU, Bologna, pp.185-198.
Bingham, N, Valentine, G, Holloway, SL (1999) On the sociality of young people's use of the internet. In Marquet, P, Mathey, S, Jaillet, A, Nissen, eds, E (ed) Internet-Based Teaching and Learning IN-TELE 98, Strasbourg, pp.467-471, ISBN: 3 631 35557 2.
Jayne, M, Valentine, G,
Holloway, SL (2016)
Alcohol, Drinking, Drunkenness: (Dis)Orderly Spaces. DOI:
Laurie, N, Dwyer, C,
Holloway, SL, Smith, FM (2014)
Preface,ISBN: 9780582320246.
Laurie, N, Dwyer, C,
Holloway, SL, Smith, FM (2014)
Geographies of new femininities. DOI:
Laurie, N, Dwyer, C,
Holloway, SL, Smith, FM (2014)
Preface,ISBN: 9780582320246.
Laurie, N, Dwyer, C,
Holloway, SL, Smith, FM (2014)
Holloway, SL and Valentine, G (2014)
Cyberkids: Youth identities and communities in an on-line world. DOI:
Jayne, M, Valentine, G,
Holloway, SL (2012)
Alcohol, drinking, drunkenness: (Dis)orderly spaces,ISBN: 9780754671602.
Jayne, M, Valentine, G,
Holloway, SL (2011)
Alcohol, Drinking and Drunkeness: (Dis)Orderly Spaces, Ashgate, ISBN: 9780754671602.
Clifford, N,
Holloway, SL, Rice, SP, Valentine, G (ed) (2009)
Key Concepts in Human Geography, Sage, ISBN: 978-1-4129-3022-2.
Valentine, G,
Holloway, SL, Jayne, M, Knell, CA (2007)
Drinking Places: Where People Drink and Why, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, ISBN: 978 1 85935 619 7.
Holloway, SL and Valentine, G (2004)
Children's geographies: Playing, living, learning. DOI:
Holloway, SL, Rice, SP, Valentine, G (ed) (2003)
Key Concepts in Geography, Sage, ISBN: 0 7619 7389 3.
Holloway, SL and Valentine, G (2002)
Cyberkids: Children in the Information Age, Routledge Falmer, ISBN: 0 41523059 4.
Holloway, SL and Valentine, G (ed) (2000)
Children's Geographies: Playing, Living, Learning, Routledge, ISBN: 0 415 20730 4.
Laurie, N, Dwyer, C,
Holloway, SL, Smith, FM (1999)
Geographies of New Femininities, Addison Wesley Longman: Harlow, ISBN: 0 58232024 0.
Holloway, S and Pimlott-Wilson, H (2019)
Schools, families, and social reproduction. In Jahnke, H, Kramer, C, Meusburger, P (ed)
Geographies of Schooling, Springer, pp.281-296, ISBN: 9783030187989. DOI:
Jayne, M, Valentine, G,
Holloway, SL (2018) Relationships, reciprocity and care: alcohol, sharing and ‘urban crisis’. In Ince, A and Hall, SM (ed)
Sharing Economies in Times of Crisis: Practices, Politics and Possibilities, Routledge, pp.66-79.
Jayne, M, Valentine, G,
Holloway, S (2016)
Geographical perspectives on drug and alcohol studies. In
Handbook on Drug and Alcohol Studies - Social Science Perspectives, © SAGE, pp.117-132, ISBN: 9781446298664.
Jayne, M, Valentine, G,
Holloway, S (2016)
Consumption and context. In
Handbook on Drug and Alcohol Studies - Social Science Perspectives, © SAGE, pp.352-364.
Holloway, SL (2014) Reproducing motherhood. In
Geographies of New Femininities, pp.91-112.
Gregson, N, Kothari, U, Cream, J, Dwyer, C,
Holloway, S, Maddrell, A, Rose, G (2014) Gender in feminist geography. In
Feminist Geographies: Explorations in Diversity and Difference, pp.49-85.
Holloway, SL and Pimlott Wilson, HL (2011)
Geographies of children, youth and families: defining achievements, debating the agenda. In Holt, L (ed)
Geographies of Children, Youth and Families: an International Perspective, Routledge, pp.9-24, ISBN: 978-0-415-56384-0.
Jayne, M, Valentine, G,
Holloway, SL (2009) Fluid boundaries -- British binge drinking and European civility: alcohol and the production and consumption of public space. In Rumford, CE (ed)
Citizens and Borderwork in Contemporary Europe, Routledge, pp.81-100, ISBN: 978-0-415-47225-8.
Holloway, SL (2008) House and home. In Hall, T, Hubbard, J, P, Short, eds, JR (ed)
The SAGE Companion to the City, Sage, pp.250-266, ISBN: 978-1-4129-0207-6.
Bell, D,
Holloway, SL, Jayne, M, Valentine, G (2008) Pleasure and Leisure. In Hall, T, Hubbard, J, P, Short, eds, JR (ed)
The SAGE Companion to the City, Sage, pp.167-184, ISBN: 978-1-4129-0207-6.
Clary, BJ, Dolfsma, W, Figart, DM (2006)
Ethics and the Market. In
Unknown Parent Title, Routledge. DOI:
Clary, BJ, Dolfsma, W, Figart, DM (2006)
Ethics and the market: Insights from social economics. In
Unknown Parent Title, pp.1-208, DOI:
Holloway, SL (2005) Identity and difference: age, disability and sexuality. In Cloke, P, Crang, P, Goodwin, M (ed)
Introducing Human Geographies, Hodder Arnold, pp.400-410, ISBN: 0 340 88276 X.
Valentine, G,
Holloway, SL, Bingham, N (2004) Transforming cyberspace: Children's interventions in the new public sphere. In
Children's Geographies: Playing, Living, Learning, pp.135-149.
Ekinsmyth, C, Elmhirst, R,
Holloway, SL, Jarvis, H (2004) Love changes all: making some noise by 'coming out' as mothers. In Women, and Group, GS (ed)
Geography and Gender Reconsidered, Women and Geography Study Group of the Royal Geographical Society with the Institute of British Geographers, pp.95-107.
Valentine, G and
Holloway, SL (2003) Children's use of the Internet: a time of safety or a time of risk?. In Colozzi, I and Giovannini, GE (ed)
Young People in Europe: Risk, Autonomy and Responsibilities, Franco Angeli, pp.135-147.
Holloway, SL, Rice, SP, Valentine, G (2003)
Preface. In
Holloway, , L, S, Rice, P, S, Valentine, eds, G (ed)
Key Concepts in Geography, Sage, pp.xiv-xxvi, ISBN: 07619 7389 3.
Holloway, SL (2003) Sarah Holloway on Cindi Katz. In McKendrick, JE (ed)
First Steps: A Primer on the Geographies of Children and Youth, Limited Life Workinng Party on Children, Youth and Families of the Royal Geographical Society with the Institute of British Geographers, p.7.
Holloway, S and Valentine, G (2003)
Corked hats and Coronation Street: Children's imaginative geographies. In
Aspects of Teaching Secondary Geography: Perspectives on practice, pp.313-334, DOI:
Bingham, N, Valentine, G,
Holloway, SL (2001) Life around the screen: reframing young people's use of the Internet'. In Watson, N and Cunningham-Burley, SE (ed)
Reframing the Body, Palgrave, pp.228-243, ISBN: 0 333 77448 5.
Valentine, G and
Holloway, SL (2001) Technophobia: parents and children's fears about information and communication technologies and the transformation of culture and society. In Hutchby, I and Moran-Ellis, JE (ed)
Children, Technology and Culture, Routledge Falmer, pp.58-77, ISBN: 0-415-23635-5.
Holloway, SL and Valentine, G (2000) Children's geographies and the new social studies of childhood. In
Holloway, SL and Valentine, G (ed)
Children's Geographies: Playing, Living, Learning, Routledge, pp.1-26, ISBN: 0-902447-26-2.
Valentine, G,
Holloway, SL, Bingham, N (2000) Transforming cyberspace: children's interventions in the new public sphere. In
Holloway, SL and Valentine, G (ed)
Children's Geographies: Playing, Living, Learning, Routledge, pp.156-173.
Bingham, N, Valentine, G,
Holloway, SL (1999) Re-locating children's use of the internet. In Rapi, S, Langham-Brown, J, Lees, eds, T (ed)
Youth and Global Media, University of Luton Press, pp.24-29, ISBN: 1 860 20 564X.
Rose, G, Gregson, N, Foord, J, Dwyer, C,
Holloway, SL, Laurie, N, Maddrell, A, Skelton, T (1997) Introduction. In Women, and Group, GS (ed)
Feminist Geographies: Explorations in Diversity and Difference, Addison Wesley Longman, pp.1-12, ISBN: 0 582 24636 9.
Gregson, N, Kothari, U, Cream, J, Dwyer, C,
Holloway, SL, Maddrell, A, Rose, G (1997) Gender in feminist geography. In Women, and Group, GS (ed)
Feminist Geographies: Explorations in Diversity and Difference, Addison Wesley Longman, pp.13-48, ISBN: 0 582 24636 9.
Holloway, SL and Jons, H (2012)
Geographies of Education and Learning: Transactions Virtual Issue.
Holloway, SL and Jons, H (2012)
Virtual Issue: Geographies of Education and Learning.
Holloway, SL, Hubbard, PJ, Jöns, H, Mavroudi, E, Noxolo, PEP (2008)
'Worlds in one city': forum book review of 'World City' by Doreen Massey.
Holloway, SL (2001)
Anderson, K. and Gale, F. 'Cultural Geographies'.
Holloway, SL (1999)
Ainley, R. (ed) 'New Frontiers of Space, Bodies and Gender'.
Holloway, SL (1998)
Taylor, L. et al, 'A Tale of Two Cities: Gobal Change, Local Feeling and Everyday Life in the North of England. A Study in Manchester and Sheffield'.
Holloway, SL (1998)
Duncan, S. and Edwards, R. (eds) 'Single Mothers in an International Contect: Mothers or Workers?'.
Holloway, SL (1997)
Allan, D. (ed), 'In at the Deep End: First Experiences of University Teaching'.
Holloway, SL and Hay, AM (1993)
Rogers, A. et al, 'The Students' Companion of Geography'.