Journal Articles
White, J, Seddon, E, Hill, M,
Mathers, K, Bridger, M, Hannah, D, Wood, P (2024) Going to the archives: Combining palaeoecological andcontemporary data to support river restoration appraisals,
River Research and Applications: an international journal devoted to river research and management, ISSN: 0886-9375.
Mathers, K, Armitage, PD, Hill, M, Bickerton, M, Mckenzie, M, Pardo, I, Tickner, D, Wood, PJ (2024)
Context specific effects of substrate composition on the taxonomic and functional diversity of macroinvertebrate communities in temperate lowland streams,
Ecology and Evolution, 14(8), ISSN: 2045-7758. DOI:
Sanders, CH, Buckley, PL, Hunt, CD,
Mathers, K, Mills, D (2024)
Ponto-Caspian amphipod co-location with zebra mussel beds (Dreissena polymorpha) is influenced by substrate size and population source,
Hydrobiologia, ISSN: 0018-8158. DOI:
Snåre, H, García-Girón, J, Alahuhta, J, Bini, LM, Boda, P, Bonada, N, Brasil, LS, Callisto, M, Castro, DMP, Chen, K, Csabai, Z, Datry, T, Domisch, S, Márquez, JRG, Floury, M, Friberg, N, Gill, BA, González-Trujillo, JD, Göthe, E, Haase, P, Hamada, N, Hill, MJ, Hjort, J, Juen, L, Jupke, JF, de Faria, APJ, Li, Z, Ligeiro, R, Linares, MS, Luiza-Andrade, A, Macedo, DR,
Mathers, K, Mellado-Díaz, A, Milosevic, D, Moya, N, Poff, NL, Rolls, RJ, Roque, FO, Saito, VS, Sandin, L, Schäfer, RB, Scotti, A, Siqueira, T, Martins, RT, Valente-Neto, F, Wang, B, Wang, J, Xie, Z, Heino, J (2024)
The relationships between biotic uniqueness and abiotic uniqueness are context dependent across drainage basins worldwide,
Landscape Ecology, 39, 86, ISSN: 0921-2973. DOI:
Mckenzie, M, Scott, J, Wood, P,
Mathers, K (2024)
Phenotypic plasticity of a Baetid mayfly larvae (Baetis rhodani) at sites with high levels of deposited fine sediment,
Ecological Entomology, ISSN: 0307-6946. DOI:
Mckenzie, M, Brooks, A, Callisto, M, Collins, AL, Durkota, JM, Death, RG, Jones, JI, Linares, MS, Matthaei, CD, Monk, WA, Murphy, JF, Wagenhoff, A, Wilkes, M, Wood, PJ,
Mathers, K (2024)
Freshwater invertebrate responses to fine sediment stress: A multi‐continent perspective,
Global Change Biology, 30(1), ISSN: 1354-1013. DOI:
Davis, NG,
Mathers, K, Hodson, R, Matthaei, CD (2023)
Monthly sampling reveals seasonal fine sediment fluctuations and riverine invertebrate community responses,
Science of The Total Environment, 911(2024), 168750, ISSN: 0048-9697. DOI:
Mathers, K, Armitage, PD, Hill, M, Mckenzie, M, Pardo, I, Wood, P (2023)
Seasonal variability of lotic macroinvertebrate communities at the habitat scale demonstrates the value of discriminating fine sediment fractions in ecological assessments,
Ecology and Evolution, 13(10), ISSN: 2045-7758. DOI:
Sanders, CH, Rice, S, Wood, P,
Mathers, K (2023)
The long-term dynamics of invasive signal crayfish forcing of fluvial sediment supply via riverbank burrowing,
Geomorphology, 442, 108924, ISSN: 0169-555X. DOI:
Mathers, K, Clinton, K, Constable, D, Gerrard, C, Patel, C, Wood, P (2023)
Invasion dynamics of Ponto‐Caspian amphipods leads to changes in invertebrate community structure and function,
Ecosphere, 14(7), e4593, ISSN: 2150-8925. DOI:
Mathers, K, Guareschi, S, Pattison, Z (2022)
Biological invasions in rivers and associated ecosystems: New insights, challenges, and methodological advancements,
River Research and Applications, 38(8), pp.1351-1355, ISSN: 1535-1459. DOI:
Kowarik, C, Martin-Creuzburg, D,
Mathers, K, Weber, C, Robinson, CT (2022)
Stream degradation affects aquatic resource subsidies to riparian ground-dwelling spiders,
Science of The Total Environment, 855, 158658, ISSN: 0048-9697. DOI:
Mathers, K, Rice, S, Chadd, R, Wood, P (2022)
Influence of invasive crayfish on fine sediment transport, ingress and bed storage in lowland rivers,
River Research and Applications, 38(8), pp.1481-1494, ISSN: 1535-1459. DOI:
Mathers, K, Doretto, A, Fenoglio, S, Hill, MJ, Wood, P (2022)
Temporal effects of fine sediment deposition on benthic macroinvertebrate community structure, function and biodiversity likely reflects landscape setting,
Science of The Total Environment, 829, 154612, ISSN: 0048-9697. DOI:
Mathers, K, Robinson, CT, Weber, C (2022)
Patchiness in flow refugia use by macroinvertebrates following an artificial flood pulse,
River Research and Applications, 38(4), pp.696-707, ISSN: 1535-1459. DOI:
Hill, MJ, Greaves, HM, Sayer, CD, Hassall, C, Milin, M, Milner, VS, Marazzi, L, Hall, R, Harper, LR, Thornhill, I, Walton, R, Biggs, J, Ewald, N, Law, A, Willby, N, White, JC, Briers, RA,
Mathers, K, Jeffries, MJ, Wood, P (2021)
Pond ecology and conservation: research priorities and knowledge gaps,
Ecosphere, 12(12), e03853, ISSN: 2150-8925. DOI:
Mathers, K, Guareschi, S, Patel, C, Wood, P (2021)
Response of freshwater snails to invasive crayfish varies with physiochemical exposure cues and predator experience,
Freshwater Biology, 67(3), pp.473-486, ISSN: 0046-5070. DOI:
Mathers, K, Robinson, CT, Weber, C (2021)
Artificial flood reduces fine sediment clogging enhancing hyporheic zone physicochemistry and accessibility for macroinvertebrates,
Ecological Solutions and Evidence, 2(4), e12103, ISSN: 2688-8319. DOI:
Hill, MJ, Wood, P,
Mathers, K (2021)
Taxonomic and functional macroinvertebrate diversity of high‐altitude ponds in the Macun Cirque, Switzerland,
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 31(11), pp.3201-3214, ISSN: 1052-7613. DOI:
Mathers, K, Kowarik, C, Rachelly, C, Robinson, CT, Weber, C (2021)
The effects of sediment traps on instream habitat and macroinvertebrates of mountain streams,
Journal of Environmental Management, 295, 113066, ISSN: 0301-4797. DOI:
Patel, C, Vadher, AN,
Mathers, K, Dwyer, C, Wood, P (2021)
Body size affects the vertical movement of benthic amphipods through subsurface sediments in response to drying,
Hydrobiologia, 848, pp.1015-1025, ISSN: 0018-8158. DOI:
Pledger, A, Brewin, P,
Mathers, K, Phillips, J, Wood, P, Yu, D (2020)
The effects of water injection dredging on low-salinity estuarine ecosystems: implications for fish and macroinvertebrate communities,
Ecological Indicators, 122, 107244, ISSN: 1470-160X. DOI:
Gething, KJ, Ripley, MC,
Mathers, K, Chadd, RP, Wood, P (2020)
The influence of substrate type on macroinvertebrate assemblages within agricultural drainage ditches,
Hydrobiologia, 847, ISSN: 0018-8158. DOI:
Mathers, K, White, JC, Guareschi, S, Hill, MJ, Heino, J, Chadd, R (2020)
Invasive crayfish alter the long‐term functional biodiversity of lotic macroinvertebrate communities,
Functional Ecology, 34(11), pp.2350-2361, ISSN: 0269-8463. DOI:
Mathers, K, Michalec, F, Holzner, M, Weber, C (2020)
Beneath the surface: Application of transparent super absorbent polymer substrates to track faunal activity within the sediment layer,
Freshwater Biology, 65(11), pp.1923-1935, ISSN: 0046-5070. DOI:
Beatty, C,
Mathers, K, Patel, C, Constable, D, Wood, P (2020)
Substrate mediated predator–prey interactions between invasive crayfish and indigenous and non-native amphipods,
Biological Invasions, 22(9), pp.2713-2724, ISSN: 1387-3547. DOI:
Mathers, K, White, JC, Fornaroli, R, Chadd, R (2020)
Flow regimes control the establishment of invasive crayfish and alter their effects on lotic macroinvertebrate communities,
Journal of Applied Ecology, 57(5), pp.886-902, ISSN: 0021-8901. DOI:
McKenzie, M,
Mathers, K, Wood, P, England, J, Foster, I, Lawler, D, Wilkes, M (2019)
Potential physical effects of suspended fine sediment on lotic macroinvertebrates,
Hydrobiologia, 847(3), pp.697-711, ISSN: 0018-8158. DOI:
Mathers, KL, Stubbington, R, Leeming, D, Westwood, C, England, J (2019)
Structural and functional responses of macroinvertebrate assemblages to long‐term flow variability at perennial and nonperennial sites,
Ecohydrology, 12(6), ISSN: 1936-0584. DOI:
White, JC, Armitage, PD, Bass, JAB, Chadd, RP, Hill, MJ,
Mathers, KL, Little, S, Wood, P (2019)
How freshwater biomonitoring tools vary sub‐seasonally reflects temporary river flow regimes,
River Research and Applications, 35(8), pp.1325-1337, ISSN: 1535-1459. DOI:
Hill, MJ,
Mathers, KL, Little, S, Worrall, T, Gunn, J, Wood, P (2019)
Ecological effects of a supra-seasonal drought on macroinvertebrate communities differ between near-perennial and ephemeral river reaches,
Aquatic Sciences, 81, 62, ISSN: 1015-1621. DOI:
Seddon, E, Hill, M, Greenwood, M, Mainstone, C,
Mathers, K, White, JC, Wood, P (2019)
The use of palaeoecological and contemporary macroinvertebrate community data to characterize riverine reference conditions,
River Research and Applications, 35(8), pp.1302-1313, ISSN: 1535-1459. DOI:
Wilkes, MA, Gittins, JR,
Mathers, KL, Mason, R, Casas‐Mulet, R, Vanzo, D, Mckenzie, M, Murray‐Bligh, J, England, J, Gurnell, A, Jones, JI (2019)
Physical and biological controls on fine sediment transport and storage in rivers,
WIREs Water, 6(2), ISSN: 2049-1948. DOI:
Mathers, K, Rice, S, Wood, P (2019)
Predator, prey and substrate interactions: the role of faunal activity and substrate characteristics,
Ecosphere, ISSN: 2150-8925. DOI:
Rice, S, Pledger, A, Toone, J,
Mathers, KL (2018)
Zoogeomorphological behaviours in fish and the potential impact of benthic feeding on bed material mobility in fluvial landscapes,
Earth Surface Processes andLandforms, 44(1), pp.54-66, ISSN: 0197-9337. DOI:
Mathers, K, Hill, MJ, Wood, CD, Wood, P (2018)
The role of fine sediment characteristics and body size on the vertical movement of a freshwater amphipod,
Freshwater Biology, ISSN: 0046-5070. DOI:
Mathers, KL, Rice, S, Wood, P (2018)
Discharge and suspended sediment time series as controls on fine sediment ingress into gravel river beds,
Catena, 173, pp.253-263, ISSN: 0341-8162. DOI:
Clinton, KE,
Mathers, K, Constable, D, Gerrard, C, Wood, P (2018)
Substrate preferences of coexisting invasive amphipods, Dikerogammarus villosus and Dikerogammarus haemobaphes, under field and laboratory conditions,
Biological Invasions, pp.1-10, ISSN: 1387-3547. DOI:
Mathers, K, Collins, AL, England, J, Brierley, B, Rice, S (2017)
The fine sediment conundrum; quantifying, mitigating and managing the issues,
River Research and Applications, 33(10), pp.1509-1514, ISSN: 1535-1459. DOI:
Turley, MD, Bilotta, GS, Gasparrini, A, Sera, F, Mathers, KL, Humpheryes, I, England, J (Accepted for publication) The effects of non-native signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) on fine sediment and sediment-biomonitoring, Science of the Total Environment, 601-602, pp.186-193, ISSN: 0048-9697. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.05.106.
Harper, SE, Foster, IDL, Lawler, DM, Mathers, KL, Mckenzie, M, Petts, GE (Accepted for publication) The complexities of measuring fine sediment accumulation within gravel-bed rivers, River Research and Applications, ISSN: 1535-1459. DOI: 10.1002/rra.3198.
Mathers, K, Rice, S, Wood, P (2017)
Temporal variability in lotic macroinvertebrate communities associated with invasive signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) activity levels and substrate character,
Biological Invasions, 20(3), ISSN: 1387-3547. DOI:
Mathers, K, Hill, MJ, Wood, P (2017)
Benthic and hyporheic macroinvertebrate distribution within the heads and tails of riffles during baseflow conditions,
Hydrobiologia, ISSN: 0324-0924. DOI:
Mathers, K, Rice, S, Wood, P (2017)
Temporal effects of enhanced fine sediment loading on macroinvertebrate community structure and functional traits,
Science of the Total Environment, ISSN: 0048-9697. DOI:
Rice, S, Johnson, MF,
Mathers, K, Reeds, J, Extence, CA (2016)
The importance of biotic entrainment for base flow fluvial sediment transport,
Journal of Geophysical Research - Earth Surface, 121(5), pp.890-906, ISSN: 2169-9011. DOI:
Mathers, K, Chadd, RP, Dunbar, MJ, Extence, CA, Reeds, J, Rice, S, Wood, P (2016)
The long-term effects of invasive signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) on instream macroinvertebrate communities,
Science of the Total Environment, 556, pp.207-218, ISSN: 0048-9697. DOI:
Mathers, K, Chadd, RP, Extence, CA, Rice, S, Wood, P (2016)
The implications of an invasive species on the reliability of macroinverterbrate biomonitoring tools used in freshwater ecological assessments,
Ecological Indicators, ISSN: 1872-7034. DOI:
Hill, MJ, Death, RG,
Mathers, K, Ryves, D, White, JC, Wood, P (2016)
Macroinvertebrate community composition and diversity in ephemeral and perennial ponds on unregulated floodplain meadows in the UK,
Hydrobiologia, pp.1-14, ISSN: 0018-8158. DOI:
Mathers, K and Wood, P (2016)
Fine sediment deposition and interstitial flow effects on macroinvertebrate community composition within riffle heads and tails,
Hydrobiologia, ISSN: 0018-8158. DOI:
Hill, M, Wood, P,
Mathers, K (2015)
The aquatic macroinvertebrate biodiversity of urban ponds in a medium-sized European town (Loughborough, UK),
Hydrobiologia, ISSN: 0324-0924. DOI:
Mathers, KL, Millett, J, Robertson, AL, Stubbington, R, Wood, PJ (2014)
Faunal response to benthic and hyporheic sedimentation varies with direction of vertical hydrological exchange,
Freshwater Biology, 59(11), pp.2278-2289, ISSN: 0046-5070. DOI:
Mathers, KL and Wood, PJ (2012) The response of Gammarus pulex to fine sedimentation and vertical hydraulic exchange: An experimental investigation,
Cave and Karst Science, 39(3), pp.123-126, ISSN: 1356-191X.
Mathers, K, Robinson, CT, Hill, M, Kowarik, C, Heino, J, Deacon, C, Weber, C (Accepted for publication) How effective are ecological metrics in supporting conservation and management in degraded streams?, Biodiversity and Conservation, ISSN: 0960-3115. DOI: 10.1007/s10531-024-02933-7.
Guareschi, S, Mathers, K, South, J, Navarro, LM, Renals, T, Hiley, A, Antonsich, M, Bolpagni, R, Bortolus, A, Genovesi, P, Jere, A, Madzivanzira, TC, Phaka, FM, Novoa, A, Olden, JD, Saccó, M, Shackleton, RT, Vilà, M, Wood, P (Accepted for publication) Framing challenges and polarized issues in invasion science: toward an interdisciplinary agenda, BioScience, ISSN: 0006-3568. DOI: 10.1093/biosci/biae084.
Mathers, K, Armitage, P, Bickerton, M, Hill, M, Mckenzie, M, Pardo, I, Tickner, D, Wood, P (2024)
Macroinvertebrate data from sand, silt, gravel habitats in five English rivers, DOI:
Snåre, H, García-Girón, J, Alahuhta, J, Bini, LM, Boda, P, Bonada, N, Brasil, LS, Callisto, M, Castro, DMP, Chen, K, Csabai, Z, Datry, T, Domisch, S, Márquez, JRG, Floury, M, Friberg, N, Gill, BA, González-Trujillo, JD, Göthe, E, Haase, P, Hamada, N, Hill, MJ, Hjort, J, Juen, L, Jupke, JF, de Faria, APJ, Li, Z, Ligeiro, R, Linares, MS, Luiza-Andrade, A, Macedo, DR,
Mathers, K, Mellado-Díaz, A, Milosevic, D, Moya, N, Poff, NL, Rolls, RJ, Roque, FO, Saito, VS, Sandin, L, Schäfer, RB, Scotti, A, Siqueira, T, Martins, RT, Valente-Neto, F, Wang, BWJ, Xie, Z, Heino, J (2024)
Supplementary information files for The relationships between biotic uniqueness and abiotic uniqueness are context dependent across drainage basins worldwide, DOI:
Mckenzie, M, Scott, J, Wood, P,
Mathers, K (2024)
Supplementary information files for "Phenotypic plasticity of a Baetid mayfly larvae (Baetis rhodani) at sites with high levels of deposited fine sediment", DOI:
Mathers, K, Wood, P, Mckenzie, M, Scott, J (2024)
Ionocyte gill count from Baetis rhodani, DOI:
Mckenzie, M, Brooks, A, Callisto, M, Collins, AL, Durkota, JM, Death, RG, Jones, JI, Linares, MS, Matthaei, CD, Monk, WA, Murphy, JF, Wagenhoff, A, Wilkes, M, Wood, P,
Mathers, K (2023)
Supplementary information files for Freshwater invertebrate responses to fine sediment stress: a multi‐continent perspective, DOI:
Mathers, K, Armitage, P, Hill, M, Mckenzie, M, Pardo, I, Wood, P (2023)
Seasonal habitat macroinvertebrate data from Mill Stream, Dorset, UK, DOI:
Davis, NG,
Mathers, K, Hodson, R, Matthaei, CD (2023)
Supplementary information files for Monthly sampling reveals seasonal fine sediment fluctuations and riverine invertebrate community responses, DOI:
Mathers, K, Brooks, A, Callisto, M, Collins, A, Durkota, J, Death, R, Jones, JI, Linares, M, Matthaei, C, Monk, W, Murphy, J, Wagenhoff, A, Wilkes, M, Wood, P, Mckenzie, M (2023)
Paired visual fine sediment (<2mm) data and macroinvertebrate samples from Australia, Brazil, New Zealand and UK, DOI:
Mathers, K, Clinton, K, Constable, D, Gerrard, C, Patel, C, Wood, P (2023)
Supplementary information files for "Invasion dynamics of Ponto‐Caspian amphipods leads to changes in invertebrate community structure and function", DOI:
Mathers, K, Clinton, K, Constable, A, Gerrard, C, Patel, C, Wood, P (2023)
Macroinvertebrate data from Pitsford Reservoir over three years, DOI:
Mathers, K, Rice, S, Chadd, R, Wood, P (2022)
Supplementary information files for Influence of invasive crayfish on fine sediment transport, ingress and bed storage in lowland rivers, DOI:
Mathers, K, Doretto, A, Fenoglio, S, Hill, M, Wood, P (2022)
Supplementary information files for Temporal effects of fine sediment deposition on benthic macroinvertebrate community structure, function and biodiversity likely reflects landscape setting, DOI:
Mathers, K, Robinson, C, Weber, C (2021)
Riverine fine sediment content and hyporheic physicochemistry and macroinvertebrate data associated with an artificial flood in Switzerland, DOI:
Gething, KJ, Ripley, MC,
Mathers, K, Chadd, RP, Wood, P (2020)
Supplementary Information files for The influence of substrate type on macroinvertebrate assemblages within agricultural drainage ditches, DOI:
Beatty, C,
Mathers, K, Patel, C, Constable, D, Wood, P (2020)
Supplementary Information files for: Substrate mediated predator-prey interactions between invasive crayfish and indigenous and non-native amphipods, DOI:
Mathers, K, White, JC, Guareschi, S, Hill, MJ, Heino, J, Chadd, R (2020)
Supplementary Information files for Invasive crayfish alter the long‐term functional biodiversity of lotic macroinvertebrate communities, DOI: