Journal Articles
Tallentire, G, Shiggins, CJ, Rawlins, LD, Evans, J, Hodgkins, R (2023)
Observing relationships between sediment-laden meltwater plumes, glacial runoff and a retreating terminus at Blomstrandbreen, Svalbard,
International Journal of Remote Sensing, 44(13), pp.3972-3992, ISSN: 0143-1161. DOI:
Kavan, J, Wieczorek, I,
Tallentire, GD, Demidionov, M, Uher, J, Strzelecki, MC (2022)
Estimating Suspended Sediment Fluxes from the Largest Glacial Lake in Svalbard to Fjord System Using Sentinel-2 Data: Trebrevatnet Case Study,
Water, 14(12), pp.1840-1840, DOI:
Kavan, J,
Tallentire, GD, Demidionov, M, Dudek, J, Strzelecki, MC (2022)
Fifty Years of Tidewater Glacier Surface Elevation and Retreat Dynamics along the South-East Coast of Spitsbergen (Svalbard Archipelago),
Remote Sensing, 14(2), pp.354-354, DOI:
Fisher, BJ, Shiggins, CJ, Naylor, AW, Rawlins, LD,
Tallentire, GD, van den Heuvel, F, Poku, C, García-Ibáñez, MI, Debyser, M, Buckingham, J (2021)
Interventions to prevent pandemic-driven diversity loss,
Communications Earth & Environment, 2(1), 235, DOI:
Swift, DA,
Tallentire, GD, Farinotti, D, Cook, SJ, Higson, WJ, Bryant, RG (2021)
The hydrology of glacier‐bed overdeepenings: Sediment transport mechanics, drainage system morphology, and geomorphological implications,
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 46(11), pp.2264-2278, ISSN: 0197-9337. DOI:
Tallentire, GD, Evans, J, Hodgkins, R (2021)
Sediment-laden meltwater plume variability in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard, DOI: