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Loughborough University Research Publications

Publications for Edward Brown

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Journal Articles

Fields, N, Collier, W, Kiley, F, Caulker, D, Blyth, W, Howells, M, Brown, E (2024) Long-Term Forecasting: A MAED Application for Sierra Leone’s Electricity Demand (2023–2050), Energies, 17(12), pp.2878-2878, DOI: 10.3390/en17122878.

Bhakta, A, Brown, E, Groce, NE (2023) Clean cooking for every ‘body’: including people with disabilities in modern energy cooking services in the global south, Energy Research & Social Science, 108, 103399, ISSN: 2214-6296. DOI: 10.1016/j.erss.2023.103399.

Stritzke, S, Bricknell, M, Leach, M, Thapa, S, Khalifa, Y, Brown, E (2023) Impact financing for clean cooking energy transitions: reviews and prospects, Energies, 16(16), 5992, DOI: 10.3390/en16165992.

Batchelor, S, Brown, E, Scott, N, Leach, M, Clements, A, Leary, J (2022) Mutual Support—Modern Energy Planning Inclusive of Cooking—A Review of Research into Action in Africa and Asia since 2018, Energies, 15(16), pp.5805-5805, DOI: 10.3390/en15165805.

Allington, L, Cannone, C, Pappis, I, Barron, KC, Usher, W, Pye, S, Brown, E, Howells, M, Walker, MZ, Ahsan, A, Charbonnier, F, Halloran, C, Hirmer, S, Cronin, J, Taliotis, C, Sundin, C, Sridharan, V, Ramos, E, Brinkerink, M, Deane, P, Gritsevskyi, A, Moura, G, Rouget, A, Wogan, D, Barcelona, E, Niet, T, Rogner, H, Bock, F, Quirós-Tortós, J, Angulo-Paniagua, J, Krishnamurthy, S, Harrison, J, To, LS (2022) Selected ‘Starter kit’ energy system modelling data for selected countries in Africa, East Asia, and South America (#CCG, 2021), Data in Brief, 42, 108021, ISSN: 2352-3409. DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2022.108021.

Leary, J, Leach, M, Batchelor, S, Scott, N, Brown, E (2021) Battery-supported eCooking: A transformative opportunity for 2.6 billion people who still cook with biomass, Energy Policy, 159, 112619, ISSN: 0301-4215. DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2021.112619.

Stritzke, S, Sakyi-Nyarko, C, Bisaga, I, Bricknell, M, Leary, J, Brown, E (2021) Results-based financing (RBF) for modern energy cooking solutions: an effective driver for innovation and scale?, Energies, 14(15), 4559, DOI: 10.3390/en14154559.

Bisaga, I and To, LS (2021) Funding and delivery models for modern energy cooking services in displacement settings: a review, Energies, 14(14), 4176, ISSN: 1996-1073. DOI: 10.3390/en14144176.

Leary, J, Czyrnek-Deletre, M, Alsop, A, Eales, A, Marandin, L, Org, M, Craig, M, Ortiz, W, Casillas, C, Persson, J, Dienst, C, Brown, E, While, A, Cloke, J, Latoufis, K (2020) Finding the niche: A review of market assessment methodologies for rural electrification with small scale wind power, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 133, 110240, ISSN: 1364-0321. DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2020.110240.

Castaneda, F, Brown, E, Cloke, J, Gil, F, Gonzalez, M, Cisternas, C (2020) Social Inclusion: The Higher Education Sector in Chile and in the United Kingdom, CIRIEC Working Papers, (2020/09), ISSN: 2070-8289. DOI: 10.25518/ciriec.wp202009.

Zalengera, C, To, LS, Sieff, R, Mohr, A, Eales, A, Cloke, J, Buckland, H, Brown, E, Blanchard, R, Batchelor, S (2020) Decentralization: the key to accelerating access to distributed energy services in sub-Saharan Africa?, Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, 10(3), pp.270-289, ISSN: 2190-6483. DOI: 10.1007/s13412-020-00608-7.

Batchelor, S, Brown, E, Scott, N, Leary, J (2019) Two Birds, One Stone—Reframing Cooking Energy Policies in Africa and Asia, Energies, 12(9), pp.1591-1591, DOI: 10.3390/en12091591.

Cloke, J and Brown, E (2019) Speaking in riddles: The Panama Papers and the global financial services sector, Area, 51(1), pp.190-192, ISSN: 0004-0894. DOI: 10.1111/area.12431.

Batchelor, S, Brown, E, Leary, J, Scott, N, Alsop, A, Leach, M (2018) Solar electric cooking in Africa: where will the transition happen first?, Energy Research and Social Science, 40, pp.257-272, ISSN: 2214-6296. DOI: 10.1016/j.erss.2018.01.019.

Brown, E, Campbell, B, Cloke, J, To, LS, Turner, B, Wray, A (2017) Low carbon energy and international development: from research impact to policymaking, Contemporary Social Science, ISSN: 2158-2041. DOI: 10.1080/21582041.2017.1417627.

Brown, E, Leary, J, Davies, G, Batchelor, S, Scott, N (2017) eCook: what behavioural challenges await this potentially transformative concept?, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, ISSN: 2213-1388. DOI: 10.1016/j.seta.2017.02.021.

Brown, E and Cloke, J (2017) Energy and development: the political economy of energy choices, Progress in Development Studies, ISSN: 1464-9934. DOI: 10.1177/1464993416688790.

Cloke, J, Mohr, A, Brown, E (2017) Imagining renewable energy: towards a social energy systems approach to community renewable energy projects in the Global South, Energy Research and Social Science, ISSN: 2214-6296. DOI: 10.1016/j.erss.2017.06.023.

Brown, E, Cloke, J, Campbell, B (2016) Communities of energy, Economic Anthropology, 3(1), pp.133-144, DOI: 10.1002/sea2.12050.

Khan, MR and Brown, ED (2014) DC nanogrids: A low cost PV based solution for livelihood enhancement for rural Bangladesh, Proceedings of 2014 3rd International Conference on the Developments in Renewable Energy Technology, ICDRET 2014, DOI: 10.1109/icdret.2014.6861687.

Brown, E, Cloke, J, Gent, DK, Johnson, PH, Hill, CJ (2014) Green growth or ecological commodification: debating the green economy in the Global South, GEOGRAFISKA ANNALER SERIES B-HUMAN GEOGRAPHY, 96(3), pp.245-259, ISSN: 0435-3684. DOI: 10.1111/geob.12049.

Brown, E, Castañeda, F, Cloke, J, Taylor, P (2013) Towards financial geographies of the unbanked: international financial markets, ‘bancarizacion’ and access to financial services in Latin America, The Geographical Journal, 179(3), pp.198-210, ISSN: 0016-7398. DOI: 10.1111/geoj.12000.

Brown, ED and Cloke, JMP (2011) Critical perspectives on corruption: an overview, Critical Perspectives on International Business, 7(2), pp.116-124, ISSN: 1742-2043. DOI: 10.1108/17422041111128203.

Rocha, J, Brown, ED, Cloke, JMP (2011) Of legitimate and illegitimate corruption: Bankruptcies in Nicaragua, Critical Perspectives on International Business, 7(2), pp.159-176, ISSN: 1742-2043. DOI: 10.1108/17422041111128230.

Brown, ED and Cloke, JMP (2010) "Do as we say not as we do: Corruption myths", Just Change: Critical Thinking on Global Issues, (17), pp.8-9, ISSN: 1176-8185.

Brown, ED, Derudder, B, Parnreiter, C, Pelupessy, W, Taylor, PJ, Witlox, F (2010) World City Networks and Global Commodity Chains: towards a world-systems' integration, Global Networks: a Journal of Transnational Affairs, 10(1), pp.12-34, ISSN: 1470-2266. DOI: 10.1111/j.1471-0374.2010.00272.x.

Brown, ED and Cloke, JMP (2009) Corporate social responsibility in higher education, ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies, 8(3), pp.474-483.

Brown, ED and Cloke, JMP (2009) Creative destruction? Energy poverty and the double-edged role of the private sector, Trocaire Development Review, pp.135-155.

Brown, ED, Cloke, J, Ali, M (2008) GATS and development: the case of the water sector, Progress in Development Studies, 8(1), pp.1-5, ISSN: 1464-9934.

Brown, ED, Cloke, J, Ali, M (2008) How we got here: the road to GATS, Progress in Development Studies, 8(1), pp.7-22, ISSN: 1464-9934.

Brown, ED and Cloke, J (2007) Shadow Europe: alternative European financial geographies, Growth and Change, 38(2), pp.304-327, ISSN: 0017-4815. DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-2257.2007.00368.x.

Brown, ED and Cloke, J (2006) The critical business of corruption, Critical Perspectives on International Business, 2(4), pp.275-298, ISSN: 1742-2043. DOI: 10.1108/17422040610706622.

Brown, ED and Cloke, J (2006) La cruzada internacional contra la corrupcion: una respuesta critica (The international anti-coruption crusade: a critical response), Indaga: International Review of Social and Human Sciences, 4, pp.25-51, ISSN: 1695-730X.

Brown, ED and Cloke, J (2005) Neoliberal reform, governance and corruption in Central America: exploring the Nicaraguan case, Political Geography, 24(5), pp.601-630, ISSN: 0962-6298. DOI: 10.1016/j.polgeo.2005.01.008.

Brown, ED and Cloke, J (2004) Neoliberal reform, governance and corruption in the south: assessing the international anti-corruption crusade, Antipode, 36(2), pp.272-294, ISSN: 0066-4812. DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-8330.2004.00406.x.

Brown, ED (2003) The trouble with democracy, Central America Report, p.12.

Brown, ED, Catalano, G, Taylor, PJ (2002) Beyond world cities: Central America in a global space of flows, Area, 34(2), pp.139-148, ISSN: 0004-0894. DOI: 10.1111/1475-4762.00066.

Brown, ED (2002) Cleaning up corruption, Central America Report, (Autumn), pp.4-5.

Brown, ED, Catalano, G, Taylor, P (2001) Mas alla de las cuidades mundiales: America Central en un espacio de flujos globales, Espacios: Revista Centroamericana de Cultura Politica, (15), pp.38-46, ISSN: 1409-0074.

Brown, ED (2000) Still their backyard? The US and post-Mitch development strategies in Nicaragua, Political Geography, 19(5), pp.543-572, ISSN: 0962-6298.

Brown, ED (1999) Mas alla del Desarollo: Pensamiento sobre el potencial de una idea, Masaya Sin Fronteras (Revista de la Asociacion MASINFA), (9), pp.20-21.

Brown, ED (1997) Nicaragua: prospects after the election, Central America Report, (73), pp.6-7.

Brown, ED (1997) Twinning with Nicaragua, Central America Report, (73), pp.10-11.

Brown, ED (1996) Interpreting chaos: what future for Nicaragua after the elections, Nicaragua Election Special, pp.1-4.

Brown, ED (1996) Articulating opposition in Latin America: the consolidation of neoliberalism and the search for radical alternatives, Political Geography, 15(2), pp.169-192, ISSN: 0962-6298.

Brown, ED (1996) Nicaragua: sandinistas social transformation and the continuing search for a popular economic programme, Geoforum, 27(3), pp.275-295, ISSN: 0016-7185.

Brown, ED (1996) Deconstructing development: alternative perspectives on the history of an idea, Journal of Historial Geography, 22(3), pp.333-339, ISSN: 0305-7488.

Brown, ED and Hadjipateras, A (1996) The 1996 Nicaraguan Elections: Political Parties and Popular Aspirations, Nicaragua Update, (8), pp.4-6.

Brown, ED (1996) Perspectivas y Contenido del Hermanimiento Desde el Norte: Cuales son sus Esperanzas en el Diagolo? Hermananamientos: Por Un Verdadero Dialogo Norte-Sur, 1(1), p.29.

Brown, ED (1996) Presentacion de Los Actores del Norte: Leicester, Hermanamientos: Por Un Verdadero Dialogo Norte-Sur, 1(1), pp.34-35.

Brown, ED, Madge, C, Sidaway, J (1995) New directions in radical development theory (convenor's report of IBG annual conference session January 1995), Area, 27(2), pp.187-188.

Brown, ED (1995) Sandinismo: a personal reflection, Central America Report, (70), pp.8-9.

Brown, ED (1993) 1992 and the developing world: what consequences? Journal of Area Studies, (2), pp.156-173.

Brown, ED (1993) Editorial, Central America 1993: Our Land Our Lives, pp.2-4.


Batchelor, S, Brown, E, Scott, N, Leary, J (2019) Experiences of electric pressure cookers in East Africa. In 10th International Conference on Energy Efficiency in Domestic Appliances and Lighting (EEDAL’19), Jinan, China.

Blanchard, R, Brown, E, Clements, A, Cloke, J, McCulloch, M, Mohr, A (2016) Bringing economic development and light to those not on the bottom rung of the ladder [abstract]. In AAG 2016 Annual Meeting, San Francisco.

Khan, MR and Brown, E (2014) DC Nano-grids: a low cost PV based solution for livelihood enhancement in rural Bangladesh. In Innovating Energy Access for Remote Areas: Discovering Untapped Resources, Berekely California, pp.79-83, ISBN: 9783798326934.

Harland, RG, Brown, ED, Cloke, JMP, Loschiavo dos Santos, MC (2012) How do you do? Universities, Trans-disciplinary Research and Sustainable Urbanism. In 2nd International Conference on Geographies of Education, Loughborough University, p.24.


Leary, J, Todd, JF, Batchelor, S, Chepkurui, K, Chepkemoi, M, Numi, A, Hanlin, R, Scott, N, Brown, E (2019) The Kenya eCookBook: Beans & cereals edition, Modern Energy Cooking Services (MECS).

Bridge, G, Barr, S, Bouzarovski, S, Bradshaw, M, Brown, E, Bulkeley, H, Walker, G (2018) Energy and Society, Routledge, DOI: 10.4324/9781351019026.

Mohan, G, Brown, E, Milward, B, Zack-Williams, AB (2013) Structural adjustment: Theory, practice and impacts. DOI: 10.4324/9780203352533.

Taylor, PJ, Ni, P, Derudder, B, Hoyler, M, Huang, J, Witlox, F (2011) Global urban analysis: a survey of cities in globalization, Taylor and Francis © the editors, ISBN: 9781849775410. DOI: 10.4324/9781849775410.

Mohan, G, Brown, ED, Milward, B, Zack Williams, T (2000) Structural Adjustment: Theory, Practice and Impacts, Routledge, ISBN: 0 415 12521 9.


Brown, E, Campbell, B, Cloke, J, Cook, J, Batchelor, S, To, LS (2022) Low carbon energy for development network (LCEDN). In Hantrais, L (ed) How to Manage International Multidisciplinary Research Projects, Edward Elgar, pp.137-149, ISBN: 9781802204711. DOI: 10.4337/9781802204728.00019.

Brown, E, Campbell, B, Cloke, J, Cook, J, Batchelor, S, To, LS (2022) Low carbon energy for development network (LCEDN). In How to Manage International Multidisciplinary Research Projects, pp.137-149.

Khan, MR and Brown, E (2015) A concept of DC nano-grid for low cost energy access in rural Bangladesh. In Unknown Parent Title, © Springer, pp.33-42, ISBN: 9783319159645. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-15964-5.

Zack-Williams, AB, Brown, E, Mohan, G (2013) The long road to structural adjustment. In Structural Adjustment: Theory, Practice and Impacts, pp.3-23.

Brown, E (2013) The search for more radical alternatives. In Structural Adjustment: Theory, Practice and Impacts, pp.145-170.

Brown, E (2013) Tinkering with the system: Adjusting adjustment. In Structural Adjustment: Theory, Practice and Impacts, pp.119-144.

Brown, E (2013) Social movements, the state and civil society. In Structural Adjustment: Theory, Practice and Impacts, pp.171-190.

Castañeda, F, Cloke, JMP, Brown, ED (2010) Latin American Cities in Globalization. In Taylor, J, P, Ni, P, Derudder, B, Hoyler, M, Huang, J, eds, W (ed) Global Urban Analysis: A Survey of Cities in Globalization, Earthscan, pp.170-186, ISBN: 9781849712132.

Brown, ED, Castañeda, F, Cloke, JMP, Rocha, J (2010) Central American Cities in Globalization. In Taylor, PJ, Ni, P, Derudder, B, Hoyler, M, Huang, J, Witlox, F (ed) Global Urban Analysis: A Survey of Cities in Globalization, Earthscan, pp.324-330, ISBN: 9781849712132.

Brown, ED, Derudder, B, Parnreiter, C, Pelupessy, W, Taylor, PJ, Witlox, F (2010) World City Networks and Global Commodity Chains: towards a world-systems' integration. In Derudder, B and Witlox, F (ed) Commodity Chains and World Cities, Wiley-Blackwell, pp.15-42.

Pearce, S, Brown, ED, Walker, J (2008) The role of universities in sustainable development. In Shiel, C and McKenzie, AE (ed) The Global University: The Role of Senior Managers, DEA/HEFCE, pp.46-49, ISBN: 978-1-900109-31-4.

Brown, ED, Cloke, J, Rocha, JL (2007) Governance, neoliberalism and corruption in Nicaragua. In Bracking, S (ed) Corruption and Development: The Anti-Corruption Campaigns, Palgrave Macmillan, pp.182-202, ISBN: 978-0-230-52550-4.

Brown, ED, Cortes Ramos, A, Wearne, P (2005) Nicaragua: economy. In West, JE (ed) Regional Surveys of the World: South America, Central America and the Caribbean 2005, 13th Edition, Europa, pp.652-662.

Brown, ED and Barraco, L (2005) Nicaragua: history. In West, JE (ed) Regional Surveys of the World: South America, Central America and the Caribbean 2005, 13th Edition, Europa, pp.646-652.

Brown, ED (2005) Unravelling the web of theory: changing geographical perspectives on development. In Phillips, ME (ed) Contested Worlds: An Introduction to Human Geography, Ashgate, pp.89-126.

Brown, ED and Barraco, L (2004) Nicaragua: history. In West, JE (ed) Regional Surveys of the World: South America, Central America and the Caribbean 2004, 12th Edition, Europa, pp.629-635.

Brown, ED and Beaverstock, JV (1994) Coping with larger classes: flexible learning in geography. In Wade, W, Hodgkinson, K, Smith, A, Arfield, eds, J (ed) Flexible Learning in Higher Education, Kogan Page, pp.81-88, ISBN: 0 7494 1418 9.

School/Dept Working Papers

Buckland, H, Eales, A, Brown, E, Cloke, J, Blanchard, R, Yona, L, Zalengera, C, Batchelor, S, Sieff, R, Nyienda, E, Bayani, E (2017) Malawi District Energy Officer Blueprint : recommendations paper.

Brown, E, Cloke, J, Harrison, J (2015) Governance, decentralisation and energy: a critical review of the key issues.

Brown, ED (1994) The Nicaraguan Economic Reforms of 1988/89: The Undermining of National Unity.


Blanchard, R, Brown, E, Clements, A, Cloke, J, Mohr, A (2017) Theory and praxis: co-design complexities of community energy projects in Kenya [poster].

Batchelor, S, Blanchard, R, Brown, E, Cloke, J, Harrison, J, Sieff, R, Gathui, T (2017) Governing decentralised energy provision: approaches to energy transitions in Kenya [poster].


Bagley, C, Brown, E, Campbell, B, Cloke, JMP, Cameron, S, Collings, S, Gunning, R, Kabell, H, McDonnell, J, To, LS, Turner, B (2018) Mapping the UK research & innovation landscape: Energy & development.

Brown, E and Leary, J (2015) A review of the behavioural change challenges facing a proposed solar and battery electric cooking concept, pp.1-58, DOI: 10.12774/eod_cr.browneetal.


Brown, ED (1995) Agro-Exports and Sandinismo: The Political Economy of Social Transformation in Nicaragua (1979-1990).


Brown, ED, Cloke, J, Ali, M (2008) Progress in Development Studies.

Brown, ED, Cloke, JMP, Taylor, PJ (2008) Mass market credit in seven leading Latin American cities.

Brown, ED (2002) M. Murillo, 'Labour unions, partisan coalitions and market reforms in Latin America', 2001, Cambridge University Press.

Brown, ED (1996) Auty, R, 'Patterns of development: resources, policy and economic growth'.

Brown, ED (1995) Shuman, M, 'Towards a global village: international community development initiatives'.

Brown, ED (1995) Unwin, T, 'Atlas of world development'.

Brown, ED (1993) Green, D, 'Faces of Latin America'.

Brown, ED (1993) Ghai, D, 'The IMF and the South'.

Brown, ED (1993) Central America 1993: Our Land Our Lives, Annual publication of Leicester Masaya Link Group.

Brown, ED (1992) 'Green development: environment and sustainability in the Third World'.

Batchelor, S and Brown, E Editorial for Special Issue: “Clean Energy Innovations: Challenges and Strategies for Low and Middle Income Countries”, All the papers in this Special Issue situate their research in the context of a failing clean cooking strategy and the potential contribution of electricity to this [..]. DOI: 10.3390/en14248577.

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