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Loughborough University

Loughborough University Research Publications

Publications for Susana Monserrat-Revillo

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Journal Articles

Farías-Torbidoni, EI, Monserrat-Revillo, S, Soler-Prat, S (2025) Comparing the gendered nature of visits, recreation and physical activities in two Catalan (Spain) protected natural areas: natural and peri-urban parks, Journal of Sport and Tourism, pp.1-24, ISSN: 1477-5085. DOI: 10.1080/14775085.2024.2448938.

Silva, MIV, ODonnell, E, Azcorra, H, Oxborough, D, Monserrat-Revillo, S, Sanchez, S, Mendez, N (2019) The effects of short-stature-for-age on cardiovascular and metabolic health in children: a systematic review, CRD42019123014 Available from: http://www.crd.york.ac.uk/PROSPERO/display_record.php?ID=CRD42019123014..

Varela Silva, MIO, Bogin, B, Galvez Sobral, JA, Dickinson, F, Monserrat-Revillo, S, Healthy Birth, Growth, and Development – Knowledge Integration (HBGDki) Initiative, (2016) Deep Data Science to Prevent and Treat Growth Faltering in Maya Children, European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 70, pp.679-680, ISSN: 0954-3007. DOI: 10.1038/ejcn.2016.63.

Farías, EI and Monserrat-Revillo, S (2014) Los visitantes del Parc Natural de l’Alt Pirineu y la práctica de actividades recreativo-deportivas. Una propuesta de segmentación, Pirineos, 169, e005, ISSN: 0373-2568. DOI: 10.3989/pirineos.2014.169005.


Monserrat-Revillo, S (2024) Percepción de barreras en el liderazgo femenino entre estudiantes de Gestión del Deporte. Estudio preliminar en Reino Unido. In Burillo, P, Fernández-Luna, Á, Díaz-Benito, VJ, León-Quismondo, J (ed) XIV Congreso Iberoamericano de Economía del Deporte; Inversión en el deporte: gestión inteligente, sostenible y global, Madrid, Spain, pp.269-272, ISBN: 9788409626168.

Simpson, J and Monserrat-Revillo, S (2023) Investigating the introduction of safe-standing areas within UK football stadiums. In Moreno, FC, Vilaplana, AV, Camacho, DP (ed) XIII Ibero-American Congress on Sport Economics; XIII Congreso Iberoamericano de Economía del Deporte. Los eventos deportivos: impacto, turismo y tecnología, Valencia, Spain, pp.219-222, ISBN: 9788491335900. DOI: 10.7203/PUV-OA-590-0.

Monserrat-Revillo, S (2023) Externalización de piscinas cubiertas municipales en España y Reino Unido: Aproximación al marco teórico y resultados preliminares. In Moreno, FC, Vilaplana, AV, Camacho, DP (ed) XIII Ibero-American Congress on Sport Economics; XIII Congreso Iberoamericano de Economía del Deporte. Los eventos deportivos: impacto, turismo y tecnología, Valencia, Spain, pp.349-352, ISBN: 9788491335900. DOI: 10.7203/PUV-OA-590-0.

Atwal, ES and Monserrat-Revillo, S (2022) Cyber racism: the attack on English Premier League players. In Guerrero, LG, Unanue, JG, Carril, SL (ed) XII Ibero-American Congress on Economics of Sport / XII Congreso Iberoamericano de Economía del Deporte (CIED 12); Proceedings Book CIED12 Toledo, Toledo, Spain, pp.371-374, ISBN: 9788409416172.

Robins, B and Monserrat-Revillo, S (2021) Women's rugby, the covid-19 pandemic and the androcentric culture in the UK (Rugby femenino, la pandemia del Covid-19 y la cultura andocéntrica en GB). In XVI Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Investigación Social Aplicada al Deporte (AEISAD); Revista Española De Educación Física Y Deportes (REEFD), Barcelona, Spain, pp.11-18.

Silva, MIV, Sogut, M, Mansukoski, L, Millan-Fernandez, L, Monserrat-Revillo, S, Bogin, B (2018) Effects of stunting on body composition, biological age, and muscle strength of Maya and Ladino children in Guatemala [Abstract]. In .

Torbidoni, EIF, Alòs, SM, Monserrat-Revillo, S, Gil, G (2017) Visitor’s physical activity behaviour in protected natural areas: A case study of Alt Pirineu Natural Park, Spain. In Bučar, K and Renko, S (ed) STC'16 Sport Tourism Conference- Red, green and blue strategies, Zagreb, pp.36-55, ISBN: 9789533460093.

Farías-Torbidoni, EI, Barić, D, Mas-Alòs, S, Planas-Anzano, A, Monserrat-Revillo, S, Gil, G (2016) The influence of visitor characteristic and natural park facilities on physical activity levels. A case of study. In Vasiljević, Đ (ed) Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas, Novi Sad, Serbia, pp.493-495, ISBN: 978-86-7031-409-2.

Farías-Torbidoni, EI and Monserrat-Revillo, S (2015) A study of motivations, behaviour and preferences of hikers in Natura 2000 protected areas: natural park and wilderness areas in Catalonia -Spain. In Sport Tourism: New Challenges in a Globalized World. Proceedings of the Sport Tourism Conference 2014, Coimbra, Portugal,ISBN: 978-989-98016-4-6.

Farías- Torbidoni, EI and Monserrat-Revillo, S (2012) Outdoor activities in natural areas: the case of Alt Pirineo Natural Park as a Facilitating Area for physical or sporting activities, Lleida-Spain. In Sebastiani, E and Cabedo, J (ed) 7th FIEP European Congress: Together for physical education, Barcelona.


Silva, MIV, Sogut, M, Mansukoski, LM, Millan-Fernandez, L, Monserrat-Revillo, S, Azcorra, H, Dickinson, F, Sanchez, S, Bogin, B (2018) Effects of stunting on body composition, biological age, and muscle strength of Maya and Ladino children in Guatemala [Poster], 43rd Annual Meeting Human Biology Association.

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