Publications for Marcus Collins
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Journal Articles
Collins, M (2024)
“Gays in Your Living Room”: LGBTQ+ television, homophobia, and the birth of Channel 4 in 1980s Britain,
Journalism History, ISSN: 0094-7679. DOI:
Collins, M (2023)
What have historians been arguing about.. youth culture?,
Teaching History, 193, pp.52-56, ISSN: 0040-0610.
Collins, M (2022)
What should they know of England? History and citizenship,
Public History Weekly, 10, 2, ISSN: 2197-6376. DOI:
Collins, M (2021)
‘I say high, you say low’: the Beatles and cultural hierarchies in 1960s and 1970s Britain,
Popular Music, 39(3-4), pp.401-419, ISSN: 0261-1430. DOI:
Collins, M (2019)
Permissiveness on trial: Sex, drugs, rock, the Rolling Stones, and the sixties counterculture,
Popular Music and Society, ISSN: 0300-7766. DOI:
Collins, M (2017)
Focus on education: The East Midlands centre for history teaching and learning,
Royal Historical Society Newsletter, May 2017, pp.12-14.
Collins, M (2016)
Immigration and opinion polls in postwar Britain,
Modern History Review, 18(4), pp.8-13.
Collins, M (2015)
We can work it out: popular and academic writing on The Beatles,
Popular Music History, 9(1), pp.79-101, ISSN: 1740-7133. DOI:
Collins, M (2014)
Introduction to the special issue on The Beatles: Nothing you can know that isn’t known?,
Popular Music History, 9(1), DOI:
Collins, M (2013)
“The Age of the Beatles”: Parliament and Popular Music in 1960s Britain,
Contemporary British History, 27(1), pp.85-107, DOI:
Collins, M (2012)
Sucking in the Seventies? The Rolling Stones and the Aftermath of the Permissive Society,
Popular Music History, 7(1), pp.5-23, DOI:
Collins, M (2012)
The Beatles’ Politics,
The British Journal of Politics and International Relations, Early View, pp.1-19, DOI:
Collins, M (2011)
Capital Affairs: London and the Making of the Permissive Society,
AMERICAN HISTORICAL REVIEW, 116(5), pp.1438-1440, ISSN: 0002-8762. DOI:
Collins, M (2011)
Historiography From Below: How Undergraduates Remember Learning History at School,
Teaching History, pp.34-38.
Collins, M (2009)
Interpreting the Beatles,
Teaching History, 126, pp.42-43.
Collins, M (2002)
The fall of the English gentleman: the national character in decline, c.1918-1970,
Historical Research, 75(187), pp.90-111, ISSN: 1468-2281. DOI:
Collins, M (2001)
Pride and Prejudice: West Indian Men in Mid Twentieth-Century Britain,
Journal of British Studies, 40(3), pp.391-418, ISSN: 0021-9371. DOI:
Collins, M (2000) Trouble and Strife: Poor Marriages in Mid Twentieth-Century London,
Qwerty: Arts, Littératures et Civilisations du Monde Anglophone, 10, pp.225-36.
Collins, M (1999)
The Pornography of Permissiveness: Men's Sexuality and Women's Emancipation in Mid Twentieth-Century Britain,
History Workshop Journal, 1999(47), pp.99-120, ISSN: 1363-3554. DOI:
Collins, M and Wood, J (Accepted for publication) Post-Pandemic Pedagogy: experiences of learning and teaching history before, during and after Covid-19, History Education Research Journal.
Collins, M and Stearns, PN (2020)
Why study history?, London Publishing Partnership, ISBN: 9781913019044.
Collins, M (2020)
The Beatles and Sixties Britain, Cambridge University Press, ISBN: 9781108769426. DOI:
Collins, M (ed) (2007)
The Permissive Society and Its Enemies: Sixties British Culture, Rivers Oram Press, ISBN: 978-1854891471.
Collins, M (2003)
Modern Love: An Intimate History of Men and Women in Twentieth-Century Britain, Atlantic Books, ISBN: 1903809215.
Collins, M and Clements, B (2025)
Public opinion on LGBTQ+ issues in Britain since 1945. In Bailey, M, Flores, A, Nawar, SP (ed)
LGBTQ+ Politics: The U.S. in Global Context, University of Michigan Press, pp.200-220.
Collins, M (2022)
The 1960s and the cultural revolution. In
20th Century Britain: Economic, Cultural and Social Change, Third Edition, pp.330-348, DOI:
Collins, M and Nye, A (2018)
Snapshot: The discipline of history in british and Australian universities. In
Teaching the Discipline of History in an Age of Standards, pp.23-41, DOI:
Collins, M and Nye, A (2018)
The discipline of history in British and Australian universities. In
Teaching the Discipline of History in an Age of Standards, Springer, pp.1-20, ISBN: 9789811300462.
Collins, M (2007) The Permissive Society and Its Enemies. In Marcus Collins, (ed)
Introduction: The Permissive Society and Its Enemies, Rivers Oram Press, pp.1-40, ISBN: 978 185489 147 1.
Thompson, W and
Collins, M (2007) The Revolutionary Left and the Permissive Society. In Marcus Collins, (ed)
The Permissive Society and Its Enemies, Rivers Oram Press, pp.155-168, ISBN: 978 185489 147 1.
Research Datasets
Collins, M, Black, J, Coates, N, Kruppa, J, Martin, C (2011)
Rock and Roll, Counterculture, Peace and Protest: Popular Culture in Britain and America, 1950-1975,