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Loughborough University Research Publications

Publications for Linda Hantrais

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Journal Articles

Hantrais, L (2005) Combining Methods: a Key to Understanding Complexity in European Societies?, European Societies, 7(3), pp.399-421, ISSN: 1461-6696. DOI: 10.1080/14616690500194035.

Hantrais, L and Ackers, P (2005) Women's Choices in Europe: Striking the Work-Life Balance, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 11(2), pp.197-212, ISSN: 0959-6801. DOI: 10.1177/0959680105053963.

Hantrais, L (2005) Donnees demographiques et structures familiales dans les pays de l'Europe de l'Est, Informations sociales, 124, pp.16-28, ISSN: 0046-9459.

Hantrais, L (2005) Les responses politiques aux evolutions socio-demographiques : Estonie, Hongrie, Pologne, Informations sociales, 124, pp.30-40, ISSN: 0046-9459.

Hantrais, L (2003) 'The European Union and Social Policy: national and EU policy interaction', 'Introduction' and 'Review article: European Commission Funded Research on Family and Welfare', Social Policy and Society, 2(3), ISSN: 1474-7464.

Hantrais, L (2003) European Case Studies in Family Change, Policy and Practice, Cross-National Research Papers, 6(6), p.110, ISSN: 0956-1013.

Hantrais, L (2003) Comparing Family Change and Policy Responses in Europe, Cross-National Research Papers, 6(7), p.110, ISSN: 0956-1013.

Hantrais, L (2002) Central and East European states respond to socio-demographic challenges, Social Policy and Society, 1(2), pp.141-150, ISSN: 1474-7464.

Hantrais, L and Appleton, L (2002) Comparing Family Policy Actors, Cross National Reseach Papers, 6(3), p.68, ISSN: 0956-1013.

Hantrais, L (1999) Mutations des familles et du travail en EuropeLa Revue de la confédération française démocratique du travail, La Revue de la conf{e}dération française démocratique du travail, (24), pp.20-30, ISSN: 1280-8180.

Hantrais, L (1999) Socio-demographic Change, Policy Impacts and Outcomes in Social Europe, Journal of European Social Policy, 9(4), pp.291-309, ISSN: 0958-9287.

Hantrais, L (1999) Responsabilité des familles: une perspective européenne, Informations sociales, (73-74), pp.50-5, ISSN: 0046-9459.

Hantrais, L (1998) La démarche comparative et les comparaisons franco-britanniques, Reveue de l'IRES, (28), pp.145-62, ISSN: 1145-1378.

Hantrais, L and Letablier, MT (1997) Les politiques sociales et la famille en Europe, Problèmes économiques, 2.521, pp.24-31, ISSN: 0032-9304.

Hantrais, L (1997) Exploring Relationships between Social Policy and Changing Family Forms within the European Union, European Journal of Population, 13, pp.339-79, ISSN: 0168-6577.

Hantrais, L and Letablier, MT (1997) Familles et politiques familiales en Europe: les enjeux temporels, Information sur les sciences sociales, 36(1), pp.41-59, ISSN: 0539-0184.

Hantrais, L (1997) The Gender of Paid and Unpaid Work Time: a European Problem, Time and Society, 6, pp.131-49, ISSN: 0961-463X.

Hantrais, L (1996) Comparative Research Methods, Social Research Update, (no. 13), 4 pages, ISSN: 1360-7898.

Hantrais, L and Becker, S (1996) L'enfant soignant, Informations sociales, 54, pp.57-63, ISSN: 0046-9459.

Hantrais, L and Brittain, D (1995) Les enfants soignants: une perspective comparative, Recherches et prévisions, (41), pp.25-33, ISSN: 1149-1590.

Hantrais, L and Letablier, MT (1995) Travail professionnel et vie familiale: une comparaison européenne, Recherches et prévisions, (41), pp.13-23, ISSN: 1149-1590.

Hantrais, L (1995) A Comparative Perspective on Gender and Accountancy, The European Accounting Review, 4(2), pp.197-215, ISSN: 0963-8180.

Hantrais, L (1995) French Social Policy in the European Context, Modern and Contemporary France, NS3(4), pp.381-390, ISSN: 0963-9489.

Hantrais, L and Letablier, MT (1994) Construction et déconstruction de la famille en Europe: une analyse comparative, Recherches et prévisions, (37), pp.1-10, ISSN: 1149-1590.

Hantrais, L (1994) Comparing Family Policy in Britain, France and Germany, Journal of Social Policy, 23(2), pp.135-160, ISSN: 0047-2794.

Hantrais, L (1994) Time for the Family, Encyclopedia of Time, pp.607-612.

Hantrais, L and Walters, P (1994) Making it in and Making it out: Women in Professional Occupations in Britain and France, Gender, Work and Society, 1(1), pp.23-32, ISSN: 0968-6673.

Hantrais, L (1994) L'enjeu familial à travers les aménagements temporels et les adaptations culturelles, Social Science Information sur les sciences sociales, 33(4), pp.663-681, ISSN: 0539-0184.

Hantrais, L (1993) The Gender of Time in Professional Occupations, Time and Society, 2(2), pp.139-157.

Hantrais, L (1992) La Fécondité en France et au Royaume-Uni et les Effets Possibles de la Politique Familiale, Population, 47(4), pp.987-1016, ISSN: 0032-4663.

Hantrais, L (1992) Social Policy and the Single European Market, Journal of Area Studies, 1(1), pp.87-96, ISSN: 0261-3530.

Hantrais, L (1992) A Beginner's Guide to Cross-National Research, Socio-Legal Newsletter, (7), p.2.

Hantrais, L (1992) Les Systèmes d'aide et de Protection Sociale à l'épreuve de l'évolution des Structures Familiales. Le Cas du Royaume-Uni, Recherche Sociale, 122(2), pp.113-129, ISSN: 0034-124X.


Hantrais, L (2005) Introduction: living as a family in Europe, Policy implications of changing family formation. In European Population Conference 2005, Population Studies, Strasbourg, pp.11-18, ISBN: 92-871-5885-1.

Hantrais, L (2005) Living as a family in Europe, Policy implications of changing family formation. In European Population Conference 2005, Population Studies, Strasbourg, pp.117-181, ISBN: 92-871 5885-1.

Hantrais, L (2003) Policy Relevance of Family and Welfare Research. In Office for Official Publications of the European COmmunities, Luxembourg, p.100, ISBN: 92-894-5767-8.

Hantrais, L (2003) Sissejuhatus. In Kutsar, D (ed) Millist Perekonnapolitikat me Vejame?, Tartu, pp.234-40, ISBN: 1-405-10291-8.

Hantrais, L (2003) Social policy and the European Union. In Alcock, P, Erskine, A, May, M (ed) The Student's Campanion to Social Policy, 2nd edn, Oxford, pp.234-40, ISBN: 1-405-10291-8.

Hantrais, L (2001) Researching Family and Welfare from an International Comparative Perspective. In Hantrais, L (ed) Dialogue Workshop, -, Brussels, p.98.

Hantrais, L (1996) La politique familiale au Royaume-Uni. In Singly, D, F, Martin, C, Muxel, A, Bertaux-Wiame, I, Maruani, M, Commaille, eds, J (ed) La famille en questions: état de la recherche, Paris, pp.297-300, ISBN: 284146 297 8.

Hantrais, L, Crompton, R, Le Feuvre, N, Walters, P (1996) Women in Professional Occupations in France and Britain. In Neale, PE (ed) Issues for Professional Practice, Facing the European Challenge - The Role of the Professions in a Wider Europe, Dept. of Continuing Professional Education, Leeds, pp.90-103, ISBN: 0 9524293 1 4.

Hantrais, L, Brittain, D, Becker, S (1994) Les Enfants Soignants. In Seminar on young carers and cross national perspectives, paper, Paris, pp.77-92.

Hantrais, L (1993) Les Françaises et l'emploi. Portrait type ou prototype européen. In Duby, G and Perrot, ME (ed) Femmes et Histoires, Paris, pp.147-163, ISBN: 2 259027 38 5.


Hantrais, L (2009) International Comparative research: theory, methods and practice, Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN: 978-0-230-21768-3.

Hantrais, L (2007) Social Policy in the European Union, 3rd edition, Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN: 9780230013094.

Hantrais, L (ed) (2007) Cross-National Research Methodology and Practice, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, ISBN: 9780415411400.

Hantrais, L (2006) Pour une meilleure evaluation de la recherche publique en sciences humaines et sociales, La Documentation francaise, ISBN: 2110062320.

Hantrais, L (2004) Family Policy Matters: Responding to Family Change in Europe, Policy Press, ISBN: 1861344716.

Appleton, BL and Hantrais, L (ed) (2002) Comparing Family Policy Actors, Cross National Research Papers, 6(3), European Research Centre, Loughborough University, ISBN: 1898564140.

Hantrais, L (2000) Social Policy in the European Union, Macmillan.

Hantrais, L (ed) (2000) Gendered Policies in Europe: reconciling employment and family life, Macmillan, ISBN: 0 333 73982 5.

Appleton, L and Hantrais, L (ed) (2000) Conceptualizing and Measuring Families and Family Policies in Europe, Cross-National Research Papers, 6(1), European Research Centre, Loughborough University, ISBN: 18985 64 12 4.

Hantrais, L (ed) (2000) "From Equal Pay to Reconciliation of Employment and Family Life" in Gendered Policies in Europe: Reconciling Employment and Family Life, Macmillan & St. Martin's Press, ISBN: 0 333 73982 5.

Hantrais, L (2000) Social Policy in the European Union (2nd edn), Palgrave & St. Martin's Press, ISBN: 0-333-92008-2.

Hantrais, L (ed) (1999) Inter-cations between Socio-Demographic Trends, Social and Economic Policies, Cross-National Research Papers, 5 (1), ISBN: 1 898564 08 6.

Hantrais, L and Lohkamp Himmighofen, M (ed) (1999) Changing Family Forms, Law and Policy, Cross National Research Papers, 5 (3), ISBN: 1 898564 10 8.

Hantrais, L (ed) (1999) Changing Gender Relations and Policy, Cross-National Research Papers, 5 (4), ISBN: 1 898564 11 6.

Hantrais, L and Letablier, MT (1996) Families and Family Policies in Europe, Longman, ISBN: 0 582 24767 5.

Hantrais, L and Letablier, MT (ed) (1996) Comparing Families and Family Policies in Europe, Cross-National Research Papers, 4(4), ISBN: 1 898564 07 8.

Hantrais, L and Mangen, S (ed) (1996) Cross-National Research Methods in the Social Sciences, Pinter, ISBN: 1 85567 344 4.

Hantrais, L and Letablier, MT (1996) Familles, travail et politiques familiales en Europe, Presses Universitaires de France, Cahiers du Centre d'Etudes de l'Emploi, no. 35, ISBN: 2 11 088 601 3.

Hantrais, L (1995) Social Policy in the European Union, Macmillan, ISBN: 0 333 61389 9.

Hantrais, L and Letablier, MT (ed) (1995) The Family in Social Policy and Family Policy, Cross-National Research Papers, 4(3), ISBN: 1 898564 06 X.

Hantrais, L and Letablier, MT (ed) (1995) La relation famille-emploi: une comparaison des modes d'ajustement en Europe, Dossier 6, nouvelle serie, Centre d'Études de l'Emploi, ISBN: 2 11 088599 8.

Hantrais, L (1990) Managing Professional and Family Life: A Comparative Study of British and French Women, Dartmouth, ISBN: 1 85521 167 X.


Hantrais, L (2007) Welfare Policy. In Hay, C and Menon, A (ed) European Politics, Oxford University Press, pp.292-309, ISBN: 978-0-199284283.

Hantrais, L (2007) Contextualization in cross-national comparative research. In Hantrais, L and Mangen, S (ed) Cross-National Research Methodology and Practice, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, pp.3-18, ISBN: 9780415411400.

Hantrais, L and Arve Pares, B (2006) Enjeux de l'evaluation des Maisons des sciences de l'Homme. In Commaille, J (ed) Avenir de la recherche et Maisons des sciences de l'Homme, La Documentation francaise, pp.71-86, ISBN: 2-11-006108-1.

Hantrais, L (2005) Vers la mixite methodologique en comparaisons internationales. In Barbier, JC and Letablier, MT (ed) Politiques sociales : enjeux methodologiques et epistemologiques des comparaisons internationales/Social Policies: epistemological and methodological issues in cross-national comparison, Peter Lang, pp.271-89, ISBN: 9052012946.

Hantrais, L (2004) Crossing cultural boundaries. In Kennett, P (ed) Handbook of Comparative Social Policy, Edward Elgar, pp.261-75, ISBN: 1 840648864.

Hantrais, L (2003) L'evaluation dans le contexte international. In CNER, (ed) L'Evaluation de la recherche publique dans les esablissements publics francais, La Documentation Francaise, pp.118-52.

Hantrais, L (2003) Cross-national comparative approaches tothe analysis of family and welfare. In Cameron, C (ed) Cross-National Qualitative Methods, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2003, pp.3-14, ISBN: 92-894-5763-5.

Hantrais, L (2000) From Equal Pay to Reconciliation. In Hantrais, LE (ed) Gendered Policies in Europe: reconciling employment and family life, Macmillan, pp.1-26, ISBN: 0 333 73982 5.

Hantrais, L (1999) What is Family Life in the European Union?. In Guild, EE (ed) The Legal Framework and the Legal Consequences of Free Movement of Persons in the European Union, Kluwer Law International, pp.19-30, ISBN: 90 411 1073 9.

Hantrais, L (1999) Comparing Family Policies in Europe. In Clasen, JE (ed) Comparative Social Policy: concepts, theories and methods, Blackwell, pp.95-113, ISBN: 0 63 1207 740.

Hantrais, L (1999) Paid and Unpaid Work. In Cook, M and Davie, GE (ed) Modern France: Society in Transition, Routledge, pp.115-31, ISBN: 0 415 15432 4.

Hantrais, L (1999) The Political Environment in France. In Byrne, PLE (ed) Cross-National Research Papers 5 (2), Loughborough University, pp.9-12, ISBN: 1 898564 09 4.

Hantrais, L (1998) Demographic Developments. In Hughes, A and Reader, KE (ed) Encyclopedia of Contmeporary French Culture, Routledge, pp.148-9, ISBN: 0 415 13186 3.

Hantrais, L (1998) Health. In Hughes, A and Reader, KE (ed) Encyclopedia of Contemporary French Culture, Routledge, pp.284-5, ISBN: 0 415 13186 3.

Hantrais, L (1998) Housing. In Hughes, A and Reader, KE (ed) Encyclopedia of Contemporary French Culture, Routledge, p.287, ISBN: 0 415 13186 3.

Hantrais, L (1998) Marriage/Cohabitation. In Hughes, A and Reader, KE (ed) Encyclopedia of Contemporary French Culture, Routledge, pp.357-8, ISBN: 0 415 13186 3.

Hantrais, L (1998) Social Policy. In Hughes, A and Reader, KE (ed) Encyclopedia of Contemporary French Culture, Routledge, pp.496-7, ISBN: 0 415 13186 3.

Hantrais, L (1998) Social Security. In Hughes, A and Reader, KE (ed) Encyclopedia of Contemporary French Culture, Routledge, p.498, ISBN: 0 415 13186 3.

Hantrais, L (1998) Women and Employment. In Hughes, A and Reader, KE (ed) Encyclopedie of Contemporary French Culture, Routledge, p.559, ISBN: 0 415 13186 3.

Hantrais, L (1998) Women and Social Policy. In Hughes, A and Reader, KE (ed) Encyclopedia of Contemporary French Culture, Routledge, p.561, ISBN: 0 415 13186 3.

Hantrais, L (1997) La régulation socio-politique de la relation travail-famille. In Commaille, J and de Singly, F (ed) La question familiale en Europe, L'Harmattan, pp.105-19, ISBN: 2-7384-4975-1.

Hantrais, L (1997) Sociopolitical Regulation of the Family-work Relationship. In Commaille, J and de Singly, F (ed) The European Family: The Family Question in the European Community, Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Pulishers, pp.79-89, ISBN: 0-7923-4757-9.

Hantrais, L (1997) European and Supranational Dimensions. In Alcock, P, Erskine, A, May, eds, M (ed) The Student's Companion to Social Policy, Blackwell, pp.199-204, ISBN: 0-631-20239-0.

Hantrais, L (1996) France: Squaring the Welfare Circle. In George, V and Taylor-Gooby, PE (ed) European Welfare Policy: Squaring the Welfare Circle, Macmillan, pp.51-71, ISBN: 0 333 60917 4.

Hantrais, L and Becker, S (1995) Young Carers in Europe: a Comparative Perspective. In Becker, SE (ed) Young Carers in Europe: an Exploratory Cross-National Study in Britain, France, Sweden and Germany, Loughborough University Young Carers Research Group in association with European Research Centre, pp.77-92, ISBN: 0 907274 11 0.

Hantrais, L and Letablier, MT (1995) La relation emploi-famille et ses modes de construction dans les pays de l'Union Européenne. In Hantrais, L and Letablier, M-TE (ed) La relation famille-emploi: une comparaison des modes d'ajustement en Europe, Dossier 6, nouvelle serie, Centre d'Études de l'Emploi, pp.13-59, ISBN: 2 11 088599 8.

Hantrais, L and Becker, S (1995) Young Carers in Europe: A Comaprative Perspective. In Becker, SE (ed) Young Carers in Europe: An Exploratory Cross-National Study in Britain, France, Sweden and Germay, Loughborough University, Young Carers Research Group, pp.77-92.

Hantrais, L (1994) Ten Years of Socialist Social Policy: Continuity or Change. In Raymond, GE (ed) France during the Socialist Years, Dartmouth, pp.175-199, ISBN: 1 85521 518 7.

Hantrais, L (1994) Family Policy in Europe. In Page, R and Baldock, JE (ed) Social Policy Review 6, Social Policy Association, pp.211-232, ISBN: 0 9518895 2 4.

Hantrais, L (1993) Women, Work and Welfare in France. In Lewis, JE (ed) Women, Work and the Family in Europe, Edward Elgar, pp.116-137, ISBN: 1 852789 18 2.

Hantrais, L (1992) Les Macro-régulations de la Famille: une Approche Comparative. In Commaille, JE (ed) Du Politique et du Social dans l'avenir de la Famille, La Documentation Française, pp.27-36, ISBN: 2-11-002748-7.

School/Dept Working Papers

Hantrais, L (1992) Rationales and Issues in Anglo-French Collaborative Research.


Hantrais, L (1998) Interaction between Family Policies and Social Protection in the Context of Recent and Future Socio-demographic Changes, p.200, European Commission, DGV.

Hantrais, L, Affichard, J, Letablier, MT, Schultheis, F (1998) The Social Situation in Member States of the European Union: the relevance of quantitative indicators in social policy analysis, p.57, European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, Dublin.

Hantrais, L (1998) L'administration du travail: acteur privilégié d'une politique d'égalité professionnelle entre les femmes et les hommes and Guide des bonnes pratiques, 124 + xiii, International Labour Organisation, Service d'administration du travail.

Hantrais, L, Jones, R, Hopkins, M (1997) A Guide to European Funding Opportunities for UK Social Science: Information Sheets, pp.1-22, Economic and Social Research Council.


Appleton, BL and Hantrais, L (2002) Comparing Family Policy Actors, Cross National Research Papers.

Appleton, L and Hantrais, L (2000) Conceptualizing and Measuring Families and Family Policies in Europe, Cross-National Research Papers.

Hantrais, L, Byrne, PL, Stojanovits, G, Jones, R (1999) A Guide to European Funding Opportunities for UK Social Science, Website, second edition.

Hantrais, L (1999) Contextualisation in Cross-National Comparative Research.

Hantrais, L (1995) White, B, Cox, C. and Cooper, G, ``Women's Career Development: a Study of High Flyers''.

Hantrais, L (1994) Dex, S, Walters, P. and Alden D, ``Mothers at Work in Britain and France''.

Mangen, S and Hantrais, L (1994) Cross-National Research Papers: Unemployment, the Informal Economy and Entitlement to Benefits.

Hantrais, L and Letablier, MT (1994) Cross-National Research Papers: Conceptualising the Family.

Letablier, MT and Hantrais, L (1994) Cross-National Research Papers: The Family-Employment Relationship.

Hantrais, L and Mangen, S (1994) Cross-National Research Papers: Family Policy and the Welfare of Women.

Hantrais, L and Mangen, S (1993) Cross-National Research Papers,"The Policy Making Process and the Social Actors".

Hantrais, L and Mangen, S (1993) Cross-National Research Papers, "Dualistic Europe: Marginalisation in the EC of the 1990s".

Hantrais, L (1993) Barrère-Maurisson, M.A. ``La division familiale du travail: la vie en double''.

Hantrais, L (1993) Hannequart, A. (ed), ``Economic and Social Cohesion in Europe: a New Objective for Integration.

Hantrais, L (1993) Commaille, J. ``Les Stratégies des femmes: travail, famille et politique'', Editions de la Découverte, Paris.

Hantrais, L (1992) Shennan, M, ``Teaching about Europe''.

Hantrais, L (1992) Delestre, A, ``Grand-parents et Petits-enfants Aujourd'hui''.

Hantrais, L (1992) Galland, O, ``Sociologie de la Jeunesse : l'entré dans la Vie''.

Hantrais, L (1992) Durand, J-P et Merrien, F-X, ``Sortie de Siècle: la France en Mutation''.

Hantrais, L, Mangen, S, O'Brien, M (1992) The Mixed Economy of Welfare.

Hantrais, L, Mangen, S, O'Brien, M (1992) Dualistic Europe: Marginalisation and the EC in the 1990s.

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