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Loughborough University Research Publications

Publications for Giulia Piccolino

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Journal Articles

Piccolino, G (Accepted for publication) Ex-Rebel Leaders and Strategies of Regime Survival in Côte d'Ivoire, Security Studies, ISSN: 0963-6412.

Piccolino, G (2023) The resolution of civil wars: changing international norms of peace-making and the academic consensus, Civil Wars, 25(2-3), pp.290-316, ISSN: 1369-8249. DOI: 10.1080/13698249.2023.2249721.

Gough, KV, Velez-Torres, I, Ruette-Orihuela, K, Fayad, J, Bueno, B, Corredor, G, Escobar-Tello, C, Hurtado, D, Larrea, J, Piccolino, G, Reyes, KO, Rubiano, J, Suarez, A, van Grootheest, S (2022) Engaged pedagogic research: Transforming societies through co-learning and social action, Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 41(1), pp.109-129, ISSN: 2399-6544. DOI: 10.1177/23996544221116628.

Martin, P, Piccolino, G, Speight, J (2022) The political legacies of rebel rule: Evidence from a natural experiment in Côte d'Ivoire, Comparative Political Studies, 55(9), pp.1439-1470, ISSN: 0010-4140. DOI: 10.1177/00104140211047409.

Vélez‐Torres, I, Gough, KV, Larrea‐Mejía, J, Piccolino, G, Ruette‐Orihuela, K (2021) “Fests of vests”: The politics of participation in neoliberal peacebuilding in Colombia, Antipode, 54(2), pp.586-607, ISSN: 0066-4812. DOI: 10.1111/anti.12785.

Piccolino, G and Ruette-Orihuela, K (2021) The turn from peacebuilding to stabilisation: Colombia after the 2018 presidential election, Third World Quarterly, 42(10), pp.2393-2412, ISSN: 0143-6597. DOI: 10.1080/01436597.2021.1951201.

Martin, PA, Piccolino, G, Speight, JS (2021) Ex-rebel authority after civil war: theory and evidence from Côte d'Ivoire, Comparative Politics, 53(2), pp.209-232, ISSN: 0010-4159. DOI: 10.5129/001041521X15923094954447.

Piccolino, G and Franklin, S (2020) The unintended consequences of risk assessment regimes: How risk adversity at European universities is affecting African studies, Africa Spectrum, 54(3), pp.268-281, ISSN: 1868-6869. DOI: 10.1177/0002039719898904.

Piccolino, G (2019) Looking like a regional organization? The European model of regional integration and the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU), Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 33(2), pp.179-203, ISSN: 0955-7571. DOI: 10.1080/09557571.2019.1634676.

Piccolino, G (2019) Local peacebuilding in a victor’s peace. Why local peace fails without national reconciliation, International Peacekeeping, 26(3), pp.354-379, ISSN: 1353-3312. DOI: 10.1080/13533312.2019.1583559.

Piccolino, G (2018) Peacebuilding and statebuilding in post-2011 Cote d’Ivoire: A victor’s peace?, African Affairs, 117(468), ISSN: 0001-9909. DOI: 10.1093/afraf/ady020.

Piccolino, G (2018) Rhétorique de la cohésion sociale et paradoxes de la « paix par le bas » en Côte d’Ivoire », Politique Africaine, ISSN: 0244-7827.

Piccolino, G (2016) Conference report: The legacy of armed conflicts: Southern African and comparative perspectives, Africa Spectrum, 51(3), pp.123-134, ISSN: 0002-0397. DOI: 10.1177/000203971605100307.

Piccolino, G (2016) One step forward, two steps back? Côte d’ivoire’s 2015 presidential polls, Africa Spectrum, 51(1), pp.97-110, ISSN: 0002-0397.

Piccolino, G (2015) Making democracy legible? Voter registration and the permanent electronic electoral list in Benin, Development and Change, 46(2), pp.269-292, ISSN: 0012-155X. DOI: 10.1111/dech.12148.

Piccolino, G (2015) Infrastructural state capacity for democratization? Voter registration and identification in Côte d'Ivoire and Ghana compared, Democratization, 23(3), pp.498-519, ISSN: 1351-0347. DOI: 10.1080/13510347.2014.983906.

Piccolino, G (2015) Does democratisation foster effective taxation? Evidence from Benin, Journal of Modern African Studies, 53(4), pp.557-581, ISSN: 0022-278X. DOI: 10.1017/S0022278X15000750.

Piccolino, G (2015) Winning wars, building (illiberal) peace? The rise (and possible fall) of a victor’s peace in Rwanda and Sri Lanka, Third World Quarterly, 36(9), pp.1770-1785, ISSN: 0143-6597. DOI: 10.1080/01436597.2015.1058150.

Piccolino, G (2014) Ultranationalism, democracy and the law: insights from Côte d'Ivoire, Journal of Modern African Studies, 52(1), pp.45-68, ISSN: 0022-278X. DOI: 10.1017/S0022278X13000827.

Piccolino, G (2012) David against Goliath in Cote d'Ivoire? Laurent Gbagbo's war against global governance, African Affairs, 111(442), pp.1-23, ISSN: 0001-9909. DOI: 10.1093/afraf/adr064.

Piccolino, G and Karlsrud, J (2011) Withering consent, but mutual dependency: UN peace operations and African assertiveness, Conflict, Security & Development, 11(4), pp.447-471, ISSN: 1467-8802. DOI: 10.1080/14678802.2011.614128.

Piccolino, G (2010) A litmus test for the European Union? The EU's response to the crisis in the democratic republic of congo from 1996 to the 2006 Elections, European Foreign Affairs Review, 15(1), pp.115-136, ISSN: 1384-6299. DOI: 10.54648/eerr2010007.


Wyss, M and Tardy, T (ed) (2014) Peacekeeping in Africa, Routledge, DOI: 10.4324/9781315850764.


Piccolino, G (2020) Regional integration. In Haastrup, T, Mah, L, Duggan, N (ed) The Routledge Handbook of EU-Africa Relations, Routledge, pp.188-201, ISBN: 9781315170916. DOI: 10.4324/9781315170916.

Piccolino, G (2020) Au service de l’Etat Italien dans le « royaume du caoutchouc et de la blague » : les officiers de l’Armée Italienne et la mission d’Eduardo Baccari dans l’État Indépendant du Congo (EIC). In Comberiati, D, Halen, P, Iounes-Vona, R (ed) Des Italiens au Congo aux Italiens du Congo: Aspects d'une globalité, L'Harmattan, pp.17-28.

Piccolino, G and Minou, S (2017) The EU and regional integration in West Africa: what effects on conflict resolution and transformation?. In The EU, Promoting Regional Integration, and Conflict Resolution, © Palgrave Macmillan, pp.119-139, ISBN: 9783319475295.

Piccolino, G (2014) The dilemmas of state consent in united nations peace operations: The case of the united nations operation in Côte d’Ivoire. In Peacekeeping in Africa: The Evolving Security Architecture, © Taylor and Francis (Routledge), pp.226-244, ISBN: 9781315850764. DOI: 10.4324/9781315850764.

Piccolino, G (2014) Discours nationaliste et fétichisation de la loi en Côte d’Ivoire entre 2002 et 2011. In La Côte d'Ivoire, d'une crise à l'autre, Editions L'Harmattan, pp.64-87, ISBN: 9782343029597.


Vélez-Torres, I, Fayad, J, Rubiano, J, Gough, KV, Ruette-Orihuela, K, Piccolino, G, Escobar-Tello, C, Hurtado, D, Larrea, J, Bueno, B, Martinez, C, Reyes, K, Suárez, A, Corredor, G, van Grootheest, S (2020) Ordenamiento territorial para la paz. Aprendizajes de una investigación participativa, inter-cultural e inter-territorial en el Alto Cauca, Colombia.


Martin, PA, Piccolino, G, Speight, JS (2018) Les conséquences d’une gouvernance rebelle: enquête au nord de la Côte d’Ivoire, Following the armed conflict opposing the insurgents of the New Forces (FN) to former president Laurent Gbagbo, Côte d’Ivoire has been from 2002 to 2011 a territorially divided country. What are the long-term consequences of a rebel occupation that lasted almost ten years? In our research, which has covered 95 sous-préfectures and neighbourhoods located in the formerly rebel-controlled area, we explore territorial variations in the patterns of rebel governance between 2002 and 2011 and we address the impact of these variations on the post-war influence of the FN at the local level. There are substantial differences between the localities surveyed in the quality of war time governance, as well as in the persistence of FN influence, which are not explained by pre-existing factors such as the political sympathies of the population. In some cases, paradoxically, the contestation of rebel authority seems to have led to governance improvements. Former FN leaders who contributed to these improvements enjoy a certain degree of legitimacy among the local elites and the population. The relationships between political parties and FN also contribute to explain variations among different localities. In conclusion, rebel authority can reproduce itself in different manners in a post-conflict context, with a likely different impact on peace and post-war democratization..

Piccolino, G (2016) International diffusion and the puzzle of African regionalism: insights from West Africa, Since decolonization, Sub-Saharan Africa has seen the birth of a large number of regional initiatives whose institutional set up and high integration ambitions are inspired by the model of the European Union (EU). West Africa’s sub-regional organizations: the Economic Community of the West African States (ECOWAS) and the Union Economique et Monétaire Ouest Africaine (UEMOA), are clear examples of this pattern of diffusion. However, African regionalism is often decried as ineffective, in particular in the domain of trade and economic cooperation. Two arguments have been usually put forward in order to explain the simultaneous adoption of the EU model of integration in Africa and its mixed outcomes: constructivist scholars have emphasized normative tensions, while area studies specialists have focused on the neo-patrimonial nature of African politics. Looking at West Africa as a case study, this article argues that both perspectives have limits. Structural constraints and sociological institutionalist theory appear more appropriate in order to account for the mixed record of regionalism in Africa. It is argued that these challenges seem to be less specifically ‘African’ than usually thought..

Piccolino, G (2014) A democratic rentier state? Taxation, aid dependency and political representation in Benin, Drawing on the history of statebuilding in Western Europe, fiscal sociology has proposed the existence of a mutually reinforcing effect between the emergence of representative government and effective taxation. This paper looks at the case of Benin, a low‐income West African country that underwent a fairly successful democratization process in the early 1990s. It finds, in contrast to previous studies that have emphasized dependency on aid rents, that Benin appears to have reinforced its extractive capacities since democratization. However, the effect of democratization has been largely indirect, while other factors, such as the influence of the International Financial Institutions (IFIs) and the size of the country’s informal sector, have played a more direct role in encouraging or inhibiting tax extraction. Nevertheless, the hypothesis that effective taxation depends on a quasiconsensual relationship between government and taxpayers finds some confirmation in the Beninese case..

Piccolino, G and Minou, S (2014) The EU and regional integration in West Africa: effects on conflict resolution and transformation, This paper focuses on West Africa and examines the role of the European Union (EU) in the promotion of regional integration in the region. It also addresses the effects of regional integration on regional conflict transformation, through the lenses of the two main regional organisations: the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), and the Union Economique et Monétaire Ouest Africaine (UEMOA), known in English as the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU). The first section of the paper provides a brief background on the dynamics of conflicts in West Africa along with their regional dimensions. The paper then presents an overview of the main regional integration initiatives in the region, illustrating the different sectors of regional integration. The third section describes the EU activities in the region, examining specifically its policies and interventions and its support for regional organizations. The final sections provide an assessment of regionalism and the EU’s impact in West Africa, concluding with some policy recommendations..

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