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Loughborough University Research Publications

Publications for David Roberts

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Journal Articles

Dy, A and Roberts, D (2024) Geek saviours to the rescue? Primitive accumulation, astropropriation, and exoimperialism in NewSpace entrepreneurship, Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, ISSN: 2399-6544. DOI: 10.1177/23996544241271475.

Roberts, D (2024) Opposing Trends in Antiracism in North Atlantic Rim Universities: Converging Interests or Public Non-Performativity?, Trends in Higher Education, 3(3), pp.695-709, DOI: 10.3390/higheredu3030039.

Roberts, D (2023) Do equality regimes change inequality regimes? A study of the implementation and impact of the Race Equality Charter in UK universities, Journal of Business and Social Science Review, 4(4), pp.1-15, ISSN: 2690-0866. DOI: 10.48150/jbssr.v4no4.2023.a1.

Roberts, D (2022) Act up and act out! An uppity manifesto for institutional racism in higher education institutions, Journal of Business and Social Science Review, 3(10), pp.12-20, ISSN: 2690-0866. DOI: 10.48150/jbssr.v3no10.2022.a2.

Roberts, D (2021) I see, therefore I learn: pedagogic innovation in the cognitive-visual era, Journal of Business and Social Science Review, 2(5), pp.16-26, ISSN: 2690-0866. DOI: 10.48150/jbssr.v2no5.2021.a2.

Roberts, D (2021) Multimedia learning methods and affective, behavioural and cognitive engagement: a universal approach to dyslexia?, Journal of Further and Higher Education, 46(1), pp.62-75, ISSN: 0309-877X. DOI: 10.1080/0309877X.2021.1879746.

Roberts, D (2018) Active learning precursors in multidisciplinary large lectures: a longitudinal trial on the effect of imagery in Higher Education lectures, College Teaching, ISSN: 8756-7555. DOI: 10.1080/87567555.2018.1486802.

Roberts, D (2017) Higher education lectures: from passive to active learning via imagery?, Active Learning in Higher Education, 20(1), pp.63-77, ISSN: 1469-7874. DOI: 10.1177/1469787417731198.

Roberts, D (2017) The engagement agenda, multimedia learning and the use of images in higher education lecturing: or, how to end death by PowerPoint, Journal of Further and Higher Education, 42(7), pp.1-17, ISSN: 1469-9486. DOI: 10.1080/0309877X.2017.1332356.

Roberts, D (2017) 'The message is the medium’: Evaluating the use of visual images to provoke engagement and active learning in politics and international relations lectures, Politics (Oxford): cutting edge political science in short-article format, pp.1-33, ISSN: 1467-9256. DOI: 10.1177/0263395717717229.

Aaronson, M, Ahram, AI, Duffield, M, Etzioni, A, Holland, J, Ginty, RM, McLeod, L, Podder, S, Richmond, OP, Roberts, D (2016) The Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding ten years on: Critical reflections and stimulating ideas on an evolving scholarship, Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, 10(1), pp.3-24, ISSN: 1750-2977. DOI: 10.1080/17502977.2015.1137391.

Roberts, D (2012) Saving Liberal Peacebuilding from Itself, Peace Review: a journal of social justice, 24(3), pp.366-373.

Roberts, D (2012) Everyday Legitimacy and Postconflict States: Introduction, Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, 7(1), pp.36-43.

Roberts, D (2012) Surveying South Sudan: The Liberal, the Local and the Legitimate, Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, 7(1), pp.45-55.

Roberts, D (2011) Post-Conflict Peacebuilding, Liberal Irrelevance and the Locus of Legitimacy, International Peacekeeping, 18(4), pp.410-424, ISSN: 1353-3312. DOI: 10.1080/13533312.2011.588388.

Roberts, D (2011) Beyond the Metropolis? Popular Peace and Postconflict Peacebuilding, Review of International Studies, 37(5), pp.2535-2556.

Roberts, D (2011) Postconflict Peacebuilding, Liberal Irrelevance and the Locus of Legitimacy, International Peacekeeping, 18(2), pp.410-424.

Roberts, D (2010) Human security, biopoverty and the possibility for emancipation, pp.69-82.

Roberts, D (2008) The intellectual perils of broad human security: Deepening the critique of international relations: Controversy, Politics, 28(2), pp.124-127, ISSN: 0263-3957. DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-9256.2008.00320.x.

Roberts, D (2008) Postconflict Statebuilding: From Negative to Positive Peace?, Development and Change, 39(4), pp.537-555.

Roberts, D (2008) Hybrid Polities and Indigenous Pluralities: Advanced Lessons in Statebuilding, Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, 24(1), pp.63-86.

Roberts, D (2008) The science of human security: a response from political science, Med Confl Surviv, 24(1), pp.16-22, ISSN: 1362-3699. DOI: 10.1080/13623690701775189.

Roberts, D (2006) Human Security or Human Insecurity? Moving the Debate Forward’, Security Dialogue, 37(2), pp.237-249.

Roberts, D (2006) Review Essay: Human Security or Human Insecurity? Moving the Debate Forward, Security Dialogue, 37(2), pp.249-261, ISSN: 0967-0106. DOI: 10.1177/0967010606066175.

Roberts, D (2005) Empowering the Human Security Debate: Making it Coherent and Meaningful, International Journal on World Peace, 22(4), pp.3-16.

Roberts, D (2003) From 'communism' to 'democracy' in Cambodia: A decade of transition and beyond, Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 36(2), pp.245-258, ISSN: 0967-067X. DOI: 10.1016/S0967-067X(03)00028-X.

Roberts, D (2003) Cambodian Talks Deadlocked, Jane’s Intelligence Review, 15(9), pp.4-5.

Roberts, D (2003) Cambodia Election Leaves Questions Unanswered, AsiaIntelligence: Political and Strategic Review, August, pp.2-6.

Roberts, D (2003) Fighting for Second Place in Cambodia’s Election, AsiaIntelligence: Political and Strategic Review, May, pp.17-20.

Roberts, D (2003) Cambodia’s Slow Political Evolution, AsiaIntelligence: Political and Strategic Review, February, pp.2-5.

Roberts, D (2002) Democratization, elite transition, and violence in Cambodia, 1991-1999, Critical Asian Studies, 34(4), pp.520-538, ISSN: 1467-2715. DOI: 10.1080/1467271022000035910.

Roberts, D (2002) Political transition and elite discourse in Cambodia, 1991-99, Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics, 18(4), pp.101-118, ISSN: 1352-3279. DOI: 10.1080/714003621.

Roberts, D (2002) Land Reform in Cambodia: Restabilizing or Destabilizing, AsiaIntelligence: Political and Strategic Review, June, pp.20-24.

Roberts, D (2001) Constabulary and Military Reform in Northern Ireland, Strategic Analysis of the Institute for Defence Studies and Analysis, 1(1), pp.162-166.

Roberts, D (2001) Cambodia Heading for a ‘Sham’ election?, AsiaIntelligence: Political and Strategic Review, September, pp.17-20.

Roberts, D (1999) Judging Cambodia, Jane’s Intelligence Review, 11(6), pp.47-51.

Roberts, D (1999) The Political Economy of Peace in Cambodia: Finishing what UNTAC Started, . Peacekeeping and International Relations, 28(1), pp.4-8.

Roberts, D (1998) Sympathy with the Devil? The Khmer Rouge and the Cambodia Peacekeeping Operation, Contemporary Security Policy, 19(2), pp.1-22.

Roberts, D (1998) Political Psychosis Outlasts Pol Pot, The World Today, 54(5), pp.128-130.

Roberts, D (1998) Meddling while Phnom Penh Burned: The Origins of the Cambodian People’s Party Secession, June 1993, Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars, 30(3), pp.14-24.

Roberts, D (1998) A Dangerous Game: Managing Consent in the Cambodian Peacekeeping Operation, Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, 21(1), pp.29-57.

Roberts, D (1998) Meddling while Phnom Penh burned: The U.S. role in the Cambodian secession, June 1993, Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars, 30(3), pp.14-24, ISSN: 0007-4810. DOI: 10.1080/14672715.1998.10411050.

Roberts, D (1998) Sympathy with the Devil? The Khmer Rouge and the politics of consent in the Cambodian peacekeeping operation, Contemporary Security Policy, 19(2), pp.1-22, ISSN: 1352-3260. DOI: 10.1080/13523269808404188.

Roberts, D (1994) More Honoured in the Breech: Consent and Impartiality in the Cambodian Peacekeeping Operation, International Peacekeeping, 4(1), pp.1-25.

Roberts, D (1994) The Cambodian Elections of 1993, Electoral Studies - An International Journal, 13(2), pp.152-157.

Roberts, D (1994) Democratic Kampuchea?, Pacific Review, 7(1), pp.105-110.

Roberts, D (1993) Cambodia’s Uncertain Future, Pacific Review, 6(1), pp.71-76.

Roberts, D (1992) Towards Peace in Cambodia?, Politics, 12(2), pp.9-13.

Roberts, D (1992) Problems of a UN-brokered Peace in Cambodia, The World Today, 48(7), pp.129-132.


Roberts, D (2019) Why I wrote this book, © the Author. Published by David Roberts Consulting, ISBN: 9781096832010.

David, R (2019) Brainjack,ISBN: 9781096832010.

Roberts, D (2018) The Ultimate Guide to Visual Lectures, Amazon, ISBN: 9781527227040.

Roberts, D (2014) Liberal Peacebuilding and the Locus of Legitimacy, Routledge, ISBN: 978-1138801356.

Roberts, D (2011) Liberal Peacebuilding and Global Governance: Beyond the Metropolis, Routledge, ISBN: 9781136789687.

Chandler, D and Hynek, N (ed) (2010) Critical Perspectives on Human Security, Routledge, DOI: 10.4324/9780203847589.

Roberts, D (2010) Global Governance and Biopolitics, Zed Books.

Roberts, DW (2008) Human insecurity, Zed, ISBN: 9781842778258.

Roberts, DW (2001) Political Transition in Cambodia 1991-1999, Palgrave MacMillan, ISBN: 9780312238551.


Roberts, D (2018) Preface [The ultimate guide to visual lectures]. In Unknown Parent Title, © the Author. Published by Amazon Kindle, pp.1-207, ISBN: 9781527227040.

Roberts, D (2018) Visual lectures for dyslexic students. In The Inclusivity gap, Inspired By Learning, pp.1-19, ISBN: 9781909876101.

Roberts, D (2017) Human security and global governance: The calculated mismanagement of life. In New Perspectives on Human Security, pp.14-30, DOI: 10.4324/9781351278805-2.

Roberts, D (2014) Hybrid polities and indigenous pluralities: Advanced lessons in statebuilding from Cambodia. In Statebuilding and Intervention: Policies, Practices and Paradigms, pp.165-188.

Roberts, D (2013) Hybrid polities and post-conflict policy. In Routledge Handbook of International Statebuilding, pp.94-105.

Roberts, D (2010) Biopolitics and Biopoverty: the Calculated Mismanagement of Life. In Chandler, D (ed) Critical Explorations of Human Security: From Discourse Deconstruction to Political Emancipation, pp.69-82.

Roberts, D (2010) Human Security and Global Governance. In McIntosh, M, and Hunter, A (ed) New Perspectives on Human Security, pp.14-30.

Roberts, D (2009) The Superficiality of Statebuilding in Cambodia: Patronage and Clientelism as Enduring Forms of Politics. In Paris, R and Sisk, TD (ed) The Dilemmas of Statebuilding, Taylor & Francis, pp.149-170, ISBN: 9780415776288.

Roberts, D (2008) Advanced lessons in statebuilding from Cambodia. In Chandler, D (ed) Statebuilding and Intervention, pp.165-188, ISBN: 9780415452045.

Roberts, D (2007) Democratization, Elite Transition and Violence in Cambodia, 1991-1999. In Kiernan, PB (ed) Conflict And Change in Cambodia, Routledge, pp.26-44, ISBN: 9780415385923.


Roberts, D (2017) David Roberts Consulting.

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