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Loughborough University Research Publications

Publications for Caroline Kennedy-Pipe

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Journal Articles

Kennedy-Pipe, C and Thorp, M (2025) Soldiering and Silences Witnessing Child Sexual Abuse in Afghanistan, Parameters, Spring 2025, ISSN: 0031-1723.

Kennedy-Pipe, C and Rogers, JP (2024) On the complexities of Christopher Coker and Nicholas Rengger, International Politics, ISSN: 1384-5748. DOI: 10.1057/s41311-024-00633-1.

Kennedy-Pipe, C (2023) Why a Journal of Civil Wars?, Civil Wars, 25(2-3), pp.156-161, ISSN: 1369-8249. DOI: 10.1080/13698249.2023.2250192.

Ashraf, A and Kennedy-Pipe, C (2022) Woman, war, and the politics of emancipation in Afghanistan, LSE Public Policy Review, 2(3), pp.1-11, DOI: 10.31389/lseppr.58.

Kennedy-Pipe, C (2021) Nicholas Rengger and two wars, International Relations, ISSN: 0047-1178. DOI: 10.1177/0047117820968620.

Depledge, D, Dodds, K, Kennedy-Pipe, C (2019) The UK’s Defence Arctic Strategy: Negotiating the slippery geopolitics of the UK and the Arctic, The RUSI Journal, 164(1), pp.28-39, ISSN: 0307-1847. DOI: 10.1080/03071847.2019.1605015.

Depledge, D and Kennedy-Pipe, C (2018) The changing world of the Arctic, Geography, 103(3), pp.154-161, ISSN: 0016-7487. DOI: 10.1080/00167487.2018.12094052.

Kennedy, C and Rogers, JI (2015) Virtuous drones?, The International Journal of Human Rights, 19(2), pp.211-227, ISSN: 1364-2987. DOI: 10.1080/13642987.2014.991217.

Rogers, JI and Kennedy, C (2014) Dying for Peace? Fatality Trends for United Nations Peacekeeping Personnel, International Peacekeeping, 21(5), pp.658-672, ISSN: 1353-3312. DOI: 10.1080/13533312.2014.972035.

Dingli, S and Kennedy, C (2014) The Aden Pivot? British Counter-Insurgency after Aden, Civil Wars, 16(1), pp.86-104, ISSN: 1369-8249. DOI: 10.1080/13698249.2014.904987.

Kennedy, C (2013) The Manichean temptation: Moralising rhetoric and the invocation of evil in US foreign policy, International Politics, 50(5), pp.623-638, ISSN: 1384-5748. DOI: 10.1057/ip.2013.26.

Kennedy-Pipe, C (2011) Yalta 1945: Europe and America at the Crossroads, ENGLISH HISTORICAL REVIEW, 126(522), pp.1240-1242, ISSN: 0013-8266. DOI: 10.1093/ehr/cer254.

RENGGER, N and KENNEDY-PIPE, C (2008) The state of war, International Affairs, 84(5), pp.891-901, ISSN: 0020-5850. DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-2346.2008.00744.x.

Kennedy-Pipe, C (2007) At a Crossroads — and Other Reasons to be Cheerful: The Future of International Relations, International Relations, 21(3), pp.351-354, ISSN: 0047-1178. DOI: 10.1177/0047117807080211.

KENNEDY-PIPE, C and VICKERS, R (2007) ‘Blowback’ for Britain?: Blair, Bush, and the war in Iraq, Review of International Studies, 33(2), pp.205-221, ISSN: 0260-2105. DOI: 10.1017/s0260210507007474.

Kennedy-Pipe, C and Mumford, A (2007) Torture, Rights, Rules and Wars: Ireland to Iraq, International Relations, 21(1), pp.119-126, ISSN: 0047-1178. DOI: 10.1177/0047117807073772.

KENNEDY-PIPE, C and RENGGER, N (2006) BISA at thirty: reflections on three decades of British International Relations scholarship, Review of International Studies, 32(4), pp.665-676, ISSN: 0260-2105. DOI: 10.1017/s0260210506007212.

KENNEDY-PIPE, C and RENGGER, N (2006) Apocalypse now? Continuities or disjunctions in world politics after 9/11, International Affairs, 82(3), pp.539-552, ISSN: 0020-5850. DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-2346.2006.00550.x.

Kennedy‐Pipe, C (2000) Women and the military, Journal of Strategic Studies, 23(4), pp.32-50, ISSN: 0140-2390. DOI: 10.1080/01402390008437811.

Kennedy-Pipe, C (2000) International History and International Relations Theory: A Dialogue Beyond the Cold War, International Affairs, 76(4), pp.741-754, ISSN: 0020-5850. DOI: 10.1111/1468-2346.00162.

Kennedy‐Pipe, C and McInnes, C (1997) The British army in Northern Ireland 1969–1972: From policing to counter‐terror, Journal of Strategic Studies, 20(2), pp.1-24, ISSN: 0140-2390. DOI: 10.1080/01402399708437676.


KENNEDY-PIPE, C and WELCH, S (2005) Russia and the United States After 9/11. In , Terrorism and Political Violence, pp.279-291, DOI: 10.1080/09546550490520736.


Kennedy-Pipe, C (2022) Rengger and the 'business of war'. In Paipais, V (ed) The Civil Condition in World Politics: Beyond Tragedy and Utopianism, Bristol University Press, pp.172-187, ISBN: 9781529224177.

Kennedy-Pipe, C (2020) Revisioning Stalin's Cold War. In Ryan, J (ed) Revisioning Stalin and Stalinism Complexities, Contradictions, and Controversies, Bloomsbury Publishing, pp.113-126, ISBN: 9781350122963.

Kennedy-Pipe, C and Zaidii, I (2020) The Hybrid Challenge and Small States. In Brady, AM (ed) Small States and the New Security Environment, Springer Nature, pp.27-39, ISBN: 9783030515294.

Depledge, D, Kennedy-Pipe, C, Rogers, J (2019) The UK and the Arctic: Forward defence. In Heininen, L (ed) Arctic Yearbook 2019, Northern Research Forum and the University of the Arctic Thematic Network (TN) on Geopolitics and Security.

Kennedy-Pipe, C (2019) Russia and Europe: New frontiers - old dilemmas. In From Vision to Reality: Implementing Europe's New Security Order, pp.141-160, DOI: 10.4324/9780429039720-9.

Kennedy-Pipe, C and Mcinnes, C (2017) The british army in Northern Ireland 1969-1972: From policing to counter-terror. In Modern Counter-Insurgency, pp.203-226.

Kennedy-Pipe, C (2016) Jean Bethke Elshtain (1941–2013): A women’s refuge, baghdad, summer 2015. In The Return of the Theorists: Dialogues with Great Thinkers in International Relations, pp.352-360, DOI: 10.1057/9781137516459_41.

Kennedy-Pipe, C and Stanley, P (2012) Rape in war: Lessons of the balkan conflicts in the 1990s. In The Kosovo Tragedy: The Human Rights Dimensions, pp.67-84, DOI: 10.4324/9780203045466-10.

Kennedy-Pipe, C (2011) Tactics of Mistake ‘torture’, Security and the Ethics of ‘Liberal’ Wars After 9/11. In War, Ethics and Justice New Perspectives on a Post-9/11 World, pp.9-21, DOI: 10.4324/9780203868522.

Kennedy-Pipe, C (2011) Tactics of mistake: ‘Torture’, security and the ethics of ‘liberal’ wars after 9/11. In War, Ethics and Justice: New Perspectives on a Post-9/11 World, pp.9-21, DOI: 10.4324/9780203868522-6.

Kennedy-Pipe, C and Mumford, A (2008) Is torture ever justified?: Torture, rights and rules from Northern Ireland to Iraq. In War, Torture and Terrorism: Rethinking the Rules of International Security, pp.54-68, DOI: 10.4324/9780203888452.

Welch, S and Kennedy-Pipe, C (2004) Multi-level Governance and International Relations. In Multi-level Governance,, DOI: 10.1093/0199259259.003.0008.


Kennedy‐Pipe, C and Depledge, D (2023) Foreword: Rising temperatures, AbstractAs an introduction to a special section on remote politics in the Arctic. We introduce how the various authors have analysed the consequences of a warming Arctic for the peoples who inhabit it and for those states seeking to retain or expand influence in this resource‐rich region. We hope to start a conversation between scholars in International Relations and those in Geography to understand this rapdily warming region.. DOI: 10.1111/geoj.12492.

Kennedy‐Pipe, C and Depledge, D (2023) Afterword: Rising temperatures, AbstractThis piece reviews the contributions of this special edition noting comments and insights into the rapidly changing politics of the Arctic. It highlights how the recent Russian invasion of Ukraine has had a profound impact on the High North, its peoples and its security.. DOI: 10.1111/geoj.12489.

Kennedy-Pipe, C (2021) Afterword. DOI: 10.1080/09592318.2021.1927879.

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