Journal Articles
Hubbard, P, Harrison, T, Ward, C, Abduraxman, B (2024)
Creep slope estimation for assessing adhesion in the wheel/rail contact,
IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 18(10), pp.1931-1942, ISSN: 1751-956X. DOI:
Abduraxman, B,
Hubbard, P, Harrison, T, Ward, C, Fletcher, D, Lewis, R, White, B (2024)
Acceleration-based friction coefficient estimation of a rail vehicle using feedforward NN: validation with track measurements,
Vehicle System Dynamics, 62(12), pp.1-20, ISSN: 0042-3114. DOI:
White, B, Lewis, R, Fletcher, D, Harrison, T,
Hubbard, P, Ward, C (2023)
Rail-wheel friction quantification and its variability under lab and field trial conditions,
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 238(5), pp.569-579, ISSN: 0954-4097. DOI:
Ambur-Sankaranarayanan, R,
Hubbard, P, Cooke, J, Barnard, S (2020)
Feasibility of a kneeling train to improve platform–train interface for passenger boarding and alighting,
IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 14(10), pp.1163-1170, ISSN: 1751-956X. DOI:
Hubbard, PD, Farhat, N, Ward, CP, Amarantidis, GA (2018)
Contact force estimation in the wheel/rail interface for curving scenarios through regions of reduced adhesion,
Mechatronics, ISSN: 0957-4158. DOI:
Hubbard, PD, Ward, C, Dixon, R, Goodall, R (2014)
Models for estimation of creep forces in the wheel/rail contact under varying adhesion levels,
Vehicle System Dynamics, 52, pp.52-370-52-386, DOI:
Hubbard, PD (2014)
A Petri Net Approach to Fault Verification in Phased Mission Systems using the Standard Deviation Technique,
Quality and Reliability Engineering International, On-line, pp.1-13, DOI:
Hubbard, PD, Ward, C, Dixon, R, Goodall, RM (2013)
Real Time Detection of Low Adhesion in the
Wheel/Rail Contact,
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, November 2013 vol. 227 623-634(no. 6), pp.623-634, DOI:
Harrison, T, Abduraxman, B,
Hubbard, P, Ward, C, White, B, Fletcher, D, Lewis, R, Chandrasekhar, K, Vincent, D, Chaney, S, Burstow, M, Cockroft, E (2025)
Creation of and Measurement of Low Adhesion Conditions for the Development of On-Train Low Adhesion Detection Equipment. In
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, pp.1068-1076, ISBN: 9783031669705. DOI:
Qamar, S,
Hubbard, P, Midgley, W, Fleming, J (2024)
Validation of an OpenOCL Model for Energy Efficient Electric Vehicle Control. In
, 2024 UKACC 14th International Conference on Control, CONTROL 2024, pp.219-220, DOI:
Hubbard, PD, Amarantidis, G, WArd, CP (Accepted for publication) Model-based creep force estimation in the wheel/rail contact for a single wheelset vehicle model in a curving scenario. In The Third International Conference on Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance, Cagliari, Sardiania, Italy.
Chen, M, Ward, CP, Hubbard, E-M,
Hubbard, P (2016)
Modelling and Active Control Designing of Trolleybus Catenary-Pantograph System. In
, IFAC-PapersOnLine, pp.282-287, DOI:
Amarantidis, GA, Dixon, R,
Hubbard, PD, Harrington, I (2016)
Integrated thermoelectric model for on-board aircraft generators. In
, IFAC-PapersOnLine, pp.598-602, DOI:
Hubbard, PD, Amarantidis, GA, Ward, CP (2016)
Leaves on the Line: Low Adhesion Detection in Railways. In
, IFAC-PapersOnLine, pp.467-472, DOI:
Bemment, S, Read, I,
Hubbard, P (2015)
Detecting impacts on a representative aerospace structure: an implementation with tests. In
International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Stanford University. DOI:
Hubbard, PD, Ward, CP, Dixon, R, Goodall, R (2014) Onboard, Real-Time Detection of Adhesion Levels in the Rail/Wheel Contact. In
20th Advances in Risk and Reliability Technology Symposium, Loughborough, pp.399-410, ISBN: 978-1-907382 61 1.
Ward, C, Mei, TX,
Hubbard, P, Mirzapour, M (2014)
Railway vehicle optimisation using the concept of "Design for Control". In
Railways 2014: The Second International Conference on Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance, Ajaccio, Corsica, France. DOI:
Graham, JH, Dixon, R,
Hubbard, P, Harrington, I (2014)
Managing loads on aircraft generators to prevent overheat in-flight. In
SAE 2014 Aerospace Systems and Technology Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. DOI:
Hubbard, PD, Ward, CP, Dixon, R, Goodall, RM (2013) Models for Estimation of Creep Forces in the Wheel/Rail Contact Under Varying Adhesion Levels. In
IAVSD 2013, 23rd International Symposium on Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks, Qingdao, China, pp.0-0.
Hubbard, PD, Ward, C, Dixon, R, Goodall, R (2013)
Verification of model-based adhesion estimation in the wheel-rail interface. In
, Chemical Engineering Transactions, pp.757-762, DOI:
Lloyd, MD, Andrews, JD, Remenyte-Prescott, R, Pearson, JT,
Hubbard, P (2012) A petri net approach to fault verification in phased mission systems using the standard deviation technique. In
, 11th International Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference and the Annual European Safety and Reliability Conference 2012, PSAM11 ESREL 2012, pp.4918-4927.
Hubbard, PD, Ward, C, Dixon, R, Goodall, RM (2012) Real Time Detection of Low Adhesion in the Wheel/Rail Contact. In
Hubbard, PD (ed)
RRUKA Annual Conference,, The Royal Society, London, pp.0-0.
Hubbard, PD, Goodall, R, Dixon, R, Mapleston, M (2008) Integrated Modular Systems for Maglev Vehicle Control. In
The 20th International Conference on Magnetically Levitated Systems and Linear Drives (MAGLEV 2008), San Diego, pp.0-0.
Hubbard, PD, Mapleston, M, Goodall, R, Dixon, R (2008) Integrated Modular Processing for High Performance, High Integrity Control
EDCC-7, Seventh European Dependable Computing Conference, Kaunas, Lithuania, pp.---.