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Loughborough University Research Publications

Publications for Paul Lepper

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Journal Articles

Lepper, P, Cheong, S-H, Robinson, SP, Wang, L, Tougaard, J, Griffiths, ET, Hartley, JP (2024) In-situ comparison of high-order detonations and low-order deflagration methodologies for underwater unexploded ordnance (UXO) disposal, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 199(2024), 115965, ISSN: 0025-326X. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2023.115965.

Schiele, M, Rowcliffe, JM, Clark, B, Lepper, P, Letessier, TB (2023) Using water-landing, fixed-wing UAVs and computer vision to assess seabird nutrient subsidy effects on sharks and rays, Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation, 10(3), pp.416-430, DOI: 10.1002/rse2.378.

Armstrong, C, Howe, JA, Inall, M, Dale, A, Allen, C, Benjamins, S, Wilson, B, Lepper, P (2023) Sediment transport and the freshwater modification of tidal hydraulics approaching a fjordic sill: The Falls of Lora, Loch Etive, western Scotland, UK, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 48(12), pp.2299-2318, ISSN: 0197-9337. DOI: 10.1002/esp.5614.

Robinson, SP, Wang, L, Cheong, S-H, Lepper, P, Hartley, JP, Thompson, PM, Edwards, E, Bellmann, M (2022) Acoustic characterisation of unexploded ordnance disposal in the North Sea using high order detonations, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 184, 114178, ISSN: 0025-326X. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2022.114178.

Hastie, G, Lepper, P, Russell, D, McKnight, C, Milne, R, Thompson, D (2021) Acoustic risk balancing by marine mammals: anthropogenic noise can influence the foraging decisions by seals', Journal of Applied Ecology, 58(9), pp.1854-1863, ISSN: 0021-8901. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.13931.

Mendoza-Cano, O, Aquino-Santos, R, Cruz, JL-DL, Edwards, R, Khouakhi, A, Pattison, I, Rangel-Licea, V, Castellanos-Berjan, E, Martinez-Preciado, MA, Rincón-Avalos, P, Lepper, P, Gutiérrez-Gómez, A, Uribe-Ramos, JM, Ibarreche, J, Perez, I (2021) Experiments of an IoT-based wireless sensor network for flood monitoring in Colima, Mexico, Journal of Hydroinformatics, 23(3), pp.385-401, ISSN: 1464-7141. DOI: 10.2166/hydro.2021.126.

Lepper, P (2021) Acta Acustica [Feature], Acoustics Bulletin, 47(1), ISSN: 0308-437X.

Stobbs, J, Novac, B, Senior, P, Woodyard, M, Lepper, P (2021) A supersonic underwater discharge as a high-power ultrasound source, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 68(6), pp.2294-2302, ISSN: 0885-3010. DOI: 10.1109/TUFFC.2021.3054588.

Babatunde, D, Pomeroy, S, Lepper, P, Clark, B, Walker, R (2020) Autonomous deployment of underwater acoustic monitoring devices using an unmanned aerial vehicle: the flying hydrophone, Sensors, 20(21), 6064, ISSN: 1424-8220. DOI: 10.3390/s20216064.

Robinson, S, Wang, L, Cheong, S-H, Lepper, P, Marubini, F, Hartley, J (2020) Underwater acoustic characterisation of unexploded ordnance disposal using deflagration, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 160, 111646, ISSN: 0025-326X. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2020.111646.

Thomsen, F, Erbe, C, Hawkins, A, Lepper, P, Popper, AN, Scholik-Schlomer, A, Sisneros, J (2020) Introduction to the special issue on the effects of sound on aquatic life, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 148(2), pp.934-938, ISSN: 0001-4966. DOI: 10.1121/10.0001725.

Moreno, C, Aquino, R, Ibarreche, J, Perez, I, Castellanos, E, Alvarez, E, Renteria, R, Anguiano, L, Edwards, A, Lepper, P, Edwards, R, Clark, B (2019) RiverCore: IoT device for river water level monitoring over cellular communications, Sensors, 19(1), pp.127-127, DOI: 10.3390/s19010127.

Lepper, P and Rische, D (2018) Sonar signal analysis: Biological consequences of out-of-band acoustic signals from active sonar systems (Abstract), Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 144, ISSN: 1520-8524. DOI: 10.1121/1.5068410.

Hastie, GD, Russell, DJF, Lepper, P, Elliott, J, Wilson, B, Benjamins, S, Thompson, D (2017) Harbour seals avoid tidal turbine noise: implications for collision risk, Journal of Applied Ecology, 55(2), pp.684-693, ISSN: 0021-8901. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.12981.

Pangerc, T, Theobald, PD, Wang, LS, Robinson, SP, Lepper, PA (2016) Measurement and characterisation of radiated underwater sound from a 3.6 MW monopile wind turbine, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 140(4), pp.2913-2922, ISSN: 0001-4966. DOI: 10.1121/1.4964824.

Lloyd, S, Lepper, P, Pomeroy, S (2016) Evaluation of UAVs as an underwater acoustics sensor deployment platform, International Journal of Remote Sensing, pp.1-10, ISSN: 0143-1161. DOI: 10.1080/01431161.2016.1259686.

van der Molen, J, Smith, H, Lepper, P, Limpenny, S, Rees, J (2014) Predicting the large-scale consequences of offshore wind turbine array development on a North Sea ecosystem, Continental Shelf Research, 85, pp.60-72, ISSN: 0278-4343. DOI: 10.1016/j.csr.2014.05.018.

Lepper, PA, Robinson, SP, Theobald, PD, Pangerc, T (2013) A Monte Carlo approach to determining marine mammal exposure risk to long term marine piling operations, J Acoust Soc Am, 134(5), p.4059, DOI: 10.1121/1.4830812.

Rossington, K, Benson, T, Lepper, P, Jones, D (2013) Eco-hydro-acoustic modeling and its use as an EIA tool, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 75(1-2), pp.235-243, ISSN: 0025-326X. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2013.07.024.

Rossington, K, Benson, T, Jones, D, Lepper, P (2013) Eco-hydro-acoustic modeling and its use as an EIA tool, Marine Pollution Bulletin, ISSN: 0025-326X. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2013.07.024.

Lepper, PA, Robinson, SP, Theobald, PD (2012) Underwater radiated noise and impact assessment of marine piling operations during offshore windfarm construction (A), J Acoust Soc Am, 132(3), p.2033, DOI: 10.1121/1.4755473.

Ainslie, MA, de Jong, CAF, Robinson, SP, Lepper, PA (2012) What is the source level of pile driving noise in water?, The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life: Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology (730), 730, pp.445-448, DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4419-7311-5_100.

Lepper, PA, Robinson, SP, Ainslie, MA, Theobald, PD, de Jong, CAF (2012) Assessment of cumulative Sound Exposure Levels for marine piling events, The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life: Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology (730), 730, pp.453-457, DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4419-7311-5_102.

Robinson, SP, Theobald, PD, Lepper, PA, Hayman, G, Humphrey, VF, Wang, L-S, Mumford, S (2012) Measurement of underwater noise arising from marine aggregate operations, The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life: Advances in experimental Medicine and Biology, 730, pp.465-468, DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4419-7311-5_105.

Ainslie, M, Dobbins, P, Hazelwood, D, Humphrey, V, Lepper, P, Robinson, S, Rogers, R (2012) Ambient noise in north European waters, Acoustics Bulletin, 37(1), pp.10-13, ISSN: 0308-437X.

Robinson, SP, Theobald, PD, Lepper, PA (2012) Measurement of underwater noise generated from marine piling during construction of a UK offshore windfarm, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (POMA), 34 2(PART 3), pp.1104-1111.

Wang, L, Robinson, S, Theobald, PD, Hayman, G, Lepper, PA, Humphrey, V (2012) A methodology for measurement of radiated ship noise in shallow water and its application to the noise radiated by dredgers (A), Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (POMA), 34 1(PART 3), pp.44-51.

Barker, P and Lepper, P (2012) Development of a versatile platform for long-term underwater acoustic monitoring, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (POMA), 34 1(PART 3), pp.627-633.

Lucke, K, Lepper, PA, Blanchet, MA, Siebert, U (2011) The use of an air bubble curtain to reduce the received sound levels for harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena), Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 130(5), pp.3406-3412, ISSN: 0001-4966. DOI: 10.1121/1.3626123.

Long, C, Flint, JA, Lepper, PA (2010) Wind Turbines and Bat Mortality: Doppler Shift Profiles and Ultrasonic Bat-Like Reflection from Moving Turbine Blades, J. Accoust. Soc. Am, 128(4), pp.2238-2245, DOI: 10.1121/1.3479540.

Long, C, Flint, JA, Lepper, PA (2010) Insect Attraction to Wind Turbines: Does Colour Play a Role?, Eur J Wildl Res, pp.1-9, DOI: 10.1007/s10344-010-0432-7.

Long, C, Flint, JA, Khairul, M, Bakar, A, Lepper, PA (2010) Wind Turbines and Bat Mortality: Rotor Detectability Profiles, Wind Engineering, 34(5), pp.517-530.

Lucke, K, Siebert, U, Lepper, PA, Blanchet, MA (2009) Temporary shift in masked hearing thresholds in a harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) after exposure to seismic airgun stimuli, Journal Acoustical Society of America, 125(6), pp.4060-4070.

Lucke, K, Siebert, U, Lepper, PA, Blanchet, M-A (2009) Temporary shift in masked hearing thresholds in a harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) after exposure to seismic airgun stimuli, JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA, 125(6), pp.4060-4070, ISSN: 0001-4966. DOI: 10.1121/1.3117443.

Todd, VLG, Pearse, WD, Tregenza, NC, Lepper, PA, Todd, IB (2009) Diel echolocation activity of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) around North Sea offshore gas installations, ICES JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE, 66(4), pp.734-745, ISSN: 1054-3139. DOI: 10.1093/icesjms/fsp035.

Todd, VLG, Pearse, WD, Tregenza, NC, Lepper, PA, Todd, IB (2009) Diel echolocation activity of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) around North Sea offshore gas installations, ICES Journal of Marine Science Installations, 66, pp.1-12.

Dible, SA, Flint, JA, Lepper, PA (2009) On the role of periodic structures in the lower jaw of the atlantic bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus), Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, 4(1), pp.1-9, ISSN: 1748-3182. DOI: 10.1088/1748-3182/4/1/015005.

Lepper, PA and Woodward, B (2008) The feasibility of remotely sensing marine sediments using a parametric array, Underwater Technology, 28(1), pp.21-29, ISSN: 0141-0814. DOI: 10.3723/ut.28.021.

Lepper, PA and Woodward, B (2008) The feasibility of remotely sensing marine sediments using a parametric array, Journal Society of Underwater Technology, 28(0), pp.21-29, ISSN: 1756-0543.

Lucke, K, Lepper, PA, Blanchet, M, Siebert, U (2008) Testing the acoustic tolerance of harbour porpoise hearing for impulsive sounds, Bioacoustics: The International Journal of Sound & Recording, 17(1-3), pp.329-331, ISSN: 0952-4622.

Lepper, PA and D'Spain, GL (2007) Measurement and Modelling of the Acoustic Field Near an Underwater Vehicle and Implications for Acoustic Source Localisation, Journal of the Acoustic Society of America, pp.892-905, ISSN: 0001-4966. DOI: 10.;1121/1.2749410.

Lepper, PA and D'Spain, GL (2007) Measurement and modelling of the acoustic field near an underwater vehicle and implications for acoustic source localization, Journal Acoustical Society of America, 122(2), pp.892-905, ISSN: 0001-4966.

Lucke, K, Lepper, PA, Hoeve, B, Everaarts, E, van Elk, N, Siebert, U (2007) Perception of Low-frequency Acoustic Signals by a Harbour Porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) in the Presence of Simulated Offshore Wind Turbine Noise, Aquatic Mammals, 33(1), pp.55-68, ISSN: 0167-5427. DOI: 10.1573/AM.331.2007.55.

Dible, SA, Datta, S, Flint, JA, Lepper, PA (2007) Lower Jaw Sound Propagation of the Atlantic Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus), Journal of Acoustical Society of India (JASI), 34(1), pp.37-40, ISSN: 0973-3302.

Theobald, PD, Robinson, SP, Thompson, AD, Preston, RC, Lepper, PA, Yuebing, W (2005) Technique for the calibration of hydrophones in the frequency range 10 to 600 kHz using a heterodyne interferometer and an acoustically compliant membrane, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 118(5), pp.3110-3116, ISSN: 0001-4966. DOI: 10.1121/1.2063068.

Theobald, PD, Robinson, SP, Thompson, AD, Preston, RC, Lepper, PA, Wang, YB (2005) Technique for the calibration of hydrophones in the frequency range 10 to 600 kHz using a heterodyne interferometer and an acoustically compliant membrane, JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA, 118(5), pp.3110-3116, ISSN: 0001-4966. DOI: 10.1121/1.2063068.

Wang, Y, Theobald, P, Tyrer, JR, Lepper, PA (2004) The Application of Scanning Vibrometer in Mapping Ultrasounds Fields, Journal of Physics, Series 1, pp.167-173.

D'Spain, GL, Lepper, PA, Zimmerman, R (2002) An AUV Underwater Acoustic Array, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 112(5), Pt 2 of 2), p.2223.

Newborough, D, Blomquist, C, Lepper, PA (2001) The New Generation of Electronic Click Detectors (ECD's): The Development and Field Trial Performance, Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics, Underwater Bio-Sonar and Bioacoustics, 23(4), pp.187-198.

Lepper, PA, D'Spain, GL, Hodgkiss, WS (2001) Source Localization Through Knowledge of the Scattered Field Near Two Air Field Spheres: Numerical Modeling Results, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 109(5), p.2319.

D'Spain, GL and Lepper, PA (2000) Localizing Marine Animals and How Marine Animals Might Localize Sound, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 109(5), p.2319.

Kaschner, K, Goodson, AD, Connelly, PR, Lepper, PA (1998) Estimating Source Levels for Communication Signals from Some North Atlantic Odontocete Species in Open Water, Abstracts from the World Marine Mammal Science Conference, 1(1), p.70.

Lepper, PA, Kaschner, K, Connelly, PR, Goodson, AD (1997) Development of a Simplified Ray Path Model for Estimating the Range and Depth of Vocalising Marine Mammals, Institute of Acoustics ' Underwater Bio-Sonar and Bioacoustics, 19(9), pp.227-234, ISSN: 0309-8117.

Connelly, PR, Woodward, B, Goodson, AD, Lepper, PA, Newborough, D (1997) Remote Sensing Methods for Cetacean Interactions with Pelagic Trawl Fishing Gear, 11th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society (Abstract), p.17.

Kaschner, K, Lepper, PA, Goodson, AD (1997) Analysis and Interpretation of Cetacean Sounds Obtained from a Hydrophone Attached to a Pelagic Trawl, 11th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society (Abstracts), p.32.

Amundin, M, Blomqvist, C, Larsen, F, Lepper, PA, Lockyer, CH, Goodson, AD, Mayo, RH, Newborough, D (1997) The Initial Reaction of Two Wild Harbour Porpoises to an Innovative Wide-Band Acoustic Gillnet Deterrent, 25th Annual Symposium of the European Association for Aquatic Mammals (Abstract), p.22.

Cook, JC, Goodson, AD, Lepper, PA, Woodward, B (1997) The Design and Evaluation of a Phase-Steered Parametric Sonar System intended for Sediment Characterisation, Underwater Technology, 22(2), pp.43-54, ISSN: 0141-0814.

Kaschner, K, Goodson, AD, Connelly, PR, Lepper, PA (1997) Species Characteristic Features in Communication Signals of Cetaceans: Source Level Estimates for Some Free Ranging North Atlantic Odontocetes, Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics, 19(9), pp.217-226, ISSN: 0309-8117.

Cook, JC, Goodson, AD, Lepper, PA, Woodward, B (1996) The design and evaluation of a phase-steered parametric sonar system intended for sediment characterisation, UNDERWATER TECHNOLOGY, 22(2), pp.43-54, ISSN: 0141-0814.

Lepper, PA and Woodward, B (1995) Techniques for achieving dynamic stabilisation of a sonar array platform, Journal of the Acoustical Society of India, XXIII(4), pp.181-186.

Lepper, PA, Coggrave, CR, Goodson, AD, Woodward, B (1995) An experimental technique for tracking dolphins in vicinity of a trawl net, Journal of the Acoustical Society of India, XXIII(4), pp.194-198.


Chaisit, I, Hubbard, E-M, Lepper, P (2024) Enhancing public acceptance of the Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) ecosystem technology: Exploring conceptual theoretical frameworks and regulatory support. In The 2024 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems, ICUAS ’24; 2024 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), Crete, Greece,ISBN: 9798350357882. DOI: 10.1109/ICUAS60882.2024.10556838.

Hubbard, E-M, Schiele, M, Lepper, P (2023) Consideration of stakeholders for technology acceptance in marine conservation. In Golightly, D, Balfe, N, Charles, R (ed) Ergonomics & Human Factors 2023 (EHF 2023); Contemporary Ergonomics & Human Factors 2023: Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics & Human Factors, Kenilworth, UK,ISBN: 9781999652753.

Lepper, P, Babatunde, D, Schiele, M, Lloyd, S, Pomeroy, S (2020) Underwater noise assessment of ORE: The flying hydrophone. In Final UK-China Joint Offshore Renewable Energy Conference, Virtual.

Khouakhi, A, Pattison, I, Cruz, JL-DL, Mendoza-Cano, O, Edwards, R, Aquino, R, Lepper, P, Rangel, V, Ibarreche, J, Perez, I, Clark, B, Davis, J, Martínez, M (2020) An internet of things system for urban flood monitoring and short-term flood forecasting in Colima, Mexico. In EGU General Assembly 2020, Online. DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-21079.

Hastie, G, Lepper, P, McKnight, C, Milne, R, Russell, D, Thompson, D (2019) Risk balancing by a marine mammal: man-made noise reduces the foraging success of seals [Abstract]. In World Marine Mammal Conference Barcelona 2019 (WMMC'19); WMMC'19 World Marine Mammal Conference Barcelona 2019 Book of Abstracts, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, pp.307-307.

Risch, D, Lepper, P, Wilson, B (2019) Audibility of SIMRAD EK60 high frequency echo sounder signals to marine mammals [Abstract]. In World Marine Mammal Conference Barcelona 2019 (WMMC'19); WMMC'19 World Marine Mammal Conference Barcelona 2019 Book of Abstracts, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, pp.601-601.

Benjamins, S, Risch, D, Lepper, P, Wilson, B (2019) Exploring influences of lower-frequency acoustic deterrent devices (ADDs) on harbour porpoise in Scottish coastal waters [Abstract]. In World Marine Mammal Conference Barcelona 2019 (WMMC'19); World Marine Mammal Conference Barcelona 2019 (WMMC'19), Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, pp.67-67.

Lepper, P, Robinson, S, Marubini, F, Wang, L, Cheong, S-H, Clark, B, Lloyd, S, Hartley, J (Accepted for publication) Characterisation of acoustic fields generated by UXO removal. In UKAN Noise Abatment Workshop, Royal Society London.

Lloyd, S, Lepper, P, Pomeroy, S (2019) Unmanned aerial system for use in environmental monitoring of water body wave motion. In OCEANS 2019 - Marseille; OCEANS 2019 - Marseille, Marseille, France,ISBN: 9781728114507. DOI: 10.1109/oceanse.2019.8867528.

Erbe, C, Sisneros, J, Thomsen, F, Lepper, P, Hawkins, A, Popper, A (2019) Overview of the fifth international conference on the effects of noise on aquatic life. In Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics,, DOI: 10.1121/2.0001052.

Geng, Y, Edwards, RM, Davis, JG, Lepper, P, Pattison, I, Khouakhi, A, Clark, B, Diamantides, K, Dai, C, Kaczmarczyk, M, Licea, VR, Lopez, J, Cano, OM, Santos, RA (2019) Impact of Heavy Rain on Signal Propagation in the UK and Mexican 4G and 5G Networks. In 2019 13th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), 13th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2019, Poland,ISBN: 9788890701887.

Lepper, P and Risch, D (2018) Sonar signal analysis: Biological consequences of out-of-band acoustic signals from active sonar systems [conference presentation]. In 176thMeeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Victoria, Canada.

Lloyd, S, Lepper, P, Pomeroy, S (2017) Using a UAS for environmental monitoring of the marine environment [Abstract]. In UAS 4 ENVIRO Small Unmanned Aerial Systems for Environmental Research – 5th Edition, Vila Real, Portugal, pp.76-77, ISBN: 9789897042416.

Lepper, P, Simon, L, Dufrechou, L (2016) Autonomous recording system for simultaneous long-term ambient noise and marine mammal monitoring. In , Monterey / USA,ISBN: 978-1-5090-1537-5. DOI: 10.1109/OCEANS.2016.7761467.

Butler, M, Lepper, P, Pomeroy, S, Norris, J (2015) Acoustic monitoring of marine energy devices. In European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference EWTEC2015, Nantes, France.

Milne, R, Lepper, P, McKnight, JC, Russell, DJF, Thompson, D, Hastie, GD (2015) Man-made noise influences the foraging efficiency of seals [abstract]. In 21st Biennial Society for Marine Mammalogy Conference, San Franscisco.

Hastie, GD, Benjamins, S, Moss, S, Russell, DJF, Wilson, B, Thompson, D, Lepper, P (2015) Dynamic habitat corridors for marine mammals: intensive use of a coastal channel by harbour seals is modulated by tidal currents [abstract]. In 21st The Society Of Marine Mammalogy Biennial Conference, 2015, San Fransisco, CA, USA.

Lepper, P, Elliott, J, Benjamins, S, Risch, D, Wilson, B (2015) Variation in ambient noise levels and acoustic propagation across a tidal flow [abstract]. In OCEANOISE2015, Vilanova, Barcelona, Spain.

Lepper, P and Smith, H (2015) Cumulative operational noise of large-scale arrays of offshore wind farms [abstract]. In OCEANOISE2015, Vilanova, Barcelona, Spain.

Wilson, B, Marmo, BA, Lepper, P, Risch, D (2015) A framework to predict, validate and review the acoustic footprints of operating tidal turbines [abstract]. In OCEANOISE2015, Vilanova, Barcelona, Spain.

Pangerc, T, Theobald, PD, Wang, L, Lepper, P, Robinson, SP (2015) Environmental dependence of underwater sound propagation resulting from percussive pile driving [abstract]. In 29th Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Malta.

Theobald, PD, Robinson, SP, Pangerc, T, Lepper, PA (2014) Towards standardization of the measurement of underwater noise radiated from marine pile-driving. In OCEANS 2014, 2014 Oceans - St. John's, pp.1-4, DOI: 10.1109/oceans.2014.7003200.

Lepper, PA, Theobald, PD, Robinson, SP, Pangerc, T (2014) Significance of dynamic variation in renewable energy device noise to background noise levels under varying conditions. In OCEANS 2014, 2014 Oceans - St. John's, pp.1-4, DOI: 10.1109/oceans.2014.7003158.

Butler, M, Norris, J, Lepper, P (2014) Designing practical on-site calibration protocols for acoustic systems: key elements and pitfalls. In Underwater Acoustics UA2014, Rhodes, Greece,ISBN: 978-618-80725-1-0.

Lucke, K, Daehne, M, Ruser, A, Weychardt, JH, Jacobsen, M, Lepper, PA, Siebert, U (2013) Attenuating sound underwater with air bubble curtains: Practicality and costs vs. attenuation efficiency. In Papadakis, J and Bjorno, L (ed) UA 20134th International Conference and Exhibition on "Underwater Acoustic Measurements: Technologies & Results", Corfu, Greece, pp.713-722.

Lepper, PA, Pangerc, T, Robinson, SP, Theobald, PD (2013) Theoretical comparison of cumulative sound exposure estimates from jacket and tripod foundation construction. In Papadakis, J and Bjorno, L (ed) UA 2013 4th International Conference and Exhibition on "Underwater Acoustic Measurements: Technologies & Results", Corfu, Greece, pp.731-738.

Robinson, SP, Theobald, PD, Lepper, PA (2013) The noise radiated by marine piling for construction of offshore wind frams. In Papadakis, J and Bjorno, L (ed) 4th International Conference and Exhibition on "Underwater Acoustic Measurements: Technologies & Results" (UA 2013), Corfu, Greece, pp.739-745.

Wang, L, Humphrey, V, Theobald, PD, Lepper, PA, Hayman, G (2013) Measurement of noise source locations in depth from dredging ships with a vertical line array. In Papadakis, J and Bjorno, L (ed) 4th International Conference and Exhibition on "Underwater Acoustic Measurements: Technologies & Results" (UA 2013), Corfu, Greece, pp.771-778.

Theobald, PD, Robinson, SP, Lepper, PA, Hayman, G, Humphrey, V, Wang, L, Mumford, SE (2013) The measurement of underwater noise radiated by dredging vessels during aggregate extraction operations. In Papadakis, J and Bjorno, L (ed) 4th International Conference and Exhibition on "Underwater Acoustic Measurements: Technologies & Results" (UA 2013), Corfu, Greece, pp.663-770.

Lepper, PA, Robinson, SP, Hazelwood, RV, Theobald, P, Pangerc, T (2013) Acoustic characterization of large scale marine piling operations for offshore windfarm development (A). In IFM Specalist Conference: The Impacts of Noise and Vibration on Fish, On-line http://www.ifm.org.uk/node/201, Sheffield, pp.1-1.

Barker, PR and Lepper, PA (2013) Detection and impact assessment of impulsive underwater noise. In Acoustics 2013, East Midlands Conference Centre, Nottingham, UK.

Robinson, SP, Theobald, PD, Lepper, PA (2013) Underwater noise generated from marine piling. In ECUA 2012 11th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics. DOI: 10.1121/1.4790330.

Wang, LS, Robinson, SP, Theobald, P, Lepper, PA, Hayman, G, Humphrey, VF (2013) Measurement of radiated ship noise. In ECUA 2012 11th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, pp.070091-070091, DOI: 10.1121/1.4792663.

Hayman, G, Wang, LS, Robinson, SP, Theobald, PD, Humphrey, VF, Lepper, PA (2011) The contribution to anthropogenic noise from marine aggregate extraction operation in UK waters. In , Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics, pp.59-61.

Lepper, PA, Robinson, SP, Theobald, PT, Wang, L, Wood, M (2011) Theoretical determination of the long term contributions to ambient noise levels from offshore wind farm construction. In , Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics, pp.65-67.

Long, CV, Lepper, PA, Flint, JA (2011) Ultrasonic noise emissions from wind turbines: Potential effects on bat species. In , Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics, pp.907-913.

Lepper, PA, Robinson, SP, Theobald, PT, Wang, L, Wood, M (2011) THEORETICAL DETERMINATION OF THE LONG TERM CONTRIBUTIONS TO AMBIENT NOISE LEVELS FROM OFFSHORE WIND FARM CONSTRUCTION. In Ambient Nioise in Northern-European Seas: Monitoring, Impact and Management, Proceedings Institute of Acoustics, Southampton, pp.65-67, ISBN: 978 1 906913 09 0.

Lepper, PA, Hayman, G, Wang, LS, Robinson, SP, Theobald, PD, Humphrey, VF (2011) THE CONTRIBUTION TO ANTHROPOGENIC NOISE FROM MARINE AGGREGATE EXTRACTION OPERATION IN UK WATERS. In Ambient Noise in Northern European Seas: Monitoring, Impact and Management, Institute of Acoustics, Southampton, UK, pp.59-61, ISBN: 978-1-906913-09-0.

Lepper, PA, Hayman, G, Robinson, SP, Harland, E (2011) REVIEW OF THE REQUIREMENTS AND CURRENT AVAILABILITIES OF LONG TERM AMBIENT NOISE MEASUREMENT TECHNOLOGIES (A). In Ambient Noise in Northern-European Seas: Monitoring, Impact and Management, Institute of Acousstics, Southampton, UK, pp.33-33, ISBN: 978-1-906913-09-0.

Lepper, PA, Long, CV, Flint, JA (2011) Ultrasonic noise emmisions from wind turbines: potential effects on bat species. In 10th International Congress on Noise as a Public Health Problem (ICBEN2011), Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics http://www.icben.org/2011/pdf/ICBEN2011.pdf#page=907, London, pp.907-913, ISBN: 978-1-906913-07-6.

Lepper, PA, Robinson, SP, Theobald, P (2011) The inclusion of cumulative sound exposure in assessment of noise impact on marine mammals (A). In 10th International Congress on Noise as a Public Health Problem (ICBEN2011), Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics, London, pp.906-906, ISBN: 978-1-906913-07-6.

Lepper, PA, Wang, L-S, Humphrey, V, Robinson, S, Theobald, P, Hayman, G (2011) THE USE OF A SHORT VERTICAL ARRAY TO ASSIST IN THE IDENTIFICATION OF SOURCE LOCATION FOR MARINE AGGREGATE EXTRACTION OPERATIONS. In Papadakis, JS and Bjorno, L (ed) 4th International Conference & Exhiibition on Underwater Acoustic Measurment; Technologies & Results, Kos, Greece, pp.771-777, ISBN: 978-960-98883-5-6.

Lepper, PA, Pangerc, T, Robinson, SP, Theobald, PD (2011) THEORETICAL COMPARISON OF CUMULATIVE SOUND EXPOSURE ESTIMATES FROM JACKET AND TRIPOD FOUNDATION CONSTRUCTION. In Papadakis, JS and Bjorno, L (ed) 4th International Conference and Exhibition on Underwater Acoustics Measurment; Technologies and Results, Kos, Greece, pp.731-738, ISBN: 978-960-98883-5-6.

Robinson, SP, Theobald, PD, Lepper, PA (2011) THE NOISE RADIATED BY MARINE PILING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF OFFSHORE WIND FARMS. In Papadakis, JS and Bjorno, L (ed) 4th International Conference and Exhibition on Underwater Acoustics; Measurment; Technologies & Results, Kos, Greece, pp.739-745, ISBN: 978-960-98883-5-6.

Lucke, K, Daehne, M, Ruser, A, Weychhardt, JH, Jacobsen, M, Lepper, P, Siebert, U (2011) ATTENUATING SOUND UNDERWATER WITH AIR BUBBLE CURTAINS: PRACTICALITY AND COSTS VS. ATTENUATION EFFICIENCY (A). In Papadakis, JS and Bjorno, L (ed) 4th International Conference & Exhibition Underwater Acoustic Measurments: Technologies & Results, Kos, Greece, pp.713-713, ISBN: 978-960-98883-5-6.

Theobald, PD, Robinson, SP, Lepper, PA, Hayman, G, Humphrey, V, Wang, L, Mumford, S (2011) THE MEASUREMENT OF UNDERWATER NOISE RADIATED BY DREDGING VESSELS DURING AGGREGATE EXTRACTION OPERATIONS. In Papadakis, JS and Bjorno, L (ed) 4th International Conference & Exhibition Underwater Acoustic Measurment: Technologies & Results, Kos, Greece, pp.763-769, ISBN: 978-960-98883-5-6.

Lucke, K, Lepper, PA, Daehne, M, Siebert, U (2011) Presence of harbor porpoises near a pile driving site and modeling of cumulative acoustic effects (A). In THE 161ST MEETING OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA, Journal Acoustical Society of America, Seattle, USA, pp.2396-2397, DOI: 10.1121/1.3587795.

Theobald, PD, Robinson, SP, Ainslie, MA, de Jong, CAF, Lepper, PA (2011) Measurement of the underwater noise levels generated from marine piling associated with the installation of offshore wind turbines (A). In THE 161ST MEETING OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA, Journal Acoustical Society of America, Seattle, USA, pp.2461-2461, DOI: 10.1121/1.3588095.

Lepper, PA, Theobald, PD, Robinson, SP (2010) Effectiveness of exclusion zones and soft-starts as mitigation strategies for minimizing acoustic impact from underwater noise sources. In Akal, T (ed) The European Conference on Underwater Acoustics 'ECUA' 210, Istanbul, Turkey.

Theobald, P, Lepper, PA, Robinson, SP, Hayman, G, Humphrey, V, Wang, L-S, Mumford, S (2010) Underwater noise measurement of dredging vessels during aggregate extraction operations. In Akal, T (ed) The European Conference on Underwater Acoustics 'ECUA' 2010, Proceedings of the ECUA 2010 Istanbul Conference, Instanbul, Turkey.

Todd, VLG, Todd, IB, Lepper, PA, Tregenza, NC (2009) Echolocation activity of harbour porpoises (Phocoena Phocoena) around an offshore gas-production platform-drilling-rig complex. In , 5th International Conference on Bioacoustics 2009, Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics, pp.221-228.

Dible, SA, Flint, JA, Lepper, PA, Long, CV (2009) Experimental evidence of bandgap structures in the lower jaw of the Bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus). In , 5th International Conference on Bioacoustics 2009, Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics, pp.34-37.

O'Keeffe, N, Clough, S, Lepper, P (2009) Preliminary investigations into the response of 0+ twaite shad (alosa fallax) to ultrasound and its potential as an entrainment deterrent. In , 5th International Conference on Bioacoustics 2009, Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics, pp.60-66.

Long, CV, Flint, JA, Lepper, PA, Dible, SA (2009) Wind turbines and bat mortality: Interactions of bat echolocation pulses with moving turbine rotor blades. In , 5th International Conference on Bioacoustics 2009, Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics, pp.185-192.

Lepper, PA, Robinson, SP, Ablitt, J, Hayman, G, Beamiss, GA, Dible, S (2009) A methodology for the measurement of radiated noise from marine piling. In 3rd International Conference Underwater Acoustic Measurement: Technologies & Results (UAM2009), Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference Underwater Acoustic Measurment: Technologies & Results (UAM2009), Nafpilion, Greeece,ISBN: 9789609888349.

Theobald, PD, Lepper, PA, Robinson, SP, Hazelwood, RD (2009) Cumulative noise exposure assessment for marine using Sound Exposure Level as a metric. In 3rd International Conference Underwater Acoustic Measurement: Technologies & Results (UAM2009), Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference Underwater Acoustic measurement: Technologies & Results (UAM2009), Nafplion, Greece,ISBN: 9789609888349.

Lepper, PA and Woodward, B (2009) The development of a 75 kilohertz phase steered active parametric sonar system for subseabed target detection (A). In THE 157TH MEETING OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA, Proccedings of the Journal Acoustical Society of America, Portland, USA, pp.2689-2689.

Dible, SA, Flint, JA, Lepper, PA (2009) On the role of periodic structures in the lower jaw of the atlantic bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus). In International Conference on Biological Approaches for Engineering, BIOINSPIRATION & BIOMIMETICS, Southampton, ENGLAND. DOI: 10.1088/1748-3182/4/1/015005.

Todd, VLG, Todd, IB, Lepper, PA, Tregenza, NC (2009) ECHOLOCATION ACTIVITY OF HARBOUR PORPOISES (PHOCOENA PHOCOENA) AROUND AN OFFSHORE GAS-PRODUCTION PLATFORM-DRILLING-RIG COMPLEX. In Dobbins, P (ed) Fifth International Conference on Bio-acoustics 2009, Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics, Loughborough, UK, pp.219-226, ISBN: 1 901656 96 9.

Long, CV, Flint, JA, Lepper, PA, Dible, SA (2009) WIND TURBINES AND BAT MORTALITY: INTERACTIONS OF BAT ECHOLOCATION PULSES WITH MOVING TURBINE ROTOR BLADES. In Dobbins, P (ed) Fifth International Conference on Bio-acoustics 2009, Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics, Loughborough, UK, pp.183-190, ISBN: 1 901656 96 9.

O'Keeffe, N, Clough, S, Lepper, PA (2009) PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATIONS INTO THE RESPONSE OF 0+ TWAITE SHAD (ALOSA FALLAX) TO ULTRASOUND AND ITS POTENTIAL AS AN ENTRAINMENT DETERRENT. In Dobbins, P (ed) Fifth International Conference on Bio-acoustics 2009, Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics, Loughborough, UK, pp.57-63, ISBN: 1 901656 96 9.

Dible, S, Flint, JA, Lepper, PA (2009) EXPERIMENTAL EVIDENCE OF BANDGAP STRUCTURES IN THE LOWER JAW OF THE BOTTLENOSE DOLPHIN (TURSIOPS TRUNCATUS). In Dobbins, P (ed) Fifth International Conference on Bio-acoustics 2009, Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics, Loughborough, pp.34-37, ISBN: 1 901656 96 9.

Lepper, PA, Robinson, SP, Ablitt, J, Dible, SA (2009) TEMPORAL AND SPECTRAL CHARACTERISTICS OF A MARINE PILING OPERATION IN SHALLOW WATER. In Boone, MM (ed) NAG/DAGA 2009 International Conference on Acoustics, Proceedings of NAG/DAGA 2009 International Conference on Acoustics, Rotterdam, Netherlands, pp.266-268, ISBN: 978-3-9808659-6-8.

Lepper, PA, Robinson, SP, Dible, S (2008) Predictions of cumulative exposure to underwater impulsive noise using both static and fleeing animal models (A). In Underwater Noise: Measurement, Impact and Mitigation, Proc. of the Institute of Acoustics, Southampton, pp.19-20, ISBN: 1 901656 94 2.

O'Keeffe, N, Clough, S, Lepper, PA (2008) Juvenile shad acoustic deterrent trials (A). In Lepper, PA (ed) Underwater Noise: Measurement, Impact and Mitigation, Proc. of the Institute of Acoustics, Southampton, UK,ISBN: 1 901656 94 2.

Lepper, PA and Robinson, SP (2008) Monitoring the temporal and spatial characteristics of the noise radiated from marine piling (A). In Acoustic08 (155th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America), Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Paris, France, pp.2987-2987, DOI: 10.1121/1.2932519.

Lucke, K, Lepper, PA, Blanchet, M-A, Siebert, U (2008) Testing the acoustic tolerance of harbour porpoise hearing for impulsive sounds. (A). In Acoustics08(155th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America), Journal Acoustical Society of America, Paris, France, pp.3780-3780, DOI: 10.1121/1.2935423.

Lucke, K, Lepper, PA, Blanchet, M-A, Hoeve, B, Everaats, E, van Elk, N, Siebert, U (2008) Auditory studies on harbour porpoises in relation to offshore wind turbines. In 15th ASCOBANS Advisory Committee Meeting, Document AC15/Doc.42(C) Auditory Studies on Harbour ASCOBANS, Bonn, pp.1-4.


Dible, SA, Flint, JA, Lepper, PA (2007) On the bandgap theory of hearing in the atlantic bottlenose dolphin. In , Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics, pp.268-275.

Lepper, PA, Lucke, K, Blanchet, MA, Siebert, U (2007) The use of a gas bubble curtain and encapsulated air foam to reduce the received sound levels for marine mammals close to impulsive sound sources. In , Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics, pp.132-139.

Lepper, PA, Robinson, SP, Ablitt, J, Leonard, G (2007) The measurement of the underwater radiated noise from a marine piling operation. In Pacific Rim Underwater Acoustics Conference 2007 (PRUCA 2007), proceedings of the Pacific Rim Underwater Acoustics Conference 2007 (PRUCA 2007), Vancouver, Canada.

Lucke, K, Lepper, PA, Blanchet, M-A, Siebert, U (2007) Testing the auditory tolerance of harbour porpoise hearing from impulsive sounds. In The effects of noise on the aquatic environment conference, Nyborg, Denmark.

Robinson, S, Lepper, PA, Ablitt, J (2007) The Measurement of the Underwater Radiated Noise from Marine Piling including Characterisation of a "Soft Start" Period. In Oceans 07 IEEE Aberdeen Conference Proceedings, Aberdeen, Scotland, 6 pages.

Rawlings, T and Lepper, PA (2007) Distributed Control Architecture. In UDT Europe, Undersea Defence Technology Conference & Exhibition, not known, La Mostra D'Oltremare, Napoli, Italy, pp.1-3.

Lepper, PA, Lucke, K, Blanchet, MA, Siebert, U (2007) The Use of a Gas Bubble Curtain and Encapsulated Air Foam to Reduce the Received Sound Levels for Marine Mammals Close to Impulsive Sound Sources. In Dible, S, Dobbins, P, Flint, J, Harland, E, Lepper, P (ed) 4th International Conference on BioAcoustics, Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics, Loughborough University, pp.125-132, ISBN: 1-901656853.

Dible, SA, Flint, JA, Lepper, PA (2007) On the Bandgap Theory of Hearing in the Atlantic Bottlenose Dolphin. In 4th International Conference on BioAcoustics, Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics, Loughborough University, pp.261-268, ISBN: 1901656853.

Todd, VL, Lepper, PA, Todd, IB (2007) Do harbour porpoises target offshore installations as feeding stations?. In IADC Environmental Conference and Exhibition, Proc. IADC Environmental Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, Netherland, pp.1-62.

Robinson, SP, Lepper, PA, Ablitt, J (2007) The measurement of the underwater radiated noise from marine piling including characterisation of a "soft start" period. In Oceans 2007 Europe International Conference, OCEANS 2007 - EUROPE, VOLS 1-3, Aberdeen, SCOTLAND, pp.732-+, ISBN: 978-1-4244-0634-0.

Dible, SA, Datta, S, Flint, JA, Lepper, PA (2006) Lower Jaw Sound Propagation Of The Atlantic Bottlenosed Dolphin (tursiops truncatus). In Proceedings of National Symposium on Acoustics (NSA-2006), Delhi, India, pp.268-272.

Woodward, B, Lepper, PA, Rasid, MFA (2006) Monitoring the Marine Environment using Mobile Phone Technology. In Jesus, SM and Rodriguez, OC (ed) The 8th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, Carvoeiro, Portugal, pp.439-444, ISBN: 989-95068-0-X.

Dible, SA, Flint, JA, Lepper, PA (2006) Laser Doppler Vibrometry Measurement of the Lower Jaw and Teeth of the Atlantic Bottlenose Dolphin (tursiops truncatus). In Jesus/O, SM and Rodriguez, C (ed) Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, Carvoeiro, Portugal, pp.365-370, ISBN: 989-95068-0-X.

Lucke, K, Lepper, PA, Hoeve, B, Everaats, E, Van Elk, N, Siebert, U (2006) ABR Study on the Potential Impact of Offshore Wind Turbine Related Sound on the Sound Detection of Harbour Porpoises in the North Sea. In Proceedings of the 20th Conference of European Cetacean, Gydnia, Poland, page 78.

Lucke, K, Sundermeyer, J, Lepper, PA, Siebert, U (2006) Measuring hearing of cetaceans and pinnipeds. In ECS Workshop on Electrophysiological Measures of Hearing in Marine Mammals, not known, not known, not known.

Lucke, K, Lepper, PA, Hoeve, B, Everaats, E, Niels, VE, Siebert, U (2006) ABR study on the potential impact of offshore wind turbine related sound on the sound detection of harbour porpoises. In European Cetaceum Society Conference 2008, not known, Gyddynia, Poland, not known.

Woodward, B and Lepper, PA (2005) Monitoring Cetaceans remotely using mobile phone technology; Science and implmentation consideration of Mitigation Technologies to reduce small cetacean by-catch in fisheries. In SMM 16th Biennial conference on the biology of marine mammals, San Diego, USA.

Lucke, K, Lepper, PA, Hoeve, B, Everaats, E, Van Elk, N, Siebert, U (2005) ABR study on the potential impact of offshore wind turbine related sound on the sound detection of harbour porpoises in the North Sea. In 16th SMM Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Proc. Society of Marine Mammology, San Diego, USA.

Lepper, PA, Dumortier, N, Dudzinski, K, Datta, S (2005) Separation of Complex Echolocation Signal "Trains" from Multiple Bio-Sonar Sources. In Bjorno, JPL (ed) Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Underwater Acoustic Measurements: Technologies and Results, Heraklion, Greece, pp.913-918, ISBN: 960-88702-08.

Lepper, PA and Woodward, B (2005) Real-Time Correction of Transmission Platform Instabilities Using A Parametric Array. In 28th Scandinavian Symposium on Physical Acoustics, not known, Ustaeset, Norway, one.

Lepper, PA, Turner, VLG, Goodson, AD, Black, KD (2004) Source Levels and Spectra Emitted by Three Commercial Aquaculture Anti-Predation Devices. In Seventh European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, ECUA 2004, Proceedings of the Seventh European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, Delft, The Netherlands, pp.1039-1044, ISBN: 90 5986 080 2.

Woodward, B and Lepper, PA (2003) Acoustic Detection and Classification of Fluid-filled Cylinders Embedded in Sediments. In Proceedings of the Oceans 2003 Conference, San Diego, California, USA, pp.1912-1916.

D'Spain, G, Lepper, PA, Zimmerman, R (2002) An AUV underwater acoustic array (A). In 144rd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Proc. Acoustical Society of America, Cancun, Mexico, pp.2223-2223.

Lepper, PA, D'Spain, GL, Hodgkiss, WS (2002) Source Localization Through Knowledge of the Scattered Acoustic Field Near an Underwater Vehicle. In Stepnowski, A, Salamon, R, Partyka, A (ed) Proceedings of the Fifth European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, ECUA 2002, Gdansk, Poland, pp.113-118, ISBN: 83-907591-8-7.

D'Spain, GL, Lepper, PA, Smith, JA, Terrill, E, Berger, L, Kuperman, WA (2001) Interference Patterns in Shallow Water Acoustic Fields. In 17th International Congress on Acoustics, not known, Rome, Italy, pp.1-2.

Newborough, D, Blomqvist, C, Lepper, PA, Goodson, AD (2001) THE NEW GENERATION OF ELECTRONIC CLICK DETECTOR (ECD): DEVELOPMENT AND FIELD TRIALS DATA.. In Goodson, AD and Dobbins, P (ed) Underwater Bio-sonar and Bioacoustics, Proc. Institute of Acoustics, Loughborough, UK, pp.187-197, ISBN: 1-901656-37-3.

Lepper, PA, D'Spain, G, Hodgkiss, WS (2001) Source localization through knowledge of the scattered field near two air‐filled spheres: Numerical modeling results (A). In 141 Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Proc. Acoustical Society of America, Chicago, USA, pp.2319-2319.

D'Spain, G and Lepper, PA (2000) Localizing marine animals and how marine animals might localize sound. In Joint 140th Meeting ASA/NOISE-CON 2000, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Newport, USA, pp.2541-2541.

Tran, VNM, Gensane, M, Fioravanti, S, Tesei, A, Maguer, A, Woodward, B, Lepper, PA (2000) Detection of a Buried Water-Filled Cylindrical Shell by the Wavelet Transform Technique. In Zakharia, ME (ed) Proceedings of 5th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, Lyon, France, pp.1091-1096, ISBN: 92 828 9531 9.

Kaschner, K, Lepper, PA, Goodson, AD, Trites, AW (1999) Increasing the efficiency of 'Pingers' to reduce cetacean by-catch in comercial fisheries using multi-path ranging. In International Whaling Committee: Scintific Commision, Proc. International Whaling Committee, Grenada, pp.1-12.

Cook, JC, Goodson, AD, Lepper, PA, Woodward, B (1998) Measurement of Acoustic Scattering by a Cylindrical Shell Using a Parametric Sonar. In Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, Rome, Italy.

Woodward, B, Lepper, PA, Vyas, AL, Balaji Raj, VS, Taroudakis, MI, Papadakis, PJ (1998) Acoustic Characterisation of Undersea Sediments to Initiate Commercial Applications (ACUSTICA). In Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, Rome, Italy.

Lepper, PA and Woodward, B (1998) Signal Processing Considerations for the Detection and Characterisation of Objects on the Seabed. In Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics Conference on Sonar Signal Processing, Weymouth, UK.

Kashner, K, Goodson, AD, Connelly, PR, Lepper, PA (1998) Estimating source levels for communication signals from some North Atlantic odontocete species in open water (A). In World Marine Mammal Science Conference, Proc. Society for Marine Mammology, Monte Carlo, Monaco, p.70.

Lepper, PA, Kaschner, K, Connelly, PR, Goodson, AD (1997) Development of a simplified ray path model for estimating the range and depth of vocalising marine mammals. In Underwater Bio-Sonar and Bioacoustics, Proc. Institute of Acoustics, Loughborough, UK, pp.227-234, ISBN: 1 901656 08 X.

Kaschner, K, Goodson, AD, Connelly, PR, Lepper, PA (1997) Species characteristics features in communication signals of cetaceans: Source level estimates for some free ranging North Atlantic odontocetes. In Underwater Bio-Sonar and Bioacoustics, Proc. Institute of Acoustics, Loughborough, UK, pp.217-216, ISBN: 1 901656 08 X.

Goodson, AD, Amundin, M, Mayo, RH, Newborough, D, Lepper, PA, Lockyer, C, Larsen, F, Blomquist, C (1997) Aversive sounds and sound pressure levels for harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena): An initial field study. In Annual Science conferenceof the International Council for Exploration of the Sea, ICES 1997/Q:15, Baltimore, USA, p.5.

Connelly, PR, Goodson, AD, Kaschner, K, Lepper, PA, Sturtivant, CR, Woodward, B (1997) Acoustic Techniques to Study Cetacean Behaviour Around Pelagic Trawls. In 85th Statutory Meeting, ICES Annual Science Conference 1997, Baltimore, USA, p.137.

Kaschner, K, Lepper, PA, Goodson, AD (1997) Analysis and Interpretation of Cetacean Sounds Obtained from a Hydrophone Attached to a Pelagic Trawl. In Evans, P, Parsons, E, Clark, S (ed) 11th Annual Conference on the European Cetacean Society, Stralsund, Germany, pp.26-29.

Connelly, PR, Woodward, B, Goodson, AD, Lepper, PA, Newborough, D (1997) Remote Sensing Methods for Cetacean Interactions with Pelagic Trawl Fishing Gear. In Evans, P, Parsons, E, Clark, S (ed) 11th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Stralsund, Germany, pp.23-25.

Mayo, RH, Amundin, M, Goodson, AD, Lockyer, CM, Lepper, PA, Newborough, D, Larsen, F, Blomquist, C (1997) Observed surfacing behaviour of wild harbour porpoises. In 11th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Stralsand, Germany, 4.

Amundin, M, Blomquist, C, Larsen, F, Lepper, PA, Lockyer, CH, Goodson, AD, Mayo, RH, Newborough, D (1997) The initial reaction of two wild harbour porpoises to a wide-band acoustic gill-net deterrent. In 25th International Symposium of the European Association for Aquatic Mammels, Duisburg, Germany, 1.

Goodson, AD, Amundin, M, Mayo, RH, Newborough, D, Lepper, PA, Lockyer, C, Larsen, F, Blomquist, C (1997) Aversive sounds and sound pressure levels for the harbour porpoise (Phocoena Phocoena): An initial field study. In Annual Science Conference of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, Baltimore, USA, 5.

Mayo, RH, Goodson, AD, Klinowska, M, Sturtivant, CR, Lepper, PA (1996) Tracking Cetaceans by Sonar Click Detection. In Evans, PGH and eds, HN (ed) Proceedings of 9th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Lugano, Switzerland, pp.92-95.

Goodson, AD and Lepper, PA (1996) A Simple Hydrophone Monitor for Cetacean Acoustics. In Evans, PGH and eds, HN (ed) Proceedings of 9th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Lugano, Switzerland, pp.46-49.

Goodson, AD, Connelly, PR, Lepper, PA (1996) Aversive Sounds and The Harbour Porpoise (Phocoena Phocoena). In Pavan, G (ed) International BioAcoustic Council XV IBAC, Pavia, Italy, p.15.

Lepper, PA and Woodward, B (1995) Techniques for Achieving Dynamic Stabilisation of a Sonar Array Platform. In Proceedings of Acoustical Society of India Silver Jubilee National Symposium on Acoustics (NSA-95), New Delhi, India, pp.181-186.

Coggrave, CR, Goodson, AD, Lepper, PA, Woodward, B (1995) An Experimental Technique for Tracking Dolphins in the Vicinity of a Trawl Net. In Proceedings of Acoustical Society of India Silver Jubilee National Symposium on Acoustics (NSA-95), New Delhi, India, pp.194-198.

Goodson, AD, Simmonds, EJ, Curtis, T, Lepper, PA, Armstrong, E (1995) Implementing a wide band constant beam-width constant source level: A variable aperture approach. In ICES International Symposium on Fisheries and Plankton Acoustics, International Council for Exploration of the Seas (ICES), Aberdeen, UK, pp.12-12.

Woodward, B and Lepper, PA (1995) Real Time Dynamic Beam Steering with a Parametric Array. In Bjorno, L, Jourdain, JY, eds, MEZ (ed) Proceedings of 1st European Workshop on Parametric Arrays, Lyon, France, pp.39-42.

Cook, JC, Goodson, AD, Lepper, PA, Woodward, B (1995) The Loughborough University Parametric Sonar System. In Bjorno, L, Jourdain, JY, eds, MEZ (ed) Proceedings of 1st European Workshop on Parametric Arrays, Lyon, France, pp.35-38.

Woodward, B, Cook, JC, Goodson, AD, Lepper, PA (1995) The REBECCA Project: Acoustical Remote Sensing with a Parametric Sonar. In Proceedings of the 2nd MAST Days and EUROMAR Market, Sorrento, Italy.

Mayo, RH, Goodson, AD, Klinowska, M, Sturtivant, CR, Lepper, PA (1995) The Use of a Drilling Rig in Tracking the Harbour Porpose (Phocoena Phocoena). In Evans, PGH and Nice, H (ed) Proceedings of the 9th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Lugano, Switzerland, pp.92-95.

Woodward, B, Goodson, AD, Cook, JC, Lepper, PA (1994) Sea Bed Characteristics using Non-Linear Acoustics. In Bjorno, L (ed) 2nd European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, Copenhagen, pp.875-880, ISBN: 92 826 8000 2.

Woodward, B, Cook, JC, Goodson, AD, Lepper, PA (1994) A Phase Steered Parametric Array for Sub Bottom Profiling. In 6th International Conference on Electronic Engineering in Oceanography, Cambridge, pp.77-82.

Phillips, I, Harland, A, Mitchell, S, Lepper, P (Accepted for publication) Non-linear temporal contact pressure for quantification of impact severity from association football collisions. In .

CD Objects

Lepper, PA (2005) Authropoyenic Noise Measurements and Impacts for Assessment of the Marine Environment,.


Lepper, P, Robinson, SP, Cheong, S-H, Wang, L, Tougaard, J, Griffiths, ET, Hartley, J (2024) Deflagration: A method for lowering noise from underwater unexploded ordinance (UXO) clearance operations. In Popper, AN, Sisneros, J, Hawkins, AD, Thomsen, F (ed) The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life, Springer, pp.1-18, ISBN: 9783031104176. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-10417-6_91-1.

Scholik-Schlomer, A, Erbe, C, Hawkins, AD, Lepper, P, Thomsen, F, Popper, AN, Sisneros, J (2023) Evolution of “The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life” meetings: 2007 to 2022. In Popper, AN, Sisneros, J, Hawkins, AD, Thomsen, F (ed) The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life: Principles and Practical Considerations, Springer, pp.1-11, ISBN: 9783031104176. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-10417-6_147-1.

Robinson, SP and Lepper, P (2017) Acoustics and marine renewable energy developments. In Applied Underwater Acoustics Leif Bjørnø, © Elsevier, pp.890-894, ISBN: 9780128112403. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-811240-3.00014-X.

Lepper, PA and Robinson, SP (2016) Measurement of Underwater Operational Noise Emitted by Wave and Tidal Stream Energy Devices. In Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, Springer New York, pp.615-622, ISBN: 9781493929801. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4939-2981-8_74.

Hayman, G, Robinson, S, Lepper, P (2016) Calibration and Characterization of Autonomous Recorders Used in the Measurement of Underwater Noise. In Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, Springer New York, pp.441-445, ISBN: 9781493929801. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4939-2981-8_52.

Wilson, B, Lepper, P, Carter, C, Robinson, SP (2014) Rethinking underwater sound -recording methods to work at tidal stream and wave energy sites. In Unknown Parent Title, Springer Science & Business Media, pp.111-126, ISBN: 9789401780025. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-017-8002-5.

Lucke, K, Lepper, PA, Blanchet, M-A, Siebert, U (2008) How tolerant are harbour porpoises to underwater sound?. In Wollny-Goerke, K and Eskildsen, K (ed) Marine mammals and seabirds in front of offshore wind energy, B.G. Teubner Verlag (Springer Science + Business Media), pp.59-76, ISBN: 978 3 8351 0235 4.


Cheong, S-H, Wang, L, Lepper, P, Robinsion, S (2023) Characterisation of acoustic fields generated by UXO removal phase 5 quarry trials of bubble curtain mitigation. DOI: 10.47120/npl.AC22.

Cheong, S-H, Wang, L, Lepper, P, Robinson, S (2023) Characterisation of acoustic fields generated by UXO removal Phase 5 quarry trials of ECS low-order technology. DOI: 10.47120/npl.AC23.

Cheong, S-H, Wang, L, Lepper, P, Robinson, S (2020) Protocol for in-situ underwater measurement of explosive ordnance disposal for UXO.

Edwards, R, Santos, RA, Lepper, P, Mendoza-Cano, O, Pattison, I, Rangel, V, Jimenez, F, Adegoke, E, Clark, B, Davis, J, Falahati, A, Khouakhi, A (2019) Emergency Water Information Network (EWIN).

Lepper, P (2019) Characterisation of acoustic fields generated by UXO removal, BEIS.

Risch, D, Wilson, B, Lepper, P (2017) Acoustic assessment of SIMRAD EK60 high frequency echo sounder signals (120 & 200 kHz) in the context of marine mammal monitoring. DOI: 10.7489/1978-1.

Lepper, P, Gordon, J, Booth, C, Theobald, P, Robinson, S, Northridge, S, Wang, L (2015) Establishing the sensitivity of cetaceans and seals to acoustic deterrent devices in Scotland, pp.1-121.

Lepper, P, Robinson, SP, Humphrey, VF, Butler, M (2014) Underwater acoustic monitoring at wave and tidal energy sites: guidance notes for regulators.

Robinson, SP and Lepper, PA (2013) Review of current knowledge of underwater noise emissions from Wave and Tidal stream energy devices, The Crown Estate.

Lepper, PA, Robinson, SP, Harland, E, Theobald, P, Hastie, G, Quick, N (2013) Acoustic Noise Measurement Methodology for the Billia Croo Wave Energy Test Site, pp.1-154, Scottish Goverment.

Lepper, PA, Harland, E, Robinson, SP, Theobald, P, Hastie, G, Quick, N (2013) Acoustic Noise Measurement Methodology for the Billia Croo Wave Energy Test Site: ANNEX A: Summary of operational underwater noise TESTs for a Pelamis P2 system at EMEC May 2011, pp.1-36, Scottish Goverment.

Robinson, SP, Theobald, PD, Hayman, G, Wang, LS, Lepper, PA, Humphrey, V, Mumford, S (2011) Measurement of underwater noise arising from marine aggregate dredging operations, pp.1-152, Marine Aggregate Levy Sustainability Fund (MALSF), ISBN: 978 0907545 57 6.

Zakharia, M, Sessarego, JP, Guilbot, J, Magand, F, Sageloli, J, Favretto, N, Meunier, J, Cochonat, P, Cauquil, E, Marset, B, Rolin, JF, Magnin, O, Cour, F, Engelbrecht, S, Vejaard-Neilsen, J, Neilsen, C, Bunel, G, Staun, NJ, Bjorno, L, Taroudakis, M, Papadakis, PJ, Papadakis, JS, Woodward, B, Cook, JC, Goodson, AD, Sklavos, SG (1995) Reflection from bottom, Echo classification and characterization of acoustical propagation (REBECCA), pp.1076-1089, Commission of the European Communities, ISBN: 92-827-5012-4.

Mayo, RH, Klinowska, M, Goodson, AD, Sturtivant, CR, Lepper, PA (1995) Surfacing behaviour of the harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena), 16, International Whaling Commission Scinetific Committee.


Lloyd, S, Lepper, P, Pomeroy, S (2016) Initial development of an autonomous UAV for underwater data acquisition.


Lepper, PA (2006) Underwater Acoustics.

Lepper, PA (2005) Anthropogenic Noise Measurements and impact for assessments of the marine environment.

Lepper, PA (2005) Authropoyenic Noise Measurements and Impacts for Assessment of the Marine Environment.

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