Journal Articles
Vagnetti, R, Camp, N, Story, M, Ait-Belaid, K, Mitra, S, Fowler Davis, S, Meese, H,
Zecca, M, Di Nuovo, A, Magistro, D (2024)
Social Robots and Sensors for Enhanced Aging at Home: Mixed Methods Study With a Focus on Mobility and Socioeconomic Factors,
JMIR Aging, 7, pp.e63092-e63092, DOI:
Vagnetti, R, Camp, N, Story, M, Ait-Belaid, K, Mitra, S,
Zecca, M, Nuovo, AD, Magistro, D (2024)
Instruments for Measuring Psychological Dimensions in Human-Robot Interaction: Systematic Review of Psychometric Properties,
Journal of Medical Internet Research, 26, e55597, DOI:
Amirthanayagam, A,
Zecca, M, Barber, S, Singh, B, Moss, EL (2023)
Impact of minimally invasive surgery on surgeon health (ISSUE) study: protocol of a single-arm observational study conducted in the live surgery setting,
BMJ Open, 13(3), e066765, DOI:
Ward, S, Hu, S,
Zecca, M (2023)
Effect of equipment on the accuracy of accelerometer-based human activity recognition in extreme environments,
Sensors, 23(3), 1416, DOI:
Maiorani, A, Bateman, JA, Liu, C, Markhabayeva, D, Lock, R,
Zecca, M (2022)
Towards semiotically driven empirical studies of ballet as a communicative form,
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 9(1), 429, DOI:
Hanneman, A, Fawden, T, Branciforte, M, Virzi, MC, Moss, EL, Ost, L,
Zecca, M (2022)
Novel low memory footprint DNN models for edge classification of surgeons’ postures,
IEEE Embedded Systems Letters, 15(1), pp.21-24, ISSN: 1943-0663. DOI:
Camp, N, Johnston, J, Lewis, MGC,
Zecca, M, Di Nuovo, A, Hunter, K, Magistro, D (2022)
Perceptions of In-home Monitoring Technology for Activities of Daily Living: Semistructured Interview Study With Community-Dwelling Older Adults,
JMIR Aging, 5(2), pp.e33714-e33714, DOI:
Trovato, G, Ricotti, L, Laschi, C,
Zecca, M, Cosentino, S, Bartolomeo, L, Hashimoto, S, Takanishi, A, Dario, P (2021)
The Italy–Japan Workshop: A History of Bilateral Cooperation, Pushing the Boundaries of Robotics,
IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine, 28(3), pp.150-162, ISSN: 1070-9932. DOI:
Sers, R, Forrester, S,
Zecca, M, Ward, S, Moss, E (2021)
Objective assessment of surgeon kinematics during simulated laparoscopic surgery: a preliminary evaluation of the effect of high body mass index models,
International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, ISSN: 1861-6410. DOI:
Magistro, D, Carlevaro, F, Magno, F, Simon, M, Camp, N, Kinrade, N,
Zecca, M, Musella, G (2021)
Effects of 1 Year of Lifestyle Intervention on Institutionalized Older Adults,
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(14), pp.7612-7612, DOI:
Sers, R, Forrester, S,
Zecca, M, Ward, S, Moss, E (2021)
The ergonomic impact of patient body mass index on surgeon posture during simulated laparoscopy,
Applied Ergonomics, 97, 103501, ISSN: 0003-6870. DOI:
Williams, T, Bouazza-Marouf, K,
Zecca, M, Green, A (2021)
Analysis of the validity of the mathematical assumptions of electrical impedance tomography for human head tissues,
Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express, 7(2), 025011, DOI:
Camp, N, Lewis, M, Hunter, K, Johnston, J,
Zecca, M, Nuovo, AD, Magistro, D (2020)
Technology used to recognize activities of daily living in community-dwelling older adults,
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(1), 163, DOI:
Takeuchi, H, Magistro, D, Kotozaki, Y, Motoki, K, Nejad, KK, Nouchi, R, Jeong, H, Sato, C, Sessa, S, Nagatomi, R,
Zecca, M, Takanishi, A, Kawashima, R (2020)
Effects of simultaneously performed dual-task training with aerobic exercise and working memory training on cognitive functions and neural systems in the elderly,
Neural Plasticity, 2020, 3859824, ISSN: 2090-5904. DOI:
Magistro, D, Piumatti, G, Carlevaro, F, Sherar, LB, Esliger, DW, Bardaglio, G, Magno, F,
Zecca, M, Musella, G (2020)
Psychometric proprieties of the Test of Gross Motor Development–Third Edition in a large sample of Italian children,
Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, ISSN: 1440-2440. DOI:
Sers, R, Forrester, S, Moss, E, Ward, S, Ma, J,
Zecca, M (2019)
Validity of the Perception Neuron inertial motion capture system for upper body motion analysis,
Measurement, 149, 107024, ISSN: 0263-2241. DOI:
Moss, EL, Sarhanis, P, Ind, T, Smith, M, Davies, Q,
Zecca, M (2019)
Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology, ISSN: 1553-4650. DOI:
Symeonidis, S, Whittow, W, Panagamuwa, C,
Zecca, M (2018)
Bone fracture monitoring using implanted antennas in the radius tibia and phalange heterogeneous bone phantoms,
Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express, 4(4), 045006, DOI:
Magistro, D, Sessa, S, Kingsnorth, A, Loveday, A, Simeone, A,
Zecca, M, Esliger, D (2018)
A novel algorithm for determining the contextual characteristics of movement behaviors by combining accelerometer features and wireless beacons: development and implementation,
JMIR mHealth and uHealth, ISSN: 2291-5222. DOI:
Magistro, D, Brustio, PR, Ivaldi, M, Esliger, DW,
Zecca, M, Rainoldi, A, Boccia, G (2018)
Validation of the ADAMO Care Watch for step counting in older adults,
PLOS ONE, 13(2), ARTN e0190753, ISSN: 1932-6203. DOI:
Magistro, D, Piumatti, G, Carlevaro, F, Sherar, L, Esliger, D, Bardaglio, G, Magno, F,
Zecca, M, Musella, G (2018)
Measurement invariance of TGMD-3 in children with and without mental and behavioural disorders,
Psychological Assessment, ISSN: 1939-134X. DOI:
Piumatti, G, Magistro, D,
Zecca, M, Esliger, D (2017)
The mediation effect of political interest on the connection between social trust and wellbeing among older adults,
Ageing and Society, 38(11), pp.2376-2395, ISSN: 0144-686X. DOI:
Brustio, PR, Magistro, D,
Zecca, M, Rabaglietti, E, Liubicich, ME (2017)
Age-related decrements in dual-task performance: Comparison of different mobility and cognitive tasks. A cross sectional study,
PLoS ONE, 12(7), ISSN: 1932-6203. DOI:
Kong, W, Waaning, L, Sessa, S,
Zecca, M, Magistro, D, Takeuchi, H, Kawashima, R, Takanishi, A (2017)
Step sequence and direction detection of four square step test,
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2(4), pp.2194-2200, ISSN: 2377-3766. DOI:
Brustio, PR, Magistro, D,
Zecca, M, Liubicich, ME, Rabaglietti, E (2017)
Fear of falling and activities of daily living function: mediation effect of dual-task ability,
Aging & Mental Health, pp.1-6, ISSN: 1360-7863. DOI:
Zecca, M, Micera, S, Carrozza, MC, Dario, P (2017)
Control of multifunctional prosthetic hands by processing the electromyographic signal,
Critical Reviews in Biomedical Engineering, 45(1-6), pp.269-289, ISSN: 0278-940X. DOI:
Kong, W, Sessa, S,
Zecca, M, Takanishi, A (2016)
Anatomical calibration through post-processing of standard motion tests data,
Sensors (Switzerland), 16(12), ISSN: 1424-8220. DOI:
Destephe, M, Brandao, M, Kishi, T,
Zecca, M, Hashimoto, K, Takanishi, A (2015)
Walking in the uncanny valley: importance of the attractiveness on the acceptance of a robot as a working partner,
Sessa, S,
Zecca, M, Bartolomeo, L, Takashima, T, Fujimoto, H, Takanishi, A (2015)
Reliability of the step phase detection using inertial measurement units: pilot study,
Healthcare Technology Letters, ISSN: 2053-3713. DOI:
Trovato, G,
Zecca, M, Do, M, Terlemez, O, Kuramochi, M, Waibel, A, Asfour, T, Takanishi, A (2015)
A novel greeting selection system for a culture-adaptive humanoid robot,
International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 12(34), ISSN: 1729-8806. DOI:
Zhang, D, Sessa, S, Kong, W, Cosentino, S, Magistro, D, Ishii, H,
Zecca, M, Takanishi, A (2015)
Development of subliminal persuasion system to improve the upper limb posture in laparoscopic training: a preliminary study,
International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, ISSN: 1861-6410. DOI:
Higurashi, M, Qian, Y,
Zecca, M, Park, YK, Umezu, M (2014)
Surgical training technology for cerebrovascular anastomosis,
Journal of Clinical Neuroscience, 21(4), ISSN: 0967-5868. DOI:
Cosentino, S, Petersen, K, Lin, Z, Bartolomeo, L, Sessa, S,
Zecca, M, Takanishi, A (2014)
Natural human-robot musical interaction: understanding the music conductor gestures by using the WB-4 inertial measurement system,
Advanced Robotics, 28(11), pp.781-792, ISSN: 0169-1864. DOI:
Ikai, T,
Zecca, M, Sessa, S, Takanishi, A (2014)
Movement analysis based on IMU (orientation sensor) [Japanese text],
Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation, 23, pp.1000-1005.
Cosentino, S, Petersen, K, Lin, Z, Bartolomeo, L, Sessa, S,
Zecca, M, Takanishi, A (2014)
Natural human-robot musical interaction: understanding the music conductor gestures by using the WB-4 inertial measurement system.
Trovato, G, Do, M, Kuramochi, M,
Zecca, M, Terlemez, O, Asfour, T, Takanishi, A (2014)
A novel culture-dependent gesture selection system for a humanoid robot performing greeting interaction,
SOCIAL ROBOTICS, 8755, pp.340-349, ISSN: 0302-9743. DOI:
Trovato, G, Kishi, T, Endo, N,
Zecca, M, Hashimoto, K, Takanishi, A (2013)
Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Emotion Expressive Humanoid Robotic Head: Recognition of Facial Expressions and Symbols,
International Journal of Social Robotics, 5(4), pp.515-527, DOI:
Lin, Z,
Zecca, M, Uemura, M, Sessa, S, Ishii, H, Tomikawa, M, Hashizume, M, Takanishi, A (2013)
Objective skill evaluation for laparoscopic training based on motion analysis,
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 60(4), pp.977-985, ISSN: 1558-2531.
Trovato, G,
Zecca, M, Kishi, T, Endo, N, Hashimoto, K, Takanishi, A (2013)
Generation of Humanoid Robot’s Facial Expressions for Context-Aware Communication,
International Journal of Humanoid Robotics, 10, pp.1350013-1350013, DOI:
Sessa, S,
Zecca, M, Lin, Z, Bartolomeo, L, Ishii, H, Takanishi, A (2013)
A methodology for the performance evaluation of inertial measurement units,
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, 71(2), pp.143-157, ISSN: 0921-0296. DOI:
Matthieu Destephe, AH (2013) Perception of Emotion and Emotional Intensity in Humanoid Robots Gait.
Trovato, G,
Zecca, M, Sessa, S, Jamone, L, Ham, J, Hashimoto, K, Takanishi, A (2013)
Cross-cultural study on human-robot greeting interaction: Acceptance and discomfort by Egyptians and Japanese,
Paladyn, 4(2), DOI:
Bartolomeo, L, Lin, Z, Sessa, S,
Zecca, M, Ishii, H, Takanishi, A (2012)
Online magnetic calibration of a cutting edge 9-axis wireless Inertial Measurement Unit,
International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 39(1-4), pp.779-785.
Kawamura, K, Morita, Y, Okamoto, J, Saito, K, Sessa, S,
Zecca, M, Takahashi, A, Takasugi, S, Fujie, MG (2012)
Gait Phase Detection using Foot Acceleration for Estimating Ground Reaction Force in Long Distance Gait Rehabilitation,
Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, 24, pp.828-837.
Bartolomeo, L,
Zecca, M, Sessa, S, Takanishi, A (2012)
Wavelet thresholding technique for sEMG denoising by baseline estimation,
International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology, 4, pp.517-534.
Bartolomeo, L,
Zecca, M, Sessa, S, Lin, Z, Mukaeda, Y, Ishii, H, Takanishi, A (2011)
Baseline Adaptive Wavelet Thresholding Technique for sEMG Denoising,
AIP Conference Proceedings, 1371, pp.205-214, DOI:
Mukaeda, Y, Suzuki, Y, Lin, Z, Sessa, S, Bartolomeo, L, Ishii, H,
Zecca, M, Takanishi, A (2010)
On the development of miniaturized sensor for the quantitative evaluation of chin movements,
Journal of Japanese Society for Mastication Science and Health Promotion, 20.
Lin, Z,
Zecca, M, Sessa, S, Ishii, H, Takanishi, A (2010)
Development of an ultra-miniaturized inertial measurement unit for jaw movement analysis during free chewing,
Journal of Computer Science, 6, pp.896-903.
Chaminade, T,
Zecca, M, Blakemore, S-J, Takanishi, A, Frith, CD, Micera, S, Dario, P, Rizzolatti, G, Gallese, V, Umiltà, MA (2010)
Brain response to a humanoid robot in areas implicated in the perception of human emotional gestures,
PLoS ONE, 5, 7.
Zecca, M, Lin, Z, Sessa, S, Sasaki, T, Ishii, H, Takanishi, A (2009)
Development of the Inertial Measurement Unit WB-3 - measurement of different movements of the chin,
Journal of Japanese Society for Mastication Science and Health Promotion, 19, pp.143-144.
Zecca, M, Sessa, S, Lin, Z, Sasaki, T, Suzuki, T, Itoh, K, Iseki, H, Takanishi, A (2009)
Development of an Ultra-Miniaturized Inertial Measurement Unit for Objective Skill Analysis and Assessment in Neurosurgery: preliminary results,
MICCAI 2009, Part I, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5761, 5671, pp.443-500.
Zecca, M (2009) Neuroscience and Robotics: Ethical and Social Implications,
Ethics for Bioscience and Bioengineering, 5, pp.29-58.
Endo, N, Momoki, S,
Zecca, M, Itoh, K, Takanishi, A (2008) Design and Evaluation of the new Emotional Expression Head for the ADL assistive Full-body Emotion Expression Humanoid Robot KOBIAN,
Gerontechnology, 7, pp.99-99.
Zecca, M, Endo, K, Endo, N, Mizoguchi, Y, Kusano, T, Itoh, K, Takanishi, A (2008) Design and Evaluation of The Soft Hand WSH-1 For The Emotion Expression Humanoid Robot KOBIAN,
Gerontechnology, 7, pp.249-249.
Vacalebri, P, Lazzarini, R, Roccella, S, Vecchi, F, Carrozza, MC,
Zecca, M, Dario, P (2003) A Robotic System for Soft Tissue Characterization,
International Journal of Human-friendly Welfare Robotic Systems, 4, pp.13-17.
Zecca, M, Cappiello, G, Sebastiani, F, Roccella, S, Vecchi, F, Carrozza, MC, Dario, P (2003) Experimental analysis of the proprioceptive and exteroceptive sensors of an underactuated prosthetic hand,
International Journal of Human-friendly Welfare Robotic Systems, 4, pp.2-6.
Carrozza, MC, Massa, B, Dario, P,
Zecca, M, Micera, S, Pastacaldi, P (2002)
A two DoF finger for a biomechatronic artificial hand,
Technology and Health Care, 10(2), pp.77-89, ISSN: 0928-7329.
Zecca, M, Micera, S, Carrozza, MC, Dario, P (2002)
Control of multifunctional prosthetic hands by processing the electromyographic signal,
Critical Reviews in Biomedical Engineering, 30, pp.459-485.
Carrozza, MC, Massa, B, Micera, S, Lazzarini, R,
Zecca, M, Dario, P (2002)
The development of a novel prosthetic hand - Ongoing research and preliminary results,
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 7, pp.108-114.
Massa, B, Roccella, S, Lazzarini, R,
Zecca, M, Carrozza, MC, Dario, P (2001) Una protesi di arto superiore innovativa,
Ortho 2000, 3.
Story, M, Ait-Belaid, K, Camp, N, Vagnetti, R, Magistro, D,
Zecca, M, Di Nuovo, A (2024)
Pilot Study for a Robot-Assisted Timed Up and Go Assessment. In
, IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pp.4763-4768, DOI:
Maiorani, A, Liu, C, Lock, R, Zecca, M (Accepted for publication) The Functional Grammar of Dance applied to ELAN annotation: meaning beyond the naked eye. In The Kinesemiotic Body, Loughborough University in London.
Williams, T, Bouazza-Marouf, K,
Zecca, M (2019)
Detection and location of sub-cranial haematomas using a MFEIT system with a semi electrode array. In
Wolfson School's Doctoral Research Conference 2019, Loughborough, UK.
Fullerton, E, Brooke-Wavell, K, Sanderson, P, Esliger, D,
Zecca, M (2019)
Assessment of machine learning performance for the detection of activity type in military training [Abstract]. In
ACSM Annual Meeting; Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, Orlando, Florida. DOI:
Ma, J, Hogervorst, E, Magistro, D, Chouliaras, V,
Zecca, M (2018)
Development of sensorised resistance band for objective exercise measurement: Activities classification trial. In
International Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii,ISBN: 9781538636466. DOI:
Kong, W, Lin, J, Waaning, L, Sessa, S, Cosentino, S, Magistro, D,
Zecca, M, Kawashima, R, Takanishi, A (2017)
Comparison of gait event detection from shanks and feet in single-task and multi-task walking of healthy older adults. In
2016 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, ROBIO 2016, Qingdao, China, pp.2063-2068, ISBN: 9781509043644. DOI:
Ma, J and
Zecca, M (2017)
Development of a portable sensorised handle for the objective assessment of the effectiveness and concordance of intervention plans in dementia. In
2017 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Jeju Island, South Korea,ISBN: 9781509028092. DOI:
Wang, C, Liu, Q, Duan, L, Sun, T, Shi, Q, Shen, Y, Shang, WF, Li, W, Wu, Z,
Zecca, M, Wei, J, Takanishi, A (2017)
Development of an arm robot with human-like motor nerve model for neurological examination training. In
Shen, S, Gao, C, Zhao, Y, Lu, H, Shen, Y, Wang, C, Sun, T, Liu, Q, Shi, Q, Long, J, Wang, Y, Wu, Z, Qin, J, Li, W,
Zecca, M, Takanishi, A (2016)
Development of lower limb rehabilitation evaluation system based on virtual reality technology. In
2016 IEEE International Conference on Real-Time Computing and Robotics, RCAR 2016, Angkor Wat, Cambodia, pp.517-522, ISBN: 9781467389594. DOI:
Wang, CB, Sun, TY, Duan, LH, Liu, QQ, Lu, ZJ, Li, M, Chen, PF, Wei, CD, Hou, AH, Shen, YJ, Liu, QH, Qin, J, Li, WG, Shi, Q, Wang, YL, Long, JJ, Wei, JJ,
Zecca, M, Wu, ZZ (2016)
Gait motion analysis based on WB-4 sensor with quaternion algorithm. In
6th Annual IEEE International Conference on Cyber Technology in Automation, Control and Intelligent Systems, IEEE-CYBER 2016, Sofitel Chengdu Taihe, Chengdu, China, pp.279-283, ISBN: 9781509027323. DOI:
Wilson, S,
Zecca, M, Craner, MJ, Hodgetts, TJ, Williams, D (2016)
Identifying Technologies for Rehabilitation of Military Traumatic Brain Injury [Abstract]. In
4th IEEE Workshop on Advanced Neuro Technologies for Brain initiatives: Challenges and Oppurtunities, Miami Convention Centre, Florida, USA.
Wilson, S,
Zecca, M, Craner, MJ, Hodgetts, TJ, Williams, D (2016)
Potential technologies for rehabilitation of military traumatic brain injury [Abstract]. In
EEE Life Sciences Grand Challenges Conference: “BioRobotics and Bionics: New Frontiers of Biomedical Engineering, Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
Wilson, S,
Zecca, M, Craner, MJ, Hodgetts, TJ, Williams, D (2016)
Identifying technologies for rehabilitation of military traumatic brain injury [Abstracts]. In
IEEE Life Sciences Grand Challenges Conference: “BioRobotics and Bionics: New Frontiers of Biomedical Engineering, Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
Wang, C, Li, M, Duan, L, Lu, Z, Shi, Q, Wang, L,
Zecca, M, Takanishi, A, Li, W, Wu, Z (2015)
Development of an ankle motion detecting mechanism for ankle rehabilitation training. In
2015 IEEE International Conference on CYBER Technology in Automation, Control, and Intelligent Systems (CYBER), 2015 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Technology in Automation, Control, and Intelligent Systems (CYBER), pp.341-346, DOI:
Lu, Z, Wang, C, Duan, L, Li, M, Shi, Q, Wang, L,
Zecca, M, Takanishi, A, Li, W, Wu, Z (2015)
Development of a novel ankle rehabilitation robot with three freedoms for ankle rehabilitation training. In
2015 IEEE International Conference on CYBER Technology in Automation, Control, and Intelligent Systems (CYBER), 2015 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Technology in Automation, Control, and Intelligent Systems (CYBER), pp.2091-2096, DOI:
Kong, W, Sessa, S, Zhang, D,
Zecca, M, Cosentino, S, Ishii, H, Magistro, D, Takeuchi, H, Kawashima, R, Takanishi, A (2015)
Angular sway propagation in One Leg Stance and quiet stance with Inertial Measurement Units for older adults. In
Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS, pp.6955-6958, ISBN: 9781424492718. DOI:
Symeonidis, S, Whittow, W, Panagamuwa, C,
Zecca, M (2015)
An implanted antenna system for the monitoring of the healing of bone fractures. In
2015 Loughborough Antennas and Propagation Conference, LAPC 2015,, ISBN: 9781479989430. DOI:
Wang, C, Lu, Z, Wang, Y, Li, M, Duan, L, Shen, Y, Wei, J, Shi, Q,
Zecca, M, Li, W, Wu, Z (2015)
Development of a rehabilitation robot for hand and wrist rehabilitation training. In
2015 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation, ICIA 2015 - In conjunction with 2015 IEEE International Conference on Automation and Logistics, pp.106-111, ISBN: 9781467391047. DOI:
Wang, C, Duan, L, Li, M, Lu, Z, Shen, Y, Wei, J, Shi, Q, Wang, Y,
Zecca, M, Li, W, Wu, Z (2015)
Development an arm robot to simulate the lead-pipe rigidity for medical education. In
2015 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation, ICIA 2015 - In conjunction with 2015 IEEE International Conference on Automation and Logistics, pp.619-624, ISBN: 9781467391047. DOI:
Wang, L, Wang, C, Duan, L, Nibori, A, Miura, Y, Sugamiya, Y, Kong, W, Shi, Q, Ishii, H, Sessa, S,
Zecca, M, Takanishi, A, Wu, Z, Qin, J, Li, W (2014)
Development of a nerve model of eyeball motion nerves to simulate the disorders of eyeball movements for neurologic examination training. In
2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), 2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO 2014), pp.707-712, DOI:
Destephe, M,
Zecca, M, Hashimoto, K, Takanishi, A (2014)
Uncanny valley, robot and autism: Perception of the uncanniness in an emotional gait. In
2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), 2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO 2014), pp.1152-1157, DOI:
Niibori, A, Matsuoka, Y, Bartolomeo, L, Cosentino, S, Kong, W, Imtiaz, U, Zhang, D, Kasuya, Y, Nagai, M, Ozaki, M, Sessa, S, Ishii, H,
Zecca, M, Takanishi, A (2014)
Objective skill evaluation of endotracheal intubation using muscle contraction sensor. In
2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), 2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO 2014), pp.1862-1867, DOI:
Wang, C, Duan, L, Shi, Q, Nibori, A, Miura, Y, Sugamiya, Y, Kong, W, Zhang, D, Ishii, H, Sessa, S,
Zecca, M, Takanishi, A, Wu, Z, Qin, J, Li, W (2014)
Development of a human-like motor nerve model to simulate the diseases effects on muscle tension for neurologic examination training. In
2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), 2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO 2014), pp.713-718, DOI:
Kong, W, Sessa, S, Magistro, D, Zhang, D, Imtiaz, U, Cosentino, S,
Zecca, M, Ishii, H, Takeuchi, H, Kawashima, R, Takanishi, A (2014)
Balance analysis of one leg stance for older adults with Inertial Measurement Units. In
, Healthcare Innovation Conference (HIC), 2014 IEEE, pp.307-310, DOI:
Salah, O, Ramadan, AA, Sessa, S, Fath El-Bab, AMR, Abo-Ismail, A,
Zecca, M, Kobayashi, Y, Takanishi, A, Fujie, M (2014)
Sit to stand sensing using wearable IMUs based on adaptive Neuro Fuzzy and Kalman Filter. In
, Healthcare Innovation Conference (HIC), 2014 IEEE, pp.288-291, DOI:
Destephe, M, Brandao, M, Kishi, T,
Zecca, M, Hashimoto, K, Takanishi, A (2014)
Emotional gait: effects on humans’ perception of humanoid robots. In
Robot and Human Interactive Communication, 2014 RO-MAN: The 23rd IEEE International Symposium on, pp.261-266, ISBN: 9781479967636. DOI:
Zhang, D, Matsuoka, Y, Kong, W, Imtiaz, U, Bartolomeo, L, Cosentino, S,
Zecca, M, Sessa, S, Ishii, H, Takanishi, A (2014)
Development of new muscle contraction sensor to replace sEMG for using in muscles analysis fields. In
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2014 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE, pp.6945-6948, DOI:
Imtiaz, U, Yamamura, K, Kong, W, Sessa, S, Lin, Z, Bartolomeo, L, Ishii, H,
Zecca, M, Yamada, Y, Takanishi, A (2014)
Application of wireless inertial measurement units and EMG sensors for studying deglutition - preliminary results. In
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2014 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE, pp.5381-5384, DOI:
Kishi, T, Endo, N, Nozawa, T, Otani, T, Cosentino, S,
Zecca, M, Hashimoto, K, Takanishi, A (2014)
Bipedal humanoid robot that makes humans laugh with use of the method of comedy and affects their psychological state actively. In
Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2014 IEEE International Conference on, pp.1965-1970, DOI:
Destephe, M, Henning, A,
Zecca, M, Hashimoto, K, Takanishi, A (2013)
Perception of emotion and emotional intensity in humanoid robots gait. In
, 2013 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), pp.1276-1281, DOI:
Matsuoka, Y, Bartolomeo, L, Chihara, T, Imtiaz, U, Saito, K, Kong, W, Noh, Y, Kasuya, Y, Nagai, M, Ozaki, M, Wang, C, Sessa, S, Ishii, H,
Zecca, M, Takanishi, A (2013)
A novel approach to evaluate skills in Endotracheal Intubation using biomechanical measurement system. In
, 2013 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), pp.1456-1461, DOI:
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Human-humanoid robot social interaction: Laughter. In
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Kong, W, Sessa, S, Cosentino, S,
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Development of a real-time IMU-based motion capture system for gait rehabilitation. In
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Imtiaz, U, Bartolomeo, L, Lin, Z, Sessa, S, Ishii, H, Saito, K,
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Design of a wireless miniature low cost EMG sensor using gold plated dry electrodes for biomechanics research. In
, 2013 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (ICMA), pp.957-962, DOI:
Trovato, G,
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Towards culture-specific robot customisation: A study on greeting interaction with Egyptians. In
, 2013 IEEE RO-MAN, pp.447-452, DOI:
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Walking assessment in the phase space by using ultra-miniaturized Inertial Measurement Units. In
, 2013 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (ICMA), pp.902-907, DOI:
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Conveying emotion intensity with bio-inspired expressive walking - Experiments with sadness and happiness. In
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Biomechanical evaluation of the phases during simulated Endotracheal Intubation (ETI): Pilot study on the effect of different laryngoscopes. In
, 2013 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), pp.4887-4890, DOI:
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The influences of emotional intensity for happiness and sadness on walking. In
, 2013 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), pp.7452-7455, DOI:
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Use of an ultra-miniaturized IMU-based motion capture system for objective evaluation and assessment of walking skills. In
, 2013 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), pp.4883-4886, DOI:
Wang, C, Noh, Y, Tokumoto, M, Terunaga, C, Yusuke, M, Ishii, H, Sessa, S,
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Development of a human-like neurologic model to simulate the influences of diseases for neurologic examination training. In
, 2013 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pp.4826-4831, DOI:
Sessa, AE (2013)
Walking assessment in the phase space by using ultra-miniaturized Inertial Measurement Units. In
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Towards culture-specific robot customisation: A study on greeting interaction with Egyptians. In
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Mitchell, S, Destephe, M,
Zecca, M, Hashimoto, K, Takanishi, A (2013) Shaping the Form of Tomorrows Robotic Faces. In
, HRI2013 Workshop on Design of Humanlikeness in HRI from uncanny valley to minimal design, pp.p-14.
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Use of an ultra-miniaturized IMU-based motion capture system for objective evaluation and assessment of walking skills. In
, pp.4883-4886.
Narang, G, Kong, W, Xu, P, Narang, A, Singh, S, Hashimoto, K,
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Comparison of bipedal humanoid walking with human being using inertial measurement units and force-torque sensors. In
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Saito, AA (2012)
Assessment of walking quality by using Inertial Measurement Units. In
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Zecca, M, Sessa, S, Lin, Z, Ishii, H, Xu, H, Uemura, M, Nagao, Y, Tomikawa, M, Hashizume, M, Takanishi, A (2012)
Biomechanical analysis of induced mental stress in laparoscopy surgical training by surface Electromyography. In
, pp.1194-1198.
Cosentino, S, Sugita, Y,
Zecca, M, Sessa, S, Lin, Z, Petersen, K, Ishii, H, Takanishi, A (2012) Music conductor gesture recognition by using inertial measurement system for human-robot musical interaction. In
, pp.6-6.
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Musical robots: Towards a natural joint performance. In
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Xu, PU, Motohashi, H, Otani, T, Uryuu, K, Yahara, M, Kryczka, P, Lin, Z, Petersen, K, Hashimoto, K, Sessa, S,
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Solis, J, Petersen, K, Kashiwakura, J, Saitoh, Y,
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Zecca, M, Sessa, S, Lin, Z, Petersen, K, Ishii, H, Takanishi, A (2012) Motion recognition system for conductor and flutist robot interaction. In
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Surface EMG and heartbeat analysis preliminary results in surgical training: Dry boxes and live tissue. In
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Waseda bioinstrumentation system WB-3 as a wearable tool for objective laparoscopic skill evaluation. In
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斎藤航平, 鈴木悠人, Bartolomeo, L, Lin, Z, 伊藤加寿子, 石井裕之, Sessa, S, 植村宗則, 富川盛雅, 橋爪誠,
Zecca, M, 淳夫, 高 (2011) 人間の運動および生理指標の計測システムに関する研究-手術場面における術者の心理的安定性評価手法の検討. In
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Cosentino, S and
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System integration: Development of a global network communication protocol. In
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Suzuki, Y, Mukaeda, Y, Lin, Z, Bartolomeo, L, Itoh, K, Ishii, H, Sessa, S,
Zecca, M, Itoh, K, Tomikawa, M, Odaira, T, Tanoue, K, Ieiri, S, Konishi, K, Hashizume, M, Takanishi, A (2010) Objective Evaluation of Laparoscopic Surgical Skills Using Waseda Bioinstrumentation System WB-3. In
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Destephe, M, Endo, N, Endo, K, Hashimoto, K,
Zecca, M, Takanishi, A (2010) Real-time facial emotion recognition system for humans and for robots - preliminary experiments. In
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Zecca, M (2010)
System integration: Development of a global network communication protocol. In
, 2010 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII), pp.194-199, ISBN: 978-1-4244-9316-6. DOI:
Sessa, S,
Zecca, M, Lin, Z, Bartolomeo, L, Itoh, K, Ishii, H, Mukaeda, Y, Suzuki, Y, Takanishi, A (2010)
Ultra-miniaturized WB-3 Inertial Measurement Unit: Performance evaluation of the attitude estimation. In
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Mukaeda, Y, Suzuki, Y, Lin, Z, Bartolomeo, L, Itoh, K, Ishii, H, Sessa, S,
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Suzuki, Y, Mukaeda, Y, Lin, Z, Bartolomeo, L, Itoh, K, Ishii, H, Sessa, S,
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Lin, Z,
Zecca, M, Sessa, S, Ishii, H, Takanishi, A (2010) Ultra-Miniaturized Inertial Measurement Unit WB-3 for Jaw Movement Analysis during Free Chewing. In
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Morita, Y, Okamoto, J, Kawamura, K, Seki, M, Sessa, S,
Zecca, M, Lin, Z, Ishii, H, Takasugi, S, Takanishi, A, Fujie, MG (2010) Gait analysis system of presumption of method to estimate right and left separated ground reaction force using acceleration sensor. In
Endo, N, Endo, K,
Zecca, M, Takanishi, A (2010) Modular Design of Emotion Expression Humanoid Robots KOBIAN. In
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Lin, Z,
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Development of the miniaturized wireless inertial measurement unit WB-4: Pilot test for mastication analysis. In
, pp.420-425.
Zecca, M, Sessa, S, Lin, Z, Suzuki, T, Sasaki, T, Itoh, K, Iseki, H, Takanishi, A (2009)
Development of the ultra-miniaturized Inertial Measurement Unit WB3 for objective skill analysis and assessment in neurosurgery: preliminary results. In
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Objective skill analysis and assessment in neurosurgery by using an ultra-miniaturized inertial measurement unit WB-3 - Pilot tests. In
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Lin, Z,
Zecca, M, Sessa, S, Sasaki, T, Suzuki, T, Itoh, K, Iseki, H, Takanishi, A (2009) Objective Skill Analysis and Assessment in Neurosurgery by using the Waseda Bioinstrumentation System WB-3 - Pilot tests -. In
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Lin, Z,
Zecca, M, Sessa, S, Kusano, T, Itoh, K, Takanishi, A (2009) Waseda Bioinstrumentation System WB-2R as a Wearable Tool for an Objective Analysis of Surgeon’s Performance. In
, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Machatronics AIM2009, pp.705-710.
Sessa, S,
Zecca, M, Lin, Z, Sasaki, T, Suzuki, T, Itoh, K, Iseki, H, Takanishi, A (2009) Objective Skill Analysis and Assessment of Neurosurgery by using the Waseda Bioinstrumentation System WB-3 - Pilot tests -. In
, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent RObots and Systems IROS2009, pp.4086-4091.
Lin, Z,
Zecca, M, Sessa, S, Sasaki, T, Suzuki, T, Itoh, K, Iseki, H, Takanishi, A (2009)
Objective skill analysis and assessment in neurosurgery by using an ultra-miniaturized inertial measurement unit WB-3–pilot tests. In
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, 12th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention MICCAI 2009, pp.P1--12-W-P1--12-W.
Zecca, M, Macrì, G, Mizoguchi, Y, Endo, N, Vito Monaco, KI, Dario, P, Takanishi, A (2009) Evaluation of the KOBIAN and HABIAN emotional expression humanoid robots with European Elderly people. In
, ROBIO2009.
Zecca, M, Mizoguchi, Y, Endo, K, Iida, F, Kawabata, Y, Endo, N, Itoh, K, Takanishi, A, IEEE, (2009)
Whole body Emotion Expressions for KOBIAN Humanoid Robot - preliminary experiments with different emotional patterns. In
Sessa, S,
Zecca, M, Lin, Z, Sasaki, T, Itoh, K, Takanishi, A, IEEE, (2009)
Waseda Bioinstrumentation System #3 as a tool for objective rehabilitation measurement and assessment - development of the inertial measurement unit. In
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Zecca, M, Lin, Z, Sasaki, T, Itoh, K, Takanishi, A (2009)
Waseda Bioinstrumentation System #3 as a tool for objective rehabilitation measurement and assessment - Development of the inertial measurement unit. In
, pp.115-120.
Zecca, M, Mizoguchi, Y, Endo, K, Iida, F, Kawabata, Y, Endo, N, Itoh, K, Takanishi, A (2009) Whole body Emotion Expressions for KOBIAN Humanoid Robot - preliminary experiments with different emotional patterns. In
, 18th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, pp.381-386.
Destephe, M, Maruyama, T,
Zecca, M, Hashimoto, K, Takanishi, A (2008) Improving the human-robot interaction through emotive movements: a special case: walking. In
8th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), Tokyo, Japan, pp.115-116.
Endo, N, Momoki, S,
Zecca, M, Saito, M, Mizoguchi, Y, Itoh, K, Takanishi, A (2008)
Development of whole-body emotion expression humanoid robot. In
, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2008. ICRA 2008, pp.2140-2145, DOI:
Zecca, M, Saito, M, Endo, N, Mizoguchi, Y, Itoh, K, Takanobu, H, Takanishi, A (2008)
Waseda bioinstrumentation system WB-2 - The new inertial measurement unit for the new motion caption system -. In
, pp.139-144.
Zecca, M, Iiida, F, Endo, N, Mizoguchi, Y, Endo, K, Kawabata, Y, Itoh, K, Takanishi, A (2008)
Evaluation of the effects of the shape of the artificial hand on the quality of the interaction:Natural appearance vs. symbolic appearance. In
, pp.329-330.
Endo, N, Momoki, S, Endo, K, Kusano, T,
Zecca, M, Itoh, K, Takanishi, A (2008) Development of Whole-Body Emotion Expression Humanoid Robot -Design and Evaluation of the Emotional Expression Head-. In
, 26th Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan (RSJ2008).
Zecca, M, Endo, N, Momoki, S, Itoh, K, Takanishi, A (2008)
Design of the humanoid robot KOBIAN - preliminary analysis of facial and whole body emotion expression capabilities-. In
, pp.487-492.
Zecca, M, Chaminade, T, Umiltà, MA, Itoh, K, Saito, M, Endo, N, Mizoguchi, Y, Blakemore, S, Frith, C, Gallese, V, Rizzolatti, G, Micera, S, Dario, P, Takanobu, H, Takanishi, A (2007)
Emotional Expression Humanoid Robot WE-4RII - Evaluation of the perception of facial emotional expressions by using fMRI. In
, Robotics and Mechatronics Conference ROBOMEC2007, pp.2A1-O10.
Zecca, M, Saito, M, Endo, N, Mizoguchi, Y, Itoh, K, Takanobu, H, Takanishi, A (2007)
Development of the Waseda Bioinstrumentation System WB-2 - the new Inertial Measurement Unit -. In
, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (Robio 2007), pp.139-144.
Zecca, M, Itoh, K, Mizoguchi, Y, Endo, N, Saito, M, Takanobu, H, Takanishi, A (2007)
On the development of the Waseda Bioinstrumentation WB-2 - Development of the gyro module. In
, Robotics and Mechatronics Conference ROBOMEC2007, pp.1A1-O09.
Zecca, M, Endo, N, Itoh, K, Imanishi, K, Saito, M, Nanba, N, Takanobu, H, Takanishi, A (2007)
On the development of the Bioinstrumentation System WB-1R for the evaluation of human-robot interaction - Head and Hands Motion Capture Systems. In
Zecca, M, Cavallo, F, Saito, M, Endo, N, Mizoguchi, Y, Sinigaglia, S, Itoh, K, Takanobu, H, Megali, G, Tonet, O, Dario, P, Pietrabissa, A, Takanishi, A (2007)
Analysis of the Surgeon’s Performance during Laparoscopy by Using the Bioinstrumentation System WB-1R– towards the development of a Global Performance Index -. In
, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2007), pp.1272-1277.
Zecca, M (2007) Humanoid Robots for Emotional Neuroscience. In
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Mizoguchi, Y, Itoh, K, Saito, M, Endo, N,
Zecca, M, Takanobu, H, Takanishi, A (2007) Development of a Bioinstrumentation System for Interaction with a Robot - Motion Capture System of Upper Body using Small Attitude Sensor Modules-. In
, 25th Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan (RSJ2007), pp.2O12-2O12.
Zecca, M, Cavallo, F, Saito, M, Endo, N, Mizoguchi, Y, Sinigaglia, S, Itoh, K, Takanobu, H, Megali, G, Tonet, O, Dario, P, Pietrabissa, A, Takanishi, A, IEEE, (2007)
Using the waseda bioinstrumentation system WB-1R to analyze surgeon's performance during laparoscopy - towards the development of a global performance index. In
Zecca, M, Cavallo, F, Saito, M, Endo, N, Mizoguchi, Y, Sinigaglia, S, Itoh, K, Takanobu, H, Megali, G, Tonet, O, Dario, P, Pietrabissa, A, Takanishi, A (2007)
Using the Waseda bioinstrumentation system WB-1R to analyze surgeon’s performance during laparoscopy - Towards the development of a global performance index -. In
, pp.1272-1277.
Itoh, K, Miwa, H, Nukariya, Y, Saito, M,
Zecca, M, Takanobu, H, Roccella, S, Carrozza, MC, Takanishi, A (2006) Development of a robot evaluation system in the interaction between a humanoid robot and a human. In
, Robotics and Mechatronics Conference - ROBOMEC2006, pp.2P1-A15.
Itoh, K, Miwa, H, Nukariya, Y,
Zecca, M, Takanobu, H, Roccella, S, Carrozza, MC, Dario, P, Takanishi, A (2006) Mechanisms and Functions for a Humanoid Robot to Express Human-like Emotions. In
, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation - ICRA 2006, pp.(poster)-(poster).
Zecca, M, Roccella, S, Cappiello, G, Itoh, K, Imanishi, K, Miwa, H, Carrozza, MC, Dario, P, Takanishi, A (2006)
From the Human Hand to a Humanoid Hand: Biologically-Inspired Approach for the Development of RoboCasa Hand #1. In
, ROMANSY 16 - Robot Design, Dynamics and Control, pp.287-294, ISBN: 978-3-211-36064-4.
Itoh, AACDG (2006)
Behavior generation of humanoid robots depending on mood. In
, Intelligent Autonomous Systems 9, IAS 2006, pp.965-972.
Saito, M, Namba, N, Imanishi, K, Itoh, K,
Zecca, M, Takanobu, H, Takanishi, A (2006) Development of a bioinstrumentation system for interaction with a humanoid robot. In
, Kansei Robotics Symposium.
Itoh, K, Miwa, H,
Zecca, M, Takanobu, H, Roccella, S, Carrozza, MC, Dario, P, Takanishi, A (2006)
Mechanical Design of Emotion Expression Humanoid Robot WE-4RII. In
, ROMANSY 16 - Robot Design, Dynamics and Control, pp.255---262-255---262.
Kim, H-R,
Zecca, M, Itoh, K, Takanishi, A, Kwon, D-S (2006) Behavior Selection Algorithm for WE4-RII Humanoid Robot based on Decision Theory with Emotion. In
, International Symposium on Artificial Brain with Emotion and Learning (ISABEL2006) - Bio-Inspired Models and Hardware for Brain-like Intelligent Functions, pp.9-9.
Zecca, M, Carpaneto, J, Micera, S, Carrozza, MC, Dario, P, Itoh, K, Takanishi, A (2006) Evolutionary Design of a Fuzzy Classifier for EMG-based Control – Control of a Multi-DoFs Underactuated Hand Prosthesis. In
, Robotics and Mechatronics Conference - ROBOMEC2006, pp.2P2-A05.
Itoh, K, Imanishi, K, Namba, N, Minoru, S,
Zecca, M, Miwa, H, Takanobu, H, Takanishi, A (2006) Construction of the Mental Model for Humanoid Robots - Introduction of Encoding Model Using Self Organization Map. In
, 24th Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan (RSJ2006), pp.3D35-3D35.
Itoh, K, Miwa, H, Nukariya, Y,
Zecca, M, Takanobu, H, Dario, P, Takanishi, A (2005) New memory model for humanoid robots - introduction of co-associative memory using mutually coupled chaotic neural networks. In
, IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks IJCNN ’05, pp.2790-2795 vol. 5.
Itoh, K, Miwa, H, Matsumoto, M,
Zecca, M, Takanobu, H, Roccella, S, Carrozza, MC, Dario, P, Takanishi, A (2005)
Behavior model of humanoid robots based on operant conditioning. In
, pp.220-225.
Miwa, AADF (2004)
Effective emotional expressions with Emotion Expression Humanoid Robot WE-4RII - Integration of humanoid robot hand RCH-1. In
, 2004 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pp.2203-2208.
Roccella, AC (2004)
Design, fabrication and preliminary results of a novel anthropomorphic hand for humanoid robotics: RCH-1. In
, 2004 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pp.266-271.
Zecca, M, Roccella, S, Carrozza, MC, Miwa, H, Itoh, K, Cappiello, G, Cabibihan, JJ, Matsumoto, M, Takanobu, H, Dario, P, Takanishi, A (2004)
On the development of the emotion expression humanoid robot WE-4RII with RCH-1. In
, IEEE/RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (HUMANOIDS 2004), pp.235-252.
Aizuddin, M, Miwa, H, Itoh, K, Imanishi, K,
Zecca, M, Roccella, S, Dario, P, Takanishi, A (2004) Development of the Emotion Expression Humanoid Robot WE-4RII - Integration with RCH-1 Hand. In
, 22nd Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan (RSJ 2004), pp.3L13-3L13.
Itoh, ABDF (2004)
Various emotional expressions with emotion expression humanoid robot WE-4RII. In
, 2004 1st IEEE Technical Exhibition Based Conference on Robotics and Automation, Proceedings, TExCRA 2004, pp.35-36.
Zecca, M, Roccella, S, Cappiello, G, Cabibihan, J-J, Carrozza, MC, Dario, P, Miwa, H, Itoh, K, Matsumoto, M, Takanishi, A (2004) On the realization of a novel anthropomorphic hand for humanoid robotics: RoboCasa Hand #1. In
, 22nd Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan (RSJ 2004), pp.3L15-3L15.
Miwa, H, Itoh, K, Matsumoto, M, Imanishi, K, Aizuddin, M, Nukariya, Y,
Zecca, M, Roccella, S, Carrozza, MC, Dario, P, Takanobu, H, Takanishi, A (2004) Construction of the Mental Model for Humanoid Robots - Introduction of Consciousness and Behavior Model. In
, 22nd Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan (RSJ 2004), pp.1K11-1K11.
Carrozza, MC, Dario, P, Vecchi, F, Roccella, S,
Zecca, M, Sebastiani, F (2003) The Cyberhand: on the design of a cybernetic prosthetic hand intended to be interfaced to the peripheral nervous system. In
, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2003), pp.2642-2647 vol.3.
Cappiello, G, Vecchi, F, Sebastiani, F, Roccella, S, Suppo, C,
Zecca, M, Carrozza, MC, Dario, P (2003) Design methods and comparison for innovative hand prostheses. In
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Carrozza, MC, Vecchi, F, Sebastiani, F, Cappiello, G, Roccella, S,
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An integrated approach for the design and development of a grasping and manipulation system in humanoid robotics. In
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