Publications for Andrew Thomson
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Journal Articles
Rollinson, W, Urquhart, A, Thomson, M (2025)
Technoeconomic Feasibility of Wind and Solar Generation for Off-Grid Hyperscale Data Centres,
Energies, 18(2), pp.382-382, DOI:
Williams, A and Thomson, M (2023)
Significance of Insulation and Heat Pumps in Decarbonising the UK,
Journal of Energy and Power Technology, 05(01), pp.1-12, DOI:
Williams, A and Thomson, M (2022)
Net Zero UK – Generation and Energy Storage Requirements for the UK to Become Carbon Neutral,
Journal of Energy and Power Technology, 04(04), pp.1-16, DOI:
Jenkins, B, Squires, D, Barton, J, Strickland, D, Wijayantha, KGU, Carroll, J, Wilson, J, Brenton, M, Thomson, M (2022)
Techno-Economic Analysis of Low Carbon Hydrogen Production from Offshore Wind Using Battolyser Technology,
Energies, 15(16), pp.5796-5796, DOI:
Carr, D and Thomson, M (2022)
Non-technical electricity losses,
Energies, 15(6), 2218, DOI:
Few, S, Barton, J, Sandwell, P, Mori, R, Kulkarni, P, Thomson, M, Nelson, J, Candelise, C (2021)
Electricity demand in populations gaining access: Impact of rurality and climatic conditions, and implications for microgrid design,
Energy for Sustainable Development: the journal of the international energy initiative, 66, pp.151-164, ISSN: 0973-0826. DOI:
Barton, J and Thomson, M (2021)
Solar power and energy storage for decarbonization of land transport in India,
Energies, 14(24), 8277, DOI:
Raiker, GA, Subba Reddy, B, Loganathan, U, Agrawal, S, Thakur, AS, Ashwin, K, Barton, JP, Thomson, M (2020)
Energy Disaggregation Using Energy Demand Model and IoT-Based Control,
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 57(2), pp.1746-1754, ISSN: 0093-9994. DOI:
Elgabiri, M, Palmer, D, Buflasa, HA, Thomson, M (2020)
Offshore wind energy potential for Bahrain via multi-criteria evaluation,
Wind Engineering, 45(4), pp.838-856, ISSN: 0309-524X. DOI:
McKenna, E, Higginson, S, Hargreaves, T, Chilvers, J, Thomson, M (2020)
When activities connect: Sequencing, network analysis, and energy demand modelling in the United Kingdom,
Energy Research and Social Science, 69, ISSN: 2214-6296. DOI:
McKenna, E and Thomson, M (2020)
Corrigendum to “High-resolution stochastic integrated thermal-electrical domestic demand model” [Appl. Energy 165 (2016) 445–461](S0306261915016621)(10.1016/j.apenergy.2015.12.089),
Applied Energy, 265, ISSN: 0306-2619. DOI:
Barton, J, Davies, L, Dooley, B, Foxon, TJ, Galloway, S, Hammond, GP, O'Grady, A, Robertson, EM, Thomson, M (2018)
Transition pathways for a UK low carbon electricity system: comparing scenarios and technology implications,
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, DOI:
Chilvers, J, Foxon, TJ, Galloway, S, Hammond, GP, Infield, D, Leach, M, Pearson, PJG, Strachan, N, Strbac, G, Thomson, M (2017)
Realising transition pathways for a more electric, low-carbon energy system in the United Kingdom: Challenges, insights and opportunities,
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 231(6), pp.440-477, ISSN: 0957-6509. DOI:
Robertson, EM, O'Grady, A, Barton, J, Galloway, S, Emmanuel-Yusuf, D, Leach, M, Hammond, GP, Thomson, M, Foxon, TJ (2017)
Reconciling qualitative storylines and quantitative descriptions: an iterative approach,
Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 118, pp.293-306, ISSN: 0040-1625. DOI:
McKenna, E, Barton, J, Thomson, M (2017)
Short-run impact of electricity storage on CO2 emissions in power systems with high penetrations of wind power: a case-study of Ireland,
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, ISSN: 0957-6509. DOI:
Barton, J, McKenna, E, Thomson, M (2017)
Time-step analysis of the DECC 2050 calculator pathways,
Institute of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy.
McKenna, E and Thomson, M (2016)
High-resolution stochastic integrated thermal-electrical domestic demand model,
Applied Energy, 165, pp.445-461, ISSN: 0306-2619. DOI:
Garvey, SD, Eames, PC, Wang, JH, Pimm, AJ, Waterson, M, MacKay, RS, Giulietti, M, Flatley, LC, Thomson, M, Barton, J, Evans, DJ, Busby, J, Garvey, JE (2015)
On generation-integrated energy storage,
Energy Policy, 86, pp.544-551, ISSN: 0301-4215. DOI:
McKenna, E, Krawczynski, M, Thomson, M (2015)
Four-state domestic building occupancy model for energy demand simulations,
Energy and Buildings, 96, pp.30-39, ISSN: 0378-7788. DOI:
Grunewald, P, McKenna, E, Thomson, M (2015)
Keep it simple: time-of-use tariffs in high-wind scenarios,
IET Renewable Power Generation, In Press, p.8, ISSN: 1752-1424. DOI:
Urquhart, AJ and Thomson, M (2015)
Series impedance of distribution cables with sector-shaped conductors,
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, DOI:
Higginson, SL, McKenna, E, Hargreaves, T, Chilvers, J, Thomson, M (2015)
Diagramming social practice theory: an interdisciplinary experiment exploring practices as networks,
Indoor and Built Environment, 24(7), pp.950-969, ISSN: 1420-326X. DOI:
Urquhart, AJ and Thomson, M (2014)
Impacts of demand data time resolution on estimates of distribution system energy losses,
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 30(3), pp.1483-1491, ISSN: 0885-8950. DOI:
Higginson, S, Thomson, M, Bhamra, T (2014)
"For the times they are a-changin": the impact of shifting energy-use practices in time and space,
Local Environment, -, DOI:
McKenna, EJ, Grunewald, P, Thomson, M (2014)
Going with the wind: temporal characteristics of potential wind curtailment in Ireland in 2020 and opportunities for demand response,
IET Renewable Power Generation, In Press, DOI:
McKenna, E and Thomson, M (2014)
Demand response behaviour of domestic consumers with photovoltaic systems in the UK: an exploratory analysis of an internet discussion forum,
Energy, Sustainability and Society, 4(13), ISSN: 2192-0567. DOI:
McKenna, E and Thomson, M (2013)
Photovoltaic metering configurations, feed-in tariffs and the variable effective electricity prices that result,
IET Renewable Power Generation, 7, pp.235-245, ISSN: 1752-1416. DOI:
McKenna, E, McManus, M, Cooper, S, Thomson, M (2013)
Economic and environmental impact of lead-acid batteries in grid-connected domestic PV systems,
Applied Energy, 104, pp.239-249, DOI:
Hong, J, Kelly, N, Richardson, I, Thomson, M (2012)
Assessing heat pumps as flexible load,
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, -, DOI:
Barton, J, Huang, S, Infield, D, Leach, M, Ogunkunle, D, Torriti, J, Thomson, M (2012)
The evolution of electricity demand and the role for demand side participation, in buildings and transport,
Energy Policy, 52, pp.85-102, DOI:
Richardson, I and Thomson, M (2012)
Integrated simulation of photovoltaic micro-generation and domestic electricity demand: a one-minute resolution open-source model,
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, -, DOI:
McKenna, E, Richardson, I, Thomson, M (2012)
Smart meter data: balancing consumer privacy concerns with legitimate applications,
Energy Policy, 41, pp.807-814, ISSN: 0301-4215. DOI:
Richardson, IW, Thomson, M, Infield, D, Clifford, C (2010)
Domestic electricity use: A high-resolution energy demand model,
Energy and Buildings, 42(10), pp.1878-1887, ISSN: 0378-7788. DOI:
Bermudez Contreras, A and Thomson, M (2010)
Modified Operation of a Small Scale Energy Recovery Device for Seawater Reverse Osmosis,
Desalination and Water Treatment, 13, pp.195-202, DOI:
Richardson, IW, Thomson, M, Infield, DG, Delahunty, A (2009)
Domestic Lighting: A High-Resolution Energy Demand Model,
Energy and Buildings, 41(7), pp.781-789, ISSN: 0378-7788. DOI:
Al Buflasa, H, Infield, DG, Watson, SJ, Thomson, M (2008)
Wind Resource Assessment for the Kingdom of Bahrain,
Wind Engineering, 32(5), pp.439-448, ISSN: 0309-524X. DOI:
Thomson, M and Infield, DG (2008)
Modelling the Impact of Micro-Combined Heat and Power Generators on Electricity Distribution Networks,
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A, Journal of Power and Energy, 222(7), pp.697-706, ISSN: 0957-6509. DOI:
Bermudez Contreras, A, Thomson, M, Infield, DG (2008)
Renewable energy powered desalination in Baja California Sur, Mexico,
Desalination, 220, pp.431-440, ISSN: 0011-9164. DOI:
Richardson, IW, Thomson, M, Infield, DG (2008)
A High-Resolution Domestic Building Occupancy Model for Energy Demand Simulations,
Energy and Buildings, 40(8), pp.1560-1566, ISSN: 0378-7788. DOI:
Thomson, M and Infield, DG (2007)
Network Power-Flow Analysis for a High Penetration of Distributed Generation,
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 22(3), pp.1157-1162, ISSN: 0885-8950. DOI:
Little, ME, Thomson, M, Infield, DG (2007)
Electrical integration of renewable energy into stand-alone power supplies incorporating hydrogen storage,
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 32(10), pp.1582-1588, ISSN: 0360-3199. DOI:
Thomson, M and Infield, DG (2007)
Impact of widespread photovoltaics generation on distribution systems,
IET Renewable Power Generation, 1, pp.33-40, ISSN: 1752-1424. DOI:
Thomson, M and Infield, DG (2005)
Laboratory demonstration of a photovoltaic-powered seawater reverse-osmosis system without batteries,
Desalination, 183, pp.105-111, ISSN: 0011-9164. DOI:
Thomson, M, Miranda, MS, Infield, DG (2003)
A Small-Scale Seawater Reverse-Osmosis System with Excellent Energy Efficiency Over a Wide Operating Range,
Desalination, 153, pp.229-236, ISSN: 0011-9164.
Thomson, M and Infield, DG (2003)
A Photovoltaic-Powered Seawater Reverse-Osmosis System Without Batteries,
Desalination, 153, pp.1-8, ISSN: 0011-9164.
Thomson, M (2000) Automatic-Voltage-Control Relays and Embedded Generation - Part 2,
IEE Power Engineering Journal, 14(3), pp.93-99.
Thomson, M (2000) Automatic-Voltage-Control Relays and Embedded Generation - Part 1,
IEE Power Engineering Journal, 14(2), pp.71-76.
Barton, J, Brenton, M, Abdullahi, A, Wilson, J, Ashton, E, Isherwood, P, Strickland, D, Thomson, M, Wijayantha, U (2023)
Investigation of different acidic battolyser conditions for energy storage and hydrogen production. In
2023 58th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC); 2023 58th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC), pp.1-6, DOI:
Urquhart, A, Psarra, I, Gardner, A, Woodruff, J, Al-Hariri, N, Thomson, M (2023)
Phase identification using smart meter data. In
27th International Conference & Exhibition on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2023); 27th International Conference & Exhibition on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2023), Rome, Italy,ISBN: 9781839538551. DOI:
Urquhart, A, Thomson, M, White, P (2022)
Electric vehicle charging with three-phase domestic connections. In
CIRED Porto Workshop 2022: E-mobility and power distribution systems; CIRED Porto Workshop 2022: E-mobility and power distribution systems, Porto, Portugal, pp.1124-1128, ISBN: 9781839537059. DOI:
Barton, J, Thomson, M, Sandwell, P, Mellor, A (2020)
A domestic demand model for India. In Ramadesigan, SSV (ed)
6th International Conference on Advances in Energy Research (ICAER 2017); Advances in Energy Research, Mumbai, India, pp.743-753, ISBN: 9789811526657. DOI:
Raiker, GA, Reddy, BS, Umanand, L, Agrawal, S, Thakur, AS, Ashwin, K, Barton, JP, Thomson, M (2020)
Internet of Things based Demand Side Energy Management System using Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring. In
, 2020 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Smart Grid and Renewable Energy, PESGRE 2020. DOI:
Strickland, N, Strickland, D, Goss, B, Cross, A, Thompson, D, Thomson, M, Ferris, R, Watson, M (2020)
, IET Conference Proceedings, pp.663-669, DOI:
Urquhart, A, Thomson, M, Harrap, C (2019)
Impacts of reactive power and harmonics on LV network losses. In
25th International Conference & Exhibition on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2019), Madrid.
Urquhart, A and Thomson, M (2017)
Resolving inconsistencies in three-phase current measurements. In
24th International Conference & Exhibition on Electricity Distribution, Glasgow.
Urquhart, A, Thomson, M, Harrap, C (2017)
Accurate determination of distribution network losses. In
24th International Conference & Exhibition on Electricity Distribution, Glasgow.
Blanchard, R, Buflasa, HMA, Munu, I, Radu, T, Thomson, M (2017)
An evaluation of waste management for energy recovery for the Kingdom of Bahrain. In
International Conference of Solid Waste Management IconSWM 2017, Hyderabad, India.
Henshall, P, McKenna, E, Thomson, M, Eames, P (2015)
Solar thermal collector component for high-resolution stochastic bottom-up domestic energy demand models. In
Sustainable Energy Technology Conference 2015, Nottingham,ISBN: 9780853583141.
McKenna, E, Doylend, N, Thomson, M (2014) End-use demand in commercial office buildings: case-study and modelling recommendations. In
5th BauSim International Building Performance Simulation Association Conference, Aachen, Germany, pp.67-74.
McKenna, E and Thomson, M (2014)
Impact of wind curtailment and storage on the Irish power system 2020 renewable electricity targets: a free open-source electricity system balancing and market (ESBM) model. In
3rd IET Renewable Power Generation Conference, Naples, Italy, p.6.
McKenna, EJ and Thomson, M (2013)
Domestic photovoltaic systems, battery storage, and the economic impact of time-of-use electricity pricing. In
Solar Integration Workshop 2013, London, UK.
Urquhart, AJ and Thomson, M (2013)
Assumptions and Approximations Typically Applied in Modelling LV Networks with High Penetrations of Low Carbon Technologies. In
Solar Integration Workshop 2013, London, pp.1-6.
Buswell, RA, Marini, D, Webb, LH, Thomson, M (2013)
Determining heat use in residential buildings using high resolution gas and domestic hot water monitoring. In
Building Simulation 2013, Chambery, France, pp.2412-2419.
Buswell, RA, Marini, D, Webb, LH, Thomson, M (2013)
Higginson, SL, Richardson, I, Thomson, M (2011)
Energy use in the context of behaviour and practice: the interdisciplinary challenge in modelling flexible electricity demand. In
Energy and People: Futures, Complexity and Challenges, Oxford, UK.
Hodgson, G, Thomson, M, Clifford, C (2011)
A systems engineering approach to resolving structural barriers to the implementation of demand response. In
8th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), Zagreb, Croatia, pp.723-728, ISBN: 978-1-61284-284-4. DOI:
McKenna, E, Ghosh, K, Thomson, M (2011)
Demand response in low-carbon power systems: a review of residential electrical demand response projects. In
Microgen II: 2nd International Conference on Microgeneration and Related Technologies, Glasgow, UK.
Richardson, I and Thomson, M (2011)
Integrated simulation of photovoltaic micro-generation and domestic electricity demand: a one-minute resolution open-source model. In
Microgen II: 2nd International Conference on Microgeneration and Related Technologies, Glasgow, UK.
Kelly, N, Hong, J, Thomson, M, Richardson, I (2011)
The influence of thermal storage on microgeneration flexibility. In
Microgen II: 2nd International Conference on Microgeneration and Related Technologies, Glasgow, UK.
Thomson, M, Richardson, I, Barton, JP, Infield, DG (2009)
Distributed Automatic Voltage Control (DAVC). In
CIRED 2009, 20th International Conference on Electricity Distribution, Prague,ISBN: 978-1-84919126-5.
Richardson, IW, Hodgson, GJ, Thomson, M, Infield, DG, Delahunty, A (2009)
Simulation of High-Resolution Domestic Electricity Demand Based on a Building Occupancy Model and its Applicability to the Study of Demand Side Management. In
EEDAL 2009, 5th International Conference on Energy Efficiency in Domestic Appliances and Lighting, Berlin, pp.1-9.
Bermudez Contreras, A and Thomson, M (2009) Modified Operation of a Small Scale Energy Recovery Device for Seawater Reverse Osmosis. In
European Desalination Society Conference on Desalination for the Environment: Clean Water and Energy, Baden-Baden, Germany, pp.1-10.
Richardson, I, Thomson, M, Infield, DG, Delahunty, A (2009)
A Modelling Framework for the Study of Highly Distributed Power Systems and Demand Side Management. In
1st International Conference on Sustainable Power Generation and Supply, Nanjing, China,ISBN: 978-1-4244-4934-7. DOI:
Myers, LE, Bahaj, AS, Rawlinson-Smith, RI, Thomson, M (2008)
The effect of boundary proximity upon the wake structure of horizontal axis marine current turbines. In
, Proceedings of the International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering - OMAE, pp.709-719, DOI:
Thomson, M and Infield, DG (2008) Local Power System Impact Assessment for Micro-Generation. In
UKERC Conference on Sustainable Energy UK: Meeting the science and engineering challenge, Oxford, UK.
Thomson, M (2008) High-Density Micro-Generation in UK Distribution Networks. In
1st International Conference and Workshop on Micro-Cogeneration Technologies and Applications, Ottawa, Canada.
Bermudez Contreras, A and Thomson, M (2008)
Energy recovery for reverse osmosis desalination in Mexico. In
1st IWA Mexico Young Water Professionals Conference, Mexico City.
Al Buflasa, H, Thomson, M, Infield, DG, Watson, SJ (2007) Feasibility Study of Wind Power in the Kingdom of Bahrain. In
EWEC 2007, European Wind Energy Conference, Milan, Italy.
Bermudez Contreras, A, Thomson, M, Infield, DG (2007)
Renewable energy powered desalination in Baja California Sur, Mexico. In
European Desalination Society Conference on Desalination and the Environment, Halkidiki, Greece.
Infield, DG, Thomson, M, IEEE, (2006)
Network power-flow analysis for a high penetration of distributed generation. In
, 2006 POWER ENGINEERING SOCIETY GENERAL MEETING, VOLS 1-9, pp.3518-3518, ISBN: 978-1-4244-0492-6.
Thomson, M and Infield, DG (2005) Network power-flow analysis for high-penetration distributed micro-generation. In
, IEE Conference Publication, pp.109-112.
Little, M, Thomson, M, Infield, DG (2005) Electrical integration of renewable energy into stand-alone power supplies incorporating hydrogen storage. In
Second European Hydrogen Energy Conference, Zaragoza, Spain.
Thomson, M (2005) Energy Efficiency in Reverse Osmosis Systems. In
ADU-RES, Desalination Units powered by Renewable Energy Systems, Hammamet, Tunisia.
Little, ME, Thomson, M, Infield, DG (2005) Control of a DC-Interconnected Renewable-Energy-Based Stand-Alone Power Supply. In
40th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC), Cork, Ireland.
Thomson, M and Infield, DG (2005) Network Power-Flow Analysis for High-Penetration Distributed Micro-Generation. In
CIRED 2005, 18th International Conference on Electricity Distribution, Turin, not known.
Thomson, M and Infield, DG (2005)
Laboratory demonstration of a photovoltaic-powered seawater reverse-osmosis system without batteries. In
European Desalination Society Conference on Desalination and the Environment, Santa Margherita, Italy.
Little, ME, Thomson, M, Infield, DG (2004) Power Converters for Use in Stand-Alone Renewable-Energy Systems Incorporating Hydrogen Storage. In
UPEC 2004, 39th International Universities Power Engineering Conference, Bristol, UK, pp.644-648.
Thomson, M and Infield, DG (2003) A Reverse-Osmosis System for the Desalination of Seawater Powered by Photovoltaics Without Batteries. In
International Conference RES for Islandsm Tourism and Desalination, Renewable Energy Sources for Islands, Tourism and Water Desalination, Crete Greece, pp.551-557.
Stokes, M, Rylatt, M, Mardaljevic, J, Lomas, K, Thomson, M, Infield, DG (2003) Solar City: Assessing the Detailed Effect of Solar Technologies on Electricity Network Performance. In
CIRED 2003, 17th International Conference on Electricity Distribution, Barcelona, pp.1-4.
Thomson, M (2003) Domestic-Scale Distributed Generation. In
Fuel Cells for Stationary Applications, Marcus Evans Conferences, London, pp.1-4.
Thomson, M, Infield, DG, Stokes, M, Rylatt, M, Mardaljevic, J, Lomas, K (2003)
Secondary Distribution Network Power-Flow Analysis. In
PES 2003, 7th IASTED International Multi-Conference on Power and Energy Systems, Palm Spring, California, pp.210-213.
Thomson, M and Infield, DG (2003)
A Photovoltaic-Powered Seawater Reverse-Osmosis System Without Batteries. In
Desalination, Egypt, pp.1-8.
Stokes, M, Rylatt, M, Mardaljevic, J, Lomas, K, Thomson, M, Infield, DG (2002) Solar City: Managing the Uptake of Solar Energy Technologies from an Electrical Supply Network Perspective. In
5th Symposium of International Urban Planning and Environment Association, Oxford UK, pp.1-11.
Thomson, M and Infield, DG (2002)
A Photovoltaic-Powered Seawater Reverse-Osmosis System Without Batteries. In
EuroMed 2002, Desalination Strategies in South Mediterranean Countries, Egypt, pp.1-8.
Thomson, M, Miranda, MS, Infield, DG (2002)
A Small-Scale Seawater Reverse-Osmosis System with Excellent Energy Efficiency Over a Wide Operating Range. In
EuroMed 2002, Desalination Strategies in South Mediterranean Countries, Egypt, pp.229-236.
Blanchard, R, Albuflasa, H, Musa, I, Radu, T, Thomson, M (2019)
An Evaluation of Waste Management for Energy Recovery for Bahrain. In
Sustainable Waste Management: Policies and Case Studies 7th IconSWM—ISWMAW 2017, Springer, pp.247-261, ISBN: 9789811370700. DOI:
Harrap, C, Urquhart, A, Thomson, M (2019)
Losses Investigation Closedown Report, pp.1-166, Western Power Distribution.
Haines, VJA, Lomas, K, Thomson, M, Richardson, I, Bhamra, T, Giulietti, M, Tang, T, Lawton, C, Guo, L, Allinson, D (2010)
How Trends in Appliances Affect Domestic CO2 Emissions: A Review of Home and Garden Appliances Summary Report, pp.1-6, Department of Energy and Climate Change.
Thomson, M and Bermudez, A (2006)
Energy Consumption Modelling, pp.1-69, ADU-RES, Co-ordination Action for Autonomous Desalination Units.
Clayton, K, Scott, M, Watson, S, Thomson, M (2005)
The possibility of converting unmanned former wind-pumps to produce electricity with computer control: a feasibility study, Broads & Rivers LEADER+.
Watson, S and Thomson, M (2005)
Feasibility Study: Generating Electricity from Traditional Windmills, Broads & Rivers LEADER+.
Thomson, M, Gwillim, J, Rowbottom, A, Draisey, I, Miranda, M (2001)
Batteryless Photovoltaic Reverse-Osmosis Desalination System, DTI.
McKenna, E (2014)
Electricity System Balancing and Market (ESBM) model, Centre for Renewable Energy Systems Technology (CREST).
McKenna, E, Thomson, M, Krawczynski, M (2014)
Four-state domestic occupancy model, Centre for Renewable Energy Systems Technology (CREST), Loughborough University.
Richardson, I and Thomson, M (2011)
Integrated domestic electricity demand and PV micro-generation model, Loughborough University.
Richardson, I and Thomson, M (2010)
Domestic electricity demand model - simulation example, Loughborough University.
Richardson, I and Thomson, M (2008)
Domestic lighting demand model - simulation example, Loughborough University.
Richardson, I and Thomson, M (2008)
Domestic active occupancy model - simulation example, Loughborough University.
McKenna, E, Thomson, M, Barton, J (Accepted for publication) CREST Demand Model, DOI: 10.17028/rd.lboro.2001129.
Buswell, R, Webb, L, Cosar-Jorda, P, Marini, D, Brownlee, S, Thomson, M, Yang, S-H, Kalawsky, R (2018)
LEEDR project home energy dataset, DOI: