Journal Articles
Aristodemou, M, Liu, X, Wang, Y,
Kyriakopoulos, K, Lambotharan, S, Wei, Q (2025)
Maximizing Uncertainty for Federated learning via Bayesian Optimisation-based Model Poisoning,
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, pp.1-1, ISSN: 1556-6013. DOI:
Purves, T,
Kyriakopoulos, K, Jenkins, S, Phillips, I, Dudman, T (2024)
Causally aware reinforcement learning agents for autonomous cyber defence,
Knowledge-Based Systems, 304, 112521, ISSN: 0950-7051. DOI:
Beechey, M, Lambotharan, S,
Kyriakopoulos, K (2022)
Evidential classification for defending against adversarial attacks on network traffic,
Information Fusion, 92, pp.115-126, ISSN: 1566-2535. DOI:
Beechey, M,
Kyriakopoulos, K, Lambotharan, S (2021)
Evidential classification and feature selection for cyber-threat hunting,
Knowledge-Based Systems, 226, 107120, ISSN: 0950-7051. DOI:
Diab, DM, AsSadhan, B, Binsalleeh, H, Lambotharan, S,
Kyriakopoulos, K, Ghafir, I (2021)
Denial of service detection using dynamic time warping,
International Journal of Network Management, 31(6), e2159, ISSN: 1055-7148. DOI:
AsSadhan, B, Alzoghaiby, A, Binsalleeh, H,
Kyriakopoulos, K, Lambotharan, S (2020)
Network anomaly detection using a cross‐correlation‐based long‐range dependence analysis,
International Journal of Network Management, 30(6), e2129, ISSN: 1055-7148. DOI:
Chadza, T,
Kyriakopoulos, K, Lambotharan, S (2020)
Learning to learn sequential network attacks using hidden Markov models,
IEEE Access, 8, pp.134480-134497, DOI:
Hua, Y, Guan, L,
Kyriakopoulos, K (2020)
A fog caching scheme enabled by ICN for IoT environments,
Future Generation Computer Systems, 111(October 2020), pp.82-95, ISSN: 0167-739X. DOI:
Chadza, T,
Kyriakopoulos, K, Lambotharan, S (2020)
Analysis of hidden Markov model learning algorithms for the detection and prediction of multi-stage network attacks,
Future Generation Computer Systems, 108(July 2020), pp.636-649, ISSN: 0167-739X. DOI:
Ghafir, I,
Kyriakopoulos, K, Lambotharan, S, Aparicio-Navarro, FJ, AsSadhan, B, BinSalleeh, H, Diab, DM (2019)
Hidden Markov models and alert correlations for the prediction of advanced persistent threats,
IEEE Access, 7, pp.99508-99520, DOI:
Wang, Y, Gales, MJF, Knill, KM,
Kyriakopoulos, K, Malinin, A, van Dalen, RC, Rashid, M (2018)
Towards automatic assessment of spontaneous spoken English,
Speech Communication, 104, pp.47-56, ISSN: 0167-6393. DOI:
Ghafir, I,
Kyriakopoulos, K, Aparicio-Navarro, FJ, Lambotharan, S, AsSadhan, B, BinSalleeh, H (2018)
A basic probability assignment methodology for unsupervised wireless intrusion detection,
IEEE Access, ISSN: 2169-3536. DOI:
Aparicio-Navarro, FJ,
Kyriakopoulos, K, Gong, Y, Parish, DJ, Chambers, J (2017)
Using pattern-of-life as contextual information for anomaly-based intrusion detection systems,
IEEE Access, 5, pp.22177-22193, ISSN: 2169-3536. DOI:
Santoro, D, Escudero-Andreu, G,
Kyriakopoulos, KG, Aparicio-Navarro, FJ, Parish, DJ, Vadursi, M (2017)
A Hybrid Intrusion Detection System for Virtual Jamming Attacks on Wireless Networks,
Measurement, ISSN: 0263-2241. DOI:
Kyriakopoulos, KG, Aparicio-Navarro, FJ, Parish, DJ (2014)
Manual and Automatic assigned thresholds in multi-layer data fusion intrusion detection system for 802.11 attacks,
IET Information Security, 8(1), pp.42-50, ISSN: 1751-8709. DOI:
Aparicio-Navarro, FJ,
Kyriakopoulos, KG, Parish, DJ (2013)
An automatic and self-adaptive multi-layer data fusion system for WiFi attack detection,
International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions, 5(1), pp.42-62, ISSN: 1748-569X. DOI:
Angrisani, L,
Kyriakopoulos, KG, Napolitano, A, Parish, DJ, Vadursi, M, Whittow, WG (2011)
Experimental assessment of the effects of cross-traffic on Wi-Fi video streaming,
MEASUREMENT, 44(9), pp.1661-1668, ISSN: 0263-2241. DOI:
Kyriakopoulos, KG and Parish, DJ (2010)
Applying Wavelets for the Controlled Compression of Communication Network Measurements,
IET Communications Journal, 4(5), pp.507-520, DOI:
Clegg, RG, Withall, MS, Moore, AW, Phillips, IW, Parish, DJ, Rio, M, Landa, R, Haddadi, H,
Kyriakopoulos, K, Auge, J, Clayton, R, Salmon, D (2009)
Challenges in the capture and dissemination of measurements from high-speed networks,
IET Communications, 3(6), pp.957-966, ISSN: 1751-8628. DOI:
Kyriakopoulos, K and Psarris, K (2009)
Nonlinear symbolic analysis for advanced program parallelization,
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 20(5), pp.623-640, ISSN: 1045-9219. DOI:
Kyriakopoulos, K and Parish, DJ (2008)
A System for On-Line Compression of High Speed Network Measurements,
International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology 2008, 3(2), pp.95-106, ISSN: 1743-8209.
Psarris, K and
Kyriakopoulos, K (2004)
An experimental evaluation of data dependence analysis techniques,
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 15(3), pp.196-213, ISSN: 1045-9219. DOI:
Psarris, K and
Kyriakopoulos, K (1999) Data dependence testing in practice,
Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques - Conference Proceedings, PACT, pp.264-273, ISSN: 1089-795X.
Le, AT, Epiphaniou, G, Maple, C,
Kyriakopoulos, KG, Kiarie, L, Aristodemou, M, Phillips, I (2023)
Automated APT Defense Using Reinforcement Learning and Attack Graph Risk-based Situation Awareness. In
CCS '24: ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security, Proceedings of the Workshop on Autonomous Cybersecurity, pp.23-33, DOI:
Mouselinos, S, Polymenakos, K, Nikitakis, A,
Kyriakopoulos, K (2021)
MAIN: Multihead-Attention Imputation Networks. In
, Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks. DOI:
Tonikidou, A, Souchon, A,
Kyriakopoulos, K, Hughes, P, Dewsnap, B, Hughes, M (2020)
Translating new product development-level improvisation-based learning into strategy in SMEs. In
Global Marketing Conference GAMMA (2020); 2020 Global Marketing Conference at Seoul Proceedings, Seoul, pp.300-305, DOI:
Alzammam, A, Binsalleeh, H, AsSdhan, B,
Kyriakopoulos, K, Lambotharan, S (2020)
Comparative analysis on imbalanced multi-class classification for malware samples using CNN. In
International Conference on Advances in the Emerging Computing Technologies (AECT), AlMadinah AlMunnawarah, KSA, pp.35-40, ISBN: 9781728144528. DOI:
Chadza, T,
Kyriakopoulos, K, Lambotharan, S (2020)
Contemporary sequential network attacks prediction using hidden Markov model. In
17th International Conference on Privacy, Security, and Trust (PST 2019), Fredericton, NB, Canada,ISBN: 9781728132655. DOI:
Kyriakopoulos, K, Knill, KM, Gales, MJF (2020)
Automatic detection of accent and lexical pronunciation errors in spontaneous non-native English speech. In
, Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, pp.3052-3056, DOI:
Zhang, Y, Yang, Q, Lambotharan, S,
Kyriakopoulos, K, Ghafir, I, Assadhan, B (2019)
Anomaly-Based Network Intrusion Detection Using SVM. In
11th International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP), 2019 11th International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing, WCSP 2019, Xi'an,ISBN: 9781728135557. DOI:
Escudero-Andreu, G,
Kyriakopoulos, K, Flint, J, Lambotharan, S (2019)
Detecting signalling DoS attacks on LTE networks. In Duong, TQ, Vo, N-S, Nguyen, LK, Vien, Q-T, Nguyen, V-D (ed)
International Conference on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems (INISCOM); 5th EAI International Conference on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems (INISCOM 2019), Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam, pp.283-301, ISBN: 9783030301484. DOI:
Diab, DM, Assadhan, B, Binsalleeh, H, Lambotharan, S,
Kyriakopoulos, KG, Ghafir, I (2019)
Anomaly detection using dynamic time warping. In
IEEE CSE, Proceedings - 22nd IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering and 17th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing, CSE/EUC 2019, New York, pp.193-198, ISBN: 9781728116631. DOI:
Aparicio-Navarro, FJ, Chadza, T,
Kyriakopoulos, K, Ghafir, I, Lambotharan, S, AsSadhan, B (2019)
Addressing multi-stage attacks using expert knowledge and contextual information. In
22nd Conference on Innovation in Clouds, Internet and Networks (ICIN 2019), Paris,ISBN: 9781538683361. DOI:
Kyriakopoulos, K, Knill, KM, Gales, MJF (2019)
A deep learning approach to automatic characterisation of rhythm in non-native English speech. In
, Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, pp.1836-1840, DOI:
Hua, Y, Guan, L,
Kyriakopoulos, K (2018)
Semi-edge: From edge caching to hierarchical caching in network fog. In
EdgeSys 2018 - SIGMOBILE, Munich,ISBN: 9781450358378. DOI:
Kyriakopoulos, K, Aparicio-Navarro, FJ, Ghafir, I, Lambotharan, S, Chambers, J (2018)
Multi-stage attack detection using contextual information. In
IEEE MILCOM, Los Angeles,ISBN: 9781538671856. DOI:
Knill, KM, Gales, MJF,
Kyriakopoulos, K, Malinin, A, Ragni, A, Wang, Y, Caines, AP (2018)
Impact of ASR performance on free speaking language assessment. In
, Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, pp.1641-1645, DOI:
Kyriakopoulos, K, Knill, KM, Gales, MJF (2018)
A deep learning approach to assessing non-native pronunciation of English using phone distances. In
, Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, pp.1626-1630, DOI:
Ghanem, K, Aparicio-Navarro, FJ,
Kyriakopoulos, KG, Lambotharan, S, Chambers, JA (2017)
Support Vector Machine for Network Intrusion and Cyber-Attack Detection. In
Sensor Signal Processing for Defence, 2017 Sensor Signal Processing for Defence Conference, SSPD 2017, London, pp.1-5, ISBN: 9781538616635. DOI:
Chadza, T, Aparicio-Navarro, FJ,
Kyriakopoulos, K, Chambers, J (2017)
A look into the information your smartphone leaks. In
International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications, Marrakech, Morocco,ISBN: 9781509042609. DOI:
Aparicio-Navarro, FJ, Chambers, JA,
Kyriakopoulos, K, Gong, Y, Parish, D (2017)
Using the pattern-of-life in networks to improve the effectiveness of intrusion detection systems. In
IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2017, IEEE International Conference on Communications, Paris, France,ISBN: 9781467389990. DOI:
Kyriakopoulos, K, Gales, MJF, Knill, KM (2017)
Automatic Characterisation of the Pronunciation of Non-native English Speakers using Phone Distance Features. In
, 7th ISCA Workshop on Speech and Language Technology in Education, SLaTE 2017, pp.59-64, DOI:
Knill, KM, Gales, MJF,
Kyriakopoulos, K, Ragni, A, Wang, Y (2017)
Use of graphemic lexicons for spoken language assessment. In
, Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, pp.2774-2778, DOI:
Aparicio-Navarro, F,
Kyriakopoulos, K, Parish, DJ, Chambers, J (2016)
Adding contextual information to intrusion detection systems using fuzzy cognitive maps. In
IEEE International Multi-Disciplinary Conference on Cognitive Methods in Situation Awareness and Decision Support (CogSIMA), San Diego, California, USA,ISBN: 9781509006311. DOI:
Kyriakopoulos, K, Parish, D, Whitley, JN (2015)
Flowstats: an ontology based network management tool. In
2nd International Conference on Computing Technology and Information Management, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn, Malaysia,ISBN: 9781479962105. DOI:
Escudero-Andreu, G,
Kyriakopoulos, K, Aparicio-Navarro, F, Parish, DJ, Santoro, D, Vadursi, M (2015)
A data fusion technique to detect wireless network virtual jamming attacks. In
3rd IEEE International Workshop on Measurements and Networking (M&N 2015), Coimbra, Portugal, pp.1-6, ISBN: 9781479918607. DOI:
Aparicio-Navarro, F,
Kyriakopoulos, K, Parish, D (2015)
Empirical study of automatic dataset labelling. In
2014 9th International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions, ICITST 2014, pp.372-378, ISBN: 9781908320391. DOI:
Aparicio-Navarro, F,
Kyriakopoulos, K, Parish, D (2014)
Automatic dataset labelling and feature selection for intrusion detection systems. In
Proceedings - IEEE Military Communications Conference MILCOM, pp.46-51, ISBN: 9781479967704. DOI:
Kyriakopoulos, KG, Aparicio-Navarro, FJ, Parish, DJ (2013)
Detecting misbehaviour in WiFi using multi-layer metric data fusion. In
, Proceedings - M and N 2013: 2013 IEEE International Workshop on Measurements and Networking, pp.155-160, DOI:
Aparicio Navarro, FJ,
Kyriakopoulos, KG, Parish, DJ (2012)
A multi-layer data fusion system for Wi-Fi attack detection using automatic belief assignment. In
World Congress on Internet Security (WorldCIS), Guelph, Ontario, Canada, pp.45--50.
Aparicio-Navarro, FJ,
Kyriakopoulos, KG, Parish, DJ (2011)
An on-line wireless attack detection system using multi-layer data fusion. In
, M and N 2011 - IEEE International Workshop on Measurements and Networking, Proceedings, pp.1-5, DOI:
Kyriakopoulos, KG, Aparicio Navarro, FJ, Parish, DJ (2011)
Fusing multi-layer metrics for detecting security attacks in 802.11 networks. In
Wireless Telecommunications Symposium (WTS), Wireless Telecommunications Symposium (WTS), 2011, New York City, NY, pp.1-6.
Angrisani, L,
Kyriakopoulos, KG, Napolitano, A, Parish, DJ, Vadursi, M, Whittow, WG (2010)
A cross-layer approach for predicting the effects of noise on wi-fi video streaming performance. In
9th International Symposium on EMC, Wroclaw University of Technology.
Angrisani, L,
Kyriakopoulos, K, Napolitano, A, Parish, DJ, Vadursi, M, Whittow, WG (2010)
An Experimental Analysis of the Effects of Noise on Wi-Fi Video Streaming. In
I2MTC, Austin, Texas, pp.1551-1555, ISBN: 978 1 4244 2833 5.
Kyriakopoulos, K and Parish, DJ (2009)
Using Wavelets for Compression and Detecting Events in Anomalous Network Traffic. In
ICSNC 2009, Porto, Portugal, pp.195-200, ISBN: 978-0-7695-3775-7. DOI:
Kyriakopoulos, K, Whittow, WG, Parish, DJ (2009)
A Framework for Cross-Layer Measurements in Wireless Networks. In
5th Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications, Venice, Italy, pp.237-242, ISBN: 978 0 7695 3611 8.
Kyriakopoulos, K and Parish, DJ (2009)
Compressing Computer Network Measurements Using Embedded Zerotree Wavelets. In
5th Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications, Venice, Italy, pp.188-193, ISBN: 978 0 7695 3611 8.
Li, R, Parish, DJ,
Kyriakopoulos, K (2008)
A Framework for Cross-layer Measurement of 3G and Wi-Fi combined Networks. In
PGNet 2008, Liverpool, UK, pp.280-282, ISBN: 978 1 902560 19 9.
Kyriakopoulos, KG and Parish, DJ (2007)
Wavelet compression techniques for computer network measurements. In
, Proceedings of the 4th IASTED International Conference on Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition, and Applications, SPPRA 2007, pp.109-115.
Kyriakopoulos, K and Parish, DJ (2007) Automated Detection of Changes in Computer Network Measurements using Wavelets. In
16th International Conf. on Computer Comms & Networks, Honolulu, Hawaii, pp.13-16.
Kyriakopoulos, K and Parish, DJ (2007)
A Live System for Wavelet Compression of High Speed Computer Network Measurements. In Uhlig, S, Papagiannaki, K, Bonaventure, O (ed)
PAM 2007, Belgium, pp.241-244.
Kyriakopoulos, K and Parish, DJ (2007) Compressing Computer Network Measurements Using Embedded Zerotree Wavelets. In
4th IASTED International Conference - SPPRA 2007, Innsbruck.
Kyriakopoulos, K and Parish, DJ (2006)
Wavelet Compression of Network Delay Measurements. In IADAT, (ed)
International Conference on Telecommunications and Computer Networks, IADAT, Portsmouth, pp.115-119, ISBN: 84 933971 4 8.
Kyriakopoulos, K and Psarris, K (2005)
Efficient techniques for advanced data dependence analysis. In
, Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques - Conference Proceedings, PACT, pp.143-153, DOI:
Kyriakopoulos, K and Parish, DJ (2005)
Effect of Discrete Cosine and Wavelet Transformation Based Compression on the Long Range Dependence of Communication Network Performance Measurements. In Merabti, M and Pereira, R (ed)
PG NET 2005, PG NET 2005 Proceedings, Liverpool John Moores University, pp.203-208, ISBN: 1 902 56011 6.
Kyriakopoulos, K and Psarris, K (2005) Addressing the Issues in Data Dependence Analysis. In
, 18th ISCA International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems 2005, PDCS 2005, pp.199-205.
Kyriakopoulos, K and Psarris, K (2004)
Data dependence analysis techniques for increased accuracy and extracted parallelism. In
, International Journal of Parallel Programming, pp.317-359, DOI:
Psarris, K and
Kyriakopoulos, K (2003)
The Impact of Data Dependence Analysis on Compilation and Program Parallelization. In
, Proceedings of the International Conference on Supercomputing, pp.205-214, DOI:
Psarris, K and
Kyriakopoulos, K (2001) Measuring the Accuracy and Efficiency of the Data Dependence Tests. In
, 14th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems 2001, PDCS 2001, pp.211-218.
Kyriakopoulos, K and Psarris, K (2001)
Data dependence analysis for complex loop regions. In
, Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel Processing, pp.195-204, DOI: