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Loughborough University Research Publications

Publications for Bucur-Mircea Novac

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Journal Articles

Degnon, MR, Gusev, AI, de Ferron, AS, Pecastaing, L, Piaser, A, Bayol, F, Boisne, S, Novac, B (2024) A 500-kV nanosecond pulse generator based on an off-the-shelf solid-state opening switch, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, ISSN: 0093-3813. DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2024.3403379.

Novac, B, Frost, T, Senior, P (2024) Ultrahigh energy efficiency from a supersonic underwater ultrasound source, Journal of Applied Physics, 135(17), 173303, ISSN: 0021-8979. DOI: 10.1063/5.0203236.

Novac, B, Pereira, M, Senior, P, Redondo, L (2024) Benchmarking the filamentary model for an industrial electromagnetic accelerator, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, ISSN: 0093-3813. DOI: 10.1109/tps.2024.3390445.

Ariztia, L, Zhabin, N, Zhabin, A, de Ferron, AS, Rivaletto, M, Martinod, E, Bertrand, V, Novac, B, Pécastaing, L (2024) A high-power electromagnetic source for disabling improvised explosive devices, High Voltage, 9(2), pp.403-409, ISSN: 2397-7264. DOI: 10.1049/hve2.12416.

Shahriari, E, Maysonnave, T, Gusev, AI, De Ferron, AS, Pecastaing, L, Novac, B (2023) Impact-Ionization Switching of High-Voltage Thyristors Connected in Parallel, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 51(10), pp.2878-2884, ISSN: 0093-3813. DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2023.3275315.

Gusev, AI, Lavrinovich, I, Bland, S, De Ferron, AS, Pecastaing, L, Parker, S, Yan, J, Novac, B (2023) New SOS Diode Pumping Circuit Based on an All-Solid-State Spiral Generator for High-Voltage Nanosecond Applications, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 51(10), pp.2858-2865, ISSN: 0093-3813. DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2023.3273813.

Degnon, MR, Gusev, AI, De Ferron, AS, Pecastaing, L, Baranov, A, Mielot, C, Boisne, S, Barnes, MJ, Senaj, V, Kramer, T, Novac, B (2023) A Saturable Pulse Transformer Based on Nanocrystalline Magnetic Cores for an Adjustable Nanosecond High-Voltage Generator, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 51(10), pp.2849-2857, ISSN: 0093-3813. DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2023.3284657.

Frost, T, Novac, B, Danilov, D, Senior, P (2023) Determination of the Gurney velocity for the unconventional aluminum‐water explosive, Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics, 48(8), pp.1-9, ISSN: 0721-3115. DOI: 10.1002/prep.202300001.

Ibrahimi, N, Vallet, L, Andre, FM, Rivaletto, M, Novac, B, Mir, LM, Pécastaing, L (2023) An Overview of Subnanosecond Pulsed Electric Field Biological Effects: Toward Contactless Technologies for Cancer Treatment, Bioelectricity, 5(2), pp.76-98, ISSN: 2576-3105. DOI: 10.1089/bioe.2022.0031.

Frost, T, Novac, B, Pereira, M, Senior, P, Redondo, L (2023) A Proof-of-Concept Repetitive Pressure Source Based on Underwater Aluminum Exploding Wire, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 51(4), pp.1138-1141, ISSN: 0093-3813. DOI: 10.1109/tps.2023.3252086.

Ibrahimi, N, Ariztia, L, Rivaletto, M, De Ferron, AS, Novac, B, Pecastaing, L (2023) An Advanced 3-D Electromagnetic Analysis and Experimental Validation of a Bipolar Subnanosecond Pulse Generation System, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 51(3), pp.785-793, ISSN: 0093-3813. DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2023.3241353.

Ariztia, L, Zhabin, A, Lavrinovich, I, de Ferron, AS, Rivaletto, M, Novac, B, Pecastaing, L (2022) Development and test of a 500-kV compact Marx generator operating at 100-Hz PRF, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 50(9), pp.3123-3130, ISSN: 0093-3813. DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2022.3192286.

Lavrinovich, I, Gusev, AI, Bland, S, de Ferron, AS, Pecastaing, L, Parker, S, Yan, J, Novac, B (2022) 2-kV thyristor triggered in impact-ionization wave mode by a solid-state spiral generator, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 50(10), pp.3443-3451, ISSN: 0093-3813. DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2022.3187213.

Frost, T, Novac, B, Senior, P (2022) Study of the efficiency of energy transfer from chemical to acoustic pressure impulse for an underwater aluminum exploding wire, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 50(7), pp.2195-2199, ISSN: 0093-3813. DOI: 10.1109/tps.2022.3179568.

Degnon, MR, Gusev, AI, de Ferron, AS, Pecastaing, L, Daulhac, G, Baranov, A, Boisne, S, Novac, B (2022) Off-the-shelf diodes as high-voltage opening switches, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 50(10), pp.3384-3392, ISSN: 0093-3813. DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2022.3177702.

Woodyard, M, Novac, B, Senior, P, Stobbs, J (2022) Generation of intense pulsed electric fields in a large volume of water verified using Kerr effect diagnostics, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 50(6), pp.1850-1858, ISSN: 0093-3813. DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2022.3167670.

Frost, T, Novac, B, Senior, P, Pecastaing, L, Reess, T (2022) Experimental studies and simple numerical modeling of underwater electric discharges, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 151(5), pp.2844-2855, ISSN: 0001-4966. DOI: 10.1121/10.0010288.

Zhabin, A, De Ferron, AS, Ariztia, L, Rivaletto, M, Novac, B, Pecastaing, L (2022) Determination of breakdown voltage along the surface of a cylindrical insulator, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 29(1), pp.327-333, ISSN: 1070-9878. DOI: 10.1109/TDEI.2022.3148469.

Bacqueyrisses, Y, Reess, T, de Ferron, AS, Tchalla, V, Novac, B (2021) Phenomenological studies for optimizing subsonic underwater discharges, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 49(11), pp.3615-3624, ISSN: 0093-3813. DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2021.3121025.

Stobbs, J, Novac, B, Senior, P, Woodyard, M, Lepper, P (2021) A supersonic underwater discharge as a high-power ultrasound source, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 68(6), pp.2294-2302, ISSN: 0885-3010. DOI: 10.1109/TUFFC.2021.3054588.

Ibrahimi, N, Vallet, L, Andre, FM, Ariztia, L, Rivaletto, M, De Ferron, AS, Novac, B, Mir, LM, Pécastaing, L (2020) A Subnanosecond Pulsed Electric Field System for Studying Cells Electropermeabilization, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 48(12), pp.4242-4249, ISSN: 0093-3813. DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2020.3034286.

Song, F, Li, F, Zhang, B, Zhu, M, Li, C, Wang, G, Gong, H, Gan, Y, Jin, X, Novac, B, Smith, I (2019) Electrode erosion and lifetime performance of a compact and repetitively triggered field distortion spark gap switch, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 48(1), pp.212-218, ISSN: 0093-3813. DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2019.2954702.

Song, F, Li, F, Zhang, B, Zhu, M, Li, C, Wang, G, Gong, H, Gan, Y, Jin, X, Novac, B, Smith, I (2019) Analysis of the optimal operation frequency with lowest time-delay jitter for an electrically triggered field-distortion spark gap, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 47(10), pp.4708-4712, ISSN: 0093-3813. DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2019.2937457.

Song, F, Li, F, Zhang, B, Zhu, M, Li, C, Wang, G, Gong, H, Gan, Y, Jin, X, Novac, B, Smith, I (2019) A compact and repetitively triggered, field-distortion low-jitter spark-gap switch, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 47(8), pp.4105-4113, ISSN: 0093-3813. DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2019.2926617.

Bayne, S, Novac, B, O'Brien, H, Li, H (2018) Guest Editorial Special Issue on Pulsed Power Science and Technology, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 46(10), pp.3231-3231, ISSN: 0093-3813. DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2018.2867710.

Novac, BM, Xiao, R, Huiskamp, T, Pecastaing, L, Wang, M, Senior, P, de Ferron, AS, Pemen, AJM, Rivaletto, M (2018) Theoretical and Experimental Studies of Off-the-Shelf V-Dot Probes, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 46(8), pp.2985-2992, ISSN: 0093-3813. DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2018.2854971.

Novac, BM, Xiao, R, Senior, P, Pecastaing, L, Smith, IR (2018) Generation of Intense PEFs Using a Prolate Spheroidal Reflector Attached to the Bipolar Former of a 10-GW Pulsed Power Generator, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, ISSN: 0093-3813. DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2018.2844160.

Novac, B, Senior, P, Farage, M, Smith, IR, Xiao, R (2018) Unconventional microwave source, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, ISSN: 0018-9480. DOI: 10.1109/TMTT.2018.2831685.

Pecastaing, L, Rivaletto, M, De Ferron, AS, Pecquois, R, Novac, B (2017) Development of a 0.6-MV ultracompact magnetic core pulsed transformer for high-power applications, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 46(1), ISSN: 0093-3813. DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2017.2781620.

Craven, RM, Smith, I, Novac, B (2017) Significant practical features of Tesla transformers, International Journal of Current Research, 9(11), pp.60313-60316, ISSN: 0975-833X.

Craven, RM, Smith, IR, Novac, BM (2017) Electromagnetic Radiation from a Tesla Transformer, Applied Physics Research, 9(2), pp.53-53, ISSN: 1916-9639. DOI: 10.5539/apr.v9n2p53.

Craven, RM, Smith, IR, Novac, BM (2017) Improvements to Secondary Windings of Tesla Transformers, Applied Physics Research, 9(1), pp.93-93, ISSN: 1916-9639. DOI: 10.5539/apr.v9n1p93.

Omar, K, Novac, BM, Graneau, N, Senior, P, Smith, IR, Sinclair, M (2016) MIDOT: A novel probe for monitoring high-current flat transmission lines, Review of Scientific Instruments, 87(12), pp.125004-125004, ISSN: 0034-6748. DOI: 10.1063/1.4971246.

Craven, RM, Smith, IR, Novac, BM (2016) Magnetic Coupling in Tesla transformers, Applied Physics Research, 8(6), pp.101-105, ISSN: 1916-9639. DOI: 10.5539/apr.v8n6p101.

Wang, M, Novac, BM, Pecastaing, L, Smith, IR (2016) Bipolar Modulation of the Output of a 10-GW Pulsed Power Generator, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 44(10), pp.1971-1977, ISSN: 0093-3813. DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2016.2569461.

Novac, BM, Ruscassié, R, Wang, M, De Ferron, AS, Pécastaing, L, Smith, IR, Yin, J (2016) Temperature Dependence of Kerr Constant for Water at 658 nm and for Pulsed Intense Electric Fields, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 44(6), pp.963-967, ISSN: 0093-3813. DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2016.2558470.

Novac, B, Smith, I, Senior, P, Parker, M, Louverdis, G, Pecastaing, L, De Ferron, AS, Pignolet, P, Souakri, S (2014) Transportable high-energy high-current inductive storage GW generator, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, 42(10), pp.2919-2933, ISSN: 0093-3813. DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2014.2340014.

Novac, BM, Banakhr, FA, Smith, IR, Pecastaing, L, Ruscassie, R, De Ferron, AS, Pignolet, P (2014) Demonstration of a novel pulsed electric field technique generating neither conduction currents nor joule effects, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 42(1), pp.216-228, ISSN: 0093-3813. DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2013.2293915.

Craven, RM, Smith, IR, Novac, BM (2014) Optimizing the secondary coil of a tesla transformer to improve spectral purity, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 42(1), pp.143-148, ISSN: 0093-3813. DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2013.2290763.

Craven, RM, Smith, I, Novac, B (2014) Quality factor measurements of air-cored solenoids at overtone frequencies, ELECTRONICS LETTERS, 50(21), pp.1528-1528, ISSN: 0013-5194. DOI: 10.1049/el.2014.2241.

Novac, B, Wang, M, Smith, I, Senior, P (2014) A 10 GW Tesla-driven Blumlei pulsed power generator, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, 42(10), pp.2876-2885, ISSN: 0093-3813. DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2014.2317572.

Omar, KAM, Graneau, N, Novac, B, Smith, IR (2014) A novel current density distribution sensorfor use in parallel plate transmission lines, 2014 17TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ELECTROMAGNETIC LAUNCH TECHNOLOGY (EML), DOI: 10.1109/EML.2014.6920696.

Craven, RM, Smith, IR, Novac, BM (2013) Optimizing the Secondary Coil of a Tesla Transformer to Improve Spectral Purity, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, ISSN: 0093-3813. DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2013.2290763.

Novac, BM, Banakhr, FA, Smith, IR, Pecastaing, L, Ruscassie, R, de Ferron, AS, Pignolet, P (2013) Demonstration of a Novel Pulsed Electric Field Technique Generating Neither Conduction Currents Nor Joule Effects, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, ISSN: 0093-3813. DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2013.2293915.

Novac, BM, Banakhr, FA, Smith, IR, Pecastaing, L, Ruscassie, R, De Ferron, AS, Pignolet, P (2012) Determination of the Kerr Constant of Water at 658 nm for Pulsed Intense Electric Fields, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, 40(10), pp.2480-2490, ISSN: 0093-3813. DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2012.2188909.

Novac, BM, Omar, K, Graneau, N, Smith, IR, Sinclair, M (2012) Numerical Modelling of a Flyer Plate Electromagnetic Accelerator, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, 40(10), pp.2300-2311, ISSN: 0093-3813. DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2012.2189236.

Pecquois, R, Pecastaing, L, de Ferron, A, Rivaletto, M, Pignolet, P, Novac, BM, Smith, IR, Adler, RJ (2012) Simple and compact capacitive voltage probe for measuring voltage impulses up to 0.5 MV, REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, 83(3), ARTN 035001, ISSN: 0034-6748. DOI: 10.1063/1.3690906.

Novac, BM, Banakhr, FA, Smith, IR, Pécastaing, L, Ruscassié, R, De Ferron, AS, Pignolet, P (2012) Determination of the Kerr Constant of Water at 658 nm for Pulsed Intense Electric Fields, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, ISSN: 0093-3813.

Novac, BM, Omar, K, Graneau, N, Smith, IR, Sinclair, M (2012) Numerical Modelling of a Flyer Plate Electromagnetic Accelerator, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, ISSN: 0093-3813.

Novac, BM (2012) Filamentary modeling of pulsed high-current systems, 2012 14th International Conference on Megagauss Magnetic Field Generation and Related Topics, MEGAGAUSS 2012, DOI: 10.1109/MEGAGAUSS.2012.6781437.

Neuber, AA and Novac, B (2011) Special issue on power modulators and repetitive pulsed power [Editorial], IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 18(4), p.937, ISSN: 1070-9878. DOI: 10.1109/TDEI.2011.5976078.

Novac, BM, Kumar, R, Smith, IR (2010) A Tesla-pulse forming line-plasma opening switch pulsed power generator, Review of Scientific Instruments, 81(10), ISSN: 0034-6748. DOI: 10.1063/1.3484193.

Mielke, CH and Novac, BM (2010) Experimental and numerical studies of megagauss magnetic-field generation at LANL-NHMFL, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 38(8 PART 1), pp.1739-1749, ISSN: 0093-3813. DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2010.2049507.

Novac, B, Smith, IR, Senior, P, Parker, M, Louverdis, G (2010) Transportable High-Energy High-Power Generator, Review of Scientific Instruments, 81(5), pp.1-5, DOI: 10.1063/1.3428726.

Istenic, M, Novac, B, Luo, J, Kumar, R, Smith, IR (2008) A 1-MV Magnetically Insulated Tesla Transformer, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 36(5), pp.2644-2650, ISSN: 0093-3813.

Kumar, R, Novac, B, Smith, IR, Greenwood, C (2008) Ultrahigh-Speed Camera Study of a Plasma Source for a Repetitive and Miniature POS, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 36(4), pp.1266-1267, ISSN: 0093-3813.

Appelgren, P, Brenning, N, Hurtig, T, Larsson, A, Novac, B, Nyholm, SE (2008) Modeling of a Small Helical Magnetic Flux-Compression Generator, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 36(5), pp.2662-2672, ISSN: 0093-3813.

Appelgren, P, Bjarnholt, G, Brenning, N, Elfsberg, M, Hurtig, T, Larsson, A, Novac, B, Nyholm, SE (2008) Small Helical Magnetic Flux-Compression Generators: Experiments and Analysis, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 36(5), pp.2673-2683, ISSN: 0093-3813. DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2008.2003966.

Novac, B, Smith, IR, Downes, PR, Marston, P, Fahey, D (2007) Cockpit Canopy Shattering Using Exploding Wire Techniques, Journal of Physics D : Applied Physics, 40, pp.2217-2222, ISSN: 0022-3727.

Luo, J, Novac, BM, Smith, IR, Brown, J (2006) Accurate modelling of high-voltage pulsed transformers, IET Seminar Digest, 2006(11585), pp.75-78, DOI: 10.1049/ic:20060100.

Novac, B, Istenic, M, Luo, J, Smith, IR, Brown, J, Hubbard, M, Appelgren, P, Elfsberg, M, Hurtig, T, Moller, C, Larsson, A, Nyholm, SE (2006) A 10-GW Pulsed Power Supply for HPM Sources, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 34(5), pp.1814-1821, ISSN: 0093-3813.

Chalise, PR, Perni, S, Shama, G, Novac, B, Smith, IR, Kong, MG (2006) Lethality Mechanisms in Escherichia coli Induced by Intense Sub-microsecond Electrical Pulses, Applied Physics Letters, 89, pp.153902/1-3, ISSN: 0003-6951.

Istenic, M, Novac, B, Luo, J, Kumar, R, Smith, IR (2006) A 0.5MV Magnetically Self-insulated Pulsed Transformer, J. Phys D: Appl Phys, 39, pp.4529-4535, ISSN: 0022-3727.

Sarkar, P, Braidwood, S, Smith, IR, Novac, B, Miller, RA, Craven, RM (2006) A Compact Battery-Powered Half-Megavolt Transformer System for EMP Generation, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 34(5), pp.1832-1837, ISSN: 0093-3813. DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2006.881886.

Novac, B, Rankin, D, Smith, IR (2006) Use of the Aluminium Powder Cascade Technique to Stabilize Liner Implosions, IEEE Transactions on PLasma Science, 34(5), pp.1914-1918, ISSN: 0093-3813.

Rankin, DF, Novac, B, Smith, IR (2006) Three-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Single-Turn Coil Systems, IEE Proc.-Science Measurement Technology, 153(3), pp.130-138.

Novac, B and Smith, IR (2006) Advances in the Filamentary Modelling of Electromagnetic Flux Compression, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 45(4A), pp.2807-2811, ISSN: 0021-4922.

Luo, J, Novac, B, Smith, IR, Brown, J (2005) Fast and Accurate Two-Dimensional Modelling of High-Current, High-Voltage Air-Cored Transformers, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 38(6), pp.955-963, ISSN: 1361-6463. DOI: 10.1088/0022-3727/38/6/028.

Novac, B and Smith, IR (2005) Numerical Studies of Electromagnetic Flux-compression in 0-pinch Geometry, Electromagnetic Phenomena, 5(1(14), pp.44-57, ISSN: 1562-2991.

Novac, B, Smith, IR, Rankin, DF, Hubbard, M (2004) A Fast and Compact theta-pinch Electromagnetic Flux-Compression Generator, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 37(21), pp.3041-3055, ISSN: 1361-6463. DOI: 10.1088/0022-3727/37/21/015.

Novac, B, Smith, IR, Hubbard, M (2004) 2-D Modelling of Electromagnetic Flux-Compression in θ-Pinch Geometry, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 32(5), pp.1896-1901.

Novac, B, Smith, IR, Rankin, DF, Hubbard, M (2004) An Insulator-Metallic Phase Transition Cascade for Improved Electromagnetic Flux-Compression in θ-Pinch Geometry, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 32(5), pp.1960-1965, ISSN: 0093-3813.

Novac, B, Braidwood, SB, Smith, IR, Hubbard, M (2004) Detection of Broadband Microwave Radiation from a Solid-Dielectric Closing Switch, Measurement Science and Technology, 15(10), pp.L11-L14, ISSN: 1361-6501. DOI: 10.1088/0957-0233/15/10/L01.

Novac, B and Smith, IR (2004) Brief History and Classification of Magnetic Flux Compression Generators, Electromagnetic Phenomena, 3(Jul-Sept), pp.358-365, ISSN: 1562-2991.

Novac, B and Smith, IR (2003) A Zero-Dimensional Computer Code for Helical Flux-Compression Generators, Electromagnetic Phenomena, 3(4(12), pp.444-451, ISSN: 1562-2991.

Novac, B and Smith, IR (2003) Practical Considerations in Helical Flux-Compression Generator Design, Electromagnetic Phenomena, 3(4(12), pp.490-496, ISSN: 1562-2991.

Novac, BM, Smith, IR, Jarvis, PE, Abbott, CJ (2003) Accelerating Conductors By Electromagnetic Action Through Metallic Shields, IEEE Transactions On Magnetics, 39(1), pp.305-309, ISSN: 0018-9464. DOI: 10.1109/TMAG.2002.805922.

Shah, RD, Cliffe, RJ, Smith, IR, Novac, BM, Senior, P (2002) Electrooptic Measurement of 500kV Pulsed Voltages, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 30(5), pp.1950-1954, ISSN: 0093-3813.

Novac, BM, Smith, IR, Young, AJ, Miller, RA, Lynn, B (2002) A Powerful Magnetic Stimulator for Medical Applications, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 30(5), pp.1982-1985, ISSN: 0093-3813. DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2002.805385.

Novac, BM and Smith, IR (2002) Loughborough 2D Simulation of MURI Flux-Compression Generators, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 30(5), pp.1654-1658, ISSN: 0093-3813. DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2002.805394.

Novac, BM, Smith, IR, Enache, MC, Senior, P (2002) Studies Of A Very High Efficiency Electromagnetic Launcher, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 35(12), pp.1447-1457, ISSN: 0022-3727.

Novac, BM, Smith, IR, Brown, J (2002) Magnetically Self-Insulated Transformers, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 35, pp.1467-1472, ISSN: 0022-3727.

Shah, RD, Cliffe, RJ, Novac, BM, Smith, IR, Senior, P (2002) An Ultra-Fast Electro-Optic Probe for 500kV Pulsed Voltage Measurements, Mesurement Science and Technology, 13(2), pp.226-228, ISSN: 0957-0233.

Novac, BM, Smith, IR, Brown, J (2001) A High-Power High-Voltage Multi-Pulse Twin-Output Driver for Radiation Generators, J Phys D: App Phys, 34, pp.3510-3514, ISSN: 0022-3727.

Novac, BM and Smith, IR (2001) A Compact 0.5MV, 1GW Twin-Output Pulser, IEE Symposium on Pulsed Power 2001, pp.4/1-4/4.

Novac, BM, Smith, IR, Goh, SE (2001) Monitoring the Velocity if the Insulator-Metallic Phase Transition in Aluminium Powder under Shock Loading, J Phys D: Appl Phys, 34(2), pp.174-176, ISSN: 0022-3727.

Novac, BM, Senior, P, Smith, IR, Enache, MC, Gregory, K (2001) Studies of a very High Efficiency Cryogenic Launcher, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 37(1), pp.123-128, ISSN: 0018-9464. DOI: 10.1109/20.911804.

Shah, RRD, Cliffe, RJ, Senior, P, Novac, BM, Smith, IR (2001) An ultrafast probe for high-voltage pulsed measurements, IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, p.2B06, ISSN: 0730-9244. DOI: 10.1109/PPPS.2001.960920.

Young, AJ, Lynn, B, Novac, BM, Smith, IR, Miller, RA (2001) A pulsed power supply system for producing high intensity magnetic and electric fields for medical applications, IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, p.2H33, ISSN: 0730-9244. DOI: 10.1109/PPPS.2001.960998.

Novac, BM, Smith, IR, Gregory, K (2000) Multiple-pulse, twin-output, high-voltage generator, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS, 33(24), pp.3239-3243, ISSN: 0022-3727. DOI: 10.1088/0022-3727/33/24/318.

Novac, BM and Smith, IR (2000) Considerations of an Autonomous Compact Source for High-Power Microwave Applications, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science (Special Issue on Pulsed Power Science & Technology), 28(5), pp.1620-1623, ISSN: 0093-3813.

Novac, BM, Smith, IR, Enache, MC (2000) Accurate Modelling of the Proximity Effect in Helical Flux-Compression Generators, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science (Special Issue on Pulsed Power Science & Technology), 28(5), pp.1353-1355, ISSN: 0093-3813.

Novac, BM, Smith, IR, Goh, SE, Enache, MC, Gregory, K, Senior, P, Stewardson, HR (2000) A Novel Flux Compression/Dynamic Transformer Technique for High-Voltage Pulse Generation, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science (Special Issue on Pulsed Power Science & Technology), 28(5), pp.1356-1361, ISSN: 0093-3813.

Novac, BM, Smith, IR, Enache, MC (2000) Accurate modeling of the proximity effect in helical flux-compression generators, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 28(5), pp.1353-1355, ISSN: 0093-3813. DOI: 10.1109/27.901197.

Novac, BM and Smith, IR (2000) Consideration of an autonomous compact source for high-power microwave applications, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 28(5), pp.1620-1623, ISSN: 0093-3813. DOI: 10.1109/27.901244.

Goh, SE, Novac, BM, Smith, IR, Porter, JA, Enache, MC (1999) Special purpose high-voltage transformers, Proceedings of the Universities Power Engineering Conference, 2, pp.556-559.

Novac, BM, Smith, IR, Enache, MC (1999) Considerations of Pressure Induced Birefringence in Highly Birefringent Fibres, International Journal of Electronics, 86(8), pp.1031-1035, ISSN: 0020-7217.

Novac, BM, Smith, IR, Enache, MC (1999) The monitoring of very short duration pressure pulses in liquids, IEE Colloquium (Digest), (30), pp.97-98, ISSN: 0963-3308.

Enache, MC, Novac, BM, Smith, IR (1999) 3 dimensional modelling of helical flux-compression generators, IEE Colloquium (Digest), (30), pp.99-101, ISSN: 0963-3308.

Novac, BM, Smith, IR, Goh, SE, Enache, MC, Gregory, K, Senior, P, Cliffe, RJ, Burke, RA (1999) A novel flux compression/dynamic transformer technique for high-voltage pulse generation, IEE Colloquium (Digest), (30), pp.25-26, ISSN: 0963-3308.

Larour, J, Novac, BM, Choi, P, Smith, IR, Rous, J (1999) High voltage monitor for a high energy ion generator based on a long conduction time opening switch, IEE Colloquium (Digest), (30), pp.103-105, ISSN: 0963-3308.

Novac, BM, Magureanu, M, Smith, IR (1998) High Electric Fields Sustained in Fast EBW Experiments, J Phys D: Appl Physics, 31, ISSN: 0022-3727.

Novac, BM, Tudorache, VG, Smith, IR, Gregory, K (1998) Two-Dimensional Filamentary Modelling, Romanian Journal of Physics, 43(3-4), pp.265-287, ISSN: 1221-1451.

Novac, BM, Smith, IR, Enache, MC, Stewardson, HR (1997) Simple 2D Model for Helical Flux-Compression Generators, Laser and Particle Beams, 15(3), pp.379-395, ISSN: 0263-0346.

Novac, BM, Smith, IR, Enache, MC, Stewardson, HR (1997) 2D Modelling of Inductively Coupled Helical Flux-Compression Generators - FLUXAR Systems, Laser and Particle Beams, 15(3), pp.397-412, ISSN: 0263-0346.

Novac, BM and Smith, IR (1997) Ultrahigh Magnetic Field Production using Dynamic Transformers, Abstracts from 11th IEEE Int Pulsed Power Conference, p.449.

Stewardson, HR, Novac, BM, Smith, IR, Enache, MC (1997) Multi-Stage Pulse Compression using Exploding Foils and a PEOS, Abstract from 11th IEEE Int Pulsed Power Conference, p.357.

Senior, P, Hackett, CD, Novac, BM, Smith, IR (1997) Switch Characteristics for a High Efficiency 20kJ Electromagnetic Launcher, Abstract from 11th IEEE Int Pulsed Power Conference, p.335.

Novac, BM, Smith, IR, Senior, P (1997) Can the Efficiency of an Electostatic to Kinetic Energy Conversion Process Exceed 50%? Abstract from 11th IEEE Int Pulsed Power Conference, p.334.

Stewardson, HR, Novac, BM, Miran, SM, Smith, IR, Enache, MC (1997) A Two-Stage Exploding-Foil/Plasma Erosion Opening Switch Conditioning System, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 30, pp.1011-1016, ISSN: 0022-3727.

Enache, MC, Novac, BM, Smith, IR, Senior, P, Stewardson, HR, Hackett, CD, Mandache, BM, Ganciu, M (1997) Magneto-Optic Current Monitoring in an Extremely Harsh Electromagnetic Environment, Romanian Reports in Physics, 49(5-6-7), pp.639-642, ISSN: 1221-1451.

Novac, BM, Smith, IR, Stewardson, HR, Senior, P (1996) Experimental Methods with Flux-Compression Generators, Engineering Science & Technology Journal, 5(5), pp.211-222, ISSN: 0963-7346.

Novac, BM, Ganciu, M, Enache, MC, Smith, IR, Stewardson, HR, Senior, P, Vadher, VV (1996) High Voltage Electro-Optic Transducer, Optoelectronica, 4(2), pp.57-60, ISSN: 1221-860X.

Smith, IR, Novac, BM, Stewardson, HR (1996) High-Energy Pulsed-Power Conditioning and Switching for Flux-compression Generators, Engineering Science and Education Journal, 5(1), pp.17-24, ISSN: 0963-7346.

Novac, BM, Smith, IR, Stewardson, HR, Senior, P (1996) Experimental methods with flux-compression generators, Engineering Science and Education Journal, 5(5), pp.211-222, ISSN: 0963-7346. DOI: 10.1049/esej:19960503.

Gherendi, FV, Mandache, NB, Nistor, NG, Novac, BM, Enache, MC, Smith, IR, Stewardson, HR (1995) Small-Scale Pulsed-Power Applications, 10th IEEE International Pulsed-Power Conference, pp.2-60.

Stewardson, HR, Novac, BM, Smith, IR, Senior, P (1995) Empirical Modelling of Copper Foil Fuses, 10th IEEE International Pulsed-Power Conference, pp.2-45.

Stewardson, HR, Miran, SM, Smith, IR, Novac, BM, Vadher, VV (1995) Fuse Conditioning of the Output of a Capacitor Bank to Drive a PEOS, 10th IEEE International Pulsed-Power Conference, pp.2-44.

Novac, BM, Ganciu, M, Enache, ME, Smith, IR, Stewardson, HR, Vadher, VV (1995) Towards a 1MV/1ns High Voltage Electro-Optic Transducer, 10th IEEE International Pulsed-Power Conference, pp.1-50.

Novac, BM, Stewardson, HR, Smith, IR, Senior, P (1995) Analysis of Helical Generator Driven Exploding Foil Opening Switch Experiments, 10th IEEE International Pulsed-Power Conference, pp.2-46.

Stewardson, HR, Novac, BM, Smith, IR (1995) Fast Exploding-Foil Switch Techniques for Capacitor Bank and Flux Compressor Output Conditioning, J Phys D: Appl Phys, 28, pp.2619-2630, ISSN: 0022-3727.

Smith, IR, Novac, BM, Stewardson, HR (1995) Flux-Compression Generators, Engineering Science & Technology Journal, 4(2), pp.52-56.

Novac, BM, Smith, IR, Stewardson, HR, Senior, P, Vadher, VV, Enache, MC (1995) Design, Construction and Testing of Explosive-Driven Helical Generators, J Physics D, Applied Physics, 28, pp.807-823, ISSN: 0022-3727.

Smith, IR, Novac, BM, Stewardson, HR (1995) Flux Compression Generators, Power Engineering Journal, 9(2), pp.97-101.

Novac, BM, Ganciu, M, Enache, MC, Smith, IR, Stewardson, HR, Vadher, VV (1995) A Fast Electro-Optic High-Voltage Sensor, Measurement Science and Technology, 6(2), pp.241-242, ISSN: 0957-0233.

Novac, BM, Serban, A, Smith, IR, Stewardson, HR (1995) Simple and Accurate Estimation of the Parameters of a Fast Discharge Circuit, International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education, 32(1), pp.83-84.

Novac, BM, Serban, A, Smith, IR, Stewardson, HR (1995) Simple and Accurate Estimation of the Parameters of a Fast Discharge Circuit, International Journal of Electrical Engineering & Education, 32(1), pp.83-84, ISSN: 0020-7209. DOI: 10.1177/002072099503200110.

Smith, IR, Novac, BM, Senior, P, Stewardson, HR, Vadher, VV (1994) Performance Enhancement of Explosive-Driven MHD Generators, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 30(6), pp.5046-5049, ISSN: 0018-9464.

Novac, B, Serban, G, Zoita, V (1989) Armature dynamics of helical magnetic flux-compression generators, Revue roumaine de physique, 34(6), pp.611-621, ISSN: 0035-4090.

Novac, B and Serban, G (1989) Chapman-Jouguet pressure determination with a manganin gauge, Revue roumaine de physique, 34(3), pp.311-322, ISSN: 0035-4090.


Stobbs, J, Novac, BM, Frost, T, Senior, P (2023) Optical Studies of a Supersonic Underwater Plasma Discharge Pressure Source. In , IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference. DOI: 10.1109/PPC47928.2023.10310714.

Zhang, P, Wang, S, Xie, Y, Wang, Y, Sun, M, Novac, BM (2022) Integrated Detector for the Measurement of Transient Electromagnetic Disturbances. In , 2022 Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, APEMC 2022, pp.400-402, DOI: 10.1109/APEMC53576.2022.9888316.

Gusev, A, Prudaev, I, Lavrinovich, I, de Ferron, A, Novac, BM, Pecastaing, L (2021) Subnanosecond switching of standard thyristors triggered in impact-ionization wave mode by a high-voltage PCSS driver. In , Journal of Physics: Conference Series. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/2064/1/012120.

Chen, R, Zhang, D, Zhu, N, Liu, C, Novac, B, Zhong, C (2020) Continuous disinfection of Fusarium oxysporum in nutrient solution by pulsed electric field. In 2020 IEEE International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Application (ICHVE); 2020 IEEE International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Application (ICHVE), Beijing, China,ISBN: 9781728155111. DOI: 10.1109/ICHVE49031.2020.9279741.

Novac, BM (2018) Welcome to MG-XVI. Kashiwa. In , 2018 16th International Conference on Megagauss Magnetic Field Generation and Related Topics, MEGAGAUSS 2018 - Proceedings, IV, DOI: 10.1109/MEGAGAUSS.2018.8722669.

Coles, LA, Roy, A, Silberschmidt, V, Novac, B, Alotaibi, FT, Senior, P, Smith, I (2017) Analysis of pulsed electroplasticity in metals. In 2017 IEEE 21ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PULSED POWER (PPC),, ISBN: 9781509057481. DOI: 10.1109/PPC.2017.8291317.

Alotaibi, T, Novac, BM, Senior, P, Smith, IR, Nekouie, V, Roy, A, Silberschmidt, V, IEEE, (2017) MAGNETO-FORMING STUDIES. In 2017 IEEE 21ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PULSED POWER (PPC), Brighton, UK.

Novac, BM and Smith, IR (2015) Explosive-driven pulsed-power generation program (MURI): 2-dimensional simulation of helical generators. In , PPPS 2001 - Pulsed Power Plasma Science 2001, pp.110-113, DOI: 10.1109/PPPS.2001.01002006.

Smith, IR, Cliffe, RJ, Enache, MC, Goh, SE, Gregory, K, Meese, HM, Novac, BM, Senior, P, Shah, RD, Stevenson, P, Stewardson, HR (2015) Pulsed-power research at Loughborough University. In , PPPS 2001 - Pulsed Power Plasma Science 2001, pp.532-535, DOI: 10.1109/PPPS.2001.01002150.


Omar, K, Graneau, N, Novac, B, Smith, I (2014) A novel current density distribution sensor for use in parallel plate transmission lines. In 2014 IEEE International Power Modulator and High Voltage Conference (IPMHVC), pp.163-166, DOI: 10.1109/ipmhvc.2014.7287234.

Novac, BM, Banakhr, F, Smith, IR, Pecastaing, L, Ruscassie, R, De Ferron, A, Pignolet, P (2013) Non-invasive pulsed electric field food processing is a reality. In , Digest of Technical Papers-IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference. DOI: 10.1109/PPC.2013.6627659.

Omar, K, Graneau, N, Novac, BM, Smith, IR (2013) A bespoke non-invasive current distribution sensor for use with a flat transmission line. In , Digest of Technical Papers-IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference. DOI: 10.1109/PPC.2013.6627647.

Novac, BM, Smith, IR, Wang, M, Senior, P (2013) Tesla-charged Blumlein high-power generator. In , Digest of Technical Papers-IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference. DOI: 10.1109/PPC.2013.6627664.

Novac, BM, Smith, IR, Parker, M, Senior, P, Pecastaing, L, De Ferron, A, Pignolet, P, Souakri, S, Louverdis, G (2013) A polarity-dependent spark-gap operated as a very high-power diode. In , Digest of Technical Papers-IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference. DOI: 10.1109/PPC.2013.6627458.

Novac, BM, Smith, IR, Parker, M, Senior, P, Louverdis, G (2013) Coaxial 0.5 MV air-core pulse transformer. In , Digest of Technical Papers-IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference. DOI: 10.1109/PPC.2013.6627663.

Novac, BM, Parker, M, Smith, IR, Senior, P, Louverdis, G (2012) A mobile, high-power, high-energy pulsed-power system. In , Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE International Power Modulator and High Voltage Conference, IPMHVC 2012, pp.808-811, DOI: 10.1109/IPMHVC.2012.6518869.

Novac, BM, Banakhr, F, Smith, IR, Pecastaing, L, Ruscassie, R, De Ferron, A, Pignolet, P, Liu, Y (2012) Non-invasive pulsed electric field food processing: Proof-of-principle experiments. In , Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE International Power Modulator and High Voltage Conference, IPMHVC 2012, pp.528-531, DOI: 10.1109/IPMHVC.2012.6518797.

Novac, BM, Omar, K, Graneau, N, Smith, IR, Sinclair, M, Senior, P (2012) Experimental and theoretical studies of a flyer plate electromagnetic accelerator. In , Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE International Power Modulator and High Voltage Conference, IPMHVC 2012, pp.221-224, DOI: 10.1109/IPMHVC.2012.6518719.

Banakhr, F, Novac, BM, Smith, IR, Pecastaing, L, Ruscassie, R, De Ferron, A, Pignolet, P (2011) Electro-optic Kerr effect measurements of intense pulsed electric fields in water. In , Digest of Technical Papers-IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference, pp.328-333, DOI: 10.1109/PPC.2011.6191439.

Novac, BM, Omar, K, Graneau, N, Smith, IR, Sinclair, M (2011) Numerical modelling of a foil-flyer electromagnetic accelerator. In , Digest of Technical Papers-IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference, pp.1294-1299, DOI: 10.1109/PPC.2011.6191602.

Parker, MJ, Novac, BM, Smith, IR, Louverdis, G (2011) A low-energy, flexible pulsed-power generator for general purpose indoor and outdoor experimentation. In , Digest of Technical Papers-IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference, pp.455-458, DOI: 10.1109/PPC.2011.6191464.

Novac, BM, Walsh, J, Smith, IR (2011) Experimental studies of a self-synchronising, multi pin-plane, corona stabilisation closing switch. In , Digest of Technical Papers-IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference, pp.736-740, DOI: 10.1109/PPC.2011.6191502.

Parker, M, Novac, BM, Smith, IR, Senior, P, Louverdis, G (2011) A high-power, high-energy pulsed-power generator for high-impedance loads. In , Digest of Technical Papers-IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference, pp.592-597, DOI: 10.1109/PPC.2011.6191493.

Omar, K, Graneau, N, Sinclair, M, Novac, BM, Smith, IR (2011) Foil-flyer electro-magnetic accelerator initial results from a new AWE pulsed power generator. In , Digest of Technical Papers-IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference, pp.636-642, DOI: 10.1109/PPC.2011.6191554.

Novac, B, Banakhr, F, Smith, IR, Pecastaing, L, Ruscassie, R, De Ferron, A, Pignolet, P (2010) Experimental Investigation of the Kerr Effect in Water Under Intense and Fast Transient Electric Fields. In Enis Turner, (ed) 2010 IEEE International Power Modulator And High Voltage Conference, Atlanta, pp.462-465.

Novac, B, Smith, IR, Senior, P, Parker, MJ, Louverdis, G (2010) High-voltage pulsed-power sources for high-energy experimentation. In Enis Turner, (ed) 2010 IEEE International Power Modulator And High Voltage Conference, Atlanta, pp.345-348, ISBN: 978-1-4244-7129-4.

Novac, B, Hook, ND, Smith, IR (2010) Magnetic Flux-Compression Driven by Exploding Single-Turn Coils. In Enis Turner, (ed) 2010 IEEE International Power Modulator And High Voltage Conference, Atlanta, pp.129-132.

Novac, B, Sarkar, P, Smith, IR, Banakhr, F, Greenwood, C, Pecastaing, L, Ruscassie, R, De Ferron, A, Pignolet, P (2009) A novel and non-invasive Pulsed Electric Field technique for industrial food processing. In IET European Pulsed Power Conference 2009, not known, Geneva, Switzerland, pp.aper 3-2.

Novac, B, Kumar, R, Sarkar, P, Smith, IR, Greenwood, C (2009) A Miniature GW-Power Plasma Opening Switch. In IET European Pulsed Power Conference 2009, not known, not known, pp.aper 1-4.

Novac, B, Smith, IR, Greenwood, C, Senior, P, Louverdis, G (2009) Transportable pulsed-power source for high-energy experimentation. In IET European Pulsed Power Conference 2009, not known, Geneva, Switzerland, pp.aper 2-5.

Novac, B, Smith, IR, Whittow, WG (2009) High Power RF Capabilities at Loughborough University. In IET Conference on High Power RF Technologies, Savoy Place, London, not known, ISBN: 978-1-84919-060-2.

Novac, B, Sarkar, P, Smith, IR, Whittow, WG, Greenwood, C (2009) An Innovative And Non-Invasive Technology For PEF Food Processing. In Peterkin, F and Curry, R (ed) 2009 IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, Washington, pp.737-741, ISBN: 978-1-4244-4065-8.

Novac, B, Sarkar, P, Smith, IR, Greenwood, C (2009) Compact And Repetitive Tesla-Based Power Souce. In Peterkin, F and Curry, R (ed) 2009 IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, Washington, pp.731-736, ISBN: 978-1-4244-4065-8.

Novac, B, Kumar, R, Smith, IR, Greenwood, C (2009) A Miniature High-Power Pos Driven By A 300kV Tesla-Charged PFL Generator. In Peterkin, F and Curry, R (ed) 2009 IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, Washington, pp.113-118, ISBN: 978-1-4244-4065-8.

Novac, BM, Sarkar, P, Smith, IR, Greenwood, C (2009) COMPACT AND REPETITIVE TESLA-BASED POWER SOURCE. In 17th IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference, 2009 IEEE PULSED POWER CONFERENCE, VOLS 1 AND 2, Washington, DC, pp.728-733, ISBN: 978-1-4244-4064-1.

Novac, BM, Sarkar, P, Smith, IR, Whittow, W, Greenwood, C (2009) AN INNOVATIVE AND NON-INVASIVE TECHNOLOGY FOR PEF FOOD PROCESSING. In 17th IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference, 2009 IEEE PULSED POWER CONFERENCE, VOLS 1 AND 2, Washington, DC, pp.734-738, ISBN: 978-1-4244-4064-1.

Novac, B, Smith, IR, Greenwood, C, Senior, P (2008) Simple High-Power Generator Based On A Twin Exploding Wire Array. In 2nd Euro-Asian Pulsed Power Conference, Vilnius, Lithuania, pp.1-9.

Novac, B, Kumar, R, Smith, IR, Greenwood, C (2008) Plasma Source for a Miniature And Repetitive Plasma Opening Switch. In 2nd Euro-Asian Pulsed Power Conference, Vilnius, Lithuania, pp.1-8.

Smith, IR, Kumar, R, Novac, B, Sarkar, P, Greenwood, C (2008) 300kV Pulse Forming Line Generator Charged By A Tesla Transformer. In 2nd Euro-Asian Pulsed Power Conference, Vilnius, Lithuania, pp.1-8.

Kumar, R, Novac, B, Smith, IR, Greenwood, C (2008) Plasma Source For A Miniature and Repetitive Plasma Opening Switch. In 2008 Power Modulators & High Voltage Conference, Las Vegas, USA, pp.189-192, ISBN: 1-4244-1535-7.

Kumar, R, Novac, B, Sarkar, P, Smith, IR, Greenwood, C (2008) 300 kV Tesla Transformer Based Pulse Forming Line Generator. In 2008 Power Modulators & High Voltage Conference, Las Vegas, USA, pp.246-249.

Sarkar, P, Novac, B, Smith, IR, Louverdis, G (2008) 2D Modelling of Skin and Proximity Effects in Tesla Transformers. In 2008 Power Modulators & High Voltage Conference, Las Vegas, USA, pp.268-271, ISBN: 1-4244-1535-7.

Novac, B, Smith, IR, Sarkar, P, Louverdis, G (2007) Advances in Exploding Wire Opening Switch Technology. In IET Pulsed Power Symposium 2007, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Oxon, UK, pp.25-28.

Sarkar, P, Novac, B, Smith, IR, Miller, RA (2007) Detailed 2D Modelling of Tesla Transformers. In IET Pulsed Power Symposium 2007, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Oxon, UK, pp.129-132.

Kumar, R, Novac, B, Smith, IR, Istenic, M (2007) Development of a Plasma Gun Source for a Repetitive and Miniaturised High-Power Plasma. In IET Pulsed Power Symposium 2007, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Oxon, UK, pp.63-66, ISBN: 9780863418327.

Kumar, R, Novac, B, Smith, IR, Larour, J (2007) Simple, Low Cost, Fast Transient Voltage and Current Sensors for Use with Coaxial Cables. In IET Pulsed Power Symposium 2007, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Oxon, UK, pp.113-116, ISBN: 9780863418327.

Sarkar, P, Novac, B, Smith, IR, Miller, RA (2007) A High Repetition Rate Closing Switch for EMP Applications. In Schamiloglu, EDL and Peterkin, F (ed) 2007 IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, Albuquerque, NM, pp.97-100, ISBN: 1-4244-0914-4.

Istenic, M, Novac, B, Luo, J, Kumar, R, Smith, IR (2007) Magnetically Insulated Pulsed Transformers. In Schamiloglu, EDL and Peterkin, F (ed) 2007 IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, Albuquerque, NM, pp.307-310, ISBN: 1-4244-0914-4.

Kumar, R, Novac, B, Smith, IR, Larour, J (2007) Simple, Non-Invasive and Wide-Band Current and Voltage Sensors for Use with Coaxial Cbles. In Schaniloglu, EDL and Peterkin, F (ed) 2007 IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, Albuquerque, NM, pp.486-489, ISBN: 1-4244-0914-4.

Novac, B, Smith, IR, Sarkar, P, Louverdis, G (2007) Simple High-Performance Exploding Wire Opening Switch. In Schamiloglu, EDL and Peterkin, F (ed) 2007 IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, Albuquerque, NM, pp.1004-1007, ISBN: 1-4244-0914-4.

Novac, B, Istenic, M, Luo, J, Smith, IR, Brown, J, Hubbard, M, Appelgren, P, Elfsberg, M, Larsson, A, Nyholm, SE (2006) A 10 GW Pulsed Power Supply for HPM Sources. In IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Basingstoke, pp.1814-1821, DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2006.876533.

Novac, B, Smith, IR, Rankin, D, Hook, N (2006) Advances in Electromagnetic Flux-Compression Research. In IET Pulsed Power Symposium 2006, Warrington, UK, pp.24-27, ISBN: 0863416888.

Istenic, M, Novac, B, Luo, J, Kumar, R, Smith, IR, Brown, J (2006) High Voltage Pulse Transformer Employing Magnetic Self-Insulation. In IET Pulsed Power Symposium 2006, Warrington, UK, pp.41-44, ISBN: 0863416888.

Sarkar, P, Smith, IR, Novac, B, Miller, RA, Craven, RM (2006) A High-Average Power Self-Break Closing Switch for High Repetition Rate Applications. In IET Pulsed Power Symposium 2006, Warrington, UK, pp.62-65, ISBN: 0863416888.

Istenic, M, Novac, B, Luo, J, Kumar, R, Smith, IR, Brown, J (2006) Magnetically Insulated 1 MV Pulse Transformer. In IET Pulsed POwer Symposium 2006, Warrington, UK, pp.66-70, ISBN: 0863416888.

Novac, B, Smith, IR, Louverdis, G, Jordan, DT (2006) A Compact High-Power Conditioning Unit For Radiation Generators. In IET Pulsed Power Symposium 2006, Warrington, UK, pp.71-74, ISBN: 0863416888.

Novac, B, Smith, IR, Rankin, D, Hook, ND (2006) Progress in Electromagnetic Flux-Compression at Loughborough University. In Smith, I and Novac, B (ed) 11th International Conference on Megagauss Magnetic Field Generation And Related Topics, London (UK), pp.40-43, ISBN: 9780863418754.

Istenic, M, Novac, B, Luo, J, Kumar, R, Smith, IR, Brown, J (2006) Compact 1 MV Pulsed Transformer Based on Magnetic Insulation. In Smith, I and Novac, B (ed) 11th International Conference on Megagauss Magnetic Field Generation And Related Topics, London (UK), pp.314-318, ISBN: 9780863418754.

Sarkar, P, Novac, B, Smith, IR, Miller, RA, Craven, RM, Braidwood, SW (2006) A High Repetition Rate UWB source. In Smith, I and Novac, B (ed) 11th International Conference on Megagauss Magnetic Field Generation And Related Topics, London (UK), pp.324-327, ISBN: 9780863418754.

Istenic, M, Novac, B, Luo, J, Kumar, R, Smith, IR, Brown, J (2006) Self Magnetic Insulation of High-Voltage Pulse Transformers. In Smith, I and Novac, B (ed) 11th International Conference on Megagauss Magnetic Field Generation And Related Topics, London (UK), pp.355-358, ISBN: 9780863418754.

Istenic, M, Novac, B, Luo, J, Kumar, R, Smith, IR, Brown, J (2006) Magnetic Insulation of MV Pulse Transformers. In 2006 IEEE International Power Modulator Conference, Washington, pp.181-184, ISBN: 1-4244-0018X.

Chalise, PR, Novac, B, Smith, IR, Kong, MG (2006) Dynamic Responses of Biological Liquid to High Intensity and Sub-Microsecond Pulsed Electric Fields. In 2006 IEEE International Power Modulator Conference, Washington, pp.498-501, ISBN: 1-4244-0018X.

Chalise, PR, Perni, S, Shama, G, Novac, B, Smith, IR, Kong, MG (2006) Interaction of Sub-Microsecond Pulsed Electric Field with Bacterial Cells. In 2006 IEEE International Modulator Conference, Washington, pp.562-565, ISBN: 1-4244-0018X.

Sarkar, P, Novac, B, Smith, IR, Miller, RA, Craven, RM, Braidwood, SW (2006) A High Repetition Rate Battery -Powered 0.5 MV Pulser for Ultrawideband Radiation. In 2006 IEEE International Power Modulator Conference, Wasington, pp.592-595, ISBN: 1-4244-0018X.

Sarkar, P, Braidwood, SW, Smith, IR, Novac, B, Miller, RA, Craven, RM (2005) Compact Battery-Powered 0.5 MV Tesla-Transformer Based Fast-Pulse Generator. In IEE Pulsed Power Symposium 2005, Basingstoke, pp.3/1-3/5, ISBN: 086341558X.

Istenic, M, Smith, IR, Novac, B (2005) The Resistance of Nanosecond Spark Gaps. In IEE Pulsed Power Symposium 2005, Basingstoke, pp.15/1-15/5, ISBN: 086341558X.

Luo, J, Istenic, M, Novac, B, Smith, IR, Brown, J (2005) Design of 500 kV Pulse Transformers Using Magnetic Insulation. In IEE Pulsed Power Symposium 2005, Basingstoke, pp.17/1-17/4, ISBN: 086341558X.

Novac, B, Smith, IR, Rankin, DF, Hook, ND (2005) Recent Electromagnetic Flux Compression Research at Loughborough University. In IEE Pulsed Power Symposium 2005, Basingstoke, pp.19/1-19/4, ISBN: 086341558X.

Novac, B, Smith, IR, Downs, PM, Marston, P, Fahey, D (2005) Cockpit Canopy Shattering Using Exploding Wire Techniques. In IEE Pulsed Power Symposium 2005, Basingstoke, pp.20/1-20/4, ISBN: 086341558X.

Rankin, DF, Novac, B, Smith, IR (2005) Finite Element Analysis of Single Turn Coil Systems for Ultra High Magnetic Field Production. In IEE Pulsed Power Symposium 2005, Basingstoke, pp.35/1-35/4, ISBN: 086341558X.

Novac, B, Smith, IR, Rankin, DF, Hook, ND (2005) Advances in Electromagnetic Flux Compression At Loughborough University. In Maenchen, JE and Schamiluglu, E (ed) 2005 IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, Monterrey, CA, pp.269-272, ISBN: 0-7803-9190-X.

Novac, B, Istenic, M, Luo, J, Smith, IR, Brown, J, Hubbard, M, Appelgren, P, Elfsberg, M, Hurtig, T, Nylander, C, Larsson, A, Nyholm, SE (2005) A 10 GW Pulsed Power Supply for HPM Sources. In Maeachen, JF and Schamilogw, RE (ed) 2005 IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, Monterey, CA, pp.358-361, ISBN: 0-7803-9190-X.

Istenic, M, Smith, IR, Novac, B (2005) Dynamic Resistance Calculation of Nanosecond Spark-Gaps. In Maencheo, JE and Schamkoglu, E (ed) 2005 IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, Monterey, CA, pp.608-611, ISBN: 0-7803-9190-X.

Novac, B, Smith, IR, Downs, PR, Marston, P, Fahey, D (2005) Cockpit Canopy Shattering Using Exploding Wire Techniques. In Maechen, JE and Schamiloglu, E (ed) 2005 IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, Monterey, CA, pp.848-851, ISBN: 0-7803-9190-X.

Sarkar, P, Braidwood, SW, Smith, IR, Novac, B, Miller, RA, Craven, RM (2005) A Compact Battery-Powered 500kV Pulse Generator for UWB Radiation. In Maechen, JE and Schamiluglu, E (ed) 2005 IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, Monterey, CA, pp.1306-1309, ISBN: 0-7803-9190-X.

Rankin, DF, Novac, B, Smith, IR (2005) Finite Element Analysis of Magnetic Field Single-Turn Systems. In Maenchen, JE and Schamiloglu, E (ed) 2005 IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, Monterey, CA, pp.1445-1448, ISBN: 0-7803-9190-X.

Luo, J, Novac, B, Smith, IR (2005) Accurate Modelling of High-Current, High-Voltage Air-Cored Transformers. In Maenchen, JE and Schamiloglu, E (ed) 2005 IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, Monterey, CA, pp.1453-1456, ISBN: 0-7803-9190-X.

Novac, B and Smith, IR (2005) Pulsed Power Supplies for Radiation Generators. In Thiel Klaus Dieter, (ed) Proc 3rd European Symposium on Non-Lethal Weapons, Ettlingen Germany, pp.60/1-60/11.

Novac, B, Smith, IR, Rankin, DF, Braidwood, SW, Hubbard, M (2004) Electromagnetic Flux-Compression Studies. In Applications, ISOPP (ed) 2nd European Pulsed Power Symposium, Hamburg, pp.37-41, ISBN: 3 8322 3217 6.

Novac, B, Smith, IR, Luo, J, Brown, J (2004) High-Voltage Magnetically Insulated Transformers. In 2nd European Pulsed Power Symposium, Hamburg, pp.186-189, ISBN: 3 8322 3217 6.

Luo, J, Novac, B, Smith, IR (2004) Accurate Modelling of High-Current, High-Voltage Air-Cored Transformer. In 2nd European Pulsed Power Symposium, Hamburg, pp.207-211, ISBN: 3 8322 3217 6.

Rankin, DF, Novac, B, Smith, IR, Hubbard, M (2004) Complex Multiphysical Modelling of Pulsed Ultrahigh Magnetic Field Systems. In Applications, ISOPP (ed) 2nd European Pulsed Power Symposium, not known, Hamburg, Germany, pp.212-216, ISBN: 3-8322-3217-6.

Novac, B and Smith, IR (2004) Major Design Issues for Helical Flux-Compression Generators. In Selemir, VD and Plyashkevich, LN (ed) Proc MG-IX Conference, Russia, MEGAGAUSS-9, Moscow St Petersburg, pp.154-160, ISBN: 5 9515 0036 2.

Novac, B, Smith, IR, Rankin, DF, Hubbard, M (2004) Electromagnetic Flux Compression Experimentation at Loughborough University, UK. In Ortenberg, MV (ed) Xth Megagauss Conference, Berlin Germany, pp.39-45, ISBN: 3 00 015743 3.

Novac, BM, Smith, IR, Hubbard, M, Braidwood, SM (2004) Dynamic Transformers Driven by Electromagnetic Flux-Compression Generators. In Ortenberg, MV (ed) Xth Megagauss Conference, Berlin Germany, pp.191-194, ISBN: 3 00 015743 3.

Rankin, DF, Novac, B, Smith, IR (2004) Two and Three Dimensional Multiphysical Modelling of High Field Solenoid Experiments by Finite Element Analysis. In Ortenberg, MV (ed) Xth Megagauss Conference, Berlin Germany, pp.313-316.

Rankin, DF, Novac, B, Smith, IR (2004) Two-Dimensional Electromagnatic-Elastoplastic Finite Element Analaysis of Electromagnetic Flux Compression. In Ortenberg, MV (ed) Xth Megagauss Conference, Berlin Germany, pp.317-320, ISBN: 3 00 015743 3.

Novac, B, Smith, IR, Rankin, DF, Hubbard, M (2004) Flux-Compression Dynamic Transformers as Pulsed-Voltage Sources. In Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Power Modulator conference, San Francisco USA, pp.360-363, ISBN: 0 7803 8586 1.

Novac, BM, Smith, IR, Rankin, DF, Pu, Z, Hubbard, M (2003) Electromagnetic Flux-Compression Experimentation. In IEE Pulsed Power Symposium, Loughborough, Leics, pp.7/1-7/4 (4 pgs).

Novac, BM, Smith, IR, Rankin, DF, Pu, Z, Hubbard, RM (2003) Magneto-Optical Measurements and Other Diagnostics For Pulsed Ultrahigh Magnetic Fields. In IEEE Pulsed Power Symposium, Loughborough, Leics, pp.6/1-6/4 (4 pgs).

Novac, BM, Smith, IR, Rankin, DF, Pu, Z, Hubbard, M (2003) An Insulator-Metallic Cascade For Improved Electromagnetic Flux Compression. In IEE Pulsed Power Symposium, Loughborough, Leics, pp.11/1-11/4.

Novac, BM, Smith, IR, Rankin, DF, Pu, Z, Hubbard, M (2003) Two-Dimensional Theory Of Electromagnetically Driven Implosions. In IEE Pulsed Power Symposium, Loughborough, Leics, pp.12/1-12/4.

Rankin, DF, Novac, B, Smith, IR (2003) A Two Dimensional Electromagnetic-Elastoplastic Modelling Technique. In Gisselmann, M and Neuber, A (ed) 14th IEEE International Pulsed-Power Conference, Dallas, pp.771-774, ISBN: 0 7803 7915 2.

Novac, B, Smith, IR, Rankin, DF, Pu, Z, Hubbard, M (2003) Electromagnetic Flux-Compression: Experimentation. In Gisselmann, M and Neuber, A (ed) 14th IEEE International Pulsed-Power Conference, Dallas, pp.681-684, ISBN: 0 7803 7915 2.

Novac, B and Smith, IR (2003) Fast Numerical Modelling and Design Issues of Helical Flux Compression. In Gisselmann, M and Neuber, A (ed) 14th IEEE International Pulsed-Power Conference, Dallas, pp.417-420, ISBN: 0 7803 7915 2.

Novac, B and Smith, IR (2003) Electromagnetic Flux-Compression: Detailed Two-Dimensional Modelling. In Gisselmann, M and Neuber, A (ed) 14th IEEE International Pulsed-Power Conference, Dallas, pp.1305-1308, ISBN: 0 7803 7915 2.

Novac, BM and Smith, IR (2002) Preliminary Experimentation On A Flux-Compression Driven Microwave Source. In European Pulsed Power Symposium, Saint Louis, France, pp.7/1-7/6.

Novac, BM, Smith, IR, Goh, SE (2002) Shockwave-Driven Flux Compression. In European Pulsed Power Symposium, Saint Louis, France, pp.29/1-29/6.

Novac, BM and Smith, IR (2002) Two-Dimensional Filamentary Modelling Techniques Applied To High-Energy Pulsed Power Systems. In European Pulsed Power Symposium, Saint Louis, France, pp.35/1-35/6.

Novac, B and Smith, IR (2002) Fast Nmerical Modelling of Helical Flux Compression Generations. In Selemir, VD and Plyashkevich, LN (ed) Proc MG-IX Conference, Russia, MEGAGAUSS-9, Moscow St Petersburg, pp.564-570, ISBN: 5 9515 0036 2.

Cliffe, RJ, Smith, IR, Novac, B (2002) Matching Transformer for a Multi Megaampere Output. In Selemir, VD and Plyashkevich, LN (ed) Proc MG-IX Conference, Russia, MEGAGAUSS-9, Moscow St Petersburg, pp.369-373, ISBN: 5 9515 0036 2.

Novac, BM and Smith, IR (2001) Explosive-Driven Pulsed-Power Generation Program (MURI): 2 Dimensional Simulation of Helical Generators. In Reinovsky, R and Newton, M (ed) Pulsed Power Plasma Science 2001, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, pp.110-113.

Novac, BM, Smith, IR, Gregory, K (2001) High-Power High-Voltage Generator with a Multi-Pulse Twin Output. In Reinovsky, R and Newton, M (ed) Pulsed Power Plasma Science 2001, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, pp.528-531.

Smith, IR, Cliffe, RJ, Enache, MC, Goh, SE, Gregory, K, Meese, HM, Novac, BM, Senior, P, Shah, RD, Stevenson, P, Stewardson, HR (2001) Pulsed-Power Research at Loughborough University. In Reinovsky, R and Newton, M (ed) Pulsed Power Plasma Science 2001, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, pp.532-535.

Shah, RD, Cliffe, RJ, Senior, P, Novac, BM, Smith, IR (2001) An Ultrafast Probe For High-Voltage Pulsed Measurements. In Reinovsky, R and Newton, M (ed) Pulsed Power Plasma Science, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, pp.1020-1023.

Novac, BM, Smith, IR, Young, AJ, Miller, RA, Lynn, B (2001) A Pulsed-Power Supply For Producing High-Intensity Magnetic And Electric Fields in Medical Applications. In Reinovsky, R and Newton, M (ed) Pulsed Power Plasma Science 2001, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, pp.1170-1173.

Novac, BM and Smith, IR (2001) Fast Rising, Slow Decaying Magnetic Field Generator For Special Applications In UK Industry. In Reinovsky, R and Newton, M (ed) Pulsed Power Plasma Science 2001, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, pp.1193-1196.

Young, AJ, Novac, BM, Smith, IR, Lynn, B, Miller, RA (2001) Two-Dimensional Modelling of a Double-Spiral Coil System for High Electric Field Generation for Biological Applications. In IEE Symposium on Pulsed Power 2001, London, pp.19/1-19/4.

Novac, BM and Smith, IR (2001) Long-Action Very Low Resistance Crowbar. In IEE Symposium on Pulsed Power, London, pp.20/1-20/4.

Novac, BM and Smith, IR (2001) High-Power, Multi-Pulse Twin Output X-Ray Generator. In International Conference on Pulsed Power Applications, Gelsenkirchen, pp.F04/1-F04/6, ISBN: 3 9807239 2 5.

Novac, BM and Smith, IR (2001) Fast Rising, Slow Decaying Magnetic Field Generator for Special Applications in UK Industry. In International Conference on Pulsed Power Applications, Gelsenkirchen, pp.F03/1-F03/5, ISBN: 3 9807239 2 5.

Young, AJ, Novac, BM, Smith, IR, Lynn, B, Miller, RA (2001) A Pulsed-Power System for Producing High-Intensity Magnetic and Electric Fields for Medical Applications. In International Conference on Pulsed Power Applications, Gelsenkirchen, pp.C01/1-C01/5.

Shah, RD, Cliffe, RJ, Senior, P, Novac, BM, Smith, IR (2001) An ultrafast probe for high-voltage pulsed measurements. In , PPPS 2001 - Pulsed Power Plasma Science 2001, pp.1020-1023, DOI: 10.1109/PPPS.2001.1001716.

Shah, RD, Senior, P, Novac, BM, Smith, IR, Cliffe, RJ (2000) Opto-electronic Probe for Very-Fast High-Voltage Pulsed Applications. In Fox, B (ed) 35th Universities Power Engineering Conference, Queen's University in Belfast, p.3.

Novac, BM, Smith, IR, Goh, SE, Senior, P, Stewardson, HR (2000) Static & Dynamic High-Voltage Pulse Transformers. In Yatsui, K and Jiang, W (ed) 13th International Conference on High-Power Particle Beams (Beams 2000), Nagaoka, pp.313-316.

Goh, SE, Novac, BM, Smith, IR (2000) Dielectric-Metallic Phase Transition in Magnetic-Flux Compression Experiments. In Pulsed Power 2000, Imperial War Museum, London, pp.26/1-26/3.

Novac, BM, Smith, IR, Goh, SE, Senior, P, Stewardson, HR (2000) Fast Pulse Dynamic Transformer. In Pulsed Power 2000, Imperial War Museum, London, pp.27/1-27/3.

Senior, P, Shah, RD, Smith, IR, Novac, BM, Cliffe, RJ (2000) A Versatile Opto-Electronic Probe for High-Voltage Pulsed Applications. In Pulsed Power 2000, Imperial War Museum, London, pp.13/1-13/3.

Novac, BM, Smith, IR, Goh, SE (2000) An Economic Compact High Voltage Pulse Generator. In Pulsed Power 2000, Imperial War Museum, London, pp.6/1-6/3.

Goh, SE, Novac, BM, Smith, IR, Porter, JA, Enache, MC (1999) Special Purpose High-Voltage Transformers. In Lefley, PW (ed) 34th Universities Power Engineering Conference, Leicester, UK, pp.296-299, ISBN: 1 898489 11 4.

Enache, MC, Novac, BM, Smith, IR (1999) Three-Dimensional Modelling of Helical Flux-Compression Generators. In Stalling, C and Kirbie, H (ed) 12th IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference, Monterey, USA, pp.253-255, ISBN: 0 7803 5498 2.

Novac, BM, Smith, IR, Goh, SE, Enache, MC, Gregory, K, Senior, P, Cliffe, RJ, Burke, RA, Stewardson, HR (1999) A Novel Flux Compression/Dynamic Transformer Technique for High-Voltage Pulse Generation. In Stalling, C and Kirbie, H (ed) 12th IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference, Monterey, USA, pp.343-346, ISBN: 0 7803 5498 2.

Novac, BM, Smith, IR, Enache, MC (1999) The Monitoring of Very Short Duration Pressure Pulses in Liquids. In IEE Symposium Pulsed Power '99, Oxford, UK, pp.23/1-23/2.

Enache, MC, Novac, BM, Smith, IR (1999) 3-Dimensional Modelling of Helical Flux-Compression Generators. In IEE Symposium Pulsed Power '99, Oxford, UK, pp.24/1-24/3.

Larour, J, Novac, BM, Choi, P, Smith, IR, Rous, J (1999) High Voltage Monitor for a High Energy Ion Generator Based on a Long Conduction Time Opening Switch. In IEE Symposium Pulsed Power '99, Oxford, UK, pp.25/1-25/3.

Novac, BM, Smith, IR, Goh, SE, Enache, MC, Gregory, K, Senior, P, Cliffe, RJ, Burke, RA (1999) A Novel Flux Compression/Dynamic Transformer Technique for High-Voltage Pulse Generation. In IEE Symposium Pulsed Power '99, Oxford, UK, pp.7/1-7/2.

Novac, B, Enache, MC, Senior, P, Smith, IR, Gregory, K (1998) Cryogenic Launcher Experiments: The Quest for a Very High Efficiency. In Schneiber Muntau, HJ (ed) Proceedings of the VIII International Conference on Megagauss Magnetic Field Generation and Related Topics, Tallahassee, pp.341-344.

Novac, B and Smith, IR (1998) Classification of Helical Flux-Compression Generators. In Schneider Muntau, HJ (ed) Proceedings of the VIIIth International Conference on Megagauss Magnetic Field Generation and Related Topics, Tallahassee, pp.394-400.

Novac, B and Smith, IR (1998) Considerations of an Autonomous Compact Source for High Power Microwave Applications. In Schneider Muntau, HJ (ed) Proceedings of the VIIIth International Conference on Megagauss Magnetic Field Generation and Related Topics, Tallahassee, pp.432-437.

Stewardson, HR, Novac, BM, Smith, IR, Enache, MC (1998) Pulse Conditioning System Using a Plasma Opening Switch. In IEE Symposium on Pulsed Power, IEE, London, pp.14/1-14/3.

Novac, BM, Smith, IR, Enache, MC (1998) Autonomous Microwave Generators. In IEE Symposium on Pulsed Power, IEE, London, pp.35/1-35/3.

Novac, BM, Smith, IR, Stewardson, HR, Gregory, K, Enache, MC (1998) Two-Dimensional Modelling of Flux-Compression Generators. In IEE Symposium on Pulsed Power, IEE, London, pp.36/1-36/3.

Hackett, CD, Smith, IR, Novac, BM (1997) Mesh-Initiated Detonation and Effect of Current Pulse Wave Form. In Cooperstein, G and Vitkovitsky, I (ed) 11th IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference, Baltimore, USA, pp.1636-1640.

Novac, BM and Smith, IR (1997) Ultra High Magnetic Field Dynamic Transformers. In Cooperstein, G and Vitkovitsky, I (ed) 11th IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference, Baltimore, USA, pp.1508-1511, ISBN: 0 7803 4214 3.

Stewardson, HR, Novac, BM, Smith, IR, Enache, MC (1997) Multi-Stage Pulse Compression Using an Exploding Foil and a PEOS. In Cooperstein, G and Vitkovitsky, I (ed) 11th IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference, Baltimore, USA, pp.1227-1232, ISBN: 0 7803 4214 3.

Senior, P, Hackett, CD, Novac, BM, Smith, IR (1997) Switch Characteristics for a High Efficiency 20kJ Electromagnetic Launcher. In Cooperstein, G and Vitkovitsky, I (ed) 11th IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference, Baltimore, USA, pp.1144-1149, ISBN: 0 7803 4214 3.

Novac, BM, Smith, IR, Senior, P, Enache, MC, Gregory, K (1997) Can the Efficiency of an Electrostatic to Kinetic Energy Conversion Process Exceed 50%?. In Cooperstein, G and Vitkovitsky, I (ed) 11th IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference, Baltimore, USA, pp.1139-1143, ISBN: 0 7803 4214 3.

Novac, BM, Smith, IR, Enache, MC, Stewardson, HR (1997) Simple Two-Dimensional Model for Helical Flux-Compression Generators. In Chernyshev, VK, Selemir, VD, Plyashkevich, LN (ed) 7th International Confernece on Megagauss Magnetic Field Generation and Related Topics, Sarov, Russia, pp.468-474, ISBN: 5 85165 385X.

Stewardson, HR, Smith, IR, Senior, P, Novac, BM, Gregory, K, Hackett, CD, Enache, MC (1997) Pulsed Power Research at Loughborough. In Chernyshev, VK, Selemir, VD, Plyashkevich, LN (ed) 7th International Conference on Megagauss Magnetic Field Generation and Related Topics, Sarov, Russia, pp.267-270, ISBN: 5 85165 385X.

Novac, BM, Smith, IR, Senior, P, Gregory, K, Enache, MC (1997) High-Velocity Induction Launcher. In Chernyshev, VK, Selemir, VD, Plyashkevich, LN (ed) 7th International Conference on Megagauss Magnetic Field and Generation and Related Topics, Sarov, Russia, pp.856-861, ISBN: 5 85165 385 X.

Stewardson, HR, Smith, IR, Novac, BM, Senior, P (1996) Output Conditioning using Exploding Foil and PEOS Switching Techniques. In IEE Colloquium on Pulsed Power '96, Savoy Place, London, pp.14/1-14/4.

Stewardson, HR, Smith, IR, Senior, P, Novac, BM, Gregory, K, Hackett, CD, Kettleborough, JG, Burke, RA, Evans, SA (1996) Pulsed-Power Research at Loughborough University. In IEE Colloquium on Pulsed Power '96, Savoy Place, London, pp.15/1-15/2.

Smith, IR, Stewardson, HR, Novac, BM, Senior, P (1996) Development of an Explosive Driven 2MJ Helical Generator. In IEE Colloquium on Pulsed Power '96, Savoy Place, London, pp.10/1-10/4.

Stewardson, HR, Miran, SM, Smith, IR, Novac, BM, Vadher, VV (1995) Fuse Conditioning of the Output of a Capacitor Bank to Drive a PEOS. In Baker, W and eds, GC (ed) 10th IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, Albuquerque, NM, USA, pp.1115-1120, ISBN: 0 7803 2791 8.

Novac, BM, Ganciu, M, Enache, MC, Smith, IR, Stewardson, HR, Senior, P, Vadher, VV (1995) Towards 1MV/1ns High Voltage Electro-Optic Transducer. In Baker, W and eds, GC (ed) 10th IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, Albuquerque, NM, USA, pp.875-879, ISBN: 0 7803 2791 8.

Novac, BM, Stewardson, HR, Smith, IR, Senior, P (1995) Analysis of Helical Generator Driven Exploding Foil Opening Switch Experiments. In Baker, W and eds, GC (ed) 10th IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference, Albuquerque, NM, USA, pp.1126-1131, ISBN: 0 7803 2791 8.

Stewardson, HR, Novac, BM, Smith, IR, Senior, P (1995) Empirical Modelling of Copper Foil Fuses. In Baker, W and eds, GC (ed) 10th IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference, Albuquerque, NM, USA, pp.1121-2215, ISBN: 0 7803 2791 8.

Gherendi, FV, Mandache, NB, Nistor, MG, Novac, BM, Enache, MC, Smith, IR, Stewardson, HR (1995) Small-Scale Pulsed-Power Applications. In Baker, W and eds, GC (ed) 10th IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference, Albuquerque, NM, USA, pp.1182-1187, ISBN: 0 7803 2791 8.



Baird, J, Dickens, JC, Freeman, BL, Giesselmann, M, Heeren, T, Hernandez, JC, Neuber, AA, Novac, BM, Rasty, J, Smith, IR, Worsley, PN (2005) Explosively Driven Pulsed Power, Springer.

Altgilbers, LL, Brown, MDJ, Grishnaev, I, Novac, BM, Smith, IR, Tkach, I, Tkach, Y (2000) Magnetocumulative Generators, Springer-Verlag, ISBN: 0 387 98786 X.

CD Objects

Luo, J, Novac, B, Smith, IR, Brown, J (2005) Fast and Accurate Two-Dimensional Modelling of High-Current, High-Voltage Air-Cored Transformers,.

Novac, B, Smith, IR, Rankin, DF, Braidwood, SW, Hubbard, M (2004) Electromagnetic Flux-Compression Studies,Shaker Verlag, ISBN: 3 8322 3217 6.

Novac, B, Smith, IR, Luo, J, Brown, J (2004) High-Voltage Magnetically Insulated Transformers,Shaker Verlag, ISBN: 3 8322 3217 6.

Luo, J, Novac, B, Smith, IR (2004) Accurate Modelling of High-Current, High-Voltage Air-Cored Transformer,Shaker Verlag, ISBN: 3 8322 3217 6.

Rankin, DF, Novac, B, Smith, IR, Hubbard, M (2004) Complex Multiphysical Modelling of Pulsed Ultrahigh Magnetic Field Systems,Shaker Verlag, ISBN: 3-8322-3217-6.

Novac, B, Smith, IR, Rankin, DF, Hubbard, M (2004) Flux-Compression Dynamic Transformers as Pulsed-Voltage Sources,Hulya Kirkici, ISBN: 0 7803 8586 1.

Enache, MC, Novac, BM, Smith, IR (1999) Three-Dimensional Modelling of Helical Flux-Compression Generators,IEEE, ISBN: 0 7803 5498 2.

Novac, BM, Smith, IR, Goh, SE, Enache, MC, Gregory, K, Senior, P, Cliffe, RJ, Burke, RA, Stewardson, HR (1999) A Novel Flux Compression/Dynamic Transformer Technique for High-Voltage Pulse Generation,IEEE, ISBN: 0 7803 5498 2.


Smith, IR, Novac, BM, Stewardson, HR (1997) Impulse Generator. In Editors, C (ed) McGraw Hill Yearbook of Science and Technology 1998, McGraw Hill, pp.192-194, ISBN: 0 07 052418 1.


(2016) Special Issue on Pulsed Power Science and Technology. DOI: 10.1109/tps.2016.2633604.

Redondo, LMS, Hosseini, H, Novac, B, Yu, X (2015) Guest editorial special issue on selected papers from EAPPC 2014, Guest editorial special issue on selected papers from EAPPC 2014. DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2015.2477555.

Novac, B and Neuber, AA (2011) Editorial : Special Issue on Power Modulators and Repetitive Pulsed Power.

Smith, IR and Novac, BM (2002) Electromagnetic Actuation, Int Patent Int publication no W0 02/078019 A1.

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