Publications for Andrew Urquhart
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Journal Articles
Seymour, V, Cárdenas, B,
Urquhart, A, Pottie, DL, Day, J, de Oliveira Júnior, MM, Barbour, E, Wilson, G, Harvey, S, Jones, CR (2025)
Feeling the heat: Understanding stakeholders’ perceptions of residential-sector heating decarbonisation options in the UK,
Technology in Society, pp.102849-102849, ISSN: 0160-791X. DOI:
Rollinson, W,
Urquhart, A, Thomson, M (2025)
Technoeconomic Feasibility of Wind and Solar Generation for Off-Grid Hyperscale Data Centres,
Energies, 18(2), pp.382-382, DOI:
Day, J, Donaldson, DL, Barbour, E, Cárdenas, B, Jones, CR,
Urquhart, AJ, Garvey, SD, Wilson, IAG (2024)
Estimating primary substation boundaries and the value of mapping Great Britain's electrical network infrastructure,
Applied Energy, 376, pp.124242-124242, ISSN: 0306-2619. DOI:
Taghizadeh, H, Cross, A, Narayanan, N,
Urquhart, A (2023)
Synthesis of interleaved, unipolar, switched capacitor DC-DC converters,
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 39(1), pp.493-506, ISSN: 0885-8993. DOI:
Urquhart, AJ and Thomson, M (2015)
Series impedance of distribution cables with sector-shaped conductors,
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, DOI:
Urquhart, AJ and Thomson, M (2014)
Impacts of demand data time resolution on estimates of distribution system energy losses,
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 30(3), pp.1483-1491, ISSN: 0885-8950. DOI:
Urquhart, A, Thomson, AM, White, P (2024)
Increasing hosting capacity for low carbon technologies using three-phase domestic connections. In
IET Powering Net Zero, Birmingham.
Urquhart, A, Psarra, I, Gardner, A, Woodruff, J, Al-Hariri, N, Thomson, M (2023)
Phase identification using smart meter data. In
27th International Conference & Exhibition on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2023); 27th International Conference & Exhibition on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2023), Rome, Italy,ISBN: 9781839538551. DOI:
Urquhart, A, Thomson, M, White, P (2022)
Electric vehicle charging with three-phase domestic connections. In
CIRED Porto Workshop 2022: E-mobility and power distribution systems; CIRED Porto Workshop 2022: E-mobility and power distribution systems, Porto, Portugal, pp.1124-1128, ISBN: 9781839537059. DOI:
Urquhart, A, Thomson, M, Harrap, C (2019)
Impacts of reactive power and harmonics on LV network losses. In
25th International Conference & Exhibition on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2019), Madrid.
Urquhart, A and Thomson, M (2017)
Resolving inconsistencies in three-phase current measurements. In
24th International Conference & Exhibition on Electricity Distribution, Glasgow.
Urquhart, A, Thomson, M, Harrap, C (2017)
Accurate determination of distribution network losses. In
24th International Conference & Exhibition on Electricity Distribution, Glasgow.
Foote, C, Johnston, R, Watson, F, Currie, R, Macleman, D,
Urquhart, A (2013)
Second generation active network management on Orkney. In
, IET Conference Publications. DOI:
Urquhart, AJ and Thomson, M (2013)
Assumptions and approximations typically applied in modelling LV networks with high penetrations of low carbon technologies. In
Urquhart, A, Psarra, I, Al-Hariri, N, Hayden, J, Woodruff, J (2023)
Smart Meter Innovations & Test Network (SMITN) Closedown Report.
Psarra, I, Gardner, A, Al-Hariri, N,
Urquhart, A (2023)
Smart Meter Innovations and Test Network (SMITN) Phase Identification Report, pp.1-40.
Dodd, B, Briggs, S, Leicester, P,
Urquhart, A, Jowett, L, Nimmo, D, Ridgewell, J (2022)
Delivering zero-carbon schools: a practical and innovative business model for the community energy sector.
Harrap, C,
Urquhart, A, Thomson, M (2019)
Losses Investigation Closedown Report, pp.1-166, Western Power Distribution.