Publications for Alessandra Ferrari
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Journal Articles
Ferrari, A and Tran, VHT (2021)
Helping or hampering banks competition? The Asian experience after the Asian financial crisis,
Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 76, 101486, ISSN: 1042-4431. DOI:
Altintas, N,
Ferrari, A, Girardone, C (2021)
Do financial reforms always improve banks efficiency and competition? A long-term analysis of Turkey’s experience,
Journal of Banking Regulation, 23(4), pp.458-469, ISSN: 1745-6452. DOI:
Ferrari, A and Tran, V (2020)
Banking, transition and financial reforms: a long-term analysis of Vietnam,
Journal of Banking Regulation, 22, ISSN: 1745-6452. DOI:
Dadzie, JK and
Ferrari, A (2019)
Deregulation, efficiency and competition in developing banking markets: do reforms really work? A case study for Ghana,
Journal of Banking Regulation, ISSN: 1745-6452.
Casu, B, Deng, B,
Ferrari, A (2017)
Post-crisis regulatory reforms and bank performance: lessons from Asia,
European Journal of Finance, 23(15), pp.1544-1571, ISSN: 1351-847X. DOI:
Casu, B,
Ferrari, A, Girardone, C, Wilson, JOS (2016)
Integration, productivity and technological spillovers: evidence for eurozone banking industries,
European Journal of Operational Research, 255(3), pp.971-983, ISSN: 0377-2217. DOI:
Casu, B,
Ferrari, A, Zhao, T (2013)
Regulatory Reform and Productivity Change in Indian Banking,
Review of Economics and Statistics, 95(3), pp.1066-1077, ISSN: 0034-6535. DOI:
Zhao, T, Casu, B,
Ferrari, A (2010)
The impact of regulatory reforms on cost structure, ownership and competition in Indian banking,
Journal of Banking & Finance, 34(1), pp.246-254, ISSN: 0378-4266. DOI:
Zhao, T, Casu, B,
Ferrari, A (2008)
Deregulation and productivity growth: a study of the Indian commercial banking industry,
International Journal of Business Performance Management, 10(4), pp.318-318, ISSN: 1368-4892. DOI:
Ferrari, A (2006)
The internal market and hospital efficiency: a stochastic distance function approach,
Applied Economics, 38(18), pp.2121-2130, ISSN: 0003-6846. DOI:
Ferrari, A (2006)
Market oriented reforms of health services: A non-parametric analysis,
The Service Industries Journal, 26(1), pp.1-13, ISSN: 0264-2069. DOI:
Ferrari, A and Giulietti, M (2005)
Competition in electricity markets: international experience and the case of Italy,
Utilities Policy, 13(3), pp.247-255, ISSN: 0957-1787. DOI:
Ferrari, A (2005) Market oriented reforms of health services: a non-parametric analysis,
The B.E. Journals in Economic Analysis and Policy - Topics, 5(1), 18.
Ferrari, A and Giulietti, M (2005) Competition in the electricity sector: international experience and an analysis of the Italian market,
Economia Pubblica.
Casu, B and
Ferrari, A (2015)
Dynamics of bank efficiency in the EU and SEMC: Is there a convergence?. In
Economic and Social Development of the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Countries, pp.183-199, DOI:
Ferrari, A, Casu, B, Deng, B (2014) The Impact of Deregulation and Reregulation on Banking Efficiency: Evidence from Asia. In Lindblom, T, Sjogren, S, Willesson, M (ed)
Governance, Regulation and Bank Stability, Palgrave Macmillan, pp.100-128.
Ferrari, A, Casu, B, Zhao, T (2010) Financial reforms, competition and risk in banking markets. In Molyneux, P, Fiordelisi, F, Previati, D (ed)
New Issues in Financial and Credit Markets, Palgrave MacMillan, pp.100-110.
Ferrari, A, Casu, B, Zhao, T (2013) Dynamics of Banks Efficiency in the EU and Southern Mediterranean: is there a Convergence?, Financial Markets MEDPRO Technical Papers.