Publications for Kathryn Brown
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Journal Articles
Brown, K (2024)
After Art History? Artworks as Data,
The Art Bulletin, 106(2), pp.33-36, ISSN: 0004-3079. DOI:
Brown, K (2023)
Attention Seeking: Tristan Tzara's Art Critical Prose Poetry,
Nottingham French Studies, 62(2), pp.193-209, ISSN: 0029-4586. DOI:
Brown, K and O’Neill, E (2023)
Nottingham French Studies, 62(2), pp.119-127, ISSN: 0029-4586. DOI:
Brown, K (2022)
Les arts de l’inégalité. Le pouvoir du collectionneur dans le domaine culturel et les risques de clientélisme,
exPositions, 7, 1.
Brown, K (2022)
From the Harlem Renaissance to Black Dada: Adam Pendleton's entangled histories,
Burlington Contemporary, (7), ISSN: 2631-5661. DOI:
Brown, K (2022)
Art markets, epistemic authority, and the institutional curation of knowledge,
Cultural Studies, 37(4), pp.626-646, ISSN: 0950-2386. DOI:
Brown, K (2021)
Screen culture, online auctions, and art market spectacle,
Visual Studies, 38(3-4), pp.377-388, ISSN: 1472-586X. DOI:
Brown, K (2021)
Invoquer Apollinaire: Le Livre d'artiste comme grimoire,
Revue d'histoire littéraire de la France, 121(1), pp.161-175, ISSN: 2105-2689.
BROWN, K (2020)
Korsmeyer, Carolyn. Things: In Touch with the Past. Oxford University Press, 2019, 232 pp, $49.95 cloth,
The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 78(1), pp.109-111, ISSN: 0021-8529. DOI:
Brown, K (2020)
Disappearing acts: Fictitious capital, aesthetic atheism, and the artworld,
Journal of Visual Art Practice, 19(3), pp.225-240, ISSN: 1470-2029. DOI:
Brown, K (2020)
When museums meet markets,
Journal of Visual Art Practice, 19(3), pp.203-210, ISSN: 1470-2029. DOI:
Brown, K (2019)
Collage as form and idea in the art criticism of Tristan Tzara,
French Studies, 73(4), pp.544-560, ISSN: 0016-1128. DOI:
Brown, K (2019)
Private influence, public goods and the future of art history,
Journal for Art Market Studies, 3(1), ISSN: 2511-7602. DOI:
Brown, K (2019)
Modernisme, mystique, mysticisme
. Sous la direction de
Giacomo Losito
Charles J. T. Talar
Modernisme, mystique, mysticisme
. Sous la direction de LositoGiacomo et TalarCharles J T. Paris: Honoré Champion, 2017. 543 pp.,
French Studies, 73(2), pp.316-317, ISSN: 0016-1128. DOI:
Brown, K (2019) Review of Carolyn Korsmeyer's Things: In Touch with the Past,
Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 78(1), pp.109-111, ISSN: 0021-8529.
Brown, K (2019) Review of Claire Barbillon, Parent-Elles: Les femmes artistes au risque de la parentele,
Nineteenth-Century French Studies, ISSN: 0146-7891.
Brown, K (2019) Review of Giacomo Losito and Charles J.T. Talar (eds), Modernisme, mystique, mysticisme
French Studies: a quarterly review, 73(2), pp.316-317, ISSN: 0016-1128.
Brown, K (2018)
Degas in pieces: Form and fragment in the late Bather pastels,
Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide, 17(2), ISSN: 1543-1002. DOI:
Brown, K (2016)
Reframing disaster: word and image in Tacita Dean's The Russian Ending,
Journal of the Taipei Fine Arts Museum, 31, pp.121-145.
Brown, KJ (2015) Against Autobiography: Henri Matisse's Writings on Art,
Life Writing, 12(1), pp.43-58, ISSN: 1751-2964.
Brown, K (2014)
Touch and vision in Edgar Degas's Darkfield monotypes,
Print Quarterly, XXXI(4), pp.395-405, ISSN: 0265-8305.
Brown, K (2014)
Egyptian voyages: Gustave Flaubert, Maxime Du Camp, and Fouad Elkoury,
History of Photography, 38(2), pp.161-172, ISSN: 0308-7298. DOI:
Brown, K (2014)
Art and epistemic injustice: Ursula Biemann's remote sensing and black sea files,
Art and the Public Sphere, 3(1), pp.45-62, ISSN: 2042-793X. DOI:
Brown, KJ (2013) Remembering the Occupation: La Mort et les Statues by Pierre Jahan and Jean Cocteau,
Forum for Modern Language Studies, 49(3), pp.286-299, ISSN: 1471-6860.
Brown, KJ (2013) Undoing Urban Modernity: Contemporary Art's Confrontation with Waste,
European Journal of Cultural Studies, 16(6), pp.678-691, ISSN: 1460-3551.
Brown, K (2010)
Nostalgia and identity: Jules Simon’s La Femme du Vingtième Siècle,
Memory Studies, 3(3), pp.224-231, ISSN: 1750-6980. DOI:
Brown, KJ (2010) The Aesthetics of Presence: Looking at Degas's Bathers,
Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 68(4), pp.331-341, ISSN: 1540-6245.
Brown, KJ (2010) Nostalgia and Identity: Jules Simon and the Twentieth-Century Woman,
Memory Studies, 3(3), pp.224-231, ISSN: 1750-6999.
Brown, KJ (2010) Disruption and Delight: Dara Birnbaum's Experiments with Sensory Pleasure,
n.paradoxa, 25, pp.5-15, ISSN: 1461-0434.
Brown, KJ (2010) The Artist as Urban Geographer: Mark Bradford and Julie Mehretu,
American Art: the journal of the Smithsonian American Art Museum, 24(3), pp.100-113, ISSN: 1549-6503.
Brown, KJ (2009) Tolerating Art in a Liberal Society,
The International Journal of Arts in Society, 4(3), pp.155-164.
Brown, KJ (2009) The Book as Object and Event in the Works of John Latham,
International Journal of the Book, 6, pp.23-34, ISSN: 1447-9516.
Brown, KJ (2008) Re-Placing Art: Museums and the Street,
International Journal of the Inclusive Museum, 1(2), pp.89-96, ISSN: 1835-2014.
Brown, K (2024)
Art Auctions Spectacle and Value in the 21st Century, Hot Topics in the Art World, ISBN: 9781848226388.
Brown, K (2023)
Dialogues with Degas Influence and Antagonism in Contemporary Art, Bloomsbury Visual Arts, ISBN: 9781350258693.
Brown, K (2021)
Henri Matisse, Reaktion Books, ISBN: 9781789143812.
Brown, K (2020)
The Routledge Companion to Digital Humanities and Art History, Routledge, ISBN: 9781138585584.
Brown, KJ (2017)
Matisse's Poets: Critical Performance in the Artist's Book, Bloomsbury Publishing USA, ISBN: 9781501326837.
Brown, K (ed) (2016)
Perspectives on Degas, Routledge, ISBN: 9781472439970.
Brown, K (2014)
Interactive Contemporary Art Participation in Practice, I.B.Tauris, ISBN: 9781780765518.
Asimow, M,
Brown, K, Papke, D (2014)
Law and Popular Culture International Perspectives, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, ISBN: 9781443861588.
Brown, K (2013)
The Art Book Tradition in Twentieth-century Europe, Routledge, ISBN: 9781409420651.
Brown, KJ (2012)
Women Readers in French Painting 1870-1890 A Space for the Imagination, Ashgate Publishing, Ltd, ISBN: 9781409408758.
Brown, K, Quemin, A, Eshkol-Rokach, Y, Guirao Soro, G, Sailly, O, Wilmsen, F (2024)
Activists Versus Gatekeepers: Gallery Representation, Reputational Markets, and the Structure of Opportunities for Artists in the US Contemporary Artworld. In Woronkowicz, J and Noonan, D (ed)
Innovating Institutions and Inequities in the Arts, Sociology of the Arts, Springer, pp.79-96, ISBN: 978-3-031-59230-0. DOI:
Brown, K (2024)
Humanist-in-the-Loop: Machine Learning and the Analysis of Style in the Visual Arts. In Wang, JZ and Adams, RB (ed)
Modeling Visual Aesthetics, Emotion, and Artistic Style, Springer, pp.219-219, ISBN: 978-3-031-50268-2. DOI:
Brown, K (2021)
Interactive Digital Books and Interpretive Play. In
Reproducing Images and Texts, Brill, pp.84-96, ISBN: 9789004468320. DOI:
Brown, K and Mitchell, E (2020)
Feminist digital art history. In
The Routledge Companion to Digital Humanities and Art History, Routledge, pp.43-57, ISBN: 9781138585584.
Brown, K (2020)
Introduction [The Routledge Companion to Digital Humanities and Art History]. In
The Routledge Companion to Digital Humanities and Art History, Routledge, pp.1-6, ISBN: 9781138585584.
Brown, K (2019)
Unfolding the domestic interior: Women, newspapers, and the nineteenth-century city. In
Women in the City: French Literature and Culture, University of Wales Press, pp.49-67, ISBN: 9781786834324.
Brown, K (2016)
The domestic interior as a tactile space: Jules-Aimé Dalou and Pierre-Auguste Renoir. In
Visualizing the Nineteenth-Century Home: Modern Art and the Decorative Impulse, © The Authors. Published by Routledge, pp.0-0, ISBN: 9781472449634.
Brown, KJ (2016) An Anti-Spectacular Art: Degas's Monotypes for La Famille Cardinal. In Hauptmann, J (ed)
Degas: A Strange New Beauty (exh. cat.), Museum of Modern Art, pp.122-135.
Brown, K (2016)
Photography, building and dwelling: Fiona Tan’s empty house. In
Home/Land: Women, Citizenship, Photographies, © Liverpool University Press, pp.0-0, ISBN: 9781781382806.
Brown, K (2016)
Introduction [Perspectives on Degas]. In
Perspectives on Degas, Routledge, pp.1-14, ISBN: 9781138316140.
Brown, K (2016)
Intimacy and exclusion: Degas's illustrations for Ludovic Halevy's La Famille Cardinal. In
Perspectives on Degas, Routledge, pp.177-201, ISBN: 9781138316140.
Brown, K (2014)
Computer art and the cosmopolitan imagination. In
Interactive Contemporary Art: Participation in Practice, I.B. Tauris, pp.37-56, ISBN: 9781780765518.
Brown, K (2014)
Renegotiating the West in Joel and Ethan Coen's True Grit. In
Law and Popular Culture: International Perspectives, © Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp.253-268, ISBN: 9781443858106.
Brown, KJ (2013) Balloon Travel, Objectivity, and Empire in Jules Verne's Cinq semaines en ballon. In Watts, A and Guyon, L (ed)
Allers-Retours: Nineteenth-Century France in Motion, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp.96-110.
Brown, KJ (2013) Influence as Appropriation of the Creative Gesture: Matisse's Poèmes de Charles d'Orléans. In Baldwin, T, Fowler, J, de Medeiros, A (ed)
Questions of Influence in Modern European Literature, pp.84-97.
Brown, KJ (2013) Enacting Beauty: Baudelaire, Matisse, and Les Fleurs du mal. In
Brown, K (ed)
The Art Book Tradition in Twentieth-Century Europe: Picturing Language, Ashgate, pp.31-44.
Brown, KJ (2010) The Spectator as Performer: Degas and the Ethics of Looking. In Watt, D and Dinkgrafe, D (ed)
Ethical Encounters: Boundaries of Theatre, Performance and Philosophy, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp.174-185.
Brown, KJ (2010) Reading Bodies: Female Secrecy in the Works of Renoir and Degas. In Hallensleben, M (ed)
Performative Body Spaces: Corporeal Topographies in Literature, Theatre, Dance and the Visual Arts, Rodopi, pp.157-168.
Brown, KJ (2008) A Space for the Imagination: Depicting Women Readers in the Nineteenth-Century City. In Periton, D, di Palma, V, Lathouri, M (ed)
Intimate Metropolis: Urban Subjects in the Modern City, Routledge, pp.58-71.
Brown, KJ (2016) Collecting, Consuming, and Creating: Debunking the Myths of Taste Making in the Contemporary Art World.
Brown, KJ (2016) Ethics and Interpretative Violence: Matisse’s Unpublished Illustrations for Mallarmé’s ‘L’Après-midi d’un faune’.
Brown, KJ (2016) Tzara et la ‘mythologie moderne’ d’Henri Rousseau.
Brown, KJ (2015)
The Art Market as a Knowledge Economy.
Brown, KJ (2015) Affective Exclusion: Fiona Tan's Vox Populi Photographs.
Brown, KJ (2014) Unframing History: Fiona Tan's Disorient.
Brown, KJ (2014) Performing Civic Virtue in the Artist's Book: Henri Matisse's Pasiphaé.
Brown, KJ (2014) Reading the City: Women, Newspapers and Nineteenth-Century Urban Life.
Brown, KJ (2013) Exiled from Light: Undoing Pictorial Space in Edgar Degas's Monotypes of the 1880s.
Brown, KJ (2013) Tactile Pleasure in the Works of Dalou and Renoir.
Brown, K (2024)
When Art History Meets Artificial Intelligence. DOI:
Brown, K (2017)
Fouad Elkoury's Suite Egyptienne, Fouad Elkoury's Suite Egyptienne.
Brown, K (2016)
Ink Remix: Contemporary Art from Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong, curated by Sophie McIntyre [Exhibition Review], Ink Remix: Contemporary Art from Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong, curated by Sophie McIntyre [Exhibition Review]. DOI:
Brown, KJ (2015)
(Book review) Ara H. Merjian, Giorgio Di Chirico and the Metaphysical City: Nietzche, Modernism, Paris.
Brown, KJ (2015)
(Book review) Markus Müller (ed), Camille Pissarro: Mit den Augen eines Impressionisten.
Brown, KJ (2013)
(Book review) Albert Boime, Revelation of Modernism: Responses to Cultural Crises in Fin-de-siècle Painting.
Brown, KJ (2012)
(Book review) Berys Gaut, A Philosophy of Cinematic Art.
Brown, KJ (2012)
(Book review) Stephanie d'Alessandro and John Elderfield, Matisse, Radical Invention: 1913-1917.
Brown, KJ (2009)
Picasso et les maîtres at the Grand Palais, Paris (Exhibition Review).
Brown, KJ (2009)
Échappées nordiques: Scandinavian and Finnish Artists at the Palais des Beaux-Arts: Lille (Exhibition review).
Brown, K The Brummer Galleries, Paris and New York: Defining taste from antiquities to the avant-garde. DOI: