Loughborough University
Leicestershire, UK
LE11 3TU
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Loughborough University

Loughborough University Research Publications

Publications for Frederic Dalmasso

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Journal Articles

Dalmasso, F (2020) Public spheres, counterpublics’ fears and syncopolitics, Humanities, 9(2), 31, ISSN: 2076-0787. DOI: 10.3390/h9020031.

Dalmasso, F (2017) Ethics of Play in Earpiece Performances by Nature Theater of Oklahoma and Gob Squad, Performance Philosophy, 3(1), pp.233-233, DOI: 10.21476/PP.2017.3152.

Dalmasso, F (2013) Badiou's spectator-subject and fireworks politics, Performance Research: a journal of the performing arts, 18(1), pp.77-83, ISSN: 1469-9990. DOI: 10.1080/13528165.2013.789246.

Baines, R and Dalmasso, F (2007) A text on trial: The translation and adaptation of Adel Hakim's Executeur 14, Social Semiotics, 17(2), pp.229-257, ISSN: 1470-1219. DOI: 10.1080/10350330701311520.


Dalmasso, F and Baines, R (2026) Looking for Koltès: Performing rhythm as political ontology, Liverpool University Press.

Dalmasso, F and Schad, J (2021) Derrida | Benjamin - Two Plays for the Stage,ISBN: 978-3-030-49807-8.

Whiteley, G, Kinna, R, Dalmasso, FTJ (ed) (2019) Re-imagining citizenship activity book, Politicized Practice/Anarchism/Theatre Activism Research Groups, ISBN: 9781527237643.

Dalmasso, F, Dalmasso, V, Jamet, S (2017) La syncope dans la performance et les arts visuels, Editions Le Manuscrit, ISBN: 9782304046243.


Dalmasso, F (2025) The idea of the collective at world level in the Baroque aesthetics of L’Écharpe rouge. In Alain Badiou and the Arts, Turia und Kant publishers, pp.?-?.

Dalmasso, F (2022) The masked comic figure in Alain Badiou's philosophy. In Gray, J and Trahair, L (ed) Second Nature: Comic Performance and Philosophy, Rowman & Littlefield, pp.37-61, ISBN: 978-1-78661-509-1.

Dalmasso, FTJ (2017) Remote Spectating - Drone Images and the Spectacular Image of Revolt. In Katsouraki, E and Fisher, T (ed) Performing Antagonism, Palgrave Macmillan, pp.209-229, ISBN: 9781349950997. DOI: 10.1057/978-1-349-95100-0_11.

Dalmasso, F (2017) Retrait de l’image et syncopolitique. In Unknown Parent Title, Le Manuscrit, pp.227-241, ISBN: 9782304046243.

Dalmasso, F (2016) Koltes et la violence du rythme. In Violences et désirs dans l’œuvre de Koltès et dans le théâtre contemporain, © University of Lorraine, pp.79-88, ISBN: 978-2-909498-28-7.

Dalmasso, FTJ and Baines, RW (2011) Musical Realizations: a Performance-based Translation of Rhythm in Koltès’ Dans la solitude des champs de coton. In Staging and Performing Translation, pp.49-71, ISBN: 978-0-230-29460-8.

Liguori, A and Dalmasso, F (Accepted for publication) Digital Storytelling and Social Realism Cinematic Practice as inclusive learning approaches. In M, D and U, H (ed) Filmmaking and Transnational Collaboration in teacher training for foreign languages, Peter Lang.

Getting in touch

Research Office
Loughborough University
LE11 3TU
+44 (0)1509 222453