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Loughborough University Research Publications

Publications for Arianna Maiorani

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Journal Articles

Maiorani, A (2024) Book review: Choreography, Visual Art and Experimental Composition 1950s–1970s, Visual Communication, ISSN: 1470-3572. DOI: 10.1177/14703572241274991.

Maiorani, A and Hawreliak, J (2024) Meaning in Motion: A Kinesemiotic Approach to Videogame Analysis in Street Fighter V, Punctum. International Journal of Semiotics, 10(1 (2024), ISSN: 2459-2943. DOI: 10.18680/hss.2024.0007.

Maiorani, A (2024) The materiality key: how work on empirical data can improve analytical models and theoretical frameworks for multimodal discourse analysis, Frontiers in Communication, 9, 1365145, ISSN: 2297-900X. DOI: 10.3389/fcomm.2024.1365145.

Maiorani, A and Liu, C (2023) The functional grammar of dance applied to ELAN annotation: meaning beyond the naked eye, Journal of World Languages, 10(1), pp.221-249, ISSN: 2169-8252. DOI: 10.1515/jwl-2023-0050.

Maiorani, A (2023) Review of Ngo, Hood, Martin, Painter, Smith & Zappavigna (2022): Modelling paralanguage using systemic functional semiotics: Theory and application, Language, Context and Text. The Social Semiotics Forum, 5(1), pp.255-259, ISSN: 2589-7233. DOI: 10.1075/langct.00050.mai.

Maiorani, A, Evola, V, Petroni, S, Bläsing, BE, Bateman, JA (2023) Editorial: Movement, embodiment, Kinesemiotics: interdisciplinary approaches to movement-based communication, Frontiers in Communication, 8, 1192065, ISSN: 2297-900X. DOI: 10.3389/fcomm.2023.1192065.

Maiorani, A, Bateman, JA, Liu, C, Markhabayeva, D, Lock, R, Zecca, M (2022) Towards semiotically driven empirical studies of ballet as a communicative form, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 9(1), 429, DOI: 10.1057/s41599-022-01399-8.

Maiorani, A and Liu, C (2022) Developing Kinesemiotics: Challenges and solutions using the Functional Grammar of Dance, Frontiers in Communication, 7, 958349, DOI: 10.3389/fcomm.2022.958349.

Maiorani, A (2022) Emotion in motion: a kinesemiotics analysis of character interpretation through dance discourse, Journal of Applied Psycholinguistics / Rivista di psicolinguistica applicata, XXI(2), pp.19-30, ISSN: 1592-1328. DOI: 10.19272/202107702002.

Maiorani, A (2020) Selling the past and the present alike: Streaming ballet for live audiences during lockdown, Journal of International Culture and Arts, 1(2), pp.1-9, DOI: 10.46506/jica.2020.1.2.001.

Feng, D and Kashyap, AK (2016) S. Starc, C. Jones and A. Maiorani (eds): Meaning Making in Text: Multimodal and Multilingual Functional Perspectives, Applied Linguistics, 37(2), pp.299-302, ISSN: 0142-6001. DOI: 10.1093/applin/amv067.

Maiorani, A (2011) Reading movies as interactive messages: A proposal for a new method of analysis, Semiotica, 1/4(187), pp.167-188, ISSN: 0037-1998.

Maiorani, A (2009) "An irreplaceable amount of effort has gone into making me what I am". Language and human identity in 2001:, PRACE, 37, pp.321-336.

Maiorani, A (2007) 'Reloading' movies into commercial reality: A multimodal analysis of The 'Matrix' trilogy's promotional posters, SEMIOTICA, 166(1-4), pp.45-67, ISSN: 0037-1998. DOI: 10.1515/SEM.2006.051.

Maiorani, A (2004) Literature as the place of cultural encounters: a linguistic analysis of one of Kipling’s ‘introductory’ poems, Textus: English studies in Italy, 27(2), pp.323-335, ISSN: 1824-3967.

Maiorani, A (2001) L’esotico ricreato: forme letterarie dell’altrove orientale tra Ottocento e Novecento, Antemnae, 3, pp.75-111.

Maiorani, A (2000) Au Maroc: Pierre Loti en fuga del siglo XX, Microfisuras, 11, pp.104-115.

Maiorani, A (2000) Blixen e Kierkegaard: dialogo sul seduttore, Intersezioni, 20(1), pp.43-57.

Maiorani, A (1999) Rudyard Kipling: Una metáfora del orientalismo, Microfisuras, 8, pp.88-99.


Maiorani, A (Accepted for publication) Dance discourse interpretation and the Materiality key. In 11th International Conference on Multimodality - ICOM, London, UCL.

Maiorani, A and Bucy, E (Accepted for publication) Talking and stalking: movement-based discursive strategies in political debate. In 33rd European Systemic Functional Linguistics Conference, University of Timisoara, Timisoara, Romania.

Maiorani, A and Bucy, E (Accepted for publication) Talking and stalking: movement-based discursive strategies in political debate. In 33rd European Systemic Functional Linguistics Conference, University of Timisoara.

Maiorani, A and Hawreliak, J (Accepted for publication) Meaning in Motion: A Kinesemiotic Approach to Videogame Analysis. In Canadian Game Studies Association 2023, Online worldwide.

Maiorani, A and Liu, C (Accepted for publication) Expanding ELAN annotation for movement-based communication: the application of the Functional Grammar of Dance and its consequences. In 32nd European Systemic Functional Linguistics Conference, University of Vigo, Spain.

Maiorani, A, Liu, C, Lock, R, Zecca, M (Accepted for publication) The Functional Grammar of Dance applied to ELAN annotation: meaning beyond the naked eye. In The Kinesemiotic Body, Loughborough University in London.

Maiorani, A, Liu, C, Bateman, J (Accepted for publication) The Kinesemiotic Body: Investigating the multimodal discourse organization of ballet through the Functional Grammar of Dance. In International Systemic Functional Congress ISFC 27, Shenzhen University, Beijing, China.

Maiorani, A and Bateman, J (Accepted for publication) The Kinesemiotic Body: A Pragmatic Account of the Local Discourse Organisation of Dance. In 15th International Symposium of Cognition, Logic and Language, University of Latvia.

Maiorani, A (Accepted for publication) The swiping generation: reflections on multimodal communication and the notion of mode in the era of digital communication. In 28th European Systemic Functional Linguistics Conference, University of Pavia, Italy.

Maiorani, A (2018) Kinesemiotics: a pilot research on the interdisciplinary study of dance discourse. In Asian New Wave on Digital Age, The Royal University of Fine Arts, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Maiorani, A (Accepted for publication) Kinesemiotics. In 3rd Bremen Conference on Multimodality, University of Bremen.

Maiorani, A and Wegener, R (Accepted for publication) Instantiation in modelling multimodal communication: challenges and proposals. In 27th European Systemic Functional Linguistics Conference, University of Salamanca, Spain.

Maiorani, A (Accepted for publication) Functional Grammar, structure and stratification: a reflective research paper on communication. In 26th European Systemic Functional Linguistic Conference, University of Salzburg, Austria.

Maiorani, A (Accepted for publication) The textuality of expressive movement: a Systemic Functional Grammar of Dance and its applications. In 42nd Internatinal Systemic Functional Linguistics Cconference, RWTH Aachen University, Germany.

Maiorani, A (Accepted for publication) The semiotics of dance movement: a proposal for a systemic functional analysis. In 25th European Systemic Functional Linguistics Conference and Workshop, Universite de Paris Diderot, Paris, France.

Maiorani, A (Accepted for publication) Engaging with Thornfield. In 24th European Systemic Functional Linguistic Conference and Workshop, Coventry University.

Maiorani, A (Accepted for publication) The discourse of Space as a conflictual territory: a multimodal approach to the analysis of Leicester National Space Centre. In Cross Cultural Encounters III international conference, University of East Anglia.

Maiorani, A (Accepted for publication) Rethinking Film Genre? A proposal for a new analytical perspective on filmic (multimodal) discourse. In 23rd European Systemic Functional Linguitstics Conference and Workshop, University of Bologna "Alma Mater Studiorum", Italy.

Maiorani, A (Accepted for publication) Dynamicity patterns in narrative sequences: a multimodal reading of English and American films dubbed in Italian. In Dynamicity patterns in narrative sequences: a multimodal reading of English and American films dubbed in Italian, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal.

Maiorani, A (Accepted for publication) Movies As Dynamically Interactive Messages: a new reading method. In 5ICOM : 5th International Conference On Multimodality, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia.

Maiorani, A (Accepted for publication) Teaching movies as multimodal interactive texts: a proposal for a new method of analysis. In international conference ‘Multimodality and Learning’, UCL, INstitute of Education, London.

Maiorani, A (Accepted for publication) Movies as a complex interactive message: a proposal for a new method of analysis. In 22nd European Systemic Functional Linguistics Conference and Workshop, Primorska University, Koper, Slovenia.

Maiorani, A (Accepted for publication) The stage as a multimodal text: a multimodal analysis of a case in point. In 24th AIA National Conference, University of Rome III, Rome, Italy.

Maiorani, A (Accepted for publication) On line identities: self reconstructions or alternative selves? A multimodal analysis. In 21st European Systemic Functional Linguistics Conference and Workshop, University of Cardiff, Cardiff.

Maiorani, A (2008) Web experience as an expansion: a perspective on covert sales from multimodal discourse analysis. In MOG 2008, Multimodal Output Generation. AISB 2008 Proceedings, University of Aberdeen, pp.58-60, ISBN: 1902956699.


Maiorani, A and Mancini, CB (ed) (2021) 9781527574625, Cambridge Scholars, ISBN: 9781527574625.

Maiorani, A (2020) Kinesemiotics Modelling How Choreographed Movement Means in Space, Routledge, ISBN: 9780367272470.

Maiorani, A (ed) (2015) Meaning Making in Text, Palgrave, ISBN: 9781137477293.

Starc, S, Jones, C, Maiorani, A (2015) Meaning making in text: Multimodal and multilingual functional perspectives. DOI: 10.1057/9781137477309.

Maiorani, A and Christie, C (ed) (2014) Multimodal Epistemologies: Towards An Integrated Framework, Routledge.

Maiorani, A (2009) The Matrix Phenomenon. A Linguistic and Multimodal Analysis, VDM Verlag Dr Mueller, ISBN: 978 3 639 13216 8.


Maiorani, A (Accepted for publication) Bolero: A Matter of Language. In Pinchbeck, M and Smith, O (ed) Following the Score: The Ravel Trilogy, Intellect, pp.54-70, ISBN: 9781789389333.

Maiorani, A (2024) Bolero: A Matter of Language. In Playtext, Intellect, pp.56-72, ISBN: 9781789389333. DOI: 10.1386/9781789389333_4.

Maiorani, A and Wegener, R (2022) Challenging instantiation in modelling movement-based multimodal communication. In Empirical Evidences and Theoretical Assumptions in Functional Linguistics, pp.151-169, DOI: 10.4324/9780429031427-8.

Maiorani, A (2021) A Semiospheric Introduction. In Space and Place as Human Coordinates: Rethinking Dimensions across Disciplines, Cambridge Scholars, pp.X-XVII, ISBN: 9781527574625.

Maiorani, A (2021) Space and Places of Digital Interaction: A Reflection on the Challenges for Multimodal Discourse Analysis. In Space and Place as Human Coordinates: Rethinking Dimensions across Disciplines, Cambridge Scholars, pp.18-30, ISBN: 9781527574625.

Maiorani, A (2017) Making Meaning Through Movement: A Functional Grammar of Dance Movement. In Mapping Multimodal Performance Studies, Routledge, pp.39-60.

Maiorani, A (2015) Revisiting Hitchcock: An Alternative Multimodal Reading of Interactive Patterns in 'Psycho'. In Meaning making in Text, Palgrave, pp.134-151, ISBN: 9781137477293.

Maiorani, A (2015) Revisiting Hitchcock: an Alternative Multimodal Reading of Interactive Patterns in Psycho. In Meaning Making in Text, Palgrave Macmillan UK, pp.134-151, ISBN: 9781349502110. DOI: 10.1057/9781137477309_8.

Maiorani, A, Jones, C, Starc, S (2015) Introduction. In Meaning Making in Text: Multimodal and Multilingual Functional Perspectives, Palgrave, pp.1-4.

Maiorani, A and Maiorani, (2014) The Matrix phenomenon. In Norris, S and Maier, CD (ed) Interactions, Images and Texts: A Reader in Multimodality, De Gruyter Mouton, pp.267-279, ISBN: 978-1-61451-162-5.

Christie, C and Maiorani, A (2014) Conclusion. In Christie, C and Maiorani, A (ed) Multimodal Epistemologies: Towards an Integrated Framework, Routledge, pp.275-283, ISBN: 978-0-415-82523-8.

Maiorani, A (2014) Filmic Narrative Sequences as Multimodal Environments: A New Perspective on the Effects of Dubbing. In Maiorani, A and Christie, C (ed) Multimodal Epistemologies: Towards an Integrated Framework, Routledge, United Kingdom, pp.210-227, ISBN: 978-0-415-82523-8.

Maiorani, A (2012) English as a lingua franca? Cultural semiotics in English classes with Erasmus students. In Starc, S (ed) Academic Languages in the era of globalisation, pp.187-194.

Maiorani, A (2011) “Dance as an enabling tool: Interdisciplinary potential of the basics of dance movement. In The Prospects of Dance Studies and Career Research, Korea National Sport University, pp.3-16.

Maiorani, A (2011) The Stage as a Multimodal Text: a Proposal for a New Perspective. In Ambrosini, R, Colombo, R, Contenti, A, Corona, D, Crisafulli, LM, Ruggieri, F (ed) Challenges for the 21st Century. Dilemmas, Ambiguities, Directions, Edizioni Q, pp.537-546, ISBN: 9788890396984.

Maiorani, A (2011) Le texte poétique pour révéler le texte en prose: Kipling, l'alterité et la fonction médiatrice des poèmes. In David Banks, (ed) Aspects linguistiques du texte poetique, L'Harmattan, pp.199-217, ISBN: 978 2296550889.

Maiorani, A (2010) Hyper-discourse and commercial strategies: the Matrix website example. In Elizabeth Swain, (ed) Thresholds and Potentialities of Systemic Functional Linguistics: Applications to other disciplines, specialised discourses and languages other than English, EUT, pp.206-226, ISBN: 978 88 8303 275 2.

Maiorani, A (2009) Developing the metafunctional framework for analysing multimodal hypertextual identity construction. In The World Told and the World Shown: Multisemiotic Issues, pp.220-244, DOI: 10.1057/9780230245341.

Maiorani, A (2009) Developing the metafunctional framework to analyse the multimodal hypertextual identity construction: The Lord of the Rings from page to MMORPG. In Ventola, E and Guijarro, AJM (ed) The World Told and the World Shown, Palgrave, pp.220-241, ISBN: 9780230576353.

Maiorani, A (2008) 'Movies "reloaded" into commercial reality: representational structures in 'The Matrix' trilogy promotional posters. In Jones, C and Ventola, E (ed) From Language to Multimodality. New Developments in the Study of Ideational Meaning, Equinox, pp.275-296, ISBN: 978 1 84553 347 2.

Maiorani, A (2008) 'It Caught Fire'. La fine del mondo vista da Marte: colonia, conflitto e redenzione in The Martian Chronicles di Ray Bradbury. In Fortunati, V, Fortezza, D, Ascari, M (ed) Conflitti. Strategie di rappresentazione della guerra nella cultura contemporanea, Meltemi, pp.279-287, ISBN: 978 88 8353 654 0.

Maiorani, A (2007) Barriere linguistiche contro la modernità nelle memorie di Karen Blixen. In Golinelli, G (ed) Il primitivismo e le sue metamorfosi. Archeologia di un discorso culturale, CLUEB, pp.445-460, ISBN: 978-8849128963.

Maiorani, A (2007) Matching the Natural with the supernatural: Kipling’s linguistic choices to describe sleepless nights in Lahore. In Jottini, L, Del Lungo, G, Douthwaite, J (ed) Cityscapes: Islands of the Self, pp.501-522, ISBN: 978-88-8467-394-7.

Maiorani, A (2006) Pandita Ramabai. In Amoia, A (ed) Great Women Travel Writers. From 1750 to the Present, Continuum, pp.113-125, ISBN: 978-0826418401.

Maiorani, A, Bertacchini, C, Magagnoli, S, Mengoli, M, Nardi, A, Severi, S, Tadeo, M (2006) Risultati dell’indagine comparative su contenuti interculturali, affettivi e civili. In Londei, L, Puccini, P, Miller, DR (ed) Insegnare le lingue/culture oggi: il contributo dell’interdisciplinarità, pp.175-202.

Maiorani, A (2005) Karen Blixen in Africa: language as a means to preserve a disappearing world. In Silver, M (ed) Cross-Cultural Encounters: Identity, Gender, Representation, Officina Edizioni, pp.147-157.

Maiorani, A (2004) Part II – From theory to Practice: illustrating TOP DOWN analysis. In Language as Purposeful: Functional Varieties of Texts, Edizioni Asterisco, pp.55-78.

Maiorani, A (2004) Part III – More Practice: Illustrating BOTTOM UP analysis. In Language as Purposeful: Functional Varieties of Texts, Edizioni Asterisco, pp.85-139.

Maiorani, A (2003) Pearl S. Buck. In Amoia, A and Amoia, A (ed) Multicultural Writers since 1945. An A to Z guide, pp.104-108, ISBN: 978-0313306884.

Maiorani, A (2003) Lawrence Durrell. In Amoia, A (ed) Multicultural Writers since 1945. An A to Z guide, Greenwood Press, pp.179-183, ISBN: 978-0313306884.

Maiorani, A (2003) Juan Goytisolo. In Amoia, A (ed) Multicultural Writers since 1945. An A to Z guide, Greenwood Press, pp.243-247, ISBN: 978-0313306884.

Maiorani, A (2003) Michael Ondaatje. In Amoia, A (ed) Multicultural Writers since 1945. An A to Z guide, Greenwood Press, pp.395-398, ISBN: 978-0313306884.

Maiorani, A (2003) Luis Sepúlveda. In Amoia, A (ed) Multicultural Writers since 1945. An A to Z guide, Greenwood Press, pp.463-467, ISBN: 978-0313306884.

Digital/Visual Products

Maiorani, A, Bateman, J, Markhabayeva, D, Lock, R, Zecca, M, Liu, C (2021) The Kinesemiotic Body website.

Maiorani, A, Zecca, M, Lock, R (2018) BBC Documentary "The Big Fix", BBC.

Maiorani, A and Zecca, M (2017) Interview with BBC Radio Leicester, BBC Radio Leicester.

Maiorani, A (2016) Working towards new horizons: FG interdisciplinary applications from visual dynamicity to movement meaning making processes, LINC, Cardiff University.


Maiorani, A (2023) BBC Interview on The Kinesemiotic Body project for East Midlands Today news broadcast 26/12/2023.

Maiorani, A (2018) The swiping generation: reflections on multimodal communication and the notion of mode in the era of digital communication.

Maiorani, A, Zecca, M, Lock, R (2017) Kinesemiotic.

Maiorani, A and Zecca, M (2017) Interview on Kinesemiotics.

Maiorani, A and Wegener, R “Instantiation in modelling multimodal communication: challenges and proposals”.

Maiorani, A, Zecca, M, Lock, R Kinesemiotics.


Maiorani, A, Lock, R, Zecca, M, Liu, C (2022) The Kinesemiotic Body, DOI: 10.17028/rd.lboro.21207842.


Maiorani, A (2024) BBC Radio 5 Live interview on Multimodal Communication and Grammar.

Maiorani, A (2023) BBC TV Interview for East Midlands Today on The Kinesemiotic Body project.

Maiorani, A (2023) BBC interview on linguistics and Kinesemiotics.

Maiorani, A (2021) BBC interview on language and linguistics research.

Maiorani, A (2021) BBC interview on research in linguistics and multimodality.

Maiorani, A (2021) Interview with BBC on linguistic research, Interview on research in linguistics.

Maiorani, A (2020) BBC interview on research in movement-based communication, Interview on movement-based communication.

Maiorani, A (2018) Review: “Way, L.C.S, and S. Mckerrell (eds.) (2017). Music As Multimodal Discourse: Semiotics, Power and Protest. London/New York: Bloomsbury”.

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