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Loughborough University

Loughborough University Research Publications

Publications for Timothy Harrison

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Journal Articles

Hubbard, P, Harrison, T, Ward, C, Abduraxman, B (2024) Creep slope estimation for assessing adhesion in the wheel/rail contact, IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 18(10), pp.1931-1942, ISSN: 1751-956X. DOI: 10.1049/itr2.12561.

Dutta, S, Harrison, T, Ward, C, Dixon, R, Winship, P (2024) A framework for dynamic modelling of railway track switches considering the switch blades, actuators and control systems, Railway Engineering Science, 32(2), pp.162-176, ISSN: 2662-4745. DOI: 10.1007/s40534-023-00324-2.

Abduraxman, B, Hubbard, P, Harrison, T, Ward, C, Fletcher, D, Lewis, R, White, B (2024) Acceleration-based friction coefficient estimation of a rail vehicle using feedforward NN: validation with track measurements, Vehicle System Dynamics, pp.1-20, ISSN: 0042-3114. DOI: 10.1080/00423114.2024.2323600.

White, B, Lewis, R, Fletcher, D, Harrison, T, Hubbard, P, Ward, C (2023) Rail-wheel friction quantification and its variability under lab and field trial conditions, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 238(5), pp.569-579, ISSN: 0954-4097. DOI: 10.1177/09544097231209483.

Abduraxman, BM, Harrison, T, Ward, C, Midgley, W (2023) Optimal intermittent electrification and its effect on battery sizing and energy saving using a high-fidelity train model, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 237(9), pp.1205-1218, ISSN: 0954-4097. DOI: 10.1177/09544097231159179.

Abudureheman, B, Harrison, T, Ward, C, Midgley, W (2021) An investigation into intermittent electrification strategies and an analysis of resulting CO2 emissions using a high-fidelity train model, Railway Engineering Science, 29(3), pp.314-326, ISSN: 2662-4745. DOI: 10.1007/s40534-021-00248-9.

Harrison, T, Midgley, W, Goodall, R, Ward, C (2021) Development and control of a rail vehicle model to reduce energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 235(10), pp.1237-1248, ISSN: 0954-4097. DOI: 10.1177/0954409721993632.

Olaby, O, Dutta, S, Harrison, T, Ward, C, Dixon, R (2021) Realisation of a Novel Functionally Redundant Actuation System for a Railway Track-Switch, Applied Sciences, 11(2), ISSN: 2076-3417. DOI: 10.3390/app11020702.

Dutta, S, Harrison, T, Ward, C, Dixon, R, Scott, T (2019) A new approach to railway track switch actuation: Dynamic simulation and control of a self-adjusting switch, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 234(7), pp.779-790, ISSN: 0954-4097. DOI: 10.1177/0954409719868129.

Bezin, Y, Sarmiento-Carnevali, M, Sichani, MS, Neves, S, Kostovasilis, D, Bemment, S, Harrison, T, Ward, C, Dixon, R (2019) Dynamic analysis and performance of a repoint track switch, Vehicle System Dynamics, 58(6), pp.843-863, ISSN: 0042-3114. DOI: 10.1080/00423114.2019.1612925.

Bemment, S, Harrison, T, Goodall, R, Ward, C, Dixon, R (2018) Extending emergency repair response times for railway track switches through multi-channel redundancy of functional subsystems, International Journal of Railway Technology, ISSN: 2049-5358.


Harrison, T, Abduraxman, B, Hubbard, P, Ward, C, White, B, Fletcher, D, Lewis, R, Chandrasekhar, K, Vincent, D, Chaney, S, Burstow, M, Cockroft, E (2025) Creation of and Measurement of Low Adhesion Conditions for the Development of On-Train Low Adhesion Detection Equipment. In , pp.1068-1076, ISBN: 9783031669705. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-66971-2_110.

Abduraxman, BM, Ward, C, Midgley, W, Harrison, T, Goodall, R (2022) Coupled Models with Contact Kinematics for Pantograph-Catenary Systems. In , pp.168-178, ISBN: 9783031073045. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-07305-2_18.

Dutta, S, Harrison, T, Sarmiento-Carnevali, ML, Olaby, O, Bemment, SD, Ward, C, Chalisey, A, Dixon, R, Kaijuka, P, Henson, S (Accepted for publication) REPOINT- Designing a Radically New Switch Machine. In 4th International Conference on Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance, Barcelona, Spain.

Sarmiento-Carnevali, M, Bemment, S, Harrison, T, Ward, C, Dixon, R, Bezin, Y, Neves, S, Kostovasilis, D, Sichani, MS (2018) Repoint track switch wheel-rail mechanical interface analysis. In IAVSD Symposium, Queensland, Australia,ISBN: 9781138035713.

Dutta, S, Harrison, T, Sarmiento-Carnevali, M, Ward, C, Dixon, R (2018) Modelling and controller design for self-adjusting railway track switch system. In 7th Transport Research Arena TRA 2018, Vienna, Austria.

Sarmiento-Carnevali, M, Harrison, T, Dutta, S, Ward, C, Dixon, R (2018) On the development of a full-scale Repoint Light track switch. In The 8th International Conference on Railway Engineering, London, UK,ISBN: 9781785618468. DOI: 10.1049/cp.2018.0074.

Dutta, S, Olaby, O, Harrison, T, Kaijuka, P, Sarmiento-Carnevali, M, Bemment, S, Ward, C, Dixon, R (2018) Development of controller for REPOINT Light railway track switch. In In 2018 UKACC 12th International Conference on Control (CONTROL), Sheffield, UK,ISBN: 9781538628645. DOI: 10.1109/CONTROL.2018.8516725.

Dutta, S, Harrison, T, Sarmiento-Carnevali, M, Olaby, O, Bemment, S, Ward, C, Chalisey, A, Dixon, R (2018) REPOINT - designing a radically new switch machine [conference abstract]. In Railways 2018 - The Fourth International Conference on Railway Technology, Sitges, Barcelona.

Sarmiento-Carnevali, M, Harrison, T, Dutta, S, Bemment, S, Ward, C, Dixon, R (2017) Design, construction, deployment and testing of a full-scale Repoint Light track switch (I). In Stephenson Conference: Research for Railways, London, pp.409-416.

Harrison, T, Bemment, S, Ebinger, E, Goodall, R, Ward, C, Dixon, R (2016) Rethinking rail track switches for fault tolerance and enhanced performance. In , IFAC papers online. DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2016.10.564.


Ward, C, Goodall, R, Harrison, T, Midgley, W (2022) Mechatronic Applications in Rail Systems and Technologies. In EcoMechatronics Challenges for Evolution, Development and Sustainability, Springer Nature, pp.155-175, ISBN: 9783031075551.

Getting in touch

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