Journal Articles
Coulentianos, M, Kamau, A, Leary, J,
Cockbill, S, Mitchell, V (2024)
Understanding the e-cooking experience from the perspective of the everyday cook in Nakuru, Kenya,
Energy for Sustainable Development, 81, 101484, ISSN: 0973-0826. DOI:
Woy, P, Wilson, G,
Cockbill, S (2024)
The sustainability of convenience food: a review and design research agenda,
Journal of Cleaner Production, 451, 142083, ISSN: 0959-6526. DOI:
Ding, S, De-Bont, C,
Cockbill, S, Zhou, Q (2023)
A review of service design pedagogy to identify potential added value to product innovation in higher education,
Sustainability, 15(21), 15530, DOI:
Cockbill, S, Mitchell, V, May, A (2020)
Householders as designers? Generating future energy services with United Kingdom home occupiers,
Energy Research and Social Science, 69, 101615, ISSN: 2214-6296. DOI:
Ross, T,
Cockbill, S, May, A (2020)
The personal and contextual factors that affect customer experience during rail service failures and the implications for service design,
Applied Ergonomics, 86, 103096, ISSN: 0003-6870. DOI:
Cockbill, S, May, A, Mitchell, V (2019)
The assessment of meaningful outcomes from co-design: a case study from the energy sector,
She Ji: The Journal of Design, Economics, and Innovation, 5(3), pp.188-208, ISSN: 2405-8726. DOI:
Volpi, V, Mitchell, V,
Cockbill, S, Kuzmina, K (2024)
PD as in Prefigurative Design: A ludic framework beyond participation. In D’Andrea, V, Paula, RAD, Rodil, K, Lamas, D, Goagoses, N, Kambunga, AP, Wen, DTY, Gaudio, CD, Jensen, MY, Winschiers-Theophilus, H, Zaman, T (ed)
Participatory Design Conference 2024; PDC '24: Proceedings of the Participatory Design Conference 2024: Exploratory Papers and Workshops, Sibu, Malaysia, pp.98-106, ISBN: 9798400706547. DOI:
Volpi, V, Kuzmina, K, Mitchell, V,
Cockbill, S (2024)
The Road To Cooptation Is Paved With Good Intentions: An Anarchafeminist Critique On “Empowering” Design. In
DRS2024, Boston, USA.
Woy, P, Wilson, G,
Cockbill, S (2023)
Identifying opportunities to increase food-to-go packaging lifetimes based on the current conceptualisation of food-to-go. In Niinimäki, K and Cura, K (ed)
5th PLATE Conference 2023; PROCEEDINGS 5th PLATE Conference, Espoo, Finland, pp.1168-1174, ISBN: 9789526413679.
Coulentianos, M,
Cockbill, S, Mitchell, V, Leary, J (2022)
Pathways to building a Living Lab in a cross-country technology-driven field trial in the Global South. In
Development Studies Association (DSA) 2022 Conference, Online Conference at University College London.
Cockbill, S, Mitchell, V, Roto, V, Lee, J-J, Law, EL-C, Zimmerman, J (2022)
Introduction to service design for UX designers. In Barbosa, S and Lampe, C (ed)
CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA '22); CHI EA '22: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts, LA, New Orleans, USA,ISBN: 9781450391566. DOI:
Simpson, K,
Cockbill, S, Childs, P (2022)
Home energy renovation: UK owner-occupied householder uncertainties, information and data needs. In
, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 48DUMMY, DOI:
Roto, V, Mitchell, V,
Cockbill, S, Lee, JJ, Lai-Chong Law, E, Zimmerman, J (2021)
Introduction to Service Design for UX Designers. In
CHI 2021, Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings, Online Virtual Conference (originally Yokohama, Japan),ISBN: 9781450380959. DOI:
Roto, V, Mitchell, V,
Cockbill, S, Forlizzi, J, Lee, JJ, Law, ELC (2020)
Introduction to Service Design for UX Designers. In
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, Tallinn, Estonia,ISBN: 9781450375795. DOI:
Sinclair, M, Mitchell, V, Wilson, G,
Cockbill, S (2020)
UXD beyond the screen. A UX approach to industrial design teaching. In Aquila, M, Barreiros, I, Sperano, I (ed)
Interaction 20, Milan.
Kane, T,
Cockbill, S, May, A, Mitchell, V, Wilson, C, Dimitriou, V, Liao, J, Murray, D, Stankovic, V, Stankovic, L, Fouchal, F, Hassan, T, Firth, S (2015)
Supporting retrofit decisions using smart meter data: a multi-disciplinary approach. In
European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ECEEE) 2015 Summer Study, Toulon/Hyères, France, pp.1009-1020.