Journal Articles
Temel, M, Scott, E,
Cain, R, Johnson, A (2024)
The impact of knitted linked seams on comfort and friction perception,
Ergonomics, ISSN: 0014-0139. DOI:
Turpin, H,
Cain, R, Wilson, M (2024)
Towards a co-creative immersive digital storytelling methodology to explore experiences of homelessness in Loughborough,
Social Sciences, 13(1), 59, DOI:
Salaric, P,
Cain, R, Zitkus, E, Visch, V (2022)
Stable intimacy: design of online communication as a tool to enhance well-being (Intimidad estable: Diseño de comunicación online como herramienta para potenciar el bienestar),
The Base Diseño e Innovación Journal, 7(6), pp.110-125, ISSN: 0719-515X. DOI:
Landa-Avila, C, Escobar-Tello, C, Jun, GT,
Cain, R (2021)
Multiple outcome interactions in healthcare systems: a participatory outcome mapping approach,
Ergonomics, 65(3), pp.362-383, ISSN: 0014-0139. DOI:
Bradley, C, Oliveira, L, Birrell, S,
Cain, R (2021)
A new perspective on personas and customer journey maps: Proposing systemic UX,
International Journal of Human Computer Studies, 148, 102583, ISSN: 1071-5819. DOI:
Oliveira, L, Birrell, S,
Cain, R (2020)
How technology can impact customer-facing train crew experiences,
Ergonomics, 63(9), pp.1101-1115, ISSN: 0014-0139. DOI:
Oliveira, LCR, Birrell, S,
Cain, R (2020)
Journey mapping from a crew's perspective: Understanding rail experiences,
Applied Ergonomics, 85, 103063, ISSN: 0003-6870. DOI:
Ulahannan, A,
Cain, R, Thompson, S, Skrypchuk, L, Mouzakitis, A, Jennings, P, Birrell, S (2019)
User expectations of partial driving automation capabilities and their effect on information design preferences in the vehicle,
Applied Ergonomics, 82, 102969, ISSN: 0003-6870. DOI:
Oliveira, L, Bruen, C, Birrell, S,
Cain, R (2019)
What passengers really want: Assessing the value of rail innovation to improve experiences,
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 1, 100014, ISSN: 2590-1982. DOI:
Oliveira, LCR, Fox, C, Birrell, SA,
Cain, R (2018)
Analysing passengers' behaviours when boarding trains to improve rail infrastructure and technology,
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 57, pp.282-291, ISSN: 0736-5845. DOI:
Patel, S,
Cain, R, Neailey, K, Hooberman, L (2018)
Public awareness, usage and predictors for the use of doctor rating websites: A cross-sectional study in England,
Journal of Medical Internet Research, 20(7), e243, ISSN: 1438-8871. DOI:
Allen, F,
Cain, R, Meyer, C (2018)
Seeking relational information sources in the digital age: a study into information source preferences amongst family and friends of those with dementia,
Dementia, 19(3), pp.766-785, ISSN: 1471-3012. DOI:
Allen, F,
Cain, R, Meyer, C (2017)
How people with dementia and their carers adapt their homes. A qualitative study,
Dementia, 18(3), pp.1199-1215, ISSN: 1471-3012. DOI:
Potter, R, Sheehan, B,
Cain, R, Griffin, J, Jennings, PA (2017)
The impact of the physical environment on depressive symptoms of older residents living in care homes : a mixed methods study,
The Gerontologist, 58(3), pp.438-447, ISSN: 0016-9013. DOI:
Dawson, CH, Mackrill, JB,
Cain, R (2017)
Assessing user acceptance towards automated and conventional sink use for hand decontamination using the technology acceptance model,
Ergonomics, 60(12), pp.1621-1633, ISSN: 0014-0139. DOI:
MacKrill, J, Marshall, P, Payne, SR, Dimitrokali, E,
Cain, R (2016)
Using a bespoke situated digital kiosk to encourage user participation in healthcare environment design,
Applied Ergonomics, 59(Part A), pp.342-356, ISSN: 0003-6870. DOI:
Patel, S,
Cain, R, Neailey, K, Hooberman, L (2016)
Exploring patients' views toward giving web-based feedback and ratings to general practitioners in England : a qualitative descriptive study,
Journal of Medical and Internet Research, 18(8), ISSN: 1438-8871.
Mackrill, JB,
Cain, R, Jennings, PAA (2016)
Proposing a conceptual framework to develop the hospital soundscape through visual communication,
Design Journal, 19(3), pp.491-509, ISSN: 1460-6925. DOI:
Niedderer, K, Ludden, G, Clune, S, Lockton, D, Mackrill, J, Morris, A,
Cain, R, Gardiner, E, Evans, M, Gutteridge, R, Hekkert, P (2016)
Design for behaviour change as a driver for sustainable innovation: challenges and opportunities for implementation in the private and public sectors,
International Journal of Design, 10(2), ISSN: 1991-3761.
Patel, S,
Cain, R, Neailey, K, Hooberman, L (2015)
General practitioners? concerns about online patient feedback : findings from a descriptive exploratory qualitative study in England,
Journal of Medical Internet Research, 17(12), ISSN: 1438-8871. DOI:
Dimitrokali, E, MacKrill, JB, Jennings, PAA, Khanna, S, Harris, V,
Cain, R (2015)
Exploring homeowners' perception and experiences in using a domestic smart home heating controller,
Indoor and Built Environment, 24(7), pp.1010-1032, ISSN: 1423-0070. DOI:
Dimitrokali, E, MacKrill, JB, Jones, G, Ramachers, Y,
Cain, R (2015)
Moving away from flat solar panels to PVtrees : exploring ideas and people's perceptions,
Procedia Engineering, 118, pp.1208-1216, ISSN: 1877-7058. DOI:
Payne, SR, MacKrill, JB,
Cain, R, Strelitz, J, Gate, L (2014)
Developing interior design briefs for health-care and well-being centres through public participation,
Architectural Engineering and Design Management, 11(4), pp.264-279, ISSN: 1745-2007. DOI:
MacKrill, JB, Jennings, PAA,
Cain, R (2014)
Exploring positive hospital ward soundscape interventions,
Applied Ergonomics, Volume 45(Number 6), pp.1454-1460, ISSN: 1872-9126. DOI:
Lockton, D, Nicholson, L,
Cain, R, Harrison, D (2014)
Persuasive technology for sustainable workplaces,
Interactions, 21(1), pp.58-61, ISSN: 1072-5520. DOI:
MacKrill, JB,
Cain, R, Jennings, PAA (2013)
Experiencing the hospital ward soundscape : towards a model,
Journal of Environmental Psychology, Volume 36, pp.1-8, ISSN: 0272-4944.
Lockton, D, Harrison, D,
Cain, R, Stanton, NA, Jennings, PA (2013)
Exploring problem-framing through behavioural heuristics,
International Journal of Design, 7(1), pp.37-53.
Mackrill, J,
Cain, R, Jennings, P, England, M (2013)
Sound source information to improve cardiothoracic patients’ comfort,
British Journal of Nursing, 22(7), pp.387-393, ISSN: 0966-0461. DOI:
MacKrill, JB,
Cain, R, Jennings, PAA, England, M (2013)
Sound source information to improve cardiothoracic patients' comfort,
British Journal of Nursing, Volume 22(Number 7), pp.387-392, ISSN: 0966-0461.
Davies, WJ, Adams, MD, Bruce, NS,
Cain, R, Carlyle, A, Cusack, P, Hall, DA, Hume, KI, Irwin, A, Jennings, PAA, Marselle, M, Plack, CJ, Poxon, JEW (2013)
Perception of soundscapes : an interdisciplinary approach,
Applied Acoustics, Volume 74(Number 2), pp.224-231, ISSN: 0003-682X.
Cain, R, Jennings, PAA, Poxon, JEW (2013)
The development and application of the emotional dimensions of a soundscape,
Applied acoustics, 74(2), pp.232-239, ISSN: 0003-682X.
Jennings, PAA and
Cain, R (2013)
A framework for improving urban soundscapes,
Applied Acoustics, Volume 74(Number 2), pp.293-299, ISSN: 0003-682X.
Davies, WJ, Adams, MD, Bruce, NS,
Cain, R, Carlyle, A, Cusack, P, Hall, DA, Hume, KI, Irwin, A, Jennings, P, Marselle, M, Plack, CJ, Poxon, J (2013)
Perception of soundscapes: An interdisciplinary approach,
Applied Acoustics, 74(2), pp.224-231, ISSN: 0003-682X. DOI:
Jennings, P and
Cain, R (2013)
A framework for improving urban soundscapes,
Applied Acoustics, 74(2), pp.293-299, ISSN: 0003-682X. DOI:
MacKrill, JB, Jennings, PAA,
Cain, R (2013)
Improving the hospital ?soundscape? : a framework to measure individual perceptual response to hospital sounds,
Ergonomics, Volume 56(Number 11), pp.1687-1697, ISSN: 0014-0139.
Humphreys, L, Giudice, SD, Jennings, PAA,
Cain, R, Song, W, Dunne, G (2011)
The influence of company identity on the perception of vehicle sounds,
Ergonomics, Volume 54(Number 4), pp.338-346, ISSN: 0014-0139.
Gyi, D,
Cain, R, Campbell, I (2010)
The value of computer-based product representations in co-designing with older users, ISSN: 0954-4828. DOI:
Cain, R and Jennings, PAA (2010)
How learning from automotive sound quality can inform urban soundscape design,
Design Principles and Practices, Vol.3(Iss.6), pp.197-208, ISSN: 1833-1874.
Gyi, D,
Cain, R, Campbell, I (2010)
The value of computer-based product representations in co-designing with older users,
Journal of Engineering Design, Vol.21(No.2-3), pp.305-313, ISSN: 0954-4828.
Giudice, SD, Jennings, PAA,
Cain, R, Dunne, G, Allman-Ward, M, Williams, R (2008)
Optimising the value of sound quality evaluations by observing assessors' driving strategies,
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol.123(Iss.5), pp.3245-32451, ISSN: 0001-4966.
Cain, R, Jennings, PAA, Adams, M, Bruce, N, Carlyle, A, Cusack, P, Davies, W, Hume, K, Plack, CJ (2008)
SOUND-SCAPE: A framework for characterising positive urban soundscapes,
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol.123(Iss.5), pp.3394-3394, ISSN: 0001-4966.
Campbell, RI, de Beer, DJ, Barnard, LJ, Booysen, GJ, Truscott, M,
Cain, R, Burton, MJ, Gyi, DE, Hague, RJM (2007) Design Evolution through Customer Interaction with Functional Prototypes,
Journal of Engineering Design, 18(6), pp.617-635, ISSN: 0954-4828.
Hegymegi, E, Haines, V,
Cain, R, Liguori, A (2024)
Developing a tool to empower the disempowered: the components of the feeling of home. In
2024 Design Research Society (DRS) conference (DRS2024); DRS2024: Research Papers, Boston, US. DOI:
Salaric, P,
Cain, R, Zitkus-De-Andrade, E, Visch, V (2022)
Tinder and heartbeats: Wellbeing in the use of dating applications. In Lockton, D, Lenzi, S, Hekkert, P, Oak, A, Sádaba, J, Lloyd, P (ed)
DRS2022: Bilbao; Proceedings of DRS, Bilbao, Spain. DOI:
Salaric, P, Zitkus, E,
Cain, R (2022)
The Influence of Interaction Design on Relation Making: A Scoping Review. In
, pp.430-446, ISBN: 9783031054112. DOI:
Zhang, L, Ross, T,
Cain, R (2021)
Designing a New Electric Vehicle Charging System: People’s Preference and Willingness-To-Pay. In
, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), pp.184-195, DOI:
Landa-Avila, C, Escobar-Tello, C, Jun, GT,
Cain, R (2020)
A holistic outcome-based approach to co-create healthcare systems. In Boess, S, Cheung, M,
Cain, R (ed)
DRS 2020 International Conference: Synergy; DRS 2020 International Conference: Co-Creation Proceedings, Brisbane, Australia [Online], pp.1366-1391, ISBN: 9781912294398. DOI:
Boess, S, Cheung, M, Cain, R (Accepted for publication) DRS2020 Editorial. In Cain, SBMCAR (ed) Design Research Society Conference 2020 (DRS2020); Proceedings of DRS2020: Synergy, Virtual Conference. Organised by Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia,ISBN: 9781912294374. DOI: 10.21606/drs.2020.100.
Petermans, A, Pohlmeyer, AE, Cain, R, Desmet, P, Tonetto, L, Ozkaramanli, D, Hassenzahl, M, Poldma, T, Laschke, M (Accepted for publication) DRS2020 Editorial: Design for Wellbeing, Happiness and Health. In Boess, RCS (ed) Design Research Society Conference 2020 (DRS2020); Proceedings of DRS2020: Synergy, Virtual Conference. Organised by Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia, pp.1229-1231, ISBN: 9781912294398. DOI: 10.21606/drs.2020.119.
Cain, R and Boess, S (Accepted for publication) DRS2020 Editorial: theme Co-creation. In Boess, RCS (ed) Design Research Society Conference 2020 (DRS2020); Proceedings of DRS2020: Synergy, Virtual Conference. Organised by Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia, pp.926-928, ISBN: 9781912294398. DOI: 10.21606/drs.2020.103.
Cain, R and Boess, S (Accepted for publication) DRS2020 Editorial: theme Education. In Cain, SBAR (ed) Design Research Society Conference 2020 (DRS2020); Proceedings of DRS2020: Synergy, Virtual Conference. Organised by Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia, pp.1508-1511, ISBN: 9781912294404. DOI: 10.21606/drs.2020.104.
Cain, R and Boess, S (Accepted for publication) DRS2020 Editorial: theme Impacts. In Boess, RCAS (ed) Design Research Society Conference 2020 (DRS2020); Proceedings of DRS2020: Synergy, Virtual Conference. Organised by Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia, pp.445-6, ISBN: 9781912294381. DOI: 10.21606/drs.2020.102.
Boess, S and Cain, R (Accepted for publication) DRS2020 Editorial: theme Processes. In Cain, SBAR (ed) Design Research Society Conference 2020 (DRS2020); Proceedings of DRS2020: Synergy, Virtual Conference. Organised by Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia, pp.1962-3, ISBN: 9781912294411. DOI: 10.21606/drs.2020.105.
Boess, S and Cain, R (Accepted for publication) DRS2020 Editorial: theme Situations. In Cain, SBMCAR (ed) Design Research Society Conference 2020 (DRS2020); Proceedings of DRS2020: Synergy, Virtual Conference. Organised by Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia, pp.1-3, ISBN: 9781912294374. DOI: 10.21606/drs.2020.101.
Boess, S, Cheung, M, Cain, R (Accepted for publication) Proceedings of DRS2020: Volume 1 Synergy Situations. In Cain, SBMCAR (ed) Design Research Society Conference 2020 (DRS2020), Virtual Conference. Organised by Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia,ISBN: 9781912294374. DOI: 10.21606/drs.2020.1.
Landa-Avila, C, Jun, GT, Escobar-Tello, M,
Cain, R (2020)
Holistic outcome-driven approach: How do patients and providers prioritise healthcare outcomes?. In R, C and D, G (ed)
Ergonomics & Human Factors 2020; Ergonomics & Human Factors 2020 proceedings, Stratford-upon-Avon.
Zhang, L,
Cain, R, Ross, T (2019)
Designing the user experience for new modes of electric vehicle charging: A shared vision, potential user issues and user attitudes. In
International Association of Societies of Design Research Conference 2019 (IASDR 2019), Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK.
Ulahannan, A,
Cain, R, Dhadyalla, G, Jennings, P, Birrell, SA, Waters, M, Mouzakitis, A (2019)
Using the ideas café to explore trust in autonomous vehicles. In
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, pp.3-14, ISBN: 9783319938875. DOI:
Landa-Avila, C, Jun, GT,
Cain, R, Escobar-Tello, MC (2019)
Holistic outcome-based visualisations for defining the purpose of healthcare system. In
Relating Systems Thinking and Design (RSD7), Turin, Italy.
Babu, VS, Oliveira, L, Birrell, S, Taylor, A,
Cain, R (2018)
Comparison of E-Ink and OLED Screens as Train Seat Displays: A User Study. In
, Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST, pp.294-300, DOI:
Oliveira, L, Bradley, C, Birrell, S, Tinworth, N, Davies, A,
Cain, R (2018)
Using Passenger Personas to Design Technological Innovation for the Rail Industry. In
, Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST, pp.67-75, DOI:
Cain, R, Bitterman, N, Ludden, G, MacKrill, JB, Ozcan, E, Petermans, A, Escobar-Tello, C (2016)
Introduction : Design for health, wellbeing and happiness. In Lloyd, P and Bohemia, E (ed)
DRS 2016 International Conference : Future?Focused Thinking 50th Anniversary International Conference, Brighton, UK, pp.1434-1441.
Shi, LICS, MacKrill, JB, Dimitrokali, E, Dawson, C,
Cain, R (2015)
Digital co-design applied to healthcare environments : a comparative study. In
The 15th IFIP TC.13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction - INTERACT 2015, Bamberg, Germany, pp.518-522, ISBN: 9783319227221.
Shi, L, MacKrill, JB, Dawson, C, Dimitrokali, E,
Cain, R (2015)
Digital crowdsourcing in healthcare environment co-design. In
24th International Conference on Information Systems Development, Harbin, China.
Niedderer, K, MacKrill, JB, Clune, S, Evans, M, Lockton, G, Ludden, DS, Morris, A, Gutteridge, R, Gardiner, E,
Cain, R, Hekkert, P (2014)
Joining forces : investigating the influence of design for behavior change on sustainable innovation. In
Norddesign 20141 0th Biannual NordDesign Conference, Espoo, Finland, pp.620-630, ISBN: 9781904670582.
Payne, SR, MacKrill, J,
Cain, R, Strelitz, J, Gate, L (2013)
Perspectives for designing a new healthcare environment ; what person-environment factors do future users think are important? �. In
10th Biennial Conference on Environmental Psychology, Magdeburg, Germany.
Payne, SR, MacKrill, J,
Cain, R, Boex, S, Boex, W, Strelitz, J, Gate, L (2013)
Co-designing the physical environment of Wellbeing Centres. In
Well-Being 2013 : The second international conference exploring the multi-dimensions of well-being, Birmingham.
Vuong, KA,
Cain, R, Jennings, PA (2013)
How do end users perceive the designs of healthcare waiting environments?. In
Design 4 Health 2013, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield,ISBN: 9781843873730.
Payne, SR, Mackrill, J,
Cain, R, Boex, S, Stelitz, J, Gate, L (2013)
How should a wellbeing centre look and feel?. In
Design4Health2013, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield.
Sadeghi, M,
Cain, R, Jennings, PA (2013)
Interdependence between healthcare design and stakeholders : a designers? view. In
Design 4 Health 2013, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield,ISBN: 9781843873730.
MacKrill, J,
Cain, R, Jennings, PA (2013)
A hospital ward soundscape : it?s about perception not level. In
Design4Health2013, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield.
Lockton, D,
Cain, R, Harrison, D, Nicholson, L (2013) Carbon culture at DECC: Digital engagement for sustainability at work. In
, HCI 2013 - 27th International British Computer Society Human Computer Interaction Conference: The Internet of Things,ISBN: 9780000000002.
Lockton, D,
Cain, R, Harrison, D, Nicholson, L (2013)
Carbon culture at DECC: Digital engagement for sustainability at work. In
, HCI 2013 - 27th International British Computer Society Human Computer Interaction Conference: The Internet of Things. DOI:
Vuong, KA,
Cain, R, Burton, EJ, Jennings, PA (2012)
A mixed methods approach to identify and predict people?s perception of the design in healthcare waiting environments. In
2013 IASDR conference : consilience and innovation in design, Tokyo, Japan.
Payne, SR,
Cain, R, Marshall, P, Smith, J, Squire, R (2012)
Creating a restorative staff room in an emergency department : the problems of a windowless interior room. In
IAPS 2012 :International Association of People-Environment Studies, Glasgow, Scotland.
Vuong, K,
Cain, R, Burton, E, Jennings, PAA (2012)
The impact of healthcare waiting environment design on end-user perception and well-being. In
International conference on architecture and design, architecture and humanism (INTERCAD), Vienna, Austria.
Lockton, D,
Cain, R, Harrison, DJ, Giudice, SD, Nicholson, L, Jennings, PAA (2011)
Behaviour change at work : empowering energy efficiency in the workplace through user-centred design. In
BECC 2011: Behavior, Energy and Climate Change Conference, Washington, DC.
MacKrill, J, Payne, SR, Jennings, PA,
Cain, R (2011) Exploring a cardio-thoracic hospital ward soundscape in relation to restoration. In
, 40th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering 2011, INTER-NOISE 2011, pp.3736-3742.
Payne, SR,
Cain, R, Marshall, P, Smith, J (2011)
Identifying environmental stressors for staff in an Emergency Department and co-designing solutions. In
9th Biennial Conference on Environmental Psychology : Env Psy 2.0, Eindhoven,The Netherlands.
Giudice, SD, Jennings, PAA,
Cain, R, Humphreys, L, Song, W (2011)
Perceptual dimensions for electric vehicle sound quality. In
39th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal, pp.7012-7021.
Cain, R, Jennings, PAA, Poxon, JEW (2011)
Setting targets for soundscape design: the practical use of a 2-dimensional perceptual space. In
39th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal, pp.2225-2234.
Humphreys, L, Giudice, SD, Jennings, PAA,
Cain, R (2011)
Using physiological measurements to determine an individual's perception of vehicle sound. In
39th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal, pp.7032-7037, ISBN: 9781617823961.
Cain, R, Payne, SR, Marshall, P (2011)
Participation in healthcare environment engineering. In
Design4health 2011, Sheffield, UK.
Cain, R, Marshall, P, Payne, SR (2011)
Participatory design fit for the 21st century : improving the design of an emergency department in a UK hospital. In
IASDR 2011, Delft, The Netherlands,ISBN: 9789461907189.
Marshall, P,
Cain, R, Payne, SR (2011)
Situated crowdsourcing : a pragmatic approach to encouraging participation in healthcare design. In
5th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare (PervasiveHealth), 2011, Dublin, pp.555-558, ISBN: 9781612847672.
MacKrill, JB,
Cain, R, Jennings, PAA (2011)
Understanding the healthcare soundscape : the importance of sound on the subjective feelings of patients and nurses. In
Proceedings of Healthcare Systems Ergonomics and Patient Safety Conference, Oviedo, Spain.
Giudice, SD, Humphreys, L, Jennings, PAA,
Cain, R, Dunne, G, Allman-Ward, M (2010)
Capturing driver profiles and behaviour during on-road assessments of vehicle sound quality. In
38th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, pp.4721-4729, ISBN: 9781615676903.
Poxon, JEW, Jennings, PAA,
Cain, R (2010)
Creation and use of a simple/informative method for displaying and analaysing soundscape recordings. In
38th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, pp.742-750, ISBN: 9781615676903.
Cain, R, Jennings, PAA, Poxon, JEW, Scott, A (2010)
Emotional dimensions of a soundscape. In
38th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, pp.734-741, ISBN: 9781615676903.
Jennings, PAA and
Cain, R (2010)
A framework for assessing the change in perception of a public space through its soundscape. In
38th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, pp.726-733, ISBN: 9781615676903.
Davies, WJ, Adams, M, Bruce, N, Marselle, M,
Cain, R, Jennings, PAA, Poxon, JEW, Carlyle, A, Cusack, P, Hall, DA, Irwin, A, Hume, K, Plack, CJ (2010)
The positive soundscape project : a synthesis of results from many disciplines. In
38th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, pp.663-672, ISBN: 9781615676903.
Giudice, SD, Humphreys, L, Jennings, PAA,
Cain, R, Dunne, G, Allman-Ward, M (2009)
Understanding opinion-forming processes during on-road evaluations of whole vehicle sound quality. In
SAE 2009 Noise and Vibration Conference and Exhibition, St. Charles, IL, U.S.A.
Cain, R and Jennings, PAA (2009)
Cars, urban spaces and hospitals: how automotive sound quality can inform urban and hospital soundscape design. In
Design 09: Third International Conference on Design Principles and Practices, Berlin, Germany.
Jennings, PAA and
Cain, R (2009)
Changing perception of a public space through its soundscape: an assessment framework. In
Design 09: Third International Conference on Design Principles and Practices, Berlin, Germany.
Humphreys, L, Giudice, SD, Jennings, PAA,
Cain, R, Dunne, G, Allman-Ward, M (2009)
Understanding the opinion forming processes of experts and customers during evaluations of automotive sounds. In Harris, D (ed)
8th International Conference on Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics held at the HCI International 2009, San Diego, CA, U.S.A, pp.386-395.
Cain, R, Jennings, PAA, Poxon, JEW, Cusack, P, Bruce, N (2009)
The disconnect between the emotional perceptions of a soundscape and its metrics. In
8th European Conference on Noise Control, Edinburgh, U.K.
Davies, B,
Cain, R, Adams, M, Bruce, N, Carlyle, A, Cusack, P, Hume, K, Jennings, PAA, Plack, CJ (2009)
A positive soundscape evaluation tool. In
8th European Conference on Noise Control, Edinburgh, U.K.
Giudice, SSD, Jennings, P,
Cain, R, Dunne, G, Allman-Ward, M, Williams, R (2008) Optimising the value of sound quality evaluations by observing assessors' driving strategies. In
, Proceedings - European Conference on Noise Control, pp.1591-1596.
Cain, R, Jennings, P, Adams, M, Bruce, N, Carlyle, A, Cusack, P, Davies, W, Hume, K, Plack, CJ (2008) SOUND-SCAPE: A framework for characterising positive urban soundscapes. In
, Proceedings - European Conference on Noise Control, pp.3261-3264.
Cain, R, Jennings, P, Adams, M, Bruce, N, Carlyle, A, Cusack, P, Davies, W, Hume, K, Plack, C (2008) An activity-centric conceptual framework for assessing and creating positive urban soundscapes. In
, Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics, pp.542-547.
Cain, R, Jennings, PAA, Adams, M, Bruce, N, Carlyle, A, Cusack, P, Davies, W, Hume, K, Plack, CJ (2008)
An activity-centric conceptual framework for assessing and creating positive urban soundscapes. In
Institute of Acoustics Spring Conference 2008, Reading, U.K, pp.546-551.
Hume, K, Barrett, H, Ip, A, McDonagh, T, Davis, W, Adams, M, Bruce, N,
Cain, R, Jennings, PAA, Czanner, G, Carlyle, A, Cusack, P, Plack, CJ (2008)
Physiological responses and subjective estimates of sounds: initial results of a pilot study. In
Institute of Acoustics Spring Conference 2008, Reading, U.K, pp.576-582, ISBN: 9781605601427.
Adams, M, Bruce, N, Davies, W,
Cain, R, Jennings, PAA, Carlyle, A, Cusack, P, Hume, K, Plack, CJ (2008)
Soundwalking as a metholdology for understanding soundscapes. In
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