Publications for Lars Claussen
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Journal Articles
Claußen, L, Lloyd, A, Ruiz, D, Havenith, G (2023)
Recycled versus virgin polyester sportswear – can a difference be perceived in actual use?,
International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education, ISSN: 1754-3266. DOI:
Claussen, L, Lim, K, Wilfling, J, Lloyd, A, Ruiz, D, Havenith, G (2023)
Influence of environmental temperature on the hand-feel perception of textiles,
Communications in Development and Assembling of Textile Products.
Claussen, L, Lloyd, A, Ruiz, D, Havenith, G (2021)
Experts’ views on sports clothing quality,
International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education, pp.1-12, ISSN: 1754-3266. DOI:
Claussen, L, Lloyd, A, Ruiz, D, Havenith, G (2024)
The t-shirt feels rough, it can’t be breathable – Exploring the perception of sportswear. In Heinzel, T, Dumitrescu, D, Tomico, O, Robertson, S (ed)
Textile Intersections Conference 2023, London, United Kingdom. DOI:
Claußen, L, Lloyd, A, Ruiz, D, Havenith, G (2023)
Measuring long-term perceived quality in sports t-shirts: A comparison of two study designs. In Niinimäki, K and Cura, K (ed)
5th PLATE Conference; PROCEEDINGS 5th PLATE Conference, Espoo, Finland, pp.187-194, ISBN: 9789526413679.