Loughborough University
Leicestershire, UK
LE11 3TU
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Loughborough University

Loughborough University Research Publications

Publications for Karl Hurn

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Journal Articles

Duan, J, Evans, M, Hurn, K, Storer, I, Bai, Z (2024) A creative industrial design framework of the taxonomy for Chinese indigenous materials and relevant crafts, Humanities & Social Sciences Communications, 11, 462, ISSN: 2662-9992. DOI: 10.1057/s41599-024-02768-1.

Tommey, M, Hurn, K, Evans, M (2022) The state of industrial design or industrial design in a state: an exploration of the current status of industrial design, Journal of Design Research, 19(4/5/6), pp.273-289, ISSN: 1748-3050. DOI: 10.1504/JDR.2021.124218.

Hurn, K (2016) Joined up thinking? A review of the impact of a higher education and industry partnership on undergraduate product design students, Industry and Higher Education, ISSN: 0950-4222. DOI: 10.5367/ihe.2016.0298.

Torrens, G, Badni, K, Hurn, K, Storer, I (2015) An introduction to the development of a product Brand: an evidence-based template for use with first year undergraduate industrial designers, The Engineering Design Graphics Journal, No. 79(No.2), ISSN: 1949-9167.

Hurn, K and Storer, I (2015) Using novel 2D image manipulation methods to aid initial concept generation with Postgraduate Industrial Design Students, Engineering Design Graphics Journal, ISSN: 0046-2012.

Hurn, KM (2014) Spend a Penny - Designers from Loughborough University have developed a low-cost toilet for the developing world, New Design Magazine, 111, pp.38-41, ISSN: 1472-2674.

Hurn, KM (2012) The Impact of Social Software in Product Design Higher Education, Design and Technology Education: An International Journal, 17(2), pp.35-48, ISSN: 2040-8633.

Hurn, KM (2011) Learning curve - what makes a good design course?, Newdesign Magazine, 83, pp.43-44.

Hurn, KM (2007) Universal Language, Newdesign Magazine, 52, pp.32-33.

Hurn, KM (2006) Quick on the draw, Newdesign Magazine, 42, pp.41-43.


Torrens, G, Storer, I, Asghar, S, Welsh, R, Hurn, K (2019) Social camouflage: A survey of 143 students of their preference for assistive technology cutlery and the visual mechanisms being influenced. In Contemporary Ergonomics & Human Factors 2019, Stratford-upon-Avon,ISBN: 9781999652715.

Torrens, G, Storer, I, Asghar, S, Welsh, R, Hurn, K (2019) Persona-Technology footprint: an evaluation of 144 student’s perceptions of a person using assistive technology. In Golightly, RCD (ed) Contemporary Ergonomics & Human Factors 2019, Stratford-upon-Avon.

Manley, AHG, Lilley, D, Hurn, K, Lofthouse, V (2017) The look of rough: Visual and tactile perceptions of cosmetically aged materials. In , Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering of TU Delft, The Netherlands, pp.238-244, ISBN: 9781614998198. DOI: 10.3233/978-1-61499-820-4-238.

Lilley, D, Manley, A, Bridgens, B, Hurn, K, Lofthouse, V (2016) Worn out or worn in? How cosmetic wear affects semantic appraisals of materials. In NordiCHI’16 the 9th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Gothenburg, Sweden,ISBN: 9781450347631.

Manley, A, Lilley, D, Hurn, K (2015) Cosmetic wear and affective responses in digital products: towards an understanding of what types of cosmetic wear cause what types of attitudinal responses from smartphone users. In Product Lifetimes and the Environment (PLATE), Nottingham Trent University,ISBN: 9780957600997.

Hurn, K and Storer, I (2015) Mash to the future - 2D image manipulation as a driver for ideation. In , Seattle, United States of America.

Manley, A, Lilley, D, Hurn, K (2015) Wear and affect: cosmetic obsolescence of plastics in digital products. In Provocative Plastics, Arts University Bournemouth.

Hurn, K (2014) Reinventing the toilet: academic research meets design practice in the pursuit of an effective sanitation solution for all. In The Exchange 2014: The Industrial Design Society of America International Conference and Education Symposium, Austin, Texas, United States.

Hurn, K (2013) The impact of collaborative ‘live’ industrial partner projects in product design higher education. In The 5th International Congress of the International Association of Societies of Design Research, Tokyo, Japan.

Hurn, KM (2011) Moving target: what are the key elements that are conducive to a creative environment for industrial / product design study today?. In Roozenburg, NFM, Chen, LL, Stappers, PJ (ed) IASDR 4th World Conference on Design Research, Diversity and Unity: Proceedings of IASDR2011, Delft, the Netherlands, pp.-.

Hurn, KM (2011) Social design network: the integration of social software in industrial design education. In Industrial Design Society of America 2011 International Conference and Education Symposium, New Orleans, pp.-.


Hurn, and trimingham, (2015) Entries Including: - Surface Design, Automation, User Experience Design Components, Housing, Design Education, Context, Teamwork, Design Patents, Problem Setting, Problem Solving, Elevation, Isometric plans. In edwards, (ed) The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Design, Bloomsbury Academic, pp.1-1, ISBN: 9781472521576.

Internet Publications

Hurn, K, Gyi, D, Mackereth, P (Accepted for publication) LuLoo Concept Pack.


Hurn, K, Torrens, G, Storer, I, Asghar, S, Welsh, R (Accepted for publication) Social Camouflage - Poster for the Chartered Institute for Ergonomics & Human Factors (CIEHF) Conference 2019.

Hurn, K, Torrens, G, Storer, I, Asghar, S, Welsh, R (Accepted for publication) Persona Technology Footprint - Poster for the Chartered Institute for Ergonomics & Human Factors (CIEHF) Conference 2019.


Hurn, K, Gyi, D, Mackereth, P (Accepted for publication) LuLoo Research Project Exhibition - Part of The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Reinvent the Toilet Exhibition, Delhi, India, The Bill and Melinda Gates research project in 2014-15, exhibited at the Reinvent the Toilet Fair Exhibition in Delhi, which expanded my focus to include design for inclusion and cultural sensitivity. This exhibition was attended by 700 participants from 47 countries. .

Getting in touch

Research Office
Loughborough University
LE11 3TU
+44 (0)1509 222453