Publications for Christopher Parker
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Journal Articles
Xue, L,
Parker, CJ, Hart, C (2024)
In-Store Augmented Reality Design: Fashion Retail’s Perspectives,
International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, ISSN: 0959-0552.
Xue, L,
Parker, CJ, Hart, C (2022)
How augmented reality can enhance fashion retail: a UX design perspective,
International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 51(1), pp.59-80, ISSN: 0959-0552. DOI:
Parker, CJ and Lee, T-Y (2022)
Rethinking fashion m-commerce’s consumer profiles: attitudes, motivations, and demographics,
Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 31(2), pp.243-259, ISSN: 1069-6679. DOI:
Parker, CJ and Kuo, H-Y (2021)
What drives generation-Y women to buy fashion items online,
Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 30(3), pp.279-294, ISSN: 1069-6679. DOI:
Branch, J,
Parker, CJ, Evans, M (2021)
Do user experience (UX) design courses meet industry’s needs? Analysing UX degrees and job adverts,
The Design Journal, 24(4), pp.1-22, ISSN: 1460-6925. DOI:
Parker, CJ, Gill, S, Harwood, A, Hayes, SG, Ahmed, M (2021)
A method for increasing 3D body scanning’s precision: Gryphon and consecutive scanning,
Ergonomics, 65(1), pp.39-59, ISSN: 0014-0139. DOI:
Parker, CJ, Hayes, SG, Brownbridge, K, Gill, S (2021)
Assessing the female figure identification technique’s reliability as a body shape classification system,
Ergonomics, 64(8), pp.1035-1051, ISSN: 0014-0139. DOI:
Xue, L,
Parker, CJ, Hart, C (2020)
How to design fashion retail’s virtual reality platforms,
International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 48(10), pp.1057-1076, ISSN: 0959-0552. DOI:
Parker, CJ and Wenyu, L (2019)
What influences Chinese fashion retail? Shopping motivations, demographics and spending,
Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 23(2), pp.158-175, ISSN: 1361-2026. DOI:
Parker, CJ and Wang, H (2016)
Examining hedonic and utilitarian motivations for m-commerce fashion retail app engagement,
Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management: An International Journal, 20(4), pp.487-506, ISSN: 1361-2026. DOI:
Gill, S and
Parker, CJ (2016)
Scan posture definition and hip girth measurement: the impact on clothing design and body scanning,
Ergonomics, 60(8), pp.1123-1136, ISSN: 0014-0139. DOI:
Mitchell, V, Ross, T, May, A, Sims, R,
Parker, CJ (2015)
Empirical investigation of the impact of using co-design methods when generating proposals for sustainable travel solutions,
CoDesign, 12(4), pp.205-220, ISSN: 1571-0882. DOI:
Parker, CJ, May, A, Mitchell, V (2014)
User-centred design of neogeography: the impact of volunteered geographic information on users' perceptions of online map ‘mashups’,
Ergonomics, 57(7), pp.987-997, ISSN: 0014-0139. DOI:
May, A,
Parker, CJ, Taylor, N, Ross, T (2014)
Evaluating a concept design of a crowd-sourced 'mashup' providing ease-of-access information for people with limited mobility,
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 49, pp.103-113, ISSN: 0968-090X. DOI:
Parker, CJ, May, A, Mitchell, V, Burrows, AB (2013)
Capturing Volunteered Information For Inclusive Service Design: Potential Benefits And Challenges,
The Design Journal, Special Issue on Inclusive Design, pp.1-19.
Parker, CJ, May, AJ, Mitchell, VA (2012)
The Role Of VGI And PGI In Supporting Outdoor Activities,
Applied Ergonomics, 44(6), pp.886-894, DOI:
Parker, C, May, A, Mitchell, VA (Accepted for publication) Understanding Design with VGI using an Information Relevance Framework, Transactions in GIS, 16(4), pp.545-560.
Brown, M, Sharples, S, Harding, J,
Parker, CJ, Bearman, N, Maguire, M, Forrest, D, Haklay, M, Jackson, M (2012)
Usability of Geographic Information; Current Challenges and Future Directions,
Applied Ergonomics, in press, pp.1-14, DOI:
Parker, CJ (2024)
Creating Experiences That Inspire. In
Huang, Y,
Parker, CJ, White, H, Witcomb, G (2024)
Internet of Toys designed for Emotional Intelligence. In
ACM GoodIT '24; GoodIT '24: Proceedings of the 2024 ACM International Conference on Information Technology for Social Good Bremen Germany September 4 - 6, 2024, Bremen, Germany, pp.284-286, ISBN: 9798400710940. DOI:
Liao, C,
Parker, CJ, Parkhurst, G, Oldziejewska, M, Uddin, M, Ramanathan, R (2024)
A framework for analysing barriers and motivations in future flight innovation [Abstract]. In
The RGS-IBG Annual International Conference; The RGS-IBG Annual International Conference, London, UK.
Liao, C,
Parker, CJ, Parkhurst, G, Oldziejewska, M, Uddin, M, Ramanathan, R (2023)
Sustainable future flight business models: Motivations and barriers. In
Transport Research Arena (TRA) 2024 conference; Transport Research Arena (TRA) 2024, Dublin, Ireland.
Corrigan-Kavanagh, E and
Parker, C (2022) AI Home Wellbeing. In
Design Research Society 2022, Bilbao.
Xue, L,
Parker, CJ, Hart, C (2022)
AR in-store solutions for different fashion retail environments: retailers’ perspectives. In
7th International XR Conference, Lisbon, Portugal.
Xue, L,
Parker, CJ, Hart, C (2020)
How to design effective AR retail apps [Abstract]. In
6th International AR & VR Conference, Lisbon.
Xue, L,
Parker, CJ, Hart, CA (2019)
How to engage fashion retail with VR: A consumer perspective [Abstract]. In
The 5th International AR and VR Conference, Munich.
Parker, CJ, Xue, L, Webster, E, Campbell, I (2019)
Enriching the Summer Palace’s cultural experience. In
The Summer Palace: Application of digital technologies in cultural activities, Beijing.
Januszkiewicz, M,
Parker, CJ, Hayes, SG, Gill, S (2019)
The uneasy alliance: stakeholders perspective on the diffusion of 3D body scanning in the apparel industry. In
3DBODY.TECH Conference & Expo 2019, Lugano, Switzerland.
Xue, L,
Parker, CJ, McCormick, H (2018)
A virtual reality and retailing literature review: Current focus, underlying themes and future directions. In
4th International AR & VR Conference 2018: The Power of AR & VR for Business, Manchester, pp.27-41, ISBN: 9783030062453. DOI:
Not All Body Scanning Measurements Are Valid: Perspectives from Pattern Practice. In
3DBODY.TECH 2017 - 8th International Conference and Exhibition on 3D Body Scanning and Processing Technologies, Montreal QC, Canada, 11-12 Oct. 2017, Proceedings of 3DBODY.TECH 2017 - 8th International Conference and Exhibition on
3D Body Scanning and Processing Technologies, Montreal QC, Canada, 11-12 Oct. 2017, pp.43-52, DOI:
McCormick, H,
Parker, CJ, Magrath, VC (2017)
Emotional response beyond PAD: the digital retail emotions scale (DRES) for m-commerce apps. In
3rd International Colloquium of Design, Branding and Marketing (ICDBM), Bournemouth.
Parker, CJ, Gill, S, Hayes, SG (2017)
3D body scanning has suitable reliability: An anthropometric investigation for garment construction. In
,ISBN: 9783033064362. DOI:
Januszkiewicz, M,
Parker, CJ, Hayes, SG, Gill, S (2017)
Online virtual fit is not yet fit for purpose: An analysis of fashion e-commerce interfaces. In
,ISBN: 9783033064362. DOI:
Gill, S, Hayes, S,
Parker, CJ (2016)
3D Body Scanning: Towards Shared Protocols for Data Collection- Addressing the needs of the body scanning community for ensuring comparable data collection. In
6th International Workshop of Advanced Manufacturing and Automation, Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop of Advanced Manufacturing and Automation. DOI:
Gill, S,
Parker, CJ, Hayes, S, Brownbridge, K, Wren, P, Panchenko, A (2014)
The True Height of the Waist: Explorations of Automated Body Scanner Waist Definitions of the TC2 scanner. In
5th International Conference on 3D Body Scanning Technologies, Lugano, Switzerland, 21-22 October 2014, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on 3D Body Scanning Technologies, Lugano, Switzerland, 21-22 October 2014, pp.55-65, DOI:
Using VGI to enhance user judgements of quality and authority. In
GISRUK 2012, Proceedings of GIS Research UK 20th Annual Conference, GIS Research UK, Lancaster University, pp.1-7.
Parker, C, May, A, Mitchell, VA (2011)
Relevance of volunteered geographic information in a real world context. In
GISRUK 2011, Proceedings of the GIS Research UK 19th Annual Conference, University of Portsmouth.
Mitchell, VA, May, A,
Parker, C (2010)
An Exploration of Volunteered Geographic Information Stakeholders. In
GISRUK 2010, Proceedings of the GIS Research UK 18th Annual Conference, University College London.
Parker, CJ (2021)
Sample Size for Design Research (2nd Edition), Water Bird, ISBN: 979-8791121677.
Parker, C (2021)
Sample Size for Design Research, Water Bird.
Parker, C (2012)
A Human Factors Perspective on Volunteered Geographic Information: Human Factors Design, Springer.
Xue, L,
Parker, C, Cathryn, H (2020)
How to Engage Fashion Retail with Virtual Reality: A Consumer Perspective. In Jung, T, tom Dieck, M, Rauschnabel, P (ed)
Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality, Springer, pp.23-35, DOI:
Xue, L,
Parker, CJ, McCormick, H (2019) A Virtual Reality and Retailing Literature Review: Current Focus, Underlying Themes and Future Directions. In
Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality The Power of AR and VR for Business, Springer, pp.27-41, ISBN: 9783030062453.
Henninger, C, Bürklin, N,
Parker, C (2019) Social media’s evolution in s-Commerce. In Boardman, R, Blazquez, M, Henninger, C, Ryding, D (ed)
Social Commerce, Springer, pp.17-41.
Parker, C (2018)
Reimagining m-Commerce App Design: The Development of Seductive Marketing through UX. In Oflazoglu, S (ed)
Marketing, inTech, pp.39-56, ISBN: 978-1-78923-437-4. DOI:
Parker, C and Henninger, C (2018)
Enabling Sustainable Behaviours Through M-Commerce App Design: Focus on The Fast Fashion Industry. In Heuer, M and Becker-Leifhold, C (ed)
Eco Friendly and Fair: Fast Fashion and Consumer Behaviour, Greenleaf Publishing, 7, DOI:
Parker, C and Doyle, S (2018) Designing Indulgent Interaction: Luxury Fashion, M-Commerce, and Übermensch. In Ozuem, W and Azemi, Y (ed)
Digital Marketing Strategies for Fashion and Luxury Brands, IGI Global, pp.1-21.
Warnaby, G and
Parker, C (2017) Walking Cities (or not): How walking impacts the city experience?. In Campelo, A (ed)
Mobility, Marketing, and the City: The discovery of experience, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp.203-217, ISBN: 978 1 78471 859 6.
Warnaby, G and
Parker, C (2017) Mobility, marketing, and the experience of the city. In
Handbook on Place Branding and Marketing, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp.203-218.
Parker, CJ (2024) Think Human, Museum of Making, Derby, 2 pieces , 27-09-2024 to 22-12-2024.
Internet Publications
Parker, CJ, Xue, L, Hart, C (Accepted for publication) Augmented Reality In-Store Design Guidelines for Different Retail Levels.
Liao, C, Parker, CJ, Parkhurst, G (Accepted for publication) Future Flight Scenario Toolkit.
Parker, C (2016)
An Appraisal Of Fashion M-Commerce Apps By Market Level: A technical report, ADE1602, The University of Manchester.
Gill, S and
Parker, C (2016)
Variation in Defining the Hip Circumference for Clothing Applications, The University of Manchester.
Morris, AP,
Parker, C, Reed, S, Innamaa, S, Karlsson, M, Will, D, Touliou, K (2011)
TeleFOT [Field Operational Tests of Aftermarket and Nomadic Devices in Vehicles]. D4.2.3a Summary of Interim Results from WP4.3 through to WP4.7 as at M48, pp.1-50, European Commission 7th Framework Programme.
Morris, A,
Parker, C, Reed, S, Innamaa, S, Karlsson, M, Will, D, Touliou, K (2011)
TeleFOT [Field Operational Tests of Aftermarket and Nomadic Devices in Vehicles]. D4.2.3b Summary of final results from WP4.3 through to WP4.7 as at M54, pp.1-80, European Commission 7th Framework Programme.
Parkhurst, G, Parker, CJ, Liao, C (Accepted for publication) Findings: Survey of Airlander in South Yorkshire.
Liao, C,
Parker, CJ, Parkhurst, G, Oldziejewska, M, Ramanathan, R, Uddin, M (2024)
Sustainable Future Flight Business Models (Presentation Slides at Transport Research Arena 2024, Dublin).
Xue, L,
Parker, CJ, Hart, C (2021)
How to design effective AR retail apps.
Parker, CJ (2018)
Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, MySpace and Second Life search frequencies between 01/01/2004 and 29/06/2018, DOI:
Parker, CJ and (, LX (2018)
Virtual Reality, Human Factors, and the High Street: Literature Review, DOI:
Parker, CJ, Liao, C, Parkhurst, G (2024)
Sustainable future flight business models: Motivations and Barriers.
Parker, CJ, Liao, C, Parkhurst, G (2024)
Webinar: Sustainable Future Flight Business Models | #LBF23.
Parker, CJ (Accepted for publication) Crazy 8's - Ideation Template, Create eight solutions to a problem in eight minutes. There are no limits to how extreme the idea can be, feel free to go crazy!