Journal Articles
Rowland, S, O’Donnell, E, James, L, Da Boit, M, Fujii, N, Arnold, J,
Lloyd, A, Eglin, C, Shepherd, A, Bailey, S (2024)
Nitrate ingestion blunts the increase in blood pressure during cool air exposure: a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized, crossover trial,
Journal of Applied Physiology, 136(6), pp.1364-1375, ISSN: 1522-1601. DOI:
Claußen, L,
Lloyd, A, Ruiz, D, Havenith, G (2023)
Recycled versus virgin polyester sportswear – can a difference be perceived in actual use?,
International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education, ISSN: 1754-3266. DOI:
Aylwin, P, Havenith, G, Cardinale, M,
Lloyd, A, Ihsan, M, Taylor, L, Adami, PE, Alhammoud, M, Alonso, J-M, Bouscaren, N, Buitrago, S, Esh, C, Gomez-Ezeiza, J, Garrandes, F, Labidi, M, Lange, G, Moussay, S, Mtibaa, K, Townsend, N, Wilson, M, Bermon, S, Racinais, S (2023)
Thermoregulatory responses during road races in hot-humid conditions at the 2019 Athletics World Championships,
Journal of Applied Physiology, 134(5), pp.1300-1311, ISSN: 8750-7587. DOI:
Fujii, N, Omori, S, Kataoka, Y, Maimaituxun, G, Bailey, S,
Lloyd, A, Arnold, JT, Amano, T, Tanabe, Y, Omi, N, Watanabe, K, Nishiyasu, T (2023)
Dietary nitrate supplementation increases nitrate and nitrite concentrations in human skin interstitial fluid,
Nitric Oxide, 134-135(2023), pp.10-16, ISSN: 1089-8603. DOI:
Claussen, L, Lim, K, Wilfling, J,
Lloyd, A, Ruiz, D, Havenith, G (2023)
Influence of environmental temperature on the hand-feel perception of textiles,
Communications in Development and Assembling of Textile Products.
Lloyd, A and Havenith, G (2023)
Reply to Richalet and Hermand. Updating the CVR model for limitations in maximum myocardial contractility at high altitude,
Journal of Applied Physiology, 134(1), pp.148-149, ISSN: 8750-7587. DOI:
Temel, M, Johnson, A,
Lloyd, A (2022)
Body mapping of skin friction coefficient and tactile perception during the dynamic skin-textile interaction,
Ergonomics, 66(10), pp.1449-1464, ISSN: 0014-0139. DOI:
Arnold, J, Lennon, JF,
Lloyd, A (2022)
Modulation of cold-induced shivering activity by intermittent and continuous voluntary suppression,
American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 324(1), ISSN: 0363-6119. DOI:
Lloyd, A, Fiala, D, Heyde, C, Havenith, G (2022)
A mathematical model for predicting cardiovascular responses at rest and during exercise in demanding environmental conditions,
Journal of Applied Physiology, 133(2), pp.247-261, ISSN: 8750-7587. DOI:
Racinais, S, Havenith, G, Aylwin, P, Ihsan, M, Taylor, L, Adami, PE, Adamuz, M-C, Alhammoud, M, Alonso, JM, Bouscaren, N, Buitrago, S, Cardinale, M, van Dyk, N, Esh, C, Gomez-Ezeiza, J, Garrandes, F, Holtzhausen, L, Labidi, M, Lange, G,
Lloyd, A, Moussay, S, Mtibaa, K, Townsend, N, Wilson, MG, Bermon, S (2022)
Association between thermal responses, medical events, performance, heat acclimation and health status in male and female elite athletes during the 2019 Doha World Athletics Championships,
British Journal of Sports Medicine, 56(8), pp.439-455, ISSN: 0306-3674. DOI:
Temel, M, Johnson, A,
Lloyd, A (2022)
Evaluating the repeatability of friction coefficient measurements and tactile perceptions in skin-textile interactions across body regions,
Tribology Letters, 70, 23, ISSN: 1023-8883. DOI:
Claußen, L,
Lloyd, A, Ruiz, D, Havenith, G (2021)
Experts’ views on sports clothing quality,
International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education, 15(1), pp.86-97, ISSN: 1754-3266. DOI:
O’Keeffe, K, Dean, J, Hodder, S,
Lloyd, A (2021)
Self-Selected Motivational Music Enhances Physical Performance in Normoxia and Hypoxia in Young Healthy Males,
Frontiers in Psychology, 12, DOI:
Aylwin, P, Racinais, S, Bermon, S,
Lloyd, A, Hodder, S, Havenith, G (2021)
The use of infra-red thermography for the dynamic measurement of skin temperature of moving athletes during competition; methodological issues,
Physiological Measurement, 42(8), 084004, ISSN: 0967-3334. DOI:
Temel, M,
Lloyd, A, Johnson, A (2021)
Evaluating the design and repeatability of a novel device to measure friction of mechanical surrogate skins in contact with cotton textiles,
Tribology Letters, 69(4), 121, ISSN: 1023-8883. DOI:
Foster, J,
Lloyd, A, Havenith, G (2021)
Non-contact infrared assessment of human body temperature: The journal Temperature toolbox,
Temperature, 8(4), pp.306-319, ISSN: 2332-8940. DOI:
Temel, M, Johnson, A, Havenith, G, Arnold, J, West, A,
Lloyd, A (2021)
An examination of five theoretical foundations associated with localized thermosensory testing,
European Journal of Applied Physiology, 121, ISSN: 1439-6319. DOI:
O'Keeffe, K, Guiseppe, R, Hodder, S,
Lloyd, A (2021)
Mental fatigue independent of boredom and sleepiness does not impact self-paced physical or cognitive performance in normoxia or hypoxia,
Journal of Sports Sciences, 39(15), pp.1687-1699, ISSN: 0264-0414. DOI:
Racinais, S, Ihsan, M, Taylor, L, Cardinale, M, Adami, PE, Alonso, J-M, Bouscaren, N, Buitrago, S, Esh, C, Gomez-Ezeiza, J, Garrandes, F, Havenith, G, Labidi, M, Lange, G,
Lloyd, A, Moussay, S, Mtibaa, K, Townsend, NE, Wilson, M, Bermon, S (2021)
Hydration and cooling in elite athletes: relationship with performance, body mass loss and body temperatures during the Doha 2019 IAAF World Athletics Championships,
British Journal of Sports Medicine, 55, pp.1335-1341, ISSN: 0306-3674. DOI:
Arnold, J, Bailey, S, Hodder, S, Fujii, N,
Lloyd, A (2021)
Independent and combined impact of hypoxia and acute inorganic nitrate ingestion on thermoregulatory responses to the cold,
European Journal of Applied Physiology, 121(4), pp.1207-1218, ISSN: 1439-6319. DOI:
Foster, J, Hodder, S,
Lloyd, A, Havenith, G (2020)
Individual responses to heat stress: Implications for hyperthermia and physical work capacity,
Frontiers in Physiology, 11, 541483, DOI:
Arnold, J,
Lloyd, A, Bailey, S, Fujimoto, T, Matsukate, R, Takayanagi, M, Nishiyasu, T, Fujii, N (2020)
The nitric oxide dependence of cutaneous microvascular function to independent and combined hypoxic cold exposure,
Journal of Applied Physiology, 129(4), pp.947-956, ISSN: 8750-7587. DOI:
Havenith, G and
Lloyd, A (2020)
Counterpoint to “Infrared cameras overestimate skin temperature during rewarming from cold exposure”,
Journal of Thermal Biology, 92, 102663, ISSN: 0306-4565. DOI:
Arnold, J, Hemsley, Z, Hodder, S, Havenith, G,
Lloyd, A (2020)
Reliability and validity of methods in the assessment of cold-induced shivering thermogenesis,
European Journal of Applied Physiology, 120, ISSN: 1439-6319. DOI:
O'Keeffe, K, Hodder, S,
Lloyd, A (2019)
A comparison of methods used for inducing mental fatigue in performance research: individualised, dual-task and short duration cognitive tests are most effective,
Ergonomics, 63(1), pp.1-12, ISSN: 0014-0139. DOI:
Arnold, J, O'Keeffe, K, McDaniel, C, Hodder, S,
Lloyd, A (2019)
Effect of virtual reality and whole-body heating on motion sickness severity: A combined and individual stressors approach,
Displays, 60, pp.18-23, ISSN: 0141-9382. DOI:
Raccuglia, M, Heyde, C,
Lloyd, A, Hodder, S, Havenith, G (2019)
The use of infrared thermal imaging to measure spatial and temporal sweat retention in clothing,
Lloyd, A and Havenith, G (2019)
Comment on: Subjective thermal strain impairs endurance performance in a temperate environment,
PHYSIOLOGY & BEHAVIOR, 204, pp.275-276, ISSN: 0031-9384. DOI:
Raccuglia, M, Heyde, C,
Lloyd, A, Hodder, S, Havenith, G (2018)
Spatial and temporal migration of sweat: from skin to clothing,
European Journal of Applied Physiology, 118, pp.2155-2169, ISSN: 1439-6319. DOI:
Raccuglia, M, Heyde, C,
Lloyd, A, Ruiz, D, Hodder, S, Havenith, G (2018)
Anchoring biases affect repeated scores of thermal, moisture, tactile and comfort sensations in transient conditions,
Int J Biometeorol, ISSN: 0020-7128. DOI:
Lloyd, A, Picton, L, Raccuglia, M, Hodder, S, Havenith, G (2017)
Localized and systemic variations in central motor drive at different local skin and muscle temperatures,
American Journal of Physiology: Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 313(3), pp.219-228, ISSN: 0363-6119. DOI:
Raccuglia, M,
Lloyd, A, Filingeri, D, Faulkner, SH, Hodder, S, Havenith, G (2016)
Post-warm-up muscle temperature maintenance: blood flow contribution and external heating optimisation,
European journal of applied physiology, 116(2), pp.395-404, ISSN: 1439-6319. DOI:
Lloyd, A, Raccuglia, M, Hodder, S, Havenith, G (2016)
The interaction between environmental temperature and hypoxia on central and peripheral fatigue during high-intensity dynamic knee extension,
Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985), p.2015, ISSN: 8750-7587. DOI:
Lloyd, A and Havenith, G (2016)
Interactions in human performance: An individual and combined stressors approach,
Temperature (Austin), 3(4), pp.514-517, ISSN: 2332-8940. DOI:
Lloyd, A, Hodder, S, Havenith, G (2015)
The interactive effect of cooling and hypoxia on forearm fatigue development,
European Journal of Applied Physiology, ISSN: 1439-6319. DOI:
Lloyd, A, Hodder, S, Havenith, G (2015)
The interaction between peripheral and central fatigue at different muscle temperatures during sustained isometric contractions,
American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology, p.2015, ISSN: 0363-6119. DOI:
Bellini, D, Lloyd, A, Havenith, G, Leicht, CA, Bailey, SJ, Maley, M (Accepted for publication) The effect of acute hot water immersion on cutaneous peripheral microvascular responses in males of White-European, Black-African and South-Asian descent, Temperature, pp.1-17, ISSN: 2332-8940. DOI: 10.1080/23328940.2025.2453959.
Claußen, L,
Lloyd, A, Ruiz, D, Havenith, G (2023)
The t-shirt feels rough, it can’t be breathable – exploring the perception of sportswear. In Heinzel, T, Dumitrescu, D, Tomico, O, Robertson, S (ed)
Textile Intersections 2023; Proceedings of Textile Intersections Conference 2023, London, United Kingdom. DOI:
Claußen, L,
Lloyd, A, Ruiz, D, Havenith, G (2023)
Measuring long-term perceived quality in sports t-shirts: A comparison of two study designs. In Niinimäki, K and Cura, K (ed)
5th PLATE Conference; PROCEEDINGS 5th PLATE Conference, Espoo, Finland, pp.187-194, ISBN: 9789526413679.
Temel, M, Johnson, A, Havenith, G, Arnold, J, West, A (Accepted for publication) Three theoretical assumptions associated with thermosensory testing [Abstract]. In Comfort Congress, Nottingham, UK.
Temel, M, Johnson, A,
Lloyd, A (2021)
Regional distribution of friction during dynamic skin-textile interaction [Abstract]. In
23rd International Conference on Wear of Materials, Online.
Temel, M, Johnson, A,
Lloyd, A (2021)
Can we reliably and repeatably measure interfacial friction? [Abstract]. In
5th International Conference on BioTribology ICoBT 2021, Online.
O'Keeffe, K, Raccuglia, G, Hodder, S,
Lloyd, A (2019)
Mental fatigue independent of boredom and sleepiness does not impact self-paced physical or cognitive performance in normoxia or hypoxia. In Teunissen, NMGHAMDLPJ (ed)
18th International Conference of Environmental Ergonomics (ICEE2019), Amsterdam,ISBN: 9789090320236.
Arnold, J, Hodder, S, Bailey, S,
Lloyd, A (2019)
Individual and combined impact of hypoxia and acute inorganic nitrate ingestion on autonomic thermoregulatory responses to the cold [Abstract]. In Teunissen, NMGHAMDLPJ (ed)
18th International Conference of Environmental Ergonomics (ICEE2019), Amsterdam, Netherlands,ISBN: 9789090320236.
O'Keeffe, K, Raccuglia, G, Hodder, S,
Lloyd, A (2018)
The combined effect of hypoxia and mental fatigue on physical and cognitive peformance [Abstract]. In
. DOI:
Lloyd, A, Raccuglia, G, Grainger, J, Hodder, S, Havenith, G (2018)
The effect of winter clothing ensembles and hypoxia on performance and exercise-related sensations during uphill walking: A combined and individual stressors approach [Abstract]. In
, San Diego, pp.5-909, DOI:
Lawes, M, Raccuglia, G, O'Keeffe, K, Havenith, G,
Lloyd, A (2018)
The effect of cognitive fatigue and hypoxia on repeated arm bike sprint performance: a combined and individual stressors approach [abstract]. In
, San Diego, California, pp.4-909, DOI:
Arnold, J, O'Keeffe, K, Raccuglia, G, McDaniel, C, Hodder, S, Havenith, G,
Lloyd, A (2018)
A preliminary investigation into the effect of nauseogenic vection and whole-body heating on motion sickness severity: a combined and individual stressors approach [Abstract]. In
Experimental Biology, San Diego.
Arnold, J, Hemsley, Z, Hodder, S,
Lloyd, A (2018)
Reliability and validity of novel methods in the assessment of cold-induced shivering. In
Raccuglia, M, Heyde, C,
Lloyd, A, Hodder, S, Havenith, G (2018)
Measuring garment spatial sweat absorption: Gravimetric and infrared approach [Abstract]. In
8th European Conference of Protective Clothing, Porto, Portugal.
Coull, N,
Lloyd, A, Hodder, S, Havenith, G (2017)
Thermal sensitivity to a warm and a cold stimulus: An age comparison. In
International Conference on Environmental Ergonomics, Kobe, Japan.
Raccuglia, M, Heyde, C,
Lloyd, A, Hodder, S, Havenith, G (2017)
T-shirt sweat absorption mapping [Abstract]. In
17th International Conference on Environmental Ergonomics, Kobe, Japan.
Raccuglia, M,
Lloyd, A, Filingeri, D, Hodder, S, Havenith, G (2015)
The use of optimised heating trousers and the role of the blood flow on the reduction in muscle temperature post warm up. In
16th International Conference of Environmental Ergonomics, Portsmouth, UK.
Lloyd, A, Raccuglia, M, Hodder, S, Havenith, G (2015)
The interaction between temperature and hypoxia on the rate of neuromuscular fatigue development. In
62nd ACSM Annual Meeting, World Congress on Exercise is Medicine, and World Congress on the Basic Science of Exercise Fatigue, San Diego, California. DOI:
Lloyd, A, Hodder, S, Raccuglia, M, Qiu, Y, Havenith, G (2015)
The interaction between cooling and hypoxia on the rate of peripheral and central fatigue development of the knee extensors. In
The 16th International Conference on Environmental Ergonomics (ICEE), Portsmouth, UK.
Lloyd, A, Hodder, SG, Faulkner, S, Fry, A, Havenith, G (2014)
Muscle Temperature Limits Isometric Endurance Via Sensory Feedback-mediated Central Fatigue. In
, Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, pp.180-180, DOI:
Lloyd, A, Bowler, N, Hodder, S, Havenith, G (2014)
Muscle temperature, exercise perception and central fatigue. In
5th International Symposium on the Physiology and Pharmacology of Temperature Regulation (PPTR), Skukuza, Kruger National Park, South Africa.
Raccuglia, M, Filingeri, D,
Lloyd, A, Hodder, S, Havenith, G (2014)
The effect of blood flow occlusion and of heating lower and/or upper leg on the post warm up decline in muscle temperature. In
The 5th International Meeting on the Physiology and Pharmacology of Temperature Regulation, Skukuza, Kruger National Park, South Africa.
Lloyd, A, Hodder, S, Faulkner, S, Fry, A, Havenith, G (2014)
Muscle temperature limits isometric endurance via sensory feedback-mediated central fatigue [Abstract]. In
61st Annual Meeting of American College of Sports Medicine, Orlando, Florida, pp.180-180.
Lloyd, A, Havenith, G, Hodder, S (2013)
The effects of combined arterial de-oxygenation and systemic cooling on the rate of muscular fatigue development. In
,ISBN: 9780473224387.