Journal Articles
Cicek, UI, Southee, DJ,
Johnson, A (2024)
The development and characterisation of 3D-printed multi-material thermistor,
Additive Manufacturing, pp.104510-104510, ISSN: 2214-8604. DOI:
Temel, M, Scott, E, Cain, R,
Johnson, A (2024)
The impact of knitted linked seams on comfort and friction perception,
Ergonomics, ISSN: 0014-0139. DOI:
Willmott, J, Bibb, R,
Johnson, A, Paterson, A (2023)
Three-dimension dithering and its effect on the interfacial strength of multi-material and emulated multi-material additive manufacturing processes,
Additive Manufacturing, 78(2023), 103837, ISSN: 2214-7810. DOI:
Scott, EL, Bhamra, T, Mohammed, MI,
Johnson, AA (2023)
Investigating knitwear product development in small and medium enterprises: A report of practices related to environmental sustainability,
Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain, 7, pp.100105-100105, ISSN: 2772-3909. DOI:
Cicek, U, Southee, D,
Johnson, A (2023)
2D characterisation and evaluation of multi-material structures towards 3D hybrid printing,
Virtual and Physical Prototyping, 18(1), e2181193, ISSN: 1745-2759. DOI:
Temel, M,
Johnson, A, Lloyd, A (2022)
Body mapping of skin friction coefficient and tactile perception during the dynamic skin-textile interaction,
Ergonomics, 66(10), pp.1449-1464, ISSN: 0014-0139. DOI:
Cicek, U, Southee, D,
Johnson, A (2022)
Assessing the stab resistive performance of material extruded body armour specimens,
International Journal of Protective Structures, 14(3), pp.335-356, ISSN: 2041-4196. DOI:
Temel, M,
Johnson, A, Lloyd, A (2022)
Evaluating the repeatability of friction coefficient measurements and tactile perceptions in skin-textile interactions across body regions,
Tribology Letters, 70, 23, ISSN: 1023-8883. DOI:
Ekinci, A,
Johnson, A, Gleadall, A, Han, X (2021)
The effect of geometry on tensile strength of biodegradable polylactic-acid tensile-test specimens by material extrusion,
International Journal of Rapid Manufacturing, 10(1), pp.23-35, ISSN: 1757-8817. DOI:
Chen, F, Ekinci, A, Li, L, Cheng, M,
Johnson, A, Gleadall, A, Han, X (2021)
How do the printing parameters of fused filament fabrication and structural voids influence the degradation of biodegradable devices?,
Acta Biomaterialia, 136, pp.254-265, ISSN: 1742-7061. DOI:
Temel, M, Lloyd, A,
Johnson, A (2021)
Evaluating the design and repeatability of a novel device to measure friction of mechanical surrogate skins in contact with cotton textiles,
Tribology Letters, 69(4), 121, ISSN: 1023-8883. DOI:
Ekinci, A, Han, X, Gleadall, A,
Johnson, A (2021)
Improving the shape stability and enhancing the properties of layer dependent material extruded biodegradable polylactic acid for thin implants,
Rapid Prototyping Journal, 27(6), pp.1101-1107, ISSN: 1355-2546. DOI:
Temel, M,
Johnson, A, Havenith, G, Arnold, J, West, A, Lloyd, A (2021)
An examination of five theoretical foundations associated with localized thermosensory testing,
European Journal of Applied Physiology, 121, ISSN: 1439-6319. DOI:
Ekinci, A, Gleadall, A,
Johnson, A, Li, L, Han, X (2020)
Mechanical and hydrolytic properties of thin polylactic acid films by fused filament fabrication,
Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 114, 104217, ISSN: 1751-6161. DOI:
Ekinci, A,
Johnson, A, Gleadall, A, Engstrom, D, Han, X (2020)
Layer-dependent properties of material extruded biodegradable polylactic acid,
Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 104, 103654, ISSN: 1751-6161. DOI:
Rossiter, J,
Johnson, A, Bingham, G (2020)
Assessing the design and compressive performance of material extruded lattice structures,
3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing, 7(1), pp.19-27, ISSN: 2329-7662. DOI:
Adamietz, R, Giesen, T, Mayer, P,
Johnson, A, Bibb, R, Seifarth, C (2018)
Reconfigurable and transportable container-integrated production system,
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 53, pp.1-20, ISSN: 0736-5845. DOI:
Johnson, A, Bingham, G, Majewski, CE (2018)
Laser sintered body armour – establishing single layer stab protection,
Rapid Prototyping Journal, 24(1), pp.130-137, ISSN: 1355-2546. DOI:
Johnson, A, Bingham, G, Majewski, CE (2017)
The design and assessment of bio-inspired additive manufactured stab-resistant armour,
Virtual and Physical Prototyping, 13(2), pp.49-57, ISSN: 1745-2759. DOI:
Johnson, A, Bingham, G, Majewski, CE (2016)
Comparing the penetrative stab performance of the UK HOSDB P1/B and Stanley Tools 1992 trimming blades on certified body armour specimens,
The Police Journal: Theory, Practice and Principles, ISSN: 0032-258X. DOI:
Johnson, A, Bingham, G, Majewski, CE (2015)
Laser sintered body armour - establishing guidelines for dual-layered stab protection,
International Journal of Rapid Manufacturing, 5(1), pp.3-19, ISSN: 1757-8817. DOI:
Johnson, A, Bingham, G, Wimpenny, DI (2013)
Additive manufactured textiles for high-performance stab resistant applications, ISSN: 1355-2546. DOI:
Johnson, A, Bingham, GA, Majewski, CE (2012) Establishing the performance requirements for stab resistant Additive Manufactured Body Armour (AMBA),
23rd Annual International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium - An Additive Manufacturing Conference, SFF 2012, pp.297-306.
Temel, M, Johnson, A, Havenith, G, Arnold, J, West, A (Accepted for publication) Three theoretical assumptions associated with thermosensory testing [Abstract]. In Comfort Congress, Nottingham, UK.
Temel, M,
Johnson, A, Lloyd, A (2021)
Regional distribution of friction during dynamic skin-textile interaction [Abstract]. In
23rd International Conference on Wear of Materials, Online.
Temel, M,
Johnson, A, Lloyd, A (2021)
Can we reliably and repeatably measure interfacial friction? [Abstract]. In
5th International Conference on BioTribology ICoBT 2021, Online.
Marshall, ME,
Johnson, AA, Summerskill, SJ, Baird, Q, Esteban, E (2019)
CIPA Vila 2019: 27th International Symposium, International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives, Avila, Spain, pp.751-757, DOI:
Ekinci, A,
Johnson, A, Gleadall, A, Han, X (2019)
The effect of geometry on mechanical properties of biodegradable polylactic-acid tensile-test specimens by material extrusion. In
16th Conference on Rapid Design, Prototyping & Manufacturing (RDPM 2019), Brunel University, London.
Rossiter, J,
Johnson, A, Bingham, GA (2017)
Compressive properties of additively manufactured materials compared to foams traditionally used for blunt force trauma protection. In
RDPM 2017 - 15th Rapid Design, Prototyping & Manufacturing Conference (RDPM 15), Northumbria University, Newcastle,ISBN: 9781527221536.
Johnson, A, Zarezadeh, H, Han, X, Bibb, R, Harris, R (2016)
Establishing in-process inspection requirements for material extrusion additive manufacturing [conference paper]. In
Fraunhofer Direct Digital Manufacturing Conference, Berlin.
Bingham, GA, Bibb, RJ, Paterson, AM,
Johnson, AA (2013) The Design and Modelling of Additive Manufactured Textiles Structures and Garments. In
The 1st International Conference on Digital Fashion, London, pp.1-10.
Bingham, GA, Bibb, RJ, Paterson, AM,
Johnson, A (2013)
Additive manufactured textiles: design modelling and applications. In
1st International Conference on Digital Fashion, London College of Fashion, UAL, London, UK, pp.1-3.
Bingham, GA, Paterson, AM, Bibb, RJ,
Johnson, A (2013) Additive manufactured textiles for high performance stab resistant applications. In
Advances in Functional Textiles, Manchester, UK, pp.1-3.
Johnson, A, Bingham, G, Majewski, CE (2012)
Establishing the performance requirements for stab-resistant Additive Manufactured Body Armour (AMBA). In
Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium, Texas, USA, pp.1-10.
Johnson, A, Bingham, G, Wimpenny, DI (2011)
Additive manufactured textiles for high-performance stab resistant applications. In