Journal Articles
Tennent, E and
Richardson, E (2025)
Domestic violence and the spatial-moral order of home in calls to police,
Journal of Criminal Psychology.
Deamer, F,
Richardson, E, Ward, T, Garety, P, Craig, TKJ, Rus-Calafell, M, Edwards, C (2024)
Hypothetical active voicing in AVATAR therapy,
Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice, 18(1), pp.34-65, ISSN: 2040-3658. DOI:
Atkins, S,
Richardson, E, Traynor, J, Deamer, F (2024)
Communicating and categorising ‘kidnap’ incidents in UK police emergency calls: a conversation analytic study,
Policing and Society, ISSN: 1043-9463.
Richardson, E (2024)
Increasing access and transparency: evaluating transcript provision for rape victims in Scottish legal proceedings,
Journal of Criminal Psychology, ISSN: 2009-3829. DOI:
Fraser, H, Haworth, K, Deamer, F, Loakes, D,
Richardson, E, Komter, M (2024)
Editorial: Capturing talk: the institutional practices surrounding the transcription of spoken language,
Frontiers in Communication, 9, DOI:
Richardson, E, Alexander, M, Stokoe, E (2024)
The role of alcohol in initial help-seeking telephone calls about domestic violence to the police,
Violence Against Women, ISSN: 1077-8012.
Haworth, K, Tompkinson, J,
Richardson, E, Deamer, F, Hamann, M (2023)
‘For the Record’: applying linguistics to improve evidential consistency in police investigative interview records,
Frontiers in Communication, 8, 1178516, DOI:
Lindsay, J, Willmott, D,
Richardson, E (2023)
Football culture and domestic violence: dissecting the link among a focus group of non-abusive youth football fans,
Youth, 3(3), pp.1078-1100, DOI:
Richardson, E, Hamann, M, Tompkinson, J, Haworth, K, Deamer, F (2023)
Understanding the role of transcription in evidential consistency of police interview records in England and Wales,
Language in Society, ISSN: 0047-4045. DOI:
Thornton, G, Willmott, D,
Richardson, E, Hudspith, L (2023)
Examining the immediate and enduring psychological impact of street harassment on women’s mental health,
Mental Health and Social Inclusion, 28(5), pp.734-744, ISSN: 2042-8308. DOI:
Tompkinson, J, Haworth, K, Deamer, F,
Richardson, E (2023)
Perceptual instability in police interview records,
International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law, ISSN: 1748-8885. DOI:
Stokoe, E and
Richardson, E (2023)
Asking for help without asking for help: How victims request and police offer assistance in cases of domestic violence when perpetrators are potentially co-present,
Discourse Studies, 25(3), pp.383-408, ISSN: 1461-4456. DOI:
Richardson, E, Haworth, K, Deamer, F (2022)
For the record: Questioning transcription processes in legal contexts,
Applied Linguistics, 43(4), pp.677-697, ISSN: 0142-6001. DOI:
Deamer, F,
Richardson, E, Basu, N, Haworth, K (2022)
For the Record: Exploring variability in interpretations of police investigative interviews,
Language and Law/Linguagem e Direito, 9(1), pp.25-46, DOI:
Smith, CM, Shallcross, LJ, Dutey-Magni, P, Conolly, A, Fuller, C, Hill, S, Jhass, A, Marcheselli, F, Michie, S, Mindell, JS, Ridd, MJ, Tsakos, G, Hayward, AC, Fragaszy, EB (2021)
Incidence, healthcare-seeking behaviours, antibiotic use and natural history of common infection syndromes in England: results from the Bug Watch community cohort study,
BMC Infectious Diseases, 21(1), 105, DOI:
Richardson, E (2021)
The Suspect’s Statement Talk and Text in the Criminal Process,
Language and Law=Linguagem e Direito, 8(1), pp.130-133, DOI:
Smith, CM, Williams, H, Jhass, A, Patel, S, Crayton, E, Lorencatto, F, Michie, S, Hayward, AC, Shallcross, LJ, Anderson, N, Atkins, L, Conolly, A, Crayton, E, Denaxas, S, Dutey-Magni, P, Elsay, N, Forbes, G, Fragaszy, EB, Freemantle, N, Fuller, C, Gill, M, Hayward, AH, Horne, R, Jhass, A, Kostkova, P, Lorencatto, F, Michie, S, Mindell, J, Richardson, M, Robson, J, Rockenschaub, P, Royston, C, Shallcross, LJ, Smith, CM, Sutton, E, Thomas, J, Tarrant, C, Traina, R,
Richardson, E, West, J, Williams, H (2020)
Antibiotic prescribing in UK care homes 2016–2017: retrospective cohort study of linked data,
BMC Health Services Research, 20(1), 555, DOI:
Shallcross, L, Lorencatto, F, Fuller, C, Tarrant, C, West, J, Traina, R, Smith, C, Forbes, G, Crayton, E, Rockenschaub, P, Dutey-Magni, P,
Richardson, E, Fragaszy, EB, Michie, S, Hayward, AC (2020)
An interdisciplinary mixed-methods approach to developing antimicrobial stewardship interventions: Protocol for the Preserving Antibiotics through Safe Stewardship (PASS) Research Programme,
Wellcome Open Research, 5(8), DOI:
Richardson, E, Walshe, K, Boyd, A, Roberts, J, Wenzel, L, Robertson, R, Smithson, R (2019)
User involvement in regulation: A qualitative study of service user involvement in Care Quality Commission inspections of health and social care providers in England,
Health Expectations, 22(2), pp.245-253, ISSN: 1369-6513. DOI:
Meredith, J and
Richardson, E (2019)
The use of the political categories of Brexiter and Remainer in online comments about the EU referendum,
Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 29(1), pp.43-55, ISSN: 1052-9284. DOI:
Richardson, E, Stokoe, E, Antaki, C (2018)
Establishing intellectually impaired victims’ understanding about ‘truth’ and ‘lies’: Police interview guidance and practice in cases of sexual assault,
Applied Linguistics, 40(5), ISSN: 0142-6001. DOI:
Antaki, C, Stokoe, E,
Richardson, E, Willott, S (2015)
Can people with intellectual disabilities resist implications of fault when police question their allegations of sexual assault and rape?,
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, ISSN: 1934-9556. DOI:
Antaki, C,
Richardson, E, Stokoe, E, Willott, S (2015)
Dealing with the distress of people with intellectual disabilities reporting sexual assault and rape,
Discourse Studies: an interdisciplinary journal for the study of text and talk, 17(xx), ISSN: 1461-7080. DOI:
Antaki, C,
Richardson, E, Stokoe, E, Willott, S (2015)
Police interviews with vulnerable people alleging sexual assault: probing inconsistency and questioning conduct,
Journal of Sociolinguistics, ISSN: 1467-9841. DOI:
Meredith, J,
Richardson, E, Kent, A, Budds, K (2022)
Designing qualitative research using online newspaper comments. In Flick, U (ed)
The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research Design, SAGE, pp.821-834, ISBN: 9781529765281.
Stokoe, E, Antaki, C,
Richardson, E, Willott, S (2020)
When police interview victims of sexual assault: Comparing written guidance to interactional practice. In
The Discourse of Police Interviews, University of Chicago Press, pp.21-41, ISBN: 9780226647791.
Stokoe, E and
Richardson, E (2014) The order of ordering: Objects, requests and embodied conduct in a public bar. In Nevile, M, Haddington, P, Heinemann, T, Rauniomaa, M (ed)
Interacting with Objects: Language, materiality, and social activity, pp.31-56.
Richardson, E and Stokoe, E (2014)
The order of ordering. In
Interacting with Objects, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp.31-56, ISBN: 9789027212139. DOI: