Publications for Sam Kayaga
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Journal Articles
Weston, SL, Nijhawan, A, Reddy, O, Kulabako, R, MacCarthy, JM,
Kayaga, S, Howard, G (2024)
Improving access to urban piped drinking water services in Africa: a scoping review,
Water Supply, 24(12), pp.4059-4076, ISSN: 1606-9749. DOI:
Ahabwe, GZ, Ssewaya, A, Batega, DW,
Kayaga, S (2024)
Misalignments in prepaid water technology: findings from urban poor settings of Kampala, Uganda,
Water Practice and Technology, 19(9), pp.3454-3467, DOI:
Sempewo, JI and
Kayaga, S (2023)
Determinants of transitions in drinking water service systems in developing economies: a case study of Uganda,
Water Supply, 23(9), pp.3532-3551, ISSN: 1606-9749. DOI:
Tumwebaze, I, Sseviiri, H, Bateganya, FH, Twesige, J, Scott, R,
Kayaga, S, Kulabako, R, Howard, G (2023)
Access to and factors influencing drinking water and sanitation service levels in informal settlements: Evidence from Kampala, Uganda,
Habitat International, 136, 102829, ISSN: 0197-3975. DOI:
Tumwebaze, I, Hrdličková, Z, Labor, A, Turay, A, Macarthy, JM, Chmutina, K, Scott, R,
Kayaga, S, Koroma, B, Howard, G (2022)
Water and sanitation service levels in urban informal settlements: a case study of Portee-Rokupa in Freetown, Sierra Leone,
Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development, 12(8), pp.612-621, ISSN: 2043-9083. DOI:
Lerebours, A, Scott, R, Sansom, K,
Kayaga, S (2022)
Barriers and enablers to the regulation of sanitation services: a framework for emptying and transport services in Sub-Saharan African cities,
Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10, 869403, DOI:
Lerebours, A, Scott, R, Sansom, K,
Kayaga, S (2021)
Regulating sanitation services in Sub-Saharan Africa: An overview of the regulation of emptying and transport of faecal sludge in 20 cities and its implementation,
Utilities Policy, 73, 101315, ISSN: 0957-1787. DOI:
Al-Alawi, A, Sohail, M,
Kayaga, S, Al-Alawi, A (2021)
Water management in mosques of Oman,
Sustainable water resources management, 7, 95, ISSN: 2363-5037. DOI:
Wilby, R, Kasei, R, Gough, KV, Amankwaa, EF, Abarike, M, Anderson, NJ, Codjoe, SNA, Griffiths, P, Kaba, C, Abdullah, K,
Kayaga, S, Matthews, T, Mensah, P, Murphy, C, Yankson, PWK (2021)
Monitoring and moderating extreme indoor temperatures in low-income urban communities,
Environmental Research Letters, 16(2), 024033, ISSN: 1748-9326. DOI:
Kayaga, S, Amankwaa, E, Gough, KV, Wilby, R, Abarike, M, Codjoe, S, Kasei, R, Nabilse, C, Yankson, P, Mensah, P, Abdullah, K, Griffiths, P (2020)
Cities and extreme weather events: impacts of flooding and extreme heat on water and electricity services in Ghana,
Environment and Urbanization, 33(1), pp.131-150, ISSN: 0956-2478. DOI:
Bowan, PA,
Kayaga, S, Cotton, A, Fisher, J (2020)
Municipal solid waste management performance,
Journal of Studies in Social Sciences, 19(5), ISSN: 2201-4624.
Codjoe, SNA, Gough, KV, Wilby, R, Kasei, R, Yankson, PWK, Amankwaa, EF, Abarike, MA, Atiglo, DY,
Kayaga, S, Mensah, P, Nabilse, CK, Griffiths, P (2020)
Impact of extreme weather conditions on healthcare provision in urban Ghana,
Social Science and Medicine, 258(August 2020), 113072, ISSN: 0277-9536. DOI:
Bowan, PA,
Kayaga, S, Fisher, J (2020)
A baseline scenario of municipal solid waste management,
International Journal of Environment and Waste Management, 26(4), pp.438-457, ISSN: 1478-9876. DOI:
Kayaga, S, Fisher, J, Goodall, S, Kanyesigye, C, Kaggwa, R, Nambiro, M, Kitakufe, R, Otema, JB, Mafunguro, R, Ahabwe, G (2020)
Enhancing livelihoods of the urban poor through productive uses of utility-supplied water services – Evidence from Kampala, Uganda,
Cities, 102, 102721, ISSN: 0264-2751. DOI:
Bowan, PA,
Kayaga, S, Cotton, A, Fisher, J (2019)
Municipal Solid Waste Disposal Operational Performance in Wa Municipality, Ghana,
Journal of Health and Pollution, 9(23), pp.190903-190903, ISSN: 2156-9614. DOI:
Gough, KV, Yankson, P, Wilby, R, Amankwaa, E, Abarike, M, Codjoe, S, Griffiths, P, Kasei, R,
Kayaga, S, Nabilse, C (2019)
Vulnerability to extreme weather events in cities: implications for infrastructure and livelihoods,
Journal of the British Academy, 7(s2), pp.155-181, DOI:
Manouseli, D,
Kayaga, SM, Kalawsky, R (2019)
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Residential Water Efficiency Initiatives in England: Influencing Factors and Policy Implications,
Water Resources Management, 33(7), pp.2219-2238, ISSN: 0920-4741. DOI:
Kayaga, S, Sansom, K, Godfrey, AO, Takahashi, I, Van Rooijen, DJ (2019)
Towards sustainable urban water services in developing countries: Tariffs based on willingness-to-pay studies,
Urban Water Journal, 15(10), pp.974-984, ISSN: 1573-062X. DOI:
Sansom, K, Hirst, D,
Kayaga, S (2017)
International water targets and national realities in Sub-Saharan Africa: the case of Uganda,
Contemporary Social Science, pp.1-13, ISSN: 2158-2041. DOI:
Kayaga, S, Kingdom, W, Jalakam, A (2017)
Organisational design for improved performance of urban water utilities in developing countries,
Utilities Policy, ISSN: 0957-1787. DOI:
Manouseli, D,
Kayaga, S, Kalawsky, R (2017)
Evaluation of water efficiency programs in single-family households in the UK: A case study,
Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, 17(6), pp.1785-1792, ISSN: 1606-9749. DOI:
Kayaga, S, Godfrey, A, Cotton, A, Costa, C (2015)
Improving on-plot sanitation management in low-income settlements of cities of developing countries: case study from Maputo, Mozambique,
International Journal of Environment and Waste Management, ISSN: 1478-9876. DOI:
Kayaga, SM and Smout, I (2014)
Tariff structures and incentives for water demand management,
Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers - Water Management, 167(8), pp.448-456, DOI:
Kayaga, S, Mugabi, J, Kingdom, W (2014)
Can ISO 9001 certification of water utilities in developing countries be used to evaluate institutional sustainability?,
OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development, 7(9), pp.35-70, ISSN: 1923-6654.
Wakiru, JK and
Kayaga, SM (2013)
Analysis of trends in the performance of urban water utilities: A case study of Embu Water and Sanitation Company,
36th WEDC International Conference: Delivering Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Services in an Uncertain Environment.
Kayaga, SM, Mugabi, J, Kingdom, W (2013)
Evaluating the institutional sustainability of an urban water utility:
A conceptual framework and research directions,
Utilities Policy, 27, pp.15-27, DOI:
Kayaga, SM (2013)
Effective water safety management of piped water networks in low-income urban settlements,
Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development, 3(3), pp.402-410.
Kayaga, S (2013)
Editorial comment on 'Water-Sensistive Urban Design',
Reed, BJ, Coates, S, Odhiambo, F,
Kayaga, S (2011)
Training for real: matching employer needs to training supply,
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Municipal Engineer, 164(ME4), pp.269-278, ISSN: 0965-0903.
Mugabi, J and
Kayaga, S (2010)
Attitudinal and socio-demographic effects on willingness to pay for water services and actual payment behaviour,
Urban Water Journal, 7(5), pp.287-300, ISSN: 1573-062X. DOI:
Mugabi, J,
Kayaga, SM, Smout, IK, Njiru, CN (2010)
Determinants of customer decisions to pay utility water bills promptly,
Water Policy, 12(1), pp.220-236.
Ye, J,
Kayaga, SM, Smout, IK (2009)
Regulating for e-waste in China: progress and challenges,
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Municipal Engineer, 162(2), pp.79-85.
Ye, J,
Kayaga, S, Smout, I (2009)
Regulating for e-waste in China: progress and challenges,
Kayaga, SM, Fisher, J, Franceys, R (2009)
Improved access to urban water services in Uganda,
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Municipal Engineer, 162(3), pp.165-170.
Kayaga, S (2008)
Public-private delivery of urban water services in Africa,
Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers: Management, Procurement and Law, 161(4), pp.147-155, ISSN: 1751-4304. DOI:
Kayaga, S and Smout, I (2008)
Integrated resource planning: A vital tool for utilities in low-income countries,
Access to Sanitation and Safe Water: Global Partnerships and Local Actions - Proceedings of the 33rd WEDC International Conference, pp.181-184.
Kayaga, SM (2008)
Soft Systems Methodology for Performance Measurement in the Uganda Water Sector,
Water Policy, 10(3), pp.273-284.
Kayaga, SM and Franceys, R (2008)
Water services regulation for the urban poor: Zambia,
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Water Management, 161(2), pp.65-71.
Epitu, J and
Kayaga, S (2007)
Training for real: Strategic training and capacity building for Uganda water sector,
Sustainable Development of Water Resources, Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation: Proceedings of the 32nd WEDC International Conference, pp.133-136.
Mugabi, J and
Kayaga, S (2007)
Why customers don?t pay their water bills promptly: Evidence from small urban water utilities in Uganda,
Sustainable Development of Water Resources, Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation: Proceedings of the 32nd WEDC International Conference, pp.211-215.
Kayaga, S and Smout, I (2007)
Water demand management - Shifting urban water management towards sustainability,
Sustainable Development of Water Resources, Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation: Proceedings of the 32nd WEDC International Conference, pp.381-384.
Kayaga, S (2007)
Collaboration with HEIs: A Key Capacity Building Block for the Uganda Water and Sanitation Public Sector,
Industry and Higher Education, 21(4), pp.287-294, ISSN: 0950-4222. DOI:
Mugabi, J,
Kayaga, SM, Smout, IK (2007)
Why Water Utility Customers Don't Pay Their Bills Promptly,
Water Utility Management International, 2(2), pp.17-19.
Mugabi, J,
Kayaga, SM, Njiru, C (2007)
Strategic Planning for Water Utilities in Developing Countries,
Utilities Policy, 15(1), pp.1-8.
Kayaga, SM (2007)
Collaboration with Higher Education Institutions: A Key Capacity Building Block for the Uganda Water and Sanitation Public Sector,
Industry and Higher Education, 21(4), pp.287-294.
Kayaga, SM and Franceys, R (2007)
Costs of Urban Utility Water Connections: Excessive Burden to the Poor,
Utilities Policy, Elsevier Science, USA, 15(4), pp.270-277.
Mugabi, J,
Kayaga, SM, Njiru, C (2007)
Partnerships for Improving Water Utility Management in Africa,
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Municipal Engineer, 160(ME1), pp.1-6, ISSN: 0965-0903. DOI:
Kayaga, SM and Zhe, L (2007)
Analysis of Public Private Partnerships for China's Water Service,
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Municipal Engineer, 160(1), pp.7-15, ISSN: 0965-0903. DOI:
Kayaga, SM, Smout, IK, Al Maskati, H (2007)
Water Demand Management - Shifting Urban Water Management Towards Sustainability,
Water, Science and Technology - Water Supply, 7(4), pp.49-56.
Kayaga, S and Franceys, R (2007)
Costs of urban utility water connections: Excessive burden to the poor,
Utilities Policy, 15(4), pp.270-277, ISSN: 0957-1787. DOI:
Mugabi, J,
Kayaga, S, Njiru, C (2007)
Strategic planning for water utilities in developing countries,
Utilities Policy, 15(1), pp.1-8, ISSN: 0957-1787. DOI:
Fisher, J and
Kayaga, S (2006)
Improving water utility management and performance in developing countries,
Water Utility Management International, 1(4), pp.6-8.
Kayaga, SM and Kadimba Mwanamwambwa, C (2006)
Bridging Zambia's Water Service Gap: NGO/Community Partnerships,
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Water Management, 159(WM3), pp.155-160, ISSN: 1741-7589. DOI:
Garvey, G and
Kayaga, S (2005)
Private sector management of water supply services to small towns in Uganda,
Maximizing the Benefits from Water and Environmental Sanitation: Proceedings of the 31st WEDC Conference, pp.157-160.
Kadimba-Mwanamwambwa, C, Chileshe-Nkoloma, H,
Kayaga, S (2005)
Linking community to policy level support:The care-zambia trust model,
Maximizing the Benefits from Water and Environmental Sanitation: Proceedings of the 31st WEDC Conference, pp.214-217.
Tumuheirwe, S, Lutaaya, M,
Kayaga, S (2005)
Improving utility management through partnership and capacity building - The case of nwsc, entebbe,
Maximizing the Benefits from Water and Environmental Sanitation: Proceedings of the 31st WEDC Conference, pp.266-269.
Musaazi, Y, Male, V,
Kayaga, S, Franceys, R (2005)
Pushing the envelope,
Maximizing the Benefits from Water and Environmental Sanitation: Proceedings of the 31st WEDC Conference, pp.210-213.
Kayaga, S, Njiru, C, Mulwa, I, Onyango-Awino, J (2005)
Improving utility management: Case study from kisumu,Kenya,
Maximizing the Benefits from Water and Environmental Sanitation: Proceedings of the 31st WEDC Conference, pp.172-175.
Kayaga, S and Epitu, J (2005)
Training for real project in uganda: Progress and way forward,
Maximizing the Benefits from Water and Environmental Sanitation: Proceedings of the 31st WEDC Conference, pp.407-408.
Franceys, R and
Kayaga, S (2004)
Charging to enter the water shop? the costs of urban water connections for the poor,
People-Centred Approaches to Water and Environmental Sanitation: Proceedings of the 30th WEDC Conference, pp.267-270.
Kayaga, SM, Franceys, R, Sansom, KR (2004)
Bill Payment Behaviour in Urban Water Services: Empirical Data from Uganda,
Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology - Aqua, 53(5), pp.339-349, ISSN: 0003-7214.
Kayaga, S, Franceys, R, Sansom, K (2004)
Operational Paper Bill payment behaviour in urban water services: Empirical data from Uganda,
Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology - AQUA, 53(5), pp.339-349, ISSN: 0003-7214. DOI:
Kayaga, SM, Calvert, J, Sansom, KR (2003)
Paying for Water Services: Effects of Household Characteristics,
Utilities Policy, 11(3), pp.123-132, ISSN: 0957-1787. DOI:
Kayaga, S and Sansom, K (2003)
PPP in small towns' water supply in Uganda.
Kayaga, S (2002) Is urban water sector reform in Uganda pro-poor?
Sustainable Environmental Sanitation and Water Services: Proceedings of the 28th WEDC Conference.
Kayaga, SM (1997) Why Pay for Water?
Footsteps, (30), pp.0-1.
Kanyesigye, C, Nambiro, M, Kitakufe, R, Otema, JB, Mafunguro, R, Kaggwa, R,
Kayaga, S, Fisher, J, Goodall, S (2018)
Beyond water service coverage for slum dwellers: multiple water uses for livelihood enhancement. In
Transformation towards sustainable and resilient WASH services: Proceedings of the 41st WEDC International Conference, Nakuru, Kenya.
Ifill, S and
Kayaga, S (2017)
Faecal sludge emptying services in Trinidad. In
WEDC Conference,.
Manouseli, D,
Kayaga, S, Kalawsky, R (2016)
Evaluation of water efficiency programs in single-family households in the UK: A case study. In
8 th Eastern European Young Water Professionals Conference, Gdansk, Poland.
Enang, R, Reed, B,
Kayaga, S (2016)
Challenges in operation of the Abuja water distribution system: headquarters and area office perspectives. In
, Kumasi Ghana.
Angwec, CA and
Kayaga, S (2016)
Cost recovery for piped rural water supply systems in developing countries: case studies from Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda. In
WEDC Conference,.
Kassim, SM and
Kayaga, S (2016)
Solid waste management in developing countries: a case of Dar Es Salaam city, Tanzania. In
WEDC Conference,.
Kayaga, S, Mugabi, J, Kingdom, W (2015)
Use of a capability-maturity model to evaluate institutional capacity of urban water utilities in developing economies. In
International Conference on Governance and Service Delivery in Developing Economies, Kampala, Uganda.
Patterson, N and
Kayaga, S (2015)
Saving water in the home: investigating water conservation in Kingston and St. Andrew, Jamaica. In
, Loughborough, UK.
Kayaga, S, Mugabi, J, Kingdom, W (2014)
Can ISO 9001 certification of water utilities in developing countries be used to evaluate institutional sustainability?. In
International Conference on Sustainable Development 2014, Richards Bay, South Africa.
Retamal, ML, Carrard, NR, White, S, Smout, IK,
Kayaga, SM (2013) Can water efficiency in developing cities help offset growing pressure on water supplies?. In
3rd IWA Development Congress, Nairobi, Kenya.
King, KG, Bosher, L,
Kayaga, S (2013)
Resilience in the humanitarian sphere: stimulating resilience for recovery. In
Kayaga, S, Mugabi, J, Kingdom, W (2013)
WUM model: emerging tool for evaluating institutional capacity of urban water utilities. In
The 3rd IWA Development Congress and Exhibition, Nairobi, Kenya.
Wakiru, JK and
Kayaga, SM (2013) Analysis of trends in the performance of urban water utilities: A case study of Embu Water and Sanitation Company. In
, 36th WEDC International Conference: Delivering Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Services in an Uncertain Environment.
Kayaga, SM and Smout, IK (2011)
Using economic instruments for water resources management in the city of the future: Case Studies from Spain and Uganda. In Eds Mwakali, JA and Alinaitwe, HM (ed)
the Second International Conference on Advances in Engineering and Technology, Advances in Engineering and Technology - Contributions of Scientific Research in Development, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Advances in Engineering and Technology, Makerere University, Entebbe, Uganda, pp.592-598.
King, K, Bosher, L,
Kayaga, S (2011)
Sustainable Recovery: Creating Haitian Resilience. In Shaw, R (ed)
35th WEDC International Conference, Loughborough University, pp.1-7.
Van Rooijen, D,
Kayaga, S, Smout, I (2011)
Options analysis model for water demand management. In
35th WEDC International Conference Proceedings, Loughborough University, UK, pp.1-8.
Munoz-Trochez, C, Smout, I,
Kayaga, S (2011)
Economic level of leakage (ELL) calculation with limited data: an application in Zaragoza. In
35th WEDC International Conference Proceedings, Loughbough University, UK, pp.1-7.
King, K, Bosher, L,
Kayaga, S (2011) Sustainable recovery: creating Haitian resilience. In
35th WEDC International Conference Proceedings, Loughborough University, UK, pp.1-7.
Smout, IK,
Kayaga, SM, Munoz Trochez, C (2010)
Adapting the Economic Level of Leakage concept to include Carbon Emissions, and Application with Limited Data. In
World Water Congress and Exhibition 19-24 September 2010, IWA, Montreal, Canada, 10.
Munoz Trochez, C, Smout, IK,
Kayaga, SM (2010) Adapting the Economic Level of Leakage concept to include the Cost of Carbon Emissions. In
10th World Wide Workshop for Young Environmental Scientists WWW-YES-2010 Urban Water: resource or risks?, Arcueil, pp.143-152.
Munoz Trochez, C,
Kayaga, SM, Smout, IK (2009) Incorporating Energy Use into the Economic Level of Leakage Model. In
2nd International Conference on Whole Life Urban Sustainability and its Assessment, Loughborough, UK.
Kayaga, SM (2009)
Have Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) Improved Performance of urban water utilities in Sub-saharan Africa? The Case of Uganda. In
Annual Conference of the US Allied Social Sciences Association, Transportation and Public Utilities Research Group, San Francisco, USA.
Kayaga, SM and Motoma, R (2009)
Using tariff structures as a demand management instrument: the case of Kampala. In
34th WEDC Conference Proceedings, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, p.4.
Kayaga, S and Smout, I (2008) Demand management for sustainable urban water services in cities of developing countries. In
, Access to Sanitation and Safe Water: Global Partnerships and Local Actions - Proceedings of the 33rd WEDC International Conference, p.515.
Kayaga, SM, Sainctavit, L, Smout, IK, Bueno, V (2008)
Partnerships for enhancing the water-saving culture in Zaragoza, Spain. In
IWA World Water Congress, Vienna.
Kayaga, SM and Smout, IK (2008) Integrated Resource Planning: a vital tool for utilities in low-income countries. In
33rd WEDC International Conference, Accra, Ghana, p.4.
Kayaga, SM and Smout, IK (2008)
Water Demand Management: A Key Building Block for Sustainable Urban Water Management. In
Annual Conference of Allied Social Sciences Association, Transportation and Public Utilities Research Group, New Orleans, USA, p.10.
Smout, IK,
Kayaga, SM, Munoz Trochez, C (2008) Financial and Economic Aspects of Water Demand Management in the context of Integrated Urban Water Management. In
Third SWITCH Scientific Conference, Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
Kayaga, SM and Smout, IK (2007)
Water Loss Management for Utilities in Low Income Countries: Case Studies from Four African Water Utilities. In
IWA International Specialised Conference: Water Loss 2007, Bucharest, Romania.
Kayaga, SM and Al Maskati, H (2007) Water Demand Management - Shifting Urban Water Management towards Sustainability. In
4th IWA Specialist Conference on Efficient Use and Management of Urban Water Supply, Jeju Island, South Korea.
Kayaga, SM and Smout, IK (2007) Water Demand Management - Shifting Urban Water Management Towards Sustainability. In
4th IWA Specialist Conference on Efficient Use and Management of Urban Water Supply, Jeju Island, South Korea.
Kayaga, SM and Franceys, R (2007)
Regulating Urban Water Services for the Poor: the Zambian Case Study. In
IWA International Conference on Water Management and Technology Applications in Developing Countries, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Kayaga, SM, Odhiambo, FO, Reed, BJ, Coates, S, Epitu, J (2007)
Towards a Sector-wide Framework for Capacity Development: the 'Training for Real' Project for Uganda. In
IWA International Conference on Water Management and Technology Applications in Developing Countries, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Kayaga, SM and Smout, IK (2007) Water Demand Management - Shifting Urban Water Management towards Sustainability. In
32nd WEDC Conference Proceedings, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Kayaga, SM and Smout, IK (2007) Water Demand Management: A Key Building Block for Integrated Resource Planning for the City of the Future. In
First SWITCH Scientific Meeting, University of Birmingham, Birmingham.
Kayaga, SM, Smout, IK, Bueno, V (2007) Demand Management in Zaragoza, Past Achievements and Way Forward. In
Second SWITCH Conference, Tel Aviv, Israel.
Kayaga, SM and Smout, IK (2007) Water Demand Management - Shifting Urban Water Management towards Sustainability. In
32nd WEDC Conference Proceedings, Colombo, Sri Lanka, p.4.
Mugabi, J and
Kayaga, SM (2006) Why Customers Don't Pay Their Water Bills Promptly: Evidence from Small Urban Water Utilities in Uganda. In
32nd WEDC Conference Proceedings, Colombo, Sri Lanka, pp.0-1.
Epitu, J and
Kayaga, SM (2006) Training for Real: Strategic Training and Capacity Building for Uganda Water Sector. In
32nd WEDC Conference Proceedings, Colombo, Sri Lanka, pp.0-1.
Gorantiwar, SD,
Kayaga, SM, Shinde, MG, Smout, IK (2005)
Training for Sudden Changes in Technologies. In
Maximising the Benefits From Water and Environmental Sanitation, 31st WEDC Conference, Kampala, Uganda, pp.399-406.
Mwanamwambwa, CK, Nkoloma, HC,
Kayaga, SM (2005) Linking Community to Policy: The CARE-Zambia Trust Model. In
31st WEDC Conference, Kampala, Uganda, pp.0-1.
Musaazi, Y, Male, V,
Kayaga, SM, Franceys, R (2005) Pushing the Envelope. In
31st WEDC Conference, Kampala, Uganda, pp.0-1.
Kayaga, SM, Itiko, Onyango-Owino, J, Njiru, C (2005)
Improving Utility Management: Case Study from Kisumu, Kenya. In
31st WEDC Conference, Kampala, Uganda, pp.0-1.
Tumuheirwe, S, Lutaya, M,
Kayaga, SM (2005) Improving Utility Management: Through Partnership and Capacity Building - The Case of NWSC, Entebbe. In
31st WEDC Conference, Kampala, Uganda, pp.0-1.
Njiru, C and Mugabi, J (2005)
Maximizing the ‘value’ of improved water services in small towns. In
Kayaga, S (ed)
31st WEDC Conference, Kampala, Uganda, pp.-, ISBN: 9781843801047.
Franceys, R and
Kayaga, SM (2004) Charging to Enter the Shop - The Costs of Urban Water Connections for the Poor. In
30th WEDC Conference, Vientiane, Lao PDR, pp.0-1.
Kayaga, SM (2003) Public Private Community Partnerships for the Poor: The Case of Small Towns Water Supply in Uganda. In
Paper presented to the 3rd World Water Forum, Osaka, Japan, pp.0-1.
Kayaga, SM (2003)
Public Private Community Partnerships for the Poor: The Case of Small Towns Water Supply in Uganda. In
3rd World Water Forum, Osaka, Japan.
Kayaga, SM and Sansom, KR (2003) PDPs in Small Towns Water Supply in Uganda. In
29th WEDC Conference Proceedings, Abuja, Nigeria, pp.0-1.
Kayaga, SM (2002)
Is Urban Water Sector Reform in Uganda Pro-poor?. In
28th WEDC Conference Proceedings - Kolkata, India, UK.
Kayaga, S (2002) Is urban water sector reform in Uganda pro-poor?. In
, Sustainable Environmental Sanitation and Water Services: Proceedings of the 28th WEDC Conference.
Coates, S, Sansom, KR,
Kayaga, SM (2001) PREPP - Improving Utility Watsan Services to Low Income Communities. In
27th WEDC Conference, People and Systems for Water, Sanitation and Health, Lusaka, Zambia, pp.0-1.
Njiru, C,
Kayaga, SM, Bastemeyer, T (2001) Towards Sustainable Financing of Water and Sanitation Services in Africa. In
2nd Regional Conference on the Reform of the Water and Sanitation Sector in Africa, Kampala, Uganda, pp.109-111.
Kayaga, SM and Franceys, RW (2001) Incentives to Serve the Urban Poor: South Africa's Case. In
27th WEDC Conference Proceedings, Lusaka, Zambia, pp.0-1.
Coates, S, Sansom, K,
Kayaga, S (2001)
PREPP - improving utility watsan services to low income consumers. In
WEDC Conference,.
Kayaga, S and Franceys, R (2001)
Incentives to serve the urban poor: South Africa's case. In
WEDC Conference,.
Kayaga, SM (2000) Incentives to Serve the Urban Poor: The Case of Bwaise, Kampala, Uganda. In
5th Global Forum of the Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council, Foz do Iguacu, Brazil, pp.0-1.
Kayaga, SM (2000) Incentives to Serve the Urban Poor: The Case of Durban, South Africa. In
5th Global Forum of the Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council, Foz do Iguacu, Brazil, 24-29 November 2000, pp.0-1.
Kayaga, SM and Onek, HO (1998) Public-Private Partnership: NWSC, Uganda. In
24th WEDC Conference Proceedings, Islamabad, Pakistan, pp.0-1.
Kayaga, SM and Franceys, R (1998) Market Orientation for Water Utilities. In
24th WEDC Conference Proceedings, Islamabad, Pakistan, pp.0-1.
Onek, HO and
Kayaga, SM (1998)
Water utilities research: NWSC, Uganda. In Pickford, J, Barker, P, Elson, B, Ince, M, Larcher, P, Miles, D, Parr, J, Sansom, K, Saywell, D, Smith, M, Smout, I (ed)
23rd WEDC Conference on Water and Sanitation for All - Partnerships and Innovations, WATER AND SANITATION FOR ALL: PARTNERSHIPS AND INNOVATIONS, DURBAN, SOUTH AFRICA, pp.120-123, ISBN: 1-85339-444-0.
Kayaga, S and Onek, HO (1998)
Public-private partnership: NWSC, Uganda. In
WEDC Conference,.
Kayaga, S and Franceys, R (1998)
Market orientation for water utilities. In
WEDC Conference,.
Onek, HO and
Kayaga, SM (1997) Water Utility Research: NWSC, Uganda. In
23rd WEDC Conference Proceedings, Durban, South Africa, pp.0-1.
Onek, HO and
Kayaga, S (1997)
Water utilities research: NWSC, Uganda. In
WEDC Conference,.
Kingdom, W, Lloyd-Owen, D, Tremolet, S,
Kayaga, S, Ikeda, J (2018)
Better use of capital to deliver sustainable water supply and sanitation services: Practical examples and suggested next steps, World Bank Publications © International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank, DOI:
Kayaga, SM and Smout, IK (ed) (2011)
Water Demand Management in the City of the Future, WEDC, ISBN: 978 1 84380 136 8.
Reed, RA (ed) (2011)
Sam, K and K, SI (ed) (2011)
Water demand management in the city of the future. Selected tools and instruments for practitioners, © WEDC, Loughborough University, ISBN: 9781843801368.
Kayaga, SM (2009)
Academia/Public Sector Collaboration in Developing Countries, VDM Verlag Dr. Muller Aktiengesellschaft & Co, ISBN: 978-3-639-19674-0.
Kayaga, SM (2009)
Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Paying for Water Services, VDM Verlag Dr. Muller Aktiengesellschaft & Co, ISBN: 978-3-639-19266-7.
Coates, S, Sansom, KR,
Kayaga, SM, Chary, S, Narender, A, Njiru, C (2004)
Serving all Urban Consumers: A Marketing Approach to Water Services in Low and Middle Income Countries. Book 3: PREPP - Utility Consultation with the Urban Poor, WEDC.
Sansom, KR, Franceys, R, Njiru, C, Coates, S,
Kayaga, SM (2004)
Serving All Urban Consumers - A Marketing Approach to Water Services in Low and Middle Income Countries. Book 2: Guidance Notes for Managers, WEDC.
Sansom, KR,
Kayaga, SM, Franceys, R, Njiru, C, Coates, S, Chary, S (2004)
Serving All Urban Consumers - A Marketing Approach to Water Services in Low and Middle Income Countries. Book 1: Guidance for Government's Enabling Role, WEDC.
Kayaga, SM (1997)
Marketing of Watsan Services: NWSC Uganda; Institutional Development Series, WEDC, ISBN: 0 906055 52 0.
Kayaga, S (2012)
Case study 3: Lusaka, Zambia. In
Regulating Water and Sanitation for the Poor: Economic Regulation for Public and Private Partnerships, pp.80-94, DOI:
Kayaga, SM (2011) Introduction to water demand management. In
Kayaga, S and Smout, IE (ed)
Water Demand Management in the City of the Future: Selected Tools and Instruments for practitioners, WEDC, Loughborough University, pp.8-23, ISBN: 978-1-84380-136-8.
Kayaga, SM, Sainctavit, L, Smout, IK, Bueno, V (2011) Partnerships for water demand management at the end use level - case study of Zaragoza, Spain. In
Kayaga, S and Smout, IE (ed)
Water Demand Management in the City of the Future: Selected Tools and Instruments for practitioners, WEDC, Loughborough University, pp.109-119, ISBN: 978-1-84380-136-8.
Kayaga, SM (2011) Use of multiple economic instruments for water demand management: case study of Zaragoza, Spain. In
Kayaga, S and Smout, IE (ed)
Water Demand Management in the City of the Future: Selected Tools and Instruments for practitioners, WEDC, Loughborough University, pp.121-139, ISBN: 978-1-84380-136-8.
Kayaga, SM and Smout, IK (2011) Integrated Resource Planning Approach. In
Kayaga, S and Smout, I (ed)
Water Demand Management in the City of the Future, WEDC, pp.25-60, ISBN: 978 1 84380 136 8.
van Rooijen, D,
Kayaga, SM, Smout, IK (2011) Demand Management Options Model. In
Kayaga, S and Smout, I (ed)
Water Demand Management in the City of the Future, WEDC, pp.63-76, ISBN: 978 1 84380 136 8.
Kayaga, SM (2011) Using a tariff structure for water demand management in cities of developing countries, the case of Kampala, Uganda. In
Kayaga, S and Smout, IE (ed)
Water Demand Management in the City of the Future: Selected Tools and Instruments for practitioners, WEDC, Loughborough University, pp.141-158, ISBN: 978-1-84380-136-8.
Kayaga, SM (2011) Positive steps for management of non-revenue water in cities of developing countries: the case of Accra, Ghana. In
Kayaga, S and Smout, IE (ed)
Water Demand Management in the City of the Future: Selected Tools and Instruments for practitioners, WEDC, Loughborough University, pp.159-175, ISBN: 978-1-84380-136-8.
Kayaga, SM (2008) Regulating public providers for the poor, Case Study No 3, Lusaka, Zambia. In Franceys, R, Gerlach, eds, E (ed)
Regulating water and sanitation for the poor: economic regulation for public and private partnerships, Earthscan UK and USA, pp.80-94, ISBN: 978 1 84407 617 8.
School/Dept Working Papers
Kayaga, SM (2004) Charging to Enter the Shop.
Franceys, R, Kayaga, SM, Male, V (2004) Assessment of the Impact of PSP on the Urban Poor.
Scholarly Editions
Kayaga, SM (2013) Editorial for themed issue on water-sensitive urban design, ICE Proceedings, Municipal Engineer Journal, Vol 166, Issue 2.
Tumwebaze, I, Sseviiri, H, Bateganya, FH, Twesige, J, Scott, R,
Kayaga, S, Kulabako, R, Howard, G (2024)
Supplementary information files for Access to and factors influencing drinking water and sanitation service levels in informal settlements: Evidence from Kampala, Uganda, DOI:
Kayaga, SM (2009) Rehabilitating small-scale piped water distribution systems.
Kayaga, SM (2009) Emergency treatment of drinking water at point-of-use.
Kayaga, SM and Sansom, KR (2004) Serving All Urban Consumers - A Marketing Approach to Water Services in Low and Middle Income Countries.
Harvey, PA and Kayaga, SM (2003) Sustainable Handpump Projects in Africa: Report on Fieldwork in South Africa.
Harvey, PA and Kayaga, SM (2003) Guidelines for Sustainable Handpump Projects in Africa.
Kayaga, SM and Sansom, KR (2001) Strategic Marketing Plan for Water Services in Kampala City.
Coates, S, Sansom, KR, Kayaga, SM (2001) Customer Relations Management: Part A: Introduction for Urban Water and Sewerage Authorities in Developing Countries.